Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2020

Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2020

All the Teamfight Tactics (TFT) patch notes released by Riot in 2020. I will update this list over time as soon as proper info for each patch is provided.

A note on TFT balance: Not all champions are intended to be at the same power level. Some are supposed to be weak. Some are supposed to be S-tier.

Click a date to reveal the patch notes.

Patch Schedule

This is the planned patch schedule for 2020 released by Riot. Note that patch dates can change at any time for any number of reasons.

  • 10.1 - Wednesday, January 8

  • 10.2 - Thursday, Jan 23

  • 10.3 - Wednesday, Feb 5

  • 10.4 - Thursday, Feb 20

  • 10.5 - Wednesday, Mar 4

  • 10.6 - Wednesday, Mar 18

  • 10.7 - Wednesday, Apr 1

  • 10.8 - Wednesday, Apr 15

  • 10.9 - Wednesday, Apr 29

  • 10.10 - Wednesday, May 13

  • 10.11 - Thursday, May 28

  • 10.12 - Wednesday, Jun 10

  • 10.13 - Wednesday, Jun 24

  • 10.14 - Wednesday, Jul 8

  • 10.15 - Wednesday, Jul 22

  • 10.16 - Wednesday, Aug 5

  • 10.17 - Wednesday, Aug 19

  • 10.18 - Wednesday, Sep 2

  • 10.19 - Wednesday, Sep 16

  • 10.20 - Wednesday, Sep 30

  • 10.21 - Wednesday, Oct 14

  • 10.22 - Wednesday, Oct 28

  • 10.23 - Wednesday, Nov 11

  • 10.24 - Tuesday, Nov 24

  • 10.25 - Wednesday, Dec 9

December 9 - Patch 10.25


Bench overflow changes

"Put me in coach!"

  • If your bench is full when you return from Carousel, the extra champion will be sold automatically at the end of planning. Don’t worry, a message and red highlight will show you which champion can’t sit with cool kids. Selling any champion or increasing your team size will allow for more space for another benchwarmer or MVP.

Base Roll Percentages

"10.24 had lots of changes to roll odds that made the dreaded 4-1 roll down less of a nat 20 or bust moment. We’re honestly shocked with how well those changes went, so we have a minor tweak today to see slightly more four cost champs."

  • Level 7: 24/35/30/10/1 ⇒ 22/35/30/12/1


  • Divine Damage Reduction and True Damage: 50% ⇒ 45%

  • Elderwood Armor and Magic Resist Stat Growth: 15/25/40 ⇒ 20/30/40

  • Mage Spell Power: 80/110/180% ⇒ 80/120/180%

  • Vanguard Armor: 100/250/600/1500 ⇒ 120/300/750/2000


Tier 1

"Diana and Lissandra were a bit too warm and bright in the moonlight. Other underperforming one costs are getting some love."

  • Diana Pale Cascade Orbs: 4/5/6/9 ⇒ 4/5/6/8

  • Fiora Total Mana: 85 ⇒ 75

  • Fiora Riposte Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 250/400/600

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Damage: 350/450/600/800 ⇒ 350/450/550/750

  • Maokai Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Maokai Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Wukong Crushing Blow Attack Damage Ratio: 225/250/275% ⇒ 250/265/280%

Tier 2

"Jarvan was a bit of a red flag for us. We almost nerfed him in 10.24B, but instead dragged him along to this patch. Vi changes are a part of making our debuff system more consistent and should result in a neutral adjustment."

  • Aphelios Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 45

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Aphelios’ turrets from firing during Hunter Trait activation

  • Hecarim Total Mana: 120 ⇒ 110

  • Jarvan IV Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 100

  • Sylas Chain Lash Damage: 250/400/600/1000 ⇒ 250/400/700/1111

  • Vi Denting Blows Armor Reduction: 50/75/100% ⇒ 40/60/80%

  • Vi Total Mana: 60 ⇒ 50

Tier 3

"Evelynn’s been the type to roll the dice. Not afraid to die, she’d sometimes make us cry, other times, make our opponents cry. We’re evening out her Last Caress base and execute damage a tad. Kalista’s getting better at math. And yes, we’re buffing Xin again."

  • Evelynn Execute Multiplier: 3 ⇒ 2.5

  • Evelynn Last Caress Damage: 350/500/1400 ⇒ 350/600/1500

  • Kalista Attack Speed: 1.0 ⇒ 0.9

  • Fixed issues that caused Kalista to execute too early or too late. This includes her interactions with shields, damage reduction (e.g. Divine), and damage amplification (e.g. Hand of Justice, Giantslayer, Sword of the Divine).

  • Lux Chosen Stat: Mana ⇒ Spell Power

  • Xin Zhao Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85

  • Xin Zhao Crescent Guard Attack Damage: 300/325/350% ⇒ 330/340/350%

  • Yuumi Health: 600 ⇒ 650

Tier 4

  • Talon Health: 750 ⇒ 800

  • Talon Truestrike Attack Damage Percent: 200/200/250% ⇒ 240/250/275%

  • Warwick Primal Hunger Lifesteal: 50/50/200% ⇒ 40/40/200%

Tier 5

"Buff guy gets a buff-fix. Kayn gets a slap on the wrist."

  • Kayn Reaper Damage: 400/600/6666 ⇒ 375/575/6666

  • Sett: Showstopper will no longer fail if something happens to Sett’s target (unstoppable, untargetable, etc.) during its animation. Now it will still deal the AOE secondary damage but the primary target will continue to be unaffected.


This is a part of making our debuff system consistent.

  • Last Whisper Armor Reduction: 75% ⇒ 80%


  • The camera will now reset zoom level to default whenever the player view changes. (both PC and mobile)


  • Fixed Galio bugs: Zekes, Locket, and Chalice can no longer buff Galio. Zephyr will not try (and fail) to hit Galio.

  • Fixed an issue where Lissandra’s hair would stick out of the side of her head like a baguette.

  • Fixed a bug where Runaan’s Hurricane could fail to shoot at enemies that were extremely far away.

  • Fixed a bug where Kalista would re-apply spell power to her execute which resulted in overkill damage.

  • Fixed an issue where Warwick’s Hunter proc would delay his next attack at high attack speeds.

  • Fixed a bug where Warwick was not triggering On Attack effects (Rageblade, Shiv) on his Hunter attacks .

December 1


  • Galio Star Multiplier: 12% ⇒14%

  • Galio Base Health: 1000/1650/2250 ⇒ 800/1400/2000

  • Galio Base Attack Damage: 85/180/320 ⇒ 75/160/280

  • Keeper Shield Value: 175/250/350 ⇒ 150/225/350

  • Keeper Shield Duration: 8/10/14 ⇒ 8/10/12 seconds

Champions and Items

  • Zed Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.75

  • Zed Contempt for the Weak Attack Damage Steal: 30/35/40% ⇒ 25/30/35%

  • Yone Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Yone Seal Fate Armor and Magic Resist Reduction: 90% ⇒ 60%

  • Runaan’s Hurricane Attack Damage Multiplier: 100% ⇒ 90%

November 24 - Patch 10.24


  • Base Player Damage Per Stage: 0/0/1/2/5/10/15 ⇒ 0/0/2/3/5/8/15

  • Increased the base odds of rolling a chosen slightly.

Chosen Roll Odds

  • Level 4: 40/60/0/0/0 ⇒ 60/40/0/0/0

  • Level 5: 20/50/30/0/0 ⇒ 40/55/5/0/0

  • Level 6: 10/45/45/0/0 ⇒ 15/45/40/0/0

  • Level 7: 0/30/40/30/0 ⇒ 0/40/55/5/0

  • Level 8: 0/20/40/40/0 ⇒ 0/15/45/40/0

  • Level 9: 0/0/30/40/30 ⇒ 0/0/15/45/40

Normal Roll Odds

  • Level 5: 45/30/20/5/0 ⇒ 45/33/20/2/0

  • Level 6: 30/35/25/10/0 ⇒ 35/35/25/5/0

  • Level 7: 19/35/30/15/1 ⇒ 24/35/30/10/1

  • Level 8: 14/25/35/20/6 ⇒ 15/25/35/20/5

Loot Distribution

  • Lowered the variance in the initial loot drops from Stage 1, leading to a slight increase in total loot overall.

  • Reduced the extreme variance in item distribution by one, which should lead to less extreme cases of similar item drops in a game.

  • Grey Orbs average value increased very slightly, but lowered Neeko drop rates from them.



  • Chosen Bonus Attack Damage: 30 ⇒ 20

  • This affects Yasuo, Aphelios, Zed, Xin Zhao, Ashe, Jhin, Talon, and Warwick


  • Cultist: A Chosen Cultist now only provides +1 star level to Galio instead of double the Chosen’s star level.

  • A 2-star Cultist Chosen improves Galio: +4 ⇒ +3

  • A 3-star Cultist Chosen improves Galio: +6 ⇒ +4

  • Fortune: Fixed an issue with one of the 11 loss drops being undervalued.

  • Fortune: Slightly lowered the drop rate of Neeko’s Help from the 6 Fortune loot table.


Tier 1

  • Diana Pale Cascade Shield: 200/300/450/650 ⇒ 200/300/400/500

  • Lissandra Pale Cascade Damage: 350/450/600/900 ⇒ 350/450/600/800

  • Nami Starting/Total Mana: 40/80 ⇒ 60/100

  • Yasuo Striking Steel Damage: 160/190/225% ⇒ 180/200/225%

Tier 2

  • Aphelios Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 50

  • Aphelios Starting Mana: 40 ⇒ 50

  • Lulu Wild Growth Knockup Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 1 second

  • Lulu Wild Growth Duration: 6 seconds ⇒ rest of combat

  • Refreshing Wild Growth on an ally now properly heals them for the Bonus Health gain amount and triggers the knockup effect

  • Jarvan IV Dragon Strike Stun Duration: 2 ⇒ 1 second

  • Jarvan IV Starting/Total Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 50/80

  • Pyke Phantom Undertow Damage: 150/250/450 ⇒ 125/200/375

  • Zed Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8

Tier 3

  • Akali Spell Damage: 150/225/350 ⇒ 175/250/400

  • Jinx Chosen Bonus Stat: Spell Power ⇒ Mana

  • Jinx Starting/Total Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 70/120

  • Jinx Fishbones Stun: Jinx’s primary target ⇒ All targets in the 1 hex explosion

  • Jinx Fishbones Stun Duration: 1.5/1.5/1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds

  • Jinx Fishbones Damage: 200/325/550 ⇒ 150/250/450

  • Xin Zhao Starting/Total Mana: 40/80 ⇒ 30/60

Tier 4

  • Cassiopeia Starting/Total Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 80/150

  • Cassiopeia Petrifying GazeDamage Amp: 10% ⇒ 20%

  • Jhin Attack Damage: 85 ⇒ 100

  • Talon Truestrike no longer refunds Mana on kill

  • Talon Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 40

  • Fixed a bug where Truestrike’s bonus damage could not critically strike

  • Talon Truestrike Bonus Damage: 125/200/600 ⇒ 85/135/400

  • Talon is no longer invulnerable during his leap (he is still unstoppable and untargetable)

  • Talon's Leap has been sped up slightly

  • Warwick Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 85

  • Warwick Attack Speed: 0.9 ⇒ 0.8

  • Warwick’s howl on takedowns no longer fears nearby enemies. Instead, his howl grants himself and all allies who share a Trait with him 60/75/200% Attack Speed for 3 seconds

Tier 5

  • Azir Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/150

  • Lee Sin Primary Stun Duration: 1.5/2/10 ⇒ 2/3/10 seconds

  • Lee Sin Secondary Stun Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 1 second

  • Sett Starting Mana: 70 ⇒ 100

  • Yone: Seal Fate no longer knocks up enemies

  • Yone now becomes untargetable during his cast

  • Yone Seal Fate Damage: 800/1300/9999 ⇒ 600/1200/9999

  • Yone Unforgotten Base Damage: 250/400/1000 ⇒ 200/400/1000

  • Yone Seal Fate Armor and MR Shred: 60% ⇒ 90%

  • Yone Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 50

  • Fixed a bug where Yone could become unresponsive after casting Seal Fate

  • Fixed a bug where Yone's resistances reduced would not update correctly if the target’s Armor or Magic Resist changed while the shred was active.


  • ZZ’Rot Portal Construct Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 100


  • Addressed an issue where ghost armies with the Hunter Trait occasionally activated the Hunter attack instantly upon combat starting.

  • The Hunter Trait will no longer fire its first attack one second early.

  • Zilean now correctly de-prioritizes casting his spell on summoned units (ie: Azir’s soldiers)

  • The following Attacks can now correctly Miss (Blind) and be Dodged: Talon’s Truestrike, Yasuo’s Striking Steel, Xin Zhao’s Crescent Guard, Wukong’s Crushing Blow, and Ashe’s Hunter’s Focus

  • Fiora will no longer sometimes change targets after casting her spell

  • Fixed various issues around attempting to purchase a Chosen with a full bench

  • Fixed a bug where Ashe was triggering on-attack effects too many times during Hunter’s Focus

November 11 - Patch 10.23


  • We've made improvements to the champion movement logic. This should result in more consistent and expected behavior, most noticeably at the start of fights when champions interact with each other.


Cultist Changes

With Chosen Cultists counting as double star levels, we're seeing overperformance from Cultist 6 in the earlier stages of the game. The health nerf hits his early survivability while the mana buff increases his effectiveness as a tank in the later stages. The immunity to crowd control will make the Supreme variant of Galio a more reliable overlord.

  • All Galios Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 75/150

  • Demon Lord Galio (Cultist 6) Base Health: 1750 ⇒ 1650

  • Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9) is now immune to crowd control for 8 seconds after being summoned.

  • Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9) Base Health: 2500 ⇒ 2250

  • Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9) Base Attack Damage: 400 ⇒ 320

Other Trait Changes

  • Dazzler Attack Damage Reduction: 50/80% ⇒ 40/80%

  • Divine Bonus True Damage and Damage Reduction: 40% ⇒ 50%

  • Divine Bonus True Damage and Damage Reduction Duration: 4/6/9/13 seconds ⇒ 3/6/9/15 seconds

  • Hunter Bonus Damage 150/175/200/225% ⇒ 125/150/175/200%

  • Fortune: Added new loot tables for 10, 11, and 12 loss streaks. Good luck!

  • Keeper Shield Duration: 8 seconds ⇒ 8/10/14 seconds

  • Keeper Shield Amount: 175/250/400 ⇒ 175/250/350


Tier 2

Aphelios' extreme synergy with Rageblade has forced him into an overall weak balance state when he doesn't have the item. We're decoupling Aphelios' reliance on Rageblade by removing his turret's ability to proc on-attack effects or grant him mana. We'll now be able to put Aphelios at a better baseline and hopefully allow him to succeed with multiple item builds.

  • Aphelios' turrets will no longer trigger on-attack effects (e.g., Rageblade, Statikk Shiv, Runaan's Hurricane) or grant him mana, but will continue to trigger on-hit effects.

  • Aphelios Starting/Total Mana: 90/180 ⇒ 40/80

  • Aphelios Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75

  • Zed Contempt for the Weak Attack Damage steal: 20/30/40% ⇒ 30/35/40%

  • Zed Contempt for the Weak Bonus Damage: 25/50/75 ⇒ 40/50/75

Tier 3

  • Akali Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.85

  • Katarina Death Lotus Damage: 600/900/1600 ⇒ 750/900/1600

  • Kalista Rend Percent Health Damage: 4/6/8% ⇒ 4/6/9%

  • Kennen Armor: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Kennen Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Kennen Spell Damage: 300/450/1350 ⇒ 300/450/1200

Xin Zhao (rework)

Our previous attempts at making Xin Zhao a legitimate carry have fallen short. This time we're going a bit more extreme with a mini-rework of Crescent Guard in hopes that he becomes a good carrier of AD items for Warlord comps. We're thinking a Bloodthirster is on the menu.

