Teamfight Tactics: Set 1 Best Team Compositions and Synergy Combos

Teamfight Tactics: Set 1 Best Team Compositions and Synergy Combos

The best team compositions and synergy combos in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Set 1. Learn the best units and builds to master the current meta.

Knowledge is of primary importance in a game such as Teamfight Tactics, but finding out first-hand all the possible strategies requires time, thus I decided to gather some of the best team builds available at the moment.

Up to today, I have created 64 builds, and while some of them are potentially stronger during some patches, all of them are viable options in our games depending on our luck with items and champions.

Usually, I publish new articles on the best TFT team compositions on a biweekly basis (after a major patch) in order to keep up with the meta changes.

Checking out manually several pages to find out a build suitable for our games isn’t very convenient, so I decided to list all the current and future builds inside this article. 

  • For ease-of-use, they are distributed in alphabetical order based on the dominant Origin/Class. 

  • v2/v3/etc. next to a comp name means that it is a variant that uses a few different champions.

  • In each build, the champions are sorted by gold cost, and the number prior each name is the gold cost of that particular unit.

Note that all these builds are the result of a research work. They do contain also personal opinions, but mostly I studied and listed the lineups used in tournaments and preferred by high-ranked players.

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Assassin builds

Void Assassin

Void Assassin team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Assassin: 6

  • Void: 3

  • Ninja: 1

Final team: Kha'Zix, Kassadin, Pyke, Zed, Evelynn, Katarina, Rengar, Cho'Gath.

This is a variant of the Ninja Assassin build in which we want to maximize the Assassin synergy.

  • Start with three Void units: Kha'Zix, Kassadin, and Rek'Sai.

  • Add the remaining five Assassins: Zed, Rengar, Katarina, Pyke, Evelynn.

  • In the late game, replace Rek'Sai for Cho'Gath to keep the Void bonus.

Void Assassin v2

Void Assassin v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Pyke, Evelynn, Rengar, Cho'Gath, Akali.

  • Void: 3

  • Assassin: 5+1

  • Brawler: 2

  • Ninja: 1

This is the build you must use if you want to obliterate the opponents with burst and pure damage.

  • Start with three Void units: Kha'Zix, Kassadin, and Rek'Sai.

  • Zed is your Ninja champion in the early and mid game.

  • Pyke unlocks the three Assassin synergy.

  • Afterwards, you want to add Cho'Gath (powerful tank unit and two Brawler synergy), and Evelynn plus Rengar to bring the Assassin count to five.

In order to finish the build, you must find Akali to replace Zed as the Ninja of the lineup, and build Youmuu’s Ghostblade (B. F. Sword + Spatula) on Kassadin to maximize the Assassin trait.

Kassadin is your main carry, and he requires Rapid Firecannon plus Infinity Edge, or a defensive item depending on his survivability issues.

Blademaster builds

Blademaster Guardian

Blademaster Guadian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Blademaster: 6

  • Guardian: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Final team: Fiora, Shen, Aatrox, Braum, Gangplank, Draven, Leona, Yasuo.

  • Start the game with Darius and Knight units.

  • Once you have Draven, play with three Blademasters (Aatrox, Fiora, Shen), and then reach six once you find Yasuo.

  • Finally, remove Darius for Leona and Braum.

Similarly to the Imperial build, also this one requires a two-star Draven to be effective.

Brawler builds

Brawler Wild Void

Brawler Wild Void team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Brawler: 4

  • Wild: 4

  • Void: 3

Final team: Nidalee, Warwick, Kassadin, Blitzcrank, Ahri, Rek'Sai, Cho'Gath, Gnar.

  • Start acquiring the two Brawler and two Wild synergies with Warwick, Nidalee, and Rek'Sai/ Blitzcrank.

  • Add the Void Synergy as soon as you roll Cho'Gath (who enables also four Brawler).

  • Gnar is required for four Wild, but you can also use Rengar while finding him.

Prioritize tank items on Cho'Gath. The best choices are Titanic Hydra (Recurve Bow + Giant’s Belt) and Thornmail (Chain Vest x2). Cho'Gath has a big health pool, and with these items he can exploit it to reflect a portion of the damage received and to inflict splash damage based on his Max HP.

You can also include the three Sorcerer bonus at level 9 with Aurelion Sol or Karthus, or earlier if you find Spatula.

Brawler Void Glacial

Brawler Void Glacial team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Blitzcrank, Varus, Rek'Sai, Ashe, Volibear, Cho'Gath.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Glacial: 2

  • Ranger: 2

  • Robot: 1

Volibear has been buffed in 9.14: the patch reduced the mana cost of his powerful ability, and increased his attack speed, health, and AoE damage. This monster is your main carry.

  • Start with Blitzcrank and Rek'Sai for the two Brawler bonus.

  • Add Kha'Zix and Kassadin to unlock the three Void synergy.

  • Ashe, Volibear, and Varus bring the two Glacial and the two Ranger bonuses.

  • Remove Kha'Zix (or Kassadin) and add Cho'Gath to keep the Void synergy and unlock the four Brawler one.

You want to build Rapid Firecannon on Volibear for survivability (attack range) and DPS, and if possible also Darkin; an item composed of Spatula and Tear of the Goddess that provides the Demon trait. Volibear will inflict massive damage, stun the targets, and even burn their mana thanks to the two Demon synergy (the other demon is Varus). 

For the third item, select a tank one as you want Volibear to survive long enough to activate his special ability and obliterate the opponent team.

Brawler Glacial Elementalist

Brawler Glacial Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lissandra, Blitzcrank, Rek'Sai, Ashe, Volibear, Cho'Gath, Brand, Anivia.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Glacial: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

Another build for the raid boss Volibear. This time we will enjoy also the protection of the golem.

  • Start the game with Warwick and Nidalee for the two Wild sinergy.

  • Add Blitzcrank to improve your survivability with the two Brawler bonus, and then maximize it with Rek'Sai and Volibear.

  • Replace Nidalee with Ashe for the two Glacial synergy.

  • Replace Warwick with Cho'Gath as soon as you find him.

  • Lissandra, Brand, and Anivia are the final units required to upgrade the Glacial synergy and unlock the Elementalist’s golem.

This lineup is tankier and has more CC than the Void variant, but of course you lose damage and the Demon’s mana burn.

Again, give Volibear Rapid Firecannon because he needs to fight from a range to survive long enough. Warmog’s Armor is also great on him as he will earn extra HP from the Brawler trait.

Brawler Void Guardian

Brawler Void Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Blitzcrank, Braum, Volibear, Cho'Gath, Leona.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Guardian: 2

  • Glacial: 2

In 9.14, I have shared the respectable Void Glacial build, and today I propose you a Guardian variant that fits the current meta.

  • As usual, start with Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Volibear and Blitzcrank for two Brawler.

  • Replace Kassadin with Cho'Gath for a stronger Void unit and to maximize the Brawler trait.

  • Add Braum and Leona for the Guardian and two Glacial bonuses.

Cho'Gath is a real monster with the new true damage synergy, and Volibear is still a superb carry even after the 9.15 adjustments.

Brawler Hextech

Brawler Hextech team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Warwick, Blitzcrank, Rek'Sai, Vi, Volibear, Jinx, Cho'Gath.

  • Brawler: 6

  • Hextech: 2

In my opinion, Brawler + Hextech is one of the strongest combinations in the 9.16 meta.

  • Start with Warwick and Nidalee to unlock the two Wild synergy.

  • Add Blitzcrank for two Brawler in order to achieve a beefy frontline.

  • Rek'Sai and Vi are your next best choices as most of your team is composed of Brawlers who will enjoy the second tier of the trait.

