The best sniping spots for Widowmaker on Hollywood

The best sniping spots for Widowmaker on Hollywood

The sniping spots on Hollywood that all beginner and intermediate Widowmaker players should know. Learn the best places to contribute to the battle.

Check out all the articles in my series about the best sniping spots for Widowmaker:

Hybrid Maps

Assault Maps

Escort Maps

Aim is important, but positioning is the key to victory. As a sniper, having a good aim is indispensable, but knowing the positions from where to shoot without being seen makes the difference between life and death. I analyzed streams, videos, and pros gameplay to compile a list of the best and most used sniping spots.

Positioning when pushing, flanking, and in teamfight. We will have a look at the best placements to push, defend, take part in teamfight, and predict the movements of the enemy Widowmaker - both on offense and defense.

No Grapple shots. A Grapple shot is a scoped headshot performed in mid-air, using Grappling Hook to reach max height and “fly” momentarily. This article is thought for new or intermediate players, and I consider Grapple shots a mechanic for advanced ones. I might prepare a guide on them in the future.

Widowmaker duels. Depending on the situation, bodyshots and a correct use of your SMG (often underestimated) may be crucial, but when facing another Widowmaker you should always attempt to headshot her. We will study the best places to kill her while remaining concealed.

Keep moving. Thanks to Grappling Hook, Widowmaker is a relatively mobile hero - you should exploit this strength to rotate the spots and escape from flankers. Relying too much on the same location could be your ruin.

Note: even if I have explained some placements only from the perspective of the defenders or the attackers, you can use several of them for both purposes.

  • While explaining the spots, I might use some map callouts: List of all map callouts, and credit to their creators.

  • Beware from mobile. All pictures are optimized, but there are about 120 on this page.

First Point - Attack


Generally, the enemy Widowmaker starts from Juice, a balcony near the point. This is also a suitable position for hitscan heroes such as Soldier: 76. Luckily, there is a simple way to counter this placement.

Use the right exit from the spawn and approach the grey car. Stay crouched behind the car (image 2) and you will have a favorable visual on that specific spot - the adversary won’t notice you easily.

Move forward to check another common sniping spot: Tower. As you can see from the fourth picture, your field of view is very limited, but it is enough to detect a sniper camping the area.

The green car can be used to shoot down any hero overextending near the choke. If you crouch, most of your body will remain concealed, so this placement works well also against the enemies on Juice.

Hotel has several sniping spots:

  • From the left and right sides (images 2 and 3) you have a clear visual on the choke and the balcony.

  • The high ground (image 5) is a very used placement by Widowmakers.

  • The room on the high ground (image 4) is another relatively safe location to snipe the adversaries on the opposite high ground.

From the entrance of Pub, you can attack any enemy on the point and on the high grounds. It is a viable position once your team conquers the choke and the fight moves forward.

Do not come here right at the start of the match because you will be an easy target for most heroes. For example, Junkrat can just blow you up effortlessly in this small space.

Launching the Grappling Hook, you can reach Juice and Tower. Both these high ground placements are amazing, and can be of great help while the battle is taking place on the point.

Try to not remain stationary in the same location as the enemies might notice and attack you. From Tower you can snipe any enemy coming from Hall, and from Juice you can attack those hiding in Cafe.

You can also move to the stairs on the left side of the area to cover this first section of the road. It is rarely used, but can be profitable if the enemy team is arriving from Hall.

The final spot is situated in Server. It is a basic one, but it does its job.

A situational flanking spot near Alley. You can snipe all heroes coming from Cafe and Hall, and of course contribute to the battle on the point.

First Point - Defense

At the start of the match, you can use the blue car or the bush for some kills while the adversaries are rushing out of the spawn, but do not stay in this position for too long.

The third and fourth pictures show a “secret” spot reachable via your Grappling Hook. The field of view is very limited, but literally no one expects an attack from here.

The standard placement for Widowmaker on defense. It offers a great vision on the choke, and you can grapple to escape in various direction.

An under-used location that can give you the element of surprise.

This is also my main placement with Torbjorn :D.

I wanted to include this situational spot in Alley, but honestly it isn’t a great one. Can be used to get some kills if the opponents are stuck at the choke.

