Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Rank Distribution in January 2025 Set 13

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Rank Distribution in January 2025 Set 13

The Teamfight Tactics (TFT) rank distribution in January 2025, Set 13. Find out the player distribution and all the info shared by Riot devs SapMagic, Ran Cao, and MapleNectar on the MMR system.

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    I will monitor both the dev blogs and their social profiles to update this article over time with all the info we have on the rank system and distribution.

    Set 13 - Into the Arcane

    Patch 14.23 - Into the Arcane

    • When Into the Arcane goes live in your region, or after you download the latest mobile patch, you can start climbing.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous set, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Silver IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    More Teamfight Tactics Articles:

    Rank distribution

    January 2025

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution January 2025 Set 13 Into the Arcane

    The tables are responsive. If you are using a phone, press on the grey bar to swipe them.

    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.010% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV 1.6%
    Iron III 0.15% Gold III 8.2% Diamond III 0.64%
    Iron II 0.56% Gold II 6.6% Diamond II 0.36%
    Iron I 0.79% Gold I 3.7% Diamond I 0.17%
    Bronze IV 1.5% Platinum IV 10% Master 0.85%
    Bronze III 2.4% Platinum III 5.5% GrandMaster 0.047%
    Bronze II 3.4% Platinum II 3.6% Challenger 0.024%
    Bronze I 3.8% Platinum I 1.6%
    Silver IV 5.8% Emerald IV 4.7%
    Silver III 6.2% Emerald III 2.2%
    Silver II 6.8% Emerald II 1.2%
    Silver I 5.5% Emerald I 0.50%


    • Iron: 1.5%

    • Bronze: 11%

    • Silver: 24%

    • Gold: 28%

    • Platinum: 21%

    • Emerald: 8.7%

    • Diamond: 2.8%

    • Master: 0.85%

    • GrandMaster: 0.047%

    • Challenger: 0.024%

    Set 12 - Magic n’ Mayhem

    Patch 14.20

    TFT added a small number of bots to low to middle rank brackets to speed up queues and improve overall player experience.

    • Bots will show up occasionally in a small number of games, in Normal and Ranked queues, decreasing in likelihood as you rank up.

    • Bots will not appear in a Ranked game with a player ranked Platinum or above.

    Patch 14.15 - Magic n’ Mayhem

    • When Magic n’ Mayhem goes live in your region, or after you download the latest mobile patch, you can start climbing.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous season, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Silver IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    • Note that there's still a 24h period of delay between mobile and PC going live.

    • During that time, Mobile players who have not yet gotten the new set in their region won't be able to climb the ladder on the old set.

    Rank distribution

    November 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution November 2024 Set 12 Magic n Mayhem
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.022% Gold IV 9.6% Diamond IV 2.1%
    Iron III 0.33% Gold III 7.2% Diamond III 0.66%
    Iron II 0.95% Gold II 5.6% Diamond II 0.33%
    Iron I 1.0% Gold I 3.0% Diamond I 0.15%
    Bronze IV 2.0% Platinum IV 10% Master 1.7%
    Bronze III 2.9% Platinum III 5.1% GrandMaster 0.048%
    Bronze II 3.8% Platinum II 3.2% Challenger 0.024%
    Bronze I 4.0% Platinum I 1.3%
    Silver IV 6.6% Emerald IV 5.1%
    Silver III 6.6% Emerald III 2.1%
    Silver II 6.7% Emerald II 1.1%
    Silver I 4.8% Emerald I 0.39%


    • Iron: 2.4%

    • Bronze: 12%

    • Silver: 24%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 20%

    • Emerald: 8.8%

    • Diamond: 3.2%

    • Master: 1.7%

    • GrandMaster: 0.048%

    • Challenger: 0.024%

    August 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution August 2024 Set 12 Magic n Mayhem
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.037% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 0.55% Gold III 6.9% Diamond III 0.44%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold II 5.0% Diamond II 0.22%
    Iron I 1.4% Gold I 2.6% Diamond I 0.072%
    Bronze IV 2.7% Platinum IV 7.6% Master 1.1%
    Bronze III 3.8% Platinum III 3.8% GrandMaster 0.032%
    Bronze II 5.0% Platinum II 2.4% Challenger 0.015%
    Bronze I 5.0% Platinum I 1.0%
    Silver IV 8.6% Emerald IV 3.7%
    Silver III 8.1% Emerald III 1.5%
    Silver II 7.8% Emerald II 0.80%
    Silver I 5.3% Emerald I 0.28%


    • Iron: 3.4%

    • Bronze: 16%

    • Silver: 29%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 15%

    • Emerald: 6.3%

    • Diamond: 2.1%

    • Master: 1.1%

    • GrandMaster: 0.032%

    • Challenger: 0.015%

    Set 11: Inkborn Fables

    Patch 14.11

    • TFT players who are Master+ can now queue with one other player who is within 400 LP of them.

    Patch 14.6 - Inkborn Fables

    New ranked season

    • When Inkborn Fables goes live in your region, or after you download the latest mobile patch, you can start climbing.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous season, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Bronze IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    • Note that there’s still a 24h period of delay between mobile and PC going live.

