A list of the official heights and ages of all Overwatch 2 heroes. Blizzard revealed all the info in the characters' lore, reference kits, during events. Recently they released an updated list of ages and birthdays.
I received an unusual request regarding the heights, weights, and ages of all heroes in Overwatch 2. I have been able to determine most of them, but unfortunately we have no proper information on their weights.
All the data shared in this article have been disclosed by Blizzard over time in the official lore thought videos and comics, during conferences and events, and in the reference kits for cosplayers.
Note: In September 2023, Blizzard revealed the official ages and birthday dates of all Overwatch 2 characters on their website, so this list has been updated accordingly.
Related characters articles:
Ages - from youngest to oldest
Updated to Overwatch 2, official data.
1 - Orisa
14 - Echo
16 - Wrecking Ball
18 - Illari
19 - Juno
21 - D.Va
21 - Kiriko
24 - Hazard
25 - Brigitte
26 - Venture
27 - Junkrat
28 - Lucio
28 - Ramattra
28 - Tracer
30 - Symmetra
30 - Zarya
31 - Junker Queen
31 - Winston
31 - Lifeweaver
32 - Sombra
32 - Bastion
33 - Mei
33 - Zenyatta
34 - Pharah
35 - Widowmaker
37 - Genji
37 - Mauga
38 - Baptiste
39 - Mercy
39 - Cassidy
40 - Hanzo
41 - Ashe
47 - Doomfist
47 - Sojourn
50 - Moira
50 - Roadhog
58 - Soldier: 76
59 - Torbjorn
60 - Reaper
62 - Ana
63 - Reinhardt
64 - Sigma
Heights - from taller to shorter
Most of the heroes are rather tall if compared to nowadays standards. We can only predict that the human race will keep growing taller, as a result of the improved lifestyle and better nutrients introduced by the advanced technology.
It is also worth to note that we don’t know if the official heights include also their armor, but I would say it could be plausible. Some heroes, such as Pharah or Cassidy, undoubtedly can gain extra centimeters through their suit and hat.
2.23 m/7'4" - Reinhardt
2.2 m/7'3" - Bastion
2.2 m/7'3" (upright) - 1.7 m/5' 7" (when normally standing) - Winston
2.2 m/7'3" - Roadhog
2.18 m/7'1" - Doomfist
1.95 m/6'6" - Junkrat
1.95 m/6'5" - Zarya
1.85 m/6'1" - Reaper
1.85 m/6'1" - Soldier: 76
1.85 m/6'1" - Cassidy
1.8 m/5'11" - Pharah
1.75 m/5'9" - Widowmaker
1.73 m/5'8" - Hanzo
1.72 m/5'8" - Zenyatta
1.7 m/5'7" - Mercy
1.7 m/5'7" - Symmetra
1.62 m/5'4" - Tracer
1.6 m/5'3" - Lúcio
1.4 m/4'7" - Torbjörn
Unknown: Genji, Mei, D.Va, Ana, Moira, Orisa, Sombra, Brigitte, Wrecking Ball, Ashe, Baptiste, Sigma, Echo, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Sojourn, Lifeweaver, Illari.
Image from the Overwatch animated short "Honor and Glory" - Blizzard
Approximate heights - not confirmed by Blizzard
The heights of the following heroes have been determined by comparing their in-game models while in Heroic pose.
2.23 m/7'4" - Orisa
1.95 m/6'5" - Moira
1.91 m/6'3" - Brigitte
1.82 m/6' - Ana
1.7 m/5'7" - Genji
1.66 m/5'5" (mechless) - D.Va
1.62 m/5'4" - Sombra
1.6 m/5'3" - Mei
Mei is one of the few characters that conforms to today’s average. She is from China, and according to Wikipedia the average female height in that country goes from 155.8 cm (5 ft 1 1⁄2 in) to 161.3 cm (5 ft 3 1⁄2 in).
Birthday dates by month
January 1 - Ana
January 12 - Sojourn
January 27 - Soldier: 76
February 5 - Echo
February 17 - Tracer
February 29 - Junkrat
April 4 - Moira
April 15 - Orisa
April 28 - Lifeweaver
March 12 - Baptiste
March 15 - Sigma
March 20 - Lucio
March 22 - Juno
March 29 - Ramattra
May 9 - Orisa
May 13 - Mercy
May 25 - Doomfist
June 6 - Winston
June 14 - Junker Queen
June 22 - D.Va
June 26 - Reinhardt
July 7 - Kiriko
July 14 - Zenyatta
July 31 - Cassidy
August 6 - Venture
August 19 - Mauga
September 5 - Mei
September 12 - Roadhog
September 21 - Torbjorn
September 22 - Brigitte
October 1 - Ashe
October 2 - Symmetra
October 15 - Wrecking Ball
October 28 - Genji
November 3 - Hanzo
November 19 - Widowmaker
November 21 - Hazard
December 4 - Zarya
December 14 - Reaper
December 21 - Illari
December 31 - Sombra
Unknown: Bastion.
Hero bios and ages in Overwatch 1
The following hero bios show the age of each character. Images by Blizzard from the Overwatch 1 website.
Ages in Overwatch 1
The following ages are no longer canon as Blizzard updated them in Overwatch 2 in September 2023.
Under 1 - Orisa
14 - Wrecking Ball
19 - D.Va
20 - Zenyatta
Early 20s - Kiriko
20-30 - Ramattra (approximate)
23 - Brigitte
25 - Junkrat
26 - Lúcio
26 - Tracer
28 - Symmetra
28 - Zarya
29 - Winston
29 - Lifeweaver
30 - Bastion
30 - Sombra
31 - Mei (biological age)
32 - Pharah
33 - Widowmaker
35 - Genji
35-40 - Junker Queen (approximate)
36 - Baptiste
37 - Mercy
37 - Cassidy
38 - Hanzo
39 - Ashe
40s to 50s - Sojourn (potentially even 30s)
45 - Doomfist
48 - Roadhog
48 - Moira
55 - Soldier
57 - Torbjörn
58 - Reaper
60 - Ana
61 - Reinhardt
62 - Sigma
Classified - Echo
Unknown: Illari.
Orisa started fighting when she was 1-month-old.
Mei chronological age is 40.
Soldier and Reaper’s ages have been revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2016.
Reaper was 50 years old during the Retribution mission, which took place 8 years before the current events.
Header Image: Blizzard