Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2019

Teamfight Tactics (TFT): Patch Notes List 2019

This list contains all the Teamfight Tactics patch notes released by Riot in 2019.

The patch notes of the Teamfight Tactics updates have been released as a message on Twitter. I could not find a section dedicated to them, so I decided to create this page.

I will keep updating this list over time as soon as proper info for each patch is provided.

A note on TFT balance: Not all champions are intended to be at the same power level. Some are supposed to be weak. Some are supposed to be S-tier.
— August Browning - Senior Champion Designer for Riot Games

Next: 2020 Patch Notes List

Click a date to reveal the patch notes.

December 18 - Patch 9.24b

Star Scaling

3-Star units have been an issue to balance because of the rigid way they scale (doubling their Health and Attack Damage). By removing that formula, we'll be able to put that power elsewhere, such as ability scaling. It’s also nice to just make star scaling have the same rule for 2-Star and 3-Star.

  • 3-Star scaling Health & Attack Damage from 2-star values: 2x ⇒ 1.8x

  • (Ex. Ivern HP 600/1080/2160 ⇒ 600/1080/1944)


Inferno, Electric, and Shadow

We’re happy with the Inferno changes but the (6) and (9) still aren’t hitting the power level we’d like to make them competitive, so we’re giving them another bump. We also overshot the power level of Electric a bit, so we’re undoing that (though electric 2 will still be slightly above 9.23 numbers). Finally we’re happy with where Shadow has landed, but (3) Shadow is a bit too easy to put into many comps, so we’re bringing its power down.

  • (3) Shadow Bonus Damage: 70% ⇒ 60%

  • Electric Damage: 100/300/500 ⇒ 80/250/500

  • Inferno Damage: 70%/120%/180% ⇒ 70%/140%/210%


Phantom Dancer's rework has jumped up the Assassin power level. This was expected, but has led to a lack of counter options due to their movement pattern. Because of this, we’re going to be removing a lot of power from Assassins. They’re currently best DPS and have free backline access, which is a bit too much.

  • Assassin (3): 75% Crit Damage/10% Crit Chance ⇒ 50% Crit Damage & 10% Crit Chance

  • Nocturne Ability Heal: 40%/60%/80% ⇒ 40%/45%/50%

  • Zed Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 70

  • Zed Armor: 30 ⇒ 25

Balancing the newcomers

Senna and Amumu are pretty close to where we want them, just need a few small adjustments.

  • Senna Ability Bonus Magic Damage: 25/45/75 ⇒ 15/30/55

  • Amumu Starting/Total Mana: 50/150 ⇒ 50/125

  • Amumu Ability Range: 2/3/4 ⇒ 3/3/3


We went conservative on the Ranger buffs for 9.24, as we were worried about over buffing them. We’re seeing some very light ranger play, but overall the champions still feel pretty underwhelming, especially in the Tier 4's so we’re bringing them up to more appropriate power levels.

  • Ashe Ability Attack Damage (per arrow): 25%/30%/35% ⇒ 30%/35%/40%

  • Twitch Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 65

  • Twitch Starting/Total Mana: 0/90 ⇒ 0/70

General Changes

We’re hitting a few of the champions that are overpowered for their cost, trait power, and general utility. Zyra’s ability is far too strong for a Tier 1. Rek’sai is a bit on the high end stat-wise while having such a powerful ability, so we’re pulling some power out from her base stats. Finally, Brand's ability is doing appropriate damage, but it's taking him too long to cast.

  • Zyra Ability Damage: 70/80/90 ⇒ 55/65/75

  • Rek’Sai Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 60

  • Brand Starting/Total Mana: 0/90 ⇒ 0/80

Hush and Swordbreaker

We’ve seen a large rise in Hush and Swordbreaker usage, which is causing a bit too much of the “I don’t get to play” effect that we’re not really comfortable with, so we’re lowering their proc rates.

  • Hush Proc Chance: 33% ⇒ 25%

  • Swordbreaker Proc Chance: 33% ⇒ 25%

December 10 - Patch 9.24

Soulbound Champions and Amumu


  • (2)The first Soulbound champion to die will instead continue fighting as an untargetable spirit until all other Soulbound champions are dead.


  • Tier 2

  • Origin: Shadow

  • Class: Soulbound

  • Ability: Piercing Darkness. Senna fires a beam through her furthest ally, dealing 50/100/150 magic damage to enemies, and buffing allies' on-hits for 5 seconds to deal 25/45/75 magic damage from Senna.


  • Tier 4

  • Origin: Light

  • Class: Soulbound

  • Ability: The Culling. Lucian fires 10 + (2X his attacks per second) bullets in a direction over 4 seconds, each dealing 25/30/50% of his Attack Damage, applying on-hits, and dealing 40/50/100 additional magic damage.


  • Tier 5

  • Origin: Inferno

  • Class: Warden

  • Ability: Curse of the Sad Mummy - Amumu explodes in an infernal tantrum, dealing 150/250/1337 magic damage to all enemies within 2/3/4 hexes, and stunning them for 2 seconds.

Interface Updates

Updated Level Bar

  • Hovering the "Buy XP" tooltip now displays how much gold you need to hit your next level.

  • Now displays your current level and XP progress.

  • Now displays the drop rates for different tiers based on your level.

  • Flipped the locations of the buy XP and refresh buttons. Careful with this one.

Return to Home and Draft Buttons

  • The "Home Button" appears when you’re scouting on other players' boards or the carousel and can be used to quickly return to your home board.

  • The "Carousel Button" takes you back to the carousel when looking anywhere else during the shared draft.



  • (6) Now additionally grants all Berserkers +25 Attack Damage.


  • Dodge Chance: 15/20/30% ⇒ 20/25/35%


  • Damage: 70/250/500 ⇒ 100/300/500


  • Effect triggers on spell damage ⇒ Effect triggers on spell damage and critical strikes

  • Bonus Damage: 80%/175%/250% over 5 seconds ⇒ 70%/120%/180% over 4 seconds

  • Hexes that light on fire: 1/1/1 ⇒ 1/3/5


  • Attack Speed Bonus: 10/20/35% ⇒ 15/25/35%


  • Mana Regen: 15/35/60 ⇒ 15/30/60


  • (2) Chance to activate Attack Speed bonus: 30% ⇒ 35%

  • (4) Chance to activate Attack Speed bonus: 65% ⇒ 80%

  • (6) 100% chance to activate a 2.5x Attack Speed Bonus.


With the addition of Senna, we restructured the trait from 2/4 to 3/6 as she was making it too easy to access the top-end.

  • Now a 3/6 bonus.

  • Shadow champions gain bonus damage for 4 seconds. Resets when they participate in a takedown.

  • (3) +70% damage

  • (6) +140% damage and resets when any shadow champion gets a takedown.


  • Bonus Duration & Health: 40%/100% ⇒ 30%/120%


Tier 1

  • Ivern Shield Value: 200/350/500 ⇒ 200/300/400

  • Maokai Passive Heal: 100/175/250 ⇒ 100/150/200

  • Renekton Spell Healing: 150/250/350 ⇒ 150/225/300

Tier 2

  • Neeko Attack Range: 2 ⇒ 3

  • Yasuo Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 60

Tier 3

  • Aatrox Total Mana: 85 ⇒ 70

  • Sivir Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Soraka Attack Range: 2 ⇒ 3

  • Soraka Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

Tier 4

  • Annie- Tibbers Health: 2200 ⇒ 2000

  • Annie- Tibbers Armor: 40 ⇒ 30

  • Brand Ability Damage: 250/325/400 ⇒ 225/300/600

  • Malphite Ability Damage: 125/200/275 ⇒ 150/300/1000

  • Yorick Ghoul Health: 600/1000/1400 ⇒ 600/1000/2000

Tier 5

  • Taric Total Mana: 150 ⇒ 125

  • Singed Ability Damage: 200/400/2000 ⇒150/300/2000

Lux Tier

Lux should be a champion that makes you at least consider pivoting to accommodate her even if she isn't currently a part of your gameplan. These boosts should push her in that direction.

  • Lux Total Mana: 85 ⇒ 80

  • Lux Ability Damage: 500/800/9999 ⇒ 600/900/9999


  • Phantom Dancer now only negates the bonus damage from critical strikes, rather than dodging the entire attack. This change will not be reflected in the PD tooltip until patch 10.1.

  • Reduced the likelihood of class items appearing on Dragon.

  • Re-enabled a bunch of items to drop from Dragons/Rift Herald again. Now only Thieves Gloves, Force of Nature, and Titanic Hydra will not drop.

  • Giant Slayer Damage: 8% ⇒ 9%


  • Fixed a ranked bug where getting 0LP for a fourth place finish would result in a demotion. Getting 4th place will now always grant at least 1LP.

  • Fixed Taliyah’s tooltip to say she targets a random enemy, and to include the stun duration.

  • Fixed a bug where every Lux except Light had 10 more base AD than intended.

  • Fixed a bug where Yasuo took too long to reach his hex and resume attacking as his R ended.

  • Fixed some of the loading screen tips to be more...up to date.

  • Fixed a bug where Twitch’s Spray and Pray would stop working after cast if he was equipped with Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Fixed Renekton’s ability tooltip to properly say it deals magic damage

  • Fixed a bug where occasionally Skarner’s shield would persist across rounds

  • Fixed Inferno damage zones being created when Zyra plants expire

  • Fixed a bug where continuously applying Red Buff or Morellos burn for more than 10 seconds would cause the anti-healing to no longer affect the target

  • Fixed a bug where you could get double the health bonus from Earth Hexes.

November 22


  • Mana: 0/85 ⇒ 0/90

  • Ability Damage: 300/450/600 ⇒ 250/325/400

  • Bounces: 5/6/20 ⇒ 5/7/20


  • Ranged unit targeting issues have been fixed.

November 19 - Patch 9.23


  • Glacial stun chance: 20%/40%/60% ⇒ 20%/35%/50%

  • Light: The total heal amount is now based on the dying Champion's health rather than those receiving the heal.

  • Ocean mana per second: 15/30/50 ⇒ 15/35/60

  • Shadow bonus damage: 50%/100% ⇒ 45%/85%

  • Warden bonus armor: 125%/275%/450% ⇒ 150%/300%/450%

Three-Star Ability Scaling

We want to make sure that higher cost three-star Champions are an exciting power up worth the chase of getting them. This is already true for AD/HP scaling champs and Tier 1 Champions, but much less so for others. So, we’re buffing the three-star abilities for some Tier 2 and 3 Champions.