    • Mobile players who have not gotten the new set in their region won't be able to climb the ladder on the old set anymore.

    Rank distribution

    June 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution June 2024 Set 11 Inkborn Fables
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.032% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV 1.7%
    Iron III 0.44% Gold III 7.4% Diamond III 0.58%
    Iron II 1.1% Gold II 5.5% Diamond II 0.30%
    Iron I 1.1% Gold I 2.8% Diamond I 0.11%
    Bronze IV 2.2% Platinum IV 8.9% Master 1.2%
    Bronze III 3.1% Platinum III 4.6% GrandMaster 0.051%
    Bronze II 4.1% Platinum II 2.9% Challenger 0.025%
    Bronze I 4.2% Platinum I 1.2%
    Silver IV 7.5% Emerald IV 4.5%
    Silver III 7.3% Emerald III 1.9%
    Silver II 7.1% Emerald II 1.0%
    Silver I 4.8% Emerald I 0.38%


    • Iron: 2.7%

    • Bronze: 13%

    • Silver: 26%

    • Gold: 26%

    • Platinum: 17%

    • Emerald: 7.9%

    • Diamond: 2.7%

    • Master: 1.2%

    • GrandMaster: 0.051%

    • Challenger: 0.025%

    April 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution April 2024 Set 11 Inkborn Fables
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.03% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV 1.3%
    Iron III 0.52% Gold III 6.7% Diamond III 0.43%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold II 4.8% Diamond II 0.21%
    Iron I 1.5% Gold I 2.5% Diamond I 0.070%
    Bronze IV 2.8% Platinum IV 7.3% Master 1.2%
    Bronze III 4.0% Platinum III 3.6% GrandMaster 0.033%
    Bronze II 5.2% Platinum II 2.2% Challenger 0.011%
    Bronze I 5.3% Platinum I 0.96%
    Silver IV 8.8% Emerald IV 3.5%
    Silver III 8.3% Emerald III 1.4%
    Silver II 7.9% Emerald II 0.77%
    Silver I 5.4% Emerald I 0.27%


    • Iron: 3.5%

    • Bronze: 17%

    • Silver: 30%

    • Gold: 24%

    • Platinum: 14%

    • Emerald: 6%

    • Diamond: 2.1%

    • Master: 1.2%

    • GrandMaster: 0.033%

    • Challenger: 0.011%

    Set 10 - Remix Rumble

    Patch 13.23 - Remix Rumble!

    New ranked season

    TL;DR: Because we’re moving to 3 sets a year with no mid-sets, we need to make some updates to smooth out the climb. These updates include the release of Emerald tier, a reduction in penalties for LP decay below Challenger, and an increase in the banked game max to 14 to align with LoL PC. Masters+ players can now enjoy a full 2-week vacation!

    • Climbing will be slightly easier and faster to rank up to Platinum and below.

    • Higher ranks may take longer, because we have a longer season (no mid-set reset), we’re adjusting the climb to fit it’s new length (but not exactly in a 1:1).

    • Emerald Tier is here.

    • Inactivity penalty changed! Days banked 10 ⇒ 14 (aka Masters+ players can now enjoy a full 2-weeks off).

    • LP Decay adjusted! For Master, the new penalty for inactivity will be -50 LP (from -250).

    • LP Decay adjusted! For Grandmaster, the new penalty for inactivity will be -150 LP (from -250).

    • LP Decay for Challenger players remains the same, -250LP.

    • When Remix Rumble goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder immediately.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous season, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Bronze IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    • Note that there’s still a 24h period of delay between mobile and PC going live.

    The Emerald tier

    The Emerald tier will exist between Platinum and Diamond ranks. Adding this extra tier helps to flatten the curve of ranked skill disparity - with more nuance between ranks, each rank is a more accurate representation of an individual player’s skill level, especially between Platinum and Diamond.

    Rank distribution

    March 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution March 2024 Set 10 Remix Rumble
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.027% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV 2.1%
    Iron III 0.43% Gold III 7.0% Diamond III 0.66%
    Iron II 1.1% Gold II 5.1% Diamond II 0.33%
    Iron I 1.2% Gold I 2.5% Diamond I 0.11%
    Bronze IV 2.3% Platinum IV 9.2% Master 1.8%
    Bronze III 3.2% Platinum III 4.6% GrandMaster 0.41%
    Bronze II 4.2% Platinum II 2.8% Challenger 0.021%
    Bronze I 4.2% Platinum I 1.1%
    Silver IV 7.4% Emerald IV 5.1%
    Silver III 7.1% Emerald III 2.0%
    Silver II 6.8% Emerald II 1.1%
    Silver I 4.6% Emerald I 0.38%