Tower is another mandatory spot to master as Widowmaker. From here you can cover the choke, all entrances, and basically all the area around the point.

People overuse this placement, so everyone knows you might be here, and there is almost no cover. A skilled Widowmaker in the enemy team is your worst nightmare as the attackers have access to several great spots to counter both Tower and Juice.

Cafe is also a valuable location. You can attack any opponent camping near the stairs of Pub, and those entering from Server or the choke. At ground level there is a small health pack.

These stairs can be used also on defense. In the second picture you are defending the choke, and in the third you are flanking the enemies heading to the point.

Hall is a basic but useful spot while the battle is taking place on the point. There is also a small health pack nearby.

Second Point - Attack


On attack, it is important to utilize all the roofs correctly. Mostly, they give access to the main road, but each of them has a specialized use.

This roof can be employed to kill the enemies camping Connector and Saloon, but it is particularly efficient against Widowmakers on Jail (image 3), which is a prominent placement on defense.

  • The first roof grants view into Hotel.

  • The second roof is very similar to the one explained before, but it excels against enemies coming from Connector.

  • The third one covers the second portion of the road and can be used to snipe people coming from the spawn.

Another popular location, and the best counter for Jail (image3).

Very basic placement. Literally anyone uses this bridge as it gives you access to the entire area.

Alley is useful when the fight moves on the second segment of the road. You can snipe people coming from the spawn, and kill anyone on Jail.

Once your team advances, you can reach Jail as well to cover the enemy spawn and the final area of the map.

The rooftop on Saloon is also advantageous as an attacker because it gives you vision on the second point.

The third picture is a flanking placement on Connector which can be used situationally.

Second Point - Defense

As the defender Widowmaker, the rooftop on Saloon is the best spot in the entire map. From here you have a perfect view on the area below, and can even snipe players on the other side of the gate.

You can also use Bridge, Bank, and this small roof below (image 3) depending on the situation.

Saloon is often the best position, but you might be forced to leave it, and as you can see there are many other valid alternatives.

I’m not a fan of Alley as the defender, but it should be used when a fight occurs here. You have also a small view on the area after the gate (image 2).

A super situational spot on Connector, but it gives you a complete cover. Excellent if the teams are fighting just in front of you.

In the first image you are inside Hotel. It works to shoot at people from a long distance while they are pushing the payload.

In the second one you are on the ground floor of Saloon. Honestly, it is a subpar placement if compared to the high ground ones, but you can still get some kills. If engaged, you can quickly escape via the rear exit or the upper floor using Grappling Hook.

Jail is also one of the most popular placements on Defense. From here you have access to the entire road, to Alley, and to the point. There are different great spots to counter your position, and many players expect a defender here, so beware both of Widowmakers and flankers.

You can also drop down to ground level to cover the area in front of you in a relatively safer space.

Third Point - Attack

As the attacker, there aren’t many great places. You can exploit the pillars and walls at ground level for some cover, but none requires an explanation.

The boxes on the left are an excellent placement when the teams are fighting on the point. You can kill easily the enemy Widowmaker (usually situated behind the big pillar at the opposite side of the map) while remaining sheltered.

Using your Grappling Hook, you can also reach this “secret” location (image 3), and shoot at all the opponents on the point.

The small balcony gives you a wide vision on the final area of the map. This placement is usually overused by Junkrat, hitscan heroes, and more, so the enemies will check it often.

Use the boxes on the left side of the point for cover while shooting at all opponents coming out of the spawn.

Third Point - Defense

Launch the Grappling Hook on the meteors to protect the area below:

  • The right one (image 1) offers some cover at a cheap vision cost.

  • From the second one you get access to all three entrances, but you are also completely exposed.

After your position is compromised, you can jump on this high ground. It is a basic and very used location, but it is still great to defend the area below.

These spots are convenient while the team is contesting the second section of the road. The high ground one is obviously the safest choice, but you vision is slightly limited.

The pillar is the most used defensive spot on the third point. From here you can attack any opponent coming from the main road, and those on the small balcony.

Not many players know that they can jump on the satellite antenna. It is useful to attack the same areas covered by the pillar, but it also provides protection from the balcony. If you stay crouched (image 2) the enemies won’t be able to see you.

Finally, also the defenders can utilize the balcony when the battle is happening on the point.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.