Dota 2 Competitive Hero Tier List April 2020

The Dota 2 Competitive Hero Tier List for April 2020 includes data from patches 7.25b, 7.25c, 7.26, and 7.26a, for a total of 629 games. The heroes are split in five groups.

  • All heroes are arranged in five tiers based on their draft rate. The tiers are viewed as clusters of data, and each hero is placed in the one they are closer the most.

  • The requisites for each tier never change. The goal is offering a neutral comparison that shows how the meta evolves over time.

  • The win rate has no effect on the tiers, but is included for further info. The tiers depend only on drafts (picks + bans), and aren’t affected either by the win rate of a hero, or by their performance in pub matches.

This tier list contains all pro matches played from April 1st to 27th during versions 7.25b, 7.25c, 7.26, and 7.26a.

Past Tier List: March 2020

More: Updated Dota 2 Hero Tier List

All tables are responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in or click the grey area of each table to swipe and sort them.

Tier 1

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Timbersaw 550 87.4% 70 11.1% 480 76.3% 40.0%
Death Prophet 549 87.3% 123 19.6% 426 67.7% 53.7%
Ember Spirit 475 75.5% 229 36.4% 246 39.1% 52.4%
Phoenix 431 68.5% 162 25.8% 269 42.8% 47.5%
Keeper of the Light 429 68.2% 124 19.7% 305 48.5% 60.5%
Mars 401 63.8% 170 27.0% 231 36.7% 52.4%
Pangolier 358 56.9% 162 25.8% 196 31.2% 55.6%
Chen 355 56.4% 90 14.3% 265 42.1% 53.3%

The division in tiers is never perfect, and sometimes the heroes at the limit between the highest tiers have similar draft rates.

Tier 2

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Batrider 326 51.8% 68 10.8% 258 41.0% 55.9%
Centaur Warrunner 324 51.5% 137 21.8% 187 29.7% 43.8%
Shadow Demon 321 51.0% 132 21.0% 189 30.1% 53.8%
Lycan 298 47.4% 77 12.2% 221 35.1% 53.3%
Nature's Prophet 296 47.1% 107 17.0% 189 30.1% 43.0%
Void Spirit 284 45.2% 133 21.1% 151 24.0% 46.6%
Dragon Knight 283 45.0% 163 25.9% 120 19.1% 59.5%
Tusk 263 41.8% 152 24.2% 111 17.7% 53.3%
Grimstroke 256 40.7% 188 29.9% 68 10.8% 46.8%
Oracle 255 40.5% 108 17.2% 147 23.4% 57.4%
Rubick 241 38.3% 145 23.1% 96 15.3% 49.0%
Morphling 240 38.2% 91 14.5% 149 23.7% 46.2%
Beastmaster 235 37.4% 93 14.8% 142 22.6% 53.8%
Ancient Apparition 224 35.6% 58 9.2% 166 26.4% 46.6%

Death Prophet

Death Prophet is the second most banned hero in pro games during April. Instead, Timbersaw is the top one, and I talked about him in February.

In my opinion, she is also an exceptional pick in pubs at most ranks, so today we will learn gameplay, item and skill builds used by pro players, and how to behave when there is a strong DP in the enemy team.

Early and mid lane goals

Death Prophet can have the upper hand against most mid lane matchups. Last hitting and harassing the opponent is a piece of cake thanks to her 51-63 attack damage at level 1 and a proper usage of Spirit Siphon and Crypt Swarm.

Securing the runes grants a considerable advantage, particularly if you bought Bottle, but otherwise you can just rely on Mangoes and Clarity Potions for mana.

As soon as you get Exorcism, destroying the tier 1 mid tower is the main goal. Afterwards, continue farming the creep waves while also cleaning the adjacent jungle neutrals.

The next ultimate must be used to bring down the tier 1 safe lane tower (preferably around 10-12 minutes maximum). Call for help, and with a few teammates you will able to capture it quickly, especially if the opponents do not react (honestly, most often than not, their teammates will ignore the threat).

By the end of the laning stage you must have acquired Eul’s Scepter of Divinity and destroyed all the tier 1 towers. 

From this point onwards, keep farming while your ultimate is on cooldown, and group up with your team to push more towers whenever it is available: Exorcism is able to dish out an absurd amount of damage for most of the match.

