All Overwatch Live Client Patch Notes - 2018

All Overwatch Live Client Patch Notes - 2018

All the Overwatch Patch Notes released by Blizzard on the live client in 2018.

December 11

Overwatch Patch Notes - December 11, 2018

New Seasonal Event: Winter Wonderland 2018

‘Tis the season to get merry!

Overwatch is getting into the holiday spirit for the next three weeks! Expand your collection and enjoy two winter brawls: Yeti Hunter and Mei’s Snowball Offensive. Visit Blizzard World to watch the snow fall, admire its twinkling nighttime lights, and savor the sight of confectionary-inspired décor.

Of course, we have new presents for you to unwrap from our Winter Loot Boxes! Unlock new seasonal items—including legendary skins like Krampus Junkrat, Sugar Plum Fairy Mercy, Figure Skater Symmetra, and more.

Learn more about Winter Wonderland here.



  • An option to use Windows Spatial Audio is now available. This feature can be found in the Windows Start Menu under Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound > Speaker Device > Spatial Sound

Developer Comments: Since launch, we’ve supported Dolby Atmos for players who use headphones, and we’re now expanding this support to include the Windows 10 implementation for spatial audio. Spatial audio is configured in the Windows 10 sound settings and will take priority over the settings in the game client. This will allow for more options, including settings for Windows Sonic Headphones, Dolby Atmos for Headphones, and Dolby Atmos for Home Theater.



  • B.O.B.

    • Bob will now have a golden tint when Ashe equips her golden weapon

Developer Comments: Our final technical audit on Ashe’s character package allowed us to implement a feature we talked about several times during Bob’s production. Making him part of Ashe’s golden weapon is a great way to celebrate our favorite Big Omnic Butler and let players show off their hard-earned Competitive Points each time they summon him onto the battlefield.


  • Configuration: Recon

    • Ammo increased from 25 to 35

  • Configuration: Sentry

    • Weapon spread decreased by up to 33% while firing

Developer Comments: Bastion could use a little bit of an offensive boost to balance out how vulnerable Configuration: Recon’s bulky size and Sentry’s stationary nature make it. As a reward for surviving in spite of these weaknesses, we gave Bastion a lower spread in Sentry mode to make it more effective at farther ranges than it was previously.


  • Shield Bash

    • No longer can travel or stun targets through barriers

    • Damage reduced from 50 to 5

  • Inspire

    • Cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second

    • Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds

    • Total healing increased from 80 to 100

Developer Comments: Brigitte’s Shield Bash is a strong ability that often feels difficult to counter. This change will offer new options for counter play, enabling shield tanks to better protect themselves and their teammates. Reducing its damage reduces her total stun combo damage potential while still allowing Whip Shot and her basic melee attacks to retain their full strength.

Brigitte is a tank/healer hybrid, and lately we’ve been reducing her effectiveness by lowering the power of her non-healing functionality. We want to make sure she is still a viable pick, so we’re increasing the uptime of her Inspire passive ability to help improve her overall healing output.


  • Rising Uppercut

    • Loss of air control duration lowered from 3 seconds to 0.6 seconds

  • Seismic Slam

    • Maximum range reduced from 20 meters to 15 meters

    • Targets no longer lose air control while being pulled in

  • Meteor Strike

    • Inner ring damage radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters

    • Outer ring maximum damage decreased from 300 to 200

Developer Comments: Doomfist’s high mobility allows him to engage and disengage from extremely long range. Decreasing the range of the targeted aerial version of Seismic Slam requires him to get closer before engaging an enemy and makes it slightly harder for him to escape from combat. The loss of air control on Rising Uppercut was a frustrating mechanic for players, but it allowed Doomfist to set up combos.

We’ve found a decent middle ground by limiting the amount of time Doomfist has to line up his next move. The Meteor Strike changes will make it harder to secure easy eliminations on heroes without mobility abilities, such as Zenyatta or Ana, while still preserving its maximum potential damage when aimed well or when combined with other abilities such as Graviton Surge or Sleep Dart.


  • Peacekeeper

    • Alternate fire damage increased from 45 to 55

Developer Comments: McCree’s Fan the Hammer wasn’t as reliable against higher health heroes as it should be. Increasing its damage will make it more potent in close-range engagements where it is intended to be most effective.


