Valorant Best Sova Arrow spots on Haven (70+)

Valorant Best Sova Arrow spots on Haven (70+)

The best Sova’s arrows on Haven. Learn the best arrow spots to gather info on the enemy positions with Recon Bolt, or to defeat them with Shock Bolt.

  • Beware from mobile. All the pictures are optimized, but there are about 70+ in this guide.

  • When explaining the arrow spots, I might use the most common callouts to indicate them.

More arrow spots:

All the arrow spots have been recorded at low graphic settings to make sure that everyone is able to use them. Note that some arrows might be harder to align at higher settings because of the added effects.

The following Haven map shows all the arrow locations explained in this guide.

Map best Sova Arrow spots on Haven - Valorant

Fake darts: used to recon a site from the entrance to another. They are useful to confuse the opponents and make them rotate to the wrong side.

Recon darts: used to gather info on the positions of attackers or defenders. Even when destroyed, you will still know that at least an enemy is located in that area.

Shock darts: used to defend the spike from a defuser, deal with an enemy as they plant the spike, or defeat them while they hide in common spots.

Each slide explains how to execute each arrow. Reading the instructions on the slides might be difficult from mobile, so I have transcribed the text as well. If you prefer audio over text, you can also listen to the article via the button in the intro.

Quick links

A Site arrows - Attack | Haven

Recon bolts

A Site/Heaven from A Long

A Site Heaven recon arrow from A Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into this corner in Long, and make sure you are not moving.

  • Place the third bar at the bottom of the left diamond.

A Site (High Roof) from A Garden

A Site High Roof recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Place the tip of the HUD line as shown in the second image, leaving a pixel of gap between the tip and the tiny pointy leaf to the right of it.

A Site (Low Roof) from A Garden

A Site Low Roof recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Place the tip of the HUD line exactly as shown.

  • The arrow bounces off the box and sticks under the roof. If you are not precise enough, the arrow will stick in a not optimal part of the roof, resulting in reduced coverage.

This arrow has the greatest coverage for A Site.

A Site (Pillars) from A Garden

A Site Pillars recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Place the tip of the HUD line as shown in the image.

  • It can be aimed a pixel higher, but the arrow will land lower with reduced coverage.

A Site from A Garden

A Site recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the entire ledge on A Garden.

  • Aim at the center of the gap in the tree, and then aim slightly right of it.

Shock bolts

A Heaven from A Long (Sandbags)

A Heaven shock arrow from A Long Sandbags - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the sandbags corner (on floor level, not on top) on A Long.

Arrow 1: Place the tip of the HUD line a hair above the flower petal.

Arrow 2: Line up the left diamond to the bulb, and place its bottom vertex onto the roof. Charge this arrow when the first arrow is about to cross the black wires to sync landing.

A Long from A Garden

A Long shock arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into this corner of A Garden, not at the top and not at the floor level.

  • Aim at the gap between the leaves of this tree.

A Site Default from A Long

A Site Default shock arrow from A Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go against the sandbags in the corner.

Arrow 1: Draw an imaginary line from this diagonal line, and line it up with the gap.

Arrow 2: Aim slightly to the bottom right of this light bulb.

A Site from A Long

A Site shock arrow from A Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go into this corner in Long.

  • Aim at this dark brick that is set apart from the others.

A Site from A Long

A Site shock arrow from A Long alternative - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go into this corner in Long.

  • Aim your crosshair at this line, to the top right of the mushroom-looking blotch.

Fake arrows

Back C Site from A Garden

Back C Site fake arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Nestle the tip of the drone icon in between the gap of these pillar formations.

C Site from A Garden

C Site fake arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Nestle the tip of the drone icon in between the top of this pillar formation.

A Site arrows - Defense | Haven

Recon bolts

A Garden from A Long (Barrier)

A Garden recon arrow from A Long Barrier - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the left corner of the barrier on A Long.

  • Aim the crosshair above the light bulb, as shown in the first image.

  • Place the tip of the HUD line to the left edge of the strap on the block.

  • Use the crevice in the block to align vertically.

A Garden from A Site

A Garden recon arrow from A Site - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the black left corner of A, standing on the ammo box.

  • Align the tip of your arrow with the corner of the rooftop.

A Garden from B Site

A Garden recon arrow from B Site - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into this corner of the crate.

  • Aim at the bottom of the section dividing the two windows.

A Garden from Back C Site

A Garden recon arrow from Back C Site - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the back left corner of C, standing at the corner of the platform and the ammo box.