Tier 2

  • Jax Damage: 150/250/350 ⇒ 150/250/450

  • Leblanc Damage: 200/450/700 ⇒ 200/450/800

  • Neeko Damage: 100/200/300 ⇒ 100/200/350

  • Syndra Damage: 175/350/525 ⇒ 175/350/600

  • Thresh Shield (note balance change below): 250/400/550 ⇒ 250/400/600

  • Volibear Damage: 200/450/700 ⇒ 200/450/850

Tier 3

  • Aatrox Damage: 250/500/750 ⇒ 250/500/1000

  • Ezreal Damage: 200/400/600 ⇒ 200/400/800

  • Kindred Damage: 150/325/500 ⇒ 150/325/650

  • Nautilus Stun Duration: 3/4/5 ⇒3/4/6

  • Nautilus Damage: 100/200/300 ⇒ 100/200/400

  • Sion Damage: 200/400/600 ⇒ 200/400/800

General Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Ivern Shield: 200/400/600 ⇒ 200/350/500

  • Maokai Passive Heal: 100/200/300 ⇒ 100/175/250

  • Nasus Ability Damage: 35/70/105 ⇒ 50/70/90

  • Nasus Ability Bonus Health: 200/400/600 ⇒ 250/400/550

  • Taliyah Mana: 50/85 ⇒ 50/80

  • Taliyah Ability Stun Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 2

  • Vayne Ability Damage: 8%/12%/16% ⇒ 9%/12%/15%

  • Vladimir Ability Damage and Heal Amount: 200/350/500 ⇒ 200/325/450

Tier 2

  • Malzahar Minion Health: 300 ⇒ 250

  • Rek’Sai Ability Damage: 200/550/900 ⇒ 250/550/850

  • Skarner Mana: 0/75 ⇒ 0/65

  • Skarner Armor: 30 ⇒ 35

  • Thresh Ability Shield: 200/300/400 ⇒ 250/400/600

  • Yasuo Ability Hits: 3/5/7 ⇒ 4/5/6

Tier 3

  • Ezreal Mana: 0/40 ⇒ 0/30

  • Ezreal Ability Cast Time: 0.5 ⇒ 0.25

Tier 4

  • Ashe Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8

  • Brand Ability Damage: 250/450/650 ⇒ 300/450/600

  • Brand Bounces: 4/6/20 ⇒ 5/6/20

  • Malphite HP: 800 ⇒ 850

  • Olaf Mana: 0/75 ⇒ 0/90

  • Yorick Ghoul Health: 750/1250/1750 ⇒ 600/1000/1400

  • Yorick Ghoul Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.7

Tier 5

  • Singed Health: 1050 ⇒ 950

  • Singed Ability Damage: 250/500/2000 ⇒ 200/400/2000

  • Taric Health: 850 ⇒ 900


  • Frozen Heart Attack Speed Slow: 35% ⇒ 25%

  • Guardian Angel: Can no longer be healed during the resurrecting state.

  • Iceborne Gauntlet Attack Speed Slow: 35% ⇒ 25%

  • Ionic Spark Damage: 100 ⇒ 90


  • It's on! Time to prove how well you can adapt to the Rise of the Elements.

  • Everyone will be reset back to Iron.

  • No losing LP for the first 5 games.

  • No losing LP for placing 4th or better.

Bugfixes and the like


  • General improvements to melee unit pathing.

  • Spooky, invisible Woodland units no longer erroneously add to Trait bonuses

  • All PVE small monsters are now properly considered 1-star.

  • All summons are now properly considered 0-star.

  • Dragon/Elder Dragon/Rift Herald are now properly considered 3-star.

  • Ranged Berserkers (via Rapid Firecannon or Berserker’s Axe) now properly deal damage emanating in a cone from their target instead of themselves.

  • Fixed a few height bugs on Freljord Arenas. Items and champions should no longer get buried in the terrain.

  • The Electric trait no longer benefits from Ability Power, and no longer feeds into Hextech Gunblade.

Tier 1 Champions

  • Diana's orbs can no longer hit multiple targets each.

  • Kog’Maw's ability adjusted to miss far less often.

  • Renekton’s ability now properly deals Magic Damage (tooltip to be updated next patch).

  • Fixed healing text on Vlad to show the proper amount.

  • Zyra’s plants attack speed and duration now match their intended amount.

  • Zyra plants no longer occasionally hop into your bench.

Tier 2 Champions

  • Malzahar's minions attack speed now matches attack speed ratio. (This results in a slight reduction of Malz Minion AS)

  • Volibear’s ability now also restores him to full mana if a non-execute cast kills the target.

Tier 3 Champions

  • Azir no longer summons soldiers adjacent to untargetable units like Zyra plants.

  • Dr. Mundo won’t cast his ability when there’s nothing in range that it could hit.

  • Qiyana won’t cast her ability when there’s nothing in range that it could hit.

  • Clarified Veigar’s tooltip that it instantly kills lower star targets.

  • Veigar’s ability now executes non-champions if their star level is below his.

Tier 4 Champions

  • Annie can no longer gain mana if she summons two Tibbers (Mage’s Cap), then one of them dies.

  • Fixed Ashe’s three-star Scaling to be the intended 250% value

  • Fixed an issue where Ashe could not proc Blademaster while her ability was active

  • Fixed Olaf and Singed looking like they were glacial’d, even though they were still attacking

Tier 5 Units

  • Champions can now properly take damage from multiple poison trails created by different copies of Singed.

  • Zed’s clones now properly attribute damage to Zed in the damage tracker.


  • Dragon's Claw now also reduces magic damage received from non-ability effects (Items, Traits, etc.)

  • Fixed Iceborn Gauntlet’s attack speed slow occasionally persisting across rounds

  • Inferno Cinder now properly works on: Renekton, Jax, Rek’Sai, Vayne, and Nami’s Tidal Wave empowered attacks

  • Spatula items now correctly no longer double the non-spatula component’s stats

  • Talisman of Light now correctly grants Magic Resist

November 5 - Patch 9.22 - Set 2

Rise of the Elements

  • Explore! the new Elemental Hexes, Champions, Origins, and Classes.

  • Read this! for our learnings from the Beta Set and our goals for the new set.

General Game Changes

We made a few systemic changes in preparation for Rise of the Elements. The board size change will allow for additional options and decisions to make the optimal formation for any given situation. Many of the other changes account for the champions and synergies in the new set.

  • Board size: 3 rows of 7 hexes ⇒ 4 rows of 7 hexes.

  • Player Damage: 3/3/3/4/5/6 ⇒ 2/3/4/5/6/7

  • Summoned units don’t deal player damage by themselves, but they count as as if their Summoner was alive if at least 1 of them survives the round.

  • Level 8 Champion drop chances per Tier level: 15/20/35/22/8 ⇒ 15/20/35/24/6

  • Once you pick up a champion from the carousel, your Little Legend will no longer collide with your opponents.

Ranked Changes

New season, new rules.

  • Ranked is off during patch 9.22, it will return with patch 9.23.

  • Placing 4th or better will never deduct LP. Placing 5th or lower will never reward LP.

  • We're slightly decreasing the number of challenger and grandmaster slots in many regions in order to make sure that the master to challenger ranks have the appropriate distribution of players.

  • Korea, Vietnam, China: 300 Challengers, 700 Grand Masters.

  • EU West and North America: 200 Challengers, 500 Grand Masters.

  • All other regions: 50 Challengers, 100 Grand Masters.

More: Seasonal Rank Distribution.

Champion Pool Changes

We're decreasing the number of each champion in the pool. It will be much more difficult for multiple players to build similar teams. Keep an eye on what your opponents are building and find the open synergies for maximum success.

  • Tier 1: 39 ⇒ 29

  • Tier 2: 26 ⇒ 22

  • Tier 3: 18 ⇒ 16

  • Tier 4: 13 ⇒ 12

  • Tier 5: 10

More: Champion Pool Size.

Mana Generation

  • 1 Star Champions: 6-10 Mana per attack ⇒ 8 Mana per attack

  • 2 star champions: 10 Mana per attack

  • 3 star champions: 10 Mana per attack ⇒ 12 Mana per attack

  • Mana generated from taking damage reduced by 15%.


Recipe Changes

  • Cursed Blade has been removed

  • Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow = Ruunan’s Hurricane

  • Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod = Inferno’s Cinder

  • Spatula + Tear of the Goddess = Mage’s Cap

  • Spatula + Chain Vest = Warden’s Mail

  • Spatula + Negatron Cloak = Talisman of Light

  • Spatula + Sparring Gloves = Berserker’s Axe

Stat Changes

  • All Spatula Items: No longer give double stats

  • Chain Vest Armor: 20 ⇒ 25

  • Deathcap Ability Power: +50% ⇒ +75%

  • Dragon’s Claw Magic Reduction: 75% ⇒ 50%

  • Giant’s Slayer: 5% Max Health True Damage ⇒ 8% Current Health Physical Damage

  • Guardian’s Angel: 500 Health on revive ⇒ 400 Health on revive

  • Hand of Justice Damage and life on hit: 40% or 40 ⇒ 50% or 50

  • Ionic Spark True Damage: 125 ⇒ 100

  • Luden’s Echo Damage: 180 ⇒ 150

  • Luden’s Echo now always goes off once per spell cast

  • Negatron Cloak Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 25

  • Recurve Bow Attack Speed: 20% ⇒ 15%

  • Runaan’s Hurricane Bonus Damage: 75% ⇒ 60%

  • Runaan's Hurricane now grants one extra bolt per copy on a Champion.

  • Thieves Gloves: Increased Average value of items at Level 8 & 9.

More: Items Cheat Sheet.

Item System

  • Uncommon orbs average gold value reduced very slightly.

  • Gold orbs average gold value reduced very slightly.

  • Spatula drop rates reduced.

  • Reduced the chances of getting combined items slightly.

  • Dragons now drop two common orbs in addition to their carried item.

  • Elder Dragon and Rift Herald drop a common and an uncommon orb in addition to their carried item.

Trait UI Tooltip Update

  • Champions that contribute to a Trait will have their portraits and tier information displayed inside the tooltip.

  • Champions that are active on the battlefield will have their portraits highlighted

Freljord Arena Skins

Bring your armies to the frozen lands of the Freljord with three all-new arena skins.

  • Find out more about the three new boards and potential future boards here!.


  • Red Buff & Morellonomicon tooltips are now correct.

  • Fixed a bug where 3-Star Tier 3 units were doing 1 more player damage than intended.

October 22 - Patch 9.21


This is the last patch to continue climbing the ranked ladder in Teamfight Tactics' first Season. Ranked will be off in patch 9.22 for the start of Rise of the Elements to make sure that we have any major bugs or balance issues out of the way, but it will return in patch 9.23.

