TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 4

TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 4

The best team comps and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics Fates - Set 4. Learn the best units and builds to master the current meta.

Knowledge is of primary importance in a game such as Teamfight Tactics, but finding out first-hand all the possible strategies requires time, thus I decided to gather some of the best team builds available at the moment.

Up to today, I have created several builds, and while some of them are potentially stronger during some patches, all of them are viable options in our games depending on our luck with items and champions.

Usually, I publish new articles on the best TFT team compositions on a biweekly basis (after a major patch) in order to keep up with the meta changes.

Checking out manually several pages to find out a build suitable for our games isn’t very convenient, so I decided to list all the current and future builds inside this article. 

  • For ease-of-use, they are distributed in alphabetical order based on the dominant Origin/Class.

  • v2/v3/etc. next to a comp name means that it is a variant that uses a few different champions.

  • In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.

In TFT Fates, some champions can be marked as “Chosen”, which means that one of their traits counts as two of that trait. In the team builds below, I have indicated when a Chosen unit is required, and how to complete the composition even without one, whenever possible.

All these builds are the result of a research work. They do contain also personal opinions, but mostly I studied and listed the lineups used in tournaments and preferred by high-ranked players.

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Assassin builds

Assassin Ninja

Assassin Ninja team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Diana, Pyke, Zed, Akali, Katarina, Kennen, Shen, Talon.

  • Assassin: 6

  • Ninja: 4

This build is able to generate a huge amount of physical damage thanks to the extra AD given by the Ninja trait and the critical hits of the Assassin synergy.

  • Start with Diana, Pyke, and Zed for two Assassin and one Ninja.

    • Zed is your main carry: give him rapid Firecannon, Guardian Angel, and Bloodthirster.

    • Pyke requires Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and if you have space items, he could use also Spear of Shojin.

  • Depending on your luck with the champion shop, you may have to use another synergy in the early game while finding your core units; such as the solid three Cultist.

  • Akali and Katarina bring four Assassin.

    • Zed, Pyke, and Akali are your frontliners.

    • Build Akali with Blue Buff and Hextech Gunblade.

  • Kennen and Shen provide four Ninja.

  • Talon is your final piece. Note that you need a Chosen Assassin to maximize this class.

Brawler builds

Brawler Elderwood Hunter

Brawler Elderwood Hunter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Maokai, Sylas, Vi, Nunu, Ashe, Warwick, Sett, Lee Sin.

  • Brawler: 6

  • Elderwood: 3

  • Hunter: 2

  • Divine: 2

  • The Boss: 1

One of the tankiest lineups in the set thanks to the massive amount of health points provided by six Brawler. Ashe inflicts most of the damage, so place her in the rear line.

  • Start with Tahmn Kench and Maokai for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Add Sylas and Vi for four Brawler.

  • Nunu and Warwick will unlock the six Brawler synergy. 

    • Warwick is an optimal choice with both defensive and offensive items. I recommend giving him Guardian Angel.

  • Ashe provides two Hunter and three Elderwood.

    • Ashe is able to inflict lots of damage, and you buffed her with the Elderwood and Hunter synergies: give her offensive items like Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Statikk Shiv.

  • In the late game, add Lee Sin for two Divine, and replace Tahm Kench with Sett for a stronger Brawler unit.

Brawler Moonlight Hunter

Brawler Moonlight Hunter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Maokai, Sylas, Vi, Aphelios, Nunu, Ashe, Warwick, Sett.

  • Brawler: 6

  • Moonlight: 3

  • Hunter: 3

  • Elderwood: 3

  • The Boss: 1

Brawler-based synergy combos work well in most metas due to their toughness. This lineup excels in both strength and defense.

  • Start with Tahm Kench and Maokai for the two Brawler trait.

  • Add Sylas and Vi for four Brawler.

    • Build Sylas with a couple of tank items, but note that he can’t have more items than Aphelios.

  • Aphelios and Ashe bring the two Hunter trait.

    • Aphelios is the main carry of the lineup, so I recommend placing him at a corner of the game board and to surround him with other units. He requires Rapid Firecannon and Giant Slayer, while for the last inventory slot you can get Deathblade, Statikk Shiv, Infinity Edge, or Quicksilver.

    • Ashe is able to inflict lots of damage, and you buffed her with the Elderwood and Hunter synergies: give her offensive items like Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Statikk Shiv.

