Skulz’s Dota Competitive Hero Tier List October 2019

The Dota 2 Competitive Hero Tier List for October 2019 includes data from patch 7.22h, for a total of 537 games. The heroes are split in five groups.

  • All heroes are arranged in five tiers based on their draft rate. The tiers are viewed as clusters of data, and each hero is placed in the one they are closer the most.

  • The requisites for each tier never change. The goal is offering a neutral comparison that shows how the meta evolves over time.

  • The win rate has no effect on the tiers, but is included for further info. The tiers depend only on drafts (picks + bans), and aren't affected either by the win rate of a hero, or by their performance in pub matches.

This tier list contains all pro matches played from October 1st to 29th during patch 7.22h, including ESL One Hamburg 2019.

Past Tier List: September 2019

More: Updated Dota 2 Hero Tier List

Quick links

Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4 - Tier 5

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Tier 1

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Kunkka 489 91.1% 139 25.9% 350 65.2% 54.7%
Faceless Void 472 87.9% 139 25.9% 333 62.0% 64.8%
Gyrocopter 424 79.0% 199 37.1% 225 41.9% 44.7%
Mirana 386 71.9% 162 30.2% 224 41.7% 57.4%
Abaddon 343 63.9% 122 22.7% 221 41.2% 66.4%
Leshrac 339 63.1% 140 26.1% 199 37.1% 55.7%

The division in tiers is never perfect, and sometimes the heroes at the limit between the highest tiers have similar draft rates.

Tier 2

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Lina 320 59.6% 138 25.7% 182 33.9% 45.7%
Outworld Devourer 315 58.7% 53 9.9% 262 48.8% 54.7%
Keeper of the Light 309 57.5% 118 22.0% 191 35.6% 51.7%
Rubick 309 57.5% 203 37.8% 106 19.7% 46.3%
Ember Spirit 306 57.0% 146 27.2% 160 29.8% 39.7%
Shadow Demon 305 56.8% 118 22.0% 187 34.8% 52.5%
Night Stalker 291 54.2% 62 11.6% 229 42.6% 58.1%
Tiny 286 53.3% 142 26.4% 144 26.8% 43.0%
Undying 268 49.9% 115 21.4% 153 28.5% 46.1%
Magnus 256 47.7% 82 15.3% 174 32.4% 53.7%
Ogre Magi 251 46.7% 156 29.1% 95 17.7% 50.0%

Faceless Void is the most dangerous hard carry of 7.22h

Void is a hero that often comes back into the meta because he possesses a teamfight-changing AoE ultimate (Chronosphere), so we can play him both as a carry or an offlane initiator.

The current style of the hero used by pro players is the classic hard carry. He is able to win the lane phase in most games, and can acquire kills easily with the help of a support or a ganker: if the team provides him enough time and farm, Void is able to lead his team to victory against almost any matchup.

Time Lock adds about 20% attack speed

I firmly believe that Time Lock is one of the main reasons behind his new rise in the charts.

Time Lock was reworked in patch 7.20, and now this passive ability doesn’t apply just a bash (which is already quite strong), but also an extra attack on the target.

The bash effect locks the enemy unit in time and inflicts spell damage (Time Lock damage is dealt separately from the instant attack). On average, it adds 3/4.8/7/9.6 damage to every attack, and 11.4/16/21/26.4 with the level 15 talent +70 Time Lock Damage.

However, the bash is just a tiny effect if compared to the extra attack. When Time Lock procs, FV performs an instant attack on the target, which can trigger attack modifiers normally, so it can proc any effect obtained via items and abilities, even Time Lock itself!

Valve also buffed Time Lock in 7.22c with a 2% proc chance increase at all levels, from 10%/14%/18%/22% to 12%/16%/20%/24%.

Overall, the instant attack is pretty much equal to at least 20% extra attack speed once maxed out. Depending on your items, you have an increase of 50-80 flat attack speed in the mid game, and even more in the late game once you are six-slotted.

Faceless Void’s skill build

The image below shows the four most popular skill builds used in competitive games during October.

  • Time Walk isn’t just an escape tool, but it also boosts your farming speed as you can move faster in the jungle.

  • Time Lock at level 1 is extremely useful if your team is looking for a fight at the Bounty Rune, or if you will trade blows aggressively in the very early lane phase.

