TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 2

TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 2

The best team comps and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Set 2. Learn the best units and builds to master the current meta.

Knowledge is of primary importance in a game such as Teamfight Tactics, but finding out first-hand all the possible strategies requires time, thus I decided to gather some of the best team builds available at the moment.

Up to today, I have created over 40 builds, and while some of them are potentially stronger during some patches, all of them are viable options in our games depending on our luck with items and champions.

Usually, I publish new articles on the best TFT team compositions on a biweekly basis (after a major patch) in order to keep up with the meta changes.

Checking out manually several pages to find out a build suitable for our games isn’t very convenient, so I decided to list all the current and future builds inside this article. 

  • For ease-of-use, they are distributed in alphabetical order based on the dominant Element/Class.

  • v2/v3/etc. next to a comp name means that it is a variant that uses a few different champions.

  • In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.

All these builds are the result of a research work. They do contain also personal opinions, but mostly I studied and listed the lineups used in tournaments and preferred by high-ranked players.

Patch 9.24 changed the Shadow trait from 2/4 to 3/6, so you may have to slightly alter the old Shadow builds.

Quick Links

AssassinBerserkerBlademasterDesertGlacialInfernoLightMageOceanPoisonPredatorRangerShadowSummoner • WardenWoodland

Note: I suggest using the search function on your web browser (CTRL+F) if you are looking for a specific synergy or combo.

Assassin builds

Assassin Electric

Assassin Electric team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Diana, Ornn, Rek’Sai, Nocturne, Qiyana, Kha’Zix, Zed, Lux.

  • Assassin 5+1

  • Electric: 4

  • Steel: 2

This build works also without Lux, but you will have three Inferno instead of four Electric.

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game. Beware: it is often very contested.

  • Add Diana and Nocturne for three Assassin.

    • Nocturne is your main carry. He requires DPS items: Deathblade, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Infinity Edge.

  • Rek’Sai brings two Steel.

This is your composition in the mid game, but afterwards you must remove Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc, and add the following units over time:

  • Qiyana (Inferno) and Annie for three Inferno

  • Ornn and Zed for two Electric and six Assassin.

    • Build Youmuu’s Ghostblade (Spatula + B.F. Sword) on Ornn for the Assassin trait.

    • Give Guardian Angel and Infinity Edge to Zed.

  • Kha’Zix is the sixth Assassin champion.

  • In the late game, you can replace Annie with Lux (Electric) to maximize the Electric synergy.

Assassin Desert

Assassin Desert team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Renekton, LeBlanc, Azir, Nocturne, Qiyana, Sivir, Kha’Zix, Zed.

  • Assassin: 5+1

  • Desert: 4

The armor reduction provided by four Desert is perfect to deal with the Warden comps that are infesting this set.       

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game.

  • Add Renekton and Azir for two Desert.

  • Nocturne and Qiyana bring the three Assassin bonus. You can play Diana while finding one of them.

  • Remove Ivern and Maokai, and add Sivir and Kha’Zix to maximize the Desert synergy. 

    • Kha’Zix is your main carry: equip him with Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, and Rapid Firecannon.

    • Youmuu’s Ghostblade is mandatory on Sivir to obtain the Assassin trait.

  • Zed completes the lineup bringing the six Assassin bonus.

Berserker builds


Berserker team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Renekton, Volibear, Sion, Sivir, Dr Mundo, Olaf, Master Yi.

  • Berserker: 5+1

  • Shadow: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Desert: 2

Berserkers are quite strong, and not many players contest them as they prefer other builds, so you can quickly upgrade them to two stars.

  • Start with Ornn and Volibear for the two Electric synergy.

  • Add Renekton and Sion for three Berserker.

  • Sivir gives two Desert, and Olaf two Glacial. Olaf is your carry: build him with survivability items and Bloodthirster.

  • Remove Ornn. Add Dr Mundo as the fifth Berserker, and then Master Yi.

    • Master Yi gives two Shadow, two Blademaster, and even six Berserker because you must give him Berserker Axe (Spatula + Sparring Gloves). Hand of Justice is an amazing item on him.

The main lineup is complete, but you can also add Lux to achieve four Glacial or four Shadow.

Berserker Poison Glacial

Berserker Poison Glacial team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Renekton, Jax, Volibear, Dr Mundo, Sion, Twitch, Olaf, Singed.

  • Berserker: 6

  • Poison: 3

  • Glacial: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

A lot of AoE damage, tough units, and a dangerous Twitch in the rear line. In this lineup you have seven melee heroes, so I suggest placing them all in the same row and building two Locket of the Iron Solari to provide a shield for everyone.

  • Start with Renekton, Jax, and Volibear for three Berserker.

  • Your next priority is the Poison synergy, with Kog’Maw, Dr Mundo, and Twitch.

  • Sion and Olaf maximize the Berserker bonus, and the latter also unlocks two Glacial.

