Best TFT 9.23 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

Best TFT 9.23 team compositions and synergy combos - Set 2

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). Learn the best units and builds to rank up in patch 9.23, Set 2.

I have published over 20 TFT team builds so far, but over time I will produce more depending on the meta and the patch changes.

Today, we will talk about the new team comps that arise in Set 2: Rise of the Elements with patch 9.23. I will add more in the next days as soon as new strong builds will emerge.

In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.


Ocean Inferno Mage

Final team: Zyra, Vladimir, Syndra, Thresh, Nautilus, Annie, Brand, Yorick.

  • Ocean: 4

  • Inferno: 3

  • Mage: 3

  • Summoner: 3

  • Warden: 2

A strong Ocean Mage team build where Brand acts as the main carry. The only issue with this lineup is that Brand is a very contested champion. Optionally, you can skip the three Inferno units in the early game and start directly with the Ocean ones.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Vladimir and Syndra unlock the two Ocean bonus.

  • Add Thresh and Nautilus for two Warden and four Ocean; they are your frontliners.

  • Replace Diana and Varus with Annie and Brand as soon as you find them.

    • Brand brings the three Mage synergy. Build him with Rabadon’s Deathcap and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Finally, Yorick is the last unit needed for three Summoner.

Blademaster Assassin

Final team: Rek’Sai, Yasuo, Nocturne, Qiyana, Sivir, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi.

  • Blademaster: 3+1

  • Assassin: 3

  • Steel: 2

  • Desert: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

This team composition is able to dish out a massive amount of physical damage.

  • There is not a direct way to start this composition in the early game. I recommend the solid Druid synergy with Maokai and Neeko - you will remove them later on.

  • Yasuo (frontline) is the first piece required for the Cloud and Blademaster traits.

  • Add Rek’Sai and Nocturne for the two Steel synergy.

    • Nocturne is your hard carry: build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and another DPS item. Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + Recurve Bow) is mandatory because he requires the Blademaster bonus to carry in the late game.

There is not a precise order for the next pieces, but it depends on your luck with the champion shop.

  • Qiyana and Kha’Zix for three Assassin. Kha’Zix is your secondary carry: I suggest building him with Seraph’s Embrace, Infinity Edge, and Bloodthirster.

  • Sivir for the two Desert synergy; and she is also an additional Blademaster unit.

  • Janna brings the Cloud trait.

  • Master Yi for two Mystic (if you already have Janna) and four Blademaster.

Shadow Blademaster

Final team: Malzahar, Yasuo, Kindred, Sivir, Sion, Kha’Zix, Janna, Master Yi. 

  • Shadow: 4

  • Blademaster: 3+1

  • Desert: 2

  • Cloud: 2

  • Mystic: 2

This is a strong offensive composition, but be aware that most of the champions are very popular, so it won’t be easy finding them.

  • Start with Zyra, Diana, and Varus for the three Inferno synergy.

  • Add Malzahar as the first Shadow unit.

  • Kindred is a key champion as he brings four Inferno, two Shadow, and two Ranger.

    • Build him with Rabadon’s Deathcap, Seraph’s Embrace, and Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + Recurve Bow) to achieve the Blademaster trait.

  • Add Sivir and Kha’Zix for the two Desert bonus. On the former, build on-hit effect items like Sword Breaker, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Hush.

Moving into the late game, you must remove Diana, Zyra, and Varus to make space for the final champions.

  • Master Yi is the late game carry of the lineup. I suggest building him with Hand of Justice, Deathblade, and a survivability item such as Guardian Angel or Phantom Dancer.

  • Sion is the last unit required to maximize the Shadow trait.

  • Thanks to Yasuo and Janna your team will enjoy both the Cloud and Mystic bonuses. Yasuo is also the fourth Blademaster.


Final team: Renekton, Volibear, Sion, Sivir, Dr Mundo, Olaf, Master Yi.

  • Berserker: 5+1

  • Shadow: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Blademaster: 2

  • Desert: 2

Berserkers are quite strong, and not many players contest them as they prefer other builds, so you can quickly upgrade them to two stars.

  • Start with Ornn and Volibear for the two Electric synergy.

  • Add Renekton and Sion for three Berserker.

  • Sivir gives two Desert, and Olaf two Glacial. Olaf is your carry: build him with survivability items and Bloodthirster.

  • Remove Ornn. Add Dr Mundo as the fifth Berserker, and then Master Yi.

    • Master Yi gives two Shadow, two Blademaster, and even six Berserker because you must give him Berserker Axe (Spatula + Sparring Gloves). Hand of Justice is an amazing item on him.

The main lineup is complete, but you can also add Lux to achieve four Glacial or four Shadow.

Glacial Berserker Poison

Final team: Ornn, Braum, Volibear, Ezreal, Dr Mundo, Twitch, Olaf, Singed.

  • Glacial: 4

  • Berserker: 3

  • Poison: 3

  • Electric: 2

  • Warden: 2

  • Ranger: 2

A tanky lineup with crowd control and sustained damage.

  • Start with Ornn and Braum for the two Warden synergy.

  • Add Volibear to unlock also the two Electric and two Glacial bonuses.

  • Ezreal and Twitch bring two Ranger. Ezreal is your carry, and he needs caster items such as Luden’s Echo and Seraph’s Embrace.

  • Olaf grants the four Glacial synergy, and he is your main carry: give him survivability items and Bloodthirster.

  • Dr Mundo is your third Berserker.

  • Singed maximizes the Poison trait. Note that while finding him you can use Kog’Maw as the third Poison unit.

Glacial Ranger

Final team: Braum, Ezreal, Kindred, Ashe, Twitch, Olaf, Taric.

  • Glacial: 3+1

  • Ranger: 4

  • Warden: 2

  • Crystal: 2

Thanks to the crowd control abilities and the ranged attacks, this composition is able to reach the top 4 in many matches. It is particularly strong in the mid to late game.

  • Start with Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy.

  • Add Braum as the frontliner. You might also need another random tank unit to survive in the early game.

  • Ezreal and Kindred increase the number of Rangers to four, and the former also unlocks the two Glacial bonus.

  • After the mid game, replace Vayne and Varus with Ashe and Twitch. They are your carries.

    • Twitch brings utility and crowd control, and you must build him with on-hit effect items such as Red Buff. Frozen Mallet (Spatula + Giant’s Belt) is mandatory as you want to give him the Glacial trait.

    • On Ashe, you can use on-hit effect items like Giant Slayer and Statikk Shiv, Guinsoo’s Rageblade for attack speed, and even Bloodthirster for survivability.

  • Olaf is the final piece needed for the four Glacial trait.

  • Tarics is the main tank of the lineup as he possesses the Warden and Crystal traits.

In the late game, you can try unlocking two Cloud or two Mystic with Janna + Yasuo/Master Yi.


More Teamfight Tactics Articles:

Header image (Classic Olaf) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.