Generally, you have power spikes whenever you close one of the main expensive items - such as Shiva’s Guard and Aghanim’s Scepter - but in the late game you will fall behind the hard carriers. It is important to exploit your early power and play around the ultimate cooldowns to acquire as many objectives as possible in the mid game.

Skill Build

In the image below, you can find the most popular skill builds used by pro players on Death Prophet during April.

Most popular Death Prophet’s skill builds in April - DatDota

Most popular Death Prophet’s skill builds in April - DatDota

Silence is not required in the laning phase, and it will just slow down your potential. Only pick it if you badly need a silence for survivability or to gank an opponent with a strong escape skill.

Crypt Swarm is an amazing ability to harass and farm in the lane phase, and it is often levelled up on par with Spirit Siphon. I suggest prioritizing Crypt Swarm if you are able to secure the runes as its mana costs doubles from level 1 to 4.

Spirit Siphon is generally the preferred choice among pros because it is a lot cheaper: it costs 80 mana at all levels. If you are able to keep the opponent mid laner in the 500 cast range, this skill lets you trade hits against almost any hero as it drains their max HP, replenishes yours, and meanwhile you can attack them with your solid auto-attack damage.

Upgrading Spirit Siphon doesn’t improve only the max health drain, but it also reduces the charge replenish time, so once maxed out you will be able to use it twice per minute.

Some players love to level up fully Crypt Swarm and Spirit Siphon first, thus getting Exorcism at around level 9-10, but this is a very niche choice that I do not recommend: you need your tower destroyer tool as soon as possible. Pro players get it at level 6 in the great majority of games.

Most bought items by pros

These are the most bought items on Death Prophet by pro players during April:

  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity: 96

  • Power Treads: 75

  • Black King Bar: 74

  • Shiva’s Guard: 42

  • Phase Boots: 33

  • Blink Dagger: 28

  • Aghanim’s Scepter: 25

The list doesn’t include consumables and basic items.

Death Prophet’s item build is quite standard and you will rarely need different core items.

Eul’s Scepter of Divinity provides movement speed and mana regeneration, and it gives you a disable at a cheap cost. You can use it on yourself when Exorcism is active to disappear from the combat while continuing to damage the enemies - it can make the difference between life and death.

Power Treads and Phase Boots are both viable choices depending on your preferences. Personally, the extra movement speed given by the latter works well with my aggressive gameplay.

Death Prophet is always in the middle of the team fights as she must deal damage with Exorcism and drain health and movement speed with Spirit Siphon. Black King Bar is a must have to boost your survivability: it prevents nukes and disables, so you can move freely on the battlefield and dodge quickly any dangerous auto-attacker.

Shiva’s Guard gives you another nuke, a slow, and it is one of the items that grants the most armor in Dota 2.

Aghanim’s Scepter is the least picked item among the popular ones, but its upgrade should not be underestimated because it gives you extra damage and sustainability.

Loading Screen of the Mothbinder for Death Prophet - Valve

Loading Screen of the Mothbinder for Death Prophet - Valve

How to counter

  • Avoid her ultimate. DP has a great skillset, but Exorcism makes the difference in teamfight: disengaging skills such as Centaur Warrunner’s Stampede and Naga Siren’s Song of the Siren will waste Exorcism as the team will have the time to escape and wait for a better opportunity.

  • Split pushing indirectly counters her because she won’t have the chance to shine in team fight or to demolish towers.

  • Get armor. Exorcism inflicts physical damage, so armor directly reduces its damage, and this is one of the reasons DP falls off in the late game, especially versus agility-based carries who have innate armor gain. 

    • Prioritize armor aura items on tanks and compatible supports. 

    • Blade Mail is a great choice on beefy strength heroes, if activated at the right time.

  • Block her regeneration. Death Prophet steals health points via Spirit Siphon, and regenerates at the end of Exorcism: buy Spirit Vessel to reduce her healing capabilities, and nuke her with Ancient Apparition’s Ice Blast if he is a good fit for the team.

  • Burst damage in the laning phase. You want heroes able to stay at a distance, burst her, and disengage. 

    • Shadow Fiend is an optimal choice thanks to Shadowraze’s high damage in the early game, and he can easily out-farm DP. 