  • Crescent Guard (Rework): Xin Zhao sweeps around him, dealing 300/325/350% of his Attack Damage to nearby enemies and gains 50/60/75 Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.

  • Xin Zhao now has a normal Spellcast Mana lock instead of having to wait until there are no Challenged units.

  • Xin Zhao Starting/Total Mana: 0/30 ⇒ 40/80

  • Fixed a bug where Crescent Guard could not crit.

Tier 4

Ahri is a champion who can dominate an entire combat if she has the right items. We're adding in some potential ways opponents can try to disrupt her plans.

Talon can be a bit oppressive to fight against as his targeting allows him to reliably take out the enemy carries very quickly in a fight. We're adjusting Talon slightly to hopefully open up some more time and counterplay options against him.

With the Divine trait being rebuffed, we want to ensure that fighting against Warwick doesn't devolve into him permanently stunning his opponents. As an aside we are looking to replace the Fear with an entirely different mechanic in 10.24.

  • Ahri Spirit Bomb is now an actual channel that can be interrupted (ie: stun, GA) causing Ahri to release her orb early and reducing the size of the impact area.

  • Ahri Spirit Bomb Damage: 475/675/3000 ⇒ 500/700/3000

  • Ashe Health: 650 ⇒ 600

  • Ashe Armor 25 ⇒ 20

  • Sejuani Starting/Total Mana: 50/130 ⇒ 70/150

  • Talon Kill Reset Targeting: Highest Damage Dealt ⇒ Lowest Armor

  • Talon Increased his leap time after getting a successful kill

  • Warwick Fear Duration: 1.5/1.5/3 ⇒ 0.75/0.75/3

  • Warwick Primal Hunger Attack Speed: 175/200/500% ⇒ 135/150/500%

  • Fixed a bug where Warwick's spell cast could fail if he performed a Hunter attack during it.

Tier 5

  • Lillia Starting/Total Mana: 75/125 ⇒ 80/120

  • 3-Star Lee Sin's knockout punch hits in an area around the primary target and knocks out any enemies directly hit regardless of their board position.

  • Kayn Reaper targeting has been adjusted to be more consistent in finding a valid target to spin towards.


  • Fixed a bug where Spell Crits would not work if they were connected to an attack that was already Critting (ie: Vayne's true damage could not crit if her basic attack was also critting)


  • The item panel will no longer automatically switch back to the trait tracker when the Shop opens.

October 30

  • Morgana Hallowed Ground Damage: 325/525/2000 ⇒ 250/400/2000 (reverting unintended change)

  • Chalice of Harmony Bonus Spell Power: 40 ⇒ 35

  • Jeweled Gauntlet Crit Damage: 50% ⇒ 40%

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap Total Spell Power: 75 ⇒ 80

October 28 - Patch 10.22


  • Players now take a minimum of 1 damage on losses

  • Chosen roll chances are now displayed in the Shop tooltip.


There are a couple of traits that have an unintentional anti-synergy with the chosen mechanic as they lose value with less units on the board. We're changing the rules of those chosen to count as two units for the sake of their traits. 

  • Cultist Chosen now count as 2 Cultists and will grant Galio double the amount of star levels (e.g., a two-star Elise will grant Galio four star levels instead of two).

  • Keeper Chosen now count as 2 Keepers and grant double the amount of shields

  • Dazzler Attack Damage Reduction: 50% ⇒ 50/80%

  • Dazzler Duration: 5/15 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds

  • Ninja (4) Attack Damage and Spell Power: 150 ⇒ 140

  • Sharpshooter damage reduction per ricochet: 65/50/35% ⇒ 55/50/45%


Tier 1

  • Fiora Chosen Bonus: Health ⇒ Max Mana Reduction

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Targeting: Attack Target ⇒ Highest Attack Damage

  • Vayne Silver Bolts Bonus True Damage: 40/75/125 ⇒ 50/90/140

Tier 2

  • Vi Chosen Bonus: Health ⇒ Max Mana Reduction

  • Vi Spell Damage 250/400/600 ⇒ 250/400/800

  • Vi Armor Shred Duration: 6 ⇒ 8 seconds

Tier 3

  • Akali Mana Lock after Spellcast: 1 second ⇒ 1.25 seconds

  • Evelynn Last Caress Damage: 350/500/900 ⇒ 350/500/1400

  • Nunu and Willump Consume Damage: 450/650/1300 ⇒ 450/650/1800

Tier 4

  • Ahri Spirit Bomb Damage: 500/750/3000 ⇒ 475/675/3000

  • Ashe: Fixed a bug where 4/5 of Ashe’s Flurry shots could not critically strike or be dodged

  • Morgana: Updated her Spell targeting to be slightly less random

  • Morgana Hallowed Ground Damage: 250/400/2000 ⇒ 325/525/2000

Tier 5

  • Ezreal Starting Mana: 75 ⇒ 90

  • Lee Sin Primary Stun Duration: 3/4/10 ⇒ 1.5/2/10 seconds

  • Lee Sin Secondary Stun Duration: 1.5/1.5/10 ⇒ 1.5/2/10 seconds

  • Lillia damage to break Sleep: 500/750/1000 ⇒ 500/500/500

  • Sett Chosen Bonus: Health ⇒ Spell Power

  • Sett Spell Primary Target Damage: 35/45% ⇒ 40/60% max Health

  • Nunu and Willump will no longer eat Sett if he still needs to do sit ups.


  • Luden’s Echo Bonus Damage: Crowd-controlled or Shielded ⇒ Crowd-controlled targets

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap Spell Power: 70 ⇒ 75

  • Runaan’s Hurricane Bolt Damage: 75% ⇒ 100% Attack Damage

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 75 ⇒ 80

  • Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: 175 ⇒ 240

  • Statikk Shiv Fixed a bug where it could sometimes target invalid units (ie: during GA revive or Sett sit-ups)

  • Zeke’s Herald Attack Speed: 40% ⇒ 35%

  • ZZ’Rot Portal Taunt Duration: 2 seconds ⇒ 1 second

  • Fixed a bug where the Construct had 10 more AD than intended

  • Fixed a bug where you could access the initial Taunt by equipping ZZ’Rot mid-combat


  • Divine’s damage reduction will no longer reduce true damage.

  • Exile will no longer fail to create their shield when placed next to a Galio summon.

  • Talon will now run through the attack flow when attacking with his spell. (This will trigger Rageblade, Shiv, etc.)

  • Taunts will no longer persist if the taunter becomes untargetable

October 20

A combination of recent changes to multiple traits, items, and champions created a truly monstrous Divine comp. We're nerfing a few of the outliers giving this composition just too much strength. Akali is also getting touched to make sure that she doesn't reign supreme in the aftermath of these changes. 

  • Adept Attack Speed debuff Duration: 2.5/4/7 seconds ⇒ 2/3.5/6 seconds

  • Divine Damage Reduction: 50% ⇒ 40%

  • Divine True Damage: 50% ⇒ 40%

  • Akali Five-Point Strike Damage: 150/225/400 ⇒ 150/225/350

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield: 350/450/600/800 ⇒ 300/375/500/800

  • Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: Crowd-controlled or Shielded ⇒ Shielded targets

October 14 - Patch 10.21


We changed the shop odds at the start of Fates in order to make rolling in the shop feel more diverse, valuable and fun (which it did!). 

Unfortunately, this change also had a few other side effects that we aren't happy with. First, the frequency and ease of achieving 3-Star units (especially in combination with Chosen) was too high across the board. Just like the last patch, we really want to avoid needing to tune down 3-star power and excitement, so we're targeting their frequency instead. 

Additionally, for players who really understood the new shop rule, it became optimal to purposely not buy or speculate on units outside of their current gameplan. This made interesting pivots no longer as viable an option and limited the broader gameplay experience.

  • Removed the Fates change to the shop that prohibited unbought champions from repeating in consecutive shops.

  • Modified the Chosen appearance rate to reduce some of the worst luck cases and streakiness.

  • You are now guaranteed to see at least one Chosen by 2-2.


General Balance

Context for Shades: We're reducing their effective time being stealthed by changing how the shade trait triggers. The stealth will now take effect AFTER 3 attacks, instead of on the 3rd attack. Shades will now auto attack 3 times, and then after the third one lands they will stealth and do bonus damage on their 4th attack, overall this is a nerf to the trait. 

  • Adept Attack Speed Slow: 2/3/5sec ⇒ 2.5/4/7 sec

  • Hunter Bonus Damage: 175% at all levels ⇒ 150/175/200/225%

  • Moonlight (5) now exists: Stars up the lowest 2 champions.

  • Mystic Magic Resist: 35/95/175 ⇒ 40/100/200

  • Ninja AD and AP: 50/120 ⇒ 50/150

  • Shades now gain the Stealth effect AFTER their 3rd attack instead of FOR the 3rd attack. Additionally, bonus damage now applies every 4th attack rather than every 3rd.

  • Shade Bonus Damage: 100/325/650 ⇒ 125/400/750

  • Vanguard (8) now exists.

  • Vanguard Armor: 100/250/500 ⇒ 100/250/600/1500


We want to smooth out the Cultist power curve as currently the trait provides a large spike in one stage and then falls off significantly the following stage. 

Going forward, upgrading the Cultist units will help Galio scale into the next stage of the game, while maintaining the big spike that comes with playing 6 or 9 Cultists. This change also makes it so that playing 4 or 5 Cultists, while not optimal, is not totally and completely pointless.

  • Each star level of your cultists will grant Galio +12% bonus Health and Attack Damage. For example, three 1-star Cultists will grant Galio +36% bonus HP and AD.

  • Galio Base Health: 1600/3800/6666 ⇒ 1000/1750/2500

  • Galio Base Attack Damage: 125/400/1000 ⇒ 80/180/400


  • Rework: Upon attacking 6 times or dropping below 50% health, Divine units remove all crowd control and ascend, taking 50% reduced damage and dealing 50% bonus true damage for the duration of the ascension.

  • 2 Divine: 4 seconds

  • 4 Divine: 7 seconds

  • 6 Divine: 10 seconds

  • 8 Divine: 14 seconds


  • Fortune (3) average gold value- 0 Loss: 3g ⇒ 2.5g

  • Fortune (3) average gold value- 1 Loss: 6.5g ⇒ 6g

  • Fortune (3) average gold value- 2 Loss: 11.5g ⇒ 10.5g

  • Fortune (3)- 4 Loss: Removed the 5 Cost drop possibility

  • Fortune (6) average gold value: 10.25g ⇒ 11.65g

  • Fortune (6) lowered the chances of a 5 cost drop.


Tier 1

  • Diana Orbs: 4/5/6/10 ⇒ 4/5/6/9

  • Elise Health Restore on Attack: 40/80/120 ⇒ 40/80/160

  • Nidalee Javelin Toss Damage Bonus per Hex: 10% ⇒ 20%

Tier 2

  • Aphelios' turrets now stop firing when Aphelios is disabled

  • Jarvan Dragon Strike Damage: 175/250/500 ⇒ 175/250/750

  • Jax Starting/Total Mana: 50/100 ⇒ 60/110

  • Teemo Sporecloud Dart Damage: 200/300/600 ⇒ 300/450/900

Tier 3

  • Kennen Slicing Maelstrom Damage: 300/450/900 ⇒ 300/450/1350

  • Veigar Spell Power gain on kill: 1/2/4 ⇒ 1/1/2

Tier 4

  • Ahri Health: 650 ⇒ 600

  • Ahri Spirit Bomb Damage: 500/800/4000 ⇒ 500/750/3000

  • Jhin Fourth Shot Damage: 444/500/4444% ⇒ 444/500/1234%

  • Riven Energy Slash Wave Damage: 300/450/1500 ⇒ 300/450/1350

  • Talon TruestrikeDamage: 200/225/300% ⇒ 200/225/250%

Tier 5

  • Azir Warlord's Divide Damage: 200/350/2000 ⇒ 200/350/8888

  • Kayn Reaping Slash Damage: 450/600/6666 ⇒ 400/600/6666

  • Kayn Shadow Form damage buff: 75% ⇒ 50%

  • Lillia Lilting Lullaby Sleep duration: 3.5/3.5/8 ⇒ 3/4/8 seconds

  • Zilean Rewind Fate number of targets: 2/2/10 ⇒ 2/3/10

  • Zilean Rewind Fate heal amount: 350/700/3000 ⇒ 350/500/3000


  • Chalice of Power Bonus Spell Power: 30 ⇒ 40

  • Gargoyle Stoneplate Bonus Armor & MR per enemy: 12 ⇒ 15

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield: 250/300/375/500 ⇒ 350/450/600/800

  • Luden’s Echo Now deals bonus damage to shielded or crowd-controlled enemies, similar to Statikk Shiv.

  • Luden's Echo Base Damage: 200 ⇒ 180

  • Luden's Echo Bonus Damage: 180

  • Quicksilver Duration: 12 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 85 ⇒ 75

  • Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: 85 ⇒ 175

  • Statikk Shiv: Fixed a bug where the lightning chain could break if it encountered an untargetable (Stealth) unit

  • Zeke’s Herald Bonus Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 40%

  • ZZ’Rot Portal now taunts all nearby enemies at the start of combat to the wearer for 2 seconds

  • ZZ'Rot Portal Construct Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 150


  • Fixed a typo in Fortune.

  • Clarified Morellonomicon tooltip (item applies effect when the holder deals magic damage with their spell).

  • Fixed an issue where the following units would show the wrong color on their spell’s tooltip when given Spell Power: Tahm Kench, Hecarim, Nunu, Azir, Kayn

  • Pyke’s ability now hits slightly in front of him, allowing him to hit cornered units.

  • Fixed a rare issue where strange Chosen could appear in the shop, but buying them would give you a 1* copy of a different unit

  • Kayn no longer casts if there are no enemies in range he could hit

  • Sett can no longer cast Showstopper on an enemy Sett who is out of combat due to The Boss

  • Fixed some bugs with specific Fortune loot tables that were dropping a bit more than intended. Thanks LeDuck!


  • Condensed the scoreboard health bars on mobile.

October 7

Nerfing a few overperformers that are currently dominating most games. 

  • Spirit Attack Speed: 35/80 ⇒ 35/70

  • Aphelios starting Mana 120 ⇒ 90

  • Janna max Mana: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Ashe Hunter's Focus Bonus Attack Speed: 50/75/300 ⇒ 45/65/300

  • Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 500/650/1000 ⇒ 450/600/900

September 30 - Patch 10.20


Combat Recap

  • The Combat Recap panel has new capabilities: it will now display total damage blocked, shields, and healing for your team.

Round Timer

  • Removed the extra 5 seconds of planning per round for the start of each Set.

Champion Shop

Aided by the Chosen mechanic, we're seeing 3-star Tier 4 champions too frequently for their power level. We're dialing down their frequency of showing up at level 8 to make sure that their rarity is more appropriate.

  • Champion probability by Tier at level 8: 14/20/35/25/6% ⇒ 14/25/35/20/6%


General Balance

  • Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125

  • Cultist(3) Tyrant Galio: Health: 1800 ⇒ 1600

  • Dusk Team Spell Power: 20/20/50 ⇒ 20/20/40

  • Dusk Spell Power: 0/50/75 ⇒ 0/50/70

  • Keeper Shield: 175/250/325 ⇒ 175/250/400

  • Mage Spell Power: 70/110/180% ⇒ 80/110/180%

  • Spirit Attack Speed: 35%/90% ⇒ 35%/80%


Increased the approximate gold value of Fortune 3 at all levels, and also removed the “All Gold” drops at higher levels of losses. Spatulas can also drop from 5+ losses.

