Teamfight Tactics (TFT): best DPS champion units
All the Teamfight Tactics champions sorted by DPS. When evaluating an unit potential damage, consider also their abilities and offensive synergies.
The DPS value is based on the physical damage inflicted by the champion’s auto-attacks. For example, Miss Fortune has 0.75 attack speed and 75 attack damage. If we multiply 75 by 0.75 we have a total of 56.25 DPS, which rounds to 56.
The champions are sorted according to their DPS. I have included also the AD (attack damage) and AS (attack speed) of each unit because some team compositions and items are more beneficial to champions who have a higher score in a certain statistic.
Latest update: June 20th, 2019
The table is responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in or click the grey area to swipe and sort it.
# | Champion | DPS | AS | AD | # | Champion | DPS | AS | AD | |
1 | Kayle | 66 | 1.1 | 60 | 26 | Rengar | 30 | 0.55 | 55 | |
2 | Yasuo | 65 | 1 | 65 | 27 | Morgana | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | |
3 | Miss Fortune | 56 | 0.75 | 75 | 28 | Lulu | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | |
4 | Akali | 49 | 0.7 | 70 | 29 | Kha'Zix | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | |
5 | Draven | 48 | 0.65 | 75 | 30 | Katarina | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | |
6 | Swain | 42 | 0.65 | 65 | 31 | Garen | 30 | 0.55 | 55 | |
7 | Karthus | 42 | 0.65 | 65 | 32 | Evelynn | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | |
8 | Ashe | 42 | 0.7 | 60 | 33 | Kassadin | 29 | 0.65 | 45 | |
9 | Aatrox | 42 | 0.65 | 65 | 34 | Fiora | 28 | 0.7 | 40 | |
10 | Cho'Gath | 38 | 0.55 | 70 | 35 | Vayne | 27 | 0.6 | 45 | |
11 | Volibear | 37 | 0.5 | 75 | 36 | Graves | 27 | 0.5 | 55 | |
12 | Lucian | 36 | 0.6 | 60 | 37 | Ahri | 27 | 0.55 | 50 | |
13 | Kennen | 36 | 0.6 | 60 | 38 | Rek'Sai | 26 | 0.65 | 40 | |
14 | Brand | 36 | 0.6 | 60 | 39 | Poppy | 25 | 0.5 | 50 | |
15 | Kindred | 36 | 0.65 | 55 | 40 | Mordekaiser | 25 | 0.5 | 50 | |
16 | Varus | 35 | 0.7 | 50 | 41 | Darius | 25 | 0.5 | 50 | |
17 | Zed | 33 | 0.6 | 55 | 42 | Blitzcrank | 25 | 0.5 | 50 | |
18 | Shen | 33 | 0.6 | 55 | 43 | Veigar | 24 | 0.55 | 45 | |
19 | Pyke | 33 | 0.55 | 60 | 44 | Sejuani | 24 | 0.55 | 45 | |
20 | Gangplank | 33 | 0.6 | 55 | 45 | Lissandra | 24 | 0.6 | 40 | |
21 | Tristana | 32 | 0.65 | 50 | 46 | Leona | 24 | 0.55 | 45 | |
22 | Shyvana | 32 | 0.65 | 50 | 47 | Elise | 24 | 0.6 | 40 | |
23 | Nidalee | 32 | 0.65 | 50 | 48 | Braum | 24 | 0.6 | 40 | |
24 | Gnar | 31 | 0.7 | 45 | 49 | Aurelion Sol | 24 | 0.6 | 40 | |
25 | Warwick | 30 | 0.6 | 50 | 50 | Anivia | 24 | 0.6 | 40 |
The table above doesn’t tell us the whole story because it takes into account only the stats of the champions, but it doesn’t consider their abilities and synergies.
Offensive synergies
Void is a very consistent DPS synergy because the attacks of allied units ignore a percentage of the enemy’s armor.
Assassins and Rangers are probably the best choices for physical burst damage. The former have increased critical damage, while the latter have a chance to double their attack speed for a few seconds.
Demons can burn the opponent’s mana and inflict true damage, which is particularly strong against tanks because it ignores the armor of the target and any other form of damage reduction.
Imperials double their damage, Ninjas have extra attack damage, and Wild units increase the attack speed of the team.
Finally, Blademasters have a chance to proc extra attacks, while Gunslingers can attack more targets.
Auto-attack based champion abilities
In Teamfight Tactics, there aren’t as many passive abilities as in the other Auto Chess games, but we still find several champions with bonuses able to improve their DPS. I have listed them below in alphabetical order.
Draven. Thanks to Spinning Axes he gains bonus on-hit damage and attack speed.
Graves. With Buckshot he earns bonus damage and hits all enemies in front of him.
Kha’Zix. Taste Their Fear provides bonus damage against enemies that are alone.
Nidalee. Primal Surge transforms her in a stronger form, granting extra damage for the duration.
Rengar. Savagery gives a bonus attack speed and critical strike chance for a limited time.
Shyvana. Dragon Descent transforms her, granting extra attack damage and burn damage for the duration.
Vayne. With Silver Bolts she deals bonus true damage every third attack based on the enemy’s maximum health.
Volibear. Thanks to Thunder Claws his attacks bounce between enemies and apply on-hit effects.
We must not base our item choices only on the DPS of a champion, but also on his abilities. For example, Infinity Edge increases the critical strike damage to 200%, so it fits well Rengar, an assassin who has also an ability to increase his critical strike chance.
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