    • Queen of Pain is also excellent because she slows DP, nukes her, steals farm, and finally blinks away before she can react.

  • Disables. Death Prophet is very susceptible to disables because she relies on movement speed for survivability. 

    • Among the potential pub picks, consider Bloodseeker as he can prevent any movement with Rupture.

Tier 3

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Phantom Lancer 198 31.5% 88 14.0% 110 17.5% 45.5%
Snapfire 189 30.1% 116 18.4% 73 11.6% 47.4%
Bristleback 188 29.9% 89 14.2% 99 15.7% 52.8%
Earthshaker 185 29.4% 100 15.9% 85 13.5% 57.0%
Riki 180 28.6% 74 11.8% 106 16.9% 44.6%
Nyx Assassin 169 26.9% 76 12.1% 93 14.8% 63.2%
Pugna 169 26.9% 90 14.3% 79 12.6% 48.9%
Monkey King 149 23.7% 78 12.4% 71 11.3% 52.6%
Queen of Pain 148 23.5% 74 11.8% 74 11.8% 51.4%
Storm Spirit 148 23.5% 85 13.5% 63 10.0% 49.4%
Templar Assassin 146 23.2% 68 10.8% 78 12.4% 55.9%
Clockwerk 145 23.1% 76 12.1% 69 11.0% 48.7%
Puck 142 22.6% 62 9.9% 80 12.7% 35.5%
Alchemist 140 22.3% 45 7.2% 95 15.1% 51.1%
Dazzle 139 22.1% 52 8.3% 87 13.8% 59.6%
Mirana 136 21.6% 83 13.2% 53 8.4% 62.7%

Tier 4

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Troll Warlord 127 20.2% 74 11.8% 53 8.4% 54.1%
Legion Commander 126 20.0% 79 12.6% 47 7.5% 57.0%
Naga Siren 125 19.9% 35 5.6% 90 14.3% 51.4%
Lich 120 19.1% 102 16.2% 18 2.9% 51.0%
Weaver 116 18.4% 75 11.9% 41 6.5% 52.0%
Faceless Void 115 18.3% 56 8.9% 59 9.4% 51.8%
Slark 114 18.1% 47 7.5% 67 10.7% 36.2%
Kunkka 114 18.1% 61 9.7% 53 8.4% 47.5%
Gyrocopter 111 17.7% 76 12.1% 35 5.6% 47.4%
Winter Wyvern 107 17.0% 66 10.5% 41 6.5% 43.9%
Shadow Fiend 103 16.4% 53 8.4% 50 8.0% 41.5%
Razor 102 16.2% 37 5.9% 65 10.3% 48.7%
Terrorblade 96 15.3% 52 8.3% 44 7.0% 53.9%
Huskar 93 14.8% 21 3.3% 72 11.5% 42.9%
Wraith King 90 14.3% 58 9.2% 32 5.1% 37.9%
Meepo 89 14.2% 15 2.4% 74 11.8% 66.7%
Necrophos 89 14.2% 51 8.1% 38 6.0% 54.9%
Outworld Devourer 85 13.5% 33 5.3% 52 8.3% 36.4%
Lina 81 12.9% 50 8.0% 31 4.9% 54.0%
Underlord 79 12.6% 54 8.6% 25 4.0% 46.3%
Io 79 12.6% 21 3.3% 58 9.2% 66.7%
Axe 77 12.2% 48 7.6% 29 4.6% 39.6%
Invoker 74 11.8% 37 5.9% 37 5.9% 56.8%
Dark Seer 67 10.7% 32 5.1% 35 5.6% 40.6%
Ogre Magi 59 9.4% 56 8.9% 3 0.5% 37.5%
Ursa 59 9.4% 37 5.9% 22 3.5% 59.5%
Juggernaut 58 9.2% 27 4.3% 31 4.9% 51.9%
Enchantress 57 9.1% 24 3.8% 33 5.3% 41.7%
Earth Spirit 55 8.7% 46 7.3% 9 1.4% 37.0%
Anti-Mage 55 8.7% 24 3.8% 31 4.9% 70.8%
Bounty Hunter 53 8.4% 24 3.8% 29 4.6% 41.7%
Disruptor 51 8.1% 43 6.8% 8 1.3% 55.8%
Abaddon 50 8.0% 32 5.1% 18 2.9% 43.8%
Leshrac 50 8.0% 29 4.6% 21 3.3% 58.6%
Medusa 44 7.0% 21 3.3% 23 3.7% 38.1%
Spectre 40 6.4% 28 4.5% 12 1.9% 42.9%
Lifestealer 38 6.0% 21 3.3% 17 2.7% 66.7%
Vengeful Spirit 38 6.0% 36 5.7% 2 0.3% 38.9%
Broodmother 37 5.9% 5 0.8% 32 5.1% 60.0%
Tidehunter 37 5.9% 33 5.3% 4 0.6% 51.5%
Undying 36 5.7% 23 3.7% 13 2.1% 52.2%
Brewmaster 36 5.7% 29 4.6% 7 1.1% 37.9%
Witch Doctor 34 5.4% 32 5.1% 2 0.3% 31.3%

