Valorant Rank Distribution in Episodes 4, 5, and 6

Valorant Rank Distribution in Episodes 4, 5, and 6

The Valorant rank distribution and percentage of players by tier in Episodes 4, 5, and 6. Data on the entire player base in all regions.

All the Valorant ranked seasons

I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

Rank distribution - Episode 6

June 2023

Valorant rank distribution June 2023 Episode 6 Act III
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.3% Platinum 1 6.6%
Iron 2 1.3% Platinum 2 5.5%
Iron 3 3.7% Platinum 3 5.0%
Bronze 1 4.2% Diamond 1 4.7%
Bronze 2 5.8% Diamond 2 3.7%
Bronze 3 5.9% Diamond 3 3.0%
Silver 1 7.5% Ascendant 1 2.5%
Silver 2 7.0% Ascendant 2 1.7%
Silver 3 7.5% Ascendant 3 1.1%
Gold 1 7.7% Immortal 1 0.9%
Gold 2 7.0% Immortal 2 0.3%
Gold 3 6.7% Immortal 3 0.2%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 5.3%

  • Bronze: 15.9%

  • Silver: 22%

  • Gold: 21.4%

  • Platinum: 17.1%

  • Diamond: 11.4%

  • Ascendant: 5.3%

  • Immortal: 1.4%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 13.4% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.8 Platinum 1 35.2
Iron 2 99.5 Platinum 2 28.6
Iron 3 98.2 Platinum 3 23.1
Bronze 1 94.5 Diamond 1 18.1
Bronze 2 90.3 Diamond 2 13.4
Bronze 3 84.5 Diamond 3 9.7
Silver 1 78.6 Ascendant 1 6.7
Silver 2 71.1 Ascendant 2 4.2
Silver 3 64.1 Ascendant 3 2.5
Gold 1 56.6 Immortal 1 1.4
Gold 2 48.9 Immortal 2 0.5
Gold 3 41.9 Immortal 3 0.2
Radiant 0.03

Ranked matchmaking changes summary

Patch 6.7

AFK/Queue dodging

We have made improvements to our interventions system for violations when it comes to player participation.

  • We’re increasing the amount of Ranked Rating loss for repeated ranked queue dodging.

  • We’re introducing a 1 day ranked restriction for people who frequently take part in excessive AFK behavior, sooner than previously introduced ranked restrictions.

Patch 6.0

For all players: Ranked Rating gains/losses will depend slightly more on Win/Loss, and slightly less on the exact round differential of the match.

  • Context: Players experience too wide of RR gains/losses from match to match based on the round differential (one win could give 12RR, and the next win could give 20RR). We’re making this change to reduce that swing of RR in gains and losses.

  • Winning is still the most important way to climb!

For players whose ranks are far away from their MMR: RR gains will depend more on individual performance, instead of round differential. You should also see your rank and MMR converge faster.

  • Context: We received feedback that players felt like they would not be rewarded for a good game, or punished too harshly for a bad game during their ranked climb.

  • If a player's rank is below their actual MMR, they will be rewarded more for a good game. If a player's rank is above their MMR, they will not be harshly penalized if they lose, but perform well in that match.

Episode 6 rank reset

A new Episode means a ranked reset! Expect your placement rank to be lower than at the end of Episode 5, and good luck on your climb!

  • Context: Remember we reset each episode to kick off the start of a new ranked ladder. This is a chance for players to show off their skill in the new season, as well as reset players in the ladder who may no longer be active.