  • Molten Core

    • Damage increased from 130 to 160 per second

Developer Comments: While the Molten Core damage pools were intended to provide players with tools for area denial, they weren’t proving threatening enough to deter enemies for a significant amount of time because their damage was too low.



  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn bot to use some of his ultimate while attempting to repair his turret


  • Fixed a bug that caused Athena’s voice lines to overlap if the match was a draw



  • Fixed a bug that prevented a landing exertion visual effect from playing when a hero impacted a slippery surface before landing

  • Fixed an issue that caused enemy players to appear to have jittery movement at framerates over 100

  • Fixed issues that could cause the client to miscalculate projectiles


  • Fixed a bug that caused Ashe’s Dynamite to create a second small explosion visual effect a few moments after the first explosion

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ashe’s Dynamite from playing its fire visual effects on enemy abilities (e.g. Junkrat’s Steel Trap or Mei’s Ice Wall)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ashe’s Dynamite from exploding if it fell into small gaps

  • Fixed a bug that prevented spectators from seeing enemy outline’s through Ashe’s scope

  • Fixed a bug that caused Ashe to see Zarya’s Project Barrier visual effects when Bob was the ability’s target

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bob to slip off Mei’s Ice Wall

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Bob to push Bastion in Sentry mode when hit by his charge

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a charging Bob from opening the airlock doors on Horizon: Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bob elbow to briefly disappear when waving

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bob to continuously charge into a small piece of collision instead of stopping

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ashe’s Coach Gun from displacing breakables on maps


  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion’s Tank mode treads to continue moving while stunned

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion’s colored outline to include squares floating above him while in Configuration: Tank


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Brigitte to travel through Mei in Cryo-freeze when using Shield Bash


  • Fixed a bug with the Lying Around highlight intro that caused Cruiser D.Va’s hair to clip into the mech


  • Fixed a bug that caused McCree’s Deadeye animation and sound effects to play twice if it was canceled quickly


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain ultimate charge by damage boosting a Pharah as she damages herself


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orbs to go through or get stuck in walls and other collision


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from traveling over certain terrain


  • Fixed a bug that caused Sombra to hear the detected sound effect when entering stealth or teleporting


  • Fixed a bug that caused additional sound effects to play while viewing Symmetra’s Creation victory pose in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug with Symmetra’s teleporter where it would play its self-destruct sound effects when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to teleport her turrets under terrain


  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn’s turret to be built at an extreme angle if it landed on the edge of an object


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Widowmaker’s Venom Mine to reveal enemy barriers through walls

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug that caused Wrecking Ball to briefly hit maximum speed before returning to normal speed when he used his Grappling Claw at maximum distance

Hero Gallery


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players’ Competitive Point currency deduction from visually updating after purchasing a golden weapon

  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes to display a t-pose briefly when viewing Highlight Intros with the UI disabled



  • Fixed a bug that caused the hero select countdown timer to remain at 29 seconds


  • Fixed a bug that gave unintended access to certain ledges


  • Fixed a bug that caused the ground beneath the western soundstage’s gates to be slippery while the gates were open

Temple of Anubis

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from standing on the staircase ledge near the first point

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations

Mystery Heroes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Mystery Heroes ruleset from being used while in a Mystery Heroes skirmish


  • Fixed a bug that caused the kill feed to overlap with other UI elements while spectating players


Colorblind Options

  • Fixed a bug that caused a player’s UI to appear as the enemy color during FFA Deathmatch games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented colorblind set team colors from appearing on the tab and victory screens

  • Fixed a bug that prevented player name plates from appearing in the hero select screen

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the end of round score screen from properly displaying team colors

  • Fixed a bug that prevented enemy Torbjörn’s turret health bar from displaying its team color

November 14

Overwatch Patch Notes - November 14, 2018



  • Fixed a visual bug that prevented “The Boo!” Spray from properly showing

  • Fixed a bug to reduce AMD device-lost errors

  • Fixed a bug to reduce load failures into game on under minimum spec systems

November 13

Overwatch Patch Notes - November 13, 2018

New Hero: Ashe (Damage):

Ashe’s arsenal of weapons makes her a versatile offensive hero, capable of setting up the perfect situation to shoot down dangerous enemies from range or deal high area-of-effect burst damage to groups of heroes.