    • On Olaf, build Rapid Firecannon, Hush, and finally Guardian Angel for survivability. Alternatively, you could opt for Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Bloodthirster.

  • Replace Kog’Maw with Singed, and give him Morellonomicon.

  • In the very late game, you may add Zed as the 9th unit to obtain the two Electric trait.

Blademaster builds

Blademaster Assassin

Blademaster Assassin team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Rek’Sai, Yasuo, Nocturne, Qiyana, Sivir, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi.

  • Blademaster: 3+1

  • Assassin: 3

  • Steel: 2

  • Desert: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

This team composition is able to dish out a massive amount of physical damage.

  • There is not a direct way to start this composition in the early game. I recommend the solid Druid synergy with Maokai and Neeko - you will remove them later on.

  • Yasuo (frontline) is the first piece required for the Cloud and Blademaster traits.

  • Add Rek’Sai and Nocturne for the two Steel synergy.

    • Nocturne is your hard carry: build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and another DPS item. Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + Recurve Bow) is mandatory because he requires the Blademaster bonus to carry in the late game.

There is not a precise order for the next pieces, but it depends on your luck with the champion shop.

  • Qiyana and Kha’Zix for three Assassin. Kha’Zix is your secondary carry: I suggest building him with Seraph’s Embrace, Infinity Edge, and Bloodthirster.

  • Sivir for the two Desert synergy; and she is also an additional Blademaster unit.

  • Janna brings the Cloud trait.

  • Master Yi for two Mystic (if you already have Janna) and four Blademaster.

Desert builds

Desert Blademaster

Desert Blademaster team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Renekton, Yasuo, Azir, Sivir, Aatrox, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi.

  • Desert: 4

  • Blademaster: 4

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

This is mostly a late-game build, so early on you have to rely on other champions while building your core ones.

  • I suggest starting with the solid Druid synergy by playing Maokai and Neeko - you will remove them later on.

  • Add Renekton, Yasuo, and Sivir as soon as possible to unlock two Desert and two Blademaster. Sivir is a strong ranged carry: give her Runaan’s Hurricane and on-hit effects such as Giant Slayer and Red Buff.

After the mid game, continue the team composition depending on what you can find first:

  • Azir and Kha’Zix maximize the four Desert synergy.

  • Janna increases the survivability of the team with the Cloud trait.

  • Master Yi is a powerful champion, and he brings two Mystic.

  • Finally, with Aatrox you will complete the four Blademaster synergy.

Glacial builds

Glacial Berserker Poison

Glacial Berserker Poison team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Ornn, Braum, Volibear, Ezreal, Dr Mundo, Twitch, Olaf, Singed.

  • Glacial: 4

  • Berserker: 3

  • Poison: 3

  • Electric: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Ranger: 2

A tanky lineup with crowd control and sustained damage.

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Volibear to unlock also the two Electric and two Glacial bonuses.

  • Ezreal and Twitch bring two Ranger. Ezreal is your carry, and he needs caster items such as Luden’s Echo and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Olaf grants the four Glacial synergy, and he is your main carry: give him survivability items and Bloodthirster.

  • Dr Mundo is your third Berserker.

  • Singed maximizes the Poison trait. Note that while finding him you can use Kog’Maw as the third Poison unit.

Glacial Ranger

Glacial Ranger team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Braum, Ezreal, Kindred, Ashe, Twitch, Olaf, Taric.

  • Glacial: 3+1

  • Ranger: 4

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

Thanks to the crowd control abilities and the ranged attacks, this composition is able to reach the top 4 in many matches. It is particularly strong in the mid to late game.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum as the frontliner. You might also need another random tank unit to survive in the early game.

  • Ezreal and Kindred increase the number of Rangers to four, and the former also unlocks the two Glacial bonus.

  • After the mid game, replace Vayne and Varus with Ashe and Twitch. They are your carries.

    • Twitch brings utility and crowd control, and you must build him with on-hit effect items such as Red Buff. Frozen Mallet (Spatula + Giant’s Belt) is mandatory as you want to give him the Glacial trait.

    • On Ashe, you can use on-hit effect items like Giant Slayer and Statikk Shiv, Guinsoo’s Rageblade for attack speed, and even Bloodthirster for survivability.

  • Olaf is the final piece needed for the four Glacial trait.

  • Tarics is the main tank of the lineup as he possesses the Warden and Crystal traits.

In the late game, you can try unlocking two Cloud or two Mystic with Janna + Yasuo/Master Yi.

Glacial Berserker Soulbound

Glacial Berserker Soulbound team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Warwick, Renekton, Braum, Volibear, Senna, Ezreal, Lucian, Olaf.

  • Glacial: 5+1

  • Berserker: 3

  • Soulbound: 2

A powerful Lucian and lots of crowd control will dominate the battlefield.

  • Start with Warwick and Renekton.

