Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2021

Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2021

All the Teamfight Tactics (TFT) patch notes released by Riot in 2021. I will update this list over time as soon as proper info for each patch is provided.

A note on TFT balance: Not all champions are intended to be at the same power level. Some are supposed to be weak. Some are supposed to be S-tier.”

Previous: 2020 Patch Notes List

Click a date to reveal the patch notes.

Patch Schedule

This is the planned patch schedule for 2021 released by Riot. Note that patch dates can change at any time for any number of reasons.

  • 11.1 – Wednesday, Jan 6

  • 11.2 – Thursday, Jan 21

  • 11.3 – Wednesday, Feb 3

  • 11.4 – Thursday, Feb 18

  • 11.5 – Wednesday, Mar 3

  • 11.6 – Wednesday, Mar 17

  • 11.7 – Wednesday, Mar 31

  • 11.8 – Wednesday, Apr 14

  • 11.9 – Wednesday, Apr 28

  • 11.10 – Wednesday, May 12

  • 11.11 – Thursday, May 26

  • 11.12 – Wednesday, Jun 9

  • 11.13 – Wednesday, Jun 23

  • 11.14 – Wednesday, Jul 8

  • 11.15 – Wednesday, Jul 21

  • 11.16 – Wednesday, Aug 11

  • 11.17 – Wednesday, Aug 25

  • 11.18 – Wednesday, Sep 9

  • 11.19 – Wednesday, Sep 22

  • 11.20 – Wednesday, Oct 6

  • 11.21 – Wednesday, Oct 20

  • 11.22 – Wednesday, Nov 13

  • 11.23 – Tuesday, Nov 17

  • 11.24 – Tuesday, Dec 8

July 21 - Patch 11.15 - Reckoning: Dawn of Heroes


The Sentinels are struggling in their fight against Viego. Those LoL players can't handle the Black Mist without us, so it's time to recruit players with a pension for tactics...Teamfight Tactics.

Starting this patch there'll be an infinitely repeating mission that awards Sentinels points for playing games, including games of TFT. And you don't even have to run the Sentinel trait.

Note: Since we're doing this mid-event, the missions are hidden, but the faster rate of progress should be immediately noticeable.

  • NEW MISSION: Play 1 PVP matchmade game of Summoner's Rift, ARAM, Ultimate Spellbook, or Teamfight Tactics (excluding Hyper Roll) to earn 600 Rise of the Sentinels points. This mission can be repeated infinitely. It won't appear in your Missions log.

  • ACTIVATES: With Chapter III of Rise of the Sentinels this week


Grandmaster and Challenger Ranked: Let the Race of Heroes Begin!

Just like Festival of Beasts, Grandmaster and Challenger are unlocked immediately, allowing for the true zero-to-hero competition. Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top accounts on each server, but players must have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger. Good luck gettin’ your name placed right under mine!

Reckoning Ranked Stage II begins this patch!

  • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

  • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

  • You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four, so best of luck!

  • Ranked rewards for the first half of Reckoning will be distributed in patch 11.16 for those Shadow Item enthusiasts who made it to Gold or higher.

Hyper Roll Tiers

  • Emote rewards will be earned for players that reach Blue, Purple, and Hyper tier before patch 11.15.

  • Hyper Roll tiers will not be hard reset. Instead, anyone at Blue or higher will go to the bottom of Blue.

  • The rewards for Hyper Roll will come in patch 11.16 alongside the rest of the ranked rewards for the first half of Reckoning.


Thanks to an incredibly good looking author we already have a deep dive article on the new mechanics, but I’ll add a short summary below for your convenience cause I’m so humble and nice.

Radiant Items

With Shadow Items gone, we have an all new set of extremely powerful items, Radiant Items!

  • Radiant Items are more powerful versions of regular items that should alter your win condition based on the one you choose.

  • Choose one Radiant Item from five choices at the 3-6 Armory. You’ll only get one, so choose wisely!

Divine Blessing

It’s time to bless this mess.

  • The Divine Blessing drops when your Little Legend dips below 40 health.

  • The Divine Blessing grants a high amount of immediate value, offering a combination of the following: items (components), gold (moves everything around me), consumables, Spatula, champions

  • All players will get the same essential content in their Blessing. We are all equally blessed in the eyes of URF.

Tome of Traits

The newest consumable to hit the books, I mean orbs, can allow you to make Viego into a Sentinel or Lucian into a Forgotten. Just imagine where reading can take you? At least to the end of this sentence.

  • The Tome has a chance of dropping from the Divine Blessing, but you may also find some books to “borrow” from PvE encounters. Who knew those Krugs were so literate?

  • The Tome of Traits can be sold to bring up a shop of four emblems to choose from. These emblems can be for any trait, including ones that can’t be built by Spatulas. That’s just the magic of a good book!


Loot Orbs

Removing the 4 gold low roll start. Adding more variety to high rolls with the addition of the Tome of Traits.

  • Lowered the average number of bonus orbs slightly

  • Increased Small Orbs Average Value: 2.54 ⇒ 3gold

  • Small Orbs containing two 1-cost champs ⇒ three 1-cost champs

  • Small Orbs containing one 2-cost champ ⇒ one 2-cost champ + 1 Gold

  • Small Orbs containing 2 Gold ⇒ 3 Gold

  • Medium Orbs Average Value: 5.72 ⇒ 5.6 gold

  • Medium Orbs now have a chance to contain 3-cost + 2-cost drop

  • Medium Orbs containing Neeko + 2-cost champ ⇒ Neeko + 2-cost champ + 1g

  • Gold Orbs can now drop the Tome of Traits

  • Gold Orbs containing Spatula and Neeko’s Help drop rate lowered slightly

  • Minimum items received is now 10 components + 1 Radiant Item after the 4-7 Raptor Round.

The Armory

We increased the odds of the 4-2 Armory to 100% but pulled back from 5-2 to compensate. The removal of components from 5-2 is our way of saying, “Raptors will be the last place to get components.”

  • 2-2 Armory is now 2 standard components

  • 3-2 is moved to 3-6 and is now 5 Radiant Items

  • 4-2 Armory is now guaranteed, as either 2 components, 3 components, or 3 components + 1 special item.

  • 5-2 Armory is slightly less likely, and will never contain components.

  • 6-2 and 7-2 Armories are unchanged.

Carousel Changes

  • Stage 5 Carousel can now sometimes contain Componentless (unbuildable) Emblems

  • Stage 6+ Carousels can now sometimes be all full items

  • Stage 6+ Carousels can now sometimes contain Componentless (unbuildable) Emblems

Champion Count

It’s an odd change. There’s one less 3-cost in the set.

  • 58 total Champions ⇒ 57 total Champions

Hyper Roll

  • 5 sec added to planning timers in the following Stages: 3-1, 5-2, 6-2, 6-3

  • Gold income in Stage 7: 6 gold ⇒ 8 gold

  • Gold income in Stage 8 and onward: 6 gold ⇒ 9 gold

  • 4-1 Armory is likely but not guaranteed and offers either 3 components or 3 components + 1 special item

  • 5-2 Armory is now 5 Radiant Items

  • 6-3 Armory is likely if there is no Armory on 4-1 and has the same offer structure as 4-1

  • Other armories are unchanged


Cannoneers (2/4/6)

Locked and loaded on every fifth shot, Cannoneer champions deal a percent of that shot's damage in an explosion around the target as physical damage. Here’s who’s packing the heat:

  • Senna: Tier 1 Sentinel

  • Tristana: Tier 2 Hellion

  • Miss Fortune: Tier 3 Forgotten

  • Lucian: Tier 4 Sentinel

Sentinel (3/6/9)

At start of combat, the Sentinel with the highest Health gains a shield that grants Attack Speed each time it is applied. When the shield is destroyed or expires, it will pass to the ally with the lowest percent Health. Both the shield and the Attack Speed bonus will increase as you recruit more Sentinels.

  • Olaf: Tier 1 Skirmisher

  • Senna: Tier 1 Cannoneer

  • Irelia: Tier 2 Legionnaire, Skirmisher

  • Pyke: Tier 2 Assassin

  • Rakan: Tier 3 Renewer

  • Galio: Tier 4 Draconic, Knight

  • Lucian: Tier 4 Cannoneer

  • Akshan: Tier 5 Ranger


At the start of combat, Inanimate champions summon Hallowed Mist that seeps through their surrounding 1 hexes for a few seconds, granting all allies within damage reduction from enemies outside of the mist.

  • Gwen: Tier 5 Mystic


When a Victorious champion scores a kill, their next attack is empowered to deal 40% of the target's missing Health as bonus magic damage.

  • Garen: Tier 5 Dawnbringer, Knight


Debuting for the first time in TFT, Fiddlesticks replaces Ryze as an Abomination/Mystic, but also extends the Revenant trait tree!

  • Fiddlesticks: Tier 4 Abomination, Mystic, Revenant


Removed Traits

No witchcraft can rejuvenate these slayed traits.

  • Verdant

  • Dragonslayer

  • God-King

  • Coven

Removed Champions

These champs are so last set. Wish I could say they’d be mist.

  • Warwick

  • Viktor

  • Katarina

  • Trundle

  • Pantheon

  • Mordekaiser

  • Lissandra

  • LeBlanc

  • Morgana

  • Kindred

  • Ryze

  • Taric

  • Darius


Reworked Traits

The Monstrosity is now less of an Assassin, and more of a beefcake. With Shadow Items gone, Forgotten champions are more likely to remember victorious combats than old set mechanics.

  • Abomination REWORKED: The Monstrosity’s Health and AD increases by 20% each Stage, starting from: Abomination 3: Stage 3, Abomination 4: Stage 4, Abomination 5: Stage 5

  • Ally Deaths Required for the Monstrosity to emerge: 3 ⇒ 2

  • The Monstrosity now deals 150/200/250 magic damage in the area where it stops charging

  • The Monstrosity Enrage Lifesteal: 40% ⇒ 60%

  • The Monstrosity Enrage Lifesteal no longer scales off of AP

  • The Monstrosity EnrageDuration: 3 ⇒ 5 seconds

  • The Monstrosity Armor & MR: 40/65/75 ⇒ 40/50/60

  • The Monstrosity Health: 1000/1600/2200 ⇒ 1000/1400/1800

  • The Monstrosity Attack Damage: 100/140/180 ⇒ 70/80/90

  • The Monstrosity Health Per Star Level: 100/160/220 ⇒ 100/140/180

  • The Monstrosity Attack Damage Per Star Level: 10/14/18 ⇒ 7/8/9

  • Forgotten REWORKED: (2/4/6/8) Forgotten champions gain bonus Attack Damage & Ability Power. Each victorious combat they participate in increases the bonus by 10%, stacking up to 5 times.

Adjusted Traits

With traits becoming more difficult (or easier) to hit at different breaking points, we have to make sure that each trait tier feels as powerful as it is difficult to achieve. For example, Nightbringer 8 is now incredibly hard to hit, requiring what are now componentless emblems, while also losing out on Darius. To match the difficulty of achieving Nightbringer 8, we’re making it feel like a true high-roll moment by almost doubling its power! TLDR, Nightbringer 8 should feel like a first, but trying to hit it might end up too hard to achieve.

  • Assassin Critical Strike Chance: 10/30/60 ⇒ 20/40/75%

  • Assassin Critical Strike Damage: 25/55/90 ⇒ 30/50/70%

  • Brawler 6 added, Health: 400/1000/1600

  • Dawnbringer Max Health Heal: 30/60/90/130% ⇒ 30/55/80/120%

  • Dawnbringer Healing Ticks: 10/20/25/30 ⇒ 10/15/20/25

  • Dawnbringer damage amp per proc: 12% ⇒ 10%

  • Draconic Average Value of 3 trait eggs: 3.25g ⇒ 3.14g

  • Draconic Average Value of 5 trait golden eggs: 9.25g ⇒ 7g

  • Hellion is now (2/4/6/8), Attack Speed changed to: 5/30/75/150%

  • Ironclad Armor: 35/85/170 ⇒ 30/70/125

  • Mystic 5 added, Magic Resist: 40/100/200 ⇒ 40/80/150/250

  • Nightbringer Shield max Health scaling: 30/60/90/140 ⇒ 30/60/100/250

  • Nightbringer Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50% ⇒> 20/30/40/80%

  • Ranger 6 added, Attack Speed: 75/180/400

  • Redeemed AP/Armor/MR: 30/55/95 ⇒ 20/35/75

  • Revenant 5 added, Revive with 10/25/45/70% Health, taking and dealing 25% more damage upon revival

  • Skirmisher Shield Max Health Scaling: 25/45/75% ⇒ 20/40/100%

  • Skirmisher bonus Attack Damage each second: 3/6/12 ⇒ 3/5/15

  • Spellweaver Starting Ability Power: 25/55/85% ⇒ 25/55/100%

  • Spellweaver Ability Power per Stack: 2/5/8 ⇒ 2/5/10


Tier 1

Radiant Items and the multiplicative tankiness they provide make super tanks (Garen, Hecarim, Leona, etc.) impossible to kill. This hurts the viability of front-to-back comps and takes too much time out of URF’s day. Expect to see nerfs for many of our tanks below.

  • Aatrox Armor and Magic Resist: 30 ⇒ 35

  • Leona Mana nerf: 0/60 ⇒ 0/80

  • Leona Solar Barrier Damage Reduction: 30/60/250 ⇒ 30/50/200

Tier 2

Beat it like a dead horse, or a pop song. Same diff. Alright MinionsRpeople2, simmer down.

  • Hecarim Max Mana nerf: 40/90 ⇒ 75/125

  • Hecarim Spirit of Dread Damage: 250/350/500 ⇒ 200/400/600

  • Hecarim Spirit of Dread Healing: 250/350/500 ⇒ 350/350/350

  • Sejuani is now a Brawler in addition to her other traits (Nightbringer, Brawler, Cavalier). \

  • Sejuani Fury of the North bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: 100/150/300 ⇒ 80/125/250

  • Syndra Health: 550 ⇒ 600

  • Syndra’s grabbed units with Force of Will are now untargetable

  • Syndra Force of Will Damage: 300/400/600 ⇒ 250/350/600

  • Varus Health: 550 ⇒ 600

Tier 3

With Draconic 5 being easier to hit (thanks Galio!), we’re shipping nerfs to champions that were already strong before the trait was this easy to play.

  • Ashe Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60

  • Ashe Mana nerf: 50/90 ⇒ 50/100

  • Ashe Enchanted Arrow Damage: 300/450/750 ⇒ 300/450/650

  • Ashe is no longer Verdant

  • Lulu Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.7

  • Nunu Mana Adjustment: 0/75 ⇒ 30/90

  • Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 200/350/650 ⇒ 200/300/575

  • Zyra Grasping Roots Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 sec

Tier 4

  • Aphelios Attack Damage: 75 ⇒ 65

  • Aphelios Max Mana nerf: 0/90 ⇒ 0/150

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Attack Damage Scaling: 140/150/180% ⇒ 350/375/475%

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Base Damage: 125/150/300 ⇒ 150/200/400

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Number of Targets: 4/4/8 ⇒ 5/5/10

  • Diana Health: 650 ⇒ 750

  • Diana Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 75

  • Diana Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Diana Mana buff: 80/160 ⇒ 70/140

  • Diana Moonfall Damage: 250/350/1500 ⇒ 300/450/2000

  • Diana is no longer a Dragonslayer (*looks at buffs above* she still slayin’ tho)

  • Jax Health: 900 ⇒ 1000

  • Karma Soulflare Damage: 225/280/700 ⇒ 210/260/700

  • Vel'koz Health: 650 ⇒ 700

Tier 5

  • Garen God-King ⇒ Victorious

  • Garen Mana nerf: 40/100 ⇒ 100/180

  • Garen God-Lion's Justice max Health percentage Damage: 20/25/200% ⇒ 25/30/200%

  • Garen God-Lion's Justice Shield Max Health Percent: 35/45/200% ⇒ 40/55/200%

  • Garen God-Lion's Justice Shield Duration: 4 ⇒ 5 seconds

  • Heimerdinger Upgrade!!! Damage: 500/650/7777 ⇒ 450/600/3333

  • Kayle Ascension 1 True Damage: 90/100/1000% ⇒ 80/90/1000%

  • Kayle is no longer Verdant

  • Teemo Starting Mana buff: 0/60 ⇒ 30/60

  • Teemo’s doppelhellion can now trigger Cruel’s passive. It’s a cruel, cruel, world.


With Shadow items gone we swapped around some of the Emblems because it was more fun. Cause who doesn’t want to see Olaf as a Hellion/Cavalier?