Note: You need a Chosen Moonlight to unlock three Moonlight, and you want that unit to be Aphelios, if possible. The build is strong also without this trait, but you will lose a crucial synergy. If you are very unlucky, just pick a third Moonlight unit.

  • Nunu gives three Elderwood. Warwick maximizes the Brawler synergy and acts as the third Hunter.

  • In the late game, replace Tahm Kench with Sett for a stronger Brawler and The Boss trait.

Brawler Elderwood Hunter v2

Brawler Elderwood Hunter v2 team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Maokai, Tahm Kench, Sylas, Vi, Nunu, Warwick, Ashe, Sett.

  • Brawler: 7+1

  • Elderwood: 3

  • Hunter: 2

  • The Boss: 1

A simple but effective team build with several tanky champions, and Ashe hitting hard from the rear line.

  • Start with Maokai and Tahm Kench for the two Brawler bonus.

  • Add Sylas, Nunu, and Vi - in no particular order - to unlock the next tier of the Brawler synergy.

    • If you have extra items, give Sunfire Cape and Gargoyle Stoneplate to Nunu.

  • Add Warwick for six Brawler.

  • Ashe is your main carry, and she brings two Hunter and three Elderwood.

    • Build her with Quicksilver, and with DPS items such as Giant Slayer and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

  • Sett is the final unit required in the lineup, and with him we reach a total of seven Brawler champions. Place him on the front line.

Note: a Chosen Brawler unit is required to unlock eight Brawler, which will boost massively the health points of the team.

Cultist builds


Cultist team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Elise, Twisted Fate, Pyke, Kalista, Evelynn, Aatrox, Jhin, Zilean.

  • Cultist: 9

Cultists work great in the early and mid game as they can quickly summon a strong Galio. Reaching the power peak is a bit more difficult because you require all Cultist units in the game, and also a Chosen one.

  • Start with Elise, Twisted Fate, and Pyke for the three Cultist bonus.

    • Elise (and Aatrox) are your frontliners. Build her with Warmog’s Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Bramble Vest.

    • I suggest giving Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and Spear of Shojin to Pyke as his ability Phantom Undertow affects several enemies at a time.

  • Add Yasuo, Kalista, and Evelynn for six Cultist (if you have a Chosen one already), two Duelist, and one Exile.

    • Kalista is your hard carry thanks to her passive Rend that inflicts extra damage based on a percentage of the target’s max health: build her with Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Runaan’s Hurricane.

  • Add Aatrox and Jhin. Any of them will unlock the second tier of the Cultist synergy. Remove Yasuo whenever you need its slot.

  • Finally, Zilean maximizes the Cultist origin. Of course, you require a Chosen Cultist among your units.

Divine builds

Divine Hunter

Divine Hunter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Janna, Jax, Irelia, Yuumi, Kindred, Warwick, Lee Sin, Sett.

  • Divine: 4

  • Hunter: 3

  • Spirit: 2

  • Enlightened: 2

  • Duelist: 2

  • Brawler: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • The Boss: 1

This team comp isn’t very consistent, and you may have some issues in the early game, however, it can achieve the top 4 without troubles.

  • There is not a particular start in the very early game: I suggest the classic Tahm Kench and Maokai for two Brawler, but anything works.

  • Whenever possible, add Janna, Jax, and Irelia for two Divine and two Enlightened.

  • Yuumi brings two Mystic, and Kindred two Spirit.

    • Kindred is your main carry, and he requires Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Guardian Angel.

  • Add Warwick for two Hunter and two Brawler. I suggest building him with Giant Slayer and defensive items.

  • In the late game, Lee Sin brings two Duelist and four Divine, while Sett gives The Boss.

Note: A Chosen Hunter is required for three Hunter, but the build works well also without it.

Duelist builds

Duelist Exile

Duelist Exile team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Kalista, Irelia, Shen, Lee Sin, Yone.

  • Duelist: 6

  • Exile: 2

  • Adept: 3

  • Divine: 2

  • Enlightened: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Lots of synergies and a powerful carry Yasuo. You may have some issues in the early game, but afterwards the build is very solid. However, it requires two 5-gold cost champions to reach its maximum potential.

  • Start with Yasuo and Fiona for one Exile and two Duelist.

    • Yasuo is your main carry, and he requires Guardian Angel, Quicksilver, and Infinity Edge.

  • Hold the early game with any combo you are able to find, you will get rid of these units as you find the core ones.