Her primary weapon is the Viper, a lever-action rifle with two firing modes: semi-automatic and aim down sights. In semi-automatic mode, the Viper shoots rapidly with a high spread. Aiming down the sights lets Ashe line up precise shots, increasing damage at the expense of speed.

She can turn any situation into her favor with her Coach Gun a short-range, high-impact sidearm that deals big damage and clears the way by knocking back nearby enemies. It can also be used to knock herself back for added mobility, either to reposition herself for a clear shot, or to escape pursuing enemies.

Ashe’s Dynamite ability is a thrown explosive that detonates after a delay. It deals damage in a wide radius and sets enemies on fire for additional damage over time. She can also shoot the dynamite to detonate it early, allowing her to damage unsuspecting enemies.

Her ultimate ability, B.O.B., sends Ashe’s loyal omnic companion rushing into the fray, shoving aside the frontline to rough up targets in the backline.

To learn more about Ashe, click here.



  • An option to use Windows Spatial Audio is now available. This feature can be found in the Windows Start Menu under Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound > Speaker Device > Spatial Sound

Developer Comments: Since launch, we’ve supported Dolby Atmos for players who use headphones, and we’re now expanding this support to include the Windows 10 implementation for spatial audio. Spatial audio is configured in the Windows 10 sound settings and will take priority over the settings in the game client. This will allow for more options, including settings for Windows Sonic Headphones, Dolby Atmos for Headphones, and Dolby Atmos for Home Theater.



  • Made jump height consistent across hero roster


  • Valkyrie

    • Ultimate cost reduced 15%

    • Healing per second increased from 50 to 60

Developer Comments: Mercy's ultimate was charging a bit too slowly after her base healing was reduced in a previous update. These changes should restore some of her ultimate’s strength and let it build up more quickly.


  • Photon Projector

    • Primary fire beam charges up 20% faster

Developer Comments: It's still difficult to use Symmetra's Photon Projector beam effectively, even after its range was increased. By speeding up the primary fire charge rate, it takes less time to ramp up to its full damage potential and will be a stronger option when she’s presented with targets to charge up on.


  • Hellfire Shotguns

    • Spread randomization reduced by 50%

    • Spread pattern adjusted

  • The Reaping

    • Life steal increased from 20% to 30% of damage dealt

Developer Comments: Reaper's specialty is fighting at a very close range. The more consistent spread pattern and increase in healing from his passive ability will make him more capable of standing toe-to-toe with his enemies.


  • Chain Hook

    • Decreased the delay before pulling a hooked target from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds

    • Now greatly reduces the target’s momentum upon being hooked

    • Cooldown now begins immediately, instead of after the target has been pulled

  • Scrap Gun

    • Spread pattern adjusted for both primary and secondary fire

    • Spread randomization reduced by 50%

  • Whole Hog

    • Knockback maximum velocity increased by 25% (from 8 to 10 meters per second)

    • Horizontal recoil decreased slightly

Developer Comments: Roadhog is receiving several large changes to make his abilities more consistent. His Chain Hook had issues with breaking when enemy targets jumped or fell behind environment collision. It will now slow them down in the air more when the hook lands, and wait less time before it starts reeling them in. Since Chain Hook’s cooldown now begins immediately upon use, so it no longer varies based on Roadhog’s distance to the hook target.

We’ve also moved some of the projectiles closer to the center of the spread pattern on his Scrap Gun, which gives him a more consistent damage output for its primary and alternate fire. Previously, there was a long-standing bug that caused close-range targets to fly much further than expected. After this bug was fixed, we still wanted to keep some of the knockback burst it provided, so we’ve increased the overall velocity cap to maintain some of that functionality.


  • Photon Projector

    • Primary fire beam charges up 20% faster

Developer Comments: It's still difficult to use Symmetra's Photon Projector beam effectively, even after its range was increased. By speeding up the primary fire charge rate, it takes less time to ramp up to its full damage potential and will be a stronger option when she’s presented with targets to charge up on.