May 2023

Valorant rank distribution May 2023 Episode 6 Act III
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.3% Platinum 1 6.5%
Iron 2 1.3% Platinum 2 5.5%
Iron 3 3.5% Platinum 3 4.9%
Bronze 1 4.2% Diamond 1 4.7%
Bronze 2 5.5% Diamond 2 3.8%
Bronze 3 5.9% Diamond 3 3.1%
Silver 1 7.4% Ascendant 1 2.6%
Silver 2 7.2% Ascendant 2 1.8%
Silver 3 7.5% Ascendant 3 1.3%
Gold 1 7.6% Immortal 1 1.1%
Gold 2 7.0% Immortal 2 0.4%
Gold 3 6.6% Immortal 3 0.2%
Radiant 0.04%


  • Iron: 5.1%

  • Bronze: 15.6%

  • Silver: 22.1%

  • Gold: 21.2%

  • Platinum: 16.9%

  • Diamond: 11.6%

  • Ascendant: 5.7%

  • Immortal: 1.7%

  • Radiant: 0.04%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 14.3% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.9 Platinum 1 35.9
Iron 2 99.6 Platinum 2 29.4
Iron 3 98.3 Platinum 3 23.9
Bronze 1 94.8 Diamond 1 19
Bronze 2 90.6 Diamond 2 14.3
Bronze 3 85.1 Diamond 3 10.5
Silver 1 79.2 Ascendant 1 7.4
Silver 2 71.8 Ascendant 2 4.8
Silver 3 64.6 Ascendant 3 3
Gold 1 57.1 Immortal 1 1.7
Gold 2 49.5 Immortal 2 0.6
Gold 3 42.5 Immortal 3 0.2
Radiant 0.04

April 2023

Valorant rank distribution April 2023 Episode 6 Act II
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.7% Platinum 1 5.9%
Iron 2 2.4% Platinum 2 4.8%
Iron 3 5.6% Platinum 3 4.2%
Bronze 1 5.8% Diamond 1 3.9%
Bronze 2 7.0% Diamond 2 2.9%
Bronze 3 6.8% Diamond 3 2.2%
Silver 1 8.2% Ascendant 1 1.8%
Silver 2 7.4% Ascendant 2 1.2%
Silver 3 7.4% Ascendant 3 0.8%
Gold 1 7.4% Immortal 1 0.6%
Gold 2 6.6% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.1% Immortal 3 0.2%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 8.7%

  • Bronze: 19.6%

  • Silver: 23%

  • Gold: 20.1%

  • Platinum: 14.9%

  • Diamond: 9%

  • Ascendant: 3.8%

  • Immortal: 1%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 9.9% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 100.1 Platinum 1 28.7
Iron 2 99.4 Platinum 2 22.8
Iron 3 97 Platinum 3 18
Bronze 1 91.4 Diamond 1 13.8
Bronze 2 85.6 Diamond 2 9.9
Bronze 3 78.6 Diamond 3 7
Silver 1 71.8 Ascendant 1 4.8
Silver 2 63.6 Ascendant 2 3
Silver 3 56.2 Ascendant 3 1.8
Gold 1 48.8 Immortal 1 1
Gold 2 41.4 Immortal 2 0.4
Gold 3 34.8 Immortal 3 0.2
Radiant 0.03

March 2023

Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.6% Platinum 1 5.7%
Iron 2 2.1% Platinum 2 4.8%
Iron 3 5.0% Platinum 3 4.2%
Bronze 1 5.7% Diamond 1 3.9%
Bronze 2 6.7% Diamond 2 3.1%
Bronze 3 6.9% Diamond 3 2.4%
Silver 1 8.2% Ascendant 1 1.9%
Silver 2 7.7% Ascendant 2 1.3%
Silver 3 7.6% Ascendant 3 0.9%
Gold 1 7.4% Immortal 1 0.8%
Gold 2 6.6% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.0% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.01%