  • Nidalee is just your temporary carry; replace her with Jinx as soon as possible. She is your main carry and will provide the Hextech bonus.

  • Complete the team build with Volibear and Cho'Gath to maximize the Brawler synergy.

Afterwards, you might consider Sejuani for the two Glacial bonus, a third Void unit to unlock their trait, or Miss Fortune to boost Jinx with the Gunslinger synergy.

Brawler Void Hextech

Brawler Void Hextech team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Rek'Sai, Blitzcrank, Vi, Jinx, Cho'Gath, Miss Fortune.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Hextech: 2

  • Gunslinger: 2

This Brawler compositions is less tanky than the previous one, but it provides a higher damage and versatility in the late game as you can potentially focus on four different synergies.

  • Start with Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Blitzcrank to unlock two Brawler.

  • Add Jinx and Vi for the two Hextech bonus, and a random Gunslinger for the first tier of this synergy. Jinx is your hard carry.

  • Replace Kha'Zix with Cho'Gath for a stronger Void unit and to achieve four Brawler

  • Afterwards, replace the random Gunslinger with Miss Fortune.

At level 9, you can expand this team compositions in several ways depending on your luck with the picks. Four Hextech, six Brawler, and four Gunslinger are all potential options, but I suggest increasing your magical damage by unlocking three Sorcerer with Karthus and Aurelion Sol.

Brawler Void Sorcerer

Brawler Void Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Warwick, Rek'Sai, Ahri, Vi, Cho'Gath, Aurelion Sol.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Wild: 2

You can start this team build with the Void or the Wild synergy (Warwick + Nidalee) depending on what you can find first.

  • Starting with Void, you need Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Warwick for two Brawler, and then Ahri for the Wild bonus.

  • Add Vi and replace Kha'Zix with Cho'Gath for the four Brawler trait.

  • Aurelion Sol brings the Sorcerer bonus, and he is also your main carry.

In the late game, I suggest adding Shyvana to protect Aurelion Sol with the Dragon’s magic resistance, and a random Hextech unit to unlock also this synergy.

Brawler Void Assassin

Brawler Void Assassin team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kha'Zix, Warwick, Rek'Sai , Pyke, Rengar, Vi, Cho'Gath.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 3

  • Assassin: 3

  • Wild: 2

I have already shared a multitude of Brawler Void compositions, and most of them are quite strong. This one adds the Assassin’s burst damage to the team.

  • Start with Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Warwick for the two Brawler bonus.

  • Add Rengar and Pyke for three Assassin and two Wild. Rengar is your main carry.

  • Vi is your third Brawler unit.

  • Replace Kassadin with Cho'Gath for a stronger Void unit and to achieve four Brawler.

Later on, you might consider unlocking the Hextech synergy with Jinx.

Brawler Void Assassin v2

Brawler Void Assassin v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Warwick, Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Rengar, Volibear, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Kai'Sa.

  • Brawler: 4

  • Void: 4

  • Assassin: 3

  • Wild: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Ranger: 2

A new Brawler Void build that makes use of the recently released Kai'Sa.

  • Start with Warwick and Nidalee for the two Wild synergy.

  • Add Kha'Zix and Rek'Sai for two Void and two Brawler.

  • Remove Nidalee. With Zed and Rengar you will enjoy the one Ninja and three Assassin bonuses.

  • Volibear and Cho'Gath complete the core of the build providing four Brawler.

  • In the late game, add Ashe for the two Glacial synergy, and finally replace Zed with Kai'Sa to achieve two Ranger and four Void.

Your carries are Rengar, Cho'Gath, and Kai'Sa. Zed will act as a core champion in the early game, but later on his items will go to Kai'Sa. If you can’t find her, Akali is a viable substitute. 

Demon builds

Demon Shapeshifter

Demon Shapeshifter team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Elise, Varus, Morgana, Aatrox, Brand, Gnar, Draven, Swain.

  • Demon: 6

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Imperial: 2

Demons are finally a competitive synergy in Teamfight Tactics (and the one-gold cost Elise improves their early game) so I decided to list the two best Demon lineups of the patch.

  • Start with Elise and Varus for the two Demon synergy.

  • Add Nidalee and Shyvana to unlock the Shapeshifter trait. The health bonus has been nerfed, but it is still very strong.

  • Aatrox and Morgana will unlock the second tier of the Demon trait.

Aatrox is actually a very solid carry if you can upgrade him to three stars.

The starter build of the Demon Shapeshifter lineup is pretty much completed because you already gained all the synergies required, so now you can either continue with this guide or create your own variant depending on the units dropped.

  • Remove Nidalee and place Gnar to maintain the Shapeshifter bonus with a stronger unit.

  • In the late game, remove Shyvana, and add Brand and Swain to unlock the six Demon synergy.

  • Draven is a nice extra because you can activate the two Imperial bonus and use him as your main carry.

If you find Spatula + Recurve Bow and build Blade of the Ruined King, you can also unlock the three Blademaster synergy for increased DPS.

Demon Shapeshifter v2

Demon Shapeshifter v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Camille, Jayce, Morgana, Aatrox, Gnar, Brand, Draven, Swain.

  • Demon: 4

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Blademaster: 3

  • Hextech: 2

  • Imperial: 2

A variant of the Demon Shapeshifter composition that includes the new Hextech trait.

  • Start with Elise and Varus for the two Demon synergy.

  • Add Jayce and Camille to unlock the two Hextech bonus.

  • Shyvana is a temporary unit you will use to achieve the Shapeshifter trait.

Now, you need to swap a few champions, so replace them based on what you can find first.

  • Remove Elise and place Gnar as he is a stronger Shapeshifter. Note: you will lose the Demon bonus if you don’t have a slot for another Demon yet.

  • Add Morgana, Aatrox, and Brand to acquire four Demon.

  • Kick Varus and play Swain.

  • Now you have an extra Shapeshifter, so you can replace Shyvana with Draven and earn both the Blademaster and Imperial traits.

Draven and Swain are your best carries, but this lineup has many potential ones, so you could give items also to Aatrox and Brand depending on your luck and needs.

Demon Elementalist Shapeshifter

Demon Elementalist Shapeshifter team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Elise, Morgana, Shyvana, Kennen, Brand, Aurelion Sol, Anivia, Swain.

  • Demon: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Ninja: 1

This lineup is able to achieve several strong synergies that will often dominate the late game. Beware: it is not easy to build.

  • Similarly to the Demon Shapeshifter build, start with Elise and Varus for the two Demon bonus, and then add Nidalee and Shyvana for the Shapeshifter one.

  • Add Morgana, and then Aurelion Sol for the Dragon trait.

You won’t always be able to transition into the Elementalist synergy as you require both skills and luck to drop the right tier 4 and 5 champions.

  • As soon as you find Kennen, Brand, and Anivia, add them to the battlefield for the Elementalist synergy. Brand if your first priority because he is also a Demon.

  • Remove Nidalee and Varus (depending on your level, you might have already swapped Varus for Brand). Add Swain as a Shapeshifter and the last member of your Demon composition.

This team build has several potential carries: I suggest Aurelion Sol and Brand with DPS, attack speed, and AP items.

Note that if you build Yuumi (Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod) you can also unlock the three Sorcerer synergy, which would boost Brand’s effectiveness.

Souless EXODIA

Souless Exodia team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lulu, Pyke, Morgana, Veigar, Aatrox, Kennen, Evelynn, Swain.

  • Demon: 4

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Yordle: 3

  • Ninja: 1

The EXODIA build is quite popular at high ranks, so I decided to explain it briefly. It is composed of five main units: Lulu, Aatrox, Kennen, Morgana, and Veigar.

  • Initially, look for a strong early-game synergy such as Knight or Gunslinger with Garen + Darius or Tristana + Lucian. Later on, you will replace them with your composition.

