Best TFT 10.6 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 3

Best TFT 10.6 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 3

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Learn the best units and builds to rank up in patch 10.6, Set 3.

I have published several TFT team builds so far, and over time I will produce more depending on the meta and the patch changes.

Today, we will talk about the new team comps that arise in Set 3: Galaxies with patch 10.6. I will add more in the next days as soon as new strong builds will emerge.

In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.


Sorcerer Star Guardian

Final team: Twisted Fate, Zoe, Annie, Ahri, Syndra, Lux, Aurelion Sol, Miss Fortune.

  • Sorcerer: 6

  • Star Guardian: 3

  • Starship: 1

  • Mercenary: 1

Sorcerer-based comps are not as strong as other builds in the early game because they lack tough frontliners, but their power ramps up once the full synergy is achieved.

  • Start with Twisted Fate and Zoe for the two Sorcerer synergy.

  • Add Annie as she is your main frontliner, and then Ahri to unlock the four Sorcerer bonus.

  • Get Syndra as soon as possible to get the three Star Guardian trait.

  • Lux is your final piece in the mid game as she maximizes the Sorcerer synergy.

You will get your main carries in the late game: Aurelion Sol for the Starship trait, and Miss Fortune as your Mercenary.

  • On Aurelion Sol, build defensive items and Morellonomicon.

  • Miss Fortune inflicts a substantial amount of damage with her skill Bullet Time, so I recommend giving her mana items like Seraph’s Embrace, and Jewelled Gauntlet so her ability will crit.

  • Optionally, you can substitute Miss Fortune with the other Mercenary unit: Gangplank.

Brawler Void

Final team: Malphite, Twisted Fate, Kha’Zix, Blitzcrank, Vi, Cho’Gath, Vel’Koz.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Sorcerer: 2

  • Chrono: 2

Brawlers are among the best tanks in the game. The DPS in this build is produced by Vel’Koz, who inflicts true damage thanks to the Void synergy.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler bonus.

  • Add Twisted Fate to get two Chrono.

  • Add Kha’Zix, or keep it in your bench until the late game if you have no space: he is required for the Void synergy.

  • Vi and Cho’Gath will unlock four Brawler.

    • Cho’Gath is your main tank: build him with Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Warmog’s Armor.

    • Place your Brawler units in the front line. All the other champions will attack from far behind.

  • Kha’Zix and Vel’Koz complete the lineup bringing three Void and two Sorcerer.

    • Vel’Kox is a very strong caster, so protect him at all costs. Build him with Rabadon’s Deathcap, Seraph’s Embrace, and another AP item.

Blaster Brawler

Final team: Malphite, Blitzcrank, Lucian, Ezreal, Vi, Cho’Gath, Jinx, Miss Fortune.

  • Blaster: 4

  • Brawler: 4

  • Chrono: 2

  • Mercenary: 1

This build is quite strong also in the early game thanks to the toughness brought by Brawlers and the DPS provided by Blasters.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Add Lucian and Ezreal for the two Blaster and two Chrono bonuses.

  • Vi and Cho’Gath grant the four Brawler synergy and complete your frontline.

    • Cho’Gath is your main tank: build him with Guardian Angel, Morellonomicon, and Warmog’s Armor.

  • Finally, get Jinx and Miss Fortune for four Blaster and the Mercenary trait.

    • Blaster units can dish out a lot of damage as they fire several additional attacks once the synergy is maxed out.

    • Jinx is your best DPS unit: build her with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Infinity Edge.

Rebel Blaster

Final team: Malphite, Sona, Yasuo, Karma, Master Yi, Jinx, Aurelion Sol, Miss Fortune.

  • Rebel: 6

  • Blaster: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Starship: 1

  • Mercenary: 1

Rebels are a strong choice in the mid-late game as they gain a shield and increased damage for each adjacent Rebel, so they offer a solid compromise between damage and survivability.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler class.

  • Add Sona and Yasuo for three Rebel.

  • Karma brings the two Mystic bonus.

  • Get Ezreal and Jinx to unlock two Chrono and two Blaster.

    • Jinx requires Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + B.F. Sword) to obtain the Blademaster trait. She is also your main carry, so build her with items such as Rapid Firecannon, Hand of Justice, or Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

In the late game, remove Blitzcrank, and get Master Yi and Aurelion Sol.