  • Iron: 7.7%

  • Bronze: 19.3%

  • Silver: 23.5%

  • Gold: 20%

  • Platinum: 14.7%

  • Diamond: 9.4%

  • Ascendant: 4.1%

  • Immortal: 1.1%

  • Radiant: 0.01%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 10.7% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.8 Platinum 1 29.3
Iron 2 99.2 Platinum 2 23.6
Iron 3 97.1 Platinum 3 18.8
Bronze 1 92.1 Diamond 1 14.6
Bronze 2 86.4 Diamond 2 10.7
Bronze 3 79.7 Diamond 3 7.6
Silver 1 72.8 Ascendant 1 5.2
Silver 2 64.6 Ascendant 2 3.3
Silver 3 56.9 Ascendant 3 2
Gold 1 49.3 Immortal 1 1.1
Gold 2 41.9 Immortal 2 0.3
Gold 3 35.3 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.01

February 2023

Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.7% Platinum 1 4.8%
Iron 2 2.5% Platinum 2 4.0%
Iron 3 7.4% Platinum 3 3.7%
Bronze 1 6.6% Diamond 1 3.2%
Bronze 2 8.8% Diamond 2 2.3%
Bronze 3 8.1% Diamond 3 1.7%
Silver 1 10.0% Ascendant 1 1.2%
Silver 2 7.8% Ascendant 2 0.8%
Silver 3 7.2% Ascendant 3 0.5%
Gold 1 6.7% Immortal 1 0.3%
Gold 2 5.9% Immortal 2 0.1%
Gold 3 5.3% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 10.6%

  • Bronze: 23.5%

  • Silver: 25%

  • Gold: 17.9%

  • Platinum: 12.5%

  • Diamond: 7.2%

  • Ascendant: 2.5%

  • Immortal: 0.5%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 7.0% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.7 Platinum 1 22.7
Iron 2 99.0 Platinum 2 17.9
Iron 3 96.5 Platinum 3 13.9
Bronze 1 89.1 Diamond 1 10.2
Bronze 2 82.5 Diamond 2 7.0
Bronze 3 73.7 Diamond 3 4.7
Silver 1 65.6 Ascendant 1 3.0
Silver 2 55.6 Ascendant 2 1.8
Silver 3 47.8 Ascendant 3 1.0
Gold 1 40.6 Immortal 1 0.5
Gold 2 33.9 Immortal 2 0.2
Gold 3 28.0 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.03

Rank distribution - Episode 5

Ranked matchmaking changes summary

Patch 5.0

New rank: ascendant

  • Added an additional rank above Diamond, below Immortal, called “Ascendant.”

    • We believe our lower ranks have a few too many of you, especially Bronze and Silver. When we were looking at rank distribution, we realized that if we were to move some of you up and out of those lower ranks, it would overpopulate Platinum and Diamond. So by adding a new rank we can better distribute you across ranks, keep the prestige of high ranks, while helping better define the skill level of each rank.

  • Moved the rank MMR targets that determine rank down, due to the addition of the new Ascendant rank, for all ranks below Ascendant. Moved the ranked target for Immortal 1/2/3 and Radiant up.

    • These are the cut-offs that say “You should be X MMR to reach this rank”. MMR targets determine your RR gains and help push your rank to match your MMR.

    • This means players will go up in rank, if they are below Ascendant.

To align with our expectations of what it means to be in the highest ranks of VALORANT, Immortal+ players will find it harder to climb back to their previous episode rank. This means Immortal will also have a smaller leaderboard population in all regions.

Episode 5 rank reset

Due to the seasonal reset, you may not see a rank increase at the start of the Episode without putting in some work; but the reset will be “less harsh” compared to the last Episode reset. So because we are pushing the player base upwards to fill Ascendant, the reset will not hit you as hard.

Next time we reset ranks it will probably push you down more than this Episode’s reset. Please remember that the “less harsh” reset is unique to this Episode because of the introduction of Ascendant.

  • Grouping restrictions for Ascendant are 3 ranks above or below the Ascendant ranked player.

    • This fits in with our Platinum+ rule set for grouping.

  • The highest placement allowed has increased to Ascendant 1 (previously Diamond 1).

  • Five stacking 25% RR penalty now starts at Immortal 1 (previously Diamond 3).

  • Solo/Duo/5-stack restriction now starts at Immortal 1 (previously Diamond 3).