  • Try reaching level 6 quickly as this is the level with the highest chance to find tier 3 units; your lineup is mostly composed of those.

Locket of the Iron Solari and Zeke’s Herald are the best items for your goals in the early game as you want to minimize casualties while finding your core lineup.

  • Prioritize the Sorcerer synergy with Lulu, Morgana, and Veigar.

  • Add Aatrox to unlock two Demon, and finally Kennen for three Yordle.

Afterwards, your main objective is achieving the four Demon bonus:

  • Add Evelynn, and then Varus, Brand, or Swain depending on your luck.

  • If you find a spatula, turn Pyke into a demon and use him as the 7th unit.

Demon Ranger Elementalist

Demon Ranger Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Varus, Lissandra, Ashe, Kennen, Aatrox, Morgana, Brand.

  • Demon: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Ninja: 1

This build is very similar to the previous one, but we will prioritize Demons over Glacials. 

Demons have been nerfed so they are not as strong as in 9.14, but they might give you an edge in battle as I expect an increased number of Sorcerer teams.

Again, Nobles and/or Knights are the best way to start the match thanks to their effectiveness in the early game.

  • Varus, Ashe, and Lissandra are your priorities early on for two Ranger and two Glacial. In this team composition, your main carry isn’t Ashe but Varus.

  • Afterwards, you must unlock the Golem, so you want Kennen and Brand. The latter also brings the two Demon synergy.

  • Add Aatrox and Morgana for four Demon.

Demon Shapeshifter Guardian

Demon Shapeshifter Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Shyvana, Evelynn, Morgana, Brand, Gnar, Leona, Swain, Pantheon.

  • Demon:4

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Guardian: 2

A very tanky version of the classic Demon Shapeshifter build that is empowered by the Guardian synergy.

  • Start with Camille and Jayce for the two Hextech trait. Add Varus; he is a solid damage dealer and a member of the Demon Origin.

  • In the early game, your goal is achieving the Shapeshifter bonus as soon as possible. Jayce is a Shapeshifter, and the remaining ones are Elise and Shyvana (you can use Nidalee while finding her). Elise also unlocks two Demon.

This is a late game team composition, so you will have to replace almost entirely your starting lineup. There is not a precise order, but it mostly depends on what you can find first.

  • Four Demon: add Morgana and Evelynn for four Demon. Over time, remove Varus and Elise, and replace them with Brand and Swain.

  • Three Shapeshifter: replace Elise and Jayce with Gnar and Swain.

  • Two Guardian: Braum and Leona will boost the defenses of the team with the Guardian trait. Later on, replace Braum with Pantheon; you will unlock also two Dragon.

The final build is extremely resilient and can survive against both magical and physical lineups. Playing it is slightly difficult because during each match you must understand the best next step for your composition based on the opponents and the units you are able to find.

This team build has several potential carries, but your main one is Shyvana.

Glacial builds

Glacial Sorcerer Elementalist

Glacial Sorcerer Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Glacial: 4

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Ninja: 1

Final team: Kassadin, Lissandra, Braum, Morgana, Kennen, Aurelion Sol, Anivia.

  • Start the game with Kassadin plus Liss/Braum for two Glacial.

  • Add Morgana and Aurelion Sol for three Sorcerer.

  • Proceed with Kennen and Anivia for the Elementalist synergy.

  • Finally, add Sejuani when you can get the four Glacial bonus.

Your carry is Aurelion Sol. Liss and Braum are not the strongest early gamers, and this lineup is very expensive, so you will need great management skills to succeed. Use more units until you find the three Sorcerer combo.

Glacial Elementalist

Glacial Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Glacial: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Guardian: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Final team: Lissandra, Braum, Volibear, Kennen, Sejuani, Leona, Brand, Aurelion Sol.

  • The composition doesn’t require tier 5 champions, but you still need several tier 4 ones to be effective, so some luck is needed when rolling.

  • Stack all your items on Aurelion Sol and Braum.

Glacial Ranger Elementalist

Glacial Ranger Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Varus, Lissandra, Braum, Ashe, Kennen, Brand, Sejuani.

  • Glacial: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Ranger: 2

  • Demon: 2

  • Ninja: 1

If you are not a fan of Guardians, you can exploit the Elementalist’s Golem as your main tank.

There is not a best way to start the game with this composition. I suggest relying on Knights and/or Nobles, and then swap them as soon as you find your main units.

  • Varus, Ashe, and Lissandra are your priorities for two Ranger and two Glacial.

  • Afterwards, you must unlock the Golem, so you want Kennen and Brand. The latter also brings the two Demon synergy.

  • Complete your frontline and gain four Glacial with Braum and Sejuani.

Glacial Ranger Guardian

Glacial Ranger Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Mordekaiser, Braum, Lissandra, Ashe, Kindred, Leona, Sejuani.

  • Glacial: 4

  • Ranger: 2

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Phantom: 2

Another variant of the Ranger Glacial build. I prefer this one the most because it is one of the tankiest versions.

  • Start with Mordekaiser and a random Knight for the Knight bonus.

  • Add Braum and Ashe for two Glacial.

  • Kindred and Leona are your next priorities. The former will bring both the Phantom and the Ranger synergies, the latter unlocks the Guardian trait. 

  • Remove the random Knight, and add Sejuani to keep the Knight bonus with a stronger champion.

  • Finally, add Lissandra on the battlefield if you didn’t place her yet. You will now have the four Glacial bonus.

Guardian builds

Guardian Evelynn

Guardian Evelynn team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Braum, Evelynn, Poppy, Leona, Sejuani, Brand.

  • Guardian: 2

  • Demon: 2 (+2)

  • Glacial: 2 (+2)

  • Knight: 2 (+2)

This team composition is based around Evelynn. She is protected by both Guardians and Knights, and will act as the main DPS of the lineup. Brand is also a strong Demon, and he is your secondary carry.

  • Start with two Knights such as Garen and Darius.

  • Get a random Demon (Varus is a great choice in the early game) and then Evelynn for the two Demon synergy.

  • Replace Darius with Poppy.

  • Braum and Leona are you next priorities as you need to acquire the Guardian trait to strengthen the team’s defenses.

  • Replace Garen with Sejuani to keep the Knight bonus with a stronger unit and to unlock the Glacial synergy.

  • Finally, replace the random Demon with Brand.

Poppy and Sejuani are both solid frontliners, but note that in the late game you can use Kayle in place of Poppy. Likewise, Braum could be replaced by Pantheon, but you will lose the glacial synergy.

I suggest building survivability items on Evelynn because you want to keep her alive for as long as possible in order to unleash her devastating burst damage. Dragon’s Claw and Guardian Angel are the best choices, and Hextech Gunblade will provide lots of health points after each skill use.

Later on, you can expand the team build in several ways:

  • Four Demon with Aatrox and Morgana.

  • Four Knight with Garen and Kayle. This path will also unlock three Noble with Garen, Leona, and Kayle. I believe this is one of the easiest options if you can find Kayle as you already have Garen and Poppy in your lineup.

  • Four Glacial with Anivia and a random Glacial unit or Frozen Mallet.

Gunslinger builds

Gunslinger Pirate

Gunslinger Pirate team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final Team: Tristana, Graves, Lucian, Pyke, Gankgplank, Cho'Gat, Sejuani.

  • Gunslinger: 4

  • Pirate: 3

Pirates are more consistent than in the past, so I have finally included one of their builds among the best compositions.

  • Acquire three pirates to start stacking gold with their synergy: Graves, Pyke, and Twisted Fate.

  • Add Tristana for the two Gunslinger bonus. She is your main carry.