  • Align your crosshair about two thirds of the way on this brick.

A Lobby from A Site (Back Boxes)

A Lobby recon arrow from A Site Black Boxes - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the boxes at the back of A Site.

  • Place the tip of the shock dart icon to the vertex in the roof, as shown.

This arrow can spot enemies down in A Sewer.

A Short from A Link

A Short recon arrow from A Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the boxes at the back of A Site.

  • Place the tip of the shock dart icon a pixel above the vertex in the roof support.

A Site from A Link

A Site recon arrow from A Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into this corner of A Link.

  • Place the top right of the charge bar into this shadow of the barrel.

Shock bolts

A Default from A/B Link

A Default shock arrow from A B Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go against this barrel in A Link.

Arrow 1: Place the bottom tip of the right diamond on top of where this wire meets the roof.

Arrow 2: Aim against the roof to the right of this light bulb.

A Site from A Link

A Site shock arrow from A Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go into the corner with the crate.

  • Align the crosshair over this wooden beam, and line up this part of Sova’s bow with the wooden beam to the right.

A Site from C Link

A Site shock arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner with the targets, moving into the wall until you are stopped.

  • Align Sova’s pinky knuckle with the curve in the wall decoration.

B Site arrows - Attack | Haven

Recon bolts

B Site (Back) from A Garden

B Site Back recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Place the tip of the HUD line halfway on the edge of the green square, as shown.

B Site (Front) from A Garden

B Site Front recon arrow from A Garden - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Place the crosshair at the vertex of the pillars in the background.

  • Look to the left edge of the screen, and move the mouse until the vertex of the roof is just hidden away off screen.

This is the most difficult arrow spot of the entire collection due to the collision changes in version 0.50, but it is a very rewarding placement.

B Site (Front) from A Garden

B Site Front recon arrow from A Garden alternative - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the first ledge on A Garden.

  • Align the crosshair between the two edges of the window beneath the bell.

B Site (Front) from Mid Window

B Site Front recon arrow from Mid Window - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Align with this left wall and walk forward.

  • Aim at the bottom left of this brick, slightly lower until you reach the brick below.

Shock bolts

B Site Default Plant from C Link

B Site Default Plant shock arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner at C Garage Door.

  • Line up the crosshair to the ring on the cable, and move up until it touches the edge of the wood piece.

  • Stay below the wood edge, otherwise the arrow will hit the top of the door instead.

B Site (Left) from Mid

B Site Left shock arrow from Mid - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go into the corner in mid with the crate.

  • Aim up right from this faded brick on the wall.

B Site (Right) from Mid

B Site Right shock arrow from Mid - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go into the corner in mid with the crate.

  • Aim above the center of this brick at the center of the three on the wall.

B Site arrows - Defense| Haven 

Recon bolts

Attacker Side Lobby from B Site

Attacker Side Lobby recon arrow from B Sitem - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of the wall on B Site. Hold Forward and use the mouse to guide the player model into a full stop.

  • Place the crosshair onto the edge of the roofing, above and centered to the first window, as shown.

This arrow can spot late pushers in A Garden, Mid Lobby, and C Lobby.

B Site from C Link

B Site recon arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into this corner of C Link.

  • Aim at the darker part of the wood.

Shock bolts

Mid Window from B Site

Mid Window shock arrow from B Site
  • Get into the corner of the wall on B Site. Hold Forward and use the mouse to guide the player model into a full stop.

  • Place the crosshair through the gap, and align vertically with the yellow dotted line.

C Site arrows - Attack | Haven 

Recon bolts

C Garage from Mid Lobby (Barrier)

C Garage recon arrow from Mid Lobby Barrier - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the left corner of the barrier at Mid Lobby.

  • Aim the crosshair to the ground.

  • Align the top edge of the B square to the horizontal line of the right door.

  • Place the right edge of the square between the edge of the right door frame.

Note: this arrow spot does not recon the close left corner.

C Garage from Mid Window

C Garage recon arrow from Mid Window - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Line up these two edges in Mid Window.

  • Place the light part of the charge bar at the corner of the window.

  • Place the charge bar just a few pixels to the right for optimal placement.

C Site from Attacker Spawn

C Site recon arrow from Attacker Spawn - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in this corner of Attacker Spawn with the pots.

  • Align the middle of the diamonds with the edge of the pink trees.

  • The bottom of the left diamond should be touching the tip where the shadow meets the wall.