  • 0 Losses: 2g ⇒ 3g

  • 1 Loss: 4.5g ⇒ 6.5g

  • 2 Losses: 8g ⇒ 11.5g

  • 3 Losses: 13g ⇒ 17g

  • 4 Losses: 18.5g ⇒ 24g

  • 5 Losses: 23.5g ⇒ 31g

  • 6 Losses: 29g ⇒ 38g

  • 7 Losses: 35g ⇒ 45g

  • 8 Losses: 41.5g ⇒ 55g

  • 9 Losses: 55g ⇒ 70g

We also generally increased the payouts from the Fortune 6 loot table:

  • Average Value: 9.25g ⇒ 10.25g

  • Removed the all Gold drop

  • Added a Spatula drop

  • Added a very rare “Jackpot”...think items...lots of items.


Tier 1

  • Diana number of orbs: 3/4/6/10 ⇒ 4/5/6/10

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers damage: 300/400/600/900 ⇒ 350/450/600/900

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 150/200/300/450 ⇒ 175/225/300/450

  • Nami Aqua Prison Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 2.5/3/4 seconds

  • Vayne Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.9

Tier 2

  • Annie Burst Shield Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 250/350/450

  • Annie Burst Shield: 400/600/900 ⇒ 500/700/900

  • Aphelios Turret Duration: 6/7/9/11 ⇒ 7/8/9/11

  • Hecarim Spirit of Life Healing: 250/350/500 ⇒ 250/400/600

  • Jax Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.75

  • Jax Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/100

Tier 3

  • Jinx's spell is now an actual spell instead of an auto-attack override.

  • Xin Zhao Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 30

  • Xin Zhao’s spell now properly flows through the Basic Attack system. (He no longer heals from Hextech Gunblade, but instead benefits from Bloodthirster. Additionally, his spell cast will count as a single attack for Statikk Shiv and Rageblade)

  • Yuumi Zoomies Healing: 30/45/60% ⇒ 30/45/75%

  • Yuumi Zoomies Attack Speed: 30/40/50% ⇒ 30/40/60%

  • Veigar now targets lowest current health instead of lowest percent health.

  • Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 500/650/1150 ⇒ 500/650/1000

  • Veigar Dark Blossom Spell Power gain on kill: 1/2/5 ⇒ 1/2/4

Tier 4

  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Shield: 175/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750

  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Damage: 180/250/1000 ⇒ 175/250/750

  • Riven Sweeping Strikes Wave Damage: 300/450/2000 ⇒ 300/450/1500

  • Shen Armor: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Shen Starting/Total Mana: 60/125 ⇒ 50/100

  • Shen Shadow Dash Shield and Taunt duration: 4/4/4 ⇒ 4/4/8 seconds

Tier 5

  • Lee Sin Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 40

  • Sett Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 70/175

  • Yone Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 80

  • Zilean can no longer cast his ultimate on himself. (He may still cast on other Zileans)


  • Luden’s Echo Damage: 180 ⇒ 200

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 80 ⇒ 85

  • Statikk Shiv Bonus Damage: 80 ⇒ 85

  • Sunfire Cape Burn damage cadence: 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds


  • Aphelios’ turrets will now die exactly when he dies instead of lingering for up to .24 seconds.

  • Sett will no longer casually walk back onto the stage only to disappear when knocked out by Lee Sin.

  • Yone can now properly cast Unforgiven while Disarmed.

  • Thresh, Warwick, and XinZhao’s clickboxes have been extended vertically to better represent the size of the units.

  • Nami’s CC can no longer be overridden by other knock-up effects (like Lulu).

  • Vi can now cast her spell at long range when equipped with a Rapid Firecannon.

  • Azir’s Soldiers no longer have 5.00 Attack Speed which could cause units to target them with their spells

  • Lee Sin will no longer knockout units who are immune to CC

September 16 - Patch 10.19 - Fates


  • When Fates goes live in your region with patch 10.19, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first Ranked stage.

  • Most of you will start Fates in Iron 2. If you ended Galaxies in Diamond 1 you will start in Iron 1. Master+ players will start in Bronze 4.

  • Galaxies Ranked rewards will be given out on patch 10.21.

  • Players finishing in 4th place or better will now gain at least 10 LP.

  • Players finishing in 5th place or worse will now lose at least 10 LP (or enough to hit 0 LP).



  • Galaxies are out, Chosen are in. Occasionally, you will be offered a Chosen champion in your shop. These champions are already at 2-star level, so they cost three times their normal 1-star price and come with some extra power.

  • One of their traits (origin or class) is “Chosen” and counts as 2 of that trait.

  • They also get +200 HP and a unique stat bonus—either 400 HP, 30% spell power, 30 AD, or 25% reduced mana cost.

  • Tier odds for Chosen at Level 1: 100/0/0/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 2: 100/0/0/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 3: 100/0/0/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 4: 40/60/0/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 5: 20/50/30/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 6: 10/45/45/0/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 7: 0/30/40/30/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 8: 0/20/40/40/0

  • Tier odds for Chosen atLevel 9: 0/0/30/40/30

As a Chosen each Champion gets either Health, Spell Power, Attack Damage, or Mana Cost Reduction as follows: 

Champions that get Health as Chosen

  • Garen

  • Fiora

  • Irelia

  • Aatrox

  • Wukong

  • Jax

  • Lee Sin

  • Tahm Kench

  • Sejuani

  • Maokai

  • Sylas

  • Shen

  • Yone

  • Jarvan IV

  • Hecarim

  • Nunu

  • Sett

  • Vi

  • Elise

Champions that get Spell Power as Chosen

  • Morgana

  • Twisted Fate

  • Jinx

  • Annie

  • Veigar

  • Lissandra

  • Diana

  • Kennen

  • Kalista

  • Akali

  • Vayne

  • Riven

  • Kindred

  • Ahri

  • Nidalee

  • Kayn

  • Katarina

  • Evelynn

Champions that get Attack Damage as Chosen

  • Talon

  • Aphelios

  • Zed

  • Ashe

  • Warwick

  • Xin Zhao

  • Yasuo

  • Jhin

Champions that get Mana Cost Reduction as Chosen

  • Nami

  • Janna

  • Zilean

  • Lux

  • Thresh

  • Cassiopeia

  • Lillia

  • Teemo

  • Yuumi

  • Azir

  • Lulu

  • Ezreal

  • Pyke


  • Level 7: 32xp ⇒ 36xp

  • Level 8: 50xp ⇒ 56xp

  • Level 9: 66xp ⇒ 80xp


  • Consecutive shops will not repeat unbought champions.

  • Bag odds for Level 5: 40/35/20/5/0 ⇒ 45/30/20/5/0

  • Bag odds for Level 6: 25/35/30/10/0 ⇒ 30/35/25/10/0

  • Bag odds for Level 7: 19/30/35/15/1 ⇒ 19/35/30/15/1


We're changing the rate at which items appear in carousels. 

First Carousel

  • 65% chance of one of every item plus one random duplicate.

  • 11% offense (3x Sword Bow Rod)

  • 11% defense (3x Cloak Armor Belt)

  • 11% Utility (3x Tear Glove Random)

  • 1.5% All Spatulas

  • 0.5% All Force of Natures

Second Carousel

  • 80% One of every item plus one random duplicate

  • 15% One of every item and 1 Spatula

  • 5% Three Spatulas + Six random components

Third Carousel

  • 30% One of every item and one random duplicate

  • 50% All random components. Totally random with no variance control.

  • 15% One of every item + one Spatula

  • 5% Three Spatulas + six random components

Fourth Carousel

  • 80% One of every item and one random duplicate

  • 15% One of every item and 1 Spatula

  • 5% Three Spatulas + Six random components

Fifth Carousel

  • 50% All Random unbuilt (Full items not built yet)

  • 25.4% All Random Full items (Any full item)

  • 3% Sword Items

  • 3% Vest Items

  • 3% Belt Items

  • 3% Bow Items

  • 3% Cloak Items

  • 3% Tear Items

  • 3% Gloves Items

  • 3% Rod Items

  • 0.6% All Force of Natures

Sixth Carousel

  • 100% Half random full items, half random components.


New Items

  • Gargoyle Stoneplate: Replaces Sword Breaker. Now gives +12 Armor and MR per enemy targeting the holder.

  • Sunfire Cape: Replaces Red Buff. Now applies to a random enemy within 2 hexes every second. Damage is now 25% of affected unit’s max health in true damage over 10 sec

Item Changes

  • Needlessly Large Rod: 20 ⇒ 15 SP

  • Bloodthirster Healing: 45% ⇒ 40%

  • Chalice of Power Duration: 20 seconds ⇒ All Round

  • Deathblade AD per stack: 25 ⇒ 20

  • Dragon’s Claw Magic Reduction: 50% ⇒ 60%

  • Giant Slayer Bonus Damage: 20/80% ⇒ 10/90%

  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade AS Per stack: 5 ⇒ 6%

  • Hextech Gunblade Healing: 45% ⇒ 33%

  • Infinity Edge: Grants 75% Critical Strike Chance (including from components)

  • Infinity Edge: converts each 1% of the holder’s Critical Strike Chance above 100% into +1% Critical Strike Damage

  • Jeweled Gauntlet Crit Damage: 30% ⇒ 50%

  • Luden’s Echo Splash Damage: 200 ⇒ 180

  • Quicksilver Duration: 10 ⇒ 12 seconds

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap: 50% Bonus SP ⇒ 40 SP

  • Runaan’s Hurricane: Bolts can now cause critical hits. Bolts now have unlimited range.

  • Spear of Shojin: 18% of Max Mana per auto after first cast ⇒ 5 Mana per auto

  • Statikk Shiv Damage (standard and bonus): 85 ⇒ 80 damage


  • 5 Seconds added to the start of every planning phase as we do with every set. This will be removed in Patch 10.20.

  • Fixed a long time bug where Grievous Wounds was twice as effective as intended.

  • Trap Claw’s stun now has a different visual effect, to help correctly attribute the cause of their units’ stuns.

  • Completed items can no longer drop from orbs.

  • Spatula items can now drop from end game PVE rounds, but only if you have at least one of that trait on the board.

  • Adjusted the types of orbs and their contents across all stages of the game.

  • All % Damage amps now stack additively instead of multiplicatively with one another by source (so items can still multiply traits, but not other items).

September 2 - Patch 10.18



  • The Big Bang - Players receive a free reroll each round, a Force of Nature when Stage 3 begins, and loot orbs from all minions and Monsters.

  • Dwarf Planet has been removed from rotation.

  • We’ve upped the chances of seeing The Big Bang for this patch to make sure you have a good chance to experience it. The odds are as follows:

  • 20% - The Big Bang

  • 10% - Normal Games

  • 10% - Treasure Trove

  • 10% - Trade Sector

  • 10% - Super Dense

  • 10% - Galactic Armory

  • 10% - Plunder Planet

  • 10% - Salvage Yard

  • 10% - Manatee’s Delight


  • Mordekaiser Magic Resist: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Ezreal Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Cassiopeia Noxious Blast Damage: 700/1500/3500 ⇒ 750/1600/4000


  • Fixed an issue where the Mech Pilots would pop out early if the Mech had GA and was killed by an Urgot.

  • Fixed a bug where multiple Hextech Gunblades would not generate enough shields.

August 19 - Patch 10.17



  • New Galaxy - Manatee’s Delight: All players receive a spatula at the start of the game.

  • Binary Star has been removed from the rotation.


  • Titan’s Resolve Max Stacks: 50 ⇒ 25

  • Hand of Justice Damage & Healing: 50% ⇒ 45%


  • Sniper damage bonus (per hex): 10/18% ⇒ 9/16%


Tier 1

  • Jarvan IV Armor: 45 ⇒ 40

  • Poppy Magic Resist: 30 ⇒ 35

Tier 2

  • Blitzcrank Armor: 45 ⇒ 60

Tier 3

  • Cassiopeia Noxious Blast Damage: 700/1500/3000 ⇒ 700/1500/3500

  • Master Yi Chosen One Damage: 75/100/150 ⇒ 70/95/145

  • Neeko Pop Blossom Damage: 150/250/500 ⇒ 150/250/450

  • Shaco Armor: 25 ⇒ 20

Tier 4

  • Riven Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Riven Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Fixed a small bug with Riven's attack speed ratio

Tier 5

  • Gangplank Orbital Strike Damage: 550/700/9001 ⇒ 525/675/9001

  • Xerath Abyssal Bombardment Damage: 300/400/2500 ⇒ 320/440/2500

  • Xerath Abyssal Bombardment Splash Damage: 75/100/2500 ⇒ 80/110/625

August 5 - Patch 10.16


  • As announced on the Riot Games site, we're all taking some AFK time next week for some rest and recovery. This means that patch 10.17 will be smaller than normal with a return to full-size patches at 10.18.



  • New Galaxy: Salvage World - When you sell a champion, any completed items they were holding are broken down into their components.

  • Removed Galaxy: Star Cluster

Quality of Life

  • In-game item recipes are here!

  • Right-click any item component to see what it can build into. (If you’re playing on mobile, simply tap it.)

  • Full items you can currently build are highlighted.

  • Recipes now appear in the tooltips for completed items.


We’re taking a pass at some of the items that are rarely built to open up new itemization options. Now, getting certain item components shouldn’t feel like as much of a punishment.

  • Hand of Justice: Heal 50 health on hit ⇒ Grants 50% healing from damage done by both abilities and basic attacks.

  • Hextech Gunblade: Overhealing with this item now generates a shield (max 400 Health).

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield Value: 250/275/350 ⇒ 250/300/375

  • Runaan’s Hurricane Attack Damage Multiplier: 70% ⇒ 75%

  • Statikk Shiv Primary Damage: 90 ⇒ 85

  • Statikk Shiv now does an additional 85 True Damage if the target has a shield or is CC’d.

  • Sword Breaker Chance to Disarm: 25% ⇒ 33%


  • While not technically just a trait, the mana reave effect (cost increase of target's next spell cast) from Ezreal, Shroud of Stillness, and Mana-Reaver reduced from 40% to 30%.

  • Chrono Attack Speed Gains: 8/3.5/1.5/0.75 ⇒ 8/3/1/0.5 seconds

  • Infiltrators Jump time is now fixed at 0.6 seconds (this means putting Infiltrators on the front line will no longer get them to the back line faster)

  • Mech Pilot Mecha Justice damage: 700/750/800/850/900/1200/5000 ⇒ 650/700/750/850/900/1200/5000

  • Rebel Shield Amount: 150/210/330 ⇒ 150/225/400

  • Space Pirate Chance to Drop an Item: 25% ⇒ 33%

  • Vanguard Bonus Armor: 125/300/1000 ⇒ 125/300/900


Tier 1

  • Fiora Health: 450 ⇒ 500

Tier 2

  • Zed Attack Damage Steal: 20/25/40% ⇒ 20/33/50%

Tier 3

  • Bard Passive Mana: 8/20/90 ⇒ 5/20/90

  • Master Yi Chosen One bonus true damage: 75/100/175 ⇒ 75/100/150

Tier 4

  • Fizz Chum the Waters damage: 400/550/4000 ⇒ 350/550/4000

  • Jhin Attack Speed: 0.9/0.95/1.2 ⇒ 0.85/0.9/1.2

  • Jinx Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 75

  • Teemo Attack Speed: 1.0 ⇒ 0.95

Tier 5

  • Gangplank Orbital Strike Damage: 450/600/9001 ⇒ 550/700/9001


We’re looking to improve some of the chase traits that just aren’t currently worth it when you hit them. These are very rare and hard to hit, so they should be more rewarding when you do. They won't be 100% win conditions, but they will be exciting.

  • Rebel Health & Damage buff (9): 330 & 15% ⇒ 400 & 20%

  • Star Guardian Mana (9): 45 ⇒ 60

  • Battlecast Damage/Healing (8): 880 ⇒ 1000

  • Dark Star Attack Damage & Spell Power (8): 38 ⇒ 48

  • Infiltrator Attack Speed (6): 120% ⇒ 150%


We’re also trying to make champs worth 3-starring a bit more often, especially for the non-carry champions. Our goal is not that these become win conditions, but that it’s something you consider chasing if you happen to high roll extra copies to power up your army. All of the stat changes below are for the 3-star version of the Champion.

