Best TFT 10.2 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

Best TFT 10.2 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Learn the best units and builds to rank up in patch 10.2, Set 2.

Disclaimer: I have not listed as many builds as usual because the best synergy combos for set 2 have already been discovered in the past months.

On this page, I have explained a few new variants, but I warmly recommend reading my archive article with over 40 TFT team builds. There, you can find more excellent team compositions that work great in this patch - I suggest the following ones:

  • Berserker Poison Glacial

  • Ranger Warden Inferno

  • Predator Poison Ranger

  • Inferno

  • Warden Lux

In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.


Assassin Desert

Final team: Renekton, LeBlanc, Azir, Nocturne, Qiyana, Sivir, Kha’Zix, Zed.

  • Assassin: 5+1

  • Desert: 4

The armor reduction provided by four Desert is perfect to deal with the Warden comps that are infesting this set.       

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game.

  • Add Renekton and Azir for two Desert.

  • Nocturne and Qiyana bring the three Assassin bonus. You can play Diana while finding one of them.

  • Remove Ivern and Maokai, and add Sivir and Kha’Zix to maximize the Desert synergy. 

    • Kha’Zix is your main carry: equip him with Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, and Rapid Firecannon.

    • Youmuu’s Ghostblade is mandatory on Sivir to obtain the Assassin trait.

  • Zed completes the lineup bringing the six Assassin bonus.

Poison Lunar Ranger

Final team: Leona, Karma, Dr Mundo, Twitch, Ashe, Singed, Taric.

  • Poison: 3

  • Lunar: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

Finally, I added a lineup with Lunar champions ;). Twitch is the main damage dealer and uses a crit-based build.

  • Start with Kog’Maw, Warwick, and Skarner for the three Predator synergy.

  • Add Leona and Karma for the two Lunar bonus.

  • Dr Mundo and Twitch are necessary to unlock the three poison trait.

  • Remove Warwick and get Ashe for two Ranger and two Crystal.

    • Equip both Twitch and Ashe with Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Giant Slayer.

  • In the late game, replace Kog’Maw with Singed and Skarner with Taric, the latter will also provide two Warden. As usual, Morellonomicon is amazing on Singed.

  • I suggest using the 8th unit slot to obtain the two Mystic synergy with Master Yi, Nami, or Janna.

Warden Electric Lunar

Final team: Ornn, Leona, Volibear, Nautilus, Karma, Amumu, Zed, Nami.

  • Warden: 4

  • Electric: 3

  • Lunar: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

A variant of the Warden Electric composition with the addition of the Lunar Origin.

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.  

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for four Warden and two Ocean.  

  • Volibear brings both two Glacial and two Electric.

  • Add Leona and Karma for two Lunar. If you need a champion slot, just remove Braum.

  • In the late game, remove Thresh, and add Amumu, Zed, and Nami to finish the lineup.

    • Nami preservers the Ocean bonus and brings also the Mystic one.

    • Zed is your strongest carry: build him with defensive items, such as Guardian Angel and Redemption.

    • Amumu is also a key unit of the team comp: place him on the front line together with Nautilus and Leona, and give him Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel, and another tank item.

Shadow Inferno Summoner v2

Final team: Malzahar, Kindred, Karma, Annie, Yorick, Malphite, Amumu, Master Yi.

  • Shadow: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Mystic: 2

An updated variant of the classic Shadow Inferno Summoner, a strong lineup in the mid-late game.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Add Malzahar, Sion, and Kindred for three Shadow and two Ranger.

    • Kindred is your hard carry: build him with Infinity Edge, Seraph’s Embrace, and Jeweled Gauntlet.

  • Replace Diana with Annie to unlock also the three Summoner trait.

This is your composition in the mid game with six champions, and honestly it works very well against most opponents. Complete the lineup over time as you find the remaining cost 4-5 units.

  • Remove Zyra and add Yorick for a stronger Summoner unit. Give him Guardian Angel and tank items.

  • Add Malphite and replace Varus with Amumu for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Karma and replace Sion with Master Yi for the two Mystic bonus. The latter can become your second carry with items such as Rapid Firecannon, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Hand of Justice.

Ranger Poison Inferno

Final team: Varus, Dr Mundo, Kindred, Twitch, Ashe, Amumu, Taric, Singed.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Poison: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

A build able to dish out a massive amount of damage as the three main traits are DPS ones.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum and Thresh/Nautilus for the two Warden bonus.

  • Your next priority is the Poison synergy, with Kog’Maw, Dr Mundo, and Twitch.

    • Twitch is your hard carry, and he requires Last Whisper and two Infinity Edge.

  • Remove Vayne and add Kindred and Ashe for four Ranger.

  • In the late game, replace Braum and Nautilus with Amumu and Taric - they will bring Three Inferno and two Crystal. 

    • Build your Warden champions with tank items, such as Guardian Angel.

    • Note that you can use a random Inferno unit for this synergy while finding Amumu.

  • Replace Kog’Maw with Singed as soon as you find him. Equip him with Morellonomicon.


More Teamfight Tactics Articles:

Header image (Twitch) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.