Player Damage

Right now, player damage is both too low in the early game and too high in the late game. This leads players to take advantage of using the early game to stockpile gold, as well as really unfortunate late-game losses when trying to change up your strategy or unit placements. We're pulling level-up damage from the champions and putting it into their base damage to counteract these trends.

  • 1-Star by Tier: 1/1/2/2/3 ⇒ 1/1/1/2/3

  • 2-Star by Tier: 2/2/3/4/5 ⇒ 2/2/2/3/4

  • 3-Star by Tier: 3/4/5/6/8 ⇒ 3/3/3/5/8

  • Base Damage: 1/2/2/3/4/5 ⇒ 3/3/3/4/5/6


  • Guardian bonus Armor: 45 ⇒ 40

  • Hextech Item Disable duration: 7 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds

  • Knight Damage blocked: 15/35/60 ⇒ 15/30/60

  • Rangers bonus Attack Speed: 25%/70% ⇒ 40%/70%

  • Sorcerer Ability Power: 40%/100%/175% ⇒ 40%/120%/200%


  • Lissandra Starting/Total Mana: 0/85 ⇒ 0/95

  • Varus Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Brand Pyroclasm bounce range: 2 Hexes ⇒ 3 Hexes

  • Brand Pyroclasm missile speed: Slower ⇒ Faster

  • Cho’Gath Spell Damage: 175/350/525 ⇒ 200/400/600

  • Draven Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 65

  • Pantheon Armor: 80 ⇒ 70


  • Locket of the Iron Solari duration: 7 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds

  • Redemption Health threshold: 25% ⇒ 30%

  • Repeating Crossbow Attack Speed and Crit Chance per stack: 20% ⇒ 30%

  • Spear of Shojin Mana restoration: 15% ⇒ 18%

  • Trap Claw stun duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds


  • Kai’Sa’s spell tooltip now properly scales with Ability Power

  • Coins don’t launch as far

  • Adjusted a few of the drops in Thieves Gloves

  • Draven now has the intended no longer has a higher attack speed ratio than intended

October 8 - Patch 9.20

Leveling Changes

  • XP to Level to 5: 12 -> 10

  • XP to Level to 9: 70 -> 66

Tier Drop Rates

  • Level 8: 15/25/35/20/5 -> 15/20/35/22/8

  • Level 9: 10/15/33/30/12 -> 10/15/30/30/15


  • Deathblade: Starts with 0 stacks -> Starts with 1 stack (+15 AD)

  • Frozen Heart Duration: 4 seconds -> 1 second

  • Infinity Edge: 150% Crit Damage -> 125% Crit Damage

  • Quicksilver: 5s cooldown -> 3s cooldown

  • Thieves Gloves: Lowered the average quality of item combinations


  • Assassin

    • 3: 75% CritDmg & 10% CritChance -> 75% CritDmg & 5% CritChance

  • Guardian Armor Bonus: 35 -> 45

  • Gunslinger: 1/2/3 extra shots -> 1/2/4 extra shots

  • Knight: 15/35/65 -> 15/35/60

  • Wild: 12% AS per stack -> 10% AS per stack


  • Aatrox Armor: 25 -> 35

  • Akali AS: 0.85 -> 0.8

  • Fiora HP: 400 -> 450

  • Gangplank AD: 55 -> 60

  • Kai’Sa Spell AS: 30%/60%/90% -> 50%/75%/100%

  • Kai’Sa Shield: 300/600/900 -> 400/700/1000

  • Leona HP: 750 -> 800

  • Lucian Spell: 100/225/350 -> 125/250/375

  • Poppy HP: 800 -> 700

  • Volibear AS: 0.6 -> 0.65

September 25 - Patch 9.19


New Champion

  • Origin: Void

  • Class: Ranger

  • Class: Assassin

  • Cost: 5

  • Health: 700

  • Armor: 20

  • Attack Damage: 55

  • Attack Speed: 1.25

  • Starting/Total Mana: 50/125

  • Ability: Killer Instinct - Kai’Sa dashes to the furthest enemy unit, shielding herself for (300/600/900) and gaining (30%/60%/90%) attack speed for 3 seconds.

New Items

Sparring Gloves

  • New Component: Gives +10% Critical Strike chance and +10% chance to Dodge chance.

  • When building an item out of Sparring Gloves, the item will convert its core stats to either the offensive (20% Critical Strike chance), defensive (20% Dodge chance) option. Thief's Gloves and Mittens get both.

Infinity Edge

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + B.F. Sword

  • Stats: 20% Critical Strike chance

  • Effect: +150% Critical Strike damage

Repeating Crossbow

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Recurve Bow

  • Effect: On death, this jumps to an allied champion and grants an additional 20% Attack Speed & Critical Strike chance.

Jeweled Gauntlet

  • Recipe Sparring Gloves + Needlessly Large Rod

  • Effect: Your spells can crit

Hand of Justice

  • Recipe:Sparring Gloves + Tear of the Goddess

  • Effect: On round start, either gain 40% more damage or 40 life on hit.

Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Chain Vest

  • Effect: On dodge, create an expandable zone that lowers Attack Speed by 35%.


  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Negatron Cloak

  • Effect: When CC’d, cleanse the CC. 5 second cooldown.

Trap Claw

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Giant’s Belt

  • Effect: On combat begin, gain a spell shield. When it breaks, stun the champion who broke the shield.

Thief's Gloves:

  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Sparring Gloves

  • Effect: This item takes all three item slots. On round begin, copy two random items.


  • Recipe: Sparring Gloves + Spatula

  • Effect: This champ also counts as a Yordle


  • Recipe: B.F. Sword + B.F. Sword

  • Effect: On a kill or assist, gain an additional 15 Attack Damage until end of combat (Stacks infinitely).

Giant Slayer

  • Recipe: B.F. Sword + Recurve Bow

  • Effect: Attacks deal an additional 5% enemy max Health as True Damage.


Player Damage Adjustments

With the loot changes, we’ve noticed a slight acceleration in game speed leading to players going out much quicker than we intend. So we’re lowering player damage slightly.

  • 1 Star, Tier 2: 2 ⇒ 1

  • 2 Star, Tier 2: 3 ⇒ 2

  • 3 Star, Tier 1: 4 ⇒ 3

  • 3 Star, Tier 2: 5 ⇒ 4

  • 3 Star Tier 3: 6 ⇒ 5

Mystery Box System Adjustments

The new system has been a positive addition to the game, but needs some fine tuning, so we’re making a few adjustments.

  • Common boxes average gold value decreased.

  • Uncommon boxes average gold value decreased very slightly.

  • Slightly lowered the odds of Gold Boxes showing up.

  • Tier 4 units can no longer drop from Uncommon boxes.

  • Slightly increased the odds of Neeko’s Help dropping from all boxes



Due to how easy it is to get Magic Resist and the lack of options on how to play around it, we’re lowering the strength of Dragon & Dragon’s Claw.

  • Dragon (2): 83% Magic Reduction ⇒ 75% Magic Reduction


Glacial Procs are a little too powerful, so we’re making a similar consistency change that we did to Swordbreaker and applying it to Glacial.

  • Glacial Stun duration: 2sec ⇒ 1.5sec

  • Glacial Stun chance: 20/30/45 ⇒ 20/33/50


With the addition of Kai’Sa, we wanted to lower the power of the early Void. However, we still want to open up more build options and reward those who fully commit to the void.

  • (2) One random void champion deals true damage this combat

  • (4) All your void champions deal true damage this combat


We’ve removed RFC's ability to ignore dodges, so now it only exists on Wild. Because of that, we’re pulling a bit of power back out of Yordle. The introduction of mittens also means we’re adding a new 9 piece chase option.

  • Yordle Dodge chance: 35%/60% ⇒ 30%/60%/90%

General Trait Adjustments

  • Assassin: (3) 75% Crit damage & 10% Crit chance / (6) 150% Crit damage & 25% Crit chance / (9) 225% Crit damage & 40% Crit chance ⇒ (3) 75% Crit damage & 10% Crit chance / (6) 150% Crit damage & 20% Crit chance / (9) 225% Crit damage & 30% Crit chance

  • Ninja Attack Damage and Ability Power: 50/70 ⇒ 50/80

  • Noble: 25 Heal on hit ⇒ 30 Heal on hit

  • Shapeshifter Bonus Health: 60%/120% ⇒ 60%/100%

  • Ranger: 30%/70% ⇒ 25%/70%



Anivia has been underperforming for a 5 cost, so we’re changing her identity to be a strong unit that slows the attack speed of the back line.

  • Health: 700 ⇒ 750

  • Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.8

  • Starting/Total Mana: 0/100 ⇒ 50/125

  • Ability Targeting: Random ⇒ Furthest Target


Kassadin has proven problematic as a dps champ who can also gain a shield and also drain mana. We’re shifting his identity into a front-line sorcerer and pulling out some of the damage.

  • Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 40

  • Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.55

  • Armor: 25 ⇒ 35

  • Mana Steal & Shield Power: 20/40/60 ⇒ 25/50/75

Miss Fortune

We’re adjusting Miss Fortune to be a powerful auto attacker for gunslingers who rarely casts. When she does cast, it’s a big one!

  • Health: 700 ⇒ 750

  • Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.95

  • Mana: 0/75 ⇒ 0/150

  • Ability Damage: 900/1300/1700 ⇒ 1300/2000/2700

  • Ability Targeting: Current Target ⇒ Furthest Target

Tier 1

  • Mordekaiser Mana: 0/100 ⇒ 50/150

  • Mordekaiser Spell Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 250/500/750

  • Tristana Spell Damage: 60/90/120 ⇒ 70/110/150

Tier 2

  • Blitzcrank Health: 600 ⇒ 650

  • Blitzcrank Ability Damage: 100/450/800 ⇒ 250/550/850

  • Braum Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 0/75

  • Rek’Sai AS: 0.65 ⇒ 0.6

Tier 3

  • Ashe Mana: 0/100 ⇒ 0/125

  • Katarina Dmg Per Tick: 40/60/80 ⇒ 45/70/95

  • Shyvana Burn Damage: 250/375/500 ⇒ 200/300/400

  • Veigar Spell Dmg: 300/550/800 ⇒ 350/650/950

  • Vi Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Vi Spell Damage: 250/450/650 ⇒ 300/500/700

  • Volibear Health: 700 ⇒ 750

  • Volibear Attack Damage: 75 ⇒ 70

  • VolibearAttack Speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.6

Tier 4

  • Akali Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.85

  • Gnar Health: 750 ⇒ 700

  • Gnar Transform Health: 300/600/900 ⇒ 250/450/650

  • Jinx Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Kindred Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Kindred Ability Duration: 4/5/6 ⇒ 3/4/5

  • Sejuani Health: 850 ⇒ 800

  • Sejuani Stun Duration: 2/4/6 ⇒ 2/3.5/5

Tier 5

  • Swain Damage per tick: 50/100/150 ⇒ 40/80/120

  • Swain Heal per tick: 40/70/100 ⇒ 30/60/90

  • Yasuo Health: 700 ⇒ 750


  • Dragon’s Claw: 83% Magic Reduction ⇒ 75% Magic Reduction

  • Frozen Heart: 30% Attack Speed Slow ⇒ 35% Attack Speed Slow

  • Infinity Edge: +200% Critical Damage ⇒ +150% Critical Damage

  • Rapidfire Cannon: No longer grants “Your attacks can’t be dodged”

  • Titanic Hydra: 10% Max Health in a splash ⇒ 3% Max Health to target and adjacent enemies behind them.