  • Jax and Kalista bring four Duelist.

  • Irelia unlocks both two Divine and two Enlightened.

  • Shen is your Ninja, and he also gives the two Adept trait.

  • Lee Sin is mandatory, and he is the last champion required to maximize the Duelist trait. Build him with Blue Buff and tank items.

  • Finally, Yone gives three Adept and the strong two Exile buff, which gives lifesteal to Yasuo as well.

Note: You need a Chosen Duelist to unlock six Duelist, and you want that unit to be Yasuo, if possible. The build is strong also with four Duelists, but you will lose some attack speed. If you are very unlucky, just pick a sixth Duelist unit.

Dusk builds

Dusk Spirit

Dusk Spirit team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Vayne, Thresh, Yuumi, Ahri, Riven, Aatrox, Cassiopeia.

  • Dusk: 4

  • Spirit: 2

  • Vanguard: 2

  • Mystic: 2

This build provides a good balance between damage and defense thanks to the Dusk synergy and the core champions: Ahri and Riven.

  • Start with Vayne and Thresh for the two Dusk synergy.

  • Garen and Teemo are great choices early on as they quickly provide also the two Vanguard and two Sharpshooter traits.

  • Yuumi brings two Spirit.

Continuing this build past the mid game is a bit more difficult because you require lots of high-cost units.

  • Add Riven, Ahri, and Aatrox, and remove Garen and Teemo whenever needed.

    • Riven and Ahri are the main carries of this lienup.

    • Give Riven Ionic Spark to reduce the enemies’ magic resistance, and survivability items such as Guardian Angel and Warmog’s Armor.

    • Ahri is the main magic DPS, so I recommend protecting her and building her with Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and Rabadon’s Deathcap to maximize the damage output of Spirit Bomb.

  • Cassiopeia brings the two Mystic’s magic resistance.

Elderwood builds

Elderwood Brawler

Elderwood Brawler team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Maokai, Lulu, Nunu, Veigar, Lux, Ashe, Warwick, Sett, Ezreal.

  • Elderwood: 6

  • Brawler: 4

  • Hunter: 2

  • Divine: 2

  • Dazzler: 2

  • The Boss: 1

In my opinion, Elderwood is one of the strongest origins in Set 4, and this team composition provides both durability and lots of damage at any stage of the match.

  • Start with Maokai and Tahm Kench for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Add Veigar as soon as possible because Butterfly Burst improves his damage permanently whenever he is able to kill the target.

    • Prioritize Blue Buff and Hextech Gunblade on Veigar as he needs them to cast his ability quicker.

  • Lulu and/or Hecarim unlock the three Elderwood trait. 

    • You can only keep one of them in the late game, so I suggest choosing the one you can level up the most. If you find a Chosen Elderwood unit, both of them will become unnecessary.

  • Nunu is a very important piece in this lineup because he possesses both your main synergies.

    • Nunu acts as one of your main carries, and he is also quite tanky: build him with Hextech Gunblade and defensive items such as Warmog’s Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Bramble Vest, or Dragon’s Claw.

  • The next goal is unlocking six Elderwood and four Brawler as you just miss a piece each: the 4-gold cost units Ashe and Warwick will achieve these synergies, and they also give two Hunter.

    • Ashe is able to inflict lots of damage, and you buffed her with the Elderwood and Hunter synergies: give her offensive items like Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Statikk Shiv.

    • Of course, place your four Brawlers on the front line.

We reached the late game, and your build is complete with eight champions, but you can improve it further with 5-gold cost units.

  • Replace Tahm Kench with Sett: he is a Brawler and also possesses The Boss origin.

  • Replace Lulu or Hecarim with Ezreal, who is a stronger Elderwood unit.

  • Finally - or earlier if you unlocked already the 9th slot - get Lux to acquire both two Dazzler and two Divine.

Elderwood Hunter

Elderwood Hunter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Maokai, Lulu, Nunu, Yuumi, Kindred, Ashe, Warwick, Ezreal.

  • Elderwood: 6

  • Hunter: 3

  • Brawler: 2

  • Spirit: 2

Another Elderwood-based team composition. This one has slightly less durability due to the reduced number of Brawlers, but more physical DPS via Hunters.

  • Start with Maokai and Tahm Kench for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Lulu and Hecarim unlock the three Elderwood trait. 

