Overwatch World Cup hero picks data - September 2018
The hero usage data from the Overwatch World Cup 2018 qualifiers played in September: Los Angeles, Bangkok, and Paris. Find out the best picks at OWWC 2018!
All the heroes are arranged in six tiers based on their time played during the OWWC qualifiers.
The usage rate on each map is helpful to understand in which battlefield a hero shines the most.
The tiers depend only on the hero usage time and aren’t affected either by the win rate of a hero or by their performance.
Every month, I create a competitive hero tier list based on the Overwatch League. The goal is offering a neutral comparison that shows how the meta evolves over time. We are in the offseason, so while waiting for the second season of the OWL, we may consider the data from the World Cup a reliable source on the pro meta.
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Maps played
Assault: Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries.
Escort: Dorado, Junkertown, Route 66, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Rialto.
Hybrid: Blizzard World, Eichenwalde, Hollywood, King’s Row, Numbani.
Control: Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal, Oasis.
Note: The tiers are based on the data from all maps, but I have not included those with just 1-2 hours of total playtime in the graphs below: Hanamura, Dorado, Eichenwalde, and Hollywood.
Click an image to zoom it.
Tier S
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
The tiers are viewed as clusters of data, and each hero is placed in the one they are closer the most.
Tier S: D.Va 92%.
Tier 1: Lucio 64%.
Tier 2: Winston 53% - Ana 49% - Brigitte 45%.
Tier 3: Reinhardt 37% - Zenyatta 37% - Zarya 33% - Sombra 32% - Mercy 28%.
Tier 4: Genji 17% - Moira 16% - Tracer 16% - Widowmaker 16% - Pharah 10% - Hanzo 8% - Hammond 7% - Doomfist 6% - McCree 6% - Orisa 6% - Junkrat 6%.
Tier 5: Mei 2% - Soldier: 76 2% - Bastion 1% - Reaper 0.8% - Torbjorn 0.5% - Symmetra 0.1% - Roadhog 0.1%.
Class comparison charts
The usage rate of all heroes of the same class on each map.
Only the top six heroes of each class are displayed.
Pick rate on Rialto
I forgot to include Rialto in the previous graphs, so the hero pick rate on this map is shown below.
Attack and Defense usage rate
The usage rate of all heroes (up to tier 3) in attack and defense on each map.
In order to display reliable stats, only the most played maps are included.
The characters are ordered according to this month's tier list.
Most picked heroes by country
Please note that the teams have played only five matches each, and they also fought on different maps, so these statistics are very biased.
The teams are ordered according to the placement in their respective qualifier.
Bangkok Qualifier
# | China | Australia | Denmark | Sweden | Thailand | Spain |
1 | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | Ana | D.Va |
2 | Winston | Ana | Winston | Lucio | D.Va | Brigitte |
3 | Ana | Winston | Mercy | Winston | Lucio | Winston |
4 | Mercy | Sombra | Zenyatta | Sombra | Brigitte | Lucio |
5 | Lucio | Mercy | Lucio | Ana | Winston | Zenyatta |
6 | Zenyatta | Pharah | Ana | Reinhardt | Sombra | Tracer |
7 | Brigitte | Genji | Brigitte | Brigitte | Reinhardt | Ana |
8 | Zarya | Lucio | Widowmaker | Zarya | Genji | Zarya |
9 | Sombra | Brigitte | Tracer | Zenyatta | Zarya | Reinhardt |
10 | Reinhardt | Zenyatta | Sombra | Moira | Widowmaker | Sombra |
Los Angeles Qualifier
# | USA | Canada | Brazil | Norway | Austria | Switzerland |
1 | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va |
2 | Ana | Sombra | Lucio | Ana | Lucio | Lucio |
3 | Winston | Winston | Brigitte | Lucio | Reinhardt | Ana |
4 | Lucio | Ana | Reinhardt | Winston | Zarya | Reinhardt |
5 | Sombra | Lucio | Moira | Mercy | Moria | Mercy |
6 | Doomfist | Zenyatta | Zarya | Reinhardt | Ana | Brigitte |
7 | Brigitte | Mercy | Winston | Tracer | Winston | Zarya |
8 | Reinhardt | Reinhardt | Zenyatta | Zarya | Mercy | Winston |
9 | Mercy | Doomfist | Tracer | Zenyatta | Brigitte | Moira |
10 | Zenyatta | Zarya | Ana | Brigitte | Sombra | Tracer |
Paris Qualifier
# | France | UK | Netherlands | Germany | Italy | Poland |
1 | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va | D.Va |
2 | Lucio | Lucio | Lucio | Lucio | Lucio | Winston |
3 | Brigitte | Zenyatta | Brigitte | Ana | Brigitte | Lucio |
4 | Reinhardt | Brigitte | Zarya | Winston | Reinhardt | Ana |
5 | Zarya | Winston | Reinhardt | Brigitte | Zarya | Zenyatta |
6 | Zenyatta | Zarya | Zenyatta | Reinhardt | Zenyatta | Sombra |
7 | Winston | Reinhardt | Winston | Zarya | Ana | Brigitte |
8 | Ana | Mercy | Ana | Zenyatta | Moira | Reinhardt |
9 | Sombra | Widowmaker | Mercy | Sombra | Winston | Mercy |
10 | Genji | Sombra | Moira | Genji | Sombra | Genji |
Header image: Blizzard - Statistics: Winston’s Lab