  • Removed the “Unlock All” option in the Hero Gallery



  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei bots to attempt landing headshots on Wrecking Ball while he was immune to them in Roll mode

  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck near Point A on Eichenwalde



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s Whip Shot from going on cooldown if it was interrupted before the chain retracted


  • Fixed a bug that prevented victims of Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from ragdolling if they were eliminated by it

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut from damaging enemies

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomist’s Seismic Slam from dealing damage if he hit by a knockback ability the moment he landed


  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat to return to his idle animation if he was stunned while using RIP-Tire


  • Fixed a bug that caused some allied heroes to say their “under attack” voice lines when receiving a friendly Sound Barrier


  • Fixed bug that prevented Orisa’s Fortify from canceling Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut air control effects


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to hit Brigitte when she blocked it with her Barrier Shield if she was strafing during high latency periods


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Chain Hook from going on cooldown if it was interrupted before the chain retracted

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Chain Hook from destroying breakable objects when pulling the target backward

  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Whole Hog visual effects to cover a wider area than the spread of projectiles


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra to charge up her primary weapon on enemy ice walls


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Santaclad Torbjörn’s ultimate voice lines from playing when activating Molten Core

  • Fixed a visual issue that prevented Molten Core’s magma globules from appearing in the correct place with his Barbarossa or Blackbeard skins equipped

  • Fixed an animation issue that caused Torbjörn’s claw arm to suddenly appear when Overload and Molten Core were used in quick succession

  • [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug that allowed Torbjörn to have aim assist during Molten Core


  • Fixed an issue that caused Tracer to accelerate slightly slower and decelerate slightly faster than other heroes

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Wrecking Ball voice lines from playing when previewed after opening a Loot Box


  • Fixed a bug that allowed heroes to charge through a Graviton Surge without getting trapped

Hero Gallery


  • Fixed an issue that caused some heroes legs to twitch when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from rotating heroes in the Hero Gallery while the UI was hidden


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to hear the voice lines of heroes controlled by players they muted

Game Browser and Custom Games


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the payload from healing attackers if they were damaged while pushing it on Assault/Escort and Escort maps

  • Fixed a lighting issue that caused a skyscraper in Hollywood’s skyline to appear pitch black

October 11

Overwatch Patch Notes - October 11, 2018



  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash


  • Fixed a bug that caused Pharah’s neck to distort in her Medal victory pose

Mystery Heroes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Eichenwalde or Hollywood from appearing in the Mystery Heroes map rotation


  • Fixed a bug that caused players to become immobile after their UI lost focus when entering a match

October 9

Overwatch Patch Notes - October 9, 2018

Patch Rundown





The fright for the future returns!

We’re celebrating the scariest time of the year with a seasonal event: Overwatch Halloween Terror! Expand your collection of spooky seasonal items and relive the chilling tale of Junkenstein's Revenge in our PvE brawl. This year we’ve added two new heroes to the fray: Brigitte and Tracer!

In addition to playing the limited-time brawl, you'll also be able to unlock new seasonal items—including six new legendary skins like Banshee Moira, Jack-o’-lantern Wrecking Ball, and Enchanted Armor Pharah—alongside our growing collection of bone-chilling gear from previous years.

Learn more about Halloween Terror here.


Customize how team colors are displayed in your user interface (e.g. nameplates, HUD, health bars, and hero outlines) with a set of nine different colorblind-friendly colors to choose from. You can also colorize enemy and friendly UI separately. These options can be found under Options > Video > Color Blind Options. All changes made will be saved and ready for you to see in the next match you play!



  • Updated the audio mix to add more clarity and dynamic range for all sounds in the game

Developer Comments: Developer Comments: We’ve added more heroes and features to the game, so the audio mix has become more complex, which required us to rebalance sounds across the game. In this update, we extended the range of third-person weapon sounds, increased the range of first-person weapon impacts in the world, and generally balanced third-person footsteps and ability sounds.