  • Master Yi brings the three Blademaster bonus, while Aurelion Sol maximizes the Rebel synergy, which will massively boost damage and survivability of the whole team.

  • On Aurelion Sol, build defensive items and Morellonomicon. Instead, if you want to increase the spell damage as much as possible, get also Rabadon’s Deathcap and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Replace Ezreal with Miss Fortune to keep the two Blaster synergy on a stronger champion, and to have a Mercenary on your side.

Cybernetic Blademaster Vanguard

Final team: Fiora, Leona, Lucian, Vi, Wukong, Irelia, Kayle, Ekko.

  • Cybernetic: 6

  • Blademaster: 3

  • Vanguard: 2

Cybernetic is a very peculiar trait because each unit gets bonus health and attack damage if they hold at least one item. I recommend spreading your items to boost as many champions as possible.

  • Start with Fiora, Leona, and Lucian for the three Cybernetic bonus.

  • There are not specific synergies you can get in the mid game as most of the units required in this build cost 4 gold or more. Whenever possible, add Vi, Wukong, and Irelia. 

  • Leona and Wugong are strong frontliners thanks to the two Guardian trait, which boosts armor.

  • In the late game, Ekko is a game-changer because he provides the six Cybernetic bonus, bringing a an immense bonus to the whole team if you got enough items.

  • Kayle unlocks three Blademaster and is also your main carry: build her with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, and Hand of Justice.

Star Guardian Sorcerer

Final team: Poppy, Zoe, Ahri, Syndra, Neeko, Soraka, Vel’Koz, Lulu.

  • Star Guardian: 6

  • Sorcerer: 4

  • Mystic: 2

Syndra is the main carry in this Star Guardian lineup. Your goal is casting her ability Unleashed Power as many times as possible during the fight to boost her damage.

  • Start with Poppy, Zoe, and Ahri for three Star Guardian and two Sorcerer traits.

  • Syndra is your carry and the most important unit in the team, so put her in a safe place in the rear lines.

    • Give Syndra Seraph’s Embrace and Chalice of Favor to boost her mana gain: both these items grant mana on spellcast. Finally, Jeweled Gauntlet so her ability will crit.

  • Neeko and Soraka complete the mid game build bringing the Six Star Guardian synergy.

In the late game, get Vel’Koz for the four sorcerer bonus, and Lulu for two Mystic. If you can’t find Lulu, just use Karma (3-gold cost).

Star Guardian Sorcerer Protector

Final team: Zoe, Ahri, Rakan, Xin Zhao, Neeko, Syndra, Lux, Soraka.

  • Star Guardian: 5+1

  • Sorcerer: 4

  • Protector: 3+1

  • Celestial: 2

A very powerful Star Guardian team composition, but it is not easy to complete fully because you need two Spatulas, so some luck is required.

  • Start with Zoe and Ahri for two Sorcerer.

    • Build Protector’s Chestguard (Giant’s Belt + Spatula) on Ahri for the Protector trait.

  • Add Rakan and Xin Zhao for the two Celestial and two Protector synergies. They will act as your tanks.

    • Build Star Guardian’s Charm (Tear of the Goddess + Spatula) on Rakan for the Star Guardian trait.

  • Neeko unlocks three Star Guardian, and she is the final piece required for four Protector.

    • Give her Morellonomicon (to exploit Pop Blossom’s AoE damage), Ionic Spark, and a defensive item like Guardian Angel.

  • Syndra and Lux bring the four Sorcerer trait.

    • The former is your main damage dealer, so I suggest giving her Seraph’s Embrace and Rabadon’s Deathcap. Trap Claw or Guardian Angel are both suitable options for the last item slot.

  • Finally, you will unlock the full potential of the team comp with Soraka as she brings the six Star Guardian synergy.

Mech Sorcerer Guardian

Final team: Zoe, Annie, Ahri, Syndra, Rumble, Fizz, Aurelion Sol, Gangplank.

  • Mech: 3

  • Sorcerer: 4

  • Star Guardian: 3

  • Demolitionist: 2

  • Starship: 1

  • Mercenary: 1

Mech Pilot is a very fun and strong synergy to play, and Sorcerers complement it well with the added magical damage.