    • Iron: 2.8%

    • Bronze: 14%

    • Silver: 26%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 17%

    • Emerald: 8.7%

    • Diamond: 3.2%

    • Master: 1.8%

    • GrandMaster: 0.041%

    • Challenger: 0.021%

    January 2024

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution January 2024 Set 10 Remix Rumble
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank
    Iron IV 0.022% Gold IV 10% Diamond IV
    Iron III 0.40% Gold III 7.3% Diamond III
    Iron II 1.1% Gold II 5.3% Diamond II
    Iron I 1.3% Gold I 2.7% Diamond I
    Bronze IV 2.4% Platinum IV 8.0% Master
    Bronze III 3.5% Platinum III 4.2% GrandMaster
    Bronze II 4.7% Platinum II 2.6% Challenger
    Bronze I 4.7% Platinum I 1.1%
    Silver IV 8.3% Emerald IV 3.7%
    Silver III 8.0% Emerald III 1.6%
    Silver II 7.7% Emerald II 0.92%
    Silver I 5.2% Emerald I 0.36%


    • Iron: 2.8%

    • Bronze: 15%

    • Silver: 29%

    • Gold: 26%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 6.6%

    • Diamond: 2.0%

    • Master: 0.85%

    • GrandMaster: 0.048%

    • Challenger: 0.024%

    Set 9 - Runeterra Reforged

    Patch 13.12 - Runeterra Reforged!

    New ranked season

    • When Runeterra Reforged goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous season, you will start anywhere from Iron II to Bronze IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    Rank distribution

    July 2023

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution July 2023 set 9 Runeterra Reforged
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.019% Silver II 9.7% Diamond IV 2.0%
    Iron III 0.41% Silver I 6.5% Diamond III 0.71%
    Iron II 1.2% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.34%
    Iron I 1.4% Gold III 7.8% Diamond I 0.11%
    Bronze IV 2.6% Gold II 5.4% Master 0.51%
    Bronze III 3.8% Gold I 2.6% GrandMaster 0.056%
    Bronze II 5.2% Platinum IV 6.2% Challenger 0.026%
    Bronze I 5.4% Platinum III 2.8%
    Silver IV 9.8% Platinum II 1.7%
    Silver III 9.8% Platinum I 0.70%


    • Iron: 3.0%

    • Bronze: 17%

    • Silver: 36%

    • Gold: 28%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Diamond: 3.1%

    • Master: 0.51%

    • GrandMaster: 0.056%

    • Challenger: 0.026%

    Set 8 - Monsters Attack!

    Updated to Glitched Out!!

    Patch 13.6 - Glitched Out!!

    Ranked resets

    • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

    • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four.

    • Ranked rewards for the first half of Monsters Attack! will be distributed with this patch, but it may take a couple days to complete the rollout.

    Patch 12.23 - Monster Attack!

    When Monsters Attack! goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.

    • Depending on your rank in the previous season you will start anywhere from Iron II to Bronze IV. This is true for both Double Up and Standard ranked.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    Rank distribution

    April 2023

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution April 2023 set 8.5 Monsters Attack Glitched Out
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.013% Silver II 9.8% Diamond IV 3.1%
    Iron III 0.24% Silver I 6.9% Diamond III 1.3%
    Iron II 0.67% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.69%
    Iron I 0.77% Gold III 8.5% Diamond I 0.24%
    Bronze IV 1.5% Gold II 6.2% Master 0.96%
    Bronze III 2.2% Gold I 3.2% GrandMaster 0.94%
    Bronze II 3.5% Platinum IV 7.3% Challenger 0.048%
    Bronze I 4.0% Platinum III 3.8%
    Silver IV 8.5% Platinum II 2.4%
    Silver III 9.4% Platinum I 1.0%


    • Iron: 1.7%

    • Bronze: 11%

    • Silver: 34%

    • Gold: 30%

    • Platinum: 14%

    • Diamond: 5.3%

    • Master: 0.96%

    • GrandMaster: 0.94%

    • Challenger: 0.048%

    March 2023

    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.024% Silver II 8.6% Diamond IV 3.5%
    Iron III 0.44% Silver I 5.5% Diamond III 1.0%
    Iron II 1.3% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.49%
    Iron I 1.5% Gold III 7.4% Diamond I 0.16%
    Bronze IV 2.8% Gold II 5.0% Master 1.0%
    Bronze III 3.9% Gold I 2.3% GrandMaster 0.049%
    Bronze II 5.1% Platinum IV 7.8% Challenger 0.022%
    Bronze I 5.1% Platinum III 3.3%
    Silver IV 9.3% Platinum II 1.8%
    Silver III 9.0% Platinum I 0.68%


    • Iron: 3.2%

    • Bronze: 17%

    • Silver: 32%

    • Gold: 26%

    • Platinum: 13%

    • Diamond: 5.2%

    • Master: 1.0%

    • GrandMaster: 0.049%

    • Challenger: 0.022%

    January 2023

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution January 2023 Set 8 Monsters Attack
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.016% Silver II 9.4% Diamond IV 2.0%
    Iron III 0.37% Silver I 6.4% Diamond III 0.77%
    Iron II 1.2% Gold IV 11% Diamond II 0.39%
    Iron I 1.5% Gold III 7.5% Diamond I 0.19%
    Bronze IV 2.8% Gold II 5.3% Master 1.2%
    Bronze III 4.1% Gold I 2.7% GrandMaster 0.071%
    Bronze II 5.4% Platinum IV 6.0% Challenger 0.027%
    Bronze I 5.6% Platinum III 2.9%
    Silver IV 9.5% Platinum II 1.8%
    Silver III 9.5% Platinum I 0.75%


    • Iron: 3.1%

    • Bronze: 18%

    • Silver: 35%

    • Gold: 27%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Diamond: 3.4%

    • Master: 1.2%

    • GrandMaster: 0.071%

    • Challenger: 0.027%

    Set 7: Dragonlands

    Updated to Uncharted Realms!