Tier 1 Champions

  • Leona Cyber Barrier Damage Reduction: 200 ⇒ 400

  • Malphite Energy Shield: 60% ⇒ 70%

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Damage: 200 ⇒ 225

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Shield: 400 ⇒ 450

  • Ziggs Bomb! Damage: 550 ⇒ 600

Tier 2 Champions

  • Ahri Orb of Deception Damage: 375 ⇒ 425

  • Annie Galaxy Shield-blast Damage: 600 ⇒ 700

  • Annie Galaxy Shield-blast Shield: 700 ⇒ 800

  • Blitzcrank Rocket Grab Damage: 850 ⇒ 1337

  • Darius Dreadnova Guillotine Damage: 800 ⇒ 888

  • Lucian Relentless Pursuit Damage: 550 ⇒ 600

  • Mordekaiser Indestructible Shield: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Nautilus Impact Crater Damage: 400 ⇒ 500

  • Nautilus Base Stun Duration: 5 ⇒ 6sec

Tier 3 Champions

  • Ezreal E.M.P Damage: 400 ⇒ 800

  • Rumble Flamespitter Damage: 1500 ⇒ 1650

  • Vi Spell Damage: 1100 ⇒ 1350

  • Vi Spell Secondary Damage: 500 ⇒ 600

  • Vayne Final Hour Attack Damage: 225% ⇒ 275%

Tier 4 Champions

  • Gnar! Transform Health: 4000 ⇒ 5000

  • Riven Base Energy Slash Damage: 450 ⇒ 600

  • Riven Energy Slash Shield: 1000 ⇒ 1200

  • Riven Final Energy Slash Damage: 1000 ⇒ 1500

Tier 5 Champions

  • Janna Howling Gale Stun Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 8sec

July 22 - Patch 10.15



  • New Galaxy: Plunder Planet. All champions have a chance to drop a coin on death, especially the first few.

  • The Neekoverse has been removed from the game.

  • The Galactic Armory galaxy has been adjusted. All players now get the same 3 component items, rather than 2 completed items.


  • Celestial: 20/45/150 ⇒ 15/45/150


Tier 1 Champions

  • Graves Smoke Grenade Blind Duration: 2/3/5 ⇒ 3/4/6

  • Jarvan Ageless Standard Bonus Attack Speed: 75/85/95% ⇒ 50/60/75%

Tier 2 Champions

  • Darius Health: 750 ⇒ 800

  • Darius Total Mana: 60 ⇒ 50

  • Lucian Total Mana: 0/35 ⇒ 0/30

  • Lucian Relentless Pursuit Damage: 150/200/375 ⇒ 175/250/550

  • Rakan Health: 700 ⇒ 650

Tier 3 Champions

  • Ashe Starting Mana: 50 ⇒ 40

  • Master Yi Armor: 30 ⇒ 50

  • Master Yi Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 35

  • Neeko Starting/Total Mana: 25/100 ⇒ 35/110

  • Vayne Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

Tier 4 Champions

  • Jhin 4th Shot Damage: 350/500/4444% ⇒ 344/444/4444%

  • Jinx Attack Speed on 1st Takedown: 50/70/100% ⇒ 50/75/125%

  • Soraka Wish healing: 375/550/20000 ⇒ 325/500/20000

  • Viktor Total Mana: 70 ⇒ 60

Tier 5 Champions

  • Janna Starting/Total Mana: 30/100 ⇒ 20/100

  • Xerath Health: 750 ⇒ 700

  • Xerath Starting Mana: 30 ⇒ 20


  • Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror damage now properly interacts with Quicksilver Sash (he won't fear the target, but the damage will go through).

  • Match History should again show items for everyone instead of just first place. If you place in the top 8 you deserve a proper match history.

  • The delay at the end of the round has returned, giving you time to pick things up.

  • Tiebreakers should now do math properly if someone went into overtime.

July 8 - Patch 10.14


Neeko Boxes

It often punishes your economy when you get a Neeko's help from a Blue or Gold box, especially early in the game. So we’re adding gold rewards to those boxes that drop Neeko's.

  • Blue Box: Neeko ⇒ Neeko + 2 Coins

  • Gold Box: Neeko + 3 Coins ⇒ Neeko + 5 Coins


Your final position in the standings will now be determined once all combat has ended, instead of immediately upon taking lethal damage. Lethal damage will now take players into negative health. Players who are eliminated in the same round will finish in order of:

  • Least negative health total.

  • If negative health is tied, most health in the round prior to elimination.

  • In the unlikely event that both of the previous measures are tied (!), the final standings for those tied players will be determined randomly.


  • New Galaxy: Dwarf Planet - The first and last row of every board is disabled.

  • Removed Galaxy: Little Little Legends.


Star Guardians

Star Guardians have too much of its power budget in the trait, so we’re pulling that power out and putting it back into the champions. This should allow some of them to succeed in other comps while maintaining the power of well-built Star Guardian compositions.

  • Star Guardian Mana share: 25/40/55 ⇒ 15/25/45

  • Poppy Starting/Total Mana: 60/100 ⇒ 50/90

  • Zoe Starting/Total Mana: 70/100 ⇒ 40/80

  • Neeko Starting/Total Mana: 75/150 ⇒ 25/100

  • Syndra Starting/Total Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 0/40

  • Soraka Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 50/120

  • Janna Starting/Total Mana: 50/130 ⇒ 30/100

Other Traits

  • Celestial Healing: 15/40/99% ⇒ 20/45/150%

  • Cybernetic Bonus Health and Attack Damage: 350&40/600&75 ⇒ 300&35/550&70

  • Sorcerer Spell Power: 20/45/75 ⇒ 20/40/70


Tier 1 Champions

  • Jarvan Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Jarvan Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Jarvan Mana: 50/100 ⇒ 40/80

  • Jarvan Ageless Standard Attack Speed Bonus: 0.65/0.75/0.85 ⇒ 0.75/0.85/0.95

  • Xayah Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.9

Tier 2 Champions

  • Mordekaiser Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Mordekaiser Indestructible Damage: 50/75/125 ⇒ 75/100/200

  • Rakan Health: 600 ⇒ 700

  • Yasuo Total Mana: 90 ⇒ 80

Tier 3 Champions

  • Ashe Health: 600 ⇒ 650

  • Ashe Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85

  • Ashe Enchanted Crystal Arrow Damage: 200/275/550 ⇒ 200/300/600

  • Ashe Enchanted Crystal arrow Stun Duration: 2/2/2 ⇒ 2/3/4 seconds

  • Ezreal Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50

  • Ezreal Starting Mana: 50 ⇒ 30

  • Karma Inspire Shield: 250/400/800 ⇒ 300/450/900

  • Karma Attack Speed Boost: 50/75/125% ⇒ 70/90/150%

  • Neeko Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Neeko Armor: 45 ⇒ 50

  • Shaco Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 70

  • Syndra Unleashed Power Damage (per orb): 100/125/200 ⇒ 100/140/220

  • Vayne Health: 550 ⇒ 500

  • Vayne Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 50

  • Vi Assault and Battery Damage: 400/600/1200 ⇒ 350/550/1100

Tier 4 Champions

  • Fizz Chum the Waters Damage: 450/600/5000 ⇒ 400/550/4000

  • Irelia Health: 800 ⇒ 900

  • Irelia Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 85

  • Irelia Armor: 35 ⇒ 50

  • Irelia Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 40

  • Irelia Bladesurge Damage: 175/250/500% ⇒ 225/250/500%

  • Jhin Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 85

  • Jhin Attack Speed: 0.85/0.9/1.1 ⇒ 0.9/0.95/1.2

  • Jhin 4th Shot Damage: 244/344/4444% ⇒ 350/500/4444%

  • Jinx Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7

  • Riven Shield: 225/375/1000 ⇒ 200/350/1000

  • Viktor Death Ray damage (Second Part): 250/400/1500 ⇒ 200/325/1500

Tier 5 Champions

  • Aurelion Sol Mana Drain: 15/25/50 ⇒ 10/15/50

  • Aurelion Sol Mobilize the Fleet Damage: 110/150/1000 ⇒ 90/150/1000

  • Janna Attack Speed Bonus: 100/150/500 ⇒ 80/125/500%


Urgot's getting a lot of changes and so....his own little section. From a balance perspective Urot is currently one of the weaker 5-cost champions, however he feels bad to play against and there's not enough incentive for the Urgot player to level him up.

  • Armor: 30 ⇒ 40

  • Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 40

  • Attack Range: 660 ⇒ 420

  • Starting/Total Mana: 40/90 ⇒ 50/100

  • Fear Beyond Death Targeting: Farthest within Attack Range ⇒ Farthest

  • Fear Beyond Death now hits the first enemy it collides with instead of always hitting its intended target.

  • Damage is now preventable (a unit with Guardian Angel will revive).

  • Mana Reduction per cast: 10/20/90 ⇒ 20/30/100

  • Time to reel the enemy in now scales with Star Level.

  • Reel Duration: 1.5 sec ⇒ 3/2/1 second(s)


  • Giant Slayer now does (premitigation) damage that matches its damage type (physical or magic).

  • Ionic Spark Magic Resist shred: 50% ⇒ 40%


  • Ekko’s slow is now displayed as a percentage instead of a decimal on his Tooltip.

  • Champions pulled in by Thresh’s Temporal Passage can no longer be used to star-up other units

  • Vayne’s bonus damage attacks during Final Hour can now properly proc Blademaster

  • Lulu Polymorphed units will no longer hop around while Stunned

  • Fixed an issue where Shaco could occasionally not receive Dark Star stacks if Stealthed when an ally would die

  • Aurelion Sol can no longer cast while being reeled in by Urgot


  • Buy XP and Shop buttons now animate when you zoom in and out!.

June 24 - Patch 10.13


  • If you are ranked Master or above, you may now only queue solo in Ranked.



  • New Galaxy: Binary Star. Champions can only hold two items.

  • Medium Legends Galaxy has been removed from the game.

  • Binary Star will occur in 10% of games.


  • Raised the minimum number of items that can drop in a game by 1.


Balance and Adjustments

  • Battlecast Damage or Healing: 70/160/325/600 ⇒ 80/180/480/880

  • Blademaster Chance for Bonus Attacks: 30/70/100 ⇒ 30/65/100

  • Blaster Bonus Attacks: 3/5 ⇒ 3/6

  • Cybernetic Bonus Attack Damage: 40/80 ⇒ 40/75

  • Dark Star Bonus Attack Damage & Ability Power: 8/16/24/32 ⇒ 8/18/28/38

  • Infiltrator Bonus Attack Speed: 40/70/120 ⇒ 40/80/120

  • Mystic Magic Resistance: 50/125 ⇒ 50/120

Champions Balance

Tier 1 Champions

  • Illaoi Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Illaoi Tentacle Smash Defense Stealing: 20/30/50% ⇒ 30/40/60%

  • Illaoi Defense Stealing Duration: 4 ⇒ 6 seconds

  • Nocturne Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75

  • Nocturne Unspeakable Horror Damage: 200/250/350 ⇒ 200/250/400

  • Xayah Total Mana: 70 ⇒ 60

Tier 2 Champions

  • Darius Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Darius Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Darius Dreadnova Guillotine Damage: 400/500/750 ⇒ 400/550/800

  • Kog’Maw Health: 500 ⇒ 550

  • Kog’Maw Total Mana: 40 ⇒ 30

  • Kog’Maw Barrage % Max HP Damage: 2/4/7% ⇒ 2/4/8%

  • Nautilus Impact Crater Stun Duration: 3/3.5/4 ⇒ 3/3/5 seconds

  • Nautilus Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 50/120

Tier 3 Champions

  • Bard Cast time significantly reduced

  • Cassiopeia Poison Duration: 12 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds

  • Jayce Health: 850 ⇒ 800

  • Master Yi Chosen One Damage: 75/100/200 ⇒ 75/100/175

Tier 4 Champions

  • Fizz Starting Mana: 60 ⇒ 50

  • Gnar Health on Transform: 750/1250/2500 ⇒ 750/1250/4000

  • Gnar Attack Damage on Transform: 100/175/400 ⇒ 100/175/550

  • GNAR! Stun Duration: 2 ⇒ 1.5 seconds

  • Jinx Get Excited!Bonus Attack Speed: 60/75/100% ⇒ 50/70/100%

  • Riven Energy Slash Shield: 250/400/1000 ⇒ 225/375/1000

  • Teemo Satellite Damage: 125/175/600 ⇒ 125/175/550

  • Teemo Satellite Slow Duration: 4 ⇒ 3 seconds

Tier 5 Champions

  • Ekko Chronobreak Damage: 100/200/2000 ⇒ 100/150/2000

  • Thresh Total Mana: 75 ⇒ 90


  • Bloodthirster Healing: 40% ⇒ 45%

  • Hextech Gunblade Healing: 40% ⇒ 45%

  • Jeweled Gauntlet Bonus Crit Damage: 20% ⇒ 30%

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 80 ⇒ 90

  • Zz’Rot Portal Health: 1000/2000/3000 ⇒ 1500/2250/3000


  • Cleaned up some tooltips with respect to percentages

  • Fixed Malphite’s Energy Shield not benefiting from the Spell Power provided by Chalice of Power

  • Fixed Space Pirates rarely causing additional coin drops when equipped with Giant Slayer

  • Fixed an issue where a Kog’Maw’s attacks during Barrage could rarely become Trap Claw procs

  • Removed the unintended orange glow that would play on melee weapons of units equipped with Infinity Edge

  • Fixed an issue where Zephyr’d units could be hit by certain AoE spells like Teemo’s Satellite Traps

Mobile Corner

  • A few Team Planner bugs needed fixing.

  • Xerath was lost in space for a bit. We found him and put him back in the Team Planner.

  • We removed a few champions from the game in patch 10.12 but they hid away in the Team Planner. We found and removed them.

  • Nocturne snuck into Tier 2 in the Team Planner. We put him back into his appropriate Tier 1.

June 10 - Patch 10.12

New Galaxies II Pass and Pass+

  • The Galaxies II Pass and Pass+ begin now! (Well, they’ll start once you update to the new patch sometime in the next 24 hours.)

  • The new Pass includes new emotes, arenas, and booms!

  • You don’t have to purchase the Pass+ right away to access all rewards. If you decide to upgrade, the XP you’ve accumulated will automatically apply to everything you’ve unlocked along the way.

New Traits


  • (3) Astro Champions reduce their mana costs by 30


  • (2/4/6/8) Battlecast champions, upon dealing or taking 10 instances of damage, heal for 70/160/325/600 if below half health, or deal 70/160/325/600 magic damage to the nearest enemy if above half.


  • (1) Ally Star Guardian basic attacks are converted to true damage. All other ally basic attacks are converted to magic damage.

New Champions


  • Astro/Vanguard

  • Tier 2

  • Impact Crater: Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for 3/3.5/4 seconds, and dealing 100/200/400 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the target receive half of this effect.


  • Astro/Mystic

  • Tier 3

  • Passive: Bard gains an additional 8/20/90 mana each attack, but cannot gain mana against non-Champions.

  • Traveler's Call: Bard spawns a meep on his owner’s bench which can be sold for 1 experience.


  • Astro/Brawler

  • Tier 4

  • GNAR!: Gnar leaps towards his target and transforms into Mega Gnar, throwing nearby enemies, dealing 100/200/800 magic damage and stunning them for 2 seconds.

  • While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee and gains 750/1250/2500 Health and 100/175/400 Attack Damage.


  • Astro/Sniper

  • Tier 4

  • Satellite Traps: Teemo scatters 3 traps around the nearest enemy. When an enemy nears a trap (or after 3 seconds), it explodes on nearby enemies dealing 125/175/600 magic damage, knocking them down, and slowing them for 4 seconds.