    • Remember, Diamond 3 and above could previously only solo, duo, and 5-stack. This restriction now begins at Immortal 1.

    • By adding another rank we were able to push the Five Stack penalty and Solo/Duo restrictions into Immortal. This makes it more straight forward, Immortal is where the leaderboard starts and because of this we try to hold players more accountable for their standings.

November 2022

Valorant rank distribution November 2022 Episode 5 Act III
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.5% Platinum 1 6.4%
Iron 2 1.8% Platinum 2 5.3%
Iron 3 4.5% Platinum 3 4.6%
Bronze 1 4.9% Diamond 1 4.4%
Bronze 2 6.0% Diamond 2 3.4%
Bronze 3 6.1% Diamond 3 2.8%
Silver 1 7.5% Ascendant 1 2.3%
Silver 2 7.1% Ascendant 2 1.5%
Silver 3 7.3% Ascendant 3 1.1%
Gold 1 7.6% Immortal 1 0.9%
Gold 2 6.8% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.4% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 6.8%

  • Bronze: 17%

  • Silver: 21.9%

  • Gold: 20.8%

  • Platinum: 16.3%

  • Diamond: 10.6%

  • Ascendant: 4.9%

  • Immortal: 1.2%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 12.3% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.5 Platinum 1 33.0
Iron 2 99.0 Platinum 2 26.6
Iron 3 97.2 Platinum 3 21.3
Bronze 1 92.7 Diamond 1 16.7
Bronze 2 87.8 Diamond 2 12.3
Bronze 3 81.8 Diamond 3 8.9
Silver 1 75.7 Ascendant 1 6.1
Silver 2 68.2 Ascendant 2 3.8
Silver 3 61.1 Ascendant 3 2.3
Gold 1 53.8 Immortal 1 1.2
Gold 2 46.2 Immortal 2 0.3
Gold 3 39.4 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.03

October 2022

Valorant rank distribution October 2022 Episode 5 Act II
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.5% Platinum 1 6.5%
Iron 2 1.7% Platinum 2 5.2%
Iron 3 4.7% Platinum 3 4.6%
Bronze 1 4.9% Diamond 1 4.3%
Bronze 2 6.4% Diamond 2 3.2%
Bronze 3 6.4% Diamond 3 2.5%
Silver 1 8.0% Ascendant 1 2.0%
Silver 2 7.2% Ascendant 2 1.3%
Silver 3 7.4% Ascendant 3 0.9%
Gold 1 7.7% Immortal 1 0.6%
Gold 2 6.9% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.5% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 6.9%

  • Bronze: 17.7%

  • Silver: 22.6%

  • Gold: 21.1%

  • Platinum: 16.3%

  • Diamond: 10%

  • Ascendant: 4.2%

  • Immortal: 0.9%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 10.8% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.7 Platinum 1 31.4
Iron 2 99.2 Platinum 2 24.9
Iron 3 97.5 Platinum 3 19.7
Bronze 1 92.8 Diamond 1 15.1
Bronze 2 87.9 Diamond 2 10.8
Bronze 3 81.5 Diamond 3 7.6
Silver 1 75.1 Ascendant 1 5.1
Silver 2 67.1 Ascendant 2 3.1
Silver 3 59.9 Ascendant 3 1.8
Gold 1 52.5 Immortal 1 0.9
Gold 2 44.8 Immortal 2 0.3
Gold 3 37.9 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.03

September 2022

Valorant rank distribution September 2022 Episode 5 Act II
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.4% Platinum 1 6.4%
Iron 2 1.6% Platinum 2 5.2%
Iron 3 4.3% Platinum 3 4.6%
Bronze 1 4.8% Diamond 1 4.3%
Bronze 2 6.3% Diamond 2 3.3%
Bronze 3 6.4% Diamond 3 2.5%
Silver 1 8.0% Ascendant 1 2.1%
Silver 2 7.4% Ascendant 2 1.3%
Silver 3 7.5% Ascendant 3 0.9%
Gold 1 7.7% Immortal 1 0.7%
Gold 2 6.9% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.5% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 6.3%