    Patch 12.11 - Dragonlands

    When Dragonlands goes live in your region, you'll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.

    • Everyone will start in Iron II.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You'll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4.

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    • Double Up now uses the metallic ranked system.

    • Your Double Up climb will start in Iron II.

    Patch 12.11 - Uncharted Realms

    • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

    • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four, so best of luck!

    Rank distribution

    October 2022

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution October 2022 Set 7 Dragonlands Uncharted Realms
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.023% Silver II 9.1% Diamond IV 2.7%
    Iron III 0.52% Silver I 5.9% Diamond III 0.93%
    Iron II 1.5% Gold IV 11% Diamond II 0.45%
    Iron I 1.7% Gold III 7.0% Diamond I 0.14%
    Bronze IV 3.1% Gold II 4.7% Master 0.80%
    Bronze III 4.2% Gold I 2.2% GrandMaster 0.049%
    Bronze II 5.6% Platinum IV 6.4% Challenger 0.022%
    Bronze I 5.6% Platinum III 2.9%
    Silver IV 9.9% Platinum II 1.6%
    Silver III 9.6% Platinum I 0.65%


    • Iron: 3.8%

    • Bronze: 18%

    • Silver: 34%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Diamond: 4.2%

    • Master: 0.80%

    • GrandMaster: 0.049%

    • Challenger: 0.022%

    July 2022

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution July 2022 Set 7 Dragonlands
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.013% Silver II 9.9% Diamond IV 1.6%
    Iron III 0.41% Silver I 6.6% Diamond III 0.58%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold IV 11% Diamond II 0.29%
    Iron I 1.7% Gold III 7.0% Diamond I 0.10%
    Bronze IV 3.1% Gold II 4.8% Master 0.40%
    Bronze III 4.6% Gold I 2.4% GrandMaster 0.052%
    Bronze II 6.1% Platinum IV 5.1% Challenger 0.026%
    Bronze I 6.3% Platinum III 2.4%
    Silver IV 10% Platinum II 1.4%
    Silver III 10% Platinum I 0.61%


    • Iron: 3.5%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 37%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 9.6%

    • Diamond: 2.6%

    • Master: 0.40%

    • GrandMaster: 0.052%

    • Challenger: 0.026%

    Set 6: Gizmos & Gadgets

    Updated to Neon Nights!

    Patch 12.4 - Neon Nights

    Grandmaster and Challenger ranked

    Just like with Dawn of Heroes, Grandmaster and Challenger are unlocked immediately, allowing for the true zero-to-hero competition.

    Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top accounts on each server, but players must have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger.

    New ranked season

    • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

    • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four.

    • Ranked rewards for the first half of Gizmos & Gadgets will be distributed with this patch, but it may take a couple days to complete the rollout.

    • If you achieved a minimum of Gold rank in the first half of Gizmos & Gadgets, then there’ll be a fresh emote hitting your inventory!

    Patch 11.22 - Gizmos & Gadgets

    Ranked rewards

    • Reckoning Ranked rewards will be given out on patch 11.23.

    • Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in Reckoning will receive Victorious Nixie!

    • Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Reckoning-themed Triumphant Nixie as well!

    • Competitive play in Hyper Roll is also rewarded! Emotes for Blue, Purple, and Hyper players will drop alongside other rewards in patch 11.23.

    New ranked season changes

    • Players will no longer be demoted in rank for tiers Iron to Master.

    • Players will still be demoted in divisions, eg. Platinum I to Platinum II.

    • Grandmaster and Challenger will still allow for demotion.

    • When Gizmos & Gadgets goes live in your region, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.

    • Everyone will start G&G in Iron II.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4.

    • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.

    May 2022

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution May 2022 Set 6 Gizmos & Gadgets Neon Nights
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.018% Silver II 8.8% Diamond IV 3.9%
    Iron III 0.31% Silver I 5.8% Diamond III 1.3%
    Iron II 0.84% Gold IV 13% Diamond II 0.65%
    Iron I 0.92% Gold III 8.4% Diamond I 0.21%
    Bronze IV 1.8% Gold II 5.8% Master 1.7%
    Bronze III 2.5% Gold I 2.8% GrandMaster 0.049%
    Bronze II 3.6% Platinum IV 8.6% Challenger 0.023%
    Bronze I 3.8% Platinum III 3.9%
    Silver IV 8.4% Platinum II 2.3%
    Silver III 8.8% Platinum I 0.89%