  • Add Braum for the two Glacial synergy

  • Volibear and Ezreal bring the four Glacial bonus.

  • Senna and Lucian unlock two Soulbound.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Frozen Mallet (Spatula + Giant’s Belt) as he requires the Glacial trait in this composition.

  • Finally, Olaf increases the number of Glacial units to six, and also gives three Berserker.

Inferno builds


Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Zyra, Diana, Varus, Malzahar, Kindred, Annie, Brand.

  • Inferno: 6

  • Summoner: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Shadow: 2

The Inferno lineup is able to dish out a huge amount of magic damage, but it is weak against late game comps with the Mystic trait.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy. Zyra and Diana are your carries, so build items on them.

    • Zyra requires Morellonomicon, and Seraph’s Embrace to summon as many Flame Splitters as possible.

    • Diana’s Flame Cascade grants a shield and inflicts damage to nearby enemies, so I suggest building her with tank items.

  • Add Malzahar and Kindred to unlock both two Shadow and two Ranger.

  • Annie brings the three Summoner synergy.

  • Finally, Brand provides the six Inferno bonus.

Inferno Assassin Summoner

Inferno Assassin Summoner team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Diana, Zyra, Varus, Kindred, Qiyana, Azir, Annie, Kha’Zix.

  • Inferno: 6

  • Assassin: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Desert: 2

A simple Inferno build that deals both magical and physical damage thanks to the three Assassin mix.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

    • Diana is your main carry. Give her Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Hextech Gunblade.

    • Build Zyra with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade.

  • Kindred grants the two Ranger synergy.

  • Qiyana (Inferno) and Annie unlock the six Inferno trait.

  • Kha’Zix provides both three Assassin and two Desert.

  • Azir gives the three Summoner bonus.

Light builds

Light v1

Light v1 team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Nasus, Vayne, Jax, Kindred, Soraka, Yorick, Master Yi.

  • Light: 5+1

  • Ranger: 2

  • Shadow: 2

  • Mystic: 2

A full light synergy which is very easy to build

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy.

  • Add Kindred for two Ranger. Kindred and Vayne are your carries at this stage of the game: build the former with AP items and the latter with attack speed and effect on-hit ones.

  • Add Soraka and Yorick to acquire five units with the Light synergy.

  • Master Yi completes the build as he brings both two Shadow and two Mystic. He acts as the hard carry in the late game.

  • In order to get the second tier of the Light element, you require Talisman of Light (Negatron Cloak + Spatula) on Kindred or Master Yi.

Light v2

Light v2 team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Vayne, Nasus, Jax, Aatrox, Soraka, Kindred, Yorick, Master Yi.

  • Light: 6

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Shadow: 2

Another variant of the full Light lineup.

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy. Vayne is your carry, so try upgrading her to 3-star, and build attack speed and on-hit effect items.

  • Add Yasuo and Aatrax for two Blademaster.

  • Soraka and Yorick unlock the six Light bonus.

  • Finally, get Kindred for the two Ranger trait.

In the late game, you can replace Yasuo with Master Yi if you can build Talisman of Light as you must preserve the six Light synergy. Master Yi also brings two Shadow and two Mystic.

Note: Light v1 and v2 are quite similar, but the latter has less requirements to achieve the six Light synergy.

Light Soulbound

Light Soulbound team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Nasus, Jax, Senna, Aatrox, Soraka, Yorick, Lucian, Nami.

  • Light: 6

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Mystic: 2

The successful Light build combined with the new Soulbound trait.

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy.

  • Senna is your first Soulbound character. Guardian Angel is great on her.

  • Add Aatrox and Yasuo to unlock two Blademaster; the extra damage is useful in the early game.

  • Soraka and Yorick grant the six Light bonus.

  • Replace Vayne with Lucian as soon as possible. You will keep the Light synergy and also get the two Soulbound one.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with DPS items such as Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Statikk Shiv, or Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Vayne can hold these items in the early game.

  • Replace Yasuo with Nami, so your whole team will benefit from increased magic resistance thanks to the two Mystic bonus.

Light Soulbound v2

Light Soulbound v2 team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Nasus, Thresh, Senna, Aatrox, Soraka, Lucian, Yorick, Nami.

  • Light: 5+1

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Another Light Soulbound team build. This is a bit tankier than the previous one.

  • Start with Nasus and Thresh for the two Warden bonus.

  • Add Senna, and build her with Guardian Angel and Talisman of Light (Spatula + Negatron Cloak) to give her the Light trait as well.

  • Aatrox and Soraka unlock the three Light bonus. While finding them, you can just use Vayne/Jax in the early game.

  • Lucian grants two Soulbound, and he is your main carry. Give him Guinsoo’s Rageblade and on-hit effect items such as Giant Slayer and Runaan’s Hurricane.

  • Yorick maximizes the Light synergy.

