How to survive the Coil-Head in Lethal Company

How to survive the Coil-Head in Lethal Company

This is a Do/Don’t style guide on how to survive and play against the Coil-Head in Lethal Company for new/intermediate players. The guide will follow the chronological order starting from the first encounter.

This guide has been published in collaboration with reddit user BaconDragon-. If you find it useful, please support him by following his Twitter. You can find him also on Discord as bacondragon_.

More Lethal Company guides:


◉ = only for groups

◍ = only for solo

I - Initial contact

You hear swift noises. Turning your head around, you see a bloody mannequin with a spring instead of a neck. It does not move for now.


  • Look at the Coil-Head. While doing it, try to recall as much information about your surroundings as possible. Where is the exit? Are there other dangers? Where can you fall to death? If you are alone, those will be vital.

  • ⌈◉⌋ If possible, alert all members of the group about the danger. Reorganize and select a person to look at the Coil-Head.

  • Look out for other dangers.


  • Do not, under any circumstance, break eye contact.

  • Do not approach it unless it is blocking a path.

  • Do not try to outrun it.

Coil Head side view Lethal Company

II - Object of interest

Terrified, you stare at the Coil-Head, deciding your next move.


  • ⌈◉⌋ If you have access to the terminal, send a member of the group to look for a heavy door that leads to a dead end. If it exists, by quickly looking away, lead the Coil-Head behind the door, get out, and command to close the door. The Coil-Head is now locked inside. You can continue your journey, but be careful since it can clip through the door.

  • ⌈◉⌋ If you have no access to the terminal and you want to continue looting, select a member of the group to look at the Coil-Head (called “watcher” from this point on), equip him with a way of communication (walkie-talkie), or instruct him to move a bit every couple of seconds to be seen alive on the radar (if you have a person on the ship). Stay in contact at all times. The watcher is an easy target for Brackens or other enemies. Any further Coil-Heads should be brought to the watcher.

  • ⌈◍⌋ Sadly, it is recommended to consider Coil-Heads as “run killers”. Collecting scrap is extremely difficult, and any mistake or distraction will lead to death. However, there are still some ways around: The Coil-Head can be stunned via a Stun Grenade and blocked for a couple of seconds by closed doors. Use this to your advantage.

  • Plan your escape no matter what. The situation can get worse any second. You will need to be ready to get out.


  • Do not waste doors, do not try to lock it behind one for good. It will open them quickly.

  • Grabbing the Apparatus is equivalent to a death sentence. Additional enemies and lights out will be fatal almost all times.

III - Exiting the complex

You decide to leave the facility.


  • Take the most loot you can, and if needed, leave behind your utility item (if the item is cheaper than the loot and is not essential for your survival, for example: Shovel/Ext. Ladder). Returning is extremely dangerous.

    • Strategy 1: Find a nearby door or prepare a stun grenade. You will have only one chance. Lure the Coil-Head behind the door or to a safe position to stun. Execute your stun or close the door and rush to the exit. You will have just enough time to escape.

    • Strategy 2: Find an angle that gives you the ability to see the Coil-Head and exit the facility at the same time. It is risky and recommended to be attempted only if the first option is impossible.

  • ⌈◉⌋ Remember this rule: “The first one to make it out of the complex will live.” There is always the option to sacrifice your teammate and leave him watching the Coil-Head while you exit.


  • Do not attempt to exit without a strategy. You will die.

  • The best way to save the sacrificed player is via the teleporter. Attempting a rescue operation is dangerous.

Please feel free to comment if you have any questions or anything to add. Any criticism or advice is appreciated.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.