Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Hanamura

Best Torbjorn turret placement spots on Hanamura

The best and safest turret spots on Hanamura that work even at high ranks. Play Torbjörn only when he is useful to the team and contributes to the victory.

Check out all the articles in my series about the best turret spots for Torbjörn:

Assault Maps

Escort Maps

Hybrid Maps

Not all maps work. Torbjörn is a truly particular hero that doesn’t work well in all maps, so I will only talk about those where he can be an effective pick.

Defense only. I am aware that in some maps he may work also when played on attack, but honestly I would recommend everyone to pick Torbjörn only when on defense.

You do not need a dedicated shield. When playing Torbjörn, you should be able to contribute without the necessity of a shield-based hero such as Orisa or Reinhardt to protect your turret. Do not complain in the team chat if your turret is destroyed.

Safe placements. The main goal of your turret is to survive and provide cover fire to protect a certain area of the map. Do not place it in an open field from where literally anyone in the enemy team could detect and destroy it.

I will illustrate the best locations for your turret considering the points above.

Beside these spots, there are other viable ones depending on your rank. At lower skill ratings people will often ignore your turret, but I want you to learn only the placements that will work even against experienced players. I did include also some risky spots, and explained in detail when you may consider them.


First Point

Hanamura Torbjorn turret pregame placement

It is an incredibly annoying spot to deal with. Just place your turret here before the start of the match and run inside - never try to rebuild it in this location. This turret can be useful to charge partially your ultimate by attacking the enemies heading to the choke.

The turret will be destroyed soon, but if the opponents do not have heroes such as Genji or Junkrat, they will lose extra time to reach the high ground via the staircase on the left.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret best position point one

This is where you will place your turret in almost all games on Hanamura. It can freely shoot at the enemies behind the choke via the window. The window itself provides some cover, and if well placed, the turret will also be immune to almost all attacks from the enemy high ground.

Note: you can still be sniped from the white van and the area behind it!

This spot is weak against flankers. Genji or Pharah can circle around the point and attack the turret from the side. Otherwise, it is a remarkably safe location that will prevent almost all attempts of the enemy team to go through the main gate - if your team can hold the position.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret secondary position point one

Against a dive composition, you can’t just block the entire enemy team at the choke, so this position is desirable as the turret can shoot at the opponents from the back while they rush on the point.

Pharah is your worst enemy because she can just destroy the turret from afar. Also, once your position is known, the enemies could just flank you from the staircase on the left.

Torbjorn Turret Hanamura behind the rock first point

A solid placement as the boulder protects the turret from many attacks and Hanzo's Scatter Arrow. It covers the window and a section of the choke. Spot by Apexe.

Torbjorn Turret Hanamura bush first point

Similarly to the previous one, it covers choke and window. The turret has no physical protection, but is well-hidden in the bush. I strongly suggest my wooden turret as it blends with the background! Spot by Apexe.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret side spot point one

If everyone is fighting near the point and you have no time to reach the high ground, just place your turret here near the wall. It can cover a considerable portion of the point and also attack any hero going there.

Maybe you will score some kills and stop the enemy reinforcements, your team will regain the control of the area, and the battle will move again at the choke. If that’s the case, relocate your turret to one of the previous placements.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret point one defense

It is one of your latest options when there is no time for a better placement. The game is usually in overtime and your team is trying to survive on the point. The turret has a great view of the point, but can be destroyed very easily.

I didn't hide the HUD because the turret is almost invisible on the staircase.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret final defense point one

Some players also put the turret on the point at the very edge of the wall. It really makes no sense unless there is almost no time left, the enemies are rushing inside one at one, and you have your ultimate ready to hold the point for the final battle. I do not recommend it.

Second Point

On this point, you will mostly alternate your turret on the right and the left side of Stage. Many players put their turret on the high ground, but destroying it there is super easy if the enemies have a Pharah or a sniper as the point is open from all sides.

Hanamura Torbjorn turret left side placement point two

This placement on the left covers the point partially, but keeps your turret protected from snipers, Pharah, and charges from the staircase on the right. It is weak against Junkrat if he takes control of the high ground on the left (Balcony) as he can shoot grenades on your turret via the staircase.

Place the turret more on the right to have a better view of the point, but by moving it you will be exposed to more attacks.

An alternative spot on the right side of Stage. It has a partial view of the point, but you must place the turret in a more advanced position if you wish to cover also Balcony.

Overall, it is a really safe placement as enemies must completely overwhelm your team to get here, but it is also extremely weak against long ranged attacks from the high ground. If your team loses it, and if the opponents have a Pharah or a Soldier camping the area, your turret won’t survive at all.

I do not advise this spot unless your team is properly holding the high ground, otherwise it is too easy to flank. It offers a great view of the point, but you can be sniped from the staircase on the right side of the spawn. It is also a rather weak placement against Junkrat.

Overall, it works the best for a final defense. The opponents won’t expect a turret here if you always placed them on the Stage area. It is extremely good if you have Molten Core ready during the final push.

This is the placement I generally use during the final confrontation (lantern on the left) especially if you have the ultimate available.

The enemies never expect a turret there, and during the overtime they will just die trying to rush the point as the turret will shoot at their back. All supports following their tanks on the bridge will be annihilated with a well executed Molten Core.


Header image: Blizzard

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.