  • Replace Twisted Fate as soon as you find Gangplank. Lucian and Gangplank will maximize the Gunslinger trait.

  • Cho'Gat and Sejuani do not bring any synergy in particular, but you want them because they are solid late-game tanks, and your lineup needs them to survive.

Cursed Blade and other on-hit effect items such as Red Buff are amazing on Gunslingers as they are able to attack several targets simultaneously. Build these items on Tristana.

Later on, you can unlock more synergies depending on your needs and luck. For example, two Glacial with Anivia or two Knight with Kayle. 

With Spatula there are even more possibilities (such as giving Tristana a chance to stun on each attack with Frozen Mallet), but that goes past the purpose of the main build and it’s highly situational.

Gunslinger Pirate v2

Gunslinger Pirate v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Graves, Tristana, Pyke, Lucian, Gangplank.

  • Gunslinger: 4

  • Pirate: 3

This is the core formation of the Gunslinger Pirate lineup. I suggested several ways to extend the team composition in the late game. 

Thanks to the item changes brought by 9.19, Gunslingers will be pretty strong during this patch: I recommend building Giant Slayer, Red Buff, and Hush on your carries.

  • Start with Graves, Pyke, and Twisted Fate as you want the Pirate bonus as soon as possible to gain extra gold.

  • Get Tristana for the two Gunslinger synergy, and then add Lucian. They are your two carries.

  • Remove Twisted Fate and replace him with Gangplank - you acquired also the four Gunslinger trait.

Afterwards, there are several routes you can follow depending on your preferences and luck with champions and items:

  • Leona + Pantheon/Braum will boost the defensive capabilities of the team with the Guardian synergy.

  • Miss Fortune and Jinx maximize the Gunslinger trait, and eventually you could even add Vi for the Hextech synergy.

  • If you can build Blade of the Ruined King on Tristana, pick Shen to unlock the three Blademaster trait, which will boost her damage.

Gunslinger Pirate Hextech

Gunslinger Pirate Hextech team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Tristana, Graves, Camille, Lucian, Gangplank, Jinx, Miss Fortune.

  • Gunslinger: 6

  • Pirate: 3

  • Hextech: 2

This is a variant of the Gunslinger Pirate build that includes the new Hextech synergy.

  • The Gunslinger trait has a great impact in the early game, so we will start with Tristana, Lucian, and Graves.

  • Acquire Pyke and Gangplank as soon as possible because you must start accumulating gold with the Pirate trait. The latter also unlocks four Gunslinger.

  • Add Jinx and Camille for the Hextech synergy. The former is your carry.

  • In the late game, remove Pyke and replace him with Miss Fortune. She will keep the Pirate bonus and maximize the Gunslinger one.

Knight builds

Knight Ranger Phantom

Knight Ranger Phantom team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Darius, Garen, Vayne, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Kindred, Sejuani.

  • Knight: 5+1

  • Ranger: 2

  • Phantom: 2

  • Noble: 3 (with Kayle)

There are two variants of this composition with slightly different champions, but the core is always composed of the six Knights.

  • Start with Darius and Garen for the two Knight bonus.

  • Add Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger synergy - the former is your main carry.

  • Add Mordekaiser and Poppy to unlock four Knight.

  • Replace Varus with Kindred, who brings the Phantom buff.

Sejuani increases the number of Knights to five, but to maximize this synergy you either need to find Kayle (who will also grant you the three Noble synergy), or build Knight’s Vow (Spatula + Chain Vest) on a Ranger; Kindred is the best wearer because of her active ability.

Alternative team: Darius, Garen, Ashe, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Kindred, Sejuani.

  • Knight: 5+1

  • Ranger: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Phantom: 2

With this alternative lineup you gain the first tier of the Glacial trait, but you also lose the chance to achieve three Noble with Kayle. Ashe replaces Vayne as the carry.

Knight Gunslinger Phantom

Knight Gunslinger Phantom team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Garen, Mordekaiser, Lucian, Poppy, Sejuani, Jinx, Kindred, Kayle.

  • Knight: 5+1

  • Nobles: 3

  • Gunslinger: 2

  • Phantom: 2

Knights are particularly strong in patch 9.20, so we will utilize them to protect our hard carry Jinx.

  • Start with Garen and Mordekaiser for the two Knight synergy.

  • Add Tristana and Lucian to achieve two Gunslinger in the early game.

  • Poppy and Sejuani are required for four Knight.

  • Replace Tristana with Jinx as soon as you find her - she will act as your main carry. I suggest building Giant Slayer and Guinsoo’s Rageblade on her.

  • Finally, Kindred brings two Phantom, and Kayle provides three Noble.

  • Knight’s Vow (Spatula + Chain Vest) on Kindred will also unlock the powerful six Knight synergy.

Ranger builds

Ranger Glacial

Ranger Glacial team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Ranger: 4

  • Glacial: 4

  • Guardian: 2

Final team: Vayne, Varus, Braum, Volibear, Ashe, Kindred, Sejuani, Leona.

  • Start with three Nobles. Vayne must be one of them.

  • Add Ashe for the Ranger bonus, and then Braum for the Glacial one.

  • Add Leona for the Guardian synergy, and then Varus and Kindred for the four Ranger one.

  • Finally, Sejuani and Volibear for four Glacials.

This build starts exactly as the Noble one, but it is a lot more reliable. Put all your items on Vayne and try to upgrade her to three stars.

Ranger Knight

Ranger Knight team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Ranger: 4

  • Knight: 4

  • Ghost: 2

  • Glacial: 2

Final team: Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser, Vayne, Varus, Ashe, Kindred, Sejuani.

  • Start with two Knights, preferably Mordekaiser and Garen.

  • Add Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger bonus.

  • Depending on your opponents and your rolls, you can prioritize damage, survivability, or crowd control.

    • Ashe and Kindred maximize the Ranger damage (Mordekaiser and Kindred also activate the Phantom synergy).

    • Darius and Sejuani bring the four Knight bonus.

    • Ashe and Sejuani for the two Glacial synergy.

If you are lucky, consider swapping Darius with Kayle later on. You will have a stronger unit, keep the four Knight bonus, and even enable the three Noble one.

Ranger Knight v2

Ranger Knight v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Vayne, Mordekaiser, Varus, Ashe, Kindred, Sejuani, Brand.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Knight: 2

  • Phantom: 2

  • Demon: 2

  • Glacial: 2

A variant of the original Ranger Knight build that loses some tankiness in change of extra damage.

  • Start with two Knights, preferably Mordekaiser and Garen.

  • Add Vayne and Varus for the two Ranger bonus.

  • Aatrox brings the two Demon synergy.

  • Ashe is your main carry.

  • Adding Kindred to the lineup will grant a noticeable boost because she unlocks both the Phantom and the four Ranger synergies.

  • In the late game, replace Garen with Sejuani for a better Knight unit and to acquire two Glacial.

  • Depending on your luck with the chess pieces, you might consider replacing Aatrox with Brand; build him with Morellonomicon and DPS items.

Ranger Guardian Phantom

Ranger Guardian Phantom team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Mordekaiser, Vayne, Braum, Varus, Ashe, Leona, Kindred.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Guardian: 2

  • Phantom: 2

  • Glacial: 2

In my opinion, team compositions based on Rangers and Guardians will dominate the meta in 9.15. This is a basic Ranger build, while below I have provided more variants.

Ashe is your main carry, and on-hit effect items are the best choices on her. Vayne is a solid carry option as well, but Ashe benefits from both the Ranger and Glacial traits.

  • Start with Mordekaiser and a random Knight for the two Knight bonus.

  • Add Vayne and Ashe for the two Ranger trait. Use Varus while finding Ashe.

  • Braum is the next best choice because will unlock the Glacial’s stun.