Void must be ready to fight and help the team at any time because we live in a very combative meta, so maxing out Time Lock first is the most followed build path at the moment.

Most popular Faceless Void’s skill builds in October- DatDota

Most popular Faceless Void’s skill builds in October- DatDota

Survivability, team fight control, and late game dominance

While you must always be careful when farming, Void’s skillset grants great survivability and even a chance to retaliate against attackers thanks to Chronosphere, so depending on the enemy’s lineup you can even farm in more dangerous areas of the map.

The opponents will often “lose” time trying to gank you, and in turn, you will create space for the rest of the team, increasing the chances to push a lane or execute a successful gank on the enemy cores.

Note that even if FV has better survivability than most carries, he requires more farm to deal real damage and dominate the game because he is item-dependant - and he also lacks a natural farming ability, thus he must buy Maelstrom.

Nevertheless, he is able to help his team at any time with a solid Chronosphere, attaining the control of the battle (even if on a long cooldown).

Afterwards, he becomes one of the best hard carries in the game, particularly in a 1vs1 situation because of his innate bash (which procs a lot as you usually build attack speed items such as Mjollnir) and the 5-second permanent disable provided by Chronosphere.

Level 25 talent: Backtrack or Chronosphere AoE

I think that 25% Backtrack is the better choice as the level 25 talent (for your games): it drastically improves your survivability in team fights and ganks that do not go as expected, so it helps to recover from a bad fight or initiation.

Backtrack is basically a better version of evasion because it works both on auto-attacks and nukes, and it isn’t pierced by Monkey King Bar. Avoiding even just a single spell can make the difference between life and death for a squishy full-DPS hero such as Faceless Void.

+175 Chronosphere AoE is the most popular pick in pubs, and according to Dotabuff, it is selected in 63.9% of the games.

There are several situations when having a larger AoE is the preferable choice - for example, in a competitive environment the players know they must spread out against Void - but having a bigger Chronosphere also means that your team can’t help as much, so you will often impede their actions in an unorganized party.

The Corruption of Nezzureem loading screen for Faceless Void - Valve

The Corruption of Nezzureem loading screen for Faceless Void - Valve

Most bought items by pros

These are the most bought items on Faceless Void by pro players during October:

  • Wraith Band: 181

  • Power Treads: 160

  • Maelstrom: 144

  • Black King Bar: 119

  • Mjollnir: 118

  • Hand of Midas: 80

  • Satanic: 55

  • Monkey King Bar: 28

  • Manta Style: 27

  • Butterfly: 27

  • Linken’s Sphere: 14

  • Diffusal Blade: 10

  • Mask of Madness: 9

Note: Only 5 Aghanim’s Scepter.

The list doesn’t include consumables and basic items.

Wraith Band is the default item that does its job in most matches, and two of them do boost your damage a lot for the first Chronosphere kill at level 6.

Hand of Midas is a niche pick you get only if the lane is going extraordinarily well: it is an excellent choice if you can build it in 12-14 minutes. Its first piece, Gloves of Haste, helps trading hits and proccing Time Lock.

Mask of Madness was a popular item in the past, but nowadays it is barely bought. Still, I believe it can be of great help in pub games if you have a successful early game, in order to acquire more kills and snowball. With MoM, two Wraith Bands, and Power Treads on agility, you can kill most not-tanky heroes during Chronosphere.

Maelstrom is a must to increase your farm speed as Faceless Void requires several items to become a threat in the late game.

Aghanim’s Scepter decreases the cooldown of the ultimate from 140 to 60 seconds, but it has been picked only five times in pro games during October. The item was popular when Void was played as an offlaner as landing Chronosphere was his main job while other heroes dished out most of the damage, but in the current meta he is the main carry of the team.

Reducing the cooldown of the ultimate is indeed useful, however there are other items you must prioritize first, so you should consider Aghanim’s only for the last item slot.

Black King Bar is a core item because of the huge amount of disables in Dota 2 via skills and items: unless you land a perfect 5-man Chronosphere, the remaining enemies will try their best to stop your attacks.

Butterfly provides a high raw DPS, but Monkey King Bar is generally more useful because it helps to deal against evasion/Radiance users, and versus armored targets as Pierce’s damage is magical.