Note: You need a Chosen Elderwood to achieve six Elderwood. I suggest using Maokai or Lulu.

  • Add Nunu, who acts as your frontliner together with Maokai.

  • Yuumi and Kindred bring two Spirit.

  • Add Ashe, who gives both two Hunter and six Elderwood (if you had a Chosen unit).

    • She is your main carry, and you buffed her with the Elderwood and Hunter synergies: give her offensive items like Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Statikk Shiv.

  • Replace Tahm Kench with Warwick for a stronger Brawler unit and to unlock three hunter.

  • Replace Hecarim with Ezreal for a stronger Elderwood unit.

    • Place Ezreal at a corner of the map together with Ashe, and build him with Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and Spear of Shojin as you want to cast Trueshot Barrage as much as possible.

Enlightened builds

Enlightened Assassin

Enlightened Assassin team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Nami, Janna, Irelia, Akali, Talon, Morgana, Cassiopeia.

Optional units: Fiora, Pyke, Katarina. (depending on the draw)

  • Enlightened: 6

  • Assassin: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ninja: 1

If you love spamming spells, Enlightened will become your preferred composition because they generate mana at a fast pace. You require a level 3 Talon or Morgana to win the match.

  • Start with Nami and Janna for two Enlightened.

  • Twisted Fate, Elise, and Pyke are helpful in the early game thanks to the Galio summon acquired with three Cultist.

  • Irelia and Morgana bring the four Enlightened bonus.

    • Morgana is one of your main carries: build her with Blue Buff, Morellonomicon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

While approaching the late game and completing your build, get rid of Twisted Fate, Elise, and Pyke when you need slots for your core champions. If you have a Chosen Enlightened champion, you can save Pyke.

  • Add Akali as your Ninja.

  • Talon brings two Assassin, and he is your fifth Enlightened unit. 

    • Talon is your other carry: build him with Deathblade, Rapid Firecannon, and Giant Slayer.

Note: If you have a Chosen Enlightened champion, you have already maximized this synergy, otherwise, you will need to play Fiora. She is a 1-gold cost unit, so be sure to find and level up her early on.

  • Cassiopeia boosts the defenses of the team with the two Mystic trait. I suggest giving her Warmog’s Armor and other defensive items.

  • If you didn’t get rid of Pyke, then you have three Assassins in your lineup and a last free slot. Get an Assassin (such as Katarina) to unlock the second tier of this class.

Enlightened Adept

Enlightened Adept team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Janna, Pyke, Irelia, Lux, Morgana, Talon, Shen, Yone.

  • Enlightened: 4

  • Adept: 3+1

  • Assassin: 2

  • Dazzler: 2

  • Divine: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Exile: 1

  • Ninja: 1

Another variant of the four Enlightened build. It is strong in the late game, but it requires some luck with items and champion shop.

  • Start with Nami and Janna for two Enlightened.

  • Twisted Fate, Elise, and Pyke are helpful in the early game thanks to the Galio summon acquired with three Cultist.

  • Irelia and Morgana bring the four Enlightened bonus.

    • Morgana is one of your carries: build her with Blue Buff, Morellonomicon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Replace Nami with Talon for a stronger Cultist and to acquire two Assassin.

    • Talon is the main carry: he requires Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel, and Giant Slayer.

  • Remove Twisted Fate and Elise. Add Lux for two Divine and two Dazzler, and Shen for one Ninja, two Adept, and two Mystic.

  • Finally, Yone for three Adept and one Exile. If you have a Chosen Adept, you can also level up this synergy.

Mage builds

Mage Annie

Mage Annie team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Twisted Fate, Nami, Annie, Lulu, Veigar, Ahri, Shen, Cassiopeia.

  • Mage: 6

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ninja: 1

This team comp is based on Annie, which acts as the main tank of the team and can become literally unkillable with the right items. Lots of magic damage thanks to the Mage class.

  • Start with Twisted Fate, Elise, and Pyke for the three Cultist synergy. You rely on them in the early game.

  • Add Ahri and Annie for three Mage.

    • Place Annie on the front line and give her two Gargoyle Stoneplate. This item increases her armor and magic resistance based on the number of enemies targeting her.

    • Hextech Gunblade is required to proc Incinerate as much as possible because this ability creates a shield around Annie for a few seconds.

  • As the game progresses past the mid game, remove Elise and Pyke as they are not longer required.