  • Battlecast/Brawler

  • Tier 1

  • Tentacle Smash: Illaoi slams a tentacle in a line in front of her, dealing 125/200/325 damage and stealing 20/30/50% Armor and Magic Resist from each target hit for 4 seconds.


  • Battlecast/Infiltrator

  • Tier 1

  • Unspeakable Horror: Nocturne terrifies his target, causing them to be stunned with fear for 2/2.5/4 seconds and dealing 200/250/350 magic damage over the duration.


  • Battlecast/Blaster

  • Tier 2

  • Barrage: For 3 seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite Attack Range and 80% attack speed, and his auto attacks deal 2%/4%/7% of the target’s maximum Health as magic damage.


  • Battlecast/Mystic

  • Tier 3

  • Noxious Blast: Cassiopeia launches her fangs at the nearest unpoisoned enemy, causing them to take 700/1500/3000 damage over 12 seconds, and reducing the effectiveness of shields used on them by 50%.


  • Battlecast/Sorcerer

  • Tier 4

  • Death Ray: Viktor burns a path between the two enemies most distant from one another, initially dealing 15/20/80% max Health magic damage, then 1 second later dealing 250/400/1500 magic damage in an explosion along the same path.


  • Battlecast/Protector

  • Tier 5

  • Fear Beyond Death: Urgot fires a drill at the farthest enemy in his Attack Range, reeling them in and dealing 2000 true damage repeatedly until they reach him and die. After his first successful cast, Urgot's Mana Cost is reduced by 10/20/100.


  • Star Guardian/Paragon

  • Tier 5

  • Howling Gale: Janna summons five tornados which fly forward in a large cone. Tornados grant allies they pass through 100/150/500% attack speed for 5 seconds, while knocking up and stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds.


  • Chrono/Blademaster

  • Tier 4

  • Energy Slash: Riven dashes and shields herself for 250/400/1000, then slashes forward dealing 100/150/450 magic damage. Every third cast, Riven leaps into the air and launches a wave of energy that deals 300/500/1500 magic damage.


  • Cybernetic/Sniper

  • Tier 3

  • Final Hour: Vayne focuses for 10 seconds, tumbling away from her target immediately and every third attack thereafter. Vayne is invisible while tumbling, and attacks after tumbling deal 175/200/225% of her Attack Damage.


  • Rebel/Infiltrator

  • Tier 2

  • Contempt for the Weak: (Passive) Every third attack Zed steals 20/25/40% of the target’s Attack Damage and deals 50/90/150 bonus magic damage.



  • Void

  • Valkyries


  • Kha'Zix

  • Cho'Gath

  • Vel'Koz

  • Kai'Sa

  • Kayle

  • Miss Fortune

  • Sona

  • Lux

  • Kassadin


  • Lilac Galaxy


  • Galaxies Ranked Stage II will begin with this patch.

  • Your rank has been "soft" reset down 1 Tier. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

  • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

  • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage.

  • If you placed Gold or higher in Galaxies Stage I you will receive a rank-appropriate emote. If you place Gold or higher in both Stages you will receive a Victorious Little Legend.

  • Victorious Little Legend ranked rewards from the Launch and the Rise of the Elements sets will be arriving in your inventory soon... if you placed Gold or higher in those sets.


We're not adding any new Galaxies with this patch. Starting with patch 10.13 we plan to add one Galaxy and remove one Galaxy every patch.

New Galaxy Odds

  • Littler Legends - 10% of games

  • The Neekoverse - 10% of games

  • Medium Legends - 10% of games

  • Superdense Galaxy - 10% of games

  • Trade Sector - 10% of games

  • Treasure Trove - 10% of games

  • Star Cluster - 10% of games

  • Galactic Armory - 10% of games

  • Normal - 20% of games


  • The number of Tier 3 Champions in the pool: 16⇒18

  • 1 star and Tier 1 champions sell back for their full gold value. All others sell for 1 less gold than their full gold value. Example: 2-star Tier 3 champion sell value: 5⇒8, 3-star Tier 1 Champion sell value: 5⇒9

  • Level 4 drop chances (by Champion Tier): 60/30/10/0/0%⇒55/30/15/0/0%

  • Level 9 drop chance (by Champion Tier): 10/15/25/35/15%⇒10/15/30/30/15%

  • Kayn will no longer drop a Spatula item if you have 0 of that trait on the board.

  • Neeko’s help now always works, even if there are no more copies in the bag.The extra champ generated is extra, and when sold or the player is defeated does not go back into the bag.


Balance and Adjustments

  • Blademaster: 30/55/100% ⇒ 30/70/100% chance for an extra 2 attacks.

  • Brawler: 350/650⇒350/600 Bonus Health

  • Celestial (6) is now only attainable via Celestial Orb

  • Celestial (4) is Gold & Celestial (6) is Chromatic

  • Celestial Healing from Damage: 15/35/60%⇒15/40/99%

  • Chrono: Added Chrono (8): 0.75 seconds

  • Cybernetic: 350&35/700&70⇒350&40/600&80 Health & Attack Damage

  • Dark Star breakpoints: 3/6/9⇒2/4/6/8

  • Dark Star Bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power: 20/25/30⇒8/16/24/32 Bonus Attack Damage & Ability Power.

  • Dark Stars now get their damage buffs whenever an ally dies rather than when just another Dark Star dies.

  • Infiltrator: 50/75/120%⇒40/70/120%

  • Mystic Magic Resistance: 35/105⇒50/125

  • Protector shield amount of maximum health: 25/30/40⇒30/40/55%

  • Sniper (2): 15%⇒10% Bonus Damage per hex.

  • Added Sniper (4): 18% Bonus Damage per hex.

  • Removed Sorcerer (8)

  • Sorcerer bonus Spell Power: 20/40/75⇒20/45/75%

  • Star Guardian Mana distribution: 30/50⇒25/40

  • Star Guardian now properly gives the correct amount of mana of casts after the first one. This results in a buff for the trait.

  • Added Star Guardian (9): 55 Mana

  • Vanguard Armor: 125/250⇒125/300

  • Added Vanguard (6): 1000 Armor

Mech Pilot adjustments

  • Pilots Health on Eject: 100%⇒35%

  • Mech Health: 1500 + 45% of Pilots⇒2200 + 50% of Pilots

  • Mech Attack Damage: 90 + 45% of Pilots⇒160 + 50% of Pilots

  • Mech Attack Speed: 0.75⇒0.85

  • Mech Cleave Damage: 100% of AD⇒80% of AD

  • Mech Total Mana: 225⇒200

  • Mech Armor: 30⇒70

  • Mech Magic Resistance: 20⇒70

  • Mecha Justice Damage: 400/500/600/700/800/1200/5000 ⇒ 700/750/800/850/900/1200/5000

  • Mecha Justice Splash Damage: 200/250/300/350/400/600/5000 ⇒ 350/375/400/425/450/600/5000

Champions Balance

Tier 2 Champions

  • Annie Health: 700⇒750

  • Annie Mana: 75/150⇒70/140

  • Annie Galaxy Shield-Blast Damage: 150/200/300⇒300/400/600

  • Annie Galaxy Shield-Blast Shield: 270/360/540⇒400/500/700

Tier 3 Champions

  • Ashe Mana: 50/125⇒50/100

  • Ashe Enchanted Crystal Arrow Damage: 250/350/700⇒200/275/550

  • Ashe Missile Speed increased by 50%

  • Ezreal Mana: 50/125⇒50/80

  • Ezreal Attack Speed: 0.7⇒0.75

  • Ezreal E.M.P Damage: 200/300/600⇒100/150/400

  • Jayce Health: 750⇒850

  • Neeko Pop Blossom Damage: 200/275/550⇒150/250/500

  • Rumble Health: 800⇒900

  • Rumble Mana: 0/60⇒0/50

  • Rumble Flamespitter Damage: 350/500/1000⇒500/750/1500

  • Shaco Attack Damage: 70⇒75

  • Shaco Deceive Attack Damage Bonus: 200/225/250%⇒250/275/300%

  • Syndra Mana: 0/65⇒0/60

  • Syndra Unleashed Power Damage: 100/150/250⇒100/125/200

  • Syndra will now pick additional targets if she’s dealing more than enough damage to kill her target

Tier 4 Champions

  • Fizz Health: 600⇒700

  • Fizz Attack Speed: 0.8⇒0.85

  • Fizz Mana: 80/150⇒60/120

  • Fizz Chum the Waters Damage: 350/500/2000⇒450/600/5000

  • Jhin Attack Damage: 90⇒80

  • Jhin Base Attack Speed: 0.9⇒0.85 / 0.9 / 1.1 by star level

  • Jinx Rocket Damage: 125/200/750⇒150/250/1000

  • Jinx no longer fires Rockets with the extra shots from her Blaster Trait.

Aurelion Sol

  • Starting/Total Mana: 40/120⇒120/120

  • Attack Speed: 0.8⇒0.2

  • Damage per fighter: 100/150/750⇒80/150/750

  • NEW: Fighters drain 10/25/50 mana from their targets

  • NEW: First cast launches 4 fighters. Subsequent casts launch 2 additional.

  • Note: Taken together, he’ll deal more damage through the first 10 seconds of the fight, then fall behind from there, relative to before patch 10.12.


  • Starting/Total Mana: 50/150⇒80/150

  • Chronobreak Damage: 225/400/2000⇒100/200/2000

  • Chronobreak targeting: Hits every enemy once⇒Hits 5/7/20 times.

  • NEW: Slows the Attack Speed of all enemies hit by 50% for 7 seconds.


  • Reduced the size of increased radius Gangplank gains from his Larger Area Upgrade

  • Starting/Total Mana: 100/175⇒70/160

Tank Changes

We’re giving some of our tankier champs more base defenses to make them stand out a bit more as front line compared to other champions.

  • Graves: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Illaoi: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Jarvan: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Leona: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Malphite: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Poppy: +5 Armor & +10 Magic Resistance

  • Annie: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Blitzcrank: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Mordekaiser: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Nautilus: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Rakan: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Shen: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Xin Zhao: +10 Armor & +15 Magic Resistance

  • Jayce: +10 Magic Resistance

  • Neeko: +10 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Rumble: +10 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Vi: +10 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Gnar: +15 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Wukong: +15 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Aurelion Sol: +20 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance

  • Thresh: +20 Armor & +20 Magic Resistance


  • Bloodthirster Lifesteal: 35%⇒40%

  • Chalice of Harmony has been renamed and redesigned. Its new name is Chalice of Power.

  • Chalice of Power (Tear + Cloak): At start of combat, the holder and their left and right neighbors gain 30 AP for 20 seconds.

  • Deathblade: 30⇒25 AD per stack.

  • Battlecast Plating replaces Demolitionist’s Charge.

  • Battlecast Plating: This champion is now Battlecast.

  • Giant Slayer: Effect changed to: “Deal 20% bonus true damage. If enemy max Health is over 1750, deal 80% bonus true damage instead.”

  • Hextech Gunblade: 25% healing from all damage dealt⇒35% healing from spell damage.

  • Infinity Edge: +100% Critical Strike Damage⇒+100% Critical Strike Chance and +20% Critical Strike Damage. Is now Unique.

  • Jeweled Gauntlet: Holder’s spells can crit⇒Holder’s spells can crit and holder gains +20% Critical Strike Damage.

  • Luden’s Echo: Star scaling removed. Now deals 200 magic damage per bounce.

  • Rapid Firecannon: +200% Range⇒+200% Range and holder’s attacks can’t miss.

  • Red Buff: 25% burn over 10 seconds ⇒ 10% burn over 4 seconds.

  • Blue Buff replaces Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Blue Buff: After casting a spell, set your mana to 20. Unique.

  • Warmog’s Armor: 5% Missing Health Regen⇒+600 Health. (The item now grants exactly 1000 Health and nothing else.)


  • The Super Mech’s Spell should no longer fizzle if the primary target dies.

  • Aurelion Sol now stops moving immediately when Ekko ults.

  • Aurelion Sol no longer gains mana from the Starship trait while Ekko is ulting, and can no longer cast during Ekko ult.

  • Aurelion Sol will no longer spend his mana without launching fighters at the beginning of a round where all enemies are untargetable.

  • Caitlyn’s spell will no longer be interrupted if the target enters stealth.

  • Sniper trait no longer increases Runaan’s Hurricane damage.

  • Fixed a long standing issue where combining a Tear of the Goddess into a completed item mid-combat would grant the unit extra mana.

  • Fixed some cases where Ziggs’ Bomb! spell could disappear mid-flight.

  • Fixed bug where you only get 6 items from loot in extremely rare cases.

  • Added some extra range cushion to Luden’s Echo bounces, to improve the item’s reliability

  • Fixed a bug that allowed more than one Shroud of Stillness to be equipped on a champion through champion promotion.

Mobile Corner

  • The Team Planner is now available throughout the app! Build your dream team before you hop into a game, and reference it while playing. Your team will be saved until you quit the app.

  • The Store is live. You can purchase board skins, Little Legend eggs, and more! The items are of a limited selection for now, but expect to see new additions in the future.

May 28 - Patch 10.11


New Galaxy

  • Littler Little Legends: Everyone starts with 85 health instead of 100.

Updated Galaxy Odds

  • Littler Legends- 12.5% of games

  • Galactic Armory - 10% of games

  • The Neekoverse - 7.5% of games

  • Lilac Nebula - 7.5% of games

  • Medium Legends - 7.5% of games

  • Superdense Galaxy - 7.5% of games

  • Trade Sector - 7.5% of games

  • Treasure Trove - 7.5% of games

  • Star Cluster - 7.5% of games

  • Normal Game - 25% of games


  • Chrono: 8/4/2 ⇒ 8/3.5/1.5 seconds

  • Infiltrator: Now always jump immediately at the beginning of combat rather than with a slight delay.


Tier 1 Champions

  • Caitlyn Ace in the Hole Damage: 750/1500/3000 ⇒ 750/1500/2250

  • Graves Smoke Grenade Blind Duration: 3/4/5 ⇒ 2/3/5 seconds

  • Jarvan Ageless Standard Attack Speed Boost: 50/75/100% ⇒ 65/75/85%

  • Kha'Zix Spell Damage: 200/275/500 ⇒ 200/275/400

  • Xayah Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 0/70

Tier 2 Champions

  • Blitzcrank Rocket Grab Damage: 250/400/900 ⇒ 200/350/850

  • Lucian Relentless Pursuit Damage: 150/200/325 ⇒ 150/200/375

Tier 3 Champions

  • Master Yi Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85

Tier 4 Champions

  • Cho’Gath Starting/Total Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 75/150

  • Kayle Total Mana: 60 ⇒ 70


  • Last Whisper: 90% Armor Reduction ⇒ 75% Armor Reduction

Quality of Life

  • Zoom in and look around! On mobile, move two fingers apart to zoom in, and pinch them together to zoom out again. Drag on the board to pan while zoomed in. You can place items and position champs as usual. On PC, move your mouse’s scroll wheel up and down; click and drag on the board to pan.


  • Fixed a bug where Master Yi’s attack speed ratio was incorrect.

Mobile Corner

  • Your system's "Back" button should now allow you to gracefully exit the app. Previously the exit could be...less than graceful (Android).

May 15


  • Bomb Damage: 300/400/700 ⇒ 300/400/550

May 13 - Patch 10.10



  • Superdense Galaxy: Now grants a free Force of Nature after the stage 3 carousel, rather than upon reaching level 5.

  • If you attempt to use Neeko’s Help on a unit with no copies left in the bag, you’ll now see a message telling you why it isn't working.

  • Reduced the chances of a random full item carousel by a large amount, especially in earlier carousels.

  • Item drops are now a bit more likely to appear in earlier PVE stages.

New Galaxy

  • Galactic Armory: All players start with the same 2 full items.