  • In the late game, remove the random Knight, add Leona for the Guardian synergy (which will maximize your defense), and Kindred + Valrus for both two Phantom and four Ranger.

There is also another less-direct way to start this team build, which exploits the Noble synergy in the early game.

  • Start with Vayne, Garen, and a random Noble for the three Noble synergy.

  • Add Mordekaiser for the Knight bonus, and Varus for the Ranger one.

  • Once you find both Braum and Leona, remove Garen and the random Noble to acquire the Guardian synergy.

  • Replace Varus with Ashe. Add Kindred, and finally bring back Varus to complete the composition.

Ranger Guardian Phantom v2

Ranger Guardian Phantom v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Mordekaiser, Vayne, Varus, Ashe, Leona, Kindred, Sejuani, Pantheon.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Glacial: 2

An updated version of the Ranger Guardian Phantom composition that makes use of Pantheon and maintains the Knight trait also in the late game.

  • Start with Mordekaiser and a random Knight for the two Knight bonus.

  • Add Vayne and Ashe (she is your carry) for the two Ranger trait. Use Varus while finding Ashe.

  • Braum is the next best choice because he will unlock the Glacial’s stun.

  • Add Leona for the Guardian synergy, and Varus + Kindred for four Ranger and the Phantom bonus.

  • In the late game, remove the random Knight, and replace it with Sejuani.

  • Finally, get rid of Braum and add Pantheon to the lineup.

Note: you can start the lineup also with the Noble synergy as explained in the original Ranger Guardian Phantom build.

Ranger Glacial Elementalist

Ranger Guardian Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Vayne, Varus, Lissandra, Ashe, Brand, Kindred, Sejuani, Anivia.

  • Ranger: 4

  • Glacial: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Dermon: 2

This build has lots of crowd control, adequate tankiness (thanks to Sejuani and the Elementalist’s Golem), and a good sustained DPS.

  • In the early game, you must rely on Nobles to survive: Garen, Fiora, and Vayne.

  • Varus increases the damage of the team with the two Ranger bonus. 

  • Ashe is your main carry, so just add her as soon as you can.

  • At this point, your goal is acquiring the Golem to tank in the mid game, so it is necessary to find Lissandra, Kennen, and Brand. They also unlock two Demon and two Glacial.

  • Kindred is the next mandatory piece to maximize the Ranger class.

The build is pretty much completed, but you can further boost it by removing Kennen and adding Sejuani plus Anivia: they will give you the four Glacial bonus.

Don’t forget to remove Garen and Fiora while transitioning to your ideal lineup.

Imperial builds

Imperial Guardian

Imperial Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Imperial: 4

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Glacial: 2

Final team: Darius, Braum, Katarina, Sejuani, Leona, Draven, Swain.

  • Start the game with Darius, some Knights, and any two-star unit you can find.

  • As soon as you find Draven, put him on the battlefield and start stacking items on him.

  • Do not use other Imperials until you have four of them. 

  • Once you have four Imperials, use them all immediately to gain the Double Damage synergy.

  • The next priorities are Sejuani and Braum for crowd control, and finally Leona.

This build requires a two-star Draven and the tier 5 hero Swain in order to be effective. If you can’t find Swain, stick with two Imperials for a while.

Rapid Firecannon (requires two Recurve Bows) is an amazing item for this team composition.

Imperial Brawler

Imperial Brawler team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Darius, Blitzcrank, Katarina, Cho'Gath, Draven, Sejuani, Swain.

  • Imperial: 4

  • Brawler: 2

  • Knight: 2

Mixing Brawlers with Imperials creates a team formation with beefy frontliners and outstanding damage.

  • Start with Garen and Darius for the two Knight bonus, and then add Blitzcrank.

  • The next move depends on your luck with tier 4 units: Cho'Gath is required for the two Brawler bonus, and Draven for the Imperial one.

  • Replace Garen with Sejuani as she is a stronger choice in the late game.

  • Complete the build with Katarina and Swain to unlock the four Imperial bonus.

Draven is your main carry, and also in this patch the best items on him are Rapid Firecannon and  Guinsoo’s Rageblade.

Do not underestimate the potential damage of Katarina. Provide her with some survivability items so she will be able to unleash her ultimate.

Later on, you might consider adding a Glacial unit (such as Anivia) for crowd control.

Imperial Elementalist

Imperial Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Darius, Kennen, Katarina, Brand, Sejuani, Draven, Swain, Anivia

  • Imperial: 4

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Knight: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Demon: 2

  • Ninja: 1

The previous Imperial build used Brawlers as tanks, while in this one we rely on the Golem.

  • Start with Garen and Darius for the two Knight bonus.

  • Kennen is quite strong in this patch, and he is your first Elementalist. His damage will increase as he is the only Ninja in the team.

  • Katarina brings the two Imperial bonus

  • Add Lissandra and Brand as soon as possible for the Elementalist synergy.

  • Replace Garen with Sejuani: you will keep the Knight bonus and also add the Glacial one.

This is your composition in the mid game. Later on, you need Draven and Swain to maximize the Imperial synergy, and Anivia in place of Lissandra for a better unit with the same traits.

Completing this formation isn’t an easy task because you need luck with both tier 4 and 5 champions.

The build requires a stacked two-star Draven to become super effective.

Imperial Knight

Imperial Knight team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Darius, Garen, Poppy, Katarina, Sejuani, Draven, Swain.

  • Imperial: 4

  • Knight: 4

A strong Draven composition based on Imperials and Knights.

  • Start with Darius and Garen for the two Knight bonus.

  • Add Lucian and Fiora. They will greatly boost your early game with the three Noble synergy, but you will remove them later on to add your core champions.

  • Poppy and Sejuani are solid frontliners and bring the four Knight bonus.

  • Draven is your main carry, and he unlocks also two Imperial. Try to find him as soon as possible, and place him at the corner of the board.

  • In order to finish the lineup, you need also Katarina and Swain (your secondary carry). They provide the full powerful Imperial trait.

Imperial Knight extended

Final team: Garen, Darius, Poppy, Katarina, Sejuani, Draven, Swain, Kayle.

  • Imperial: 4

  • Knight: 6

This is an extended version of the Imperial Knight composition. It is stronger but also more difficult to build than the previous one.

  • Follow the standard Imperial Knight build above this one, and save Mordekaiser in your bench starting from the early game (you can also use him to achieve four Knight while finding Sejuani)

  • Build Knight’s Vow on Swain and add Mordekaiser to unlock the complete six Knight bonus.

  • Finally, replace Garen or Mordekaiser with Kayle to maintain the Knight synergy with a stronger unit. Note that you can’t get rid of Darius because he is also an Imperial.

Noble builds

Noble Guardian

Noble Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Noble: 6

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Glacial: 2

Final team: Fiora, Garen, Vayne, Lucian, Braum, Leona, Sejuani, Kayle.

  • Start with three nobles, preferably Vayne, Garen, and Fiora. Vayne is your carry, so stack items on her.

  • Add Ashe (or another Ranger unit until you find her) for the Ranger bonus, Braum for the Glacial one, and Leona for the Guardian one.

  • Once you find Kayle, remove Ashe and Braum and add Lucian and Kayle.

  • Re-add Braum once you have room on the battlefield, and then either Ashe or Sejuani.

This build is quite unreliable because it requires Kayle, otherwise you will start falling off really hard in the mid game. It is necessary to win the early game and be greedy for levels.

Noble Gunslinger Knight

Noble Gunslinger Knight team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Garen, Fiora, Vayne, Lucian, Jinx, Leona, Kayle.