  • Zephyr: Now is a Unique item


  • Gangplank and Akali now have proper move speed.

  • Ranger’s Focus now properly grants 100% extra attack speed.

  • Ranger’s Focus can no longer stack on itself.

  • Matchmaking is less streaky.

  • Shyvana’s ability tooltip no longer says she prevents healing.

  • Elise Spiderlings now have the correct stats.

  • The range of Lucian’s ability will always equal his attack range.

September 11

Bugs and Spatulas

  • Fixed a bug where you were charged too much gold when buying a unit, which also allowed your gold to go into negatives but display as 0.

  • Removed Spatulas from Uncommon boxes as intended.

  • Lowered the drop rate of Spatulas from Rare boxes.

September 10 - Patch 9.18

New Stuff

Mystery Box System

We’ve changed how items are distributed in PVE rounds. The goal is to keep a variety of experiences across many games, but also to make the game more fair over the course of a single game.

  • Common boxes contain: gold, champions, or Neeko's Help

  • Uncommon Boxes contain item components, gold, champions, or Neeko's Help

  • Rare boxes contain: Spatulas, full items, gold, champions, or Neeko's Help

  • Every player gets approximately the same number of boxes across a single game.

  • Every player gets approximately the same number of item components across a single game.

Neeko's Help

  • Place on a champion to create a 1-star copy of that champion and add it to your bench. Doing so consumes Neeko's Help.


XP Adjustments

Due to the slightly inflated gold from the new loot system, we’ve made some adjustments to how much XP it takes to level.

  • Level 5: 10xp ⇒ 12xp

  • Level 6: 18xp ⇒ 20xp

  • Level 7: 30xp ⇒ 32xp

  • Level 8: 46xp ⇒ 50xp

  • Level 9: 64xp ⇒ 70xp

Champion Tier Drop Rates

We’ve made some minor adjustments to how likely which tier champions will appear at a few different levels. We’re hoping these make clearer early, mid, and late game phases.

  • Level 3 by Tier: 65%/ 30%/ 5%/ 0%/ 0% ⇒ 70%/ 25%/ 5%/ 0%/ 0%

  • Level 5 by Tier: 37%/ 35%/ 25%/ 3%/ 0% ⇒ 35%/ 35%/ 25%/ 5%/ 0%

  • Level 6 by Tier: 24.5%/ 35%/ 30%/ 10%/ 0.5% ⇒ 25%/ 35%/ 30%/ 10%/ 0%

  • Level 9 by Tier: 10%/ 15%/ 35%/ 30%/ 10% ⇒ 10%/ 15%/ 33%/ 30%/ 12%

  • All other levels remain the same.

Champion Pool Sizes

It’s proven a bit too consistent to get 2 star tier 3 champions, so we’re shrinking the bag size to reward players who build the path less taken.

  • Tier 3 champions in pool: 21 ⇒ 18

Item Stacking and Clarity

We took a pass at all the items to ensure that they stack in a sensible way, and that we’re informing you when they don’t. Adding copies of items that do not stack will now cause them to bounce off any champion they are placed on. Unique items will be labelled as such in their tooltips. All items listed below are not intended to stack.

  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade

  • Knight’s Vow

  • Frozen Mallet

  • Yuumi

  • Blade of the Ruined King

  • Darkin

  • Phantom Dancer

  • Morellonomicon

  • Red Buff


New Nine Piece Bonuses

We’re adding new nine piece chase options for some of the traits that can be completed with Spatula items. These are not teasers for new champs this time! But we like the high end chase options so we wanted to explore a few more.

  • Assassin 9 piece: Grants 225% crit damage and 40% crit chance

  • Sorcerer 9 piece: Grants 175% spell power


We’ve added some extra power to four piece wild so that the four wild units actually get a benefit from four wild. We think it’s going to be wild.

  • Wild (4): All your allies gain 12% AS per attack (up to 5 stacks) AND their basic attacks can’t miss.

General Trait Adjustments

  • Elementalist Golem's Armor: 20 ⇒ 40

  • Knight Damage Reduction: 15/30/55 ⇒ 15/35/65

  • Assassin jump delay: 0.325sec ⇒ 0.395sec


Tier 1

  • Camille Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Elise Spiderling Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Graves Armor: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Kassadin Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 50

  • Kha'zix Starting/Total Mana: 0/50 ⇒ 0/65

Tier 2

  • Pyke Starting Mana: 75 ⇒ 50

  • Twisted Fate Health: 450 ⇒ 500

  • Twisted Fate Blue Card Mana: 20/35/50 ⇒ 30/50/70

Tier 3

  • Evelynn execute threshold: 65% ⇒ 50%

  • Evelynn execute multiplier: 3/5/7 ⇒ 3/4/5

  • Katarina Mana: 0/100 ⇒ 0/85

Tier 4

  • Akali Ability Damage: 150/275/400 ⇒ 200/350/500

Tier 5

  • Anivia Ability Duration: 800 damage over 8sec ⇒ 800 damage over 6sec

  • Pantheon Health: 1000 ⇒ 850

  • Pantheon Attack Damage: 80 ⇒ 75


  • BF Sword Attack Damage: 20 ⇒ 15

  • Frozen Heart debuff duration: 2.875sec ⇒ 4sec

  • Locket of the Iron Solari shield amount: 250 for 6 seconds ⇒ 300 for 7 seconds

  • Swordbreaker chance to disarm: 25% chance to disarm for 4 seconds ⇒ 33% chance to disarm for 3 seconds

  • Zephyr banish duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds


  • Morgana's ability will now work consistently on isolated summoned minions and neutral monsters.

  • Zeke’s Herald and Locket of the Iron Solari will no longer give their buffs to enemy team units if re-enabled after Hextech.

  • Khazix’s ability now always deals true damage if 3 Void is active.

  • Luden’s Echo now properly hits the main target of an ability.

  • Camille Ability: Evelynn will no longer be able to escape the root using her ability.

  • Camille Ability: Shyvana will now dash in place rather than lose all of her mana without transforming.

  • Camille Ability: Pantheon and Vi will not cast their abilities while rooted.

  • Frozen Mallet’s tooltip now properly reflects the extra health it grants.

  • Darkin’s tooltip now properly reflects the extra mana it grants.

  • Grievous Wounds tooltips now properly state that they reduce healing by 80% rather than 100%.

  • Demons will not gain mana through their trait if mana locked.

  • Brand’s ability was bouncing two more times than intended. It now bounces the appropriate amount of times.

  • Fixed a bug where Rek’Sai was healing for half the intended amount.


New Soundtrack

Teamfight Tactic's new music will change based on what phase of the game you're in. For instance, during shopping phase the music is calmer and less busy, but as battle phase starts the music transitions into a more energetic combat driven style. There are also 3 different “chapters” of music: the first chapter goes from the beginning of the game to when first player is knocked out. The second is from that point until there are only 3 players left. Then the final chapter brings us home.

August 29


He's a bit too strong.

  • Starting/Total Mana: 100/150 ⇒ 150/200

  • Armor: 100 ⇒ 80

  • Ability Damage: 15%/30%/45% maximum Health ⇒ 10%/20%/30% maximum Health

  • Stun Duration: 4/6/8 ⇒ 2/2/2


Related to our new friend.

  • Bonus Armor: 50 ⇒ 35

August 27 - Patch 9.17

New Champion


  • Cost: 5 Gold

  • Origin: Dragon

  • Class: Guardian

  • Grand Starfall: Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for 4/6/8 seconds. Enemies in Pantheon's path take 15%/30%/45% of their Maximum Health as Magic Damage. They then burn for an additional 20% of their Maximum Health as True Damage over 10 seconds. Applies Grievous Wounds. Note: the in-game tooltip is lagging behind and will be updated to reflect this in patch 9.18.


  • The first carousel now has all 2 cost units.

  • Ghost armies now benefit from Trait bonuses. They’re actually spooky now!

  • Attack Speed cap has been increased from 2.5 to 5.0. So fast.

  • Tooltips have been updated to be more clear, and numbers scale with Ability Power.



Reworked to add a bit more consistency.

  • Increased the delay before Assassins jump so they can access the backline more often.

  • (3) Trait Bonus: 125% Crit Damage ⇒ 75% Crit Damage & 10% Crit Chance

  • (6) Trait Bonus: 350% Crit Damage ⇒ 150% Crit Damage & 25% Crit Chance


  • Item disable duration: 8 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds


Tapping down their power a little bit.

  • Armor & Magic Resist: 60 ⇒ 50

  • Healing: 35 ⇒ 25


Making Rangers more consistent.

  • Double Attack Speed chance: 25%/65% ⇒ 30% /70%


We're making it a little easier for Shapeshifters to transform.

  • Nidalee Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 85

  • Jayce Armor: 30 ⇒ 35

  • Jayce will now transform at max mana, even if there is no one in range to knock away.

  • Shyvana Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 85

  • Gnar Total Mana: 125 ⇒ 100


Sticking with our consistency theme here.

  • Dodge chance: 30%/55% ⇒ 35%/60%



  • Adjusted his interaction with Rapidfire Cannon. He maintains the range bonus but it now narrows his bullet spread, like a shotgun choke.


  • Health: 600 ⇒ 650


  • Health: 450 ⇒ 500

  • Starting Mana/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 0/85

  • Ability Damage: 150/275/400 ⇒ 175/325/475


  • Relentless Pursuit's second shot now scales with Lucian's attack speed.