    • Iron: 2.1%

    • Bronze: 11%

    • Silver: 32%

    • Gold: 30%

    • Platinum: 15%

    • Diamond: 6.1%

    • Master: 1.7%

    • GrandMaster: 0.049%

    • Challenger: 0.023%

    March 2022

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution March 2022 Set 6 Gizmos & Gadgets Neon Nights
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.010% Silver II 10% Diamond IV 2.7%
    Iron III 0.21% Silver I 7.2% Diamond III 1.1%
    Iron II 0.63% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.62%
    Iron I 0.71% Gold III 8.8% Diamond I 0.23%
    Bronze IV 1.4% Gold II 6.4% Master 0.98%
    Bronze III 2.1% Gold I 3.3% GrandMaster 0.071%
    Bronze II 3.4% Platinum IV 7.0% Challenger 0.035%
    Bronze I 3.9% Platinum III 3.6%
    Silver IV 8.6% Platinum II 2.3%
    Silver III 9.6% Platinum I 1.0%


    • Iron: 1.5%

    • Bronze: 11%

    • Silver: 35%

    • Gold: 31%

    • Platinum: 14%

    • Diamond: 4.7%

    • Master: 0.98%

    • GrandMaster: 0.071%

    • Challenger: 0.035%

    January 2022

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution January 2022 Set 6 Gizmos & Gadgets
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.020% Silver II 9.0% Diamond IV 2.7%
    Iron III 0.42% Silver I 5.8% Diamond III 0.90%
    Iron II 1.3% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.43%
    Iron I 1.4% Gold III 7.5% Diamond I 0.13%
    Bronze IV 2.8% Gold II 5.1% Master 0.91%
    Bronze III 3.9% Gold I 2.4% GrandMaster 0.037%
    Bronze II 5.1% Platinum IV 7.1% Challenger 0.018%
    Bronze I 5.1% Platinum III 3.1%
    Silver IV 9.6% Platinum II 1.8%
    Silver III 9.4% Platinum I 0.71%


    • Iron: 3.2%

    • Bronze: 17%

    • Silver: 34%

    • Gold: 27%

    • Platinum: 12%

    • Diamond: 4.1%

    • Master: 0.91%

    • GrandMaster: 0.037%

    • Challenger: 0.018%

    November 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution November 2021 Set 6 Gizmos & Gadgets
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.012% Silver II 10% Diamond IV 0.53%
    Iron III 0.41% Silver I 8.9% Diamond III 0.22%
    Iron II 1.5% Gold IV 8.5% Diamond II 0.12%
    Iron I 2.1% Gold III 5.3% Diamond I 0.041%
    Bronze IV 3.7% Gold II 3.7% Master 0.12%
    Bronze III 5.9% Gold I 2.3% GrandMaster 0.023%
    Bronze II 8.5% Platinum IV 2.6% Challenger 0.008%
    Bronze I 10% Platinum III 1.3%
    Silver IV 10% Platinum II 0.81%
    Silver III 10% Platinum I 0.40%


    • Iron: 4.1%

    • Bronze: 28%

    • Silver: 40%

    • Gold: 19%

    • Platinum: 5.1%

    • Diamond: 0.92%

    • Master: 0.12%

    • GrandMaster: 0.023%

    • Challenger: 0.008%

    Set 5: Reckoning

    Updated to Dawn of Heroes!

    Patch 11.15 - Dawn of Heroes

    Grandmaster and Challenger ranked

    Just like Festival of Beasts, Grandmaster and Challenger are unlocked immediately, allowing for the true zero-to-hero competition. Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top accounts on each server, but players must have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger.

    Reckoning ranked stage II

    • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

    • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four.

    • Ranked rewards for the first half of Reckoning will be distributed in patch 11.16 for those Shadow Item enthusiasts who made it to Gold or higher.

    Hyper Roll tiers

    • Emote rewards will be earned for players that reach Blue, Purple, and Hyper tier before patch 11.15.

    • Hyper Roll tiers will not be hard reset. Instead, anyone at Blue or higher will go to the bottom of Blue.

    • The rewards for Hyper Roll will come in patch 11.16 alongside the rest of the ranked rewards for the first half of Reckoning.

    Patch 11.10

    Ranked rewards

    • Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in the Fates set will receive the Victorious Protector to me-wow their opponents.

    • Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Fates-themed Triumphant Protector as well.

    • If you made it to Gold or higher during the Festival of Beasts, then you’ll be awarded with a Protector emote to celebrate your performance during the back half of Fates. The emote will signal your success through a headdress that reflects the rank you received.

    Patch 11.9 - Reckoning

    • When Reckoning goes live in your region with patch 11.9, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first Ranked stage. As a reminder, Grandmaster and Challenger are unlocked right out of the gates.

    • Everyone will start Reckoning in Iron II.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top-4.

    Hyper Roll

    Competitive play in Hyper Roll is going to work a bit differently. Everyone will start in Gray tier and progress throughout a Color system climaxing in Hyper Tier.