  • Hellion Emblem can now be made with a Bow and Spatula (previously Legionnaire Emblem)

  • Cavalier Emblem can now be made with a Vest and Spatula (previously Ironclad Emblem)

  • Chalice of Power Ability Power: 25 ⇒ 30

  • Dragon’s Claw REWORKED: Grants 200 bonus Magic Resist (including components). On being hit by magic or true damage from an Ability, launch a fireball at the Ability's caster that deals magic damage equal to 30% of their max Health (1 second cooldown).

  • Hand of Justice REWORKED: The holder gains both of the following: +10 AD and +10 AP and Attacks/Abilities heal for 10% of the damage dealt. At the start of each planning phase, one of these buffs is increased to 40(%).

  • Infinity Edge ADDED EFFECT: Now also grants +10% Critical Strike Damage

  • Titan’s Resolve REWORKED: Stacks are now granted on attack rather than on crit. Attack Damage and Ability Power per Stack: 3 ⇒ 2

  • Trap Claw renamed to Banshee’s Claw

  • Banshee’s Claw REWORKED: When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 1 hex(es) in the same row gain a shield that blocks the first enemy Ability. No longer Unique

  • Zeke’s Herald Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 30%


  • They got the jump on me: Assassins will now properly jump slightly before other units move

  • Tastes like fear: Teemo’s doppelhellion can now trigger the Cruel trait

  • Not quite resolute: Fixed an issue where Titan’s Resolve could lose its stacks or stop stacking mid combat

  • Sobriety test: Gragas’s Drunken Rage no longer ignores Banshee’s Claw

  • Now I’m angry: Sejuani’s Fury of the North now properly deals damage to targets that are CC immune

July 8 - Patch 11.14


As we prepare for the Dawn of Heroes we have a smaller patch this time around. But, as a reminder we did add some balance tweaks to Redeemed and Hellion in 11.13B.


We Legionncare.

  • Legionnaire Attack Speed: 25/60/110/195 ⇒ 25/65/120/200%

Champions: Tier 1

Just cause you don’t feel the pain now, doesn’t mean you won’t feel it doubly tomorrow morning.

  • Gragas Drunken Rage Damage Reduction: 40/50/60% ⇒ 35/45/60%

Champions: Tier 2

All in favor of renaming Sett’s spell to Heyyy-maker? As in, “Heyyy, wanna give me that sword over there?”

  • Sett Health: 700 ⇒ 750

  • Sett Haymaker Attack Damage Scaling: 160/180/200 ⇒ 170/185/200%

Champions: Tier 5

  • Garen God-Lion’s Justice Shield: 40/50/200% ⇒ 35/45/200%

  • Garen God-Lion’s Justice Shield Duration: 5 sec ⇒ 4 sec

  • Volibear Doombringer Damage: 150/250/2000 ⇒ 150/300/5000

  • Volibear Doombringer Stun Duration: 2.5/3/10 ⇒ 2.5/3.5/10 seconds


There’s a small amount of small changes that are simply smoothing out some of the edges. That being said, if you miss my writing like I miss your reading, don’t worry, there’s a whole lot more to come with the Mid-Set.


  • Forgotten Bonus Ability Power & Attack Damage: 25/60/125 ⇒ 25/60/120

  • Skirmisher Attack Damage per second: 3/6/10 ⇒ 3/6/12

  • Spellweaver Base Ability Power: 20/50/80 ⇒ 25/55/85

Champions: Tier 2

Giving some more survivability to a champion where building tank is off-Brand.

  • Brand Health: 550 ⇒ 600

Champions: Tier 3

  • Nocturne Health: 600 ⇒ 650

  • Yasuo Burning Blade Damage: 250/350/700 ⇒ 250/350/650

  • Yasuo Burning Blade On Hit Damage: 25/35/70 ⇒ 25/35/65

  • Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 200/325/700 ⇒ 200/325/650

Champions: Tier 4

  • Ivern Health 1000 ⇒ 950

  • Ivern’s Daisy Health: 1500/2500/10000 ⇒ 1500/2400/10000

  • Rell Max Mana Nerf: 80/140 ⇒ 80/150

Champions: Tier 5

  • Darius God-Wolf’s Carnage Attack Damage Scaling: 180/220/2000 ⇒ 200/225/2000

  • Viego Sovereign's Domination Damage per second: 200/300/1500 ⇒ 180/300/1500


Here are some SMALL changes for large impact, or maybe it’s the other way around? Regardless, these UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) changes are for us to enjoy!

Unit Size

  • 3-star 5 costs now better represent their over 9,000 power level… They’re now huge.

PC Only

  • Items now appear in the end-of-game screen! Hover over a champion for details.

  • Tooltips for full items in the Armory now contain the item’s icon and title.


  • Your device’s battery level is now visible in-game and out of game

  • Tooltips for full items in the Armory now contain the item’s icon and title

Hyper Roll Ranked Changes

We have a series of Hyper Roll ranked updates that will be great for your climb to Purple Tier while maintaining the competitive integrity of the sacred Hyper Tier rank!

  • At the end of last week we gave a lil’ boost to your ranked climb in Hyper Roll that makes the climb significantly easier for players as they climb to and through Purple Tier.

  • This is nice because we will be giving out emote rewards for players that reach Blue, Purple, and Hyper Tier by patch 11.15.

  • Hyper Roll tiers will not be hard reset come 11.15. Instead, anyone at Blue or higher will go to the bottom of Blue.

  • The rewards for Hyper Roll will come in patch 11.16 alongside the rest of the ranked rewards for the first half of Reckoning.


While I wish you the best in your climb as the Mid-Set approaches, I also wanted to give you the heads up on a couple of dates. You’ll see Dawn of Heroes appear on PBE July 7th. The Mid-Set will head to live servers with patch 11.15 very, very, early in the morning on July 21st. And the Pass and Store Content will activate after my third cup of coffee that day at 11 AM (PDT)!


  • Fixed an issue where if a player had Hellion active and they corrupted an enemy with Viego, that unit would always spawn a Doppelhellion of itself on death even if it wasn't a Hellion

  • Nunu no longer plays through the consume animation on units with Trap Claw spell shields (despite dealing no damage due to the spell shield)

  • Double Rainbow: Lux can no longer deal the bonus magic damage from her ability more than once in a single cast if she reaches high enough attack speed

  • Lux’s bonus magic damage from her ability is now properly blocked by Trap Claw

  • Fixed an issue where Trundle could drop below 0 max Health when his Subjugate buff ended and become unkillable for the remainder of combat. Now if Trundle were to drop below 0 max Health, he will die instead.

  • Fixed an issue where Kalista would sometimes stop auto-attacking.

June 23 - Patch 11.13



We added stronger Armory options last patch, and we’re pretty happy with how they turned out. But sometimes the options feel like they’re on totally different power levels, so we’re reforging the options to make them all feel good.

  • Magnetic Remover and Reforger can no longer appear in the Armory

  • Two Full Items + Two Special Item Armory replaced with Four Full Items Armory

  • Two Components + Two Special Item (Neeko’s Help, Loaded Dice, Spatula, Shadow Spatula) Armory replaced with Two Components + Two Full Item Armory

  • Chances of a 4-2 Armory have been increased

  • 4-2 Chances of seeing a Special Item (Neeko’s Help, Loaded Dice, Spatula, Shadow Spatula) are dramatically reduced

  • 4-2 Chances of seeing an Emblem are slightly lower

  • 4-2 Chances of seeing Components and Full Items are slightly higher.

  • Chances of a 5-2 Armory have been decreased

  • 5-2 Chances of seeing a Special Item are drastically reduced

  • 5-2 Chances of seeing an Emblem or Component are slightly lower.

  • 5-2 Chances of seeing a Full Item are slightly higher.

  • 6-2 and 7-2 Chances of seeing a Special Item (Neeko’s Help, Loaded Dice, Spatula, Shadow Spatula) or Emblem are lower.


Expect these changes to significantly impact the current play.


Skirmisher 6 and 9 still haven’t found their footing after their fall from power in patch 11.11. This should make the big melee vertical feel more like a BIG melee vertical.

  • Skirmisher Shield: 25/40/60%⇒25/45/75% Max Health

Champions: Tier 1

Being a Can-Tank-erous Cavalier, Kled’s role in Hellion comps has been limited to filling out traits and tanking a couple spells regardless of his star level. We’re giving him and his knightly pal some extra oomph to allow reroll Hellion to Poppy-off, while limiting the buff that power leveling comps get for just running one/two star Hellions in the early game.

  • Kled now gains bonus damage every 4th attack even while mounted.

  • Kled Attack Speed: 0.7⇒0.75

  • Poppy Max Mana Buff: 40/80⇒30/70

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Damage: 150/250/350⇒150/250/400

  • Poppy Buckler Toss Shield: 250/350/450⇒250/375/525

Champions: Tier 2

Trundle is designed to be a gigantic hulking carry, but his relationship with one-shotting tanks had to go. In Patch 11.11, we changed the way Trundle scales with Ability Power, as a fix to AP Trundle deleting enemy champions regardless of their stats. But, we didn’t like this change in the long run as it's using a balance lever that lacks clarity. Now, we’re reworking his spell so he’ll still drain a flat percentage of stats (unmodified by AP) from enemies but he’ll then amplify the stats he takes with any AP (scaling normally) that he has.

  • Kennen Starting Mana Buff: 50/125⇒60/125

  • Kennen Flame Rush Damage: 150/200/250⇒150/225/350

  • Trundle Subjugate REWORKED: Trundle drains his target's strength, reducing their Health, Armor, Magic Resist, and Attack Damage by 35% and granting himself 100/130/200% (modified by AP) of the drained stats for 8 seconds.

  • Trundle Mana Adjusted: 0/60⇒30/80

Champions: Tier 3

Nidalee has had pawblems with her identity as a Dodge and Crit jumpy cat. Her new role, as Attack Speed jumpy cat should allow her to perform as an attack speed carry in her comps, using items like Rageblade and Statikk Shiv. Yasuo’s been hurting like a fourth-degree burn, which is one degree higher than any 3-cost is allowed.

  • Ashe Enchanted Arrow Damage: 300/400/600⇒300/450/750

  • Nidalee Aspect of the Cougar REWORKED: Nidalee transforms into a cougar and leaps behind the lowest Health enemy. While in cougar form, Nidalee gains 45% Dodge Chance, 40/50/75% Attack Speed, and her attacks become melee attacks that deal 200/300/600 bonus magic damage every 4th attack.

  • Nidalee Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 50

  • Yasuo Burning Blade Damage: 300/400/750 ⇒ 250/350/700

  • Yasuo Burning Blade Stacking On Hit Damage: 30/40/75⇒25/35/70

Champions: Tier 4

It’s a Rune Prison-break. Ryze with a Very Dark Blue Buff spelled out a Very Dark fate for his opponents with a chain stun that was the bane of fun. We’re keeping his single target lock-down intact, but he’ll need more evidence before imprisoning secondary targets.

  • Ryze Attack Speed: 0.75⇒0.8

  • Ryze’s empowered Rune Prison now stuns secondary targets for half the stun duration (.75/1/2). The main target is still stunned for the full duration (1.5/2/4).

Champions: Tier 5

The goal with our Kayle mini-rework is to create a smoother power progression for TFT’s most powerful late game carry. Expect Kayle to do a bit more early, but deal less AOE damage and have more windows of vulnerability in her final form.

  • Kayle Health: 500⇒650

  • Kayle Attack Damage: 60⇒75

  • Kayle Attack Speed: 1.0⇒1.1

  • Kayle Number of Attacks per Immunity: 10⇒15

  • Kayle Ascension 4 AOE Spell Damage: 200/300/10000⇒80/125/4000


Using Sacrificial Infinity Edge will no longer cost Pantheon and Vel’koz everything. Brandbulance can now heal Eclipse Cape users after the first 8 seconds of combat.

  • Sacrificial Infinity Edge REWORKED: Now deals damage on attack and ability cast rather than on every instance of critical damage.

  • Sacrificial Infinity Edge NEW TOOLTIP: Grants 75% Critical Strike Chance (including components). Each point of Critical Strike Chance above 100% becomes +1% Critical Strike Damage. The holder also gains 30% Critical Strike Damage. Each time the holder attacks or casts their Ability, they take true damage equal to 3% of their max Health.

  • Ionic Spark Damage: 200%⇒250% of Caster Mana

  • Eclipse Cape Self Burn: Entirety of Combat⇒first 8 seconds of combat


Life’s like a game of TFT. Add many small changes to consistently maintain a healthy lifestyle by balancing your personality traits or eating the Infernal Souls of your foes —now slightly less spicy.


Forgotten mustn't forget to build shadow items, if they want to stay ‘S’ tier. S stands for spooky btw.

  • Abomination Monstrosity Attack Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 100/140/180

  • Abomination Monstrosity Attack Damage Per Star Level: 10/15/20 ⇒ 10/14/18

  • Dragonslayer Self Bonus Ability Power: 30/80/140 ⇒ 30/70/140

  • Forgotten Base Attack Damage & Ability Power: 30/70/140 ⇒ 25/60/125

  • Forgotten Bonus Per Shadow Item: 10%⇒15%

  • Ironclad Armor: 40/90/180⇒35/85/170

  • Knight Block Amount: 15/40/80⇒20/40/70

  • Legionnaire Attack Speed: 25/60/110/180⇒25/60/110/195

  • Ranger Bonus Attack Speed 70/180⇒75/180%

  • Redeemed AP/Armor/MR: 30/60/90⇒30/60/100

  • Renewer HP & Mana Regen: 3/6/10%⇒3/6/9%

Champions: Tier 1

Is that Spell product placement for a TV show airing on Netflix in the distant future?

  • Ziggs Health 500⇒450

  • Ziggs Arcane Bomb Damage: 250/350/450⇒250/375/525

Champions: Tier 2

  • Soraka Mana Reave Increase: 35/35/50% ⇒ 35/35/35%

  • Varus Holy Arrows Attack Damage Ratio: 150/160/180% ⇒ 150/155/165%

Champions: Tier 3

Sometimes Grasping Roots wouldn’t branch out to enemies in its path. By slightly increasing the hitbox, Zyra’s spell should stun those in its path without a sprout.

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Primary Damage: 200/250/420⇒180/250/420

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Secondary Damage: 100/125/210⇒90/125/210

  • Lee Sin Cripple Damage: 250/350/750⇒250/350/700

  • Lux Prismatic Illumination Shield: 150/225/400⇒125/200/400

  • Zyra Grasping Roots hitbox has been increased slightly

Champions: Tier 4

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Base Damage: 100/150/300⇒125/150/300

  • Jax Attack Speed: 0.85⇒0.9

  • Karma Soulflare Damage: 240/300/700⇒225/280/700

  • Rell Attract and Repel Shield Amount: 350/500/3000⇒300/450/3000

  • Taric Starting Mana Buff: 100/200⇒120/200

Champions: Tier 5

  • Teemo’s Cruelty Infernal Soul Damage: 140/175/666⇒130/160/666

  • Volibear Starting Mana Buff: 100/200⇒110/200


  • Archdemon’s Staff of Immortality Mana Ratio: 400%⇒350%

  • Giant Slayer Maximum Health Threshold: 1750⇒1650

  • Giant Slayer Bonus Damage: 80%⇒75%

  • Redemption AOE Damage Reduction: 30%⇒25%

  • Locket of the Silver Lunari Armor & MR: 70⇒60


  • Fixed a bug where getting 8 Assassins would turn off the Assassin bonus (Thanks PieHat!)

  • Wolf, Daisy, Heimerdinger’s Turret, and Zz’Rot’s Voidspawn now correctly have 130% base Critical Strike Damage (Thanks Deisik!)

  • Reforger will no longer reforge Shadow Components into the same Component

  • Eclipse Cape now properly applies its self burn if equipped mid-combat

  • Revive effects (e.g., Guardian Angel, Revenant) will no longer trigger if its holder is affected by Kindred’s ability

  • Teemo will now display correctly in the Shop as costing Health when rolled from a Loaded Dice

June 9 - Patch 11.12


It’s time to fight back, but how?

  • Assemble the missing Skyglass pieces, starting June 15th and ending July 7th 8am PST.

  • This can be done across 15 total missions, each tied to a piece of the Skyglass.

  • Earn free rewards for completing missions, with the initial missions providing 10 Star Shards each, and the last three granting a Magical Misfits Little Legends egg and two emotes.