  • Finally, Nami provides two Ocean and two Mystic.

Light Shadow Summoner

Light Shadow Summoner team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Malzahar, Senna, Soraka, Yorick, Lucian, Annie, Master Yi.

  • Light: 3

  • Shadow: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Mystic: 2

The Light and Shadow team comp has a solid early game, but it isn’t as strong later on if you can’t upgrade your units.

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy.

  • Add Kindred for two Ranger. Kindred and Vayne are your carries at this stage of the game: build the former with AP items and the latter with attack speed and effect on-hit ones.

  • Senna and Malzahar give the three Shadow synergy. Guardian Angel is great on the former.

This is your composition in the early/mid game, but afterwards you must replace most of them with stronger units.

  • Replace Vayne with Lucian as soon as possible. You will keep the Light synergy and get the two Soulbound one.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with DPS items such as Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Statikk Shiv, or Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Vayne can hold these items in the early game.

  • Remove Nasus and Jax, and add Soraka and Yorick.

  • Add Annie to unlock three Summoner.

  • Replace Kindred with Master Yi and you will gain also the two Mystic bonus.

Mage Builds

Mage Shadow

Mage Shadow team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Taliya, Vladimir, Malzahar, Syndra, Kindred, Veigar, Brand, Master Yi.

  • Mage: 5+1

  • Shadow: 4

  • Ocean: 2

One of the best Mage lineups available at this time.

  • Get Taliya, Vladimir, Malzahar, and Syndra to unlock both three Mage and two Ocean in the early game. Malzahar and Syndra are your carries.

    • On Malzahar, build Morellonomicon, Spear of Shojin, and Mage’s Cap (Spatula + Tear of the Goddess) as you want the Mage trait on him.

    • On Syndra, Luden’s Echo and Seraph’s Embrace are the best options.

  • Kindred brings two Shadow.

  • Add Veigar and Braum to maximize the Mage trait.

  • Finally, add Master Yi for the four Shadow element.

Mage Ocean

Mage Ocean team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Vladimir, Syndra, LeBlanc, Thresh, Nautilus, Veigar, Annie, Brand.

  • Mage: 5+1

  • Ocean: 4

  • Warden: 2

Annie Mage is particularly strong because the synergy provides a 100% chance to doublecast, so you will have two Tibbers on the battlefield. They will act as frontliners for the lineup and deal AoE damage.

  • Start with Vladimir, Syndra, and LeBlanc to get two Ocean and three Mage in the early game.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus to unlock four Ocean and two Warden.

  • Add Annie as soon as you can because she is the main carry of the lineup. Build her with Mage’s Cap (Spatula + Tear of Goddess) so she will gain the Mage trait, Morellonomicon, and Guardian Angel.

  • Veigar and Brand bring the number of Mages to six, unleashing the real potential of this team compositions. Brand is a great magic damage dealer, and he works the best with AP items such as Rabadon’s Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Seraph’s Embrace.

In the late game, you can replace Thresh with Nami for a stronger Ocean unit.

Ocean builds

Ocean Woodland Mage

Ocean Woodland Mage team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Maokai, Vladimir, Neeko, LeBlanc, Syndra, Nautilus, Malphite, Nami.

  • Ocean: 4

  • Woodland: 3

  • Mage: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Druid: 2

A very tanky lineup with a solid early game. You can finalize the build with seven champions if you decide to keep Thresh.

  • Start with Maokai and Neeko to achieve the Druid’s health regeneration, and then add LeBlanc for the Woodland synergy.

  • Vladimir and Syndra bring both the three Mage and the two Ocean traits.

  • Add Nautilus and Thresh for four Ocean and two Warden.

Your team composition is complete. I suggest building tank items such as Warmog’s Armor and Phantom Dancer on Maokai, and Morellonomicon on Neeko as she has an excellent AoE ability: Blooming Burst.

In the late game, you can replace Thresh with Nami for a stronger Ocean unit, and then add Malphite as your last tank to keep the Warden bonus.

Ocean Inferno Mage

Ocean Inferno Mage team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Zyra, Vladimir, Syndra, Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Yorick.

  • Ocean: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Mage: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Warden: 2

A strong Ocean Mage team build where Brand acts as the main carry. The only issue with this lineup is that Brand is a very contested champion. Optionally, you can skip the three Inferno units in the early game and start directly with the Ocean ones.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Vladimir and Syndra unlock the two Ocean bonus.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for two Warden and four Ocean; they are your frontliners.

  • Replace Diana and Varus with Annie and Brand as soon as you find them.

    • Brand brings the three Mage synergy. Build him with Rabadon’s Deathcap and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Finally, Yorick is the last unit needed for three Summoner.

Ocean Warden Inferno

Ocean Warden Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Syndra, Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Nami, Taric, Amumu.

  • Ocean: 4

  • Warden: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Mage: 2+1

A tankier variant of the Ocean Inferno team composition that uses four Warden units for extra armor.