  • Updated visuals for all shields and barriers to increase readability

  • Enemies’ health bars will now become visible to players if an entity they create deals damage to an enemy


Barrier Shield

  • Shield health reduced from 600 to 500

Developer Comments: The health of Brigitte’s barrier was extremely difficult for most heroes to deal with, especially as she closes the distance to her targets. This change still provides Brigitte with substantial survivability but should also be more rewarding for opponents who pressure her.


Hand Cannon

  • Damage falloff now starts at 15 meters

Developer Comments: Doomfist is all about getting up close and personal with his enemies, but his Hand Cannon's spread was tight enough to do surprising amounts of damage at longer ranges, especially against bigger targets. This change brings his weapon in line with other shotgun-style weapons by making its damage fall off beyond 15 meters.


Combat Roll

  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds

Developer Comments: Previously, McCree’s Combat Roll cooldown felt too restrictive, which sometimes prohibited players from using it. The new, faster cooldown allows for more flexibility when choosing between using it for mobility or an instant reload.


Concussive Blast

  • Cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 seconds

Rocket Launcher

  • Attack speed increased

    • Lowered recovery time between shots from 0.9 to 0.75 seconds

  • Damage redistributed between explosion and impact

    • Explosion damage reduced from 80 to 65

    • Impact damage increased from 40 to 55

  • Explosion knock back reduced by 20%

  • Self-knockback amount increased by 25%

Developer Comments: We wanted to increase how responsive Pharah’s Rocket Launcher felt, because a full second of recovery between shots made it feel sluggish. To balance out the improved recovery time, we shifted some damage from the rocket's explosion to the direct impact damage. The overall damage potential is now increased when landing direct hits and decreased slightly when only dealing explosive damage.

We reduced the amount of knockback each explosion causes, as it made it very difficult to aim at Pharah with rockets coming in at a faster pace. The Concussive Blast cooldown reduction should allow the ability to sync up more closely with the Jump Jet cooldown when used for mobility.



  • Updated visual effects for all abilities


Fusion Driver

  • Maximum spread reduced by 20%

Developer Comments: Orisa spends a significant amount of time firing her Fusion Driver from a relatively stationary location. The weapon's spread value caused it to feel too random when leading targets at a distance, considering the projectiles' travel time. We’ve tightened the spread slightly, which should leave her close- and mid-range damage potential largely unchanged, while making it feel better when hitting targets at longer ranges.

Soldier: 76

Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Number of shots until reaching maximum spread increased from 6 to 9

Developer Comments Soldier: 76’s damage output was a bit low, but not too far off from where we felt it should be. Making it take a few more shots to reach max spread smooths out the weapon spread curve and should make his damage more consistent.



  • Reduced the size of Torbjörn’s head hit volume by 10%

River Gun

  • Primary Fire

    • Projectile speed increased from 60 to 70 per second

    • Reload time reduced from 2.2 to 2 seconds

    • Turret targets enemy hit by primary fire

  • Alternate Fire

    • Recovery lowered from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds

    • Damage per shot lowered from 150 to 125

    • Reload time reduced from 2.2 to 2 seconds

    • Spread randomization readjusted

Forge Hammer

  • Radius increased to align with Quick Melee

Deploy Turret

  • Turret is now a thrown projectile

  • Automatically builds over three seconds

    • No longer has different levels

    • Same damage output as previous level 2 turret

  • Maximum health reduced from 300 to 250

  • Now incurs a 5 second cooldown when deployed

  • Now incurs a 10 second cooldown when destroyed in combat

  • No longer able to deploy a new turret if it’s in combat

    • While the turret is firing

    • If the turret has taken damage within three seconds

  • Can now be destroyed using the Interact input

  • Completes self-building once deployed, even if Torbjörn is eliminated

New ability: Overload

  • Replaces Armor Pack

  • Lasts for 5 seconds

  • Cooldown is 12 seconds

  • Temporarily grants 150 armor

  • Increases attack, movement, and reload speeds by 30%

New ultimate: Molten Core

  • Switches weapon from Rivet Gun to his claw arm

  • Lasts 6 seconds

  • Fire up to 10 molten globules that create damage pools where they land for 10 seconds

    • Globules bounce off walls and ceilings until they hit the ground

  • Base damage is 130

  • Damage increases from 130 to 190 against enemies who have armor

    • Heroes affected by armor: Bastion, Brigitte, D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Torbjörn, Winston, Wrecking Ball

    • Heroes who can grant armor to their allies: Brigitte

Please note that Torbjörn will be unavailable in Competitive Play for two weeks.