    October 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution October 2021 Set 5.5 Reckoning Dawn of Heroes
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.042% Silver II 9.6% Diamond IV 2.2%
    Iron III 0.43% Silver I 7.5% Diamond III 0.92%
    Iron II 1.0% Gold IV 11% Diamond II 0.57%
    Iron I 1.2% Gold III 7.4% Diamond I 0.33%
    Bronze IV 2.4% Gold II 5.6% Master 0.90%
    Bronze III 3.4% Gold I 3.6% GrandMaster 0.046%
    Bronze II 4.9% Platinum IV 5.7% Challenger 0.022%
    Bronze I 5.5% Platinum III 3.0%
    Silver IV 9.1% Platinum II 2.0%
    Silver III 9.4% Platinum I 1.2%


    • Iron: 2.7%

    • Bronze: 16%

    • Silver: 35%

    • Gold: 27%

    • Platinum: 12%

    • Diamond: 4%

    • Master: 0.90%

    • GrandMaster: 0.046%

    • Challenger: 0.022%

    A summary of the data

    • About 55% of the player base is placed at Iron, Bronze, and Silver: the average player is a Silver I.

    • There is an even percentage distribution at Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, while the skill level ramps up at Diamond, which is limited to 4% of the player base.

    • Overall, achieving Platinum is already a great accomplishment because you will become one of the top 16% players in the game.

    August 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution August 2021 Set 5.5 Reckoning Dawn of Heroes
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.029% Silver II 10% Diamond IV 1.2%
    Iron III 0.51% Silver I 7.5% Diamond III 0.52%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.31%
    Iron I 1.7% Gold III 6.4% Diamond I 0.17%
    Bronze IV 3.3% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.35%
    Bronze III 4.8% Gold I 2.7% GrandMaster 0.033%
    Bronze II 6.5% Platinum IV 4.1% Challenger 0.016%
    Bronze I 6.9% Platinum III 2.0%
    Silver IV 10% Platinum II 1.3%
    Silver III 10% Platinum I 0.76%


    • Iron: 3.7%

    • Bronze: 21%

    • Silver: 38%

    • Gold: 24%

    • Platinum: 8.3%

    • Diamond: 2.3%

    • Master: 0.35%

    • GrandMaster: 0.033%

    • Challenger: 0.016%

    May 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution May 2021 Set 5 Reckoning
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.009% Silver II 11% Diamond IV 0.29%
    Iron III 0.40% Silver I 7.9% Diamond III 0.12%
    Iron II 1.6% Gold IV 8.7% Diamond II 0.065%
    Iron I 2.1% Gold III 5.0% Diamond I 0.032%
    Bronze IV 4.1% Gold II 3.1% Master 0.039%
    Bronze III 6.3% Gold I 1.6% GrandMaster 0.008%
    Bronze II 8.5% Platinum IV 1.9% Challenger 0.002%
    Bronze I 9.2% Platinum III 0.89%
    Silver IV 13% Platinum II 0.52%
    Silver III 12% Platinum I 0.25%


    • Iron: 4.1%

    • Bronze: 28%

    • Silver: 44%

    • Gold: 18%

    • Platinum: 3.6%

    • Diamond: 0.51%

    • Master: 0.039%

    • GrandMaster: 0.008%

    • Challenger: 0.002%

    This month, the distribution changed because Set 5: Reckoning launched on April 28th, and everyone started their ranked adventure from Iron II. We will probably need at least a few weeks more before all the players will be able to reach their true rank.

    Set 4: Fates

    Updated to Festival of Beasts!

    Patch 11.7

    • We've made changes in our MMR systems to create more consistency in LP gains/losses. You should see a smoother climb (or fall) going forward.

    Patch 11.2 - Festival of Beasts

    Grandmaster and Challenger ranked changes

    To make the race to Grandmaster and Challenger more exciting, we've changed the unlock process.

    • Challenger and Grandmaster are still limited to the top accounts on each server, but players must have at least 200 LP in Master to reach Grandmaster, and at least 500 LP in Grandmaster to reach Challenger.

    • Grandmaster and Challenger are no longer locked at the start of the season, so the race to be the first in your region starts on day one!

    Region Challenger and Grandmaster quota adjustments

    • Some regions are having their Challenger and Grandmaster slot counts adjusted to match their populations.

    Fates Ranked Stage II

    • Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below you. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.

    • If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top four.

    Patch 10.19 - Fates

    • When Fates goes live in your region with patch 10.19, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first Ranked stage.

    • Most of you will start Fates in Iron 2. If you ended Galaxies in Diamond 1 you will start in Iron 1. Master+ players will start in Bronze 4.

    • Galaxies Ranked rewards will be given out on patch 10.21.

    • Players finishing in 4th place or better will now gain at least 10 LP.

    • Players finishing in 5th place or worse will now lose at least 10 LP (or enough to hit 0 LP).

