TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 3.5

TFT Best Team Comps and Synergy Combos - Set 3.5

The best team comps and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics Galaxies II - Set 3.5. Learn the best units and builds to master the current meta.

Updated to Galaxies II. You can find the previous Set 3 Team Builds here. I have not deleted them as most of them are still viable with a few adjustments.

Knowledge is of primary importance in a game such as Teamfight Tactics, but finding out first-hand all the possible strategies requires time, thus I decided to gather some of the best team builds available at the moment.

Up to today, I have created several builds, and while some of them are potentially stronger during some patches, all of them are viable options in our games depending on our luck with items and champions.

Usually, I publish new articles on the best TFT team compositions on a biweekly basis (after a major patch) in order to keep up with the meta changes.

Checking out manually several pages to find out a build suitable for our games isn’t very convenient, so I decided to list all the current and future builds inside this article. 

  • For ease-of-use, they are distributed in alphabetical order based on the dominant Origin/Class.

  • v2/v3/etc. next to a comp name means that it is a variant that uses a few different champions.

  • In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.

All these builds are the result of a research work. They do contain also personal opinions, but mostly I studied and listed the lineups used in tournaments and preferred by high-ranked players.

Quick Links

AstroBattlecastBlasterCyberneticDark StarProtectorSorcererStar GuardianVanguard

Note: I suggest using the search function on your web browser (CTRL+F) if you are looking for a specific synergy or combo.

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Astro builds

Astro Sniper

Astro Sniper team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Caitlyn, Nautilus, Ashe, Jhin, Teemo, Gnarl, Wukong, Lulu.

  • Astro: 3

  • Sniper: 4

  • Vanguard: 2

  • Chrono: 2

  • Celestial: 2

The Astro Sniper composition provides a lot of damage. It is not very easy to build, and it has a poor mid game if you are unlucky with the units.

  • Start with Leona and Nautilus for the two Vanguard bonus.

  • Add Caitlyn and Ashe for two Sniper. You now have both defense and damage.

This build requires several 4-gold cost units, so add them as soon as you find them.

  • Jhin and Teemo are the priority because they are your carries, and they unlock the four Sniper synergy.

    • Build Jhin with Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper.

    • On Teemo, I recommend Rabadon’s Deathcap, Blue Buff, and Morellonomicon.

  • Gnarl brings the three Astro bonus, and Wukong the two Chrono one. Remove Leona as she is no longer necessary for the Vanguard synergy.

  • Complete the build with Lulu, who gives two Celestial.

Battlecast builds

Battlecast Blaster

Battlecast Blaster team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Illaoi, Kog’Maw, Rakan, Cassiopeia, Gnarl, Jinx, Urgot, Lulu.

  • Battlecast: 4

  • Blaster: 2

  • Brawler: 2

  • Protector: 2

  • Celestial: 2

  • Mystic: 2

I do not recommend this build to those who hate swapping champions because you must get rid of most of your early game ones as the match progresses. This composition enjoys a strong early and mid game, if you can upgrade Kog’Maw and find the items he requires.

  • Start with Illaoi and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Add Kog’Maw for two Battlecast, and Ezreal for the two Chrono and two Blaster bonuses.

    • Kog’Maw is your main carry: build him with Red Buff, Statikk Shiv, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

  • Rakan doesn’t provide any synergy early on, so I suggest keeping him in your bench until you acquire the 5-gold cost units.

  • Cassiopeia is the third Battlecast of the lineup.

  • Replace Blitzcrank with Gnarl, and Ezreal with Jinx, as soon as you find them.

    • Jinx acts as your other carry: I recommend building her with Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, and a defensive item.

  • Urgot unlocks four Battlecast. Don’t forget to play Rakan so you will get also two Protector.

  • Finally, Lulu empowers the defenses of the team with the two Mystic and two Celestial traits.

Blaster builds

Blaster Brawler Rebel

Blaster Brawler Rebel team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Ziggs, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Gnarl, Jinx, Soraka, Gangplank, Lulu, Aurelion Sol.

  • Blaster: 2

  • Brawler: 2

  • Rebel: 3

  • Demolitionist: 2

  • Chrono: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Mercenary: 1

  • Starship: 1

This composition is reasonably tanky in the early game, it unlocks a lot of damage in the mid game, and becomes unstoppable later on if you are able to find all the required champions.

  • Start with Malphite and Blitzcrank for the two Brawler synergy.