URF Dowsie isn’t needed to stunt on your opponent, but oh my, it sure helps.

  • Skyglass Eggs are coming to TFT at 390RP (2.99 Mobile)

  • Our least expensive eggs yet are for players looking to get any Little Legend from launch to Spirit Blossom. Eggs are also available in bundles.

  • For the hardcore collectors, Skyglass Eggs have a chance to drop URF Dowsie, our first Mythic tier Little Legend.


  • PC Only: From the TFT lobby, you can click your portrait to switch between your current Little Legend’s icon and your Summoner icon.


Loot Orbs

Loots familiar… New consumables have been added as rare drops from loot orbs

  • Reforger: Use to reroll items into other items of the same evil/vanilla variant and same tier (completed/uncompleted as well as emblems).

  • It’s unnatural: Force of Nature and Force of Darkness cannot be rerolled.

  • Magnetic Remover: Use to remove items equipped to a champion.


The Armory will appear more frequently, and feature more powerful and varied items. We’re hoping this will encourage flexible play by reducing the consistency of cookie-cutter item combos, and allow for more decisive plays such as adjusting your team composition to fit an item. Say you see a Hellion Emblem in the Armory and are already running Lulu as a Mystic. Picking that Emblem and splashing Hellion 3 will allow you to utilize the full power of those fiery rats.

To create moments for adaptation and variety, we’re also adding more items. To counteract an item overflow, we are removing the 4-2 Armory.

  • 3-2 Armory (Changed): 2 Regular Components ⇒ 1 Shadow, 1 Regular

  • 4-2 Armory (Removed): Removing the 4-2 Armory to prevent against forcing builds and an overabundance of items.

  • Armory Frequency: Starting on Stage 4, the Second Round of each Stage (4-2, 5-2, 6-2, etc.) has a chance to have an additional Armory. These will have a variety of options including: Consumables (Reforger, Neeko’s, Magnetic Remover, and Loaded Dice), Spatulas, Item Components (Bow, Sword, etc.), Combined Items (Bloodthirster, Riskthirster, etc.), and Emblems (Completed Spatula Items).

  • Later stage drops are more powerful. A Stage 6+ Armory will no longer offer item components, and later Stage armories can offer Emblems for traits that you are playing.

  • Hyper Roll Armory: A bonus Armory can appear on 5-2, 7-2, 9-2, etc.

  • Hyper Roll Basic Armory rounds have been shuffled slightly to accommodate the newly stocked Armory.

Critical Strike Damage

Why Change Crit: With Reckoning we set out to reduce percent damage increases. The multiplicative power of items like the old Fates Hand of Justice made it a core item on too many champions, creating a narrow and stale itemization path. In Reckoning, critical strike has taken the throne as the new king of damage multipliers, leading to a similar situation where items like Infinity Edge and Jeweled Gauntlet are far too dominant on far too many champions.

Our Goal: This change represents an overall nerf to all crit-related effects in the game, a change that should allow for more offensive item diversity, more damage consistency, and more elegant balance solutions in the future for attackers and casters that have previously been reliant on the crits from Jeweled Gauntlet and Infinity Edge builds.

  • Base Critical Strike Damage: 150% ⇒ 130%


Reach Traits

Several new Reach Trait tiers have been added. They’re a bit reachy, but also quite powerful.

  • Dragonslayer 6: Now offers Dragonslayers 140 Ability Power and teammates 100 Ability Power

  • Ironclad 4: Allies gain 180 Armor

  • Renewer 6: Renewers Heal for 10% of their maximum Health each second, and at full Health, they restore 10% of their Mana instead.

  • Revenant 4: Revenants will revive with 75% of max Health.

  • Spellweaver 6: Spellweavers have 80 increased Ability Power and are granted an additional 8 Ability Power Per Cast, stacking up to 10 times.

  • Skirmisher 9: Skirmishers gain a shield equal to 60% of their max Health at the start of combat, and 10 bonus Attack Damage per second.

Trait Balancing

Viktor has rebuilt the Monstrosity so it no longer behaves like a backline Assassin; it’s bulking season for this below-ground body-builder.

In patch 11.10 we fixed a Dawnbringers bug that prevented them from properly dying to large instances of damage even when their healing effect had yet to trigger. As patches have unfolded, Dawnbringers have been experiencing more sunsets than intended. Instead of bringing back the bug, we’re giving Dawnbringers some more damage to bring when their healing occurs.

  • Cavalier Damage Reduction: Damage Reduction: 20/30/35% ⇒ 20/25/30%

  • The Monstrosity now stops charging after slamming into two targets.

  • The Monstrosity now removes Attack Speed Slows and AD Reduction effects when he casts his spell.

  • Monstrosity Armor/Magic Resist: 40/50/60 ⇒ 40/60/75

  • Monstrosity Attack Damage: 100/160/220 ⇒ 90/150/200

  • Monstrosity Bonus AD: 10/16/22 ⇒ 9/15/20

  • Dawnbringer Bonus Damage: 10% ⇒ 12%

  • Redeemed Armor/ Magic Resist/ Ability Power: 30/50/70 ⇒ 30/60/90

  • Skirmisher Max Health Shield: 20/40/60% ⇒ 25/40/60%


Tier 1

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Primary Damage: 250/300/400 ⇒ 280/330/450

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 125/150/200 ⇒ 140/165/225

  • Vayne Silver Bolts Damage: 65/90/140 ⇒ 70/100/140

  • Vladimir Max Mana Buff: 0/85 ⇒ 0/80

Tier 2

Brand with Blue Buff had a weird bug that triggered things like Archangel’s and Sacrificial Gauntlet twice even though he was only casting once. To fix this, we increased his Mana lock, which will also double as a slight nerf. With Blue Buff he'll still only have to attack once between casts like he did in 11.11, but he'll wait slightly longer before his next cast.

Ethereal Chains? More like Perennial Chains. For this stop in the notes, LeBlanc’s being moved into a utility role. This’ll help complement the Assassin comps that have plenty of damage carries, and make her feel more helpful as a support Coven. LeBlanc support viable?

  • Brand Mana Lock after casting: 1 ⇒ 1.5 seconds

  • Hecarim Spirit of Dread now correctly scales with Ability Power

  • Hecarim Spirit of Dread Damage: 450/600/1200 ⇒ 250/350/500

  • Hecarim Spirit of Dread Healing: 300/400/800 ⇒ 250/350/500

  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Damage: 200/250/500 ⇒ 100/150/250

  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Stun Duration: 2 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds

  • LeBlanc Health: 550 ⇒ 600

  • Nautilus Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 80

  • Nautilus Anchor Slam Damage: 150/250/700 ⇒ 200/300/750

  • Sejuani Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 65

  • Thresh Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 75

Tier 3

True to her roots, Zyra will cast her spell at the same time as before, but will now be able to cast again sooner. This will allow her to trigger things like Spellweaver and Archangel’s faster and allow her to grow into her utility role more clearly. To ensure she’s not becoming an unwanted weed, we’re pruning her damage at 1 and 2 stars.

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Primary Damage: 200/250/450 ⇒ 200/250/420

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Secondary Damage: 100/125/225 ⇒ 100/125/210

  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Attack Damage Bonus: 90/100/150% ⇒ 90/100/130%

  • Riven Attack Damage: 90 ⇒ 85

  • Nunu Max Mana Nerf: 0/70 ⇒ 0/75

  • Zyra Max Mana Buff: 60/120 ⇒ 40/100

  • Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 250/350/700 ⇒ 200/325/700

Tier 4

Jax may not need a weapon, but he needs a helping hand. Karma’s caught it bad with Blue Buff. It’s time to call her by her name, and give her a change that she deserves. With these changes Karma joins our twenty other Mana units that all attack once between casts with Blue Buff.

  • Aphelios Max Mana Buff: 0/100 ⇒ 0/90

  • Jax Empowered Strike Bonus Attack Speed: 20/25/60% ⇒ 30/35/100%

  • Karma Mana Lock: 1.25 ⇒ 1.5 seconds.

  • Karma Max Mana Buff: 0/60 ⇒ 0/50

  • Karma Mana Reduction Per Cast: 20/20/40 ⇒ 15/15/30

  • Karma Soulflare Damage: 200/250/600 ⇒ 240/300/700

  • Vel’koz Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.75

Tier 5

  • Kayle Divine Ascent 3rd Ascension Attacks per Immunity: 7 ⇒ 10


We’ve adjusted the way Sacrificial Gauntlet accepts sacrifices in order to allow repeat casters like Brand, Karma, and Katarina to build it. Also, we’ve renamed Vengeful Trap Claw and my submissions of “Best Friend Claw” and “Friendly Fiend Claw” were coldly rejected.

  • Archangel's Staff Mana Ratio: 40% ⇒ 45%

  • Archdemon’s Staff of Immortality Mana Ratio: 350% ⇒ 400%

  • Bloodthirster Lifesteal: 40% ⇒ 33%

  • Riskthirster Self Damage: 33% ⇒ 25% of max Health

  • Hand of Justice Attack Damage and Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 45

  • Ionic Spark Magic Resist Shred: 40% ⇒ 50%

  • Sacrificial Gauntlet Self Damage: 15% of max Health ⇒ 100% of max Mana multiplied by Star Level

  • Titan’s Revenge Damage: 25% ⇒ 20% of pre-mitigation damage taken

  • Vengeful Trap Claw has been renamed to Banshee’s Claw


  • Brand’s cast no longer counts twice towards on-cast effects such as Archangel’s Staff and Shadow Jeweled Gauntlet

  • Hecarim’s Spirit of Dread now correctly scales with Ability Power

  • Vel’Koz will now find a new target for his Lifeform Disintegration Ray if his current target becomes untargetable (Guardian Angel, Revenant)

  • Stick em with the pointy end: Pantheon will now face his new combat target with Aegis Assault if his current target becomes untargetable (Guardian Angel, Revenant)

  • Damage ticks from Pantheon’s Aegis Assault can now properly critically strike and be dodged

  • re-Steeling the credit: Rell is now properly credited for her shielding in the Shields & Healing chart

  • No longer chasing thunder: Units should no longer attempt to chase Kennen if he dashes very far away

  • Fixed a rare Kindred bug where Wolf would get stuck in Lamb

May 26 - Patch 11.11


User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Buffs!

It’s here.

  • Recipe hints are now extended. When you right-click or tap an item to view recipe hints, you can then hover or tap the completed recipe to see what the full item does!

  • You have no mana! Blue Buff and Very Dark Blue Buff now pop off of Champions with no mana

  • Zz’Rot Portal’s item icon on PC now glows purple instead of green so that it doesn’t look like a Shadow Item

Shop Rates (Standard and Hyper Roll)

TLDR: Reroll for your 2-cost three stars at Level 6 and your 3-cost three stars at Level 7.

Giving clearer and stronger windows to hit 2 and 3 cost champions by differentiating shop rates at Level 6 and 7.

  • Level 6: 35/35/25/5/0% ⇒ 25/40/30/5/0%

  • Level 7: 19/35/30/15/1% ⇒ 19/30/35/15/1%

Carousel Shadow Item Rates

Spooky items are spooky fun. So we’re giving you more opportunities to play around with them.

  • 1 Shadow Item: 10% ⇒ 0%

  • 2 Shadow Items: 75% ⇒ 70%

  • 3 Shadow Items: 10% ⇒ 25%

  • 4 Shadow Items: 5% ⇒ 5% (no change)

Loot Orbs (Standard + Hyper Roll)

Neeko starts should feel like a high roll, but they can feel low, especially when you don’t hit 2/3-costs in the shop preventing you from exchanging the Neeko for gold right then and there. By replacing the gold drop with Champions it should feel a lot more like a high roll. Now it’s up to you, whether you want to turn Neeko into gold, or greed for the late game.

  • Decision Making Buff! All Orbs: Slightly lowered the odds of getting gold and increased the odds of getting champions of equal value.

  • Blue Orb: Neeko + 2g (8% chance) ⇒ Neeko + 1x Two Cost Champ (6% chance) or Neeko + 1x Three Cost champ (2% chance)


The Monstrosity is supposed to come in like a wrecking ball and bash your enemy’s backline to smithereens. Currently, the Monstrosity Charges in, casts Enrage once, then finds itself in a 1v5, like a pop star at a Chaos Pengu metal concert.

But the real monster here is *gulp* Skirmisher in the early and mid game. To slay that beast, we’re changing the Skirmisher Shield to scale with max health, which is a nerf for 1 star Skirmisher units, relatively neutral for 2 star units, and a buff for 3 star Skirmishers.

Finally, Knight 6 has proven strong in the current meta and will likely get stronger after we nerf Armor and Magic Resist Shreds (see Tier 5 and items), so we’re adding some weak spots in the armor.

  • Abomination Monstrosity Enrage Cast time reduced by 25%

  • Abomination Monstrosity Base Health: 1000/1400/1800 ⇒ 1000/1600/2200

  • Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Health per Star Level: 100/140/180 ⇒ 100/160/220

  • Abomination Monstrosity Attack Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 100/160/220

  • Abomination Monstrosity Attack Damage Per Star Level: 10/15/20 ⇒ 10/16/22

  • Forgotten Attack Damage and Ability Power: 30/70/160 ⇒ 30/70/140

  • Knight Damage Reduction: 15/40/90 ⇒ 15/40/80

  • Skirmisher Shield: 300/600 ⇒ 20/40% max Health

  • Spellweaver Ability Power 20/60 ⇒ 20/50

  • Spellweaver Ability Power Per Cast: 2/6 ⇒ 2/5


Tier 1

Our new stance on a balanced Udyr is something between 11.9 Udyr and the buff we gave him in 11.10.

  • Udyr Feral Instinct (Tiger stance) Attack Damage: 130/140/200% ⇒ 120/130/180%

  • Vladimir Transfusion Damage: 250/350/450 ⇒ 300/420/540

Tier 2

Nerfing a champion’s Ability Power ratio is something we try to avoid, but Trundle’s spell in combination with the Dragonslayer trait, created a situation where he could one-shot and nullify a champion regardless of their defenses. To counteract this we’re reducing Trundle’s effectiveness with Ability Power, while also slowing the rate he Subjugates his victims.

And somehow LeBlanc has deceived us all again, chaining together back to back to back appearances in our patch notes.

  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Stun Duration: 1.5/2/2.5 ⇒ 2 seconds

  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Damage: 200/300/600 ⇒ 200/250/500

  • Sejuani Fury of the North Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 60/120/300 ⇒ 100/150/300

  • Soraka Max Mana Buff: 30/80 ⇒ 30/70

  • Trundle Subjugate Ability Power Ratio: 100% ⇒ 50%

  • Trundle Subjugate Stat Steal Duration: 6 ⇒ 8 seconds

  • Varus Holy Arrows Blessing On-Hit Bonus Damage: 40/60/100 ⇒ 40/60/90

Tier 3

Like a true Spartan, Pantheon’s been able to solo tank an entire army, but Dragonslayers are not Spartans, and it’s time we remind Pantheon of that.

  • Lulu Whimsy Attack Speed: 70/80/100% ⇒ 70/80/120%

  • Morgana Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Morgana starting Mana Buff: 60/120 ⇒ 80/120

  • Pantheon Aegis Assault Damage Reduction: 75/80/90% ⇒ 65%

  • Nidalee Bonus Damage on next attack after dodging/critting: 100/150/375 ⇒ 120/180/450

  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Attack Damage Bonus: 90/100/130% ⇒ 90/100/150%

Tier 4

Four cost carries have defined Reckoning thus far. And just like my use of ‘thus’, they’ve gotta go. That being said, we’re buffing the worst performing 4-costs by adding some joy to our sad boi and watering Daisy for healthier growth!

  • Aphelios Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 75

  • Draven Spinning Axes Attack Damage Multiplier: 180/200/260% ⇒ 170/180/340%

  • Draven Spinning Axes Bonus Damage: 150/200/500 ⇒ 150/200/800

  • Ivern’s Daisy now properly stars up with Ivern

  • Daisy’s Health will remain the same values but she now gains bonus AD while starring up

  • Daisy’s Shockwave Damage and Stun Duration will now apply the proper starred up values rather than always using 1 star values

  • Karma Soulflare Damage: 180/240/700 ⇒ 200/250/600

  • Jax Empowered Strike Bonus Attack Speed: 30/35/50% ⇒ 20/25/60%

  • Mordekaiser Max Mana Nerf: 0/70 ⇒ 0/80

  • Vel’Koz Lifeform Disintegration Ray Damage: 1000/1250/4000 ⇒ 900/1150/4000

Tier 5

TLDR: Darius buffed, Garen power neutral changes.