Tier 3

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Legion Commander 215 40.0% 111 20.7% 104 19.4% 53.2%
Chen 188 35.0% 41 7.6% 147 27.4% 63.4%
Lifestealer 187 34.8% 60 11.2% 127 23.7% 46.7%
Sand King 186 34.6% 102 19.0% 84 15.6% 47.1%
Axe 182 33.9% 84 15.6% 98 18.3% 40.5%
Omniknight 180 33.5% 62 11.6% 118 22.0% 54.8%
Bloodseeker 178 33.2% 60 11.2% 118 22.0% 51.7%
Centaur Warrunner 173 32.2% 94 17.5% 79 14.7% 42.6%
Slark 168 31.3% 47 8.8% 121 22.5% 40.4%
Morphling 160 29.8% 47 8.8% 113 21.0% 44.7%
Earthshaker 157 29.2% 88 16.4% 69 12.9% 46.6%
Invoker 155 28.9% 78 14.5% 77 14.3% 60.3%
Juggernaut 142 26.4% 80 14.9% 62 11.6% 46.3%
Templar Assassin 139 25.9% 66 12.3% 73 13.6% 59.1%

Tier 4

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Naga Siren 123 22.9% 25 4.7% 98 18.3% 48.0%
Alchemist 116 21.6% 41 7.6% 75 14.0% 46.3%
Crystal Maiden 115 21.4% 93 17.3% 22 4.1% 59.1%
Winter Wyvern 105 19.6% 46 8.6% 59 11.0% 52.2%
Timbersaw 105 19.6% 34 6.3% 71 13.2% 38.2%
Pugna 104 19.4% 43 8.0% 61 11.4% 44.2%
Grimstroke 102 19.0% 82 15.3% 20 3.7% 53.7%
Treant Protector 101 18.8% 52 9.7% 49 9.1% 50.0%
Beastmaster 101 18.8% 47 8.8% 54 10.1% 46.8%
Razor 92 17.1% 44 8.2% 48 8.9% 50.0%
Death Prophet 90 16.8% 42 7.8% 48 8.9% 59.5%
Jakiro 87 16.2% 68 12.7% 19 3.5% 58.8%
Skywrath Mage 86 16.0% 58 10.8% 28 5.2% 48.3%
Broodmother 82 15.3% 13 2.4% 69 12.9% 53.9%
Wraith King 82 15.3% 46 8.6% 36 6.7% 47.8%
Batrider 80 14.9% 26 4.8% 54 10.1% 34.6%
Zeus 78 14.5% 46 8.6% 32 6.0% 54.4%
Lich 73 13.6% 61 11.4% 12 2.2% 37.7%
Chaos Knight 71 13.2% 41 7.6% 30 5.6% 61.0%
Storm Spirit 68 12.7% 39 7.3% 29 5.4% 30.8%
Bane 67 12.5% 50 9.3% 17 3.2% 34.0%
Shadow Shaman 63 11.7% 49 9.1% 14 2.6% 49.0%
Lycan 62 11.6% 22 4.1% 40 7.5% 63.6%
Enchantress 62 11.6% 17 3.2% 45 8.4% 47.1%
Bristleback 61 11.4% 40 7.5% 21 3.9% 35.0%
Spectre 61 11.4% 42 7.8% 19 3.5% 40.5%
Ancient Apparition 60 11.2% 37 6.9% 23 4.3% 59.5%
Queen of Pain 60 11.2% 15 2.8% 45 8.4% 73.3%
Puck 57 10.6% 35 6.5% 22 4.1% 34.3%
Oracle 56 10.4% 40 7.5% 16 3.0% 42.5%
Tidehunter 52 9.7% 27 5.0% 25 4.7% 44.4%
Phantom Lancer 52 9.7% 31 5.8% 21 3.9% 58.1%
Meepo 51 9.5% 13 2.4% 38 7.1% 46.2%
Clockwerk 49 9.1% 20 3.7% 29 5.4% 60.0%
Elder Titan 46 8.6% 21 3.9% 25 4.7% 57.1%
Monkey King 43 8.0% 20 3.7% 23 4.3% 45.0%
Dazzle 40 7.5% 26 4.8% 14 2.6% 57.7%
Viper 40 7.5% 23 4.3% 17 3.2% 47.8%
Slardar 40 7.5% 17 3.2% 23 4.3% 64.7%
Dark Willow 38 7.1% 30 5.6% 8 1.5% 43.3%
Troll Warlord 38 7.1% 25 4.7% 13 2.4% 44.0%
Disruptor 38 7.1% 34 6.3% 4 0.7% 47.1%
Enigma 38 7.1% 19 3.5% 19 3.5% 68.4%
Techies 37 6.9% 7 1.3% 30 5.6% 42.9%
Anti-Mage 37 6.9% 12 2.2% 25 4.7% 66.7%
Dragon Knight 35 6.5% 27 5.0% 8 1.5% 63.0%
Phoenix 34 6.3% 22 4.1% 12 2.2% 45.5%
Huskar 34 6.3% 10 1.9% 24 4.5% 80.0%
Pangolier 32 6.0% 20 3.7% 12 2.2% 55.0%
Tusk 32 6.0% 25 4.7% 7 1.3% 56.0%
Sniper 32 6.0% 19 3.5% 13 2.4% 36.8%
Phantom Assassin 31 5.8% 21 3.9% 10 1.9% 66.7%
Necrophos 30 5.6% 20 3.7% 10 1.9% 65.0%

