Best TFT 9.24 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

Best TFT 9.24 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Learn the best units and builds to rank up in patch 9.24, Set 2.

I have published over 30 TFT team builds so far, but over time I will produce more depending on the meta and the patch changes.

Today, we will talk about the new team comps that arise in Set 2: Rise of the Elements with patch 9.24. I will add more in the next days as soon as new strong builds will emerge.

In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.


Warden Inferno

Final team: Diana, Thresh, Nautilus, Soraka, Annie, Brand, Malphite, Janna.

  • Warden: 3+1

  • Inferno: 3

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mystic: 2

A very defensive lineup where Annie acts both as a carry and a tank. IMO, it is very fun to play as you can build Warmog’s Armor and Thornmail on most champions to reflect the enemy’s damage.

  • Start with Diana, Maokai, and Ivern, and place them on the frontline.

  • Your first goal is finding Thresh and Nautilus as they will drastically empower the team with the two Ocean and two Warden synergies.

  • Annie and Brand provide the three Inferno trait.

    • Build Annie with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade. Warden’s Mail (Spatula + Chain Vest) is mandatory as you want to turn her into a Warden.

  • Remove Maokai and Ivern, and add Malphite for the four Warden synergy.

  • Soraka and Janna grant the two Mystic bonus.

    • Place Soraka on the rear with Rapid Firecannon, Spear of Shojin, and a defensive item.

Warden Electric Assassin

Final team: Ornn, Thresh, Volibear, Nautilus, Qiyana, Malphite, Kha’Zix, Zed.

  • Warden: 4

  • Electric: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Mountain: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Also Warden builds can prioritize damage!

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for four Warden and two Ocean.

  • Volibear brings both two Glacial and two Electric.

    • Volibear is your first carry. Build him with Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Hextech Gunblade.

  • Add Qiyana (Mountain) and Malphite for the two Mountain bonus. Remove Braum.

  • Kha’Zix and Zed complete the team build bringing three Electric and three Assassin.

    • Zed is your late game carry. Build him with Infinity Edge, Ionic Spark, and Guardian Angel.

Warden Inferno Crystal

Final team: Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Malphite, Ashe, Amumu, Taric.

  • Warden: 5+1

  • Inferno: 3

  • Crystal: 2

  • Ocean: 2

This is an alternative Warden Inferno composition that features an even tankier late game. Again, I recommend Warmog’s Armor and Thornmail on most tank units.

  • Start with Diana, Maokai, and Ivern, and place them on the frontline.

  • Your first goal is finding Thresh and Nautilus as they will drastically empower the team with the two Ocean and two Warden synergies.

  • Annie and Brand provide the three Inferno trait.

    • Build Annie with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade. Warden’s Mail (Spatula + Chain Vest) is mandatory as you want to turn her into a Warden.

  • Remove Maokai and Ivern, and add Malphite for the four Warden synergy.

  • Replace Diana with Amumu, he is your fifth Warden.

  • Add Ashe and Taric for the six Warden and two Crystal bonuses.

    • Give Warmog’s Armor and Spear of Shojin to Taric.

Light Soulbound

Final team: Nasus, Jax, Senna, Aatrox, Soraka, Yorick, Lucian, Nami.

  • Light: 6

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Mystic: 2

The successful Light build combined with the new Soulbound trait.

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy.

  • Senna is your first Soulbound character. Guardian Angel is great on her.

  • Add Aatrox and Yasuo to unlock two Blademaster; the extra damage is useful in the early game.

  • Soraka and Yorick grant the six Light bonus.

  • Replace Vayne with Lucian as soon as possible. You will keep the Light synergy and also get the two Soulbound one.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with DPS items such as Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Statikk Shiv, or Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Vayne can hold these items in the early game.

  • Replace Yasuo with Nami, so your whole team will benefit from increased magic resistance thanks to the two Mystic bonus.

Light Soulbound v2

Final team: Nasus, Thresh, Senna, Aatrox, Soraka, Lucian, Yorick, Nami.

  • Light: 5+1

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Another Light Soulbound team build. This is a bit tankier than the previous one.

  • Start with Nasus and Thresh for the two Warden bonus.

  • Add Senna, and build her with Guardian Angel and Talisman of Light (Spatula + Negatron Cloak) to give her the Light trait as well.

  • Aatrox and Soraka unlock the three Light bonus. While finding them, you can just use Vayne/Jax in the early game.