Updated Galaxy Odds

  • Galactic Armory - 12.5% of games

  • The Neekoverse - 7.5% of games

  • Lilac Nebula - 7.5% of games

  • Medium Legends - 7.5% of games

  • Superdense Galaxy - 7.5% of games

  • Trade Sector - 10% of games

  • Treasure Trove - 10% of games

  • Star Cluster - 7.5% of games

  • Normal Game - 30% of games


  • Mech Pilot Attack Damage: 100% of Pilots' Attack Damage⇒ 80 + 45% of Pilots Attack Damage

  • Infiltrators now jump regardless if there is a target within their Attack Range on start of combat.

  • Space Pirate (4) Item Drop Chance: 20% ⇒ 25%


Tier 1 Champions

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Damage: 100/175/250 ⇒ 100/150/200

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Shield: 200/350/500 ⇒ 200/300/400

  • Twisted Fate Wild Cards Damage (per card): 200/300/550 ⇒ 200/300/450

  • Xayah AD: 55 ⇒ 50

  • Ziggs Total Mana: 45 ⇒ 40

Tier 2 Champions

  • Yasuo Health: 600 ⇒ 700

  • Yasuo Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 90

Tier 3 Champions

  • Karma Attack Speed Bonus on Shield: 35%/50%/100% ⇒ 50%/75%/125%

  • Syndra Unleashed Power Damage (per orb): 80/120/200 ⇒ 100/150/250

Tier 4 Champions

  • Kayle Divine Ascent Waves Damage: 125/200/750 ⇒ 125/200/600

  • Vel’Koz Spell Damage: 425/550/2000 ⇒ 450/600/2000

  • WuKong Cyclone Targeting: now prioritizes hitting the closest enemy he hasn’t hit yet rather than a random one.


  • Chalice of Harmony Mana Restore: 10 &Arr; 8

  • Deathblade Starting Stacks: 0 ⇒ 1

  • Deathblade now displays the amount of Attack Damage gained rather than stacks

  • Morello & Red Buff Damage Burn: 27% ⇒ 25%


  • Guardian angel no longer strips certain combat enhancing effects when it procs. (i.e. Shaco’s powered up attack, Jhin’s 4th shot damage)

  • Certain PvE enemies will no longer contort into balls and float around when they defeat you in combat.

  • Xerath now properly fires a visual missile when performing a critical auto-attack.

  • Miss Fortune will no longer occasionally have her Larger Cone upgrade when the player who owns her hasn’t yet purchased that upgrade

  • Fixed an issue where some players would arrive late to the first carousel

  • Improved the detection of click and drag to make it easier to move characters and items around on the board

  • While viewing your board from the carousel, equipped items are visible again!

Mobile Corner

  • General drag and drop improvements. Moving Champions and equipping items should feel better.

  • Increased the size and usability of the emote panel, this is especially important for Silverwing players.

  • Tutorial and Ranked game icon status colors will now show appropriately.

  • Fixed issues causing crashes between the ready check and loading screen.

  • Fixed case sensitivity for Greek in the Loadouts search bar.

  • Removed the sounds of chat coming from your noisy neighborhood PC players.

April 29 - Patch 10.9


Champion Shop Drop Rates

  • Level 3: 70/30/0/0/0%⇒75/25/0/0/0%

  • Level 4: 50/35/15/0/0%⇒60/30/10/0/0%

  • Level 5: 35/40/20/5/0%⇒40/35/20/5/0%

  • Level 6: 20/35/35/10/0%⇒25/35/30/10/0%

  • Level 7: 14/30/40/15/1%⇒19/30/35/15/1%

Item and Drop changes

  • Players can no longer sell units if doing so would cause an item to be deleted.

  • Players can no longer open loot orbs if their item bench is full.

  • Now all players drop at least 1 small orb in the first 3 PVE rounds.

New Galaxies

  • Treasure Trove: Every minion and monster in the game drops a loot orb.

  • Star Cluster: All Tier 1/2/3 champions on carousels have 2 stars.

Galaxy Odds

  • Treasure Trove - 12.5% of games

  • Star Cluster - 12.5% of games

  • The Neekoverse - 7.5% of games

  • Lilac Nebula - 7.5% of games

  • Medium Legends - 7.5% of games

  • Superdense Galaxy - 7.5% of games

  • Trade Sector - 10% of games

  • Normal - 35% of games


Focused balance changes

We're lowering the power of the larger vertical traits, and buffing some of the smaller supplemental traits to open up some more interesting build paths.

  • Blademaster proc chance: 30/60/100%⇒30/55/100%

  • Blaster bonus attacks: 3/6⇒3/5

  • Brawler bonus Health: 300/700⇒350/650

  • Celestial: 15/40/65⇒15/35/60

  • Cybernetic: 350&35/750&75⇒350&35/700&70

  • Darkstar Attack Damage and Spell Power: 25/30/35⇒20/25/35

  • Infiltrator Attack Speed Bonus: 50/80/125⇒50/75/120

  • Infiltrator: Now refreshes on takedown at all levels

  • Protector Shield: 20/30/45⇒25/30/40%

  • Rebel Shield: 150/225/350⇒150/210/330

  • Sorcerer Spell Power: 20/45/80/125⇒20/40/75/120

  • Star Guardian Mana: 30/60⇒30/50

  • Vanguard Armor: 60/250⇒125/250

  • Starship: 20 mana per second⇒40 mana per second

  • Valkyrie Critical Strike threshold: 50%⇒40% or below

General balance and other adjustments

  • Blademaster: Increased the speed of the bonus attacks

  • Chrono Attack Speed: 15/35/75% every 4 seconds⇒15% every 8/4/2 seconds

  • Chrono: First tick now happens immediately on start of combat.

  • Mech Pilot Mana granted to Pilots on Mech death: 25⇒0

  • Mech Pilot Base Health: 1800⇒1500

  • Mech Pilot Share of Pilot Health: 50%⇒45%


Tier 1 Champions

  • Fiora Riposte Stun: 1.5/1.5/1.5⇒1.5/1.5/3 seconds

  • Graves Smoke Grenade Blind Duration: 4/4/4⇒3/4/5 seconds

  • Kha'zix Taste their Fear Damage: 175/250/400⇒200/275/500

  • Leona Eclipse Damage Reduction: 40/80/120⇒40/80/200

  • Malphite Energy Shield: 40%/45%/50%⇒40%/45%/60%

  • Twisted Fate Wild Cards Damage: 200/300/500⇒200/300/550

  • Ziggs Bomb! Damage: 250/325/550⇒300/400/700

Tier 2 Champions

  • Annie Health: 600⇒700

  • Lucian: Will now target the nearest enemy with his Double Tap after dashing if his current target is dead

  • Sona Aria of Perseverance Cleanse: All Debuffs⇒Only Stuns

  • Sona Aria of Perseverance Heal amount: 100/150/200⇒150/200/300

  • Rakan Grand Entrance Targeting: Farthest unit within 3 Hexes⇒Farthest unit within Attack Range + 1 Hex

  • Yasuo Last Breath Targeting: Highest Item unit⇒Farthest unit within Attack Range + 2 Hexes

Tier 3 Champions

  • Master Yi Chosen One Healing: 8%/10%/15%⇒12% at all levels

  • Rumble Flame Spitter Damage: 250/400/800⇒350/500/1000

Tier 4 Champions

  • Jinx Rocket Magic Damage: 100/175/750⇒125/200/750

Tier 5 Champions

  • Aurelion Sol Mana: 30/80⇒40/120

  • Gangplank Mana: 75/175⇒100/175

  • Gangplank Faster Impact Upgrade: 1 sec⇒0.3 sec delay

  • Xerath Abyssal Bombardment Damage: 350/450/2500⇒300/400/2500

  • Xerath Abyssal Bombardment Splash Damage (% of base damage): 50%⇒25%


  • Quicksilver shield duration: 15sec⇒10sec


  • Star Guardian 3 is now a Bronze Trait.

  • Fixed a bug where Xerath could continue firing meteors while reviving from Guardian Angel if he started casting right before he died.

  • Fixed a bug where Xerath would lose his transformed state when activating Guardian Angel.

  • Fixed a bug where Xerath would get stuck in his idle animation if stunned while transformed.

  • Ahri now waits until her first orb returns to cast another one

Mobile Corner

  • Equipping Items in out of game loadouts screen will now be much faster.

  • Took out the tuning fork and made sure the “Login Successful” SFX now plays correctly.

  • Your loadout will no longer get messed up when you log out of the app.

  • Arena Skins Icons are no longer uncomfortably zoomed in and will show what the skin is (entirely).

  • You can now remove a friend from your friends list, we've all been there.

  • If you don't select the "stay signed in" option, you will no longer stay signed in. Crazy.

  • The Stage indicator panel will no longer be wonky (it's a technical term) if you surrendered in previous games.

  • Little Legends rarity is now shown on the loadouts panel.

  • The Ready Check indicator and Social Panel got a bunch of small visual fixes. They should be generally cleaner now.

  • Begone! Expired missions do not show up in the missions panel anymore.

  • Social Auth accounts can now access their inventory when they first login and play the game.

  • Game no longer crashes when opening a trait panel in Team Planner, woops.

April 21

Balance changes

  • Dark Star Bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power: 25/35/45 ⇒ 25/30/35

  • Shaco Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 70

  • Shaco Starting/Total Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 30/80

  • Shaco Spell Power: 300/325/350% ⇒ 200/225/250%

  • Syndra Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 65


  • Fixed all the bugs that came about when Kayn spawned with a Force of Nature.

  • Fixed a bug where Xerath could cast his spell while reviving from Guardian Angel.

April 15 - Patch 10.8



  • Tier 5

  • Origin: Dark Star

  • Class: Sorcerer

  • Health: 750/1350/2430

  • Armor: 20

  • Attack Damage: 60/108/194

  • Attack Speed: 0.9

  • Mana: 30/80

  • Abyssal Bombardment: Xerath transforms, summoning meteors to strike random foes in place of his normal attacks for 6/8/45 seconds. Meteors deal 300/400/2500 magic damage upon impact and if they kill their target, all adjacent enemies take 150/200/1250 magic damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds.


New Galaxies Mechanics

  • Trade Sector: Players get one free reroll in each round.

  • Superdense Galaxy: Upon reaching level 5, players receive a free Force of Nature.

  • There's now about a 50% chance of getting a special Galaxy vs. Normal game with Trade Sector and Superdense Galaxies a tad more favored than the others.

Other System Stuff

We're making it more difficult to purposely loss-streak/open-fort as it will now risk being eliminated before stage 4-7. We still think loss-streaking should still be a strategy and especially a fallback for unlucky early shop rolls or slow compositions, but they should be actively trying to lose by small margins rather than happily full-on open-forting.

  • Win and Loss Streaks: 2(1g)/3(2g)/4+(3g) ⇒ 2-3(1g)/4(2g)/5+(3g)

  • Base Damage per Stage: 0/3/4/5/10/15/20 ⇒ 0/0/1/2/5/10/15

  • Total Damage based on the number of surviving units: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10... ⇒ 2/4/6/8/10/11/12/13/14/15…

  • Introduced new carousel variations, keep an eye out.


  • (New) 9 Blademaster: 100% chance to proc

  • (New) 9 Dark Star: 45 Attack Damage & Spell Power

  • (New) 6 Infiltrator: 125% Bonus Attack Speed

  • (New) 6 Protector: 45% Max Health Shield

  • (New) 9 Rebel: 350 Shield and 15% Damage per Rebel

  • (New) 8 Sorcerer: +125 Spell Power to team

  • Celestial Heal %: 15/30/60 ⇒ 15/40/65

  • Cybernetic Health/Attack Damage (6): 800&80 ⇒ 750&75

  • Mech-Pilot Super Mech Health: 100% of Pilots Health ⇒ 1800 + 50% of Pilots Health

  • Mech-Pilot Super Mech Spell Damage: 400/500/600/700/900/1500/5000 ⇒ 400/500/600/700/800/1200/5000

  • Mercenary: Added visualization to indicate purchased Mercenary upgrades.

  • Space Pirate (4) Item Drop Chance: 15% ⇒ 20%

  • Sorcerer Spell Power: 20/40/80 ⇒ 20/45/80


Tier 1 Champions

  • Caitlyn Ace in the Hole Damage: 700/1000/1800 ⇒ 750/1500/3000

  • Xayah Deadly Plumage Attack Speed Buff: 75%/100%/150% ⇒ 100%/125%/150%

  • Zoe Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 2/2.5/4

  • Zoe Sleepy Trouble Bubble Damage: 150/225/400 ⇒ 200/275/400

Tier 2 Champions

  • Annie Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Annie Galaxy Shield-Blast Shield: 225/300/450 ⇒ 270/360/540

  • Darius Mana: 0/70 ⇒ 0/60

  • Lucian Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 50

  • Rakan Grand Entrance Targeting: Attack Target ⇒ Furthest Enemy within 3 Hexes

  • Rakan Grand Entrance Knock-up Radius: 2 ⇒ 1

  • Rakan Total Mana: 150 ⇒ 100

  • Shen Health: 700 ⇒ 800

  • Shen Future's Refuge Dodge Duration: 2.5/3/4 ⇒ 2.5/3/5

Tier 3 Champions

  • Shaco Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 50

  • Shaco Deceive Damage (% of Attack Damage): 250%/325%/400% ⇒ 300%/325%/350%

  • Syndra Range: 660 ⇒ 890

Tier 4 Champions

  • Fizz Health: 650 ⇒ 600

  • Fizz Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8

  • Jinx Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75

  • Soraka Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Soraka Wish Healing: 350/500/2000 ⇒ 375/550/20000

  • WuKong Cyclone Damage: 250/450/2000 ⇒ 300/500/4000

  • Vel’Koz Lifeform Disintegration Ray Duration: 2.5 ⇒ 2

  • Vel’Koz will now cast more efficiently on smaller groups of units.

Tier 5 Champions

  • Aurelion Sol Health: 950 ⇒ 1100

  • Aurelion Sol Armor: 30 ⇒ 35


  • Chalice of Favor: Now also grants mana to holder

  • Deathblade Starting stacks: 2 ⇒ 0

  • Deathblade Attack Damage per stack: 15 ⇒ 30

  • Frozen Heart Attack Speed slow: 40% ⇒ 50%

  • Rapid Firecannon Bonus Range: 100% ⇒ 200%

  • Rapid Firecannon now displays a visual beam on attack when increasing the range of low range champions.

  • Shroud of Stillness Width: 1 Hex ⇒ 1.5 Hexes

  • Tear of the Goddess Mana: 20 ⇒ 15, All completed items adjusted accordingly.

  • Zeke’s Herald Range: 2 hexes ⇒ 1 hex

  • Zeke's Herald Attack Speed: 18% ⇒ 30%


  • Shields in Overtime now have 66% reduced effectiveness (same as healing).


  • Cybernetic (3) is now correctly a bronze level trait.

  • Mordekaiser’s tooltip now properly states that his shield lasts 8 seconds.

  • Fixed a bug where Wukong was not affecting enemies for the first 0.25 seconds of his spell

  • Fixed issues around the taunt voice lines Champions say when they win a combat. Now only victorious and alive Champion taunts will be heard.

  • Adding additional Deathblades to a unit during combat will no longer reset all other Deathblade’s counters.

  • Fixed a bug where selling a Mech-Pilot while the trait was active would give you 0 gold.

  • Fixed a bug where the Super-Mech wasn’t benefiting from Infiltrator or Demolitionist trait bonuses when on an Away board

  • Known issue: The Super-Mech still doesn’t benefit from team wide trait bonuses like Mystic when on an Away board

  • Fixed a bug where summoned units (ie: pulled in by Thresh, ZZ’Rot Portal) were contributing to player damage

  • Kayn spawns 2 rows closer - mobile players now can see what items he has!

Mobile corner

  • Improvements to the Friends Panel that only the eagle-eye’d of you may notice.

  • Fixed a bug where some players needed to patch every time they restarted the app. That’s just silly.

  • When something has gone wrong and we need you to know about it you should now see a message about it. Hopefully you never do.