  • Start with Vladimir, Syndra, and LeBlanc to get two Ocean and three Mage in the early game.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus to unlock four Ocean and two Warden.

  • Your next goal is acquiring firepower with the Inferno units: get Annie, Brand, and a random Inferno.

    • Brand is your main carry. Build him with Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Infinity Edge. Morellonomicon and Rabadon’s Deathcap are also viable choices.

As you approach the late game, you must complete the lineup and get rid of the weaker units.

  • Replace Vladimir with Nami. She requires Morellonomicon, and Mage’s Cap (Spatula + Tear of the Goddess) to become a Mage unit. Now, you can also remove LeBlanc.

  • Add Taric.

  • Replace the random Inferno champion with Amumu: he is your third frontliner - together with Taric and Nautilus - and gives the four Warden synergy.

Poison builds

Poison Lunar Ranger

Poison Lunar Ranger team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Leona, Karma, Dr Mundo, Twitch, Ashe, Singed, Taric.

  • Poison: 3

  • Lunar: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

Finally, I added a lineup with Lunar champions ;). Twitch is the main damage dealer and uses a crit-based build.

  • Start with Kog’Maw, Warwick, and Skarner for the three Predator synergy.

  • Add Leona and Karma for the two Lunar bonus.

  • Dr Mundo and Twitch are necessary to unlock the three poison trait.

  • Remove Warwick and get Ashe for two Ranger and two Crystal.

    • Equip both Twitch and Ashe with Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Giant Slayer.

  • In the late game, replace Kog’Maw with Singed and Skarner with Taric, the latter will also provide two Warden. As usual, Morellonomicon is amazing on Singed.

  • I suggest using the 8th unit slot to obtain the two Mystic synergy with Master Yi, Nami, or Janna.

Predator builds

Predator Poison Ranger

Predator Poison Ranger team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Kog’Maw, Skarner, Rek’Sai, Nocturne, Twitch, Ashe, Singed.

  • Predator: 3

  • Poison: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Crystal: 2

  • Steel: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

An entertaining build with Ashe and Twitch as the carries of the team.

  • Start with Kog’Maw, Skarner, and Rek’Sai to unlock the Predator synergy.

  • Dr Mundo and Twitch are your next priorities for the Poison trait. Red Buff works great on the latter thanks to his passive ability Spray and Pray.

  • Ashe completes the build in the mid game bringing two Ranger and two Crystal. She is your hard carry: build her with DPS items such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Deathblade.

  • Add Nocturne as one of the tanks; he brings the two Steel synergy.

  • Finally, Replace Dr Mundo with Singed.

Predator Poison Glacial

Predator Poison Glacial team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Kog’Maw, Warwick, Rek’Sai, Volibear, Dr Mundo, Ezreal, Twitch, Olaf.

  • Predator: 3

  • Poison: 3

  • Glacial: 4

  • Berserker: 3

  • Ranger: 2

Another variant of the Predator Poison team comp that is empowered by the Glacial synergy.

  • Start with Kog’Maw, Warwick, and Rek’Sai to unlock the Predator synergy.

  • Dr Mundo and Twitch are your next priorities for the Poison trait.

  • Add Ezreal for the two Ranged synergy. In this lineup, Twitch is the main carry while Ezreal is the secondary one. On the former, build on-hit items such as Red Buff and Giant Slayer, on the latter go for Luden’s Echo.

  • Volibear and Olaf are your main tanks, and they complete the composition bringing both four Glacial and three Berserker.

Ranger builds

Ranger Warden Inferno

Ranger Warden Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Varus, Braum, Kindred, Ezreal, Ashe, Malphite, Amumu, Taric.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Warden: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Glacial: 2

  • Crystal: 2

A team build that combines the damage output of Rangers and the tankiness of Wardens. The Inferno split helps to deal with champions with a high armor value.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum and Thresh/Nautilus for the two Warden bonus.

  • Get a random Inferno and Kindred for the three Inferno trait.

  • Ezreal unlocks two Glacial and also brings the number of Rangers to four.

  • Replace Vayne with Ashe.

    • She is your hard carry: build her with two Statikk Shiv and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

  • In the late game, replace Diana with Amumu, Thresh with Malphite, and add Taric. You will retain the Inferno synergy and unlock both four Warden and two Crystal.

    • I recommend giving Morellonomicon and some tank items to Amumu.

Ranger Poison Inferno

Ranger Poison Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Varus, Dr Mundo, Kindred, Twitch, Ashe, Amumu, Taric, Singed.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Poison: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

A build able to dish out a massive amount of damage as the three main traits are DPS ones.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum and Thresh/Nautilus for the two Warden bonus.

  • Your next priority is the Poison synergy, with Kog’Maw, Dr Mundo, and Twitch.

    • Twitch is your hard carry, and he requires Last Whisper and two Infinity Edge.