  • You want to acquire six Mage as soon as possible, so get Lulu, Veigar, and Ahri.

    • Ahri is your other carry, so I recommend protecting her and building her with Morellonomicon, Blue Buff, and Rabadon’s Deathcap to maximize the damage output of Spirit Bomb.

  • End the lineup gaining the Mystic synergy with Shen and Cassiopeia. If you have spare items, build Shen with tank items such as Warmog’s Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Bramble Vest.

Moonlight builds

Moonlight Hunter

Moonlight Hunter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Lissandra, Sylas, Aphelios, Yuumi, Kindred, Cassiopeia, Warwick, Ashe.

  • Moonlight: 3

  • Hunter: 4

  • Brawler: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Spirit: 2

Aphelios is the hard carry of this team composition, and your goal is exploiting the Moonlight trait to level up him to rank four.

  • Start with Sylas and Tahm Kench for the two Brawler trait.

  • Add Lissandra and Aphelios to unlock the three Moonlight synergy, which boosts your strength at any stage of the match.

    • Place Aphelios at a corner of the table and protect him in the best way possible. 

    • His Sentry Turret is a solid damage dealer, but it expires when the champion dies, so you want to build Guardian Angel as the first item.

    • Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Statikk Shiv, or Rapid Firecannon are all great choices for the remaining inventory slots.

  • Yuumi and Kindred add two Hunter and two Spirit.

  • Replace Tahm Kench with a stronger Brawler: Warwick.

  • Cassiopeia improves the magic resistance of the whole team with two Mystic.

  • Ashe brings four Hunter, and she acts as the secondary carry: give her Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Statikk Shiv.

  • If you have extra items, Warwick is an optimal choice with both defensive and offensive ones.

Mystic builds

Mystic Adept

Mystic Adept team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Janna, Yuumi, Irelia, Morgana, Shen, Ezreal, Yone, Zilean.

  • Mystic: 4

  • Adept: 3

  • Enlightened: 2

  • Dazzler: 2

  • Exile: 1

  • Ninja: 1

This team build is all about crowd control as the synergies reduce the capabilities of the enemy composition.

  • Start with Lissandra, Sylas, and Aphelios for the three Moonlight synergy in the early game.

  • Add Janna and Morgana for two Enlightened and two Dazzler.

    • Morgana is your hard carry, and I recommend building her with Blue Buff, Morellonomicon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Add Yuumi for two Mystic.

  • Irelia and Shen bring two Adept, the latter is also a Ninja.

In the late game, remove Lissandra, Sylas, and Aphelios while you find your 5-gold cost core units: Ezreal, Yone, and Zilean. Thanks to them, you will also unlock one Exile, three Adept, and four Mystic.

Shen and Yone act as your main frontliners, so I recommend building them with tanky items. In particular, give Blue Buff, Warmog’s Armor, and Guardian Angel to Yonne.

Mystic Vanguard

Mystic Vanguard team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Thresh, Yuumi, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Sejuani, Aatrox, Shen, Zilean.

  • Mystic: 4

  • Vanguard: 3+1

  • Spirit: 2

  • Dusk: 2

  • Ninja: 1

This lineup possesses both excellent armor and magic resistance, so you can survive against any encounter. The goal is providing Ahri the time to obliterate the enemy formation with Spirit Bomb.

  • Start with Vayne and Nidalee for two Sharpshooter.

  • Add Garen and Vanguard to unlock also two Dusk and two Vanguard, which will secure your early game.

  • Yuumi and Ahri bring two Spirit.

    • Ahri is your main carry, so protect her, and build her with Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Jeweled Gauntlet.

  • As usual, Cassiopeia is a splendid choice for two Mystic.

  • Add Sejuani, and replace Garen with Aatrox, for a stronger Guardian unit.

    • Place Sejuani on the front line with Sunfire Cape, Morellonomicon, and Ionic Spark. If she can’t survive long enough, get Bramble Vest or Dragon’s Claw depending on the opponents’ damage type.

  • Remove Vayne and Nidalee. Add Shen for one Ninja, and Zilean for four Mystic.

Note: you need a Chosen Vanguard to unlock the four Guardian bonus.

Sharpshooter builds


Sharpshooter team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Vayne, Nidalee, Teemo, Thresh, Jinx, Sejuani, Jhin, Azir.

  • Sharpshooter: 5+1

  • Vanguard: 2

  • Dusk: 2

  • Emperor: 1

A team composition that focuses solely on damage with Jinx as the hard carry.

