Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Dorado

Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Dorado

The best and safest turret spots on Dorado that work even at high ranks. Play Torbjörn only where he is useful to the team and contributes to the victory.

Check out all the articles in my series about the best turret spots for Torbjörn:

Assault Maps

Escort Maps

Hybrid Maps

Not all maps work. Torbjörn is a truly particular hero that doesn’t work well in all maps, so I will only talk about those where he can be an effective pick.

Defense only. I am aware that in some maps he may work also when played on attack, but honestly I would recommend everyone to pick Torbjörn only when on defense.

You do not need a dedicated shield. When playing Torbjörn, you should be able to contribute without the necessity of a shield-based hero such as Orisa or Reinhardt protecting your turret. Do not complain in the team chat if your turret is destroyed.

Safe placements. The main goal of your turret is to survive and provide cover fire to protect a certain area of the map. Do not place it in an open field from where literally anyone in the enemy team could detect and destroy it.

I will illustrate the best locations for your turret considering the points above.

Beside these spots, there are other viable ones depending on your rank. At lower skill ratings people will often ignore your turret, but I want you to learn only the placements that will work even against experienced players. I did include also some risky spots, and explained in detail when you may consider them.


First Point

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado first point Overwatch

Use the wall on the right to partially shelter the turret and repair it safely. Depending on the match and your rank, this placement could hold the payload even for a long time.

Pharah and Widowmaker can easily destroy it from long-range; also take care to flankers attacking from behind. If there is a Reinhardt or Orisa in the team, just place the turret behind their barrier.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado first point Overwatch

The most used location on the first point. It covers a wide area and the main entrance, but it is extremely susceptible to long-range attacks from the staircase on the right.

Placing the turret adjacent to the wall on the right will reduce its field of view, but also keep it safer. Flankers can reach you from the right side, while the left one should be protected by your own team.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado first point Overwatch

A decent spot if you have good tanks holding the bridge. The turret can attack all heroes fighting there, those coming from the staircase on the right, and even protect your back-line.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado first point Overwatch

A bad place, but it does work for the final fight on the point. Particularly effective if you have Molten Core ready as it will wipe out both the enemies in the room on the left and those pushing the payload (if they don’t use it for cover).

Alternatively, you could put the turret on the right side, near the staircase. But, that placement has a very limited vision of the point, and the enemies usually spam that area with missiles and grenades.

Second Point

Most high ground spots do not work because there are only open platforms. Pharah, Genji, and Junkrat can reach any position and immediately dispose of your turret.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado second point Overwatch

The turret won’t last for a long time, but if your team is on the road below when the gates open, you will be able to block at least one attack. Afterwards, just relocate as the enemies know your position and will flank you. Your team can’t maintain the control of this area.

Do not place the turret too much on the right or Widowmaker and Pharah will be able to attack it from the high ground on the red gate.

There is a staircase behind to reach this place.

Torbjorn turret Dorado protect road spot second point

The turret has a narrow field of view, but is able to cover the road. Usually, the team can’t commit many resources to protect this portion of the road, so you can’t exploit this spot for long. Still, it is helpful during some teamfights. The tree helps hiding the turret.

Torbjorn turret Dorado house spot second point

This room is a solid location for the turret. It has a great vision on the point and the road, and it is partly protected thanks to the wall on the left (beware to flankers). Your team will fight right in front of you, providing extra cover.

Snipers and Pharas can destroy it from long range, especially if the enemy team took control of the high ground, but usually your team should be able to react quickly against them.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado second point Overwatch

Some players place the turret in Church, near one window. This placement can work to block a push, particularly if you have Molten Core ready, but afterwards the enemy team will instantly destroy your turret as this is an area under their control.

Third Point

There are no great placements in the first area of the third point. Often, you will place the turret just behind your teammates, abusing their bodies for cover. You can put it on the high ground for a fight or two, but it won’t last for long there.

Instead, the second area has many safer placements which can be used to stop the enemies moving the payload and to defend your supports from flankers.

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado third point Overwatch

I love this location. It keeps your spawn area safe and has a solid view on the point.

I didn't hide the HUD because the turret is really hard to notice behind that door. Enemies won’t spot it easily, and they must enter in this area to attack it (or flank you from the high ground).

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado third point Overwatch

It does its job while the teams are fighting on the point. Don’t place the turret to the left or long-range attackers will shoot at it from the high ground. Enemies can get here via the window on the right side (Warehouse).

Torbjorn turret spot Dorado third point Overwatch

A really safe placement, but the turret only covers a small portion of the point. It counters flankers approaching from the right, creating a safe zone for your supports. One of my preferred spots when the payload is in an advanced position.

Torbjorn turret Dorado anti attack placement third point

You can use this location to disrupt the final attack, especially if Molten Core is charged. If the enemy team blindly rushes on the point, you will be able to kill some of them quickly.


Header image: Blizzard

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.