Developer Comments: Torbjörn was initially designed to be a specialized hero, intended to be a strong defensive option due to his armor-generating capabilities and ability to control areas with his turret. However, the scrap collecting and Armor Pack mechanics have proven to cause problematic gameplay issues because of their feast or famine nature.

To make him more flexible in a wide variety of situations, we’ve removed the scrap system, made the turret much easier to deploy, replaced the Armor Pack ability with Overload—a powerful self-buff—and transformed Molten Core into a powerful new area denial ultimate ability.



  • Reduced the setup timer for Assault, Escort, and Assault/Escort maps from 1 minute to 45 seconds

  • Assemble Your Team timer increased from 10 to 25 seconds in the second round on Assault, Assault/Escort, and Escort maps



  • A slider to change Player Outline Strength has been added under Options > Gameplay




  • Fixed a bug that caused the roll bar on Bastion’s Dune Buggy skin to obscure its view when backing up or firing in Tank configuration


  • Fixed a bug that prevented some glowing effects from appearing on D.Va’s Nano Cola skin

  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va from fully appearing when viewing her MEKA Activated highlight intro in the Hero Gallery


  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s Storm Bow reticle to be visible while emoting


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mei’s Blizzard from freezing enemies when cast in areas with low ceilings


  • Fixed a bug that caused the player’s reticle to pitch up after using Earthshatter

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Earthshatter animations to play if used while he was juggled in the air by knockback abilities

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer to knock enemies back further than intended

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Reinhardt’s Charge to knock back the target rather than pinning them

  • Fixed a bug that would let Reinhardt immediately pin an enemy after a knock back close to a wall

  • Fixed a bug that allowed area affect abilities to hit Reinhardt’s Barrier Field from further than intended (e.g. Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer and Junkrat’s Concussion Mines)


  • Fixed an issue that caused Sombra to change the direction she was facing when using her Translocator to teleport

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Sombra’s Translocator to reach unintended places

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some abilities from being able to destroy Sombra’s Translocator if it was placed in certain locations


  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra to have a chance of playing inaccurate voice lines when placing turrets

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s alternate fire to appear to detonate after missing a target


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn’s medal from appearing in his Medal victory pose


  • Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s Particle Cannon reticle to be visible while emoting



  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on some prohibited rooftops in Downtown

  • Fixed a bug that prevented sprays from displaying on glass windows in MEKA Base

Volskaya Industries

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving capture credit if they dropped onto the point from one of the moving platforms

Game Browser and Custom Games


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “your team has lost” or “your team has taken the lead” voice lines from playing when the score swap happens due to self-inflicted deaths


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving an “unable to join” error message if they attempted to spectate a Player vs AI match when all spectator slots were full

September 11

Overwatch Patch Notes - September 11, 2018



Travel to Busan, South Korea and battle for control across three distinct locales within one map: SanctuaryDowntown, and MEKA Base.

Explore the serene setting of the Sanctuary, surrounded by an ancient temple, beautiful gardens, and historic architecture. Clash in the bustling metropolis of Downtown, where players will fight across a busy PC bang, flashy karaoke bar, and central light rail station (just watch out for the train). Contest for position in MEKA Base—home of South Korea’s frontline defense against the gwishin omnic attacks: D.Va and the rest of the MEKA squad.


View all of the cosmetics Overwatch has to offer with our new Filter feature in the Hero Gallery. Customize your search for cosmetics by category (including seasonal events or whether they're from the Overwatch League), rarity, and whether they are unlocked or waiting to be collected.



  • Added visual outlines to make allies visible through walls

  • [PS4/XB1] Updated aim assist to improve precision when tracking targets

  • [PS4/XB1] An option to revert to the previous aim assist settings can now be found under Options > Aim Assist Legacy Mode

  • [PS4/XB1] An option to smooth out the strength of aim assist when closing in on a target can now be found under Advanced Options > Aim Assist Ease

Developer Comments: We’ve reworked how our aim assist algorithm works on console to make the controls more intuitive and to improve gameplay.