  • Noble: 6

  • Gunslinger: 2

  • Knight: 2

The buff brought by 9.16 transformed Nobles into a very strong synergy. This trait requires six champions, so there aren’t many team compositions available, and all the previous ones are still viable. Today, I will show you a Noble build with Jinx as the carry.

  • Start with Garen, Fiora, and Vayne to get the three Noble trait.

  • Add Lucian and Jinx for two Gunslinger.

  • Leona and Kayle are the final units required to unlock six Noble. Kayle also brings two Knight.

There are a few ways to continue this team build:

  • Braum drastically increases the tankiness of the whole team with the Guardian trait. This is the best option if you are facing physical auto-attackers.

  • A random Hextech champion unlocks this synergy, and if you get Camille + Draven you will obtain also the three Blademaster synergy and a new hard carry.

The Royal Guardians

The Royal Guardians team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Garen, Braum, Vi, Jinx, Leona, Sejuani, Kayle.

  • Noble: 3

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Glacial: 2

  • Hextech: 2

This is a very defensive lineup with the purpose to protect the hard carry: Jinx.

  • Start with Darius and Garen for the two Knight bonus.

  • Add two random Nobles (such as Fiora and Vayne) for the three Noble synergy.

This composition requires many high-cost champions, so you will need to manage your money and level up early to find them.

  • Jinx is your main carry, so she is your priority.

  • Afterwards, you need Braum, Leona, and Sejuani for survivability: they bring the Glacial and the Guardian traits. You can remove Darius and a random Noble as their synergies are preserved by Sejuani and Leona.

  • Add Vi for the Hextech trait.

At this point, the team build is pretty much completed, but later on you can replace the remaining random Noble with Kayle.

Ninja builds

Ninja Void Assassin

Ninja Void Assassin team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Ninja: 4

  • Assassin: 3

  • Void: 3

  • Brawler: 2

Final team: Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Zed, Shen, Kennen, Akali, Cho'Gath.

  • Start with Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, and Kassadin for three Void.

  • Add Zed plus a random Assassin for the Assassin bonus.

  • Add Cho'Gath for the Brawler synergy, remove Kassadin and the random assassin, and finally add Shen, Akali, and Kennen for the four Ninja bonus.

This build is complete at level 7, so you should focus on levelling up your units. Zed will be your carry if you can bring him to three stars, otherwise you will rely on Akali.

If you find Spatula, it is possible to go for the six Assassin synergy, which brings a huge damage spike.

Ninja Assassin Elementalist

Ninja Assassin Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final Team: Lissandra, Shen, Zed, Pyke, Kennen, Akali, Brand.

  • Ninja: 4

  • Assassin: 3

  • Elementalist: 3

This composition is quite easy to build as there are mostly low cost champions, but also note that you need several units to enable the trait bonuses.

Shen is the only tank champion in this lineup, but once unlocked the Elementalist synergy you will have a golem on the battlefield. The golem has been nerfed in 9.14 (damage halved), however it doesn’t matter a lot because you want a meat-shield and it has still thousands of HP.

  • Start with Pyke, Zed, and a random Assassin to achieve the three Assassin synergy and the one Ninja bonus.

Your next actions depend on your luck as you need the tier 4 units Brand and Akali to complete the remaining synergies:

  • Add Lissandra, Kennen, and finally Brand for the 3 Elementalist synergy.

  • Remove the random assassin and add Shen and Akali for the four Ninja and three Assassin bonuses.

  • Later on, replace Lissandra with Anivia in order to retain the Elementalist bonus with a better unit.

The patch buffed Kennen and optimized Akali, so the latter became an even stronger carry than in the past. I suggest building Seraph’s Embrace on Akali so she will be able to utilize her ultimate constantly, and Hextech Gunblade for self-healing capabilities.

Zed is your other carry so you should build DPS items on him, such as Rapid Firecannon.

Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kha'Zix, Zed, Pyke, Shen, Evelynn, Kennen, Rengar, Akali.

  • Ninja: 4

  • Assassin: 6

Nobles have been nerfed, so now Assassins have a greater potential. Kennen and Akali are your main carries, while in the early game you can rely on Zed.

  • Acquire three Assassins to unlock the first tier of their synergy: Kha'Zix, Pyke, and Zed are the best choices. The latter also provides the one Ninja bonus.

  • Afterwards, get two random Brawlers to strengthen the defenses of the lineup while finding the remaining core units.

  • Add the remaining champions to unlock six Assassin and four Ninja: Evelynn, Kennen, Akali, Rengar, and Shen. Replace the random Brawlers when there is no space left for them.

Note that you can complete this team composition with seven champions if you are able to build Youmuu’s Ghostblade on Kennen.

Shapeshifter builds

The Shyvana composition

The Shyvana composition team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Nidalee, Braum, Shyvana, Gnar, Leona, Aurelion Sol.

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Guardian: 2

  • Wild: 2

I define this lineup as the Shivana composition because it is build around her.

The Guardian buff provides armor, Shapeshifter grants extra health points, and Dragon gives magic resistance. Build Thornmail and Warmog’s Armor on Shyvana, and she will become pretty much immortal.

  • I suggest starting the game with Nidalee and Warwick to unlock the Wild synergy.

  • Include a second Brawler (such as Blitzcrank) to increase the toughness of the team.

  • Add Elise and Shyvana for three Shapeshifter, and then replace the former with Gnar.

  • Remove Blitzcrank and Warwick once you find Braum and Leona for the two Guardian synergy, which will bring a massive survivability boost to the team.

  • Finally, Aurelion Sol for the Dragon’s magic resistance.

In the late game, you can complete the build with the Sorcerer or the Glacial synergy. I recommend the former if you are lacking damage, and the latter if your require crowd control.

Shapeshifter Dragon Guardian

Shapeshifter Dragon Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Elise, Nidalee, Jayce, Shyvana, Leona, Gnar, Swain, Pantheon.

  • Shapeshifter: 6

  • Dragon: 2

  • Guardian: 2

  • Wild: 2

  • Demon: 2

This is a pure Shapeshifter build. It will unleash its real potential once you can find all the required units for six Shapeshifter.

  • Start with Elise, Nidalee, and Jayce for the three Shapeshifter bonus.

  • Ahri and Vi are solid choices while getting your core units as they will unlock two Wild and two Hextech.

  • Braum and Leona add tankiness to the team with the Guardian trait.

  • Add Shyvana, Gnar, and Swain as soon as you can find them to maximize the Shapeshifter synergy. Remove Ahri and Vi.

  • In the late game, replace Braum with Pantheon - he will also unlock the Dragon trait.

This team build has several potential carries, but your main one is Shyvana.

If you require more firepower, you can neglect the Guardian trait. Get Aurelion Sol as the second Dragon, and Draven in place of Leona.

Sorcerer builds

Full Sorcerer

Full Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Sorcerer: 5+1

  • Dragon: 2

Final team: Ahri, Lulu, Veigar, Morgana, Shyvana, Aurelion Sol.

  • Start with Ahri and Lulu, and a good frontliner such as Warwick.

  • Add Morgana for the three Sorcerer bonus.

  • Add Veigar and Aurelion Sol, and then a strong unit with Yuumi on it in the mid-late game.

The build requires Yuumi, an item composed of Spatula and Needlessly Large Rod, which adds the Sorcerer class to the wearer.

  • Shyvana is the best option as the Yuumi holder because she increases the survivability of Aurelion Sol with the Dragon synergy (magic immunity).

  • Alternatively, you can dedicate the extra slots to Elementalists, and give Yuumi to one of them. Brand is a great choice.

You really want a two-star Aurelion Sol. This lineup can literally one-shot most teams.

Sorcerer Guardian

Sorcerer Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lulu, Ahri, Braum, Morgana, Veigar, Leona, Aurelion Sol, Karthus.

