Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Route 66

Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Route 66

The best and safest turret spots on Route 66 that work even at high ranks. Play Torbjörn only where he is useful to the team and contributes to the victory.

Check out all the articles in my series about the best turret spots for Torbjörn:

Assault Maps

Escort Maps

Hybrid Maps

Not all maps work. Torbjörn is a truly particular hero that doesn’t work well in all maps, so I will only talk about those where he can be an effective pick.

Defense only. I am aware that in some maps he may work also when played on attack, but honestly I would recommend everyone to pick Torbjörn only when on defense.

You do not need a dedicated shield. When playing Torbjörn, you should be able to contribute without the necessity of a shield-based hero such as Orisa or Reinhardt protecting your turret. Do not complain in the team chat if your turret is destroyed.

Safe placements. The main goal of your turret is to survive and provide cover fire to protect a certain area of the map. Do not place it in an open field from where literally anyone in the enemy team could detect and destroy it.

I will illustrate the best locations for your turret considering the points above.

Beside these spots, there are other viable ones depending on your rank. At lower skill ratings people will often ignore your turret, but I want you to learn only the placements that will work even against experienced players. I did include also some risky spots, and explained in detail when you may consider them.

Route 66

First Point


Map callouts of the first point. All the callouts are available here.


The most used starting placement as it works against any lineup. The adversaries can’t see the turret from the spawn, and it will start shooting them once they push a bit the payload. Usually, it gives you only about 15% ultimate charge.

Another decent starting spot. The small ramp provides a partial cover and hides the turret, so you can gain some ultimate charge before it is destroyed.

Honestly, it is useless if the enemies have a shield-based hero because they will block all the incoming damage. As you can see from the second image, it isn’t easy to notice the turret from a distance.

The standard position used by most Torbjorn players. You must rely on Reinhardt or Orisa constantly shielding the turret as it will go down fast without protection.

Now, we will have a look at all the placements on the left side of the map, and then move to the right one.

Only the top of the turret is visible from the main road. It works particularly well if your team is fighting near the choke because the opponents won’t have lots of free time to notice it. Generally, any flanker coming from Long will deal with it easily, and it is extremely vulnerable to snipers as they can destroy it from Boxcars.

Some Torbjorn players place the turret next to the billboard. It is a viable position because the turret can shoot below it, and is somehow protected from Pharah (beside some splash damage). Still, all the enemies fighting near the choke will spot the turret easily.

Placing it slightly behind - near the garbage bin - is a better option in some games. Note that while the turret will be safer from the attackers on the main road, it can be spotted and destroyed also from the enemies on Ramp and those coming from Long.

You can exploit this small blue box on Path to hide the body of the turret. Its vision is limited to just a portion of the road, but it is also a good spot against flankers who try to kill your healers. As you can see from the second image, it is both hard to detect and attack the turret.

This is a good spot if your team is holding the choke as you rely on their bodies for cover. Flankers might try to kill it from Catwalk.

Moving to the right side, the following three images illustrate the most used spots.

Both the placements have access to a similar zone of the map, but there are some differences:

  • The rock wall in the first picture protects the turrets from the flankers coming via Cave.

  • The second location uses the same rock to hide the portion of the road immediately past the choke.

The former is undoubtedly more popular while the latter is mostly used when the payload is already in a more advanced position.

The best anti-flank placement on this section of the map. It is basically immune to enemies coming from Cave and Catwalk, and will also attack those pushing the payload on the main road. You will use this spot more than you expect, especially when dealing with dive heroes.

A viable placement on the final portion of the map. With a shield or Molten Core you can block a push attempt entirely. Without defenses, long-range attackers will destroy the turret quickly.

Generally, you can place the turret anywhere on Gas. We are talking about situational turrets that won’t last for long, but that can do their job during a single push.

If you are brave enough, flank the adversaries with this placement inside Cave. A Molten Core at the right time will stop their offense and kill most of them.

Second Point

Map callouts of the second point. All the callouts are available here.

Map callouts of the second point. All the callouts are available here.

These turrets next to the bridge are the only viable positions on this section of the map. They do their job while the team is contesting the payload, but afterwards will be eradicated rapidly. The first placement is safer, but has a limited vision.

Note: I warmly suggest switching on another hero past this area of the map. There are a few decent placements that work great to block a push or two, but they can be countered easily. On Route 66, I consider Torbjorn a good pick only on the first point, and maybe during the final defense of the third one.

After losing the bridge, you can use the entire high ground of Catwalk and the column below it (image 2) for some temporary turrets.

If the enemies are pushing the payload, and your team is resisting, this turret will provide some support fire while being relatively protected.

It is probably the best placement on this second segment of the point. You can block a push or two, especially if Molten Core is charged. Once spotted, beware of flankers as your team can’t protect you up here.

You can reach this placement via the high ground of Pub (image 2).

Valid alternatives to the previous location. They both have the same goal and weaknesses, so I suggest rotating among them to confuse a bit the opponents.

Third Point

First area third point turret placement Torbjorn Route 66 Overwatch

The first area of the third point is horrible for Torbjorn; there are no good placements for your turret. If your team is contesting the corner, you might place the turret on this small high ground, protecting your healers and contributing to the battle on the main road. Beware of flankers from the room on your left.

The following locations work as long as your team is fighting on the road. If they die, your turrets won’t survive for long.

You can reach this high ground spot via the moving platforms. The enemies on the ground level won't detect it easily, and it has access to the entire area around the point. It is great to attack the heroes near the payload and to protect your team from flankers.

There isn’t a lot to explain. This is the standard location on the ground level, and the pillar offers some cover.

Side third point turret placement Torbjorn Route 66 Overwatch

Alternatively, you can put the turret on the small ramp on the left side. I love this placement if the enemies do not have control of the area above the truck.

Finally, I want to point out that placing the turret on the moving platforms is a bad idea. For most of the time it won’t hit anyone.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.