Valorant Best Sova Arrow spots on Icebox (30+)

Valorant Best Sova Arrow spots on Icebox (30+)

The best Sova’s arrows on Icebox. Learn the best arrow spots to gather info on the enemy positions with Recon Bolt, or to defeat them with Shock Bolt.

  • Beware from mobile. All the pictures are optimized, but there are about 30+ in this guide.

  • When explaining the arrow spots, I might use the most common callouts to indicate them.

More arrow spots:

All the arrow spots have been recorded at low graphic settings to make sure that everyone is able to use them. Note that some arrows might be harder to align at higher settings because of the added effects.

The following Icebox map shows all the arrow locations explained in this guide.

Map best Sova arrow spots Icebox Valorant

Recon darts: used to gather info on the positions of attackers or defenders. Even when destroyed, you will still know that at least an enemy is located in that area.

Shock darts: used to defend the spike from a defuser, deal with an enemy as they plant the spike, or defeat them while they hide in common spots.

Each slide explains how to execute each arrow. Reading the instructions on the slides might be difficult from mobile, so I have transcribed the text as well. If you prefer audio over text, you can also listen to the article via the button in the intro.

Quick links

A Site arrows - Attack | Icebox

Recon bolts

A Nest from A Belt

A Nest recon arrow from A Belt - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Align with the middle of the bottom box and the edge of Belt.

  • Align the left part of the charge bar with the darker patch of the wall. The verticality should be just above the bottom part of the frame.

A Site (Back) from Attacker Spawn

A Site Back recon arrow from Attacker Spawn - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Line up on the square on the ground across from the boxes near Attacker Spawn.

  • Place the left corner of the diamond on the bottom of this dark line above the storage container.

A Site from A Belt

A Site recon arrow from A Belt - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up the conveyor belt and align yourself with the center of the grey platform to the right.

  • Aim at the top edge of this grey rectangle, a bit to the right of the yellow light.

Note: This arrow doesn’t scan players under Rafters.

A Site from A Belt

A Site recon arrow from A Belt 2 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Align the nest with the wall, just enough to see an opening.

  • Aim at the crest of the nest through the opening.

A Site from A Nest

A Site recon arrow from A Nest - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Move up in between the cylindrical containers.

  • Aim at the dark part of the metal bar where the rope meets.

A Site arrows - Defense | Icebox

Recon bolts

A Belt from A Rafters

A Belt recon arrow from A Rafters - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Move into the left corner of Rafters.

  • Align the bottom corner of the left diamond to the left edge of the vertical grey line and the top edge of the horizontal grey line.

A Belt from A Site

A Belt recon arrow from A Site - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up to the green box right next to Default plant spot at A Site.

  • Aim at the top of the opening right next to the crate.

A Main from A Site

A Main recon arrow from A Site - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up to the box and align with the center of it

  • Aim anywhere in the gap between the top edge and slightly above the bottom of the gap, as showed in the picture.

A Site from B Snowman

A site recon arrow from B Snowman - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Stand in the corner of B Snowman on top of the Snowman.

  • Place the top corner of the mouse HUD of Recon Bolt on the middle of this angled part of the roof. (Sometimes, there is a black dot on this position)

  • Crouch and shoot.

Mid arrows - Attack | Icebox

Recon bolts

Mid Boiler / Mid Ramp from Mid Blue

Mid Boiler Mid Ramp recon arrow from Mid Blue - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Align yourself in such a way that you can see the metal part of the tube, as shown with the arrow in the image.

  • Aim anywhere at the metal part of the tube.

Mid Boiler from Mid Blue

Mid Boiler recon arrow from Mid Blue - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Just after the Spawn barriers are gone, align yourself with the blue box.

  • Put the letter “B” of “Bounce” in the gap, as shown in the figure.

Mid Pallet from Mid Blue

Mid Pallet recon arrow from Mid Blue - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up to the corner of the boxes.

  • Align the letter “A” of “Charge” with the brown patch of the tube, as shown in the image.

Mid arrows - Defense | Icebox

Recon bolts

Attacker Spawn / Mid Blue from Mid Boiler

Attacker Spawn Mid Blue recon arrow from Mid Boiler - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Line up on the small rectangle near the dark line of the floor (sometimes it doesn’t show up).

  • Place the second charger divider line at the bottom of the left corner of the “N” of “Kingdom”.

  • Jump and shoot.