In tier 4 and 5 we find all the situational heroes. They are strong when paired with others, or against specific lineups. These heroes aren't bad, they just don't work in every game, so the pick and ban rates aren't outstanding.

Tier 5

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Warlock 27 5.0% 23 4.3% 4 0.7% 43.5%
Drow Ranger 26 4.8% 13 2.4% 13 2.4% 61.5%
Earth Spirit 25 4.7% 18 3.4% 7 1.3% 38.9%
Lion 25 4.7% 21 3.9% 4 0.7% 33.3%
Silencer 23 4.3% 17 3.2% 6 1.1% 35.3%
Bounty Hunter 23 4.3% 11 2.1% 12 2.2% 27.3%
Shadow Fiend 23 4.3% 18 3.4% 5 0.9% 44.4%
Venomancer 22 4.1% 10 1.9% 12 2.2% 60.0%
Tinker 20 3.7% 11 2.1% 9 1.7% 27.3%
Witch Doctor 20 3.7% 19 3.5% 1 0.2% 36.8%
Weaver 19 3.5% 12 2.2% 7 1.3% 58.3%
Nyx Assassin 18 3.4% 10 1.9% 8 1.5% 70.0%
Sven 18 3.4% 13 2.4% 5 0.9% 46.2%
Pudge 18 3.4% 16 3.0% 2 0.4% 68.8%
Arc Warden 17 3.2% 7 1.3% 10 1.9% 71.4%
Underlord 16 3.0% 10 1.9% 6 1.1% 30.0%
Io 15 2.8% 7 1.3% 8 1.5% 71.4%
Nature's Prophet 15 2.8% 13 2.4% 2 0.4% 30.8%
Terrorblade 14 2.6% 11 2.1% 3 0.6% 54.6%
Mars 13 2.4% 9 1.7% 4 0.7% 66.7%
Medusa 9 1.7% 6 1.1% 3 0.6% 16.7%
Brewmaster 9 1.7% 7 1.3% 2 0.4% 42.9%
Dark Seer 9 1.7% 5 0.9% 4 0.7% 40.0%
Windranger 9 1.7% 7 1.3% 2 0.4% 42.9%
Vengeful Spirit 9 1.7% 7 1.3% 2 0.4% 0.0%
Luna 8 1.5% 4 0.7% 4 0.7% 25.0%
Spirit Breaker 7 1.3% 6 1.1% 1 0.2% 16.7%
Riki 7 1.3% 6 1.1% 1 0.2% 33.3%
Visage 6 1.1% 6 1.1% 0 0.0% 33.3%
Lone Druid 5 0.9% 2 0.4% 3 0.6% 0.0%
Ursa 5 0.9% 5 0.9% 0 0.0% 40.0%
Doom 3 0.6% 2 0.4% 1 0.2% 0.0%
Clinkz 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 100%

Heroes not drafted

All the heroes were picked or banned!

Next Tier List: November 2019

Header image (Elements of the Endless Plane Loading Screen for Faceless Void) and hero icons: Valve - Statistics: DatDota

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.