Skulz’s Dota Competitive Hero Tier List February 2020

Skulz’s Dota Competitive Hero Tier List February 2020

The Dota 2 Competitive Hero Tier List for February 2020 includes only data from patch 7.24, for a total of 440 games. The heroes are split in five groups.

  • All heroes are arranged in five tiers based on their draft rate. The tiers are viewed as clusters of data, and each hero is placed in the one they are closer the most.

  • The requisites for each tier never change. The goal is offering a neutral comparison that shows how the meta evolves over time.

  • The win rate has no effect on the tiers, but is included for further info. The tiers depend only on drafts (picks + bans), and aren’t affected either by the win rate of a hero, or by their performance in pub matches.

This tier list contains all pro matches played from February 1st to 25th during version 7.24, including WePlay! Tug of War: Mad Moon.

Past Tier List: January 2020

More: Updated Dota 2 Hero Tier List

All tables are responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in or click the grey area of each table to swipe and sort them.

Tier 1

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Enchantress 394 89.6% 105 23.9% 289 65.7% 51.4%
Snapfire 374 85.0% 142 32.3% 232 52.7% 50.0%
Batrider 332 75.5% 107 24.3% 225 51.1% 59.8%
Slardar 322 73.2% 139 31.6% 183 41.6% 59.7%
Puck 298 67.7% 135 30.7% 163 37.1% 50.4%
Nyx Assassin 272 61.8% 85 19.3% 187 42.5% 61.2%
Timbersaw 263 59.8% 77 17.5% 186 42.3% 61.0%
Lifestealer 258 58.6% 93 21.1% 165 37.5% 49.5%
Void Spirit 257 58.4% 115 26.1% 142 32.3% 46.1%

The division in tiers is never perfect, and sometimes the heroes at the limit between the highest tiers have similar draft rates.

Learn more: Recently, I talked about the most popular offlaners at Immortal during patch 7.24. The analysis features Slardar, Mars, Underlord, Legion Commander, and Clockwerk.

Tier 2

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Slark 217 49.3% 58 13.2% 159 36.1% 44.8%
Troll Warlord 213 48.4% 100 22.7% 113 25.7% 59.0%
Tiny 211 48.0% 96 21.8% 115 26.1% 46.9%
Io 207 47.1% 35 8.0% 172 39.1% 37.1%
Lich 205 46.6% 132 30.0% 73 16.6% 47.0%
Morphling 200 45.5% 78 17.7% 122 27.7% 44.9%
Templar Assassin 199 45.2% 74 16.8% 125 28.4% 50.0%
Rubick 195 44.3% 133 30.2% 62 14.1% 45.9%
Razor 195 44.3% 68 15.5% 127 28.9% 58.8%
Ancient Apparition 185 42.1% 91 20.7% 94 21.4% 59.3%
Oracle 182 41.4% 100 22.7% 82 18.6% 52.0%


Timbersaw was one of the most popular and successful heroes at the recent WePlay! Tug of War: Mad Moon with 15 picks and a 73% win rate.

He received almost no changes in the recent patches, but the hero works very well in this meta with many right-clickers among the top picks.

How to deal with Timbersaw in the laning phase

Timbersaw is one of the most difficult offlaners to deal with, especially if you are an auto-attacker because he can regenerate endlessly via Reactive Armor. Here are a few tips to improve your laning phase against him:

Trilanes. Timbersaw can face almost any duo lane, so you need to devote extra resources and a third hero to suppress him. This isn’t always viable as your team must also get a competent solo offlaner.

Pick a hard counter. Even Timbersaw is weak against certain picks. In particular, I recommend Ursa or Huskar. Both of them are able to out-harass his health regeneration, and can win the lane with some help from the support.

Timbersaw requires some experience before being able to dominate the lane, so at early levels your goal is harassing and zoning him out of the experience range. Do not be afraid to use several consumables early on as gaining a level advantage will do wonders.

Burst magic damage. Heroes who can spam magic damage are a big nuisance. For example, Jakiro has a great skillset to damage and slow him, and Witch Doctor can annihilate Timbersaw with Maledict plus the help of another nuker.

Swap lanes. Often, this is the simplest solution to secure the farm of the carry, but in a pub environment it can be hard to achieve as most players refuse to change their lane after the game starts.

How to come back from a lost lane

Farming patterns. Even if you lose the lane, several carries can jungle at a decent speed from level 5-6 (for example Slark). If you are able to maximize your farm efficiency in the successive 10-15 minutes (jungle + lane creeps), you will able to catch up even after a difficult laning phase.