C Site from C Lobby

C Site recon arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Align with the edge of this box, and walk straight forward.

  • Place the crosshair on the left side corner of the red cloth.

C Site from C Lobby

C Site recon arrow from C Lobby alternative - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Align with the edge of this box, and walk straight forward.

  • Place the crosshair to the top right vertex of this pillar in the background.

C Site from C Long

C Site recon arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner on C Long (beyond the barrier).

  • Place the crosshair to the vertex of the pillar in the background.

  • Aim slightly to the left to avoid missing the edge of the wall.

C Site from C Long

C Site recon arrow from C Long alternative - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in the back left corner of Long and crouch.

  • Place the top right dot of the charge bar to the left of the bottom left corner of the brown part in this window.

C Site from C Long (Alternative)

C Site recon arrow from C Long alternative four - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in the back left corner of Long and crouch.

  • Aim right underneath the corner where the roof meets the wire.

C Site from C Long

C Site recon arrow from C Long alternative three - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand against the back wall and move left until this plank curve is barely visible.

  • Align the top of the charge bar with the corner of the wall, so that none of the white wall is visibile.

  • Align the crosshair with the left edge of this roof extension. Crouch.

C Site from C Long

C Site recon arrow from C Long alternative two - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand against the left border of the doorway into C Long.

  • Place the top left of this menu on the roof, and the right HUD line at the right edge of the branch.

Garage Window from Attacker Spawn

Garage Window recon arrow from Attacker Spawn - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand on this tile in Defender Spawn with the green stain.

  • Place the right HUD line a pixel above the second window.

Shock bolts

C Long Plant from C Long

C Long Plant shock arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the left corner of C Long.

  • Align your crosshair with the left edge of the second brick on this rooftop, and aim below and slightly to the left so you don’t hit the wall.

C Platform from C Lobby

C Platform shock arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in this position, so that you can’t see any part of the wall.

Arrow 1: Place the drone icon over the wire and under this small gap.

Arrow 2: Aim at the center of the area with the blue cloth. Wait 8 seconds.

C Site Back from C Long

C Site Back shock arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the Corner on C Long (beyond the barrier).

Arrow 1: Place the tip of the HUD line at the vertex of the pillars in the background.

Arrow 2: Immediately move the same tip down, and place it at the edge of the roof, as shown.

Landing is synced if done quickly.

C Site Center Box from C Long

C Site Center Box shock arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner on C Long (beyond the barrier)

Arrow 1: Place the crosshair below the heart-shaped leaf, as shown. Aiming too high will lead to the arrow landing on top of the center box.

Arrow 2: Place the crosshair at a diagonal offset to the pillar in the far back.

Landing is synced if done quickly.

C Site Default/Long Plant from C Cubby

C Site Default Long Plant shock arrow from C Cubby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner of C Cubby.

Default: Place the crosshair at the floating leaf.

Long: Place the crosshair at an imaginary right angle created by the floating leaf and the darker leaf at the top.

C Site Default/Long Plant from C Link

C Site Default Long Plant shock arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the back corner of C Link near B site.

Default: Align the left HUD element with the bottom right of this vertex. Then bring your crosshair down quickly to halfway down this piece of wood.

Long: Align at the corner where the dark wood meets the light wood. Then bring the crosshair down to the middle of this brick.

C Site Default Plant from C Long

C Site Default Plant shock arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk against the back wall and line these two up.

Arrow 1: Place the left HUD line in the gap in the leaves.

Arrow 2: Aim at the edge of this wooden beam.

C Site Long Plant from C Long

C Site Long Plant shock arrow from C Long - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk against the back wall and line these two up.

Arrow 1: Place the diamond of the left mouse shock indicator to the right of this wire.

Arrow 2: Aim against the wall about a brick lower than these markings.

Fake arrows

A Heaven from C Lobby

A Heaven fake arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of A Lobby with the green overhang.

  • Align the center of the crosshair with the beginning of the dark edge in this cluster of green leaves.

  • Aim slightly down to see more of the site.

  • The vertical aspect is forgiving, but going too far to the right loses sight of Heaven, and going too far to the left loses sight of Site.

A Long from C Lobby

A Long fake arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of A Lobby with the green overhang.

  • Place the crosshair at the bottom right corner of this green leaf formation.

B Site from C Lobby

B Site fake arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Align with the edge of this box and walk straight forward.

  • Place the crosshair to the vertex of the gap in the roof tiles.