  • Bronze: 17.5%

  • Silver: 22.9%

  • Gold: 21.1%

  • Platinum: 16.2%

  • Diamond: 10.1%

  • Ascendant: 4.3%

  • Immortal: 1%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 11.1% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.4 Platinum 1 31.6
Iron 2 99 Platinum 2 25.2
Iron 3 97.4 Platinum 3 20
Bronze 1 93.1 Diamond 1 15.4
Bronze 2 88.3 Diamond 2 11.1
Bronze 3 82 Diamond 3 7.8
Silver 1 75.6 Ascendant 1 5.3
Silver 2 67.6 Ascendant 2 3.2
Silver 3 60.2 Ascendant 3 1.9
Gold 1 52.7 Immortal 1 1
Gold 2 45 Immortal 2 0.3
Gold 3 38.1 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.03

August 2022

Valorant rank distribution August 2022 Episode 5 Act I
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.4% Platinum 1 6.0%
Iron 2 1.5% Platinum 2 4.9%
Iron 3 5.2% Platinum 3 4.3%
Bronze 1 5.1% Diamond 1 4.0%
Bronze 2 7.5% Diamond 2 2.8%
Bronze 3 7.1% Diamond 3 2.0%
Silver 1 9.3% Ascendant 1 1.6%
Silver 2 7.7% Ascendant 2 1.0%
Silver 3 7.6% Ascendant 3 0.6%
Gold 1 7.6% Immortal 1 0.4%
Gold 2 6.8% Immortal 2 0.2%
Gold 3 6.3% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.03%


  • Iron: 7.1%

  • Bronze: 19.7%

  • Silver: 24.6%

  • Gold: 20.7%

  • Platinum: 15.2%

  • Diamond: 8.8%

  • Ascendant: 3.2%

  • Immortal: 0.7%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 8.7% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 100.3 Platinum 1 27.9
Iron 2 99.9 Platinum 2 21.9
Iron 3 98.4 Platinum 3 17
Bronze 1 92.9 Diamond 1 12.7
Bronze 2 87.8 Diamond 2 8.7
Bronze 3 80.3 Diamond 3 5.9
Silver 1 73.2 Ascendant 1 3.9
Silver 2 63.9 Ascendant 2 2.3
Silver 3 56.2 Ascendant 3 1.3
Gold 1 48.6 Immortal 1 0.7
Gold 2 41 Immortal 2 0.3
Gold 3 34.2 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.03

Note: On February August 20, EvrMoar, Senior Competitive Designer for Valorant, used the data on Esports Tales while explaining how matchmaking works.

Riot EvrMoar on rank distribution and matchmaking - August 2022

July 2022

Valorant rank distribution July 2022 Episode 5 Act I
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 0.3% Platinum 1 5.6%
Iron 2 1.2% Platinum 2 4.6%
Iron 3 5.1% Platinum 3 4.2%
Bronze 1 5% Diamond 1 3.7%
Bronze 2 8.2% Diamond 2 2.6%
Bronze 3 7.7% Diamond 3 1.8%
Silver 1 10.5% Ascendant 1 1.4%
Silver 2 8.1% Ascendant 2 0.9%
Silver 3 7.7% Ascendant 3 0.5%
Gold 1 7.4% Immortal 1 0.3%
Gold 2 6.7% Immortal 2 0.1%
Gold 3 6.1% Immortal 3 0.1%
Radiant 0.02%