Mid Blue from Mid Boiler

Mid Blue recon arrow from Mid Boiler - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up to the boiler wall in Mid, and align these two edges up.

  • Aim at the top of the light, as shown in the picture.

    • It doesn’t need to be pixel perfect.

    • The arrow reveals anyone pushing up Mid and Attacker Spawn.

Mid Blue from Mid Boiler

Mid Blue recon arrow from Mid Boiler 2 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the back right corner of the bridge above B Hut.

  • Align the top of the first charge bar divider with the bottom corner of this grey rectangle on the crane.

B Site arrows - Attack | Icebox

Recon bolts

B Cubby / B Yellow from B Garage

B Cubby B Yellow recon arrow from B Garage - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk against this crate with the KNG mark.

  • Align the edge of the wall and the rightmost part of the patch just enough so that the patch disappears.

  • Aim at anywhere between the middle of the visible Green or the lower end of it.

  • Remember to keep the cross close to the wall.

B Garage / Mid Boiler from Mid Blue

B Garage Mid Boiler recon arrow from Mid Blue - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk into this corner, between the yellow box and the wall.

  • Place the left line of the OWL Drone HUD at the bottom of this grey line.

B Site (Outer) from Attacker Spawn

B Site Outer recon arrow from Attacker Spawn - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Stand in this corner with the yellow crate and the ramp.

  • Line the curved part of the HUD line with the gap in between these two grey blocks.

For optimal placement, make sure it is slightly below the grey line.

B Site (Outer) from Attacker Spawn

B Site Outer recon arrow from Attacker Spawn 2 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Stand on the top of the barrels.

  • Aim at the green box and align the upper right corner of the charge bar with the top of the “K” in the Kingdom logo.

B Site from Mid Blue

B Site recon arrow from Mid Blue - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk up to the box, and get into the corner.

  • Align the leftmost mouse icon with the rightmost metal bar of the crane.

B Yellow from Attacker Spawn

B Yellow recon arrow from Attacker Spawn - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk till the corner of the ramp of Attacker Spawn.

  • Align the bottom of the right HUD line with the top of the lower mountain peak that has a bit of snow.

B Site arrows - Defense | Icebox

Recon bolts

B Cubby from B Hut

B Cubby recon arrow from B Hut - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk to the corner of the hut that is close to the Defender Spawn.

  • Align the second charge bar with the edge of the bar, such that the top of the second charge bar just touches the roof, as shown in the image.

B Garage / Mid from B Yellow

B Garage Mid recon arrow from B Yellow - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Line up the two edges of Yellow.

  • Place the top right corner of the charge bar to the bottom of the second black bar, and align it with the dark edge of the container.

Shock bolts

B Default Plant from B Back

B Default Plant shock arrow from B Back - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk into this corner, between the tunnel and the ice wall of B Black

Arrow 1: Place the line inside the right drone wheel icon on the top of this grey metal bar.

Arrow 2: Place the top of the right drone wheel icon at the bottom of the metal bar. (It is better to go too far low than too far high)

B Default Plant from B Back

B Default Plant shock arrow from B Back 2 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Get into this corner at the back of B Site, as shown in the image.

Arrow 1: Place the bottom of the letter “B” of “Bounce” on the top of the metal patch of the crane.

Arrow 2: Aim at the middle of the outer patch of the wall, as shown.

B Default Plant from B Back

B Default Plant shock arrow from B Back 3 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk towards the entrance of the B Site tube, and align with the right edge as shown by the arrow.

Arrow 1: Align the left HUD line right to the recon dart with the edge, as shown.

Arrow 2: Pull down a bit and aim in the middle of the green cloud.

B Default Plant from B Back

B Default Plant shock arrow from B Back 4 - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Walk towards the entrance of the B Site tube, and align with the left edge, as shown by the arrow.

Arrow 1: Align the right charge bar in such a way that it forms a triangle with the edge of the green container. (it doesn’t need to be pixel perfect)

Arrow 2: Align the top of the Shock Bolt logo with the top of the box, as shown.

B Default Plant from B Orange

B Default Plant shock arrow from B Orange - Icebox Sova Valorant
  • Align the edge of the green box at the site and the edge of the orange container, as shown.

Arrow 1: Place the crosshair at the center of the edge of the first black patch from the left. Jump and shoot.

Arrow 2: Aim at the bottom part of the “K” of “KNG”, as shown.

More Valorant articles:

Credit to Krodeon who provided information and images for this article.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.