  • Start with Wukong and Garen for two Vanguard.

  • Add Vayne and Nidalee for the two Sharpshooter synergy.

  • Teemo and Jinx unlock four Sharpshooter, which will drastically boost your damage.

    • Jinx is your main carry, and I suggest building her with Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Quicksilver.

  • After the mid game, replace Wukong and Garen with Thresh and Sejuani for better Vanguard units, and to acquire two Dusk.

    • Sejuani is your main tank, so place her on the front line, and build her with defensive items such as Sunfire Cape, Bramble Vest, and Dragon’s Claw.

  • Add Jhin as the 5th Sharpshooter, place him in the rear line next to Jinx and Teemo, and build Zeke’s Herald to boost their attack speed.

  • Finally, add Azir as your Emperor.

Note: this build requires a Chosen Sharpshooter to unlock its full potential with the six Sharpshooter trait.

Spirit builds

Spirit Shade

Spirit Shade team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Zed, Teemo, Yuumi, Evelynn, Kindred, Cassiopeia, Ahri, Kayn.

  • Spirit: 4

  • Shade: 3+1

  • Mystic: 2

  • Tormented: 1

  • Ninja: 1

A strong composition able to dish out lots of magic and spell based damage in the mid and late game. It is weak early on if you are unlucky with the draw.

  • Start with Wukong and Garen to achieve the two Vanguard synergy for the early game.

  • Zed brings one Ninja. He is your main carry, and I suggest building him with DPS items such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, and Bloodthirster. Guardian Angel is also a potential choice if you require more survivability.

  • Add Teemo and Yuumi for two Spirit, and Evelynn for two Shade

  • Cassiopeia improves the magic resistance of the whole team thanks to two Mystic.

  • Replace Wukong and Garen with Kindred and Ahri to maximize the Spirit trait.

    • After acquiring Guardian Angel on Ahri, place her on the frontline so that she can cast Spirit Bomb as soon as possible. If you have extra items, get Morellonomicon and Jeweled Gauntlet.

  • Finally, Kayn is a Tormented and brings three Shade.

Note: if you find a Chosen Shade champion (Zed is the best choice) you can upgrade this class and improve their bonus magic damage.

Vanguard builds

Vanguard Mystic

Vanguard Mystic team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Wukong, Thresh, Yuumi, Ahri, Cassiopeia, Sejuani, Aatrox, Zilean.

  • Vanguard: 4

  • Mystic: 3+1

  • Spirit: 2

  • Dusk: 2

A hybrid and well-balanced team comp that relies on the combined power of Wukong in the early/mid game and the destructive Ahri’s Spirit Bomb later on. 

  • Start with Wukong and Garen for two Guardian.

    • Wukong is one of your carries: build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Bloodthirster, and Infinity Edge.

  • Add Thresh and Hecarim for four Vanguard.

  • Yuumi and Ahri bring the two Spirit trait.

    • Ahri is your other carry, so protect her, and build her with Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Jeweled Gauntlet.

  • Cassiopeia is your last core piece in the mid game as she brings two Mystic and two Dusk.

  • Replace Garen and Hecarim with Sejuani and Aatrox for stronger Guardian units.

  • Zilean brings the total number of Mystic champions to three, so you require a Chosen Mystic to unlock the next bonus.

Warlord builds


Warlord team comp build TFT set 4

Final team: Garen, Jarvan IV, Vi, Pyke, Katarina, Xin Zhao, Aatrox, Azir.

  • Warlord: 6

  • Vanguard: 2

  • Keeper: 2

  • Assassin: 2

  • Emperor: 1

Warlords are particularly strong in the early and mid game, and they can hold their ground also later on with adequate levels and items.

  • Start with Garen, Nidalee, and Jarvan IV for the three Warlord synergy.

  • Add Vi, Pyke, and Katarina to acquire a total of five Warlords and to unlock two Assassin.

    • Katarina is your main carry: build her with Hextech Gunblade, Hand of Justice, and a defensive item such as Guardian Angel.

  • Xin Zhao brings the six Warlord synergy.

  • Aatrox completes the build with two Vanguard.

  • Later on, replace Nidalee with Azir to keep the Warlords synergy with a stronger unit, and to get also two Keeper and one Emperor.

  • If you have spare items, build defenses for your Vanguards.

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Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.