  • Add Ziggs, Lucian, and Ezreal to achieve two Chrono and two Blaster.

  • Whenever possible, replace Malphite with Gnarl.

    • Gnarl is one of your frontliners (together with Blitzcrank): build him with defensive items like Guardian Angel, Bramble Vest, and Dragon’s Claw.

  • Jinx acts as your main carry: I recommend building her with Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, and a defensive item.

  • Gangplank is your last frontliner, and he requires Guardian Angel, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Ionic Spark.

The main team build is complete, but you can further improve it in the late game.

  • Remove Lucian as he is no longer required for any trait, and you need more free slots.

  • Soraka and Lulu enhance the survivability of the entire team with the two Mystic trait.

  • Aurelion Sol ends the composition and brings the three Rebel synergy. He works the best with Morellonomicon, Spear of Shojin, and a defensive item such as Guardian Angel.

Cybernetic builds

Cybernetic Blademaster

Cybernetic Blademaster team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Fiora, Leona, Vayne, Vi, Irelia, Riven, Ekko, Thresh.

  • Cybernetic: 6

  • Blademaster: 3

  • Chrono: 2

  • Mana Reaver: 2

Cybernetic is a very peculiar trait because each unit gets bonus health and attack damage if they hold at least one item. I recommend spreading your items to boost as many champions as possible.

  • Start with Fiora, Leona, and Lucian for the three Cybernetic bonus.

  • There are not specific synergies you can get in the mid game as most of the units required in this build cost 4 gold or more.

  • Try to acquire Vayne, Vi, and Irelia as soon as possible to achieve six Cybernetic.

    • Vayne is your secondary carry: build her with Infinity Edge, Giant Slayer, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and place her on a corner of the map.

  • Riven is the next goal as she will bring the three Blademaster synergy.

  • Later on, replace Lucian with Ekko. He is your main carry: get him Giant Slayer, Morellonomicon, and a defensive item.

  • Thresh completes the build providing two Chrono and two Mana Reaver

Dark Star builds

Dark Star Sniper

Dark Star Sniper team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Mordekaiser, Ashe, Karma, Jhin, Wukong, Xerath, Lulu, Janna.

  • Dark Star: 4

  • Sniper: 2

  • Vanguard: 2

  • Celestial: 2

  • Mystic: 2

  • Paragon: 1

A composition with a solid early game, and that is able to dish out an enormous amount of damage later on.

  • Start with Poppy and Mordekaiser for the two Vanguard bonus.

  • Add Caitlyn and Ashe for two sniper.

  • Jhin brings two Dark Star, and he is your main carry: build him with Guardian Angel, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper.

  • Replace Poppy with Wukong for a stronger Vanguard unit, and to unlock the two Chrono synergy.

  • Karma and Xerath upgrade the Dark Star synergy to four.

    • Xerath is your other carry: build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Quicksilver, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Remove Caitlyn and add Lulu: you will gain two Mystic and two Celestial, massively improving the survivability of the team.

  • Finally, I recommend Janna as the final solo unit. Her attack speed buff is great on your auto-attackers.

Protector builds

Protector Mystic

Protector Mystic team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Rakan, Neeko, Cassiopeia, Karma, Soraka, Urgot, Lulu, Aurelion Sol.

  • Protector: 3+1

  • Mystic: 4

  • Celestial: 2

  • Battlecast: 2

  • Starship: 1

A very powerful team comp in the early and mid game. Later on, you need Spatula to complete the build.

  • Start with Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao for the two Protector bonus

  • Rakan brings two Celestial, and Neeko upgrades the Protector trait to four.

  • Add Cassiopeia and Karma for two Mystic and two Dark Star.

Your build in the mid game is quite tough as you have the defensive capabilities of Protectors, health regeneration from Celestials, and the magic resistance provided by the Mystic synergy.

  • Replace Jarvan IV with Urgot: you retain the Protector bonus with a stronger unit, lose the Dark Star one, and gain two Battlecast.

    • Build Urgot with Guardian Angel, Spear of Shojin, and Dragon’s Claw.

  • Add Soraka and Lulu to achieve four Mystic, which will drastically help your whole team against magic users.

  • Once you find Spatula, replace Xin Zhao with Aurelion Sol.

    • Aurelion Sol requires Protector’s Chestguard because you can’t lose the four Protector synergy. Complete the item build with Spear of Shojin and a defensive item such as Guardian Angel or Warmog’s Armor.

