Best Symmetra Shield Generator spots on Eichenwalde

Best Symmetra Shield Generator spots on Eichenwalde

The best and safest Shield Generator spots on Eichenwalde that work even at high ranks. Learn the best locations for Symmetra!

Check out all the articles in my series about the best Shield Generator spots for Symmetra:

Assault Maps

Escort Maps

Hybrid Maps

Control Maps

Focus on defense. I know that Symmetra can be played also in attack, but in these guides I will show only placements for the defender team. Note that some of them might work even for the attackers.

Safe placements. The Shield Generator has an unlimited duration and will keep working until destroyed. The enemy team will try to find and break it as soon as possible, so it is essential to place it in a hidden and “secret” location.

The best spots. I will show you some of the best placements in each map that work even at high SR, and alert when you should avoid an overused or risky one. Beside these locations, there are other viable options depending on your skill rating, but I skipped the obvious ones.

Position and range. The main spots have also pictures showing the max range of each Shield Generator.

No turret climbing or Mei required. For this series, I decided to not feature spots that can be reached only via Mei’s Ice Wall or turret climbing.

Shield Generator or Teleporter. I will not argue about the perfect choice on each map and point, but just explain the best spots for the former. Of course, some of these locations can be used also for the latter.

Please note. I used Sentry Turrets to mark most of the secondary or wrong Shield Generator placements. Unfortunately, it is necessary to restart the lobby to place a new one.

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First Point

This spot is known by experienced players, but even at Platinum you should have almost no issues. It is a very safe location as people never come up here, and it protects the entire point, choke included.

This is my secondary placement. It has slightly less range and is more exposed, but one can’t spot it easily from the main road.

Alternatively, this place (4th image) offers extra cover at a small range cost. You lose any protection on the choke, but the effect still reaches the point.

Some Symmetra players put the Shield Generator in this structure and create a “room of death” with their sentries.

In my opinion, it is a terrible idea as this is one of the first placements the adversaries will check. You can hold the position and kill the flanker a time or two, but eventually it will fall.

I advise to avoid any spot on the other side of the gate, and in the building itself. There are no safe zones for the generator.

You can also wall climb on that platform with your turrets. It isn’t easy without practice and honestly isn’t worth it. Usually, the opponents use Pharah on this point, and she will easily notice the Shield Generator while in mid-air.

Second Point

There are no decent placements in the first section of the second point.

This is my main spot. It is extremely safe as I assure you no one will ever come so far to look for the Shield Generator, and it covers all the bridge.

Symmetra shield generator spot Eichenwalde alternative second point.png

You can also place the generator just behind the door. It offers a bigger reach, and it still works in most games, but players know this place, and flankers could come here as well.

Third Point

This is the only good placement in the entire point. It doesn’t reach the gate, but is able to protect all the main hall. The adversaries won’t notice it from ground level, but if you wish to be safer, just place the Shield Generator a bit behind or on the stairs.

Overall, I consider it a very safe location: flankers can’t get here easily because they need to rush past your entire team.

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.