  • Remove Vayne and add Kindred and Ashe for four Ranger.

  • In the late game, replace Braum and Nautilus with Amumu and Taric - they will bring Three Inferno and two Crystal. 

    • Build your Warden champions with tank items, such as Guardian Angel.

    • Note that you can use a random Inferno unit for this synergy while finding Amumu.

  • Replace Kog’Maw with Singed as soon as you find him. Equip him with Morellonomicon.

Shadow builds

Shadow Inferno Summoner

Shadow Inferno Summoner team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Zyra, Malzahar, Yasuo, Kindred, Sion, Annie, Janna, Master Yi.

  • Shadow: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Mystic: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Blademaster: 2

An inferno-based lineup that evolves into a multitude of traits in the mid-late game.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Add Malzahar and Sion for the two Shadow trait.

  • Replace Diana with Kindred; you will earn the two Ranger bonus. Kindred is your carry in the mid game, so build AP items on her, such as Rabadon’s Deathcap and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Veigar maximizes the Shadow synergy.

  • Finally, add Annie for the three Summoner bonus.

In the late game, your main carry becomes Master Yi. Build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and survivability items like Guardian Angel.

  • Remove Veigar and add Master Yi.

  • Remove Varus and add Janna for the Mystic trait, and Yasuo for two Blademaster and two Cloud. These two final champions will boost the survivability of the team as their traits provide magic resistance and dodge chance to the whole lineup.

Shadow Inferno Summoner v2

Shadow Inferno Summoner v2 team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Malzahar, Kindred, Karma, Annie, Yorick, Malphite, Amumu, Master Yi.

  • Shadow: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Mystic: 2

An updated variant of the classic Shadow Inferno Summoner, a strong lineup in the mid-late game.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Add Malzahar, Sion, and Kindred for three Shadow and two Ranger.

    • Kindred is your hard carry: build him with Infinity Edge, Seraph’s Embrace, and Jeweled Gauntlet.

  • Replace Diana with Annie to unlock also the three Summoner trait.

This is your composition in the mid game with six champions, and honestly it works very well against most opponents. Complete the lineup over time as you find the remaining cost 4-5 units.

  • Remove Zyra and add Yorick for a stronger Summoner unit. Give him Guardian Angel and tank items.

  • Add Malphite and replace Varus with Amumu for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Karma and replace Sion with Master Yi for the two Mystic bonus. The latter can become your second carry with items such as Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Hand of Justice.

Shadow Ranger Crystal

Shadow Ranger Crystal team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Malzahar, Yasuo, Kindred, Sion, Ashe, Janna, Master Yi, Taric.

  • Shadow: 4

  • Ranger: 2

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Crystal: 2

Learn well this lineup because you must build it over time and adapt to the situation and picks.

  • In the early game, you want to achieve three Inferno and two Ranger with the following champions: Vayne, Diana, Zyra, and Varus. Later on, you will get rid of them all.

Add these units depending on your luck with the shop:

  • Kindred and Ashe are your carries, so try to securing them as soon as possible. They both work well with on-hit effect items, and Statikk Shiv is great on Ashe.

  • Yasuo and Malzahar bring the two Shadow trait.

  • Sion and Master Yi finalize the Shadow synergy, and the latter unlocks two Blademaster.

  • With Janna you gain access to the useful two Cloud and two Mystic traits.

  • Finally, Taric adds the two Crystal bonus.

Shadow Poison Berserker

Shadow Poison Berserker team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Renekton, Malzahar, Dr Mundo, Kindred, Sion, Twitch, Singed, Master Yi.

  • Shadow: 3

  • Poison: 3

  • Berserker: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

In this comp, there is not a perfect way to start the early game, so you might rely on other champions (such as Druids) while finding your core ones.

  • Get Kog’Maw, Renekton, and Malzahar.

  • Add Dr Mundo and Twitch for the Poison trait.

  • Kindred brings two Shadow and two Ranger, while Sion unlocks three Berserker.

  • Replace Kog’Maw with Singed as soon as you find him. Build him with Morellonomicon and tank items like Warmog’s Armor and Frozen Heart.

  • Master Yi concludes the build with the four Shadow trait.

Shadow Blademaster v1

Shadow Blademaster team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Malzahar, Yasuo, Kindred, Sivir, Sion, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi.

  • Shadow: 4

  • Blademaster: 3+1

  • Desert: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Cloud: 2

A powerful lineup if you are able to transition into the late game build.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Malzahar and Kindred bring two Ranger and two Shadow. Remove Diana.

  • Get Yasuo and Sivir for two Blademaster, she is the carry of the team: give her Runaan’s Hurricane and on-hit effects such as Giant Slayer and Red Buff.

In the late game, remove Zyra and Varus as we won’t use the Inferno trait in this composition.

  • Kha’Zix provides two Desert, and Janna two Cloud.