  • Iron: 6.6%

  • Bronze: 20.9%

  • Silver: 26.3%

  • Gold: 20.2%

  • Platinum: 14.4%

  • Diamond: 8.1%

  • Ascendant: 2.8%

  • Immortal: 0.5%

  • Radiant: 0.02%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 7.7% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.8 Platinum 1 25.8
Iron 2 99.5 Platinum 2 20.2
Iron 3 98.3 Platinum 3 15.6
Bronze 1 93.2 Diamond 1 11.4
Bronze 2 88.2 Diamond 2 7.7
Bronze 3 80 Diamond 3 5.1
Silver 1 72.3 Ascendant 1 3.3
Silver 2 61.8 Ascendant 2 1.9
Silver 3 53.7 Ascendant 3 1
Gold 1 46 Immortal 1 0.5
Gold 2 38.6 Immortal 2 0.2
Gold 3 31.9 Immortal 3 0.1
Radiant 0.02

Rank distribution - Episode 4

Ranked matchmaking changes summary

Patch 4.8

  • Reduced Rank Rating gain/loss penalty for different 5-stack configurations.

    • If Everyone in your party is Iron–Diamond 2:

      • No RR penalty if within normal grouping.

      • 25% RR penalty for all players if any player falls outside of normal grouping.

    • If Anyone in your party is Diamond 3–Immortal 3 (but no one in your party is Radiant):

      • 25% RR penalty for all players.

    • If Anyone in your party is Radiant:

      • 75% RR penalty for all players.

  • Tuned matchmaking to reduce wait time for 5-stacks.

Patch 4.0

Reduced 5-stack Rank Rating penalty

After getting our initial data on 5-stacks in ranked, we've realized we may have been too harsh on the penalty you receive to your RR gains/losses while in a 5-stack. Match fairness for 5-stacks is equal to non-five stacks, meaning it’s difficult for you to bring in a higher ranking player and potentially boost a low rank player. Because of this data, we are reducing the penalties for lower ranks.

  • Diamond 2 and below players will see their RR penalty reduced by 25% compared to the current balance. This means the new minimum penalty is 25% reduced gains/losses compared to the previous 50%.

  • We only made this change for ranks not breaking into, or on, the leaderboard to help maintain leaderboard integrity.

Increased Map Randomization

  • Increased our map weights, which should lead to an increase in map variety and reduction in map duplicates from match to match.

Episode 4 rank reset

  • Every episode the highest you can place is Diamond 1, and we will squish all ranks downward. You can expect to drop (usually) 1-4 ranks from where you were last episode. Higher ranks get dropped harder due to leaderboard ranking, boosting concerns, skill atrophy, etc.

  • Every Act we only reset the leaderboard, dropping all players to 10% of their current RR (if on leaderboard). Everyone else is only required to play 1 placement and will earn their previous rank back from the prior Act.

These rules have been in place since Episode 2, so expect them going forward and any changes will be announced.

I’m seeing lots of threads on the Episode 4 Rank Reset. Yes, every episode will drop your rank because we do a ranked squish.

Every Episode is competitively different from the Episode prior. We expect you to prove your skill, especially as the community evolves and gets better.

It lets us celebrate your accomplishments every Episode.

It allows us to clear out accounts that may be coasting in rank, or have gotten a rank that may not represent their current skill level. We need resets like this to ensure our ranks closer represent the skill of players.

It can be extremely frustrating, I understand. But if you truly belong at a certain skill level you will get there. Just because you got Gold/Plat/Immortal/etc. doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. And if you can’t get back to that rank, do you deserve it in the current season?

— EvrMoar - Senior Competitive Designer for Valorant

June 2022

Valorant rank distribution June 2022 Episode 4 Act III
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 3.2% Platinum 1 4.1%
Iron 2 4.1% Platinum 2 2.8%
Iron 3 6.6% Platinum 3 2.1%
Bronze 1 7.5% Diamond 1 1.8%
Bronze 2 9.3% Diamond 2 1.3%
Bronze 3 9.0% Diamond 3 1.0%
Silver 1 10.0% Immortal 1 0.9%
Silver 2 8.8% Immortal 2 0.3%
Silver 3 8.3% Immortal 3 0.2%
Gold 1 7.9% Radiant 0.03%
Gold 2 5.9%
Gold 3 4.8%