Selective team fighting. You are the carry, so you must be selfish: only take part in team fights where you can make the difference or get a few kills. Gaining as much gold as possible is your priority, so sometimes you must prefer farming over fighting.

The main issue with this tactic is that if the mid lane loses as well, you will have several cores jungling and farming for most of the game, but in this case, Timbersaw was not the only problem ;).

The Maniacal Machinist loading screen for Timbersaw - Valve

The Maniacal Machinist loading screen for Timbersaw - Valve

When to play Timbersaw

Generally, you should pick Timbersaw in the following situations:

  • If there are many right-clickers because you can survive against them thanks to the armor and health regeneration provided by Reactive Armor.

  • If there are several strength-based heroes as Whirling Death is very effective against them.

  • When the enemy team has almost no heroes with silences, stuns, and lockdowns.

  • When your team has heroes with silences, stuns, and lockdowns. Timbersaw is an offlaner without hard disables, so his team must make up for this weakness in order to win the match.

  • When facing illusions-based heroes as you have lots of magic and pure AoE damage to deal with them. 

  • When the enemy team has no magic burst damage heroes who can mess your laning phase - such as Skywrath or Pugna.

Skill build

All the popular Timbersaw’s skill builds used by pro players in February maxed out Reactive Armor in the laning stage: this is fundamental for your own survivability.

A point into Whirling Death is sufficient as this ability is used to reduce the primary attribute of the enemy core, which will impair their last-hitting capabilities and harassing power.

Finally, a level into Timber Chain is also adequate for escaping or ganking purposes.

Most popular Timbersaw’s skill builds in February - DatDota

Most popular Timbersaw’s skill builds in February - DatDota

Most bought items by pros

These are the most bought items on Timbersaw by pro players during February: 

  • Arcane Boots: 84

  • Soul Ring: 66

  • Pipe of Insight: 49

  • Lotus Orb: 37

  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: 33

  • Kaya: 24

  • Guardian Graves: 20

  • Heaven’s Halberd: 17

  • Bloodstone: 17

  • Boots of Travel: 13

The list doesn’t include consumables and basic items.

Soul Ring and Arcane Boots are an obvious choice as the hero is heavy mana-consuming. In the late game, you want Boots of Travel for the increased mobility.

Timbersaw must be very active on the map to create space, harass the opponent team, and eventually snowball.

Eul’s Scepter of Divinity is the cheapest item to achieve his goals as it grants bonus movement speed and lots of mana regeneration (Timber Chain is spammed to move quickly, and it has a 4-second cooldown with a 90 mana cost). Eul also counters silences and slows as it applies a basic dispel on the target upon cast.

Guardian Graves increases the survivability of the whole team, and the active ability Mend also removes most negative effects.

Pipe of Insight is a must pick if there is even a single magic nuker in the enemy team, while Lotus Orb provides armor, useful stats, a shield that can actually outplay many heroes, and a dispel on the target.

In total, three among the top items bought by pro players have a dispel effect to counter disables such as silence and slow: similarly to a caster, Timber is completely helpless if he can’t cast his spells during a team fight!

Finally, Bloodstone is a big boost to mana and survivability, and Heaven’s Halberd is a specific pick when dealing with troublesome auto-attackers, like Troll Warlord, who is currently a top pick in this meta: he can literally melt anything while using his ultimate (Eul’s Scepter counters Troll’s Battle Trance as well).

The Stumpgrinder loading screen for Timbersaw - Valve

The Stumpgrinder loading screen for Timbersaw - Valve

How to play Timbersaw in the laning phase

Many players in pub games try to get kills early on with Timbersaw, but this is a huge mistake because the hero is quite weak at early levels.

You want a solo lane to acquire experience as fast as possible, as you will become a real menace only after level 5.

The opponents are threatened by your presence, and they will try to harass and zone you out, but in most cases they won’t succeed because of your innate defense. After you gain a level advantage over the duo lane, they won’t be able to deal with you anymore.

From that moment onwards, you can disrupt the enemy carry’s farm with Whirling Death and be a constant nuisance by standing in the middle of the creep wave; all while remaining basically at full health as you have already invested three points into Reactive Armor.

After level 6-7, the opponent team may be forced to group up to gank you, in a desperate attempt to help their carry, thus leaving your main cores in free lanes. Timbersaw excels at creating space for his cores as only a few heroes can deal with him, and if you play safe enough, you will also survive most gank attempts.