  • Fixed an issue where Egg Drop Tables failed their math exams and displayed the wrong numbers.

  • Checkmarks now appear in Loadouts when you are viewing a Little Legend or Arena skin you already have equipped.

  • We ordered the Little Legends under each species so you can find the perfect shade of Squink even quicker.

  • The UFO Sprite was getting a little uppity so we removed it’s star levels in Loadouts.

  • Emotes can now be placed in multiple slots. Your dreams of a full “Say that one more time.” emote wheel can now be realized.

  • Sometimes your currently equipped Little Legend and Arena Skin would forget to show up on entering loadouts. We reminded them what their jobs were.

  • Fixed several issues with aspect ratio & resolution resizing on some devices. Feel free to fiddle away with your screen.

  • The login screen music and the home screen music were slightly out of key. We harmonized them.

  • Added beautiful delicious crispy sounds to the settings menu. Not sound settings. Sounds for the settings themselves.

April 1 - Patch 10.7


Galaxies mechanic

It's here and with pomp and circumstance! As a reminder all of your TFT games have a chance to start with one of the following effects (or no effect at all). You can tap the Galaxy Icon at the top banner to find out more information about any specific Galaxy. 

  • The Neekoverse: Everyone gets two free copies of Neeko’s Help.

  • Lilac Nebula: The first carousel contains only four cost units.

  • Medium Legends: Little Legends are larger and you have +25 starting health.

Other system stuff

  • Shop Level 8 Drop Rates: 13/20/35/25/7% ⇒ 14/20/35/25/6%

  • The rules for which items stay and which bounce off when combining champions now prioritizes items on champs on the board over those you get from the carousel.

  • The odds of seeing a “special” carousel has been reduced.

  • Removed the additional 5 seconds per planning phase that is done at the start of each set. Timers are now back to normal.


  • Blademaster chance to activate: 30%/55% ⇒ 30%/60%

  • Brawler Health: 300/750 ⇒ 300/700

  • Chrono Attack Speed: 15%/35%/65% ⇒ 15%/35%/75%

  • (Rework) Dark Star: When a Dark Star Champion dies, all other allied Dark Star Champions gain +25 (3), +35 (6) Attack Damage and Spell Power

  • (Rework) Mana-Reaver Reworked to: (2) bonus is now: Mana-Reaver attacks increase the mana cost of their target’s next spell by 40%. There is no longer a 4-piece bonus.

  • Mystic Magic Resist: 30/120 ⇒ 35/105

  • Sniper Bonus Damage: 12% ⇒ 15%


Tier 1 champions

  • Caitlyn Spell Cast time: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1.1

  • Caitlyn now resumes attacking more quickly after firing her bullet

  • Xayah Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8

  • Ziggs Total Mana: 40 ⇒ 45

  • Zoe Starting Mana/Total: 90/120 ⇒ 70/100

  • Zoe Spell Damage: 150/225/300 ⇒ 150/225/400

Tier 2 champions

  • Darius Health: 650 ⇒ 750

  • Xin Zhao Total Mana: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Xin Zhao Spell Damage: 175/250/350 ⇒ 200/275/375

Tier 3 champions

  • Ezreal Total/Starting Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 50/125

  • Ezreal Spell Damage: 250/350/700 ⇒ 200/300/600\

  • Kassadin Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 80

  • Shaco Spell Bonus Damage: 250%/325%/450% ⇒ 250%/325%/400%

Tier 4 champions

  • Soraka Total Mana: 150 ⇒ 125

  • Soraka Spell Healing: 300/450/2000 ⇒ 350/500/2000

  • Vel'koz Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 70

  • Wukong Health: 850 ⇒ 950

Tier 5 champions

  • Aurelion Sol Spell Damage: 120/175/750 ⇒ 100/150/750

  • Aurelion Sol’s target selection per fighter launched is now random (from weighted random favoring nearby)

  • Ekko Spell Damage: 250/450/2000 ⇒ 225/400/2000

  • Gangplank Starting/Total Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 75/175

  • Gangplank Spell Damage: 650/850/9001 ⇒ 450/600/9001

  • Lulu Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.8

Miss Fortune

  • Attack Speed: 1.1 ⇒ 1.0

  • Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 75/175

  • Spell Damage: 70%/90%/999% ⇒ 60%/80%/999%


  • Morellonomicon & Redbuff Burn Damage: 30% ⇒ 27%

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 75 ⇒ 80

  • Warmogs Health Regen: 4% ⇒ 5%


  • Ekko, Irelia, Lucian, Xin Zhao, and Ekko’s attacks performed as a part of their spell can now trigger the effects of Statikk Shiv, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Runaan’s Hurricane.

  • Champions now celebrate when they are victorious in combat.

  • Graves’ Splash Art has been updated to more closely match his in-game model.


  • Hand of Justice healing no longer scales with AP

  • Rebel Shield no longer scales with AP

  • Lucian’s Relentless Pursuit now properly counts as an attack for the purposes of the Blaster Trait

  • Fixed an issue where Miss Fortune would sometimes not turn during Bullet Time if there were no enemies being hit by her cone

  • Aurelion Sol now works properly after GA triggers.

  • Clarified Shaco’s spell tooltip: the ability causes a critical hit on top of the spell’s bonus damage

  • Updated Zoe’s tooltip to specify she deals magic damage.

  • Updated Poppy’s tooltip to specify she deals magic damage.

  • Hextech Gunblade now correctly heals when dealing damage against shields

  • Space Pirates no longer generate gold from attempting to deal lethal damage to Fiora while she’s invulnerable.

Mobile Corner

  • We've made some changes to the way phone keyboards work. You shouldn't notice any difference unless things get better, in which case: You're Welcome.

  • Mysterious account errors during login have been unmasked and destroyed. Begone!

  • When you've completed all your available missions you will see a fun little pengu friend instead of...a bunch of completed missions you didn't care about.

  • No more mysterious enemy missing pings. Or any pings, why did we even have pings?

Match 18 - Patch 10.6 - Galaxies


  • The Galaxies' ranked season will start immediately with the launch of this patch.

  • There is no longer any rank decay below Master.

  • You also cannot decay out of Master. We hope you'll keep trying for the top, but we don't want TFT to feel like a daily obligation with a big penalty hammer attached.


Lots of changes here, in fact we wrote a whole article about it.

Galaxies mechanic


  • Passive Income by round (starting at round 1-2): 3 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5… ⇒ 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5.

  • Removed the ability to sell Champions during the Carousel round.

  • Streaks: 2-3 (1g), 4-6 (2g), 7+ (3g) ⇒ 2 (1g), 3 (2g), 4 (3g), 5+ (4g)

  • Streak bonus gold is now paid during PvE rounds


  • Level 3 Drops: 70/25/5/0/0% ⇒ 70/30/0/0/0%

  • Level 5 Drops: 35/35/25/5/0% ⇒ 35/40/20/5/0%

  • Level 6 Drops 25/35/30/10/0% ⇒ 20/35/35/10/0%

  • Level 7 Drops 20/30/33/15/2 ⇒ 14/30/40/15/1%

  • Level 8 Drops 15/20/35/24/6% ⇒ 10/25/35/25/5%

Player damage

  • Base damage per Stage increased to 0/3/4/5/10/15/20 from 0/2/3/4/5/6/7

  • Additional damage per surviving unit reduced to 1 (was previously calculated based on the Star level and Gold Cost of the unit ranging from 1-8).

Loot/Item drops

  • Champions are now more likely than just pure gold from all the levels of bonus boxes.

  • Gold & Champion Medium boxes can’t drop in the first two rounds.

  • Neeko’s help is ~35% less likely to drop from all boxes.


  • All Champions Movement speed: 550 ⇒ 500

  • Champions now move more smoothly from hex to hex when walking

  • Melee Champions now move slightly earlier at the start of combat than ranged Champions

  • If a Champion is in attack range of their target and the target moves out range, the Champion will now only chase their target for 1 hex before switching targets to the closest enemy


  • Mana gain from attacking by star level: 8/10/12 ⇒ 10

  • Champions now use their mana later in the spell cast


  • The first carousel is now all 1-cost champs instead of 2-cost champs.

  • Carousels now have MANY more possible combinations of items.

  • Spatula’s can again appear on the carousel, but much less often than before.

  • Full items can show up earlier than the fifth carousel.

  • Components can show up in the sixth carousel and beyond.

  • Many new arrangements of carousel possibilities have been added.


  • 5 seconds have been added to each planning phase for first patch learning as people ramp up. These will be removed in Patch 10.7

  • Grievous Wounds: 80% Healing Reduction ⇒ 50% Healing Reduction

  • Disarm no longer prevents spell casts. Only auto attacks.

  • All champions in the game scale of AP in some way. AP can scale things besides Damage/Healing/Shielding. See each champs tooltip for details.

  • Shop cards art style has changed to closer match the in game model.

  • Item combine rules: When units combine, items are placed on the combined unit in this priority: 1) Thiefs Gloves 2) Random full items 3) Random components.

  • Bugfix: Champions are now once again larger at 3 star compared to 2 star

  • Bugfix: Fixed long-standing issues around units with high attack speed sometimes having their basic attacks visually disappear mid-flight.

  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where large attack speed increases during combat could cause units to visually desync their animations from their actual attack speed


New items

  • Hush is now Chalice of Favor (10 mana per cast)

  • Iceborne Gauntlet is now Shroud of Stillness (Increase mana by 40%)

  • Titanic Hydra is now Zz’Rot Portal (Spawn a Voidspawn with star-scaled health on death)

Existing items

  • Bloodthirster Healing: 50% ⇒ 35%

  • Deathblade Starting Stacks: 1 ⇒ 2

  • Giant Slayer: 9% current HP ⇒ 12% current HP physical damage

  • Hextech Gunblade Vamp: 33% ⇒ 25%

  • Ionic Spark: Now also reduces nearby enemies’ MR by 50%

  • Morellonomicon Burn: 18% ⇒ 20%

  • Quicksilver: CC Immune ⇒ CC Immune for the first 15 seconds.

  • Rabadon’s Deathcap Bonus AP: 75% ⇒ 50%

  • Red Buff Burn: 18% ⇒ 20%

  • Redemption: Wearer heals entire team for 800 hp on death

  • Runaan’s Hurricane projectile damage 60% ⇒ 70% of standard

  • Statikk Shiv: 85 ⇒ 70 dmg per bounce

  • Warmog’s Armor: 6% missing HP ⇒ 4% missing HP, max of 150 HP/tick

  • Zeke’s Herald: 15% AS ⇒ 18% AS

  • Zephyr Banish Duration: 6sec ⇒ 5sec

In the League of Legends client

Things might look a little different as TFT is getting a new hub. Below we'll share some of the new features and things to look for: 

Galaxies pass

Learn more about pass, Little Legends, and Arenas here.

  • You will now see the current pass and your progression towards rewards.

  • You can also Galaxies Pass+ to access premium content and receive the UFO Sprite at any time. Rewards are granted retroactively if you’ve passed levels already, don't worry about buying it right away.

  • All rewards in the pass are now browseable and have descriptions. Fancy.

  • Level and XP tracker is specified on the left-hand side.

  • TFT missions can be easily accessed by clicking the button in the top right corner. This will also showcase the number of available Missions.

  • New weekly missions to gain XP towards the pass.

  • The Orb is gone. In addition to missions you'll also be rewarded XP for just playing games.

  • This is also where you will claim rewards from the pass.

  • You will now see the time remaining for the event.

  • There's now a new content line-up at the bottom of the hub, you'll see things like news, patch notes, dev thoughts, purchasable Arenas, Little Legends, and Booms.


  • The new Booms can now be selected within the parties screen

  • The loadouts screen has been updated to support them as well.

  • In the lobby you'll be able to track TFT related missions that will giveXP towards your pass by opening the button to the right of their player card.

Other stuff

  • Don't be surprised if you see an introduction that explains the new Galaxy Pass the first time you enter the new hub. Patch Notes readers like yourself will surely not need this introduction, but check it out anyway, just for me.

  • If you bought the Galaxies Pass+, you can earn additional rewards once you've completed it. Their XP prices are pretty far out there and are meant for those that play A LOT of TFT.


These changes are coming from PBE to a live server near you.


  • Celestial Healing: 15%/25%/50% ⇒ 15%/30%/60%

  • Cybernetic Bonus Health/Attack Damage: 350&50/850&85 ⇒ 350&50/800&80

  • Infiltrator Bonus Attack Speed: 60%/90% ⇒ 50%/80%

  • Rebel Shield: 125/200 ⇒ 150/225

  • Space Pirate (4) Item Drop Chance: 10% ⇒ 15%

Tier 1 champions

  • Caitlyn Attack Damage: 40 ⇒ 45

  • Khazix Spell Damage: 200/275/450 ⇒ 175/250/400

  • Jarvan Total Mana: 120 ⇒ 100)

  • Ziggs Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.7

Tier 2 champions

  • Ahri Spell Damage: 175/250/400 ⇒ 175/250/375

  • Darius Mana: 80 ⇒ 70

  • Kai’sa missle count: 6/8/11 ⇒ 4/6/9

  • Lucian Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 55

  • Lucian Spell Damage: 175/225/350 ⇒ 150/200/325

Tier 3 champions

  • Neeko Spell Damage (175/250/500 ⇒ 200/275/550)

  • Shaco Spell damage (at 3-Star): 500% ⇒ 450%

Tier 4 champions

  • Jhin Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 90

  • Irelia Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85

  • Vel'koz Spell Damage: 450/600/2000 ⇒ 425/550/2000

  • Wukong Mana: 75/175 ⇒ 50/150

Tier 5 champions

  • Aurelion Sol Spell Damage: 100/150/750 ⇒ 120/175/750

  • Gangplank Health: 900 ⇒ 1000

  • Miss Fortune Spell Damage: 75%/100%/999% ⇒ 70%/90%/999%

  • Miss Fortune Shield Upgrade Value: 300/600/900 ⇒ 400/700/1000

  • Thresh Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.95

  • Super Mech Spell Splash Damage: 200/250/300/525/675/1125/5000 ⇒ 200/250/300/350/450/750/5000


  • Ionic Spark Range: 3 ⇒ 2

  • Ionic Spark Damage: 200% ⇒ 225%

  • Red Buff/Morello Healing Mitigation: 33% ⇒ 30%

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 70 ⇒ 75

March 4 - Patch 10.5


  • The Rise of the Elements Ranked Season will end at the end of this patch. Ranked will pick up immediately with the launch of 10.6 and TFT: Galaxies.


  • Blademaster Proc Chance: 35% ⇒ 40%

  • Electric Damage: 80/250/500 ⇒ 80/250/550

  • Glacial Bonus Damage: 75/175/350 ⇒ 75/175/375

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Diana Shield Duration (Seconds): 3 ⇒ 4

  • Leona Shield Duration (Seconds): 5 ⇒ 4

  • Zyra Starting/Total Mana: 0/75 ⇒ 0/65

Tier 2

  • Syndra Spell Damage: 175/350/600 ⇒ 225/375/650

  • Yasuo Mana: 0/85 ⇒ 0/90

Tier 3

  • Ezreal Spell Damage: 225/450/900 ⇒ 250/450/900

  • Karma Spell Bonus Attack Speed: 40%/60%/80% ⇒ 35%/50%/100%

  • Nocturne Passive Healing: 40%/45%/50% ⇒ 50%/60%/70%

Tier 4

  • Janna Spell Healing: 20%/30%/100% ⇒ 25%/35%/200%

  • Twitch Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 70

Three-Star Champion Adjustments

If you three star a champion (especially Tier 5+ champions) they should be strong, very strong. 

  • Diana Number of Orbs: 3/4/5 ⇒ 3/4/6

  • Zyra Number of Plants: 2/3/4 ⇒ 2/3/5

  • Rek'sai Spell Damage: 250/550/850 ⇒ 250/550/1000

  • Dr. Mundo Spell Damage: 50/100/150 ⇒ 50/100/200

  • Zed Clone Mana Reduction: 50/25/0 ⇒ 50/25/-125. TL;DR Lots of Zeds.