  • Ability Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 150/250/350


  • Stun Duration: 5/8/11 seconds ⇒ 5/7/9 seconds

Healing Changes

Healing effects were tuned around Grievous Wounds, completely turning them off. Since we're reducing Grievous Wounds' effect, we're also reducing the effectiveness of other healing effects to keep them from becoming too strong.

  • Grievous Wounds Healing Reduction: 100% ⇒ 80%

  • The Bloodthirster Healing: 50% of Damage ⇒ 40% of Damage

  • Hextech Gunblade Healing: 33% of Damage ⇒ 25% of Damage

  • Swain Demonflare Healing: 50/90/130 ⇒ 40/70/100

  • Redemption Healing: 1500 ⇒ 1200


  • Hextech: Fixed a disabled Infinity Edge losing more crit damage than it should

  • Hextech: Fixed a disabled Ionic Spark not re-enabling its effect.

  • Hextech: Fixed a disabled Zeke Herald not re-enabling its effect.

  • Hextech: Fixed disabled Locket of the Iron Solari not re-enabling its effect.

  • Improved Shyvana’s ability logic. She now looks for spots to jump to that are far away from her target.

  • Fixed Rek’Sai not properly knocking up her target at longer distances.

  • Fixed Warwick spawning a new Warwick if he dies mid-leap.

  • Fixed Warwick's Ability Damage scaling with his bonus Attack Damage.

  • Ahri will no longer cast her ability at an enemy not in range.

  • Lucian now correctly triggers launch attack effects (Statikk Shiv, Runaan’s Hurricane) on his first auto after his dash.

  • Fixed Luden’s not triggering if the target of the spell died.

  • Fixed Vi ult sometimes chain hitting the same enemy.

  • Little Legends that get inside the initial shared draft barrier before it comes down are now booted out.


  • Updated Dragon and Elder Dragon fireball VFX.

  • You can now mute player emotes + pings through the scoreboard.

  • Added new visual effects to show off your win streak on scoreboard.

August 21 - Patch 9.16b



  • Bonus Health: 300/600/1000 ⇒ 250/500/900

Champion nerfs


  • Health: 700 ⇒ 650

  • Attack Damage: 75 ⇒ 70


  • Ability Bonus Attack Speed: 0.75/1.0/1.25 ⇒ 0.6/0.8/1.0

  • Rocket Damage: 100/225/350 ⇒ 100/200/300


  • Shield Duration: 2/3/4 ⇒ 2/2.5/3


  • Ability Damage: 150/250/350 ⇒ 100/225/350


  • Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/150

Champion buffs


  • Spell Damage: 250/600/950 ⇒ 300/600/900


  • Health: 650 ⇒ 700


  • Bonus Attack Damage on Transform: 30/60/90 ⇒ 50/100/150

Miss Fortune

  • Ability Damage: 800/1250/1700 ⇒ 900/1300/1700


  • Armor: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Ability Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 175/300/425


  • Health: 650 ⇒ 700


Luden's Echo

  • Damage: 200 ⇒ 180


  • Further adjustments to in game matchmaking to prevent seeing the same opponents as often.

  • The Hextech trait now disables Ionic Spark for the appropriate 8 seconds instead of a whole round.

August 16

Noble balance change


We're reverting their buff from this patch.

  • Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 75 ⇒ 60

August 14 - Patch 9.16

New Origin and Champions

The Hextechs

The Hextech champions are all strong and serve their own purpose, but together they give some counterplay to items. But the bomb itself can be played around. We hope this adds a new and interesting dynamic to play around.

  • Trait: Throw a bomb at an enemy unit with an item, and disables all items in a 1/2 hex radius for 8 seconds.


  • Ability: Camille's ability, The Hextech Ultimatum, roots an enemy and forces her in-range teammates to target whomever she's fighting.

  • Class: Blademaster

  • Cost: 1 Gold

  • Ability Damage: 200/325/450


  • Ability: Disrupts the enemy frontline by knocking back an enemy unit with his Thundering Blow. He then switches to his Mercury Cannon bringing increased attack speed and ranged damage.

  • Class: Shapeshifter

  • Cost: 2 Gold

  • Ability Damage: 200/350/500


  • Ability: Targets the farthest enemy and charges towards them, knocking aside and damaging every enemy along the way. Once she gets there, she knocks her target up and damages them.

  • Class: Brawler

  • Cost: 3 Gold

  • Ability Damage: 250/450/650


  • Ability: Gets Excited after her first takedown, gaining bonus attack speed. If she scores a second takedown she pulls out Fishbones, her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal AoE damage.

  • Class: Gunslinger

  • Cost: 4 Gold

  • Rocket Damage: 100/225/350 magic damage in an explosion that covers 3 hexes total.



We've improved how the player matching works to prevent the streaky scenarios where you would face the same player (or ghost army) two or more times in a row. Now this should happen almost never.

URF Overtime Mode

We don’t like draws. They aren’t fun. So now, 30 seconds in to every battle, URF Overtime kicks in and speeds things up for 15 seconds. Draws are still possible but there should be a lot less of them.

  • 30 seconds into every battle the URF Overtime bonus will activate.

  • 300% Attack Speed

  • 200% Ability Damage

  • 66% reduced Crowd Control duration

  • 66% Healing Reduction

  • 30% increased affection towards maritime mammals.

Ranked changes

Teamfight Tactics' ranked system is looking pretty good overall. Even so, we’re‌ ‌taking‌ ‌stock‌ ‌and‌ making ‌a‌ ‌few‌ ‌tuning‌ ‌adjustments.‌ Specifically, a couple bugs and ‌inconsistencies‌ ‌made‌ ‌it‌ ‌a‌ ‌little‌ ‌more‌ ‌forgiving‌ ‌than‌ ‌we‌ ‌intended. You'll now almost always be demoted if you lose LP in any game you start at 0 LP (this was always intended). Additionally, Grandmaster and Challenger players who demote will now skip Master and go directly to Diamond 1 (this is due to some funky situations at the top of the ladder making it impossible for GM and Challengers to demote). If you want to read more about these changes and why we made them, check out SapMagic's post here!

  • As intended, everyone will now be demoted if you lose LP in any game you start at 0LP.

  • For Grandmaster and Challenger players, if you're demoted you will now skip Master and go directly to Diamond 1. This is now true in League of Legends as well.

  • We've also made adjustments to LP gains and losses underneath the hood for extreme edge cases. For the most part, you will not see or feel any changes based on this optimization.

Player damage

We made some changes to player damage in patch 9.15 and overall it worked well. But it led to games being longer than intended, especially when fights were close. So we’re making some more adjustments. Overall damage should still be less than at launch.

  • Base damage now scales with current stage.

  • Stages 1-2: 1 damage

  • Stage 3-4: 2 damage

  • Stage 5: 3 damage

  • Stage 6: 4 damage

  • Stage 7+: 5 damage



Brawlers are quite strong and are getting a bit too much free health so we're toning that down a bit.

  • Bonus Health: 300/700/1200 ⇒ 300/600/1000


We’ve redesigned the Demon trait bonus to not be quite the shutdown of ability dependent units like it was before. Instead, Demons drain mana allowing them to cast their spells faster.

  • Demon basic attacks have a 40% chance to burn 20 mana from their target and return 15/30/45 mana to the attacker.


Ninja should be strong single units that have a place on almost any team. Right now they're not getting there, so we're buffing their trait and some of the individual champions.

  • Bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power: 40/60 ⇒ 50/70


Nobles are still underperforming a bit as an end-game fantasy. We'll likely need to make bigger changes to address this, but for now we're giving them a small bump.

  • Bonus Armor and Magic Resist: 60 ⇒ 75


Three piece Sorcerer is a just a little too strong due to its versatility.

  • Bonus Ability Power: 45%/100% ⇒ 40%/100%


Wild is still underperforming, we're giving it just a little bit more.

  • Attack Speed: 10% per stack ⇒ 12% per stack

Tier 1 Champions


  • Health: 450 ⇒ 500

  • Spiderling Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.7


  • Non-Isolated Damage: 150/300/450 ⇒ 150/250/350


  • No longer casts his ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.


  • Now always heals two units when she transforms. Previously she would only heal herself if she had the lowest health on your team.


  • Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7

  • Ability Damage (% of Max Health): 8%/10%/12% ⇒ 8%/12%/16%

Tier 2 Champions


  • Health: 750 ⇒ 650


  • Total Mana (the mana required to cast her ability): 150 ⇒ 125


  • Ability Health: 300/475/650 ⇒ 300/400/500


  • Health: 500 ⇒ 550

  • Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Ability Damage: 200/300/400 ⇒ 200/350/500

Tier 3 Champions


  • No longer casts his ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.


  • Now prioritizes her current target with her ability.

  • No longer casts her ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.


  • No longer casts her ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.

  • Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 65


  • No longer casts his ability if there are no enemies in range at the start of the cast time.


  • Leap AI improved to better kite away from her target.

Tier 4 Champions


  • Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 80


  • Ability Damage: 200/375/550 ⇒ 250/450/650

  • Starting and Total Mana: 0/125 ⇒ 50/150


  • Ability Damage: 250/500/750 ⇒ 175/350/525

Tier 5 Champions


  • Starting and Total Mana: 0/85 ⇒ 40/125


  • Attack Speed: 1.1 ⇒ 1.0

Miss Fortune

  • Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 75



  • Reworked: Now has a 33% chance on hit to prevent the enemy champion from gaining mana (we're calling it Mana Lock) for four seconds.

Infinity Edge

  • Critical Strike Damage: 150% ⇒ 200%

Ionic Spark

  • Damage: 150 ⇒ 125. Now properly stacks.

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Shield Duration: 4 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds


  • Burn Damage: 20% max health over 5 seconds ⇒ 20% max health over 10 seconds

Red Buff

  • Burn Damage: 13% max health over 5 seconds ⇒ 20% max health over 10 seconds


  • Heal: 1000 health ⇒ 1500 health

Statikk Shiv

  • Damage and Bounces: 4 bounces, 90 damage per bounce ⇒ 3 bounces, 100 damage per bounce

Warmog's Armor

  • Heal: Now heals a maximum of 400 health per tick. This mostly nerfs its effect on PVE dragons.

Guardian Angel

  • Tooltip updated to reflect functionality (does not interrupt abilities or remove positive buffs). It now properly removes Grievous Wounds and resurrects properly.

  • Health on resurrection: 800 ⇒ 500

New drop mechanic

  • In rare instances it's now possible to drop a full completed item instead of the two components separately.


  • Spiderlings and Golem can now properly be the target of Frozen Heart, Kindred, Swain, Karthus, Shen, and Veigar.