Timbersaw as a mid laner

Timbersaw is also a strong pick in the mid lane, especially when fighting heroes with only physical damage and poor disables.

The following video shows OG’s Topias Miikka “Topson” Taavitsainen as Timbersaw facing Templar Assassin played by Rasmus Johan “Chessie” Blomdin, who is currently the mid laner of OG Seed.

Topson got 82 CS in 10 minutes, but honestly he had a better matchup because TA can’t harass or trade hits against him. As soon as Timbersaw hits level 6, TA is pretty much forced to give up on the lane to not be killed.

During most of the early game, the enemy heroes were visible on the map, so Topson could farm aggressively without risking sudden ganks.

Tier 3

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Phantom Lancer 175 39.8% 61 13.9% 114 25.9% 47.5%
Disruptor 174 39.6% 101 23.0% 73 16.6% 40.6%
Omniknight 173 39.3% 54 12.3% 119 27.1% 44.4%
Earthshaker 167 38.0% 105 23.9% 62 14.1% 56.2%
Clockwerk 160 36.4% 81 18.4% 79 18.0% 54.3%
Winter Wyvern 127 28.9% 60 13.6% 67 15.2% 46.7%
Ember Spirit 127 28.9% 71 16.1% 56 12.7% 35.2%
Faceless Void 124 28.2% 59 13.4% 65 14.8% 50.9%
Bloodseeker 123 28.0% 42 9.6% 81 18.4% 50.0%
Outworld Devourer 122 27.7% 44 10.0% 78 17.7% 50.0%
Huskar 121 27.5% 19 4.3% 102 23.2% 47.4%
Naga Siren 116 26.4% 23 5.2% 93 21.1% 39.1%
Mars 114 25.9% 66 15.0% 48 10.9% 54.6%
Pangolier 101 23.0% 58 13.2% 43 9.8% 55.2%
Leshrac 100 22.7% 54 12.3% 46 10.5% 48.2%
Beastmaster 96 21.8% 51 11.6% 45 10.2% 49.0%
Legion Commander 94 21.4% 58 13.2% 36 8.2% 41.4%
Abaddon 93 21.1% 50 11.4% 43 9.8% 36.0%
Magnus 93 21.1% 41 9.3% 52 11.8% 46.3%
Chen 93 21.1% 44 10.0% 49 11.1% 63.6%
Monkey King 92 20.9% 55 12.5% 37 8.4% 60.0%
Shadow Fiend 91 20.7% 50 11.4% 41 9.3% 46.0%
Kunkka 90 20.5% 46 10.5% 44 10.0% 52.2%

Tier 4

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Storm Spirit 84 19.1% 54 12.3% 30 6.8% 57.4%
Centaur Warrunner 81 18.4% 56 12.7% 25 5.7% 44.6%
Dark Seer 80 18.2% 48 10.9% 32 7.3% 58.3%
Lone Druid 73 16.6% 23 5.2% 50 11.4% 56.5%
Meepo 71 16.1% 14 3.2% 57 13.0% 85.7%
Viper 70 15.9% 16 3.6% 54 12.3% 31.3%
Medusa 66 15.0% 34 7.7% 32 7.3% 52.9%
Lina 65 14.8% 36 8.2% 29 6.6% 47.2%
Doom 63 14.3% 36 8.2% 27 6.1% 41.7%
Riki 61 13.9% 30 6.8% 31 7.1% 56.7%
Shadow Demon 56 12.7% 30 6.8% 26 5.9% 46.7%
Treant Protector 54 12.3% 27 6.1% 27 6.1% 40.7%
Nature's Prophet 52 11.8% 37 8.4% 15 3.4% 46.0%
Anti-Mage 44 10.0% 20 4.6% 24 5.5% 70.0%
Invoker 43 9.8% 18 4.1% 25 5.7% 50.0%
Broodmother 43 9.8% 8 1.8% 35 8.0% 25.0%
Death Prophet 40 9.1% 23 5.2% 17 3.9% 60.9%
Pugna 39 8.9% 24 5.5% 15 3.4% 54.2%
Arc Warden 37 8.4% 17 3.9% 20 4.6% 35.3%
Gyrocopter 36 8.2% 25 5.7% 11 2.5% 48.0%
Earth Spirit 35 8.0% 26 5.9% 9 2.1% 46.2%
Underlord 29 6.6% 24 5.5% 5 1.1% 45.8%
Skywrath Mage 27 6.1% 22 5.0% 5 1.1% 63.6%
Grimstroke 26 5.9% 24 5.5% 2 0.5% 25.0%
Spectre 26 5.9% 23 5.2% 3 0.7% 52.2%
Venomancer 26 5.9% 12 2.7% 14 3.2% 50.0%
Queen of Pain 26 5.9% 13 3.0% 13 3.0% 61.5%
Silencer 25 5.7% 15 3.4% 10 2.3% 40.0%
Dragon Knight 25 5.7% 14 3.2% 11 2.5% 35.7%
Drow Ranger 25 5.7% 13 3.0% 12 2.7% 15.4%
Sven 24 5.5% 18 4.1% 6 1.4% 50.0%
Necrophos 23 5.2% 15 3.4% 8 1.8% 60.0%
Tidehunter 23 5.2% 14 3.2% 9 2.1% 50.0%
Vengeful Spirit 23 5.2% 21 4.8% 2 0.5% 42.9%
Dark Willow 22 5.0% 19 4.3% 3 0.7% 57.9%
Elder Titan 22 5.0% 17 3.9% 5 1.1% 47.1%
Juggernaut 22 5.0% 17 3.9% 5 1.1% 52.9%