In tier 4 and 5 we find all the situational heroes. They are strong when paired with others, or against specific lineups. These heroes aren't bad, they just don't work in every game, so the pick and ban rates aren't outstanding.

Tier 5

Hero Name P+B P+B% Picks Picks% Bans Bans% Win%
Tiny 31 4.9% 22 3.5% 9 1.4% 36.4%
Silencer 30 4.8% 19 3.0% 11 1.8% 63.2%
Phantom Assassin 29 4.6% 23 3.7% 6 1.0% 43.5%
Enigma 29 4.6% 26 4.1% 3 0.5% 50.0%
Treant Protector 27 4.3% 20 3.2% 7 1.1% 55.0%
Jakiro 27 4.3% 24 3.8% 3 0.5% 37.5%
Slardar 25 4.0% 15 2.4% 10 1.6% 66.7%
Omniknight 24 3.8% 13 2.1% 11 1.8% 15.4%
Bane 23 3.7% 21 3.3% 2 0.3% 42.9%
Techies 22 3.5% 6 1.0% 16 2.5% 66.7%
Lone Druid 22 3.5% 9 1.4% 13 2.1% 55.6%
Magnus 21 3.3% 11 1.8% 10 1.6% 45.5%
Crystal Maiden 21 3.3% 20 3.2% 1 0.2% 45.0%
Skywrath Mage 20 3.2% 19 3.0% 1 0.2% 57.9%
Dark Willow 19 3.0% 16 2.5% 3 0.5% 43.8%
Venomancer 18 2.9% 14 2.2% 4 0.6% 42.9%
Shadow Shaman 18 2.9% 16 2.5% 2 0.3% 37.5%
Elder Titan 17 2.7% 13 2.1% 4 0.6% 69.2%
Sand King 17 2.7% 13 2.1% 4 0.6% 38.5%
Spirit Breaker 16 2.5% 14 2.2% 2 0.3% 57.1%
Bloodseeker 16 2.5% 9 1.4% 7 1.1% 22.2%
Viper 15 2.4% 4 0.6% 11 1.8% 75.0%
Doom 12 1.9% 12 1.9% 0 0.0% 16.7%
Arc Warden 11 1.8% 8 1.3% 3 0.5% 50.0%
Sniper 11 1.8% 10 1.6% 1 0.2% 50.0%
Lion 11 1.8% 11 1.8% 0 0.0% 36.4%
Windranger 10 1.6% 10 1.6% 0 0.0% 40.0%
Night Stalker 9 1.4% 8 1.3% 1 0.2% 25.0%
Luna 9 1.4% 8 1.3% 1 0.2% 25.0%
Sven 9 1.4% 7 1.1% 2 0.3% 42.9%
Drow Ranger 6 1.0% 6 1.0% 0 0.0% 16.7%
Chaos Knight 5 0.8% 4 0.6% 1 0.2% 50.0%
Clinkz 5 0.8% 4 0.6% 1 0.2% 25.0%
Zeus 4 0.6% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 50.0%
Pudge 4 0.6% 3 0.5% 1 0.2% 33.3%
Warlock 3 0.5% 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 0.0%
Visage 2 0.3% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 50.0%
Tinker 2 0.3% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 50.0%

Heroes not drafted

All heroes were picked or banned!

Header image (Fatal Blossom Loading Screen for Death Prophet) and hero icons: Valve - Statistics: DatDota

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.