  • Graves now properly gains range with Rapidfire Cannon.

  • Frozen Heart no longer applies too many slows when stacked.

  • Fixed some item slots not showing up or being in weird spots.

  • Fixed Win/Lose streak gold being granted after PvE Rounds instead of after the PvP Round that happened before (streak gold should be granted at the end of all PvP rounds and no PvE rounds).

  • Fixed Little Legends having collision after dying (and subsequently body blocking players in the shared roulette).

  • Fixed Blitzcrank attempting (and failing) at targeting untargetable enemies, and therefore not casting.

August 7 - Patch 9.15b



  • Fixed a bug so that other allies properly prioritize the target of Blitzcrank's ability...again.


  • Attack Damage: 40 ⇒ 45

  • Spiderling Attack Damage: 40 ⇒ 50


  • Ability Damage: 400/700/1000 ⇒ 350/600/850

  • Ability Targets: 5/9/13 ⇒ 5/7/9


  • Mana required to activate ability: 100 ⇒ 125


  • Stun Duration: 2/2.5/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5


  • Ability Attack Speed Bonus: 0.4/0.7/1.0 ⇒ 0.3/0.5/0.7


  • Ability Damage: 300/500/700 ⇒ 300/550/800


Guardian Angel

  • Health on restoration: 1000 ⇒ 800

Guinsoo's Rageblade

  • Attack Speed per stack: 4% ⇒ 5%


  • Burn Damage: 25% ⇒ 20%

Phantom Dancer

  • Now allows the holder to dodge critical strikes from abilities.

Runaan's Hurricane

  • Bonus Damage: 25% ⇒ 75%

Statikk Shiv

  • Fixed an issue where it would deal more damage than intended when less than four targets where available.

Sword of the Divine

  • Chance to activate: 5% ⇒ 7%


  • Fixed a bug that delayed players loading in to game until after the first carousel round. This was fixed last week.

August 1


  • Damage bonus no longer affects items.


  • No longer gives both the old and new trait bonus.

July 31



  • Five Point Strike now properly crits 25% of the time, down from 100%.


  • Ability Damage: 250/500/750 ⇒ 200/400/600.


  • Health: 500 ⇒ 550.


Frozen Heart

  • Now works as intended. Frozen Heart can only apply its debuff to any enemy once. If the Frozen Heart holder leaves and returns to an affected unit, the debuff will be refreshed, not stacked.

Ionic Spark

  • Now works against assassins as intended.


  • Damage type has been changed from True damage to Magic damage.

July 30 - Patch 9.15


Win/Loss streaks

We’re making win and loss streaks more beneficial.

  • Win/Loss streak breakpoints: 2/5/8 ⇒ 2/4/7

Class breakpoints

We’ve added new breakpoints to a few Classes. For...reasons, just don't worry about it ok?

  • Gunslinger 6 ⇒ Gunslingers have a chance to fire 3 additional attacks.

  • Brawler 6 ⇒ All Brawlers gain 1200 extra HP

  • Shapeshifter 6 ⇒ Shapeshifters gain 120% Bonus Health on Transform

  • Blademaster 9 ⇒ Blademasters have a chance to gain 4 extra attacks. (This one is currently possible, good luck)

Player damage

We’re lowering the damage players take from minions and certain champion tier and star levels.

  • Damage from Spiderlings/Elemental Golem: 2 ⇒ 1

  • Tier 4 (1 Star): 3 ⇒ 2

  • Tier 5 (1 Star): 4 ⇒ 3

  • Tier 3 (2 Star): 4 ⇒ 3

  • Tier 4 (2 Star): 5 ⇒ 4

  • Tier 5 (2 Star): 6 ⇒ 5

  • Tier 4 (3 Star): 7 ⇒ 6

Carousel stage

  • Available Units: 10 ⇒ 9


We nerfed the Assassins in 9.14b, but we still want them to be functional in other comps (Example Wild Rengar should be viable). So, we’re putting some power into their abilities to avoid synergizing their new power with the Assassin trait bonus. We’ve also made some systemic changes to how Assassins move in combat, and how they acquire their targets. This should add deeper counter-play to Assassin positioning.

  • Assassins jump earlier and their jumps are quicker.

  • Non-Assassin champ movement is slowed for the start of combat.

  • Assassins can be targeted sooner.

  • Evelynn Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 70

  • Evelynn Ability Damage: 200/250/350 ⇒ 200/300/400

  • Katarina Ability Targets: 3/5/7 ⇒ 4/6/8

  • Rengar Attack Damage: 65 ⇒ 70

  • Rengar Attack Speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.60

  • Rengar Ability Attack Speed Buff: 0.3/0.5/0.7 ⇒ 0.4/0.7/1.0


Demon is proving a little on the strong side, so we’re making adjustments to keep them in check.

  • Demon Mana Burn: 25%/50%/85% chance ⇒ 20%/35%/60% chance

  • Varus Ability Damage: 400/600/800 ⇒ 300/550/800

  • Aatrox Ability Damage: 400/700/1000 ⇒ 250/600/950

  • Aatrox Health: 750 ⇒ 700

  • Morgana Ability Damage: 300/375/450 ⇒ 200/325/450


Dragons being 100% magic immune really shut down a lot of options to fight them. We’re removing that, and giving them a few minor defenses back to compensate.

  • Dragon: 100% Magic Immunity ⇒ 83% Magic Immunity

  • Shyvana Armor: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Aurelion Sol HP: 600 ⇒ 650

  • Aurelion Sol Ability Damage: 250/450/650 ⇒ 250/500/750


We pulled some of the power out of the Golem, but we still think they should be powerful casters that can also fit into other comps, so we are putting some power back into their abilities.

  • Lissandra Ability Damage: 150/200/250 ⇒ 150/275/400

  • Brand Ability Damage: 175/325/475 ⇒ 200/375/550


Guardians are finding a small niche, but the cost of running one early is a bit much. So we’re buffing their trait bonus, and letting the Guardian’s be a bit tankier as solo units.

  • Guardians: (2) 40 armor per stack ⇒ (2) 50 armor per stack. Guardians don’t buff themselves.

  • Braum Armor: 25 ⇒ 75

  • Leona Armor: 55 ⇒ 100


Knights are currently a fine two-piece front line at the start, but then immediately fall off at four and six pieces. So, we're going to improve the Knight fantasy by having Knights protect your whole team. Little strikes won’t punch through these defenses!

  • Knights block 20/40/80 damage from basic attacks ⇒ Your team ignores 15/30/55 damage from all sources.

  • Darius Armor: 25 ⇒ 40

  • Garen Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Mordekaiser Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Sejuani Armor: 35 ⇒ 40

  • Sejuani Stun Duration: 2/3.5/5 ⇒ 2/4/6

  • Kayle HP: 800 ⇒ 750

  • Kayle Armor: 35 ⇒ 40


The old Ninja bonus had some pretty big scaling issues, especially combined with the Assassin bonus. We want one Ninja on your team to be an attractive option, and if you can get all four Ninjas then they really turn on as auto-attackers and ability casters.

  • Ninja Trait Bonus: (1) 40% AD/(4) 80% AD ⇒ (1) +40 AD & AP / (4) +60 AD & AP

  • Shen Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.7

  • Zed Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.65

  • Zed Attack Damage: 60 ⇒ 65

  • Kennen Ability Damage: 400/650/900 ⇒ 225/450/675

  • Akali Ability Damage: 200/375/550 ⇒ 150/275/400


Noble should be a very powerful buff when you get it, but the lack of magic resistance proved that wasn’t the case, so we’re adding magic resistance to the trait. We’re also changing the attack speed and damage of many nobles so they can use their buff better, but maintain their DPS.

  • Noble: 100 Armor/+35 Life on Hit ⇒ 60 Armor & MR/+35 Life on hit

  • Vayne Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 40

  • Vayne Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.75

  • Garen Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 50

  • Garen Attack Speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.6

  • Garen Ability Damage: 450/585/720 ⇒ 360/585/810

  • Garen: Fixed a bug where he wouldn’t move while spinning. Beyblade is back!


Pirate was likely overnerfed for fear of what it could do to economy builds. We’re making it less likely to get those boots/fish bones, and adjusting some of the champions.

  • Pirate: Average Gold Per Chest: 1.6 ⇒ 1.75

  • Graves Attack Speed: 0.5 ⇒ 0.55

  • Twisted Fate: Improved cast speed

  • Twisted Fate Ability Damage: 100/150/200 ⇒ 150/250/350


We’re reimagining the Void this patch. These are monsters that, in force, can tear through your defenses you worked so hard to set up. Be afraid of the Void!

  • Void Trait Bonus: All your units ignore 50% armor ⇒ Void units now deal True Damage.

  • Kassadin Attack Damage: 45 ⇒ 55

  • Kassadin Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.6

  • Khazix Ability Damage Non-Isolated: 150/250/350 ⇒ 150/300/450

  • Khazix Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 55

  • Rek’Sai Attack Damage: 40 ⇒ 50

  • Rek’Sai Ability Damage: 150/250/350 ⇒ 200/350/500

  • Rek’Sai Ability Heal: 300/400/500 ⇒ 150/300/450

  • Cho’Gath Attack Speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.6

  • Cho’Gath Ability Damage: 200/400/600 ⇒ 250/500/750

  • Cho’Gath Ability Knockup: 1.5/2/2.5 ⇒ 1.5/1.75/2


Yordles are in a pretty good spot, but it can feel really bad when the dodge doesn’t work on things it probably should. We’re making a small adjustment, and improving the three-piece so you can throw Yordles into many other comps.

  • Yordles: (3) 25%/(6) 60% Dodge ⇒ (3) 30%/(6) 55% Dodge. Also dodges On-hit effects.

  • Lulu Armor: 25 ⇒ 20

  • Veigar HP: 450 ⇒ 500

  • Gnar AD: 45 ⇒ 50

Note: I have updated the champion synergy list with all the 9.15 changes.

Other Champions

There's a few units that we're adjusting apart from their traits: We’re making it more likely for Blitzcrank to get a 2nd grab off. Karthus needs to be just a little scarier. Yasuo isn’t quite pulling off the solo kill stunts he should be as a five-cost unit, so we’re buffing him a bit. Last but not least, Ashe & Kindred aren’t pulling their weight, so we’re giving them more damage.