  • Sion and Master Yi are the final pieces required to maximize the Shadow synergy, and the latter also grants the two Mystic trait.

Blade of the Ruined King (Recurve Bow + Spatula) is required to achieve four Blademaster. Kindred is the best choice as the holder.

Shadow Blademaster v2

Shadow Blademaster v2 team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Malzahar, Yasuo, Kindred, Sivir, Sion, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi. 

  • Shadow: 4

  • Blademaster: 3+1

  • Desert: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

Note: there is not only a single way to build a team. Shadow Blademaster v1 and v2 use the same champions, but the carries, items, and units order are slightly different.

This is a strong offensive composition, but be aware that most of the champions are very popular, so it won’t be easy finding them.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Add Malzahar as the first Shadow unit.

  • Kindred is a key champion as he brings four Inferno, two Shadow, and two Ranger.

    • Build him with Rabadon’s Deathcap, Seraph’s Embrace, and Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + Recurve Bow) to achieve the Blademaster trait.

  • Add Sivir and Kha’Zix for the two Desert bonus. On the former, build on-hit effect items like Sword Breaker, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Hush.

Moving into the late game, you must remove Diana, Zyra, and Varus to make space for the final champions.

  • Master Yi is the late game carry of the lineup. I suggest building him with Hand of Justice, Deathblade, and a survivability item such as Guardian Angel or Phantom Dancer.

  • Sion is the last unit required to maximize the Shadow trait.

  • Thanks to Yasuo and Janna your team will enjoy both the Cloud and Mystic bonuses. Yasuo is also the fourth Blademaster.

Shadow Summoner Inferno

Shadow Summoner Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Varus, Malzahar, Thresh, Kindred, Sion, Nautilus, Yorick, Annie.

  • Shadow: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Similarly to the Light Shadow Summoner build, this composition is great in the early game, but you must upgrade your units to reach the top 4.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Diana and Zyra for three Inferno.

  • Replace Vayne with Kindred.

    • Kindred is your main carry, and you must upgrade him to three stars if you want to win. Suggested items: Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Rapid Firecannon.

  • Add Malzahar and Sion to unlock the three Shadow synergy.

  • Remove Diana and add Yorick for three Summoner.

This is your team in the mid game, and honestly it can win against almost anything.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for both two Ocean and two Warden.

  • Finally, replace Zyra with Annie for a stronger Inferno Summoner.

Summoner builds

Summoner Inferno Assassin

Summoner Inferno Assassin team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Diana, Zyra, Malzahar, Azir, Annie, Kha’Zix, Yorick, Zed.

  • Summoner: 6

  • Inferno: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Desert: 2

Summoners might be nerfed in the future, but currently they are a reliable meta composition that is worth to try.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Malzahar and Azir bring the three Summoner bonus.

  • Replace Varus with Annie whenever you find her.

  • Add Kha’Zix for the two Desert trait. I suggest giving him Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster because his active ability guarantees a critical hit.

  • Zed provides the three Assassin bonus, and he is your hard carry. Build him with tank items such as Warmog’s Armor and Guardian Angel: the longer he survives, the more he will be able to exploit Living Shadow’s cloning ability.

  • Finally, you need Yorick to complete the six Summoner bonus, which will massively boost the survivability of your summoned units.

Summoner Mix

Summoner Mix team comp build TFT Set 2.jpg

Final team: Yasuo, Nautilus, Sivir, Azir, Annie, Yorick, Annie, Janna, Nami.

  • Summoner: 3

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Desert: 2

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Cloud: 2

A Summoner build with a strong mid-game. In the late game, it is very flexible: depending on the opponents faced, you might go for four Mystic or four Blademaster.

  • You can start with pretty much anything you want. I love picking Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland synergies.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for two Ocean and two Warden - they are your frontliners.

  • In the mid game, remove the Woodland units, and replace them with Yasuo, Sivir, and Azir: they bring two Blademaster and two Desert.

    • Sivir needs Hush and Runaan’s Hurricane. For the third inventory slot, get Red Buff, Sword Breaker, or Hand of Justice.

    • Give Infinity Edge to Yasuo.

  • Annie and Yorick are your next priorities because you require the three Summoner bonus.

  • In the late game, remove Thresh, and add Janna and Nami for the two Cloud and Mystic traits.

Warden builds

Warden Inferno

Warden Inferno team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Diana, Thresh, Nautilus, Soraka, Annie, Brand, Malphite, Janna.

  • Warden: 3+1

  • Inferno: 3

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mystic: 2

A very defensive lineup where Annie acts both as a carry and a tank. IMO, it is very fun to play as you can build Warmog’s Armor and Thornmail on most champions to reflect the enemy’s damage.

  • Start with Diana, Maokai, and Ivern, and place them on the frontline.

  • Your first goal is finding Thresh and Nautilus as they will drastically empower the team with the two Ocean and two Warden synergies.