  • Iron: 13.9%

  • Bronze: 25.8%

  • Silver: 27.1%

  • Gold: 18.6%

  • Platinum: 9%

  • Diamond: 4.1%

  • Immortal: 1.4%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 3.7% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.9 Platinum 1 14.5
Iron 2 96.7 Platinum 2 10.4
Iron 3 92.6 Platinum 3 7.6
Bronze 1 86.0 Diamond 1 5.5
Bronze 2 78.5 Diamond 2 3.7
Bronze 3 69.2 Diamond 3 2.4
Silver 1 60.2 Immortal 1 1.4
Silver 2 50.2 Immortal 2 0.5
Silver 3 41.4 Immortal 3 0.2
Gold 1 33.1 Radiant 0.03
Gold 2 25.2
Gold 3 19.3

May 2022

Valorant rank distribution May 2022 Episode 4 act III
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 2.1% Platinum 1 4.4%
Iron 2 3.1% Platinum 2 3.1%
Iron 3 5.6% Platinum 3 2.4%
Bronze 1 6.8% Diamond 1 2.1%
Bronze 2 8.8% Diamond 2 1.5%
Bronze 3 8.9% Diamond 3 1.3%
Silver 1 10.2% Immortal 1 1.3%
Silver 2 9.2% Immortal 2 0.5%
Silver 3 8.7% Immortal 3 0.2%
Gold 1 8.1% Radiant 0.03%
Gold 2 6.3%
Gold 3 5.1%


  • Iron: 10.8%

  • Bronze: 24.5%

  • Silver: 28.1%

  • Gold: 19.5%

  • Platinum: 9.9%

  • Diamond: 4.9%

  • Immortal: 2.0%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 4.8% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 99.7 Platinum 1 16.8
Iron 2 97.6 Platinum 2 12.4
Iron 3 94.5 Platinum 3 9.3
Bronze 1 88.9 Diamond 1 6.9
Bronze 2 82.1 Diamond 2 4.8
Bronze 3 73.3 Diamond 3 3.3
Silver 1 64.4 Immortal 1 2.0
Silver 2 54.2 Immortal 2 0.7
Silver 3 45.0 Immortal 3 0.2
Gold 1 36.3 Radiant 0.03
Gold 2 28.2
Gold 3 21.9

Ranked facts

Your RR point gains are not determined by the difficulty of opponents you face, but by your MMR. Just because you are top of the scoreboard doesn’t mean you will get more RR than the player at the bottom of your team.

Matchmaking does not try to “make you have a 50% win rate”. As you play matches, your MMR tells us your skill level. This means we can put you in matches at your skill level where you have a 50:50 chance to win. This naturally pushes you towards a 50% win rate!

This is also a good reason why looking at your win rate, over your last 10-20 matches, can give you a good indication if you should be climbing! If you are winning more than 50% of your matches, the matchmaker will move you upwards (along with your MMR) to make more fair matches.

Info shared by @RiotEvrMoar

April 2022

Valorant rank distribution April 2022 Episode 4 Act II
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 2.5% Platinum 1 3.9%
Iron 2 3.5% Platinum 2 2.7%
Iron 3 6.5% Platinum 3 2.1%
Bronze 1 7.5% Diamond 1 1.8%
Bronze 2 9.8% Diamond 2 1.3%
Bronze 3 9.3% Diamond 3 1.0%
Silver 1 10.7% Immortal 1 0.9%
Silver 2 9.2% Immortal 2 0.4%
Silver 3 8.5% Immortal 3 0.3%
Gold 1 7.7% Radiant 0.03%
Gold 2 5.8%
Gold 3 4.6%