  • Sorcerer: 6

  • Guardian: 2

Sorcerers might rise back in the top 3 for a combination of several indirect buffs:

  • Dragons are not completely immune to magic anymore.

  • The buffs to the Guardian and Knight synergies counter physical auto-attackers.

  • In 9.14, Sorcerers had a very hard time accumulating mana against Demons, but now the latter have been nerfed, so they won’t infest our games as much as before.

Note: all the previous Sorcerer builds are still viable, but today I will add a few new ones.

  • Start with Kassadin, Ahri, and Lulu for the three Sorcerer bonus.

  • Add Veigar and Poppy to unlock three Yordle.

  • Morgana and Aatrox will complete your starting build with the Demon synergy.

Note that this is just a temporary composition to maximize your effectiveness in the mid game. The build requires reaching the late game in order to shows its real potential. Depending on your luck with the units, you might skip Aatrox completely.

  • As soon as you have Braum and Leona, add them and remove Aatrox and Poppy. You will lose the first tier of the Yordle synergy, but the stronger Guardian trait will replace it.

  • Add Aurelion Sol for the six Sorcerer bonus.

  • In the late game, remove Kassadin (or Morgana) and replace him with Karthus.

Aurelion Sol and Karthus are your main carries. Rabadon’s Deathcap is an amazing item on both of them.

As the final unit, you might consider a Glacial or Phantom one to unlock their synergies: Sejuani is never a bad choice.

Sorcerer Shapeshifter

Sorcerer Shapeshifter team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lulu, Ahri, Veigar, Shyvana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol, Swain, Karthus.

  • Sorcerer: 5+1

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Yordle: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Wild: 2

Similarly to the Sorcerer Guardian build, this is just a temporary composition for your early/mid game:

  • Start with Tristana, Lulu, and Lucian to achieve the Gunslinger synergy.

  • Veigar brings three Yordle, and Ahri three Sorcerer.

Honestly, progressing this composition isn’t easy because you need to level up aggressively and have luck with the picks.

In the late game, remove Tristana and Lucian, and add the following champions:

  • Shyvana, Gnar, and Swain are mandatory to unlock the three Shapeshifter bonus (the second tier of this class is still not attainable). Thanks to Gnar you will keep the extra survivability provided by three Yordle and even unlock the two Wild bonus.

  • Aurelion Sol is a potential carry (there are many strong champions in this lineup) and brings also the Dragon bonus. Karthus is literally overpowered in this patch.

As you might have noticed, the build ends with five Sorcerer champions. You require the 9th slot to maximize it, or Yuumi (Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod), an item that grants the Sorcerer trait to the wearer. Yep, this is a very late game build.

Void Sorcerer

Void Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Rek'Sai, Lulu, Ahri, Veigar, Cho'Gath , Aurelion Sol, Karthus.

  • Sorcerer: 6

  • Void: 3

  • Brawler: 2

A note on the new Void synergy: the true damage applies also to the champions’ abilities!

  • Start with Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Ahri and Lulu to unlock three Sorcerer.

  • Replace Kha'Zix with Cho'Gath for a stronger Void unit and to acquire the two Brawler synergy.

  • In the late game, you want Veigar, Aurelion Sol, and Karthus to maximize the Sorcerer trait.

Build Rapid Firecannon and Rabadon’s Deathcap on Aurelion Sol.

Shyvana is a potential 9th pick to buff Aurelion Sol with the Dragon’s magic resistance.

Varus the Sorcerer

Varus the Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Mordekaiser, Varus, Morgana, Sejuani, Kindred, Aurelion Sol, Leona, Pantheon.

  • Sorcerer: 2+1

  • Ranger: 2

  • Dragon: 2

  • Guardian: 2

  • Knight: 2

  • Demon: 2

This is a very versatile build able to face almost any opponent in the game.

  • Start with Garen and Mordekaiser for the two Knight synergy.

  • Add Varus and Vayne to achieve two Ranger in the early game. The former is your main carry.

  • Poppy and Sejuani are required for four Knight.

After the mid game, you can transition into the true team composition, which requires several 4-cost units.

  • Replace Vayne with Kindred to unlock the Phantom synergy.

  • Add Morgana and Aurelion Sol for the two Demon synergy and to increase the number of Sorcerers to two. Build Yuumi (Spatula + Needlessly Large Rod) on Varus for the Sorcerer bonus.

  • Remove Garen and Poppy, and replace them with Leona and Pantheon for the Guardian and Dragon traits.

Void builds

Void Sorcerer Guardian

Void Sorcerer Guardian team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Kassadin, Rek'Sai, Aurelion Sol, Cho'Gath, Leona, Kindred, Pantheon, Karthus.

  • Void: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Guardian: 2

  • Phantom: 2

  • Dragon: 2

  • Brawler: 2

Another Void-based lineup with several synergies and a late game build. Cho'Gath and Karthus are the main carries, Aurelion Sol is the secondary one.

  • Start with Kassadin, Kha'Zix, and Rek'Sai for the Void synergy.

  • Add Warwick for the two Brawler bonus, and Ahri for the Wild trait.

  • Add Aurelion Sol for three Sorcerer.

  • Replace Kha'Zix with Cho'Gath for a stronger Void unit.

This is your starting lineup. You will need high-cost units to complete this team composition.

  • Remove Warwick. Add Leona and Pantheon for the Guardian and Dragon synergies.

  • Remove Ahri. Place Kindred and Karthus to keep the Sorcerer bonus and to unlock the Phantom one.

Wild builds

Wild Sorcerer Shapeshifter

Wild Sorcerer Shapeshifter team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Wild: 4

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Dragon: 2

Final team: Warwick, Nidalee, Ahri, Shyvana, Morgana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol.

  • Start with two Wild champions: Warwick and Nidalee.

  • Add two Shapeshifters, most likely Elise and Shyvana, and then remove the former for Gnar.

  • Proceed adding Ahri as the fourth Wild, Aurelion Sol as the second Dragon, and finally Morgana as the third Sorcerer.

  • At high levels, it is recommended to add also the two Guardians: Braum and Leona.

Optionally, later on you can include also the Elementalist or the Glacial synergy.

Wild Ninja

Wild Ninja team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Wild: 4

  • Ninja: 4

  • Assassin: 3

Final Team:  Warwick, Nidalee, Zed, Shen, Kennen, Rengar, Akali, Gnar.

  • Start with Warwick and Nidalee to achieve the two Wild synergy.

  • Add one Ninja for the bonus: Zed is the best option because he is also an Assassin.

  • Add Rengar and a random Assassin for the critical damage provided by three Assassin.

  • Gnar will grant you four Wild.

  • Once you find Akali, remove the random Assassin and place all your Ninjas on the battlefield, so you will have both the three Assassin and the four Ninja synergies.

Wild Shapeshifter Imperial

Wild Shapeshifter Imperial team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Wild: 4

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Imperial: 2

  • Brawler: 2

Final Team: Nidalee, Warwick, Ahri, Gnar, Cho'Gath, Draven, Swain.

  • Start with Nidalee and Warwick for the two Wild synergy.

  • Add Ahri and Rengar to reach four Wild.

  • Remove Rengar and add Gnar and Cho'Gath. The former maximizes the Wild synergy, while the latter brings two Brawler. Thanks to the health bonus, Warwick and Cho'Gath are your two main frontliners.

  • Draven is the carry, so stack DPS items on him.

  • Finally, Swain is fundamental and brings a power boost to the lineup as he unlocks both three Shapeshifter and two Imperial. Before finding him, you can use Shyvana as a momentary Shapeshifter replacement.

This is an expensive and late game oriented build as most of the units are tier 4 and above. It is complete with 7 units, but you can expand the synergies if you reach level 9. 