Resistance shredding provides too much powerful, yet invisible value in the late game. We’re taking some of the shred out of the God-Kings’ kits and putting that power elsewhere with the intention of a power neutral change for Garen and an overall buff for Darius. Without the consistent late game shred, this is almost Garenteed to be a buff for Ironclad and Mystic.

  • Darius Starting Mana Buff: 30/100 ⇒ 40/100

  • Darius God-Wolf's Carnage Armor Shred: 70% ⇒ 50%

  • Darius God-Wolf's Carnage Armor Shred Duration: 10 sec ⇒ 8 sec

  • Darius God-Wolf's Carnage Healing per Auto after cast: 10% ⇒ 15/20/50%

  • Darius God-Wolf's Carnage Healing Autos after cast: 3/4/10 ⇒ 2

  • Darius God-Wolf's Carnage Attack Damage Scaling: 160/200/2000% ⇒ 180/220/2000%

  • Garen Starting Mana Buff: 30/100 ⇒ 40/100

  • Garen God-Lion's Justice Magic Resist Shred: 70% ⇒ 50%

  • Garen God-Lion's Justice Magic Resist Shred Duration: 10 sec ⇒ 8 sec

  • Heimerdinger Upgrade!!! Damage: 400/600/7777 ⇒ 500/650/7777

  • Kayle Health: 700 ⇒ 500

  • Volibear Starting Mana Buff: 80/200 ⇒ 100/200


Similar to the last patch, we’re buffing some of the less utilized items. Of these, Archangel’s and Archdemon’s are getting better scaling ratios than my twitter. The Riskthirster is getting Riskthirstier. Deathblade is stacking up to be a decent item. And Final Whisper might finally see some play.

Also give the reworked Vengeful Trap Claw a try for a spell shield the whole family can enjoy!

  • Archangel’s Staff Tooltip now specifies that the Ability Power gain applies to the cast that grants the bonus Ability Power

  • Archangel’s Staff Mana Ratio: 35% ⇒ 40%

  • Archdemon’s Staff of Immortality Mana Ratio: 300% ⇒ 350%

  • Riskthirster Bonus Attack Speed Duration: 3 ⇒ 4 seconds

  • Deathblade & Caustic Deathblade Starting Stacks: 3 ⇒ 4

  • Hextech Gunblade of Immortality Heal Target: Nearest ally with missing Health ⇒ Ally with lowest percent Health

  • Final Whisper Armor and MR Shred: 50% ⇒ 70%

  • Redemption Missing Health Heal: 25% ⇒ 20%

  • Statikk Shiv & Statikk Stiletto Magic Resist Shred: 70% ⇒ 50%

  • Vengeful Trap Claw REWORKED: When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 1 hex in the same row gain a shield that blocks the first enemy Ability.


  • Kled will now properly receive start of combat effects before triggering his shield (in order to benefit from effects like Chalice of Power)

  • Redemption’s healing now shows up on the Shields & Healing combat recap

  • Stop hitting yourself. Self damage from Shadow Items no longer provide stacks to Titan’s Resolve

  • Fixed some loading screen tips that weren’t accurate with respect to Hyper Roll

  • The following Champions’ physical abilities no longer still deal their damage despite triggering Trap Claw: Aatrox, Aphelios, Jax, Kalista, Sett, Varus

  • Zz’Rot Voidspawn corrupted by Viego now have the proper stats and effects

  • Fixed a rare issue where units could benefit from the Invoker trait despite it not being active

  • With a Vengeance! Kalista’s Pierce spear can no longer fail to hit if she dies after casting

  • Fixed an issue where a Trundle’s Subjugate buff expiring while under the effect of an enemy Trundle’s Subjugate debuff could result in the Trundle becoming unkillable for the remainder of combat

  • Spawn Camper… Thresh will no longer continue pulling Revenant enemies who are reviving

  • Thresh can now start gaining Mana immediately after he stops pulling his target

  • Extra Trolled: Fixed an issue where Trundle would sometimes not correctly lower his target’s Health when casting

May 12 - Patch 11.10


Despite the dark aesthetic of Reckoning, we’re letting all the traits shine!

  • Abomination Monstrosity Base Health: 1000/1300/1600 ⇒ 1000/1400/1800

  • Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Health per Star Level: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/140/180

  • Abomination Monstrosity Base Attack Damage: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/150/200

  • Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Attack Damage per Star Level: 10/13/16 ⇒ 10/15/20

  • Cavalier Damage Reduction: 15/25/35% ⇒ 15/30/40%

  • Dragonslayer Trait Dragonslayer Champion Ability Power: 30/70 ⇒ 30/80

  • Dragonslayer Trait non-Dragonslayer Ability Power: 20/50 ⇒ 20/60

  • Forgotten Attack Damage and Ability Power: 30/80/140 ⇒ 30/70/160

  • Knight Damage Reduction: 15/40/75 ⇒ 15/40/90

  • Mystic Magic Resist: 40/100/180 ⇒ 40/100/200

  • Verdant Crowd Control Immunity Duration: 4/6 ⇒ 5/8 seconds


Tier 1

While not OP, Leona’s excessive tankiness can be a barrier to fun. We’re nerfing her damage reduction, but giving her some base Attack Damage to compensate.

  • Aatrox Deathbringer Strike Attack Damage: 220/240/280% ⇒ 260/280/360%

  • Leona Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 80

  • Leona Solar Barrier Damage Reduction: 40/80/400 ⇒ 30/60/250

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers AD Reduction: 40/40/60% ⇒ 40/40/40%

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Primary Damage: 300/400/500 ⇒ 250/300/400

  • Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 150/200/250 ⇒ 125/150/200

  • Vayne Attack Damage: 25 ⇒ 30

  • Vayne Silver Bolts Damage: 90/120/160 ⇒ 65/90/140

  • Udyr Feral Instinct (Tiger stance) Attack Damage: 110/120/160% ⇒ 130/140/200%

  • Warwick Infinite Duress Damage: 200/300/400 ⇒ 200/300/450

Tier 2

LeBlanc’s been shooting two chains like a rapper out of Georgia. So we’re going to nerf her two times, once in our 11.9B Patch, and another time right here. Like a reference to a below average rapper, a powerful Sett carry comp recently popped out of nowhere, so we’re intervening to remind Sett that he’s a 2-cost now.

  • Brand Sear Damage: 700/900/1400 ⇒ 600/900/1500

  • Hecarim Starting Mana: 0/90 ⇒ 40/90

  • LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Stun Duration: 1.5/2/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds

  • Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing

  • Sett Haymaker Attack Damage Scaling: 160/180/220% ⇒ 160/180/200%

  • Trundle Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8

  • Trundle Mana: 0/70 ⇒ 0/60

  • Viktor Siphon Power Damage: 300/500/750 ⇒ 300/500/850

  • Viktor Siphon Power Shield: 150/250/375 ⇒ 150/250/425

Tier 3

Grab your reading glasses, cause this is where we go all in on creating alternative win conditions by empowering 3-cost carry compositions. Of note here is the bug fix for Nocturne that will increase the healing of our favorite jumping nightmare blender. The only 3-cost being nerfed here is Morgana, who has seen an absurd amount of play with her multiple traits and strong Crowd Control.

  • Katarina Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Initial Damage: 200/250/400 ⇒ 200/250/450

  • Katarina Sinister Blade Secondary Damage: 100/125/200 ⇒ 100/125/225

  • Lee Sin Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Lee Sin Cripple Damage: 200/300/650 ⇒ 250/350/750

  • Lulu Whimsy Targets: 3/4/5 ⇒ 3/4/6

  • Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away. Friendship knows no bounds.

  • Pantheon Aegis Assault Attack Damage Scaling: 350/400/500% ⇒ 400/450/650%

  • Morgana Soul Shackles Radius: 3 ⇒ 2 Hexes

  • Morgana Soul Shackles Secondary Damage: 200/300/550 ⇒ 250/300/550

  • Nidalee Max Mana Buff: 0/75 ⇒ 0/60

  • Nidalee Bonus Damage on next attack after dodging/critting: 100/150/300 ⇒ 100/150/375

  • Nocturne Bug Fix: Nocturne’s spinning slash now correctly heals him based on how much damage he deals rather than a pre-calculated amount based on his stats (he should now heal a lot more when itemized and hitting multiple enemies)

  • Nunu Max Mana Buff: 0/85 ⇒ 0/70

  • Riven Health: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Cast Time: 0.5 ⇒ 0.3 seconds

  • Riven Blade of the Dawn Bonus Attack Damage: 80/90/100% ⇒ 90/100/130%

  • Yasuo Burning Blade Strike Damage: 300/400/600 ⇒ 300/400/750

  • Yasuo Burning Blade Stacking On-hit True Damage: 30/40/60 ⇒ 30/40/75

  • Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 250/350/600 ⇒ 250/350/700

Tier 4

The Aphelios changes are meant to be power neutral after the B patch nerf last week. Just make sure you’re building some crit with your swords and bows. Draven’s been looking good, while being totally okay. With a little push into the spotlight, it’s time for him to look good while also being good.

  • Aphelios Bug fix: Dark Vigil can now critically strike

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Attack Damage: 160/180/220% ⇒ 140/150/180%

  • Aphelios Dark Vigil Base Damage: 150/200/400 ⇒ 100/150/300

  • Draven Max Mana Buff: 0/50 ⇒ 0/40

  • Ivern Ability Power granted to Daisy on recasts is now a flat amount of Ability Power rather than a Percentage

  • Ivern Daisy! Ability Power Bonus: 50/75/300% ⇒ 100/150/300

  • Ivern’s Daisy Damage: 200/250/1000 ⇒ 250/350/1200

  • Mordekaiser Max Mana Nerf: 0/60 ⇒ 0/70

  • Rell Attract and Repel Stun Duration: 2/2.5/8 ⇒ 1.5/2/8 seconds

Tier 5

The Kindred changes below affect Wolf’s gameplay, and not Lamb’s Respite (Lamb’s Ability).

  • Garen God-Lion’s Justice Max Health Shield: 50/50/200% ⇒ 40/50/200%

  • Heimerdinger Max Mana Nerf: 0/120 ⇒ 0/140

  • Heimerdinger Turret Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125

  • Kindred, Wolf’s Damage: 300/550/9999 ⇒ 300/400/9999

  • Kindred, Wolf’s Healing: 150/275/9999 ⇒ 150/200/9999

  • Teemo’s Cruelty Infernal Souls Thrown: 4/6/42 ⇒ 5/6/42


I hope you still have your reading glasses around. Many Shadow items that have steep trade-offs and low play rates have been buffed. And yes, the Monstrosity can now summon Voidlings at a reduced power.

  • Chalice of Power Bonus Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 25

  • Chalice of Malice Bonus Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 40

  • Dark Shroud of Stillness no longer affects the wearer

  • Dragon’s Claw Magic Resist: 200 ⇒ 250

  • Eclipse Cape Self Burn Per Second: 4% ⇒ 2.5% of max Health

  • Evil Giant Slayer Renamed to Spectral Giant Slayer

  • Spectral Giant Slayer Damage Penalty Below Threshold: -15% ⇒ 0%

  • Frozen Dark Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 50% ⇒ 35%

  • Frozen Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 35% ⇒ 25%

  • Fallen Guardian Angel Revive Health: 80% ⇒ 70% of max Health

  • Ionic Dark Spark Ally Damage: 100% ⇒ 50% of max Mana

  • Ionic Dark Spark Ability Power per Cast: 5 ⇒ 10

  • Locket of the Silver Lunari Bonus Resistances: 60 ⇒ 70

  • Sacrificial Gauntlet REWORKED EFFECT: The holder gains 40% Critical Strike Damage, and magic and true damage from their Ability can critically strike. The first time the holder casts their Ability each combat, they gain an additional 20% Critical Strike Chance for the remainder of combat (this bonus is also applied to the first Ability cast). Each time the holder casts their Ability, they deal 15% of their maximum Health to themselves as true damage.

  • Sacrificial Redemption Heal: 20% ⇒ 25% of missing Health

  • Sacrificial Redemption Self Damage: 10% ⇒ 5% of current Health

  • Spectral Spear of Shojin Damage Penalty: -20% ⇒ -15%

  • Titan’s Resolve Attack Damage and Ability Power per Stack: 2 ⇒ 3

  • Unstable Zz’Rot Portal that arise from summoned units are 50% effective

  • Warmog’s Sacrificial Armor Health Loss Per Second: 100 ⇒ 60

  • Zeke’s Bleak Herald Ally AS Reduction: 25% ⇒ 20%

  • Zz’Rot Portal Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are 25% effective


Ranked rewards will drop throughout the course of this patch!

  • Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in the Fates set will receive the Victorious Protector to me-wow their opponents.

  • Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Fates-themed Triumphant Protector as well! Nicely done.

  • If you made it to Gold or higher during the Festival of Beasts, then you’ll be awarded with a Protector emote to celebrate your performance during the back half of Fates. The emote will signal your success through a headdress that reflects the peak rank you received.


  • Spell Crits from Jeweled Gauntlet and Assassin will continue to work even if the caster dies

  • Dawnbringers will now properly die to large instances of damage even if their healing effect has yet to trigger

  • Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away

  • Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing

  • Revenant “revive available” visuals are now properly removed once the revive effect has been triggered

  • Rell’s spell now correctly triggers Trap Claw

  • The Monstrosity no longer gains 100 bonus Health at all trait levels

  • Heimerdinger turret now fires correctly in ghost armies

  • Units will now more responsively recognize that Wolf has moved when he leaps to Lamb to heal her, rather than waiting for his second leap to recognize his new position

  • Staff Drop boom has better sync between staff impact and damage numbers

  • Fixed a bug where stacking multiple Ionic Dark Sparks only granted the AP from one Ionic Dark Spark

  • Verdant no longer blocks the damage from Thresh’s ability

  • Viego will no longer attempt to cast on his target if his target goes untargetable as he reaches full mana (e.g., GA or Revenant)

May 5

Balance Changes May 5th

It’s always fun to see the new combinations that arise the first week of a new set, but some of these combos are too strong at the moment. Not to worry, as we have a series of nerfs to answer the most dominant new concoctions. See you next week for another patch, where we’ll be making more balance adjustments as well as some new win cons.


  • Legionnaire Bonus Attack Speed: 25/60/150/250% ⇒ 25/60/110/180%

  • Revenant Health Percentage on Revive: Heal: 30/75% ⇒ 10/40%


  • Ziggs Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.75

  • Kennen Starting Mana: 50/100 ⇒ 40/100

  • Kennen Flame Rush Damage: 150/200/300 ⇒ 150/200/250

  • Kennen Flame Rush Stun Duration: 1.5/2/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds

  • LeBlanc Spellcast Mana Lock: 1 ⇒ 1.5 seconds

  • LeBlanc Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 20/60

  • LeBlanc Bugfix: Both chains can no longer hit the same target

  • LeBlanc Bugfix: Now always begins her cast animation immediately at the beginning of her cast time

  • Aphelios Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 70

  • Aphelios Attack Speed: 0.9 ⇒ 0.85

  • Ivern Daisy! Shockwave Radius: 2 ⇒ 1 Hex

  • Mordekaiser Infernal Rise Damage: 500/650/5000 ⇒ 450/600/5000

  • Volibear Max Mana: 100/170 ⇒ 80/200

April 28 - Patch 11.9 - Reckoning


  • When Reckoning goes live in your region with patch 11.9, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first Ranked stage. As a reminder, Grandmaster and Challenger are unlocked right out of the gates! Best of luck!

  • Everyone will start Reckoning in Iron II.

  • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top-4, so best of luck!

  • Fates Ranked rewards will be given out on patch 11.10.

  • Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in the Fates set will receive the Victorious Protector to me-wow their opponents.

  • Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Fates-themed Triumphant Protector as well! Nicely done.

  • Competitive play in Hyper Roll is going to work a bit differently. Everyone will start in Gray tier and progress throughout a Color system climaxing in Hyper Tier. For information on Hyper Roll Rating click it here.


Shadow Items are the new set mechanic. You can read about them in detail in our Gameplay Overview Article here.

Shadow Items

  • Shadow Components can appear in every carousel after the first one, as well as in the Armory

  • You only need one Shadow component to create a completed Shadow Item. The other component can be a normal one. Two shadow components also create a completed Shadow Item.

  • When used correctly, Shadow Items are more powerful than base items, but if used carelessly, they can cause your team more harm than good.

The Armory

The Armory is not exclusive to Reckoning, but it is making its debut here. It’s core to Hyper Roll and it will likely stick around for TFT’s future.