  • Lucian grants two Soulbound, and he is your main carry. Give him Guinsoo’s Rageblade and on-hit effect items such as Giant Slayer and Runaan’s Hurricane.

  • Yorick maximizes the Light synergy.

  • Finally, Nami provides two Ocean and two Mystic.

Light Shadow Summoner

Final team: Malzahar, Senna, Soraka, Yorick, Lucian, Annie, Master Yi.

  • Light: 3

  • Shadow: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Soulbound: 2

  • Mystic: 2

The Light and Shadow team comp has a solid early game, but it isn’t as strong later on if you can’t upgrade your units.

  • Start with Nasus, Vayne, and Jax for the three Light synergy.

  • Add Kindred for two Ranger. Kindred and Vayne are your carries at this stage of the game: build the former with AP items and the latter with attack speed and effect on-hit ones.

  • Senna and Malzahar give the three Shadow synergy. Guardian Angel is great on the former.

This is your composition in the early/mid game, but afterwards you must replace most of them with stronger units.

  • Replace Vayne with Lucian as soon as possible. You will keep the Light synergy and get the two Soulbound one.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with DPS items such as Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, Statikk Shiv, or Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Vayne can hold these items in the early game.

  • Remove Nasus and Jax, and add Soraka and Yorick.

  • Add Annie to unlock three Summoner.

  • Replace Kindred with Master Yi and you will gain also the two Mystic bonus.

Glacial Berserker Soulbound

Final team: Warwick, Renekton, Braum, Volibear, Senna, Ezreal, Lucian, Olaf.

  • Glacial: 5+1

  • Berserker: 3

  • Soulbound: 2

A powerful Lucian and lots of crowd control will dominate the battlefield.

  • Start with Warwick and Renekton.

  • Add Braum for the two Glacial synergy

  • Volibear and Ezreal bring the four Glacial bonus.

  • Senna and Lucian unlock two Soulbound.

    • Lucian is your main carry. Build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Frozen Mallet (Spatula + Giant’s Belt) as he requires the Glacial trait in this composition.

  • Finally, Olaf increases the number of Glacial units to six, and also gives three Berserker.

Inferno Assassin Summoner

Final team: Diana, Zyra, Varus, Kindred, Qiyana, Azir, Annie, Kha’Zix.

  • Inferno: 6

  • Assassin: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Desert: 2

A simple Inferno build that deals both magical and physical damage thanks to the three Assassin mix.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

    • Diana is your main carry. Give her Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Hextech Gunblade.

    • Build Zyra with Morellonomicon and Hextech Gunblade.

  • Kindred grants the two Ranger synergy.

  • Qiyana (Inferno) and Annie unlock the six Inferno trait.

  • Kha’Zix provides both three Assassin and two Desert.

  • Azir gives the three Summoner bonus.

Assassin Electric

Final team: Diana, Ornn, Rek’Sai, Nocturne, Qiyana, Kha’Zix, Zed, Lux.

  • Assassin 5+1

  • Electric: 4

  • Steel: 2

This build works also without Lux, but you will have three Inferno instead of four Electric.

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game. Beware: it is often very contested.

  • Add Diana and Nocturne for three Assassin.

    • Nocturne is your main carry. He requires DPS items: Deathblade, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Infinity Edge.

  • Rek’Sai brings two Steel.

This is your composition in the mid game, but afterwards you must remove Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc, and add the following units over time:

  • Qiyana (Inferno) and Annie for three Inferno

  • Ornn and Zed for two Electric and six Assassin.

    • Build Youmuu’s Ghostblade (Spatula + B.F. Sword) on Ornn for the Assassin trait.

    • Give Guardian Angel and Infinity Edge to Zed.

  • Kha’Zix is the sixth Assassin champion.

  • In the late game, you can replace Annie with Lux (Electric) to maximize the Electric synergy.

Woodland Assassin

Final team: Ivern, Maokai, Renekton, Diana, LeBlanc, Kha’Zix.

  • Woodland: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Druid: 2

  • Mountain: 2

One of the best comps in the early game. You need an exceptional start to to find all the units and items required to stand your ground also in the late game.

  • Start with Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland early game.

  • Add Renekton and Diana.

  • Kha’Zix brings three Assassin and two Desert.

Renekton is your hard carry: he requires Dragon’s Claw and Phantom Dancer. Put your remaining items on Diana, Kha’Zix, and Maokai.

This is all! You still have 2-3 slots free to add another synergy with high-cost units, depending on what you can find in the champion shop.


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Header image (Heartseeker Lucian) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.