  • Blitzcrank Mana: 150 ⇒ 125

  • Ashe AD: 60 ⇒ 65

  • Kindred AD: 55 ⇒ 60

  • Morgana: Ability cast time 0.35 ⇒ 0.5 sec to match all other champs

  • Yasuo AD: 65 ⇒ 75

  • Karthus Ability Damage: 350/600/850 ⇒ 400/700/1000

  • Karthus Ability Targets: 4/7/10 ⇒ 5/9/13


Locket has been redesigned. It still provides valuable shields for the start of combat, but is much less about permanent health.

  • Locket gives a 200 HP Shield ⇒ Locket gives a 250 HP Shield that lasts for 4 seconds.

  • Ionic Spark Damage: 200 ⇒ 150

  • Hush Silence Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds

  • Statikk Shiv Damage: 100 ⇒ 90

Clarity and VFX changes

  • Akali: Adjusted her ability VFX to closer resemble its real hitbox.

  • Gangplank: Improved barrel placement logic, and they persist if GP dies while the fuse is lit.

  • Kayle: Added cast VFX and adjusted auto-attack missile VFX.

  • Kennen: Changed which animation plays while casting his ability.

  • Morgana: Spell cast time increased to match most other champions.

  • Sejuani: Changed which animation plays while casting her ability.

  • Volibear: Changed which animation plays when he crits.


  • Rek'sai will now be healed by Redemption while burrowed.

  • The Darkin item will no longer give mana to demons when equipping during combat phase.

  • Vayne can no longer apply Silver Bolts onto units in Shen's Spirit Refuge.

  • Frozen Heart will no longer break for a round when selling it's host unit.

  • Dragon's Claw will no longer reduce damage from champion abilities that deal true damage.

  • The play again button will take you back to the same queue you just played (Darkhorse MVP candidate of this patch).

  • Voicechat and party will persist through multiple games.

July 24 - Patch 9.14b


Critical Strike Damage

  • Critical strike damage now stacks additively rather than multiplicatively. Paired with changes to Assassins and Infinity Edge, also in this patch, Assassins will deal around 25% less damage and IE will come out net neutral.



  • Critical Strike Damage: 150%/350% ⇒ 125%/350%


  • Bonus Ability Power: 35/100 ⇒ 45/100


  • Attack Speed per Stack: 8% ⇒ 10%


  • Golem HP: 2500 ⇒ 2200



  • Ability Damage: 100/175/250 ⇒ 100/200/300


  • Health: 700 ⇒ 650

  • Attack Speed: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7


  • 1 Star Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 60

  • Health: 600 ⇒ 550


  • Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 65


  • 1 Star Health: 500 ⇒ 550


  • Ability Damage: 300/400/500 ⇒ 300/500/700


  • Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 65


  • Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.65


  • Armor: 35 ⇒ 30

  • Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.55


Cursed Blade

  • Trigger Effect Chance: 25% ⇒ 20%

  • For the curious, Swordbreaker has a 25% chance and Hush has a 50% chance.

Infinity Edge

  • Critical Strike Damage: 100% ⇒ 150%

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Shield Amount: 300 ⇒ 200

  • This was micropatched last week.


  • Percent Max Health Damage: 3% ⇒ 5%


  • Raptors will now always properly drop a loot box.

  • The Guardian trait no longer fades when a guardian dies.

  • Redemption will now properly heal 1000HP.

  • Guardian Angel will now trigger in all cases.

July 19


Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Shield value reduced from 300 to 200.

July 17 - Patch 9.14


Twisted Fate

  • Cost: 2g

  • Traits: Pirate, Sorcerer

  • Ability: Pick a Card - Twisted Fate throws a card that randomly stuns (Gold), deals damage around his target (Red), or restores mana to himself and nearby allies (Blue).


  • Teamfight Tactics ranked Beta Season starts in patch 9.14. Learn more on the ranked system.


Attack Speed Changes

  • We've changed all champions' attack speed ratios so that attack speed bonuses are now calculated based on a percent of the champion's base attack speed. In short, champions with lower base attack speeds will receive less benefit from attack speed items. Certain champions and attack speed granting items have been adjusted in this patch to compensate.

  • Champion Attack Speed Ratios: 1.0 ⇒ champion base attack speed.

PvE Rounds

  • In the event that you do not get an item during a PvE round, one of the minions, monsters, or epic monsters will now drop gold instead.

  • Dragon and Elder Dragon no longer benefit from the Dragon Trait bonuses. All sorcery comps rejoice.

Ranked Premade Restrictions

  • The ranked premade party size is now limited to three players at all ranks. Down from five below plat.

Level Breakpoints

  • XP to 9: 70 ⇒ 64

Ability Targeting

  • Abilities that target low health champions now determine "lowest health" by HP percentage instead of total HP.


  • When you reroll your shop after leveling up from round XP, the shop is rolled at your new level instead of your old level.

User Interface

  • Added "Streak" indicator next to gold total. It displays your current streak (win or loss) and the rewards for maintaining streaks of different lengths.

  • Added a combat recap so you can see how much damage each champion deals each round.

  • Added champion stats (attack damage, armor, magic resist etc) on their pop up inspect panel when you right click.



  • Mana burn chance: 40/60/80% ⇒ 25/50/85%


  • Golem health: 3000 ⇒ 2500

  • Golem Attack damage: 200 ⇒ 100


  • Armor buff: Stacks up to 2 times ⇒ Stacks any number of times


  • Improved visualization of Gunslinger AoE attacks

  • Fixed some bugs where Gunslinger extra attacks could fail to fire at high attack speeds

  • Extra Units Hit: 1/all ⇒ 1/2


  • Average gold per chest: 2 ⇒ 1.6


  • Bugfix: Shapeshifters will now gain the correct amount of health when they transform, previously they would fail to take into account the health they gained from their star level.

  • Transform health gain: 100% ⇒ 60%


  • Attack speed per stack: 7% ⇒ 8%

Tier 1 Champions


  • No longer casts his ability at times when no enemies would be in range at start of cast


  • Cost: 2 ⇒ 1

  • Spiderlings now benefit from the Demon Origin effect

  • Mana cost: 75 ⇒ 100

  • Number of spiderlings: 2/3/4 ⇒ 1/2/4

  • Health: 500 ⇒ 450

  • Armor: 25 ⇒ 20


  • Attack speed 0.7 ⇒ 1.0

  • Damage: 100-250 ⇒ 100-400


  • Health: 500 ⇒ 450


  • Attack Speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.65


  • Ability now applies on-hit effects

Tier 2 Champions


  • Fixed a bug where Ahri's ability wouldn't deal damage while she was dead

  • Now retargets her ability if the target dies during the cast time

  • Ability targeting: Random enemy ⇒ Current attack target


  • Fixed a bug where Blitz could hook a unit off the board if he died while casting

  • Nearby allies are now more likely to target the unit Blitzcrank pulls


  • Fixed Braum's tooltip to properly reflect that his shield reduces a percentage of all incoming damage

  • Damage reduction: 60-90% ⇒ 70-90%

  • Mana cost: 75 ⇒ 50

  • Ability targeting: nearest enemy ⇒ furthest enemy


  • Relentless Pursuit second shot damage: 65/150/235 ⇒ 150/250/350


  • Mana cost: 100 ⇒ 125

  • Starting mana: 50 ⇒ 75


  • Burrow duration: 1.5 ⇒ 1

  • Knockup duration: 1.25 ⇒ 1.75

  • Damage: 150-250 ⇒ 150-350


  • Starting mana: 50 ⇒ 100

Tier 3 Champions


  • Mana cost: 100 ⇒ 75

  • Damage: 350-850 ⇒ 400-1000


  • Health: 550 ⇒ 600

  • Execute threshold: 50% HP ⇒ 65% HP

  • Execute damage multiplier: 300/400/500% ⇒ 300/500/700%

  • Eve's ability now roots targets during the cast time (0.35s) to prevent them from moving out of the area of effect.


  • Ability now applies on-hit effects

  • Fixed a number of bugs with animations and barrel chains

  • Attack speed: 0.6 ⇒ 0.65

  • Health: 650 ⇒ 700


  • Fixed a bug where her ability wasn't properly preventing enemy healing


  • Damage: 300-660 ⇒ 400-900

  • Attack damage: 60 ⇒ 70


  • No longer casts her ability at times when no enemies would be in range at start of cast

  • Damage: 250-450 ⇒ 300-450


  • Armor: 30 ⇒ 40

  • Stun duration: 1.5/2.5/3.5 ⇒ 2/3/4

  • Number of targets hit: 1 ⇒ 1/2/3


  • Savagery's attack speed buff is now multiplicative (it increases Rengar's attack speed ratio)


  • Attack speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7

  • Health: 550 ⇒ 650

  • Bonus attack damage while dragon: 60-160 ⇒ 100-200


  • Damage to lower star champions: 9999 ⇒ 19999

  • Mana cost: 85 ⇒ 75


  • Health: 650 ⇒ 700

  • Attack speed: 0.55 ⇒ 0.65

  • Mana cost: 100 ⇒ 75

  • Lightning attack damage ratio: 60-100% ⇒ 80-100%

Tier 4 Champions


  • Fixed a number of bugs that would sometimes cause her ability to not deal damage

  • No longer casts her ability at times when no enemies would be in range at start of cast


  • Mana cost: 100 ⇒ 125


  • Health: 1100 ⇒ 1000

  • Knockup duration: 2/2.25/2.5 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5


  • Attack speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.75


  • Health: 850 ⇒ 750

  • Armor: 35 ⇒ 30


  • Mana cost: 150 ⇒ 100


  • Stun duration: 3/4/5 ⇒ 2/3.5/5

Tier 5 Champions


  • Ability no longer cancels when Anivia dies

Miss Fortune

  • Ability targeting: random enemy ⇒ current attack target

  • Now retargets her ability if the target dies during the windup

  • Fixed a bug where Miss Fortune would sometimes move and change her ult's trajectory while - channeling

  • Mana cost: 75 ⇒ 100


  • Ability now applies on-hit effects

  • Knockup duration: 1.25 ⇒ 1.5

  • Damage: 150/250/350 ⇒ 150/350/550



  • Items no longer benefit from Ability Power

  • Spatula now doubles the stat power of its sister component. For example: Youmuu's Ghostblade grants 40 Attack Damage

Cursed Blade

  • Can now reduce targets to 0 stars.

  • Fixed a bug where Cursed Blade would reset an enemy champion's level if it triggered a second time.