  • I believe the best options are Leona and Braum for the Guardian bonus, or Sejuani plus a random Glacial for crowd control. 

  • Alternatively, you might even choose to add the remaining two Imperials.

Wild Imperial Shapeshifter

Wild Imperial Shapeshifter team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Nidalee, Warwick, Darius, Ahri, Katarina, Draven, Gnar, Swain.

  • Wild: 4

  • Imperial: 4

  • Shapeshifter: 3

With patch 9.19, Rapid Firecannon no longer counters evasion, so the four Wild bonus is of great help for a pure auto-attacker such as Draven.

  • Start with Nidalee and Warwick for two Wild.

  • Add Darius and Garen/Mordekaiser for two Knight (remove the latter when you need space for your core composition)

  • Add Draven as soon as you can for the two Imperial bonus (he is your main carry).

  • Ahri and Gnar bring the four Wild synergy.

  • Finally, Katarina and Swain maximize the Imperial bonus, and the latter also unlocks the Shapeshifter synergy. While finding Swain, you can achieve this synergy earlier by using a random Shapeshifter unit.

Yordle builds

Yordle Sorcerer

Yordle Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics
  • Yordle: 6

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Knight: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Final team: Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Kennen, Veigar, Morgana, Gnar, Kayle.

  • Start with Tristana, Lulu, and Poppy for 3 Yordle.

  • Add a random Knight and Gunslinger for the early game.

  • At level 6, remove the random units for Veigar, Gnar, and Kennen.

  • Add Morgana for 3 Sorcerer, and finally include Kayle.

Veigar is your carry because he is a very consistent DPS-focused mage.

Yordle Sorcerer v2

Yordle Sorcerer v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Tristana, Lulu, Ahri, Poppy, Kennen, Veigar, Gnar.

  • Yordle: 6

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Wild: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Yordles can now dodge also on-hit effects, so they are useful against a larger number of comps.

Builds based on Yordles are rather standardized because you are always forced to use all six of them to maximize their evasion chance. 

Morgana has been nerfed in this patch, so we will replace her with another Sorcerer: Ahri is an optimal choice as she also unlocks two Wild with Gnar. Also, Gnar is your new carry.

Yordle Gunslinger

Yordle Gunslinger team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Tristana, Lucian, Lulu, Kennen, Poppy, Veigar, Gnar.

  • Yordle: 6

  • Gunslinger: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Yordle is not the best synergy in the game, but it works great against auto-attackers and Ninjas that are dominating the meta. It is also quite simple to build because you just need to find all the Yordles.

  • Start with Tristana and Lucian for the two Gunslinger bonus.

  • Add Lulu, Kennen, and Poppy in any order to unlock the first tier of the Yordle sinergy.

  • Maximize the synergy with Veigar and Gnar.

There are several potential choices for the late game, which depend on the units and items you will find. Here are some examples:

  • Add Ahri to unlock both two Wild and three Sorcerer.

  • Spatula and Miss Fortune for four Gunslinger (this is the option with the highest potential damage as it boosts your current carries: Tristana and Lucian.)

  • Spatula and Swain for the Shapeshifter bonus, which will buff your front line.

Yordle Sorcerer Phantom

Yordle Sorcerer Phantom team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics.jpg

Final team: Mordekaiser, Poppy, Veigar, Gnar, Aurelion Sol, Leona, Karthus, Pantheon.

  • Yordle: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Guardian: 2

  • Dragon: 2

  • Phantom: 2

  • Knight: 2

Most of the Yordle lineups I provided so far maximize their main trait, instead this build uses only 3 Yordles and adds several synergies.

  • Start with Tristana, Lulu, and Poppy for 3 Yordle.

  • Replace Tristana with Veigar whenever you find him.

  • Add a random Sorcerer (such as Morgana) for three Sorcerer, and then replace it with Aurelion Sol.

  • Gnar completes your starting lineup, and he is your main carry. 

Afterwards, you must transition into the final team composition based on what can you find first.

  • Braum and Leona bring tankiness to the team with the Guardian trait. Later on, replace Braum with Pantheon, who also unlocks the Dragon trait.

  • Add Mordekaiser for the two Knight synergy.

  • Replace Lulu with Karthus. In the early game, Aurelion Sol works as a secondary DPS, but your main Sorcerer DPS is Karthus. He also brings the Phantom trait.

Yordle Shapeshifter Sorcerer

Yordle Shapeshifter Sorcerer team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lulu, Ahri, Poppy, Shyvana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol, Sejuani, Swain.

  • Yordle: 3

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Wild: 2

  • Knight: 2

This is a variant of the Yordle Sorcerer build with a stronger late game.

  • Start with Tristana, Lulu, and Poppy for three Yordle. While finding them, you can pick a Gunslinger such as Lucian or Graves to gain this trait and empower your early game.

  • Replace Tristana with Veigar as you only require three Yordles. Veigar also provides the Sorcerer Class.

  • Add Ahri for three Sorcerer.

  • Gnar is your main carry: I suggest building Warmog’s Armor and more defensive items on him. He brings the Wild synergy.

  • After adding Gnar, you can replace Veigar with Aurelion Sol. This completes your mid game lineup.

  • Moving into the late game, Shyvana is one of the best options as she is a great tank and also grants the Dragon synergy.

  • Sejuani and Swain complete the team build. The former gives two Knight and is a strong frontline character, the latter brings three Shapeshifter and acts as your second carry.

Note that while finding Swain you can add a random Shapeshifter in the composition to attain the bonus at a earlier stage of the game.

Yordle Shapeshifter Sorcerer v2

Yordle Shapeshifter Sorcerer v2 team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Elise, Lulu, Kennen, Morgana, Shyvana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol.

  • Yordle: 3

  • Shapeshifter: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Dragon: 2

  • Demon: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Kennen will carry your team in the mid game, while Aurelion Soll will take his place later on. On Kennen, I recommend building Morellonomicon plus defensive items, while on Aurelion Sol you can go full DPS by getting Morellonomicon, Rapid Firecannon, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

  • Start with Elise, Nidalee, and Jayce to gain the three Shapeshifter synergy.

  • Varus brings the Demon bonus.

  • In the mid game, you must get Lulu, Kennen, and Gnar for the Yordle Origin (two Wild is a nice momentary buff as well). After getting Gnar you can kick Jayce as he is no longer needed for three Shapeshifter.

  • In the late game, replace Varus with Morgana to keep the Demon bonus and start building the Sorcerer one.

  • Aurelion Sol is your main carry, and he unlocks three Sorcerer.

  • Finally, replace Nidalee with Shyvana for a stronger Shapeshifter and to gain the Dragon’s magic immunity.

Yordle Elementalist

Yordle Elementalist team comp build TFT Teamfight Tactics

Final team: Lulu, Lissandra, Poppy, Veigar, Kennen, Morgana, Brand, Gnar.

  • Yordle: 5+1

  • Elementalist: 3

  • Sorcerer: 3

  • Demon: 2

  • Ninja: 1

Yordles are not very contested in this meta, so you can often upgrade them to high tiers.

  • Start with Tristana, Lulu, and Poppy for three Yordle. While finding them, I suggest using two Knights in the early game, like Garen, Darius, or Mordekaiser.

  • Lissandra and Brand bring the three Elementalist bonus, which grants the Golem. Build Morellonomicon and Mittens (Spatula + Sparring Gloves) on Lissandra, so she will gain the Yordle trait.

  • Prioritize the Yordle synergy with Kennen, Veigar, and Gnar. The latter will replace Tristana.

  • In the late game, you can add Morgana for the two Demon and three Sorcerer synergies.

More Teamfight Tactics Articles:

Header image and champion icons: Riot

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.