Protector Celestial

Protector Celestial team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao, Rakan, Ashe, Jhin, Soraka, Lulu, Urgot, Aurelion Sol.

  • Protector: 4

  • Celestial: 4

  • Mystic: 2

  • Dark Star: 2

  • Sniper: 2

  • Starship: 1

A solid variant of the Protector build. In my opinion, this one is able to adapt to more matchups, but it is less resilient against Sorcerers.

  • Start with Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao for the two Protector bonus

  • Rakan brings two Celestial, and Neeko upgrades the Protector trait to four.

    • Rakan, Jarvan IV, and Xin Zhao are you frontliners, so you can build defensive items on them. I suggest prioritizing Xin Zhao with Bramble Vest, Dragon’s Claw, and Titan’s Resolve.

  • Get Ashe and Jhin for two Sniper and two Dark Star, and you will have an excellent mid game.

    • Jhin is your main carry: build him with Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel, and Giant Slayer.

Let’s complete the team build in the late game:

  • Add Soraka and Lulu. They bring the two Mystic bonus, and Lulu is the fourth Celestial in the lineup.

  • Replace Neeko with Urgot to maintain the four Protector synergy with a stronger champion.

  • Aurelion Sol is your other carry. Give him Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, and if possible also Protector’s Chestguard, so he will increase his survivability.

Sorcerer builds

Full Sorcerer

Full Sorcerer team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Zoe, Annie, Ahri, Syndra, Fizz, Viktor, Xerath, Gangplank.

  • Sorcerer: 6

  • Star Guardian: 3

  • Mercenary: 1

A lineup that works well at any stage of the match, and that can have a strong late game if you boost Gangplank with all the required items.

  • Start with Zoe and Annie for the two Sorcerer synergy.

  • Add Ahri and Syndra to achieve four Sorcerer and three Star Guardian.

  • Rumble and Fizz bring the three Mech Pilot trait.

    • On Fizz, get Spear of Shojin and Guardian Angel.

Your lineup is well balanced in the mid game as you have the tankiness brought by the Mech and the spell power of Sorcerers.

  • Victor and Xerath maximize the Sorcerer synergy.

    • Xerath is one of your main carries: build him with Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Finally, remove Fizz, get Gangplank, and place him on the frontline. He acts as your main carry, and I recommend building him with Guardian Angel, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Ionic Spark.

Star Guardian builds

Star Guardian Sorcerer

Star Guardian Sorcerer team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Zoe, Annie, Ahri, Neeko, Syndra, Soraka, Victor, Janna, Xerath.

  • Star Guardian: 6

  • Sorcerer: 6

  • Paragon: 1

A combination of spell damage and of constant mana regeneration. This is an extraordinarily strong build in the late game.

  • Start with Zoe and Annie for the two Sorcerer trait.

  • Add Ahri and Neeko for three Star Guardian.

    • Annie and Neeko are your frontliners: if you have spare items, build them for survivability.

  • Syndra unlocks the four Sorcerer bonus.

This is your composition in the mid game, and honestly it is already able to face most opponents, but you need to maximize the synergies to unleash its real potential.

  • Soraka and Janna brings six Star Guardian, and the latter is also a Paragon.

    • Janna is one of your carries: build her with two Spear of Shojin and Morellonomicon. You want her to spam as many tornadoes as possible because they buff the team and stun the opponents.

  • Viktor and Xerath complete the team comp with the six Sorcerer trait.

    • Xerath is your main carry, and I recommend building him with two Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Quicksilver.

Vanguard builds

Vanguard Mystic

Vanguard Mystic team comp build TFT Set 3.5

Final team: Mordekaiser, Nautilus, Cassiopeia, Karma, Jayce, Wukong, Soraka, Lulu.

  • Vanguard: 4

  • Mystic: 4

  • Dark Star: 2

A very defensive lineup. You rely on your survivability, and on Cassiopeia’s Noxious Blast to kill enemies over time.

  • Start with Mordekaiser and Nautilus for the two Vanguard synergy, and put them on the frontline.

  • Add Cassiopeia and Karma for two Dark Star and two Mystic.

    • Cassiopeia is the main carry of this team: give her Rapid Firecannon, Blue Buff, and Rabadon’s Deathcap or Morellonomicon.

  • Jayce and Wukong will join the frontline, and they bring the four Vanguard synergy. I suggest building defensive items on them.

  • Soraka and Lulu complete the build providing the four Mystic bonus, which helps the whole team against casters.

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Header image (Cassiopeia) and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.