A list of the ages of all Squad Busters characters. The ages are based on lore, artworks and videos, info from other Supercell games, voice lines, some official knowledge, and lots of guesses.
Supercell has released only limited info on the ages of all the characters in Squad Busters, so this list is mostly a guesswork based on lore, cinematics, artworks, comparison between characters and real life people, and information from other Supercell Games, as they have several playable characters in common.
Characters’ lore
Bea is an entomologist, which requires a degree in biology, a specialization in zoology, and a subspecialty in entomology. If she started university at 18, it means she must have a minimum of 25/27 years.
Battle Healer is an actual angel so she might be immortal, or have a lifespan of hundreds or thousands of years.
Real life chickens have a lifespan of about 10 years on average, and up to about 15 years, so I decided to use this age range.
Goblins become adults at 8 and have a lifespan of up to 60 years.
The Archer Queen may look like she’s in her early 30s, but her age is estimated to be in her 40s based on the age of the Princes in Clash Royale.
Pam might be Jessie’s mother. According to Pam’s old lore description in Brawl Stars, she is “the woman who keeps the extended Junker family in order”, while Jessie’s one referred to her as “Junker Jessie”.
Mortis has an age system similar to vampires.
Ages - from youngest to oldest
The community has guessed the approximate ages of most characters, so beware that they are not canon.
If you notice that I am missing the age of a Squad Busters character on which we have official info, please contact me and provide the source. I will add them to the list as soon as possible.
Around 10 - Chicken
12 - Nita
13 - Jessie
16 - Penny
16/18 - Mavis
18 - Shelly
20 - Colt
Early 20s - Greg
21 - Max
20s - Goblin
25/27 - Bea
Late 20s - Medic
Early 30s - Wizard
Early 30s - Tank
32 - El Primo
34 - Bo
30s - Trader
30s - Hog Rider
Late 30s - Barbarian
Late 30s - Ice Wizard
Late 30s - Witch
40s - Archer Queen
45 - Pam
50s - Barbarian King
50s - Royale King
Late 60s - Dr. T
77 - Dynamike
300+ - Mortis (28-30 human age)
Hundreds or Thousands - Battle Healer
Related: You might be interested in the ages of all Brawl Stars and Clash Royale characters.
Headers and all images: Supercell