    April 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution April 2021 Set 4.5 Fates Festival of Beasts
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.038% Silver II 9.8% Diamond IV 1.8%
    Iron III 0.57% Silver I 7.5% Diamond III 0.67%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.39%
    Iron I 1.6% Gold III 6.8% Diamond I 0.20%
    Bronze IV 3.0% Gold II 5.0% Master 0.55%
    Bronze III 4.2% Gold I 3.2% GrandMaster 0.019%
    Bronze II 5.6% Platinum IV 5.0% Challenger 0.0093%
    Bronze I 6.1% Platinum III 2.5%
    Silver IV 9.9% Platinum II 1.6%
    Silver III 10% Platinum I 0.94%

    February 2021

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution February 2021 Set 4.5 Fates Festival of Beasts
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.032% Silver II 10% Diamond IV 1.5%
    Iron III 0.55% Silver I 7.6% Diamond III 0.58%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.33%
    Iron I 1.6% Gold III 6.8% Diamond I 0.17%
    Bronze IV 3.1% Gold II 4.9% Master 0.34%
    Bronze III 4.3% Gold I 3.0% GrandMaster 0.023%
    Bronze II 5.8% Platinum IV 4.6% Challenger 0.010%
    Bronze I 6.3% Platinum III 2.3%
    Silver IV 10% Platinum II 1.5%
    Silver III 10% Platinum I 0.87%


    • Iron: 3.7%

    • Bronze: 19%

    • Silver: 38%

    • Gold: 25%

    • Platinum: 9.5%

    • Diamond: 2.6%

    • Master: 0.34%

    • GrandMaster: 0.023%

    • Challenger: 0.010%

    December 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution December 2020 Set 4 Fates
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.02% Silver II 9.7% Diamond IV 1.6%
    Iron III 0.52% Silver I 7.5% Diamond III 0.61%
    Iron II 1.4% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.34%
    Iron I 1.6% Gold III 7.1% Diamond I 0.19%
    Bronze IV 3.0% Gold II 5.2% Master 0.38%
    Bronze III 4.1% Gold I 3.4% GrandMaster 0.021%
    Bronze II 5.5% Platinum IV 5.1% Challenger 0.010%
    Bronze I 5.9% Platinum III 2.6%
    Silver IV 9.8% Platinum II 1.7%
    Silver III 9.9% Platinum I 1.0%


    • Iron: 3.6%

    • Bronze: 18%

    • Silver: 37%

    • Gold: 26%

    • Platinum: 10%

    • Diamond: 2.8%

    • Master: 0.38%

    • GrandMaster: 0.021%

    • Challenger: 0.010%

    October 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution October 2020 Set 4 Fates
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.01% Silver II 10% Diamond IV 0.74%
    Iron III 0.49% Silver I 7.7% Diamond III 0.29%
    Iron II 1.5% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.16%
    Iron I 1.8% Gold III 6.4% Diamond I 0.080%
    Bronze IV 3.5% Gold II 4.4% Master 0.074%
    Bronze III 5.0% Gold I 2.5% GrandMaster 0.039%
    Bronze II 6.6% Platinum IV 3.4% Challenger 0.018%
    Bronze I 7.3% Platinum III 1.6%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.0%
    Silver III 11% Platinum I 0.56%


    • Iron: 3.9%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 41%

    • Gold: 23%

    • Platinum: 6.7%

    • Diamond: 1.2%

    • Master: 0.074%

    • GrandMaster: 0.039%

    • Challenger: 0.018%

    Set 3: Galaxies

    Updated to Galaxies II

    Patch 10.13 changes

    • If you are ranked Master or above, you may now only queue solo in Ranked.

    Patch 10.12 - Galaxies II

    • Your rank has been “soft” reset down 1 Tier. For example, Gold III players will move down to Silver III. Instead, Master and above players will be reset to Diamond 4.

    • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games.

    Patch 10.6 changes

    • There is no longer any rank decay below Master.

    • You also cannot decay out of Master. We hope you'll keep trying for the top, but we don't want TFT to feel like a daily obligation with a big penalty hammer attached.

    September 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution September 2020 Set 3 Galaxies II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 2.1% Silver II 7.8% Diamond IV 2.5%
    Iron III 1.5% Silver I 6.2% Diamond III 0.82%
    Iron II 1.9% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.46%
    Iron I 2.2% Gold III 7.8% Diamond I 0.24%
    Bronze IV 3.1% Gold II 6.1% Master 0.65%
    Bronze III 3.7% Gold I 4.1% GrandMaster 0.029%
    Bronze II 4.4% Platinum IV 6.6% Challenger 0.013%
    Bronze I 4.6% Platinum III 3.3%
    Silver IV 7.4% Platinum II 2.2%
    Silver III 7.5% Platinum I 1.1%


    • Iron: 7.9%

    • Bronze: 15%

    • Silver: 29%

    • Gold: 28%

    • Platinum: 13%

    • Diamond: 4.0%

    • Master: 0.65%

    • GrandMaster: 0.029%

    • Challenger: 0.013%

    Data gathered on September 9th, 2020, a week before the end of the set.

    The data gathered this month shows a slightly different distribution if compared to the one we are accustomed to. In fact, there is a drastic increase of players ranked at Gold and above.

    We are approaching the end of Galaxies II, so I believe this is just a momentary phase in which everyone is trying their best to get “just a tier higher” for better seasonal rewards (check out Gold IV, Platinum IV, and Diamond IV percentages). 

    Teamfight Tactics is a game in which knowledge is power, so this goal is easily achievable if one uses the strongest team builds of the meta in each match.