C Site from C Lobby

C Site fake arrow from C Lobby - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Align with the edge of this wall and walk straight forward.

  • Place the bounce indicator to the vertex of the gap in the roof tiles.

C Site arrows - Defense| Haven

Recon bolts

C Long/Lobby from C Site (Default)

C Long Lobby recon arrow from C Site Default - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner at Site known as Default.

  • Align Sova’s knuckle with the corner of this box.

C Long/Lobby from C Site (Spawn)

C Long Lobby recon arrow from C Site Spawn - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner at the back of C Site towards Defender Side Spawn.

  • Place the tip of the left diamond underneath the lower fourth square, as shown.

C Long from A Site

C Long recon arrow from A Site - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get in the corner with the two ammo boxes and crouch.

  • Aim at the dark spot of this grey decal on the box, after you fully charge the arrow.

C Long from C Site (Default)

C Long recon arrow from C Site Default - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in this corner of C Site known as Default.

  • Aim at the light leaf on this branch.

C Site from C Link

C Site recon arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the corner at the B Site door towards C Link.

  • Place the upper right tip of the charge bar at the corner of the roof.

Note: Aiming lower will cause the arrow to fly pass the wall.

Mid Doors from C Link

Mid Doors recon arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go up against the wall at C Link. Place the crosshair to the vertex of the tile, as shown.

  • Place the charge bar such that the lighter part covers the horizontal wood piece.

  • Alternatively, use the tip of the HUD line to align, as shown in the second image.

This arrow can see into Mid Window.

Mid Doors from C Link

Mid Doors recon arrow from C Link alternative - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Stand in the corner of the edge of the door border of B.

  • Aim at the lighter wire holder, near the middle of the opening.

Mid Doors from C Link

Mid Doors recon arrow from C Link alternative two - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Go in the corner of C Link with the potted plant.

  • Align your crosshair with the square of the flag, then move it to the left until it reaches the roof.

Mid/Mid Window from C Link

Mid Mid Window recon arrow from C Link - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk against the wall here until you stop.

  • Aim at the top right corner of the red flag.

Shock bolts

C Long (Cubby) from C Site (Back)

C Long Cubby shock arrow from C Site Back - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of C Site near the platform.

Arrow 1: Aim horizontally about halfway of this roof extrusion.

Arrow 2: Aim at this corner of the roof. 5 seconds delay.

C Long (Entrance) from C Site (Back)

C Long Entrance shock arrow from C Site Back - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of C Site near the platform.

Arrow 1: Align the crosshair with this bump and the top corner of this extrusion.

Arrow 2: Align the crosshair with this bump in the roof and the top edge of the beam. No delay.

Moving a little to the right hits closer to the center, while moving to the left will hit the roof edge.

C Long from C Site (Back)

C Long shock arrow from C Site Back - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of C Site near the platform.

Arrow 1: Aim at about halfway on this part of the roof.

Arrow 2: Aim down at this extrusion, slightly to the left of the beam. No delay.

C Long from C Site (CT)

C Long shock arrow from C Site CT - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of C Site near the platform.

Arrow 1: Place the bottom left HUD line at about the top one-third of this beam.

Arrow 2: Place the line at the top one-third of this wall section. No delay.

C Long (Site) from C Site (Back)

C Long Site shock arrow from C Site Back - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner of C Site near the platform.

Arrow 1: Aim halfway in this gap and align with the edge of the top roof part.

Arrow 2: Aim straight down and align with the edge of this bar.

C Long (Ult Orb) from C Site (Back)

C Long Ult Orb shock arrow from C Site Back - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the back corner of C Site.

Arrow 1: Place your crosshair about halfway in this gap in the rooftop.

Arrow 2: Move your crosshair straight down and align it with the bump here. No delay.

C Long (Ult Orb) from C Site (CT)

C Long Ult Orb shock arrow from C Site CT - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Walk into the corner near CT entrance.

Arrow 1: Align the left HUD line slightly left (about one thick part’s worth) of this roof vertex.

Arrow 2: Place the line on this part of the wire. Make sure it is at least touching it on the left edge, otherwise it will hit the rooftop. No delay.

C Site Default/Long Plant from Spawn

C Site Default Long Plant shock arrow from Spawn - Haven Sova Valorant
  • Get into the back corner of Spawn near A Site.

Default: Align the C of Charge with this leaf cluster.

Long: Align the bottom edge of the first divider in the charge indicator with the leaf cluster.

More Valorant articles:

Credit to Krodeon who provided information and images for this article.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.