All Overwatch Pro Team Compositions in each Meta

All Overwatch Pro Team Compositions in each Meta

An overview of all the pro team compositions in Overwatch. The meta comps are listed in chronological order.

The lineups are only examples as all the compositions changed and evolved over time. They are listed in chronological order loosely, and pre-hero-limit period is excluded.

Classic Death Ball

The basis for many different lineups. These Reinhardt-based compositions focus on marching closely together in formations. Although lacking in mobility, these compositions can be hard to dislodge and have fierce firepower at range.

Variants: Anti-dive, McCree-Doomfist, etc.

Classic Dive

The other most common basic compositions. These lineups function by swarming the enemies with superior mobility, and burst killing members of the other team with focus fire.

Variants: *w/Zarya* (in the early days), Triple DPS Dive, Doomfist-Sombra Dive, etc.

“El Presidente”

A Death Ball variant where all the resources are used to protect Bastion and let it dish out unmatched damage.

Variants: “Pirate Ship”

Pick Comp

Compositions that do not try to win the ult economy, but bank on getting first kills with multiple burst damage threats. Often used on first point offense.

Variants: Double Sniper

The 2-3-1

Any 2-2-2 composition but with the flex support on a non-support hero. Most often used for point-specific tactics on parts of maps. For example, using Torbjorn/Symmetra to snowball first point defense; or an extra 76/Widow to set up crossfire on high ground (on first point offense).

Variants: Sombra as a Support, Single Support (OWL S1 Playoffs)

Classic Anti-Dive

The earlier versions of anti-dive compositions were Death Ball variants with a lot of stuns and knockbacks to disrupt and deter the execution of dives.

Variants: New Anti-Dive, Doomfist-McCree comp

The “N.I.P” Triple Tank

A Death Ball variant with extremely high survivability and damage which excels at snowballing with some of the best crowd-control ultimates.

Variants: The “EnVyUs”, The “G.O.A.T.S”


Despite lacking in range and mobility, this composition is the ultimate triple-tank buster, with countering heroes, comparable survivability, and insane snowball potential due to the abundance of CC ults and ult combos.

Variants: The “EnVyUs”, The “G.O.A.T.S”

Triple DPS Dive

Reinvigorated by Misfits and later Rogue, this mechanically taxing Dive finds success in winning skirmishes by splitting into smaller 2-or-3-person teams and picking off enemies with overwhelming damage.

The “EnVyUs” Triple Tank

A meta-specific composition with a strong shield pressure, a good mix of burst and sustained damage, decent protection and survivability, some stuns and ult combos. Jack of all trades.


Popularized in Korea by AF Blue, this variant of Dive gives Ana multiple solid options to Nano-Boost and use combo ults.

Quad Tank

Need I say more?

Sombra as a Support

Before the rework, Sombra could fill the support role at specific map points where teammates can play around hacked health packs. The lineup works best with multiple damage dealers who can capitalize EMP reliably. Nowadays, this composition still surfaces as a 2-3-1 variant to execute tactics centered around a specific hack target or EMP.

The “Selfless”

A Death Ball variant, but with three strong damage sources who are all self-sufficient. When well-executed, this lineup can split up, force smaller skirmishes, and take advantage of staggered deaths and spawn advantages.

Phar-Mercy Dive

Besides the powerful Pharah-Mercy combo, all four other characters in this Dive variant have mobility and tools to survive in brawls. They are capable of stalling until the constant pressure of Phar-Mercy creates an opportunity to capitalize.

New Anti-Dive

Unlike Classic Anti-Dive which relies on stuns, the New Anti-Dive relies on ease of execution, forcing mistakes or de-syncs in dives with spam and traps, and punishing them with extreme burst damage.


Centered around Doomfist’s high burst damage, this composition applies a mixture of principles from Death Ball, Classic Anti-Dive and Pick Comp, but with decent ult combos.

Variant: Doomfist-McCree Dive

Junkrat-Widow Defense

Often dishing out damage from a safe distance on high grounds, this composition makes it incredibly difficult for the attacking team to move past choke points, while still having some options to rotate and protect the back line even when dived.


With both tanks having high damage and shield-breaking power, threat of environmental kills, plus the “ball & chain” cooldown combo, this comp excels in positional warfare and works best with range DPS.


This unconventional tank combo works well on maps where Roadhog can hold angles around corners and brawl. Deterring enemy tanks’ positioning with incredible shield damage and Roadhog’s Chain Hook, this composition can make unusually aggressive plays.

Pirate Ship

After the release of Orisa and Junkertown, this specific version of “El Presidente” found a lot of success on payload maps by adding even more long range damage.

Tracer-Sombra Dive

Aside from capitalizing Hack and EMP, this Dive lineup is probably best at baiting enemy team’s aggression. It has great sustain for a dive comp, and every single member has solid escape options. It has no problems dealing with drawn-out fights.

The “G.O.A.T.S” (3-3)

With unprecedented sustainability - even dwarfing other tank comps - and Brigitte protecting the back line and deterring enemy tanks, this composition easily wins in the ease-of-execution category. Almost invincible in close-quarter flat ground fights.

Sombra-Doomfist (Disruption Dive)

Plentiful disables, knockbacks, and CCs make the execution of any tactic difficult for the enemies. Not only Doomfist or Sombra can show up out of the blue, but many members also have great escape options, making this lineup frustrating to play against.

Credit to MagnificentBunny who gathered the meta compositions displayed in this article. Header image (Overwatch animated short: “Shooting Star”) and hero icons: Blizzard

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.