  • Annie and Brand provide the three Inferno trait.

    • Build Annie with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade. Warden’s Mail (Spatula + Chain Vest) is mandatory as you want to turn her into a Warden.

  • Remove Maokai and Ivern, and add Malphite for the four Warden synergy.

  • Soraka and Janna grant the two Mystic bonus.

    • Place Soraka on the rear with Rapid Firecannon, Spear of Shojin, and a defensive item.

Warden Electric Assassin

Warden Electric Assassin team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Ornn, Thresh, Volibear, Nautilus, Qiyana, Malphite, Kha’Zix, Zed.

  • Warden: 4

  • Electric: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Mountain: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Also Warden builds can prioritize damage!

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for four Warden and two Ocean.

  • Volibear brings both two Glacial and two Electric.

    • Volibear is your first carry. Build him with Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Hextech Gunblade.

  • Add Qiyana (Mountain) and Malphite for the two Mountain bonus. Remove Braum.

  • Kha’Zix and Zed complete the team build bringing three Electric and three Assassin.

    • Zed is your late game carry. Build him with Infinity Edge, Ionic Spark, and Guardian Angel.

Warden Inferno Crystal

Warden Inferno Crystal team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Malphite, Ashe, Amumu, Taric.

  • Warden: 5+1

  • Inferno: 3

  • Crystal: 2

  • Ocean: 2

This is an alternative Warden Inferno composition that features an even tankier late game. Again, I recommend Warmog’s Armor and Thornmail on most tank units.

  • Start with Diana, Maokai, and Ivern, and place them on the frontline.

  • Your first goal is finding Thresh and Nautilus as they will drastically empower the team with the two Ocean and two Warden synergies.

  • Annie and Brand provide the three Inferno trait.

    • Build Annie with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade. Warden’s Mail (Spatula + Chain Vest) is mandatory as you want to turn her into a Warden.

  • Remove Maokai and Ivern, and add Malphite for the four Warden synergy.

  • Replace Diana with Amumu, he is your fifth Warden.

  • Add Ashe and Taric for the six Warden and two Crystal bonuses.

    • Give Warmog’s Armor and Spear of Shojin to Taric.

Warden Lux

Warden Lux team comp build TFT Set 2.jpg

Final team: Taliya, Nautilus, Soraka, Malphite, Amumu, Taric, Nami, Lux

  • Warden: 4

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mountain: 2

  • Avatar: 1

  • Ocean/Cloud/Inferno/Light: +2

This team composition is rather difficult to build because you need to level up at the right time to play Lux as the main carry. Cloud, Ocean, Inferno, and Light origins are all good choices on her in this lineup.

  • In the early game, get Zyra, Nasus, Thresh, Braum, and Nautilus. You now have the four Warden and two Ocean synergies.

  • Add Malphite and Taliyah, and remove Nasus. Malphite is a stronger Warden unit, and he also gives two Mountain.

Complete the lineup over time depending on your luck with the picks.

  • Lux is your main carry. Build her with Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace, and Guardian Angel.

  • Replace Zyra with Amumu. He needs Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel, and another defensive item.

  • Remove Braum and Thresh, and add Taric.

  • Finally, Soraka and Nami to obtain the two Mystic bonus.

Warden Electric Lunar

Warden Electric Lunar team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Ornn, Leona, Volibear, Nautilus, Karma, Amumu, Zed, Nami.

  • Warden: 4

  • Electric: 3

  • Lunar: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

A variant of the Warden Electric composition with the addition of the Lunar Origin.

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.  

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for four Warden and two Ocean.  

  • Volibear brings both two Glacial and two Electric.

  • Add Leona and Karma for two Lunar. If you need a champion slot, just remove Braum.

  • In the late game, remove Thresh, and add Amumu, Zed, and Nami to finish the lineup.

    • Nami preservers the Ocean bonus and brings also the Mystic one.

    • Zed is your strongest carry: build him with defensive items, such as Guardian Angel and Redemption.

    • Amumu is also a key unit of the team comp: place him on the front line together with Nautilus and Leona, and give him Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel, and another tank item.

Woodland builds

Woodland Assassin

Woodland Assassin team comp build TFT Set 2

Final team: Ivern, Maokai, Renekton, Diana, LeBlanc, Kha’Zix.

  • Woodland: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Druid: 2

  • Mountain: 2

One of the best comps in the early game. You need an exceptional start to to find all the units and items required to stand your ground also in the late game.

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game.

  • Add Renekton and Diana.

  • Kha’Zix brings three Assassin and two Desert.

Renekton is your hard carry: he requires Dragon’s Claw and Phantom Dancer. Put your remaining items on Diana, Kha’Zix, and Maokai.

This is all! You still have 2-3 slots free to add another synergy with high-cost units, depending on what you can find in the champion shop.

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Header image (Assassin Master Yi) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.