In tier 4 and 5 we find all the situational heroes. They are strong when paired with others, or against specific lineups. These heroes aren't bad, they just don't work in every game, so the pick and ban rates aren't outstanding.

Tier 5

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Tusk 19 4.3% 16 3.6% 3 0.7% 50.0%
Bane 18 4.1% 16 3.6% 2 0.5% 50.0%
Keeper of the Light 17 3.9% 12 2.7% 5 1.1% 58.3%
Visage 16 3.6% 4 0.9% 12 2.7% 25.0%
Sand King 16 3.6% 12 2.7% 4 0.9% 33.3%
Undying 15 3.4% 10 2.3% 5 1.1% 20.0%
Ursa 15 3.4% 10 2.3% 5 1.1% 60.0%
Shadow Shaman 15 3.4% 15 3.4% 0 0.0% 40.0%
Lycan 14 3.2% 8 1.8% 6 1.4% 37.5%
Phantom Assassin 14 3.2% 10 2.3% 4 0.9% 30.0%
Terrorblade 12 2.7% 9 2.1% 3 0.7% 33.3%
Jakiro 12 2.7% 11 2.5% 1 0.2% 63.6%
Wraith King 12 2.7% 10 2.3% 2 0.5% 40.0%
Windranger 12 2.7% 10 2.3% 2 0.5% 30.0%
Bristleback 11 2.5% 10 2.3% 1 0.2% 60.0%
Enigma 11 2.5% 6 1.4% 5 1.1% 50.0%
Crystal Maiden 11 2.5% 7 1.6% 4 0.9% 57.1%
Bounty Hunter 9 2.1% 6 1.4% 3 0.7% 16.7%
Brewmaster 8 1.8% 6 1.4% 2 0.5% 16.7%
Witch Doctor 8 1.8% 8 1.8% 0 0.0% 50.0%
Alchemist 7 1.6% 4 0.9% 3 0.7% 25.0%
Night Stalker 7 1.6% 6 1.4% 1 0.2% 16.7%
Lion 7 1.6% 7 1.6% 0 0.0% 42.9%
Phoenix 6 1.4% 6 1.4% 0 0.0% 50.0%
Weaver 6 1.4% 6 1.4% 0 0.0% 33.3%
Zeus 6 1.4% 4 0.9% 2 0.5% 75.0%
Axe 6 1.4% 6 1.4% 0 0.0% 66.7%
Techies 5 1.1% 2 0.5% 3 0.7% 0.0%
Ogre Magi 5 1.1% 5 1.1% 0 0.0% 20.0%
Spirit Breaker 5 1.1% 4 0.9% 1 0.2% 50.0%
Tinker 5 1.1% 3 0.7% 2 0.5% 66.7%
Clinkz 4 0.9% 1 0.2% 3 0.7% 100%
Sniper 4 0.9% 2 0.5% 2 0.5% 0.0%
Pudge 3 0.7% 3 0.7% 0 0.0% 66.7%
Dazzle 2 0.5% 2 0.5% 0 0.0% 100%
Luna 2 0.5% 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 0.0%
Chaos Knight 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 0.0%
Warlock 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 100%
Mirana 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 0.0%

Heroes not drafted

All heroes were picked or banned!

Next Tier List: March 2020

Header image (The Punisher loading screen for Timbersaw) and hero icons: Valve - Statistics: DatDota

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.