Best TFT 10.1 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

Best TFT 10.1 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Learn the best units and builds to rank up in patch 10.1, Set 2.

Disclaimer: I have not listed as many builds as usual because the best synergy combos for set 2 have already been discovered in the past months, and the new Lunar trait is pretty weak in the late game.

On this page, I have explained a few new variants, but I warmly recommend reading my archive article with over 35 TFT team builds. There, you can find more excellent team compositions that work great in this patch - I suggest the following ones:

  • Blademaster Assassin

  • Predator Poison Ranger

  • Inferno

  • Light Soulbound

  • Warden Electric Assassin

In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.


Berserker Poison Glacial

Final team: Renekton, Jax, Volibear, Dr Mundo, Sion, Twitch, Olaf, Singed.

  • Berserker: 6

  • Poison: 3

  • Glacial: 2

  • Alchemist: 1

A lot of AoE damage, tough units, and a dangerous Twitch in the rear line. In this lineup you have seven melee heroes, so I suggest placing them all in the same row and building two Locket of the Iron Solari to provide a shield for everyone.

  • Start with Renekton, Jax, and Volibear for three Berserker.

  • Your next priority is the Poison synergy, with Kog’Maw, Dr Mundo, and Twitch.

  • Sion and Olaf maximize the Berserker bonus, and the latter also unlocks two Glacial.

    • On Olaf, build Rapid Firecannon, Hush, and finally Guardian Angel for survivability. Alternatively, you could opt for Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Bloodthirster.

  • Replace Kog’Maw with Singed, and give him Morellonomicon.

  • In the very late game, you may add Zed as the 9th unit to obtain the two Electric trait.

Ocean Warden Inferno

Final team: Syndra, Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Nami, Taric, Amumu.

  • Ocean: 4

  • Warden: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Mage: 2+1

A tankier variant of the Ocean Inferno team composition that uses four Warden units for extra armor.

  • Start with Vladimir, Syndra, and LeBlanc to get two Ocean and three Mage in the early game.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus to unlock four Ocean and two Warden.

  • Your next goal is acquiring firepower with the Inferno units: get Annie, Brand, and a random Inferno.

    • Brand is your main carry. Build him with Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Infinity Edge. Morellonomicon and Rabadon’s Deathcap are also viable choices.

As you approach the late game, you must complete the lineup and get rid of the weaker units.

  • Replace Vladimir with Nami. She requires Morellonomicon, and Mage’s Cap (Spatula + Tear of the Goddess) to become a Mage unit. Now, you can also remove LeBlanc.

  • Add Taric.

  • Replace the random Inferno champion with Amumu: he is your third frontliner - together with Taric and Nautilus - and gives the four Warden synergy.

Ranger Warden Inferno

Final team: Varus, Braum, Kindred, Ezreal, Ashe, Malphite, Amumu, Taric.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Warden: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Glacial: 2

  • Crystal: 2

A team build that combines the damage output of Rangers and the tankiness of Wardens. The Inferno split helps to deal with champions with a high armor value.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum and Thresh/Nautilus for the two Warden bonus.

  • Get a random Inferno and Kindred for the three Inferno trait.

  • Ezreal unlocks two Glacial and also brings the number of Rangers to four.

  • Replace Vayne with Ashe.

    • She is your hard carry: build her with two Statikk Shiv and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

  • In the late game, replace Diana with Amumu, Thresh with Malphite, and add Taric. You will retain the Inferno synergy and unlock both four Warden and two Crystal.

    • I recommend giving Morellonomicon and some tank items to Amumu.

Shadow Summoner Inferno

Final team: Varus, Malzahar, Thresh, Kindred, Sion, Nautilus, Yorick, Annie.

  • Shadow: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Inferno: 3

  • Warden: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Ocean: 2

Similarly to the Light Shadow Summoner build, this composition is great in the early game, but you must upgrade your units to reach the top 4.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Diana and Zyra for three Inferno.

  • Replace Vayne with Kindred.

    • Kindred is your main carry, and you must upgrade him to three stars if you want to win. Suggested items: Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Rapid Firecannon.

  • Add Malzahar and Sion to unlock the three Shadow synergy.

  • Remove Diana and add Yorick for three Summoner.

This is your team in the mid game, and honestly it can win against almost anything.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for both two Ocean and two Warden.

  • Finally, replace Zyra with Annie for a stronger Inferno Summoner.

Summoner Mix

Final team: Yasuo, Nautilus, Sivir, Azir, Annie, Yorick, Annie, Janna, Nami.

  • Summoner: 3

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Desert: 2

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Cloud: 2

A Summoner build with a strong mid-game. In the late game, it is very flexible: depending on the opponents faced, you might go for four Mystic or four Blademaster.

  • You can start with pretty much anything you want. I love picking Ivern, Maokai, and LeBlanc for the solid two Druid and three Woodland synergies.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for two Ocean and two Warden - they are your frontliners.

  • In the mid game, remove the Woodland units, and replace them with Yasuo, Sivir, and Azir: they bring two Blademaster and two Desert.

    • Sivir needs Hush and Runaan’s Hurricane. For the third inventory slot, get Red Buff, Sword Breaker, or Hand of Justice.

    • Give Infinity Edge to Yasuo.

  • Annie and Yorick are your next priorities because you require the three Summoner bonus.

  • In the late game, remove Thresh, and add Janna and Nami for the two Cloud and Mystic traits.

Warden Lux

Final team: Taliya, Nautilus, Soraka, Malphite, Amumu, Taric, Nami, Lux.

  • Warden: 4

  • Mystic: 2

  • Ocean: 2

  • Mountain: 2

  • Avatar: 1

  • Ocean/Cloud/Inferno/Light: +2

This team composition is rather difficult to build because you need to level up at the right time to play Lux as the main carry. Cloud, Ocean, Inferno, and Light origins are all good choices on her in this lineup.

  • In the early game, get Zyra, Nasus, Thresh, Braum, and Nautilus. You now have the four Warden and two Ocean synergies.

  • Add Malphite and Taliyah, and remove Nasus. Malphite is a stronger Warden unit, and he also gives two Mountain.

Complete the lineup over time depending on your luck with the picks.

  • Lux is your main carry. Build her with Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace, and Guardian Angel.

  • Replace Zyra with Amumu. He needs Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel, and another defensive item.

  • Remove Braum and Thresh, and add Taric.

  • Finally, Soraka and Nami to obtain the two Mystic bonus.


More Teamfight Tactics Articles:

Header image (Nautilus) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.