Valorant Best Sage Wall spots on Split

Valorant Best Sage Wall spots on Split

The best Sage’s walls on Split. Learn the best wall spots to boost yourself, block off areas of the map, defend the site, or plant the Spike safely.

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  • Beware from mobile. All the pictures are optimized, but there are about 30+ in this guide.

  • When explaining the wall spots, I might use the most common callouts to indicate them.

More wall spots:

Site A walls - Attack | Split

Sniping spot Lobby

At the start of the match, you may score an easy kill with this wall boost, if there is any visible enemy on Rafters/Heaven. Unfortunately, the field of view is quite limited.

Main to Rafters wall boost

A simple wall to reach Rafters while entering Site A from Main. From here, you can shoot at any enemy defending Heaven, especially if they are busy against your teammates on Ramp.

Defending the spike

You can use this placement both as the attacker (after planting the Spike) or the defender.

Be sure to close Elbow with the wall (image 2) in order to prevent any sneak attack.

From the wall, you have vision on both Heaven and the main entrance to the site.

Site A walls - Defense | Split

As the defender, Site A offers several excellent sniping spots.

Sniping spot Rafters

Be sure to place the wall correctly, or you won’t have enough vision. The first picture shows the alignment of the wall.

Your view on Main is limited, but usually no one checks this height immediately, so you have first shot advantage.

Site A Rafters wall view Split Sage Valorant

Blocking Ramp

This wall blocks Ramp and gives you vision on the main entrance.

Ramp wall Split Sage Valorant

You can access both sides, however, trying to shoot at the left side will completely expose your body.

Sniping spot Ramp

These boxes provide an amazing sniping spot. The opponents do not expect someone here, and you have a perfect view on the entrance.

Mid walls | Split

Bottom Mid wall boost

When placing this wall, be sure to not put it past the boxes, or the enemies will detect your location.

You can easily get a quick kill on the opponent sniper on Mid or Vent as they don’t expect a player to pop up from above the boxes. Moreover, most of your body is protected.

Blocking Mid

This simple wall prevents access to Top Mid, and it gives you some extra high ground advantage.

Most enemies know that Sage will try to attack from above the wall, so you are not very safe.

Site B walls - Defense | Split

Blocking the entrance

This wall blocks the entrance to Site B, and it provides you access to the crates behind.

Site B Sniping spot

A very effective sniping placement at early ranks, but it won’t work as well afterwards as this wall boost is easily counterable with several abilities.

Rafters wall boost

Be sure to place the wall correctly on Rafters, or you won’t have sufficient vision.

Heaven wall Site B Split Sage Valorant

This sniping spot has a limited view on the entrance, but you will be able to kill easily any opponent that moves there as they will check Heaven first. Most of your body is covered by the pillar.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.