Previously, aim assist worked in two ways. First, we slowed down your aim to allow more precision when tracking a target. Second, we automatically adjusted your crosshairs in the direction the target is moving around you, to make up for the lower sensitivity.

Now, we incorporate how you are currently turning with the aim stick when determining how the enemy is moving relative to yourself. In practice, this means if you are perfectly tracking a target aim assist will not activate.

We’ve also improved aim assist's target selection to reduce instances where your aim could be pulled away from your focused target if another enemy crossed your path. The new Aim Assist Ease In setting allows the aim assist system to ramp up its strength as you get closer to your target, producing less jarring sensitivity changes.



  • Fixed a bug that would cause some weapons that fired multiple shots at once to inconsistently deal critical damage (e.g. Doomfist’s Hand Cannon, D.Va’s Fusion Cannons, Genji’s Shurikens, Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns, Torbjörn’s Rivet Gun)

Developer Comments: While this is a bug fix, we wanted to highlight this change as it can affect gameplay by changing the damage output of the affected heroes in certain situations.

After this fix, weapons with spread should now correctly calculate critical damage for each individual pellet that lands in a critical region (e.g. a headshot). The end result of this change is that it should be significantly easier to deal critical damage with any weapon that fires multiple shots simultaneously, such as Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns and D.Va’s Fusion Cannons.

In addition, we’ve changed the logic for when these weapons display a critical marker on your screen. It now requires 30% of your shots to be critical, rather than displaying it if a single pellet hits critically.


Biotic Rifle

  • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Ana


Shield Bash

  • Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)

Developer Comments: Currently, when two charging targets hit each other, they both fall down and are briefly stunned. You can see this interaction with Doomfist’s Rocket Punch and Reinhardt’s Charge abilities.

Brigitte’s Shield Bash previously wasn’t included in this group, which meant that if she used Shield Bash against these other abilities, she would generally stun them and not be affected herself. This change makes it so if she uses Shield Bash against Charge or Rocket Punch, both players will be knocked down.



  • Now consistently hits enemies near walls

  • No longer hits enemies that enter the damage cone after the “wave” has passed that area

  • No longer damages enemies behind barriers blocking it, even if the barrier is later dropped or destroyed

  • Always travels up inclines and around the payload

Developer Comments: We’ve given Earthshatter a complete overhaul to combat inconsistencies with its performance. These changes will make Earthshatter’s behavior more predictable and effective.


Grappling Hook

  • Now retains momentum when used on environments or structures without a ledge (e.g. walls)

Widow's Kiss

  • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Widowmaker



  • Grand Master players can now group with players within 350 Skill Rating, up from 250 Skill Rating



  • Modified the Respawn Time Scalar custom game option to prevent respawn times longer than the default

FFA Deathmatch

  • Mercy now begins the match with her Caduceus Blaster equipped

  • Blizzard World is now available to play in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch

1v1 Mystery Heroes

  • Mercy now begins the match with her Caduceus Blaster equipped



  • Payload travel speed has been slightly increased

  • Amount of time the payload pauses at checkpoints has been reduced



  • Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes slip off railings

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn Armor Packs Created statistic from updating if the ability landed directly on a friendly target

Communication Wheel

  • [PC] Fixed a bug that caused a delay in selecting options on the Communication Wheel when cycling left using a mouse



  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Shield Bash movement to be interrupted when she impacted Symmetra’s turrets


  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Seismic Slam to cancel when using Symmetra’s Teleporter


  • Fixed a bug that allowed D.Va to escape the map if she used Call Mech while standing on Mei’s Ice Wall


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Dragonstrike arrow's size to be larger than his other arrows


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Cryo-freeze to block the line of sight for Mei’s Blizzard


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain ultimate charge from using her damage beam on attacks that cannot be damage boosted


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reaper’s Shadow Step from going on cooldown if he was interrupted


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to break after hitting an enemy while maintaining line of sight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Roadhog’s alternate fire from calculating falloff damage correctly

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from landing if he was launched into the air while activating it


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt to pin targets that were behind him when using Charge

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt from pinning some targets when he turned during