  • Iron: 12.5%

  • Bronze: 26.6%

  • Silver: 28.4%

  • Gold: 18.1%

  • Platinum: 8.7%

  • Diamond: 4.1%

  • Immortal: 1.6%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 3.9% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 100.3 Platinum 1 14.4
Iron 2 97.8 Platinum 2 10.5
Iron 3 94.3 Platinum 3 7.8
Bronze 1 87.8 Diamond 1 5.7
Bronze 2 80.3 Diamond 2 3.9
Bronze 3 70.5 Diamond 3 2.6
Silver 1 61.2 Immortal 1 1.6
Silver 2 50.5 Immortal 2 0.7
Silver 3 41 Immortal 3 0.3
Gold 1 32.5 Radiant 0.03
Gold 2 24.8
Gold 3 19

March 2022

Valorant rank distribution March 2022 Episode 4 Act II
Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 2.3% Platinum 1 3.8%
Iron 2 3.4% Platinum 2 2.8%
Iron 3 6.2% Platinum 3 2.1%
Bronze 1 7.4% Diamond 1 1.8%
Bronze 2 9.6% Diamond 2 1.4%
Bronze 3 9.5% Diamond 3 1.1%
Silver 1 10.8% Immortal 1 1.1%
Silver 2 9.4% Immortal 2 0.4%
Silver 3 8.6% Immortal 3 0.2%
Gold 1 7.6% Radiant 0.03%
Gold 2 5.8%
Gold 3 4.7%


  • Iron: 11.9%

  • Bronze: 26.5%

  • Silver: 28.8%

  • Gold: 18.1%

  • Platinum: 8.7%

  • Diamond: 4.3%

  • Immortal: 1.7%

  • Radiant: 0.03%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 3.1% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 100 Platinum 1 14.7
Iron 2 97.7 Platinum 2 10.9
Iron 3 94.3 Platinum 3 8.1
Bronze 1 88.1 Diamond 1 6
Bronze 2 80.7 Diamond 2 4.2
Bronze 3 71.1 Diamond 3 2.8
Silver 1 61.6 Immortal 1 1.7
Silver 2 50.8 Immortal 2 0.6
Silver 3 41.4 Immortal 3 0.2
Gold 1 32.8 Radiant 0.03
Gold 2 25.2
Gold 3 19.4

February 2022

Episode 4 Act I landed on January 11th. Therefore, I decided to wait some weeks before gathering data on the rank distribution in order to show reliable statistics.

Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
Iron 1 2.3% Platinum 1 2.8%
Iron 2 3.1% Platinum 2 2.0%
Iron 3 7.8% Platinum 3 1.5%
Bronze 1 8.1% Diamond 1 1.6%
Bronze 2 12.8% Diamond 2 1.2%
Bronze 3 10.8% Diamond 3 0.7%
Silver 1 13.0% Immortal 1 0.4%
Silver 2 9.3% Immortal 2 0.2%
Silver 3 7.6% Immortal 3 0.1%
Gold 1 6.0% Radiant 0.02%
Gold 2 4.6%
Gold 3 3.6%


  • Iron: 13.2%

  • Bronze: 31.7%

  • Silver: 29.9%

  • Gold: 14.1%

  • Platinum: 6.3%

  • Diamond: 3.5%

  • Immortal: 0.7%

  • Radiant: 0.02%

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond 2 you are in the top 3.1% of the player base.

Rank Top% Rank Top%
Iron 1 100 Platinum 1 11
Iron 2 97.7 Platinum 2 8.2
Iron 3 94.6 Platinum 3 6.2
Bronze 1 86.8 Diamond 1 4.7
Bronze 2 78.7 Diamond 2 3.1
Bronze 3 65.9 Diamond 3 1.9
Silver 1 55.1 Immortal 1 0.7
Silver 2 42.1 Immortal 2 0.3
Silver 3 32.8 Immortal 3 0.1
Gold 1 25.2 Radiant 0.02
Gold 2 19.2
Gold 3 14.6

Header, all images, and Valorant data owner: Riot - Stats from February 2022 to June 2023: TrackerGG

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.