    July 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution July 2020 Set 3 Galaxies II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 1.2% Silver II 7.9% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 2.5% Silver I 5.8% Diamond III 0.48%
    Iron II 4.0% Gold IV 9.5% Diamond II 0.27%
    Iron I 4.0% Gold III 6.2% Diamond I 0.15%
    Bronze IV 5.3% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.27%
    Bronze III 5.5% Gold I 2.7% GrandMaster 0.020%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 4.5% Challenger 0.008%
    Bronze I 5.7% Platinum III 2.1%
    Silver IV 8.7% Platinum II 1.4%
    Silver III 8.3% Platinum I 0.80%


    • Iron: 11%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 30%

    • Gold: 22%

    • Platinum: 8.9%

    • Diamond: 2.3%

    • Master: 0.27%

    • GrandMaster: 0.020%

    • Challenger: 0.008%

    June 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution June 2020 Set 3 Galaxies II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.97% Silver II 7.8% Diamond IV 1.5%
    Iron III 2.5% Silver I 5.7% Diamond III 0.47%
    Iron II 4.1% Gold IV 9.5% Diamond II 0.25%
    Iron I 4.1% Gold III 6.2% Diamond I 0.13%
    Bronze IV 5.4% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.26%
    Bronze III 5.5% Gold I 2.8% GrandMaster 0.022%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 4.7% Challenger 0.002%
    Bronze I 5.6% Platinum III 2.2%
    Silver IV 8.7% Platinum II 1.4%
    Silver III 8.2% Platinum I 0.79%


    • Iron: 11%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 30%

    • Gold: 23%

    • Platinum: 9.2%

    • Diamond: 2.3%

    • Master: 0.26%

    • GrandMaster: 0.022%

    • Challenger: 0.002%

    A summary of the data

    Most probably, Riot is using a very similar matchmaking algorithm in Teamfight Tactics and League of Legends as their rank distribution graphs are almost identical.

    About TFT, I believe that the percentage of players at each rank is perfectly balanced:

    • One third of the player base is placed at Iron and Bronze, the average rank is Silver II, and Gold I is equal to the top 86%.

    • Many claim that you must reach “at least” high Diamond to be considered a skilled player. In my opinion, obtaining Platinum is already a significant achievement because you are of the best 12% players in the whole game.

    • Similarly to LoL, there is a disproportionate number of players at Gold IV, Platinum IV, and Diamond IV, as the ranked system tends to accumulate them there.

    May 2020

    Teamfight Tactics Rank Distribution May 2020 Set 3
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.81% Silver II 7.6% Diamond IV 1.3%
    Iron III 2.6% Silver I 5.6% Diamond III 0.47%
    Iron II 4.2% Gold IV 9.3% Diamond II 0.25%
    Iron I 4.3% Gold III 6.2% Diamond I 0.14%
    Bronze IV 5.6% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.20%
    Bronze III 5.6% Gold I 2.9% GrandMaster 0.021%
    Bronze II 6.0% Platinum IV 4.6% Challenger 0.010%
    Bronze I 5.6% Platinum III 2.2%
    Silver IV 8.6% Platinum II 1.4%
    Silver III 8.1% Platinum I 0.87%


    • Iron: 12%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 30%

    • Gold: 23%

    • Platinum: 9.2%

    • Diamond: 2.2%

    • Master: 0.20%

    • GrandMaster: 0.021%

    • Challenger: 0.010%

    Mid-set update and rank reset

    The duration of Set 3: Galaxies has been extended to six months, with a large mid-set update that will bring new champions and traits.

    • The first ranked act will end with patch 10.12, which is planned for June 10th, according to Riot 2020 patch schedule.

    • The second ranked act will start as soon as the update hits the live servers.

    The developers believe that increasing the duration of the set will give us the time to enjoy fully the set’s content and mechanics.

    Our rank will be soft reset at the end of the first ranked act, but at a softer rate than usual because we are not transitioning into a new set.

    Most players will start the next act 1 tier below where they ended the previous act. (For example, Gold 3 to Silver 3.) All Master+ players will go to Diamond 4.

    April 2020

    Teamfight Tactics rank distribution April 2020 Set 3
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 1.0% Silver II 8.0% Diamond IV 0.85%
    Iron III 2.9% Silver I 5.7% Diamond III 0.31%
    Iron II 4.7% Gold IV 8.9% Diamond II 0.17%
    Iron I 4.8% Gold III 5.8% Diamond I 0.098%
    Bronze IV 6.1% Gold II 4.1% Master 0.082%
    Bronze III 6.1% Gold I 2.4% GrandMaster 0.024%
    Bronze II 6.4% Platinum IV 3.7% Challenger 0.012%
    Bronze I 6.0% Platinum III 1.7%
    Silver IV 9.0% Platinum II 1.0%
    Silver III 8.5% Platinum I 0.66%


    • Iron: 13%

    • Bronze: 24%

    • Silver: 31%

    • Gold: 21%

    • Platinum: 7.2%

    • Diamond: 1.4%

    • Master: 0.082%

    • GrandMaster: 0.024%

    • Challenger: 0.012%

    All the Teamfight Tactics ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis in more articles because of the excessive amount of tables and graphs, which caused very long loading times.

    Header image: Riot

    Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.