  • Lux Spell Power: 550/900/9,999 ⇒ 550/900/99,999

February 25

  • Shadow Bonus Damage: 65%/165% ⇒ 65%/150%

  • Sion Spell Damage: 200/400/800 ⇒ 200/350/700

  • Master Yi Bonus Damage: 75/100/500 ⇒ 40/80/500

February 19 - Patch 10.4


  • Crystal Damage Threshold: 100/60 ⇒ 110/60

  • Glacial Chance to Stun: 20%/35%/50% ⇒ 25% at all levels.

  • Glacial NEW: 75/175/350 bonus Magic Damage on stun.

  • Poison Mana Increase: 50% ⇒ 33%

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Ornn Spell Damage: 100/200/300 ⇒ 125/250/450

  • Taliyah Starting/Total Mana: 50/80 ⇒ 30/80

Tier 2

  • Senna Ally Damage Bonus: 15/40/65 ⇒ 20/45/70

Tier 3

  • Azir Starting/Total Mana: 75/100 ⇒ 50/100

  • Nocturne Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8

Tier 4

  • Lucian Spell Attack Damage Ratio: 0.3/0.4/0.5 ⇒ 0.5/0.5/0.5

  • Olaf Health: 750 ⇒ 850

  • Olaf Spell Bonus Attack Speed: 100%/150%/450% ⇒ 125%/150%/450%

Tier 5

  • Singed Spell Damage: 150/300/2000 ⇒ 225/300/2000

  • Taric Invulnerability Duration: 3/3/5 ⇒ 2.5/2.5/8

  • Zed Attack Speed: 1.0 ⇒ 1.1

UI Updates and Bugfixin’

  • You can now mouse over the Stage Tracker to see the exact opponents you previously faced. Praise Craggle.

  • Red Buff tooltip now correctly describes partial healing reduction.

  • Olaf’s spell now properly cleanses and immunizes all attack speed slowdown effects.

February 5 - Patch 10.3


  • Krugs is now guaranteed to have 2 drops instead of 1 minimum.

  • Touching the edge of your ring on the Carousel stage no longer ports you back to the middle.

  • Spatulas no longer appear during the Carousel stage. Plan accordingly.

  • Adjusted the drop rates of the content in Gold Boxes. More gold, more spatulas, and less champions.

  • A new and unique sound will now play when you pick up a champion from the carousel. No more guessing and squinting to find out if you or that pesky Molediver grabbed the Volibear with the Recurve Bow.


  • Ionic Spark Damage: 200% ⇒ 225%

  • Luden’s Echo Damage: 125/175/250 ⇒ 150/175/225

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 80 ⇒ 85

  • Infinity Edge Crit Damage Bonus: 125% ⇒ 100%


  • Assassin Crit Damage Bonus: 65%/225% ⇒ 70%/210%

  • Lunar Ability Power Bonus Per Stack: 10 ⇒ 15

  • Shadow Damage Bonus: 65%/175% ⇒ 65%/165%

  • Light Healing on death: 25% ⇒ 20%

  • Light Attack Speed Bonus: 15%/35%/55% ⇒ 20%/30%/50%

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Kog’Maw Spell Damage: 125/275/425 ⇒ 150/300/500

  • Ornn Spell debuff duration: 4sec ⇒ 10sec

  • Ornn Spell damage amplification: 20% ⇒ 25%

  • Vayne Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7

Tier 2

  • Braum Spell Damage Prevention: 70%/80%/90% ⇒ 80%/85%/90%

  • Jax Spell Damage: 150/250/450 ⇒ 150/300/550

  • LeBlanc Spell Damage: 200/450/800 ⇒ 225/475/800

  • Rek’Sai Armor: 30 ⇒ 35

  • Yasuo Starting/Total Mana: 0/100 ⇒ 0/85

Tier 3

  • Nocturne Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 60

  • Dr. Mundo Health: 750 ⇒ 800

Tier 4

  • Annie Tibbers Health: 2000/2000/2000 ⇒ 1600/2200/3000

  • Annie Tibbers Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.65

  • Janna Stun Duration: 1 second ⇒ 1.5 second

  • Lucian Spell Base Shots: 10 ⇒ 12

  • Lucian Attack Damage Ratio: 0.25/0.3/0.5 ⇒ 0.3/0.4/0.5

  • Olaf Spell Attack Speed Bonus: 100%/150%/300% ⇒ 100%/150%/450%


  • Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Starting/Total Mana: 0/75 ⇒ 0/85

  • Ghoul Health: 500/800/2000 ⇒ 500/700/2000

Tier 5

  • Master Yi Attack Speed: 1 ⇒ 1.1

  • Zed Starting/Total Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 75/150

Lux Tier

  • Lux Spell Damage: 600/900/9999 ⇒ 550/900/9999


  • Multiple Titan’s Resolve are no longer Multiplicative.

  • Inferno should no longer proc spell shields like Trap Claw.

  • Kog’Maw’s Living Artillery can no longer hit untargetable units.

  • LeBlanc & Yasuo now properly deal spell damage to champions with Quicksilver.

  • Karma can now target untargetables with her shield and link (Zephyr & Soulbound)

January 23 - Patch 10.2


Game Length

  • PVE Rounds Planning Phase Time: 30 seconds ⇒ 20 seconds

Item System

  • Small Loot Boxes: Removed the "4 gold drop" possibility (average value down 15%)

  • Medium Loot Boxes: Removed the "7 gold drop" possibility (average value down 3%)

  • Removed the worst case scenarios for item drops through the course of a game and especially in the first three PVE rounds. In short, we raised the RNG "floor".

  • Full items now drop significantly less.

  • Full items only drop if you are already rolling item components. The RNG "ceiling" has not changed, but you are more likely to get a full item as you approach that ceiling.

  • You can no longer get two full item drops in the same game from PVE rounds. This change doesn't include epic monster rewards or the carousel.

  • Drastically reduced the chance of Force of Nature appearing on the carousel.

Quality of life changes

  • PVE minions and monsters are now immune to Zephyr.

  • Updated the Trait Tracker UI with a chromatic tier to celebrate rare synergies (ex. Inferno 9).

  • Runespirit Little Legend VFX update.

  • The system for choosing your Little Legend and Arena Skin the Lobby has been greatly improved. Be sure to check it out.


  • Bramble Vest Damage: 80/120/160 ⇒ 100/140/200

  • Bloodthirster Lifesteal: 40% ⇒ 50%

  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade Attack Speed per stack: 4% ⇒ 5%

  • Hextech Gunblade Omnisteal: 25% ⇒ 33%

  • Iceborn Gauntlet Freeze Duration: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield Value: 250/275/300 ⇒ 250/275/350

  • Luden’s Echo Damage: 120/160/200 ⇒ 125/175/250



  • Critical Strike Damage Bonus: 50%/150% ⇒ 65%/225%


  • Blademasters can no longer store more extra attacks than the maximum your trait level provides (1/2/3). In short, this means that it will be much less likely, if not impossible, for your champions to go "infinite" off their auto-attacks. Specifically this nerfs (4) and (6) Blademaster.

  • Blademaster chance to get extra auto-attacks: 40% ⇒ 35%


  • Armor Reduction: 50%/90% ⇒ 40%/100%


  • Damage: 70%/140%/210% ⇒ 70%/150%/250%


  • (6) Mages: 100% Chance to Double Cast ⇒ 100% Chance to Double Cast & 20 AP to all Mages


  • Bonus Damage Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

  • Bonus Damage: 65%/150% ⇒ 65%/175%


  • Armor Bonus: 150%/300%/450% ⇒ 150%/300%/999%


  • Gotta get six Woodland to clone them all.

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Leona Damage Reduction: 40/90/140 ⇒ 40/80/120

Tier 2

  • Malzahar Minion health: 250/250/250 ⇒ 250/300/400

Tier 3

  • Ezreal Health: 600 ⇒ 650

  • Ezreal Ability Damage: 200/400/800 ⇒ 225/450/900

  • Karma Attack Speed Bonus: 60/70/80 ⇒ 40/60/80

  • Sion Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/125

  • Sivir Bounces: 10/10/10 ⇒ 5/7/9

  • Veigar Spell Damage: 300/600/900 ⇒ 325/650/975

Tier 4

  • Olaf Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.8

Three-Star Champion Adjustments

  • Renekton Ability Damage: 150/275/400 ⇒ 150/275/475

  • Vladimir Ability Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 200/325/500

  • Ashe Ability Attack Speed Bonus: 50%/75%/250% ⇒ 50%/75%/100%

  • Ashe Ability Attack Damage Ratio: 0.3/0.35/0.4 ⇒ 0.3/0.35/0.75


  • All tooltips should now be up to date.

  • Electric tooltip now properly states that it does magic damage

  • Karma is no longer 7’6” (228cm).

  • Kindred's ability will now correctly critically strike with Jeweled Gauntlet.

January 15 - Patch 10.1b

Balance changes

  • Hurricane & Berserker Axe no longer interact with Sivir's Ricochet.

  • Lucian Ability Scaling: 10+(8X Attack Speed) ⇒ 10+(4X Attack Speed)

  • Yorick Ghoul Health: 600/1000/2000 ⇒ 500/800/2000

  • Yorick Ghoul Attack Damage: 100/200/300 ⇒ 100/175/250

January 8 - Patch 10.1

New Champions

Trait: Lunar

  • (2): Every 7 seconds, your team gains 15% Critical Strike Chance, 15% Critical Strike Damage, and 10% Spell Power. (Stacks up to 4 times)


  • Tier 1

  • Class: Warden

  • Health: 650/1170/2106

  • Armor: 40

  • Attack Damage: 50/90/162

  • Attack Speed: 0.55

  • Mana: 50/100

  • Ability: Lunar Barrier - Leona reduces all damage done to her by 40/90/140 for 5 seconds.


  • Tier 3

  • Class: Mystic

  • Health: 600/1080/1944

  • Armor: 20

  • Attack Damage: 50/90/162

  • Attack Speed: 0.7

  • Mana: 75/100

  • Ability: Inspire - At the start of combat, Karma tethers to her closest ally. Karma shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next 250/400/800 damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives 60/70/80% bonus Attack Speed.

New Little Legends


Wants to take over the world -- and eat all the yummiest things in it. But, he’s very small. He often has to hide under things in order to not get squashed. While he hides, he machinates on his complex plans.


An adorable statue carved from the finest Demacian petricite (anti-magic stone). He has a soft spot for the vulnerable creatures of the world, and tries to protect them with every ounce of his strength as if he was a giant colossus -- even if he is still growing.


Tocker is constantly tinkering with things to make them better, even on his own body! (His left wing is always a bit squeaky). He loves meeting new people and learning about the world through his enormous blue eyes.


Last Whisper (New)

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Recurve Bow

  • Replaces Repeating Crossbow.

  • Critical hits reduce the target’s Armor by 90% for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.

Titan’s Resolve (New)

  • Recipe: Chain Vest + Recurve Bow

  • Replaces Phantom Dancer.

  • When the wearer is hit or inflicts a critical strike, they gain a 2% stacking damage bonus, up to 100%. At 50 stacks, the wearer gains 25 Armor and MR; and increases in size. Resets every round.

Bramble Vest (New)

  • Recipe: 2xChain(z) Vest

  • Replaced Thornmail

  • Negates bonus damage from incoming critical hits. On being hit by a Basic Attack, deal 80/120/160 magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every 1 second maximum). Scales with wearer’s Star Level.

Frozen Heart (Mini-Rework)

  • Before: Nearby enemies' attack speed is slowed by 25%

  • Now: Nearby enemies' attack speed is slowed by 40%. (Stacking increases the radius of this effect, not the amount of the slow)

Iceborn Gauntlet (Mini-Rework)

  • Before: Upon dodging an attack, creates a zone of ice. Enemies inside the zone have their attack speed reduced by 25%.

  • Now: After casting a spell, the wearer’s next basic attack freezes the target for 1.5 seconds.

Ionic Spark (Mini-Rework)

  • Before: Deal 90 true damage to an enemy when they cast a spell.

  • Now: Enemies within 3 hexes that cast a spell are zapped, taking magic damage equal to 200% of their max Mana.

Quicksilver (Mini-Rework)

  • Before: Gains a spell shield that prevents the next crowd control from applying. This shield refreshes after 3 seconds.

  • Now: [UNIQUE] The wearer is immune to crowd control.

Locket of the Iron Solari (New Scaling)

  • Shields allies for 300 for 8 seconds ⇒ Shields allies within two hexes in the same row for 250/275/300 damage for 8 seconds (scales with wearer’s Star Level)

Luden’s Echo (New Scaling)

  • Deals 150 magic damage ⇒ Deals 120/160/200 magic damage (scales with wearer’s Star Level)

Statikk Shiv (New Scaling)

  • Deals 100 magic damage to 3 enemies ⇒ Deals 80 magic damage to 3/4/5 enemies (scales with wearer’s Star Level)


  • Proc Chance: 25% ⇒ 20%

Red Buff & Morellonomicon

  • Burn: 20% over 10 seconds ⇒ 18% over 10 seconds


  • Druid Health Regen: 40 ⇒ 45

  • Light Attack Speed Bonus: 15%/25%/35% ⇒ 15%/35%/55%

  • Ocean Mana Regen (per 4 seconds): 15/30/60 ⇒ 10/30/60

  • Shadow Bonus Damage: 60%/140% ⇒ 65%/150%

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Vayne Health: 500 ⇒550

  • Vayne Ability Damage (Percentage of Max Health): 9%/12%/15% ⇒ 10%/13%/16%

  • Warwick Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 50/125

  • Warwick Ability Damage: 200/450/700 ⇒ 200/500/800

Tier 2

  • Jax Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Jax Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Malzahar's Minion Attack Damage: 30/60/90 ⇒ 40/70/100

  • Neeko Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 60

  • Senna Ability Ally Damage: 15/30/55 ⇒ 15/40/65

  • Skarner Shield Bonus Attack Speed: 30%/65%/100% ⇒ 50%/75%/100%

  • Syndra Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 65

  • Varus Ability Damage: 225/450/675 ⇒ 225/450/800

Tier 3

  • Aatrox Health: 700 ⇒ 800

  • Aatrox Ability Damage: 250/500/1000 ⇒ 300/600/1200

  • Azir Spell Damage: 125/250/375 ⇒150/275/450

  • Nocturne Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7

  • Nocturne Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 55

  • Qiyana Stun Duration: 3/4/5 ⇒ 2.5/3.5/4.5

  • Qiyana Ability Damage: 300/500/700 ⇒ 300/500/900

  • Sivir Ability Duration: 7 Seconds ⇒ 5 Seconds

Tier 4

  • Annie's Tibbers Attack Damage: 150/300/1000 ⇒ 125/350/1500

  • Twitch Ability Attack Damage Ratio: 125%/150%/300% ⇒ 130%/160%/300%

Tier 5

  • Amumu Stun Duration: 2/2/2 ⇒ 1.5/2/5

  • Amumu Ability Damage: 150/250/1337 ⇒ 100/200/1337

  • Amumu Starting/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/150

  • Master Yi Ability Bonus Damage: 50/75/500 ⇒ 75/100/500

  • Nami Ability Damage: 150/250/350 ⇒ 100/200/300


  • Untargetable units can no longer be impacted by crowd control.

  • Actually fixed a bug where Annie could start gaining mana again after summoning two Tibbers then having one of them die.

  • Equipping two or more Ionic Sparks on one champion caused them to do more damage than intended.

  • Equipping two or more Seraph's Embraces on one champion would make those Seraph's stop working.

  • Singed stopped moving if he tried to target something untargetable (Zyra's plants).

  • Nocturne did 2X auto-attack damage on spin.

  • End of Game and Match History issues.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.