PPD's opinion on current Dota Pro Circuit

PPD's opinion on current Dota Pro Circuit

Peter "ppd" Dager shared his opinion on the new Dota Pro Circuit, and principally on the unfairness of the Major/Minor invites in the actual system.

The Dire, ppd’s team, is currently playing in four different qualifiers:

  • StarLadder Invitational S3

  • PGL Open Bucharest

  • ESL One Hamburg

  • Dota Summit 8

Any team that wishes to take part at TI8 must compete in all possible qualifiers to create opportunities to earn points. In the present system, qualifiers and LAN events often overlap each other, thus the players are required a substantial physical and mental effort to reach their goal.

2-3 bo3’s/bo5’s a day for 9-10 days. We wake up around 10AM and start playing around noon. We usually end before midnight. 12 hour + days for a week and a half.

Realistically if we qualify for all of these tournaments in October we will not have the time to play the qualifiers for tournaments in November because we will be attending these tournaments in Europe. 2nd/3rd/4th weeks of October.

PPD points out that those who receive a direct invite to events have a huge advantage because they can skip some qualifiers, and compete in others, increasing the number of potential points they can earn for TI8.

Concluding, he doesn’t have an answer to the problem: the tweet intended to create a discussion around the issue, and maybe find a solution together.

I don’t think we (the Dire) deserve any invites and I apologize if my intentions were unclear. I want a fair system when over 40 million dollars are at stake.

Which steps should Valve undertake to improve the current structure?


Header Image: Valve

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.