Frozen Heart

  • Effect now applies more consistently to any unit near the wearer

Guardian Angel

  • Revive delay: 4 sec ⇒ 2 sec

  • Health restored: 500 ⇒ 1000

  • Bugfix: Guardian Angel now properly clears Grievous Wounds

Guinsoo's Rageblade

  • Attack Speed per stack: 3% ⇒ 4%

Hextech Gunblade

  • Fixed a bug where spell vamp was sometimes not properly granted

  • No longer benefits from item effects (looking at you Shyvana with Thornmail)

Ionic Spark

  • Now deals true damage instead of magic damage

  • Fixed a bug where Ionic Spark was applying 75 damage instead of 200

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Now shields the wearer and the champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer at the start of the round

  • Shield value: 200 ⇒ 300

Luden's Echo

  • Fixed a bug where targets weren't taking the correct amount of damage

  • Fixed a bug where Luden's would proc on basic attack hits but not on ability hits

  • Primary target damage: 100 ⇒ 200

  • AoE Damage: 0 + 1.0 AP ⇒ 200


  • Max HP damage per second: 2.5% ⇒ 3%

Rapidfire Cannon

  • Now updates in response to range changes (RIP RFC Nidalee)

Recurve Bow

  • Attack Speed: 15% ⇒ 20%


  • Now triggers at 25% health

  • No longer damages enemies

Runaan's Hurricane

  • Bolts: 2 ⇒ 1

  • Bolt Damage: 50% ⇒ 25%

  • Now applies on-hit effects

Seraph's Embrace

  • Fixed a bug where Seraph's effect wouldn't stack

Statikk Shiv

  • Now always hits 3 additional targets, rather than all champions in a frontal cone

  • Now only activates a maximum of one time per launch attack


  • Reflect damage: 35% of physical damage taken ⇒ 100% of physical damage mitigated

  • Damage type: Magic damage ⇒ True damage

Warmog's Armor

  • Regen: 3% max HP ⇒ 6% missing HP

Zeke's Herald

  • Now only grants attack speed to champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer

  • Attack Speed Aura: 10% ⇒ 15%


  • Updated missile VFX on Enchanted Crystal Arrow

  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow now plays sounds

  • Fixed a bug where champions leveling upon combining from a shared draft selection sometimes duplicated the champion

  • Reconnecting to a TFT game will no longer prevent end of game stats from being displayed

  • Fixed a number of bugs that would cause melee champions to AFK and stop moving

  • A billion other bugfixes listed in the sections above

July 7



Phantom Undertow

  • Stun duration reduced from 2.5/3/3.5 to 2/2.5/3.



  • Dodge chance increased from 20%/50% to 25%/60%.


Spear of Shojin

  • Mana on-hit reduced from 20% to 15%.

We're fixing a bug that was causing Spear to still grant 20% mana on-hit.

July 1

Tier 2 and 3 units

Tier 2 and 3 units are currently too risky to star-up when compared to tier 1 ones. To broaden the pool of champions worth considering, we’re increasing the probability of finding tier 2 and 3 champions in the shop while reducing the amount of tier 1 that appear.


Spider Form

  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75.


  • Attack Damage increased from 60 to 70.

  • Attack Speed increased from 0.6 to 0.65.


  • Health increased from 750 to 800.

Keeper's Verdict

  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75.


Piercing Arrow

  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75.


Primordial Burst

  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 85.

  • Damage increased from 300/450/600 to 300/500/700.


  • Attack Speed increased from 0.5 to 0.55.

Tier 5 units

Miss Fortune

Bullet Time

  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75.



  • Mana cost reduced from 100 to 85.



Demons are underperforming. We’re increasing their reliability.

  • Chance to Burn increased from 30/50/70% to 40/60/80%.

June 29


  • The Exile’s shield no longer scales with Spell Power.



  • Ionic Spark, Statikk Shiv, and Titanic Hydra can no longer proc Morellonomicon.

  • Burn damage reduced from 5% to 2.5% per second.

June 27




  • Damage reduced from 540/810/1080 to 450/585/720.

Spinning is too good at winning (especially with Morellonomicon and tank items).


Rapid Firecannon

  • Fixed a bug where RFC would stop granting bonus range.

June 25


Seraph’s Embrace

  • Fixed a bug where Seraph’s didn’t grant mana after cast.


  • Added colored circles to shared draft to help players locate their Little Legend.

June 24


Aurelion Sol is OP. We're making his ability take longer to work up to, and buffing Karthus and Morgana to give other Sorcerers their time to shine.

Aurelion Sol

Voice of Light

  • Damage reduced from 300/500/700 to 250/450/650.

  • Mana cost increased from 100 to 125.



  • Damage increased from 300/500/800 to 350/550/850.


  • Health increased from 600/1080/2160 to 650/1170/2340.


Gunslingers are falling behind other carry-centric teams so we're buffing some of their key champions.


Powder Kegs

  • Damage increased from 150/275/400 to 200/325/450.

Miss Fortune

  • Attack Speed increased from 0.75 to 0.85.


  • Attack Damage increased from 60 to 65.

  • Attack Speed increased from 0.6 to 0.65.


  • Attack Speed increased from 0.65 to 0.7.

Explosive Charge

  • Damage increased from 125/187.5/250 to 150/225/300.


  • Attack Speed per Stack reduced from 8% to 7%.

Nerfing Wild a bit given how powerful Attack Speed has ended up being in TFT.


Primal Surge

  • Heal reduced from 200/400/600 to 150/375/600.

  • Attack Damage in Cougar reduced from 30/75/120 to 20/70/120.

Tier 2 champions ($2)

The tier-2 roster in TFT is weak right now. We're buffing a number of them to make tier-2 star-ups worth pursuing.


Rocket Grab

  • Damage increased from 100/350/600 to 100/450/800.


Spider Form

  • Lifesteal increased from 60%/80%/100% to 60%/90%/120%.

  • Spiderling health increased from 250 to 500.


  • Attack Damage increased from 55 to 65.


  • Attack Speed increased from 0.55 to 0.6.

Phantom Undertow

  • Stun duration increased from 2/2.5/3 to 2.5/3/3.5.

  • Mana cost reduced from 125 to 100.


Piercing Arrow

  • Cast time reduced from 2 to 1.5s.


  • Attack Damage increased from 55 to 60.

  • Attack Speed increased from 0.6 to 0.65.

More champions


  • Health increased from 650/1170/2340 to 750/1350/2700.

The Darkin Blade

  • Damage increased from 300/500/700 to 350/600/850.


  • Attack Speed increased from 0.7 to 0.75.

Five Point Strike

  • Damage increased from 150/325/500 to 200/375/550.


  • Health reduced from 650/1170/2340 to 600/1080/2160.


No changes for now. We're paying attention to how good spinning is at winning.


  • Health increased from 650/1170/2340 to 700/1260/2520.


Bringing down the power of Spear and Zeke's given their dominance in the current meta. Also buffing up a few of the lesser used items.


Zeke's Herald

  • Attack Speed aura reduced from 20% to 10%.

Rapid Fire Cannon

  • Fixed a bug where RFC was giving triple range (instead of double).

Spear of Shojin

  • Mana per attack reduced from 20% to 15%.


Guardian Angel

  • Revive health increased from 300 to 500.

Ionic Spark

  • Damage increased from 100 to 200.

Luden's Echo

  • Damage increased from 100 to 200.


  • Damage reflect increased from 25% to 35%.

Warmog's Armor

  • Max health regeneration increased from 2.5% to 3%.

June 21



  • Health increased from 600 to 700.

Five Point Strike

  • Damage increased from 150/250/350 to 150/325/500.

Aurelion Sol and Brand

No changes for now, but we’ve got our eyes on these two. Sorcerer/magic damage teams are already powerful and may get even stronger with the reintroduction of Lulu into the meta + nerf to attack speed items.



  • AoE radius increased from 2 to 3.

  • Stun duration reduced from 2.5/3/3.5 to 2/2.25/2.5.

  • Damage rebalanced from 250/325/450 to 200/400/600.

Buffing Cho'Gath's Rupture to be better at disrupting clumped backlines.


  • Fixed a bug where Last Caress would sometimes not hit the 3 hexes in front of her.


  • Fixed a bug where Wild Growth would not cast.


Glacial Prison

  • Damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 100/175/250.



  • Proc Chance reduced from 25%/35%/45% to 20%/30%/45%

Glacial units are too good at turning on the perma-stun without much investment in the synergy.


Recurve Bow

  • Attack speed reduced from 20% to 15%.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

  • Attack speed per stack reduced from 4% to 3%.

Zeke's Herald and Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Now they can stack.


  • Fixed a bug where interest was being calculated after round end gold was received.

  • Fixed a bug where units picked in shared draft would sometimes lose their items when auto-combined.

June 20



Spinning Axe

  • Damage multiplier reduced from 250/325/450% to 150/200/250%.

We're taking down Draven's raw power from axes to require comps that run him to be more reliant on the Blademaster and Imperial buffs. He's still intended to be a high tier unit to build teams around, so we'll be keeping our eyes on him in case he needs further adjustments.


  • Attack Speed increased from 0.55 to 0.65.

Aurelion Sol

Voice of Light

  • Damage increased from 250/450/650 to 300/500/700.


  • Attack Speed reduced from 0.7 to 0.65.


  • There is a known bug where Lulu's spell does not cast. We are working on a fix.

Miss Fortune

Bullet Time

  • Damage increased from 700/1120/1540 to 800/1250/1700.


Soul Shackles

  • Damage increased from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450.


Thunder Claws

  • Bounces reduced from 3/5/7 to 3/4/5.

  • Fixed a bug that applied on-hit effects twice to the primary target.



  • Fixed a bug where Extra Attacks from Gunslinger would fire while the Champion was Stunned/Disarmed.


We fixed a number of bugs making player damage higher than intended.

  • Resolved an issue where units that died after combat ended would trigger damage/gold generation additional times.

  • Fixed a bug where players would take extra damage from a random surviving unit.

  • Fixed a bug where duplicate armies (from defeated players) would not deal damage.

June 19


  • Fixed a bug where Enchanted Crystal Arrow didn't stun anything (it just made them look icy).


Rocket Grab

  • Damage increased from 100/200/300 to 100/350/600.

  • Missile speed increased from 1800 to 3000.

  • Pull speed increased from 1800 to 3000.



  • Damage reduced from 150/225/300 to 150/200/250.


Powder Kegs

  • Damage increased from 100/150/200 to 150/275/400.



  • Damage multiplier reduced from 10%/15%/20% to 5%/10%/15%.


  • Added a particle to the unit Leona stuns (since it lasts for an eternity).



  • Mana cost increased from 75 to 100.

  • Damage increased from 150/250/350 to 200/325/450.


Thunder Claws

  • Range reduced from 2 to 1.

  • Bounces reduced from 3/6/9 to 3/5/7.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.