  • Start with Zoe and Annie for the two Sorcerer synergy.

  • Ziggs is a temporary pick for the early game.

  • Add Ahri and Syndra to unlock three Star Guardian and four Sorcerer.

  • Rumble gives the two Demolitionist trait, which is useful to obtain some crowd control.

    • Build items to increase Rumble’s survivability, such as Guardian Angel and Dragon’s Claw, and commit the third item slot to an AP item, like Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Fizz completes the main lineup bringing the three Mech Pilot bonus.

  • Aurelion Sol is a strong solo-pick in the late game, but note that this unit is extremely contested as it is suggested in most builds. Give him defensive items and Morellonomicon.

  • Finally, replace Fizz with Gangplank to obtain a better Demolitionist and a Mercenary.

Dark Star Infiltrator

Final team: Jarvan IV, Mordekaiser, Karma, Shaco, Lux, Wukong, Jhin, Ekko.

  • Dark Star: 6

  • Infiltrator: 2

  • Vanguard: 2

If you like big crits, you must try this build! Shaco will become a merciless killing machine.

  • Start with Jarvan IV and Mordekaiser to get two beefy frontliners.

  • There are not indispensable champions you require early on, so just get any ranged DPS you can find while waiting for Dark Star units.

  • Karma and Shaco are your next picks. Any of them will bring the three Dark Star synergy.

  • Shaco is your main carry. Your goal is improving his damage, survivability, and mana in order to cast Deceive as many times as possible during the battle: he will critically hit the opponents for a high percentage of his basic attack damage.

    • I suggest building him with Guardian Angel and Spear of Shojin. The final inventory slot can be used for another Spear of Shojin or a survivability item.

  • Wukong brings the two Vanguard Bonus, and will act as your main tank.

  • Lux and Jhin grant the six Dark Star synergy, which will dramatically boost the damage of the lineup. 

    • Do not forget to place Shaco in the back lines, and in the middle of the team, so he will benefit the most from the champions’ deaths (Dark Star trait), increasing his damage during the battle.

  • Ekko is the final piece in the team composition, and he gives attack speed to Shaco via the two Infiltrator bonus.

Rebel Blademaster

Final team: Malphite, Ziggs, Blitzcrank, Yasuo, Shen, Sona, Master Yi, Jinx.

  • Rebel: 6

  • Blademaster: 3

  • Brawler: 2

  • Chrono: 2

This Rebel build borrows power from the Blademaster synergy to maximize the potential damage of Yasuo and Master Yi.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler class.

  • Add Ziggs and Yasuo for three Rebel.

    • Yasuo is your first carry: build him with Hand of Justice, Hextech Gunblade, and Deathblade.

  • Shen unlocks the two Chrono synergy.

  • Master Yi completes the core lineup and provides the three Blademaster class. Yi acts as your other carry, and he requires the same items you got on Yasuo.

  • Finally, get Sona and Jinx to achieve the full six Rebel origin, which will bring a significant damage and defense boost to the whole team.

Chrono Blademaster

Final team: Shen, Ezreal, Irelia, Kayle, Wukong, Miss Fortune, Thresh.

  • Chrono: 4

  • Blademaster: 3

  • Valkyrie: 2

  • Blaster: 2

  • Mana Reaver: 2

  • Mercenary: 1

A strong late game build able to dish out a massive amount of damage. Kayle’s Ascent empowers her attacks until the end of combat, and this composition transforms her in a real monster providing attack speed, extra attacks, and critical strikes.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler class, which will grant some defense in the early game.

  • Add Shen for two Chrono.

  • Lucian and Ezreal bring the two Blaster synergy.

  • Your next goal is acquiring Irelia and Kayle as they complete the three Blademaster trait.

    • Kayle is your hard carry: place her in the safest position and give her Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and a defensive item such as Guardian Angel.

  • Remove Lucian for Miss Fortune. She preserves the Blaster trait and even unlocks the Valkyrie bonus.

  • Remove Malphite and Blitzcrank. Add Wukong and Thresh for four Chrono and two Mana Reaver. Your frontliners in this composition are Irelia, Shen, Wukong, and Thresh.


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Header image (Aurelion Sol) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.