  • The Armory is a pop-up shop where you select an item from a couple of options as you would a champion. These items are free, but you can only take one per Armory. You can, and often should, pick up Shadow components here.


For this set, we’ve spent a lot of time improving some of the lesser-noticed systems in TFT. And here they are for you to notice!

Unit Movement

Champions now evaluate their movements before commiting when chasing enemy units. #WORTH

  • Old: If a unit’s target moves out of their Attack Range, it will move 1 hex to attempt to get back in range, and then re-evaluate its target if still not in range

  • New to Reckoning: If a unit’s target moves out of their Attack Range, it will evaluate if moving 1 hex would put it back into range. If not, it will immediately re-evaluate its target.

  • Assassins now consistently jump first before other champions move at the start of combat.

Mana Generation

In previous sets, if you put a lot of tanky items on a character, they become more efficient at generating mana. Now, stacking defensive items won’t allow you to generate crazy amounts of mana, but it’ll still be good.

  • Old: 6% of damage taken pre-mitigation is gained as mana

  • New: 1% pre-mitigation and 7% post-mitigation damage taken is gained as mana

Ability and Item Conventions Update

Some ability terms and interactions are being updated for consistency.

  • Attack Range is now calculated in Hexes

  • Spell Power is renamed to Ability Power

  • Basic attacks are renamed to just “attacks”

  • All physical damage, from abilities or attacks, can now critically strike and be dodged

  • All Active Abilities (abilities that are not Passive, like Vayne’s Silver Bolts) can now be blocked by Trap Claw

  • Item icons have been updated

Shop Card Glow

I don’t think I can play without this anymore.

  • If you own a copy of a champion, cards of the same champion will glow in your shops.

Shop Odds

During Fates, hitting a 3 star 4-cost was made easier with the Chosen system. With it’s removal, we’re rebalancing some of the Shop odds changes we had to make in order to balance the Chosen system.

  • Level 7: 22/35/30/12/1% ⇒ 19/35/30/15/1%

  • Level 8: 15/25/35/20/5% ⇒ 15/20/35/25/5%

Round Timers

We’ve cut a few seconds out of moments where you’re not doing much to allow for more play time and less ‘dead’ time. This is especially important because we are adding time on a few stages with the new Armory system.

  • Opening Carousel: Time To Gate Opening: 13 sec ⇒ 11 sec

  • Opening Carousel: Pick Time: 10 sec ⇒ 8 sec

  • Stage 1-2 Planning Phase: 12 sec ⇒ 6 sec

  • Stage 1-3 Planning Phase: 20 sec ⇒ 15 sec

  • PVE Rounds Arrival Time: 6 sec ⇒ 4 sec

  • All Carousels Pick Time: 8 sec ⇒ 6 sec

  • All Carousels Additional time for final picks: 5 sec ⇒ 3 sec

Carousel Odds

Less randomness, slightly more Spatulas, still a bit of variance.

  • Stage 2 & 4 Carousel: One of all: 80% ⇒ 76%

  • Stage 2 & 4 Carousel: One of all + 1 Spat: 15% ⇒ 22%

  • Stage 2 & 4 Carousel: 3 Spats + Random Items: 5% ⇒ 2%

  • Stage 3 Carousel: One of all: 30% ⇒ 50%

  • Stage 3 Carousel: 9 Random Components: 50% ⇒ 33%

  • Stage 3 Carousel: One of all + 1 Spat: 15%

  • Stage 3 Carousel: 3 Spats + Random Items: 5% ⇒ 2%

Tiebreaker Update

We added a new tiebreaker, which kicks in if players are still tied after the first two tiebreakers (negative health and health prior to elimination). The new tiebreaker is “won a round more recently.”

  • The Player who won a round more recently in a situation where multiple players are eliminated with the same health and health prior to elimination will finish ahead of the other.


Item Raw Stat Deflations

Most base stats for Component Items and the Completed Items they produce have been reduced. This will slow down the power ramp that Champions experience when getting their items.

  • Spell Power ⇒ Ability Power

  • BF Sword Attack Damage: 15 ⇒ 10

  • Recurve Bow Attack Speed: 15% ⇒ 10%

  • Needlessly Large Rod Ability Power: 15 ⇒ 10

  • Chain Vest Armor: 25 ⇒ 20

  • Negatron Cloak Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 20

  • Giant’s Belt Health: 200 ⇒ 150

  • Sparring Gloves Crit Chance: 10% ⇒ 5%

  • Some Completed items built from Sparring Gloves lost 5% Dodge instead

  • Infinity Edge did not lose 5% Crit because we want it to still grant 100% Crit Chance

Updated Classic Items

Returning items have been updated to accommodate the changes in Reckoning. These items have deflated raw stats based on their components (see above). A few of these items have been reworked, while many have just been adjusted.

  • The following items are now Unique (don’t stack them, it won’t work well): Trap Claw, Sunfire Cape, Guardian Angel, Frozen Heart

  • Bloodthirster NEW EFFECT: The first time the wearer would fall below 40% Health, they gain a shield equal to 30% maximum Health for 5 seconds. It still gives Lifesteal as well.

  • Dragon’s Claw REWORKED: Grants 200 bonus Magic Resist (including components)

  • Frozen Heart Attack Speed Slow: 50% ⇒ 35%

  • Frozen Heart Radius: 1 ⇒ 2 Hexes

  • Gargoyle Stoneplate Armor and Magic Resist per Enemy: 20 ⇒ 18

  • Hand of Justice Now grants +40 Attack Damage and Ability Power instead of +40% increased damage

  • Luden’s Echo ⇒ Archangel’s Staff

  • Archangel’s Staff (Luden’s Echo REPLACEMENT): Each time the wearer casts their spell, they gain Ability Power equal to 35% of their maximum Mana

  • Quicksilver Crowd Control Immunity shield duration: 10 ⇒ 12

  • Rapid Firecannon Bonus Attack Range: +200% ⇒ +1 Hex

  • Rapid Firecannon Attack Speed: 20% ⇒ 40%, a heavy compensation for losing some attack range.

  • Redemption REWORKED: The wearer radiates an aura to allies within 1 Hex, healing them for 25% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. Allies affected by the aura take 40% reduced damage from area-of-effect attacks.

  • Morellonomicon Healing Reduction: 75% ⇒ 50%

  • Runaan’s Hurricane Bolt Damage: 80% ⇒ 75% of Attack Damage

  • Spear of Shojin now grants Mana On Attack instead of On Hit, thereby removing its synergy with Hurricane.

  • Spear of Shojin Mana per on Attack: 5 ⇒ 8

  • Statikk Shiv can no longer crit

  • Statikk Shiv Magic Resist Shred: On Crit ⇒ On Hit

  • Statikk Shiv Magic Resist Shred: 60% ⇒ 70%

  • Statikk Shiv Magic Resist Shred: 6 ⇒ 5 seconds

  • Statikk Shiv Proc Damage is now 70

  • Titan’s Resolve stacks now increase Attack Damage and Ability Power by 2 instead of increasing damage by 2%

  • Zeke’s Herald Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 25%

  • Zephyr now pierces CC immunity effects (ie: Quicksilver, Verdant)

  • Zz’Rot taunt now happens immediately. Taunt is an instant effect that no longer compels enemies that are taunted to chase the target for 1 second. Instead, enemies can retarget once if no longer in range.

  • Zz’Rot Health and Attack Damage now scale based on the current Stage (capping at Stage 5) rather than the Star Level of the wearer

  • Summoned Units (Abomination’s Monstrosity), will not spawn a voidspawn in 11.9, but will in future patches at a reduced capacity. This is a temporary fix to a balance issue that recently came up on PBE. This applies to both Zz’Rot and its Shadow counterpart.


As a reminder, completed Shadow Items are made with a Shadow component and either a regular or a shadow component. They’re powerful, but have trade-offs, which, well, you’ll see. Here’s a list of what each Shadow Item does.

Sacrificial Infinity Edge

Grants 75% Critical Strike Chance (including components). Each point of Critical Strike Chance above 100% becomes +1% Critical Strike Damage. The holder also gains 30% Critical Strike Damage. Each time the holder critically strikes, they deal 3% of their maximum Health to themselves as true damage.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

BF Sword and Sparring Gloves

Dark Shroud of Stillness

When combat begins, the holder shoots a beam straight ahead and behind that delays affected enemies' and allies' first ability cast, increasing their maximum Mana by 65% until they cast.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Chain Vest and Sparring Gloves

Trickster's Gloves

At the beginning of each planning phase, the holder equips 2 temporary items. These are always full shadow items.

[Consumes Three Item Slots]

Sparring Gloves and Sparring Gloves

Vengeful Trap Claw

Blocks the first enemy ability that hits the holder, then teleports them to the ability's caster, and causes both units to start targeting each other. They deal 25% increased damage to each other.

Sparring Gloves and Giant’s Belt

Caustic Quicksilver

The holder is immune to crowd control for the entirety of combat and receives -20% maximum Health.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Sparring Gloves and Negatron Cloak

Final Whisper

When the holder inflicts a critical hit, both the target's Armor and Magic Resist are reduced by 50% for 5 seconds. The holder's Armor and Magic Resist are also permanently reduced by 25%.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Sparring Gloves and Recurve Bow

Sacrificial Gauntlet

The holder's magic and true damage from their ability can critically strike. The holder gains +40% Critical Strike Damage and 20% Critical Strike Chance. After the holder casts their ability, they lose 15% of their maximum Health.

Sparring Gloves and Needlessly Large Rod

Hand of Vengeance

At the beginning of combat, the holder gains both of the following:

- +40 Attack Damage and +40 Ability Power

- Basic Attacks and abilities heal for 40% of damage dealt

These bonuses expire after each takedown and renew on the next.

Sparring Gloves and Tear

Spectral Spear of Shojin

The holder's attacks restore 14 Mana on-hit. The holder deals 20% less damage.

Tear and BF Sword

Frozen Dark Heart

Reduces the Attack speed of all enemies within 2 hexes by 50%. The Attack Speed of allies (except the holder) within 1 hex(es) is reduced by 50%.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Tear and Chain Vest

Sacrificial Redemption

The holder radiates an aura to all allies on the board except themself, and heals them for 20% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. Each time this happens, the holder damages themself for 10% of their current Health as true damage.

Tear and Giant’s Belt

Chalice of Malice

When combat begins, all of the holder's allies within 1 hex in the same row gain 45 Ability Power for the rest of combat. The holder loses 20 Ability Power instead of gaining any.

Tear and Negatron Cloak

Statikk Stiletto

Every other attack from the holder unleashes chain lightning that strikes 4 enemies, dealing 70 magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by 70% for 5 seconds. The holder receives -33% Attack Damage.

Tear and Recurve Bow

Archdemon's Staff of Immortality

Each time the holder casts their ability, they gain empty maximum Health equal to 300% of their maximum Mana. The holder then heals for the Health that was gained from that ability cast.

Tear and Needlessly Large Rod

Very Dark Blue Buff

After casting their ability, the holder gains 15 Mana. If the holder has less than 60% Health, this is increased to 50.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Tear and Tear

Hextech Gunblade of Immortality

The holder's magic and true damage from Abilities heals the nearest ally with missing Health for 60% of the damage dealt. This healing cannot affect the holder.

BF Sword and Needlessly Large Rod

Locket of the Silver Lunari

When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 2 hexes in the same row gain 60 bonus Armor and Magic Resist, but gain 5 less Mana per attack.

Needlessly Large Rod and Chain Vest


When the holder deals magic damage with their ability, they burn the target, dealing 100% of the target's maximum Health as true damage over 25 seconds, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration of the burn. The holder’s ability deals 50% less damage.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Needlessly Large Rod and Giant’s Belt

Ionic Dark-Spark

Enemies and allies within 2 hexes are zapped when they cast an ability, taking magic damage scaling with their maximum Mana. Enemies take 200% of their maximum Mana, and allies take 100% of their maximum Mana. Whenever an ally or enemy is zapped, the holder gains 5 Ability Power for the rest of combat.

Needlessly Large Rod and Negatron Cloak

Guinsoo's Sacrificial Rageblade

Attacks grant +9% bonus Attack Speed for the rest of combat. The bonus Attack Speed can stack any number of times. The holder is dealt 2.5% of their maximum Health as true damage each attack.

Needlessly Large Rod and Recurve Bow

Rabadon's Caustic Deathcap

Grants 100 bonus Ability Power (including components) and -20% maximum Health

Needlessly Large Rod and Needlessly Large Rod

Caustic Deathblade

Contributing to a kill grants the holder +15 Attack Damage for the rest of combat. This effect can stack any number of times (starting at 3). The holder receives -20% maximum Health.

BF Sword and BF Sword

Fallen Guardian Angel

Prevents the holder's first death, placing them in stasis instead. After 2 seconds, they return with 80% Health and shed all negative effects. After this effect triggers, the holder's Attack Speed is reduced by 50% for the rest of combat.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

BF Sword and Chain Vest

Zeke's Bleak Herald

When combat begins, the holder reduces the Attack Speed of all allies within 1 hex in the same row by -25%. The holder gains +40% Attack Speed for each affected ally.

BF Sword and Giant’s Belt


Physical damage heals the holder for 40% of the damage dealt. Each time the holder heals to 90% Health, they gain 30% Attack Speed for 3 seconds (does not stack). The holder takes 33% of their maximum Health in true damage at the beginning of combat.

BF Sword and Negatron Cloak

Evil Giant Slayer

The holder's Abilities and attacks do 50% bonus damage. If the target has less than 1100 maximum Health, the holder's Abilities and attacks do 15% decreased damage instead.

BF Sword and Recurve Bow

Titan's Revenge

Every 3 seconds, the holder's next basic attack deals 25% of the total damage they have taken since the last empowered attack as true damage.

Recurve Bow and Chain Vest

Unstable Zz'Rot Portal

When the holder dies, a Construct arises to continue the fight. When it dies it deals 600 true damage to enemies within one hex.

Giant’s Belt and Recurve Bow

Runaan's Untamed Hurricane

The holder's attacks fire bolts at 2 nearby enemies, dealing 50% of the holder's Attack Damage. These bolts can critically strike but do not apply on-hit effects.

Recurve Bow and Negatron Cloak

Eclipse Cape

Every 1.5 seconds, a random enemy within 3 hexes is burned for 25% of their maximum Health over 10 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 50%. The holder is burned for 4% of their maximum Health every second and any healing they receive is reduced by 50%.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Giant’s Belt and Chain Vest

Warmog's Sacrificial Armor

Grants 1800 bonus Health (including components). The holder takes 100 true damage each second.

Giant’s Belt and Giant’s Belt

Turbulent Zephyr

When combat begins, the holder summons a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 8 seconds. Once the enemy returns to combat, they gain 30 Attack Damage and 30 Ability Power for the rest of combat. Ignores CC immunity.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]

Giant’s Belt and Negatron Cloak

Gargoyle Stoneplate of Immortality

The holder heals themself for 45 Health every 2 seconds for each unit targeting them.

Negatron Cloak and Chain Vest

Refracted Bramble Vest

Grants 200 bonus Armor (including components).

Chain Vest and Chain Vest

Refracted Dragon's Claw

Reduces incoming magic damage by 15%.

Negates bonus damage from incoming critical hits.

Negatron Cloak and Negatron Cloak

Rapid Deathcannon

Increases the holder's Attack Range by 1 hex. Additionally, the holder gains +40% bonus Attack Speed when there are no enemies within a 2 hex radius.

The holder's attacks can no longer miss.

Recurve Bow and Recurve Bow


We made it! Lots of code, sweat, and tears have been poured into this Set and we truly hope you enjoy it to the fullest. Because this is the early days in Reckoning, we’ll be balancing things frequently, so to stay up to date with all the changes by circling back to the Patch Notes, or our socials. Have a great time with TFT: Reckoning, and we’ll be seeing you on the Convergence!

April 14 - Patch 11.8


Lucky Lanterns

Luckier and more frequent Lucky Lanterns.

  • More frequent gold drops with more gold

  • Significantly increased the drop rates of rare items (Neeko’s, Spatula, Force of Nature)

  • Instead of having a 25% chance to not spawn a Lantern, each game will have a 25% chance to drop a Lantern in all 3 Stages


The Fortune changes will add a bit more variety to the already max’d out for-fun trait. Let us know who figures out what the new Fortune drops are first! Meanwhile, Spirit’s getting a little less spirited after a nerf that I touch on during the items section as well.

  • Fortune: Added a new drop possibility for 3 Fortune 12 Losses (40% Chance)

  • Fortune: Added a cold hearted new drop possibility for 6 Fortune (4% chance)

  • Fortune: Changed the chance to drop ‘The Boot’ in 6 Fortune from 1% ⇒ 4%

  • Spirit Bonus Attack Speed: 20/35% ⇒ 18/30%


Tier 3

With recent buffs, Darius and Neeko have become powerful carries. But when we pair their current power with our Lantern changes, which will make 3 starring units easier in general, we’re implementing a quick nerf to these already strong reroll powered 3-cost carries.

  • Darius Fortune’s Guillotine Damage Falloff: 25/20/10% ⇒ 25/20/15%

  • Neeko Blooming Burst Damage: 250/350/450 ⇒ 250/325/425

Tier 4

Considering Aurelion Sol is used (almost) exclusively in Mage comps, go ahead and double the numbers on this nerf. And if you aren’t using Aurelion Sol with Mage then you’ve got a lot to figure out in the last patch of Fates.

  • Aurelion Sol Voice of Lightning Damage: 325/500/1400 ⇒ 300/475/1300

  • Kayle Divine Ascension wave Damage: 100/140/350 ⇒ 110/150/350

Tier 5

Here are the fun changes. Fueling clickbait youtube thumbnails for content creators. Feel free to use the titles below:

  • “Azir BREAKS all Riot Games at Once!” Azir Emperor’s Divide Damage: 200/350/8888 ⇒ 225/375/18888

  • “Rito Overnerf ruins gAmE” Lee Sin Health: 1000 ⇒ 999

  • “3-star EPIC Ornn Win-Con!?” Ornn Stampede Damage: 150/250/750 ⇒ 175/275/9999

  • “Samira Nerf Got You Down, Just 3 Star Her!!!” Samira Inferno Trigger Base Damage: 15/25/40 ⇒ 10/20/777

  • “You’ll NEVER Believe…” Sett Showstopper Damage: 40/60/400% ⇒ 40/60/800%

  • “They Buffed Sett Twice!” Sett Showstopper Secondary Damage: 20/30/200% ⇒ 20/30/400%

  • “INSWAIN Swain Nerf” Swain Draconic Ascension maximum Health gain: 60/75/100% ⇒ 60/65/100%

  • “EZ climb to Masters with Zil Buff!” Zilean Rewind Fate Revive Delay: 3.5/3/1 ⇒ 3/2/0.5 seconds


Informa-story: Prior to patch 11.5, folks thought Locket was only useful for win streaking early. Then Spirit Tristana compositions appeared, and players figured out how to play around Locket by not building a frontline. After seeing its power, we promptly nerfed Locket (and Tristana) back in Patch 11.6, and players typically reacted thinking we killed the composition entirely. Alas, it’s Patch 11.8 and we’re nerfing both Spirit and Locket once again due to the power of the mid-game zero frontline compositions.

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield: 300/350/450 ⇒ 300/350/400

March 31 - Patch 11.7


After demoting Vanguard to CarpoolGuard in 11.5, we’re giving it back some tankiness at max rank.

  • Vanguard Armor: 100/250/500/800⇒100/250/500/1000


Tier 1

Nidalee carry’s going to be feline’ mean spearitied after this one.

  • Nidalee Javelin Toss Damage: 100/175/300⇒100/175/350

Tier 2

Vlad’s been clot up in the late game even when at three stars. The totally not-a-vampire blood mage will feel less like a hemogoblin and more like the behemoth team drainer he was made to be.

  • Vladimir Transfusion Damage: 400/600/900⇒400/600/1000

Tier 3

It’s no axecident that we’re buffing all these lesser played carries. From utilkity carries, to tank carries (see Tier 4), don’t be disarmed by the new furmidable team comps that arise this patch.

  • Darius Fortune’s Guillotine Damage Falloff upon reset: 25%⇒25/20/10%

  • Irelia Bladestorm Disarm Duration: 2.5/3/4⇒2.5/3/5 seconds

  • Yuumi Zoomies Heal: 30/45/75%⇒30/45/90% missing Health

Tier 4

Some of these lesser used 4 cost carries have been shackled to being the team’s tank, or trait top off. But now, they’re erupturing with pig-me-up buffs to help them swinedle a win for you feather or not your opponents are ready. One thing to pay ashention to here is the change in Shen’s mana lock duration, which allows him to build up Mana half way through his shield’s duration at 3 stars.

  • Aatrox Infernal Chains Damage: 400/600/2000⇒400/600/2500

  • Cho’Gath Rupture Damage: 200/400/1500⇒200/400/2000

  • Talon Truestrike Bonus Damage: 100/150/400⇒100/200/600

  • Shen Max Mana Lock Duration: 4/4/8⇒4 seconds

  • Sejuani Firecracker Damage: 100/200/800⇒100/200/1600

  • Xayah Featherstorm Return Damage: 100/200/400⇒100/200/600


  • We've made changes in our MMR systems to create more consistency in LP gains/losses. You should see a smoother climb (or fall) going forward.


  • Just in time: Fixed a bug where Zilean’s Rewind Fate would fizzle if his initial target died during his cast animation

March 17 - Patch 11.6


Tier 1

Diana orbits back into the notes with a, *checks moon phase calendar*, buff as the moon waxes (approaches full). Despite her recent buff last patch, Diana is still getting outshined by the sun-dwelling 1 costs. We’re also buffing our favorite battle tops (see Tier 3 as well), so give Warlord a spin.

  • Diana Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Garen Judgement Damage: 450/675/1125 ⇒ 450/675/1250

  • Tristana Rapid Fire Attack Speed: 60/70/90% ⇒ 60/65/70%

Tier 2

Lulu’s been the overtime Queen for a while with a double cast CC chain plus crazy bonus health. By cutting the double cast on the same unit, we’re giving Overtime Lulu a nUrf. Sinking in win rate with the Vanguard nerf from last patch, Nautilus’ anchor will weigh him down a bit less. Vi’s armor shred is being adjusted to match our new shred debuff tiers, but we’re giving her some more punch as compensation.

  • Lulu can no longer target the same unit twice with Wild Growth in one Mage double cast

  • Nautilus Mana: 75/150 ⇒ 85/150

  • Vi Denting Blow Armor Shred: 40/60/80% ⇒ 40/50/70%

  • Vi Denting Blow Damage: 250/400/800 ⇒ 250/425/850

  • Zed Contempt for the Weak AD Steal: 20/25/30% ⇒ 30/30/30%

Tier 3

The forecast for tonight shows three stars, and a risk of severe Bladestorms. In other news, spinny girl Kat is getting more spin to rip through the mid-game more effectively, go ahead and let her rip.

  • Irelia Bladestorm Damage: 200/300/550 ⇒ 200/300/700

  • Katarina Death Lotus Damage: 600/900/1500 ⇒ 650/1000/1500

Tier 4

We stole two of these changes from the balance team in our spin off game mode, @leagueoflegends. Can you identify which two?

  • Cho’Gath Armor: 60 ⇒ 70

  • Cho’Gath Magic Resist: 40 ⇒ 60

  • Olaf Attack Damage: 90 ⇒ 85

  • Talon Attack Damage: 90 ⇒ 95

  • Talon True Strike Base Damage: 85/135/400 ⇒ 100/150/400

Tier 5

Yone’s got me telling my Vanguard comp, “Tanks for nothing.” But make no Mysticake, this nerf only affects him at three stars. The nerf also aligns him with our new shred debuff tiers.

  • Yone Seal Fate Armor and Magic Resist Shred: 60/60/80% ⇒ 60/60/70%


Locket has been an insane slam item that’s been scaling far too well into the late game. This nerf maintains its identity as an early game slammer, but decreases its effectiveness late game. Last Whisper has been a go to item with the rise of tanks across all regions. We’re giving it a tweak that will ultimately weaken the item.

  • Ornn’s Eternal Winter Attack Speed Slow: 50% ⇒ 35%

  • Last Whisper Armor Shred: 80% ⇒ 70%

  • Last Whisper Shred Duration: 3 ⇒ 5 seconds

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield: 300/375/500 ⇒ 300/350/450

  • Sunfire Cape is no longer Unique. Each Sunfire Cape on a unit will search for its own burn target every 2 seconds. Burn baby burn!


  • Demoted: Keeper 4 is now properly a silver trait

  • Fixed a bug where Zilean’s Rewind Fate failed to find targets if Zilean was in the Zhonya’s Paradox invulnerable state

  • Get Back Here: Darius no longer fails to deal damage with Fortune’s Guillotine if his target dashes very far away

  • Carve a path: Fixed a bug where Darius had a brief window between chain dunks where he was not unstoppable

  • Talon and Wukong’s spells will now properly proc Trap Claw’s spellshield and stun

  • Fixed a bug where Kennen’s Slicing Maelstrom would occasionally stop casting when hit by another Kennen’s Slicing Maelstrom

March 3 - Patch 11.5


Chosen Roll Odds Bugfix March 4th

  • Fixed a bug where 1 cost Chosens would rarely appear in level 7 shops.


TFT Debuff Overhaul

Most debuffs in TFT are now part of a shared system. If an effect applies an already-active debuff on a champion, such as multiple instances of an Armor Shred, the strongest debuff will have priority for its duration. Once the strongest debuff has worn off, if there is a weaker debuff of the same type that would have lasted longer, this debuff will continue for the difference of the two’s duration.

Okay, but why? Since you asked, this prevents weird combos of champions/items that would make enemies get -100% Armor, Attack Speed, etc. But also, this change allows players to understand the debuffs at the same pace of our game, which is... pretty fast. Finally, it creates a standard debuff system that we can reference in the future, opening up more unique champion kits for *set 5 spoiler redacted*.

  • Debuffs of the same type no longer stack together.

  • In events where multiple debuffs of the same type occur on the same unit, the strongest will become the priority debuff for its duration.

Chosen Odds

Because we upped the chance of getting a Chosen last patch, folks are hitting 4-costs Chosens too frequently at level 7. They’re supposed to be a high-roll, so we’re bringing it back to being a high-roll.

  • Level 7 Roll Odds: : 0/40/55/5/0% ⇒ 0/40/58/2/0%


The OP Sleeper has now been put to sleep. The less sleepy OP trait, has also been put to rest. While the text here is dramatic, the nerfs actually aren’t.

  • Keeper Shield Amount: 150/200/275 ⇒ 150/200/250

  • Vanguard Armor: 100/250/500/1000 ⇒ 100/250/500/800

  • Vanguard Magic Resist: 20/40/70/100 ⇒ 10/25/50/80


Tier 1

Pretty sure Diana has to be in every patch to fulfill the Lunar Phases fantasy flavor. Other one costs are getting slight buffs to give weaker comps a little love.

  • Diana Pale Cascade Shield Amount: 175/250/350 ⇒ 200/300/450

  • Nasus Wither damage: 350/550/750 ⇒ 350/550/850

  • Nidalee Mana: 0/70 ⇒ 0/60

  • Yasuo Striking Steel Attack Damage Ratio: 180/185/190% ⇒ 190/200/210%

Tier 2

Lulu go brrrrrrr.

  • Janna Eye of the Storm Shield Amount: 250/300/400 ⇒ 250/275/350

  • Lulu Mana: 80/150 ⇒ 75/140

Tier 3

Making Veigar’s damage a bit taller to allow him to ride the Carry-Go-Round at the carnival.

  • Akali Five Point Strike Damage: 175/250/400 ⇒ 200/275/450

  • Sivir On the Hunt Bonus Attack Damage: 100/200/400 ⇒ 100/200/350

  • Veigar Dark Blossom Damage: 450/600/900 ⇒ 500/650/1000

Tier 4

The Aurelion Sol change allows Trap Claw to stop his second cast. Other than that, this change doesn’t impact him much. I guess you could say, “It’s a Trap… claw!” Morgana hasn’t been shredding Magic Resist for a while now, yet the tooltip still torments us. Sejuani has been a champion you can throw into almost any comp, so we’re giving her stun duration a soft bOink.

  • Aurelion Sol with Mage trait activated now casts his 2nd cast 0.1 seconds later

  • Morgana: Removed the Magic Resist Shred from her tooltip

  • Sejuani Firecracker Stun Duration: 2.5/3/6 ⇒ 2/2.5/8 seconds

Tier 5

Samira is a monster with Deathblade, but lacks the ability to pull the trigger without it. With these changes we hope to open up her buildpaths while also giving her some baseline power when she’s got nothing.

  • Samira Inferno Trigger now deals base physical damage in addition to a percentage of her Attack Damage

  • Samira Inferno Trigger Damage: 0/0/0 ⇒ 15/25/40

  • Samira Inferno Trigger Attack Damage % scaling: 50/60/80% ⇒ 30/40/60%

  • Yone Unforgotten Mana Cost: 20 ⇒ 10


  • Deathblade Starting Stacks: 4 ⇒ 3

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 60 ⇒ 65

  • Trap Claw’s missile now travels significantly faster. You heard it here second folks, Trap Claw now counters Aurelion Sol.


The first two changes in this list actually dropped last patch, but they’re here now for you to say, “Oh, I remember that annoyance.” The disabled shop during carousel change shipped early in 11.4B, after originally being scheduled for this patch. The “accident” occurred moments after one of our engineers mistakenly bought the wrong unit in a ranked game.

  • Disabled the SELL hotkey on PC in Round 1. No more selling your only unit by accident and losing to minions, even though they’re people too, so there’s really no shame in doing so.

  • Excluded Target Dummy from army interfaces both in game and at the end game screen.

  • The shop is now properly disabled during carousel rounds, preventing accidental buys when your Little Legends is hopping in and out of portals.


  • Jarvan IV now correctly casts his spell when re-casting on the same target with mage cap

  • When multiple copies of Kalista are on the board, they will no longer fail to execute a target if the Kalista that landed the first spear dies

  • Fixed a bug where Galio would sometimes not land on the largest cluster. This sometimes happened when a target was pulled by Aatrox. Galio would determine that the target would be pulled into a large cluster and choose to land on that target, but if Aatrox’s animation wasn’t finished he would pick the target’s starting position as his landing spot and not land on the large cluster

  • Fixed a bug where Tryndamere’s Spinning Slash damage could benefit from the basic attack damage bonus

  • Fixed a bug where Runaan’s Hurricane was consuming a stack of Tryndamere’s Spinning Slash attack damage bonus to deal bonus damage

  • Fixed a bug where, when a player surrendered with a champion holding a trait item, the champion could be re-acquired from the shop or carousel and still have all their items on them

  • Choncc will now, once again, Belly Bop.

  • We are aware of a bug, reported as error #11141, with the player Bertasaurus and are working on a balance change for the competitive scene

February 18 - Patch 11.4


Lucky Lanterns

Rollin into Club 2, DJ Ox what ya up to? Loaded up with those dice, Dango life’s lookin nice. Target dummies all around, all these Lucky Lanterns astound. Edge cases swing games, but using em takes brains. So we’re keepin them around, for there’s fun times abound.

  • Stage 3 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies

  • Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 2 Loaded Dice or 2 Target Dummies

  • Stage 4 Lantern: It is no longer possible to get 3 Item Components


Let it go like Frozen, didn’t roll no Chosen. Maybe in the next shop, bout to break my laptop. Now we get em more times, under all new confines. Chosen bonus stats down, 200 hp sticks around.

Important stuff here. By toning down the power of Chosens and increasing the rate at which you see them we’re aiming to make the feel bad moment of missing your ‘just hit(s)’ less punishing. An increased ‘hit rate’ on Chosens allows you to consistently swap out Chosens as your comp evolves without being punished by not getting a desirable Chosen nor losing out on powerful Trait synergies (see Traits for more).TLDR: more choices for Chosens, Chosens will feel less chosen, choose more Chosens throughout the game.

  • Chosen Base Odds: 33%⇒50%

  • Rolling Odds for Level 4: 60/40/0/0/0%⇒80/20/0/0/0%

  • Chosen Bonus Spell Power: 30⇒15

  • Chosen Bonus Attack Damage: 20⇒10

  • Chosen Bonus Mana Reduction: 25%⇒15%

  • Chosen Bonus Health: 400⇒300 (The bonus 200 health baseline that Chosens receive just for being Chosen is not affected here)


Traits are too strong, something’s goin wrong. Can’t adapt in mid game, reroll comps put me to shame. Brawler’s AD and Health goin down, Elder still makes me a clown. Warlord, oh lord, this one really strikes a chord. Galio, free-throw, Dragonsoul won’t make ya go.

By decreasing the strength of the dominant traits we can allow players to adapt more effectively to changing game states. Currently, we find that powerful traits lock them into comps based on the first few rounds of the game. This change, paired with our Chosen changes will open up more pathways throughout the game to give players the agency to run more creative, and potentially memey, comps.A note on Dragonsoul: it was performing decently well on 11.3, but the changes to other traits made it dominant during 11.4 testing, resulting in a soulid nerf to the trait. The odd trait out, Cultist, is getting a buff at Cultist 9 to ensure our Supreme Overlord doesn’t get two-shot by anyone running Dragonsoul.

  • Assassin Crit Chance:10/30/55 ⇒ 10/30/50

  • Assassin Bonus Crit Damage:25/60/100 ⇒ 25/55/90

  • Brawler Health: 400/700/1000/1600⇒400/700/1000/1400

  • Brawler Attack Damage: 10/20/60/120⇒10/20/40/80

  • Cultist Supreme Overlord Galio (Cultist 9): Bonus Magic Resist: 20⇒60 (100 total)

  • Dragonsoul Blast Damage: 50% ⇒ 40% max Health

  • Dragonsoul Spell Power and Attack Speed: 40/80/160% ⇒ 40/70/140%

  • Divine True Damage & Damage Reduction: 35/45/55/65 ⇒ 25/40/55/70

  • Duelist Attack Speed: 15/25/40/60% ⇒ 12/20/35/60%

  • Elderwood Armor and Magic Resist: 15/25/40⇒15/20/30

  • Elderwood Attack Damage and Spell Power: 5/10/20⇒5/10/15

  • Warlord Health: 250/500/850⇒250/400/700

  • Warlord Spell Power: 25/50/85⇒25/40/70


Tier 1

I musta stumbled on a construction site, champs getting nerf hammered with no fight. Diana nerfs again, no this can’t be right. We nerfed her last patch, but she’s back like a satellite. Bad dog so we gotta nerf his bite. These Yasuo numbers, oh what a sight.

(And now a little faster) Nidalee, oh my, oh me, she’s generally, the cause of my therapy. Spears hitting like a felony, teaching me how to spell ‘OP’, these changes coming conscientiously. I can assure thee; tomorrow we’ll be free.

And now let’s get into it. One cost carries are getting nerfed across the board. Nidalee’s mid-close range spears are a lot less deadly, but her long range snipes can deal even more damage than before at max ranges. Overall, this will be a nerf to Nidalee, but it will highlight the occasional max range snipe.

  • Diana Attack Speed: 0.7⇒0.65

  • Diana Pale Cascade Shield: 200/300/450⇒175/250/350

  • Diana Pale Cascade Orb Damage: 90/100/110⇒80/85/90

  • Fiora Mana: Mana: 0/75⇒0/95

  • Nasus Mana: 0/60⇒0/80

  • Nasus Magic Resist: 50⇒40

  • Nasus Wither damage: 400/600/850 ⇒ 350/550/750

  • Nidalee bugfix nerf: fixed a bug where the range calculation was adding 1 extra Hex of distance

  • Nidalee Javelin Toss Damage: 225/300/600⇒100/150/250

  • Nidalee Javelin Toss Bonus Damage per Hex: 20%⇒80%

  • Wukong Crushing Blow Attack Damage Scaling: 250/265/280%⇒240/250/260%

  • Yasuo Striking Steel Attack Damage Scaling: 180/200/225%⇒180/185/190%

Tier 2

Teemo hits my carry, there goes my hail mary. I rage like Tom at Jerry.

But now I got Braum here, maybe he’ll tank a spear. Gunna get his cast off, or end up like mom’s stroganoff.

Nautilus viable, as more than a Fable, go ahead pick him up, as long as you are able.

  • Braum Attack Speed: 0.6⇒0.75

  • Braum Mana: 30/70⇒30/60

  • Nautilus Armor: 45⇒55

  • Nautilus Magic Resist: 30⇒40

  • Nautilus Fabled Shield Damage Reduction: 60%⇒50%

  • Teemo Sporecloud Dart prioritization: Highest Attack Speed⇒Current Target

  • Zed Attack Speed: 0.8⇒0.75

Tier 3

Fable champs boom or bust, getting all three a must. Neeko gets a power thrust, even without Fabled trust.

Hoppin’ in the backline, taking me to level 9. Pop off with no notice, too many targets with Death Lotus.

Past the point of no return, Shyvana carries with the burn. Magic Resist on full blast, survivability is unsurpassed.

  • Irelia Bladestorm Disarm Duration: 2.5/3/3.5⇒2.5/3/4 seconds

  • Katarina Death Lotus number of targets: 4/6/8⇒4/5/6

  • Katarina Death Lotus total Spell Damage: 600/900/1650⇒600/900/1500

  • Kennen Slicing Maelstrom Damage: 150/225/375⇒200/300/400

  • Neeko Blooming Burst: 150/225/375⇒200/300/400

  • Neeko Fabled Bonus Multiplier: 200%⇒150%

  • Nunu Consume Damage: 450/650/1800⇒450/700/1500

  • Shyvana Health: 750⇒700

  • Shyvana Magic Resist: 80⇒60

  • Shyvana Burn Damage: 150/300/600 ⇒ 125/250/500

Tier 4

Olaf blocks AD debuff, Morgana life is gettin tough. Three star balance changes galore, Cho buff sneaks in like the Trojan War.

(And now a nice chant to invoke an Aatrox buff. Works better upon repeating) It’s the rise of the cult, better find an adult, to feed the catapult, demise through the occult.

  • Aatrox Infernal Chains Damage: 350/550/1500⇒400/600/2000

  • Aurelion Sol Voice of Lightning Damage: 325/500/1750⇒325/500/1400

  • Cho’Gath Armor: 40⇒60

  • Cho’Gath updated his Rupture targeting to be slightly less random and hit crowds more frequently, because that’s what crowd control is for.

  • Kayle Divine Ascension Wave Damage: 100/180/500⇒100/150/400

  • Morgana Hallowed Ground Damage: 250/400/2000⇒250/400/1600

  • Olaf Ragnarok Cleave Damage: 40/45/50%⇒50/50/50%

  • Olaf Ragnarok now blocks the AD Reduction debuff

  • Talon Truestrike Attack Damage Scaling: 240/250/275%⇒240/250/300%

  • Tryndamere Spinning Slash now looks for targets in a slightly larger range to spin towards

  • Tryndamere Spinning Slash dash speed increased

  • Tryndamere Mana: 50/100⇒60/100

  • Xayah Featherstorm Attack Damage Scaling: 250/275/325%⇒250/275/350%

Tier 5

High-risk and high-reward, Samira wins with gun and sword. Overpowered, let’s cut the cord, will still be strong and not ignored. Yone’s about to pwn. Unforgotten to well known. Your units, a stepping stone.

(Let’s slow it down for the Adept) Who’s that over there in the corner? Turning your lil legend into a mourner. Brother of the blade like he a Warner. Adept with the Duelists like he’s a foreigner. Here for your comp, he’s a real coroner.

  • Ornn Artifact, Eternal Winter hits until Frozen: 5⇒7

  • Ornn Artifact, Manazane Mana Restore Duration: 8⇒4 seconds

  • Yone Seal Fate Damage: 600/1200/9999 ⇒ 800/1200/20000

  • Yone Unforgotten Damage: 350/600/1500⇒350/750/9999

  • Samira Attack Range: 660⇒420


Stoneplate’s been weak for a while, components best left on stockpile. Shiv’s in the same boat, Bach’s item needs a power bloat.

  • Deathblade AD Per Stack: 20 ⇒ 10

  • Deathblade Starting Stacks: 1 ⇒ 4

  • Gargoyle Stoneplate Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 15⇒20

  • Statikk Shiv no longer deals bonus damage to Shields

  • Statikk Shiv can now critically strike

  • Statikk Shiv crits reduce the Magic Resist of targets hit by 60% for 6 seconds

  • Statikk Shiv damage: 80⇒60

  • Statikk Shiv Targets Hit: 4/5/6⇒4

  • Sunfire Cape now applies its burn every 2.5 seconds instead of 2. This nerf will result in fewer enemies on fire as the Cape needs slightly more time to heat up.

  • Quicksilver now blocks the AD Reduction debuff


  • Fixed a bug where critical strikes triggered by the Executioner trait did not add stacks to Titan’s Resolve.

  • Fixed a bug where combined Ornns don’t give you the proper amount of progress towards making an artifact.

  • Fixed a bug where if your bench is full and you make a 3 star Chosen that Chosen doesn’t get benefits.

  • Fixed a bug where Olaf could be kicked off the board by Lee Sin while Ragnarok was active

  • Fixed a bug where The Boss did not trigger its true damage buff if Sett was healed to full health by sources other than sit-ups (e.g. Anima Visage)

  • Fixed a bug where Zilean wasn’t properly deprioritizing summoned units with Rewind Fate

  • Tryndamere’s Spinning Slash now runs through his attack flow (applies effects like Statikk Shiv's bonus damage or Guinsoo's Rageblade's bonus attack speed)

  • No consistent tempo can be found in reading the rhyming sections of these hip hoppin’ patch notes. Have fun trying to rap it. I dare ya. Double Nasus dare ya.

February 3 - Patch 11.3


Dragonsoul is getting a vengeful quality of life, or should I say death, improvement, Spirit 4 is losing some of its spirit, and Slayer 6 is embracing its heavy metal late game identity. But the real topic here is Divine. With only its duration scaling in the past, Divine has struggled to find its foothold as a trait worth investing deeply into. We want to make Divine worth devoting your comp to by giving Divine units a powerful moment of ascension that escalates in potency with each level.

  • Dragonsoul: Upon passing the blessing after death, the ally's next basic attack will immediately trigger the Dragon Breath

  • Divine Buff Duration: 3/6/9/15 ⇒ 6 seconds across all

  • Divine Buff Damage Reduction: 45% ⇒ 35/45/55/65%

  • Divine Buff Bonus True Damage: 45% ⇒ 35/45/55/65%

  • Spirit Attack Speed: 20/40% ⇒ 20/35%

  • Slayer Lifesteal: 15-30 / 25-50% ⇒ 15-30 / 30-60%

  • Slayer Damage: 20-45 / 30-75% ⇒ 20-45 / 35-80%


Tier 1

The changes here are meant to empower some of the underperforming units, so here are some underperforming Brand-dead jokes to accompany them:

What do you call an angry fire on a shooting range?

A Ranging Fire.

  • Brand Attack Range: 660 ⇒ 890

Did you hear about the spider changes?

It's the Elisest we could do.

  • Elise's attacks in Spider Form now increase the cost of her target's next spell by 35/35/50%

  • Elise Health on Spider Form Transformation: 35/40/45% ⇒ 25/30/45%

What did Tristana call Brand at the relay race?

Rapid Fire.

  • Tristana Rapid Fire Attack Speed: 50/60/80% ⇒ 60/70/90%

What do you call a mad Diana?

A lunartic.

  • Diana Pale Cascade Orbs now spawn further away from her body when her size increases (ie: Titan's Resolve)

Tier 3

Okay, one more… What's Darius' favorite beverage?

A Guillotini with extra damage.

  • Darius Fortune's Guillotine Damage: 550/800/1300 ⇒ 550/850/1400


This is part of making our Mana Reave system consistent.

  • Shroud of Stillness Mana Cost Increase: 33% ⇒ 35%


  • I was not the first to reach Challenger. I know, I know, we're all disappointed. But let's still give it up for Coralie...

January 25

Balance Changes

Thanks for joining in on the party and providing ample feedback along the way. Most of these mid-patch balance changes should come as no surprise, cause y’all are the ones rooting for them. We’ll check in again soon, but for now let’s pull the feathers out of our clothes and get back to the party!


  • Diana Pale Cascade Orbs: 4/5/7 ⇒ 4/5/6

  • Rakan: fixed a bug where Rakan could start to gain Mana while his shield was still active near the end of its duration.

  • Rakan Mana: 40/80 ⇒ 60/120

  • Rakan Disarming Diversion Shield: 300/550/950 ⇒ 200/400/800

  • Zed Contempt for the Weak Attack Damage Steal: 20/30/40% ⇒ 20/25/30%

  • Aurelion Sol Voice of Lightning Damage: 350/550/1750 ⇒ 325/500/1750

  • Xayah Mana Lock after spell cast duration: 1 second ⇒ 1.5 seconds

  • Yone Seal Fate Armor/Magic Resist Shred: 40/40/40% ⇒ 60/60/80%

Tooltip Fix

  • Katarina’s Tooltip has been bugged for a few patches, oops. The correct damage numbers for her spell, Death Lotus will now be accurate on the tooltip: 600/900/1650

January 21 - Patch 11.2 - Festival of Beasts


Grandmaster and Challenger Ranked Changes: Let the Race Begin!

To make the race to Grandmaster and Challenger more exciting, we've changed the unlock process. Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top accounts on each server, but players must have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger. Grandmaster and Challenger are no longer locked at the start of the season, so the race to be the first in your region starts on day one! Right out of the gates, you can race to have your name below mine!

Region Challenger and Grandmaster Quota Adjustments

Some regions are having their Challenger and Grandmaster slot counts adjusted to match their populations.

  • BR: 50/100 (No Change)

  • EUNE: 50/100 ⇒ 100/200

  • EUW: 200/500 ⇒ 200/400

  • KR: 200/500 ⇒ 300/600

  • LAN: 50/100 ⇒ 30/60

  • LAS: 50/100 ⇒ 30/60

  • NA: 100/200 ⇒ 250/500

  • JP: 20/30 ⇒ 50/100

  • OCE: 50/100 ⇒ 100/200

  • PH: 50/100 ⇒ 20/40

  • RU: 20/30 ⇒ 20/40

  • SG: 20/30 ⇒ 20/40

  • TH: 20/30 ⇒ 20/40

  • TR: 50/100 (No Change)

  • TW: 50/100 (No Change)

  • VN: 300/700 ⇒ 450/900

Fates Ranked Stage II begins this patch!

  • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below you. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

  • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

  • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage.You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top four, so best of luck!

Ranked Rewards Coming to a Patch Near You (Soon)

  • Don’t get too EMOTEional, ranked rewards for gold and above will be coming next patch, 11.3!



You get a prize, and you get a prize, and you get a prize! Everybody gets a prize! Just not every time.

  • Lanterns are the new mid-set mechanic that can drop at various game times, or not at all. They can contain things like Item Components, Loaded Dice, Gold, and more.

Chosen Shop Odds

Consistency Buff.

  • Level 6: 15/45/40/0/0 ⇒ 0/60/40/0/0

  • Level 8: 0/15/45/40/0 ⇒ 0/0/60/40/0

  • Level 9: 0/0/15/45/40 ⇒ 0/0/0/60/40

  • Reduced the chances of rolling a Chosen slightly, as in you probably wouldn’t have noticed if you didn’t read what you’re reading right now. This outta make it just a tad more difficult to force comps.

Carousel Changes

The best defense is a good offense.

  • Removed the All Defensive Component First Carousel. Replaced it with a 2x Sword, 2x Bow, 2x Rod, 2x Tear, 1x Glove version.



  • The first Dragonsoul allies to take damage in combat receive the Dragon's Blessing. While blessed, the unit gains bonus stats, and every 5th attack fires a Dragonsoul blast, dealing 50% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage.

  • On death, this blessing passes to the closest Dragonsoul ally without a blessing.

  • (3) Dragonsoul: 1 Blessing of 40% Spell Power and Attack Speed

  • (6) Dragonsoul: 3 Blessing of 80% Spell Power and Attack Speed

  • (9) Dragonsoul: 6 Blessing of 160% Spell Power and Attack Speed


They may appear strong alone, but the power of all three together is ineffable.

  • (3) Fabled champions' abilities are empowered from tales of their past valor.


  • Executioner attacks and spells always critically hit targets beneath a certain Health threshold.

  • (2) Executioners: below 33% Health

  • (3) Executioners: below 66% Health

  • (4) Executioners: below 99% Health


  • Slayers gain Lifesteal that gets stronger as their own Health decreases, and deal bonus damage that scales up based on their target’s missing Health.

  • (3) Slayers: 15 to 30% Lifesteal and Bonus Damage

  • (6) Slayers: 25 to 50% Lifesteal and Bonus Damage


Drain the pain away.

  • All allies heal for some of the damage they deal with spells and attacks.

  • (2) Syphoners: 10% for Allies; 40% for Syphoners

  • (4) Syphoners: 25% for Allies; 100% for Syphoners


Samira makes her TFT debut. Like some other 5 cost units she’s got a new trait that acts as an exception to the rules less daring champion abide by.

  • Daredevils seek the thrill of battle, dashing after every other attack. After every dash, they shield themselves for 10% of their max Health and their next attack fires 2 shots, gaining Style.

  • At max Style, they cast their spell.


Ornn’s breaking the rules, and runnin the jewels. Woo!

  • After each combat a Blacksmith participates in, they will make progress forging an Artifact. The higher their star-level, the faster they work. Once the Artifact is complete, it will become available to bestow upon an ally.

  • Each ally may only equip one Artifact.



  • Divine/Syphoner

  • Tier 1

  • Wither: Nasus withers the enemy with the highest percent health, dealing 400/600/850 magic damage over 5 seconds, and slowing their attack speed and movement speed by 50% for the duration.


  • Dragonsoul/Sharpshooter

  • Tier 1

  • Rapid Fire: Tristana excites her dragon, increasing her attack speed by 50/60/80% and dealing 30/60/90 magic damage on-hit for 3 seconds.


  • Dragonsoul/Mage

  • Tier 1

  • Dragonfire Pillar: After a brief delay, Brand erupts the ground under the enemy with the highest health in flames, dealing 200/300/500 magic damage to enemies within. If an enemy is caught within the epicenter, they are stunned for 1.5/2/3 seconds.


Actually not a vampire. Still sparkles when given items.

  • Cultist/Syphoner

  • Tier 2

  • Transfusion: Vladimir deals 350/500/750 magic damage to his target. All nearby allies are healed for 40% of damage dealt.


  • Dragonsoul/Vanguard

  • Tier 2

  • Unbreakable: Braum puts up his shield at the furthest enemy for 4 seconds reducing his damage taken from that direction by 75/80/90%.


  • Elderwood/Keeper

  • Tier 2

  • Grand Entrance: Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within attack range, disarming all units he passes through for 2.5/3/4 seconds and taunting his target. Rakan then shields himself by 300/550/950 for 4 seconds.


  • Fabled/Vanguard

  • Tier 2

  • Impact Crater: Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for 3/4/5 seconds, and dealing 300/450/1000 magic damage.

  • Fabled Bonus: Nautilus reduces incoming damage by 60% for 5 seconds.


  • Cultist/Sharpshooter

  • Tier 3

  • On the Hunt: Sivir rallies allies within 2 hexes, granting them 40/50/70% bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Additionally, Sivir grants herself 100/200/400 bonus attack damage for the duration.


  • Brawler/Dragonsoul

  • Tier 3

  • Dragon’s Descent: Shyvana dashes up to 2 hexes away from her current target and transforms to her Dragon Form, becoming a Ranged attacker for 60 seconds. While in Dragon Form, Shyvana gains 40/45/50% bonus health, 30/60/120 attack damage and basic attacks apply a burn on enemies hit for 2 seconds, dealing a total of 150/300/600 bonus magic damage.


Come on and slam, and welcome to the mid-set.

  • Fortune/Slayer

  • Tier 3

  • Fortune’s Guillotine: Darius dunks an enemy dealing 550/800/1300 magic damage. While dunking, Darius is unstoppable. If this kills the target, Darius immediately casts again dealing 25% reduced damage.


  • Fabled/Mystic

  • Tier 3

  • Pop Blossom: Neeko throws a seed at a random target that explodes for 150/225/375 magic damage three times, with each explosion increasing the radius by one hex.

  • Fabled Bonus: The third explosion is empowered dealing 300/450/900 magic damage.


  • Divine/Executioner

  • Tier 4

  • Ascend: Kayle Ascends, causing her attacks to launch waves that deal 100/185/500 bonus magic damage to enemies hit.


  • Dragonsoul/Slayer

  • Tier 4

  • Ragnarok: Olaf gains 150/175/350% attack speed, immunity to crowd control, and his attacks cleave in a cone in front of him for 40/45/50% physical damage for the rest of combat.

Aurelion Sol

This guy is crazy OP in Expedition. Oops, wrong game.

  • Dragonsoul/Mage

  • Tier 4

  • Voice of Lightning: Aurelion Sol breathes lightning in a line towards the farthest enemy, dealing 350/550/1750 magic damage and Overcharging all enemies in the area for 10 seconds. If an enemy is already Overcharged, Aurelion Sol consumes the effect and deals 50% bonus damage.


  • Elderwood/Executioner/Keeper

  • Tier 4

  • Featherstorm: Xayah leaps into the air becoming untargetable, invulnerable, and throwing out a fan of feather daggers that deal 250/275/325% AD physical damage to enemies within a cone. Xayah then recalls her feathers, striking enemies for 100/200/400 magic damage per feather.


  • Brawler/Fabled

  • Tier 4

  • Rupture: Cho'Gath erupts a large area, dealing 200/400/1500 magic damage and knocking up all enemies for 2/2.5/8 seconds.

  • Fabled Bonus: Cho'Gath additionally knocks up all enemies on the board.


  • Duelist/Warlord

  • Tier 4

  • Spinning Slash: Tryndamere spins towards the most enemies in a line dealing 140% of his attack damage to enemies in his path and empowering his next three basic attacks to do 75/100/200% additional damage.


  • Dragonsoul/Syphoner

  • Tier 5

  • Draconic Ascension: Swain transforms into his Dragon Form for 6 seconds. While in Dragon Form, he gains 60/75/100% maximum health, deals 75/150/1000 magic damage each second to enemies with 2.5/2.5/5 hexes and breathes a cone of fire every 2 seconds that deals 175/350/5000 magic damage, reduces healing by 50% for the duration and burns 25% maximum health as true damage over 10 seconds.


  • Blacksmith/Elderwood

  • Tier 5

  • Stampede: Ornn summons an elemental from behind the furthest enemy to travel towards him, slowing the attack speed of enemies hit by 50% for 3 seconds and dealing 150/250/750 magic damage. If the elemental runs into Ornn, he headbutts it, redirecting it towards another distant enemy, stunning them for 1.5/2/15 seconds and dealing 150/250/750 magic damage.


  • Daredevil/Sharpshooter/Slayer

  • Tier 5

  • Inferno Trigger: Samira dashes and becomes unstoppable, unleashing 3/3/10 shots per second at 3 enemies within 2.5 hexes for 2 seconds, each shot deals 50/60/100% AD physical damage. For the duration, Samira gains 100% dodge chance.


Removed Traits

  • Dazzler

  • Dusk

  • Hunter

  • Moonlight

  • Shade

Removed Champions

While all Little Legends are welcome at the Festival, spots like Club 2 and Lunar City are VIP only. And with all the new party-goers, some champions just didn’t make the list. The removal of the champions below allow for new traits to emerge while also making room for a new set of carries.

Here’s a list of those who didn’t make the list. F’s in chat.

  • Lissandra

  • Sylas

  • Aphelios

  • Vayne

  • Thresh

  • Riven

  • Cassiopeia

  • Lilia

  • Warwick

  • Ashe

  • Lux

  • Ezreal

  • Evelynn

  • Kayn

  • Nami

  • Hecarim

  • Jinx

  • Xin Zhao

  • Jhin

  • Ahri


Balance and Adjustments

  • Assassin: Critical Strike Damage: 30/60/90% ⇒ 25/60/100%

  • Assassin: Critical Strike Chance: 10/25/40% ⇒ 10/30/55%

  • Brawler: Now additionally to Health, grants 20/40/80/150 bonus Attack Damage to the Brawlers

  • Brawler Health: 400/800/1200/1800 ⇒ 400/700/1100/1600

  • Cultist: Galio Health: 800/1400/2000 ⇒ 800/1325/2000

  • Cultist: Galio Attack Damage: 75/160/280 ⇒ 80/175/330

  • Cultist: Galio Star Multiplier: 14% ⇒ 16%

  • Duelist: Attack Speed per Stack: 12/20/35/60 ⇒ 15/25/40/60

  • Elderwood: Armor & Magic Resist Per Stack: 20/30/40 ⇒ 15/25/40

  • Enlightened Mana Bonus: 50/70/100% ⇒ 50/100/150%

  • Fortune: 0 Loss Average Value: 2.5g ⇒ 2.2g

  • Fortune: 1 Loss Average Value: 6g ⇒ 5.5g

  • Keeper Shield: 150/225/350 ⇒ 125/200/250

  • Mage: Double Casting breakpoints reworked from 3/6/9 ⇒ 3/5/7

  • Mage (3): 80% of Spell Power

  • Mage (5): 105% of Spell Power

  • Mage (7): 135% of Spell Power

  • Mystic Magic Resist Bonus: 40/100/200 ⇒ 40/120/300

  • Sharpshooter Number of Bounces: 1/2/3 ⇒ 2/3/4

  • Damage Reduction per Bounce: 55/50/45% ⇒ 65/50/30%

  • Spirit Rework: Spirit will now grant flat attack speed the first time a Spirit unit casts

  • Spirit (2): 20% Attack Speed

  • Spirit (4): 40% Attack Speed

  • Warlord Health: 200/450/700 ⇒ 250/550/850

  • Warlord Spell Power: 20/40/70 ⇒ 25/55/85

  • Vanguard Armor Bonus: 120/300/750/2000 ⇒ 100/250/500/1000

  • Vanguard now additionally grants 20/40/70/100 Magic Resist to the Vanguards


Tier 1

  • Diana Traits: Moonlight Assasin ⇒ Spirit Assassin

  • Diana Health:500 ⇒ 550

  • Diana Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Diana Pale Cascade Orb Damage: 70/80/90 ⇒ 90/100/110

  • Diana Pale Cascade Shield: 200/300/400 ⇒ 200/300/450

  • Diana Pale Cascade Orbs: 4/5/6 ⇒ 4/5/7

  • Fiora Riposte Stun Duration: 1.5/2/3 ⇒ 2/2.5/4 seconds

  • Fiora Chosen Bonus: Max Mana Reduction ⇒ Health

  • Nidalee Mana: 0/80 ⇒ 0/70

Tier 2

  • Janna Mana: 30/60 ⇒ 40/70

  • Pyke Traits: Cultist Assassin ⇒Cultist Assassin Slayer

  • Pyke Mana: 75/125 ⇒ 60/120

  • Pyke Phantom Undertow Damage: 125/200/375 ⇒ 100/175/275

  • Teemo Sporecloud Dart Damage: 300/400/900 ⇒ 250/400/900

  • Zed Traits: Ninja Shade ⇒ Ninja Slayer

  • Zed Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8

Tier 3

  • Kalista Attack Speed: 0.9 &rArr 1.0

  • Katarina Death Lotus Tooltip Fix: 600/900/1800 ⇒ 600/900/1650

  • Kindred Traits: Spirit Hunter ⇒ Spirit Executioner

  • Kindred Dance of Dread Damage: 450/650/1000 ⇒ 400/600/1000

  • Veigar Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.65

Tier 4

Morgana’s getting trait and ability swaps that improve upon her identity as a dazzling drain tank. She’ll still be dazzling, but she’ll be doing even more drain tanking with the new Syphoner trait at the cost of her Magic Resist shred. Morg’s tool tip may be a bit dazzled with her new changes. Expect a fix to that later, but for now know that her spell DOES NOT SHRED MAGIC RESIST.

  • Aatrox Infernal Chains Damage: 250/450/1250 ⇒ 350/550/1500

  • Morgana Traits: Enlightened Dazzler ⇒ Enlightened Syphoner

  • Morgana Tormented Shadow no longer heals Morgana for a portion of the damage dealt. Spell now reduces enemy Attack Damage by 40% while they remain inside.

  • Morgana Tormented Shadow no longer shreds Magic Resist

  • Sejuani Mana: 70/150 ⇒ 80/160

Tier 5

Azir’s Crowd Control and Sand Soldiers have made him a must pick for just about any situation. By sanding down some of his CC, maybe some other players will shuffle him back into the pool so I can get to 9 Warlords more consistently. Speaking of consistency, Yone’s been far too strong as a mid game power grab, so we’re giving him a mini-rework. Yone’s now going to have to defeat his marked opponents faster if he’s to truly conquer his demons.

  • Azir Emperor’s Divide Knock Up Duration: 2 ⇒ 1.5 sec

  • Azir Emperor’s Divide Slow Duration: 4 ⇒ 3

  • Lee Sin God Fist Damage: 250/450/1000 ⇒ 200/375/1000

  • Yone Seal Fate Armor and Magic Resist Reduction: 60% ⇒ 40%

  • Yone Seal Fate Shred and Unforgotten Execute Marker now only lasts for 8 seconds

  • Yone Unforgotten Damage: 200/400/1000 ⇒ 350/600/1500

  • Yone Unforgotten no longer deals missing health damage. Instead, Unforgotten will deal additional percent damage based on the target’s missing health for up to 100% additional damage


Turns out making a bunch of aura items to empower one super carry that then grabs a Hurricane and goes to town is a bit strong. Giantslayer is giving players Jack and the Beanstalk flashbacks, and that’s just not okay, because giants are people too. The new set has more healing mechanics (syphoner, slayer), so trimming some power from Hand of Justice and Hextech Gunblade will help prevent cases of extreme over-healing.

  • Chalice of Power Spell Power: 35 ⇒ 30

  • Giantslayer Max Damage: 90% ⇒ 80%

  • Hand of Justice Damage & Healing: 45% ⇒ 40%

  • Hextech Gunblade Max Shield: 400 ⇒ 300

  • Hurricane Bonus Damage: 90% ⇒ 80%

  • Statikk Shiv Bounces: 3/4/5 ⇒4/5/6

  • Zeke’s Herald Bonus Attack Speed: 35% ⇒ 30%

  • Zz’Rot Portal Construct now gains bonus 0/0/10/20/40/80/120/200 Armor and MR based on the Stage

January 6 - Patch 11.1


Board Cycling Improvement

I don't see dead people.

  • Cycling through boards with hotkeys now skips dead players. [PC only]


Tier 1

Sharpshooter has been a bit too sharp in the mid game. The three star Vayne nerf and the two star Teemo nerf should dull their shots a tad.

  • Vayne Silver Bolts Damage: 50/90/140 ⇒ 50/90/130

Tier 2

HUGIFY! Having Lulu give bonus health while the Elderwood trait gives bonus armor and magic resistance resulted in a very tanky frontline for any comp with a splash of Elderwood/Mage.

  • Hecarim Spirit of Life Damage and Healing: 250/400/600 ⇒ 250/400/750

  • Lulu Mana: 60/120 ⇒ 80/150

  • Teemo Chosen Stat: Mana ⇒ Spell Power

  • Teemo Sporecloud Dart Damage: 300/450/900 ⇒ 300/400/900

Tier 3

No surprises here…

  • Kalista Health: 550 ⇒ 650

  • Veigar Mana: 0/45 ⇒ 0/55

Tier 4

Aatrox has made a new year's resolution to be a better frontliner. Two star Jhin's damage has been a noncomfourmer that allowed four him to be fourced into comps that should fourgo him. Unlike my spelling, we'll be fixing that. Finally, Morgana's 4.5 identity as a draintank is coming a patch early. Try positioning her towards the frontline with a morellonomicon, armor, and magic resistance.

  • Aatrox Health: 800 ⇒ 900

  • Aatrox Armor: 40 ⇒ 70

  • Ahri Mana: 0/80 ⇒ 0/75

  • Ahri Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.8

  • Jhin Whisper Ad Multiplier: 444/500/1234% ⇒ 444/475/1234%

  • Morgana Health: 750 ⇒ 850

  • Morgana Armor: 30 ⇒ 60

  • Morgana Attack Range: 3 Hexes ⇒ 2 Hexes

Tier 5

  • Lee Sin Armor and Magic Resist: 50 ⇒ 60


  • Fixed an issue where some champions would fail to cast when affected by the slow from Azir's Emperor's Divide.

  • Sett's Showstopper now properly fails when blocked by Trap Claw instead of still dealing AOE secondary damage

  • Brains before gains: Sett will no longer interrupt Showstopper to go do sit-ups.

  • Sett's been spending too much time in Night City: Fixed a bug that caused Sett to stop attacking and casting when Showstopper's initial dash was interrupted by a state change (e.g. Guardian Angel, Zilean's Rewind Fate).

  • Fixed a bug where 11 Fortune loss was giving more Neeko's than intended

  • Fixed a bug where Yone was shredding more Armor and Magic Resist than intended.

  • Recipe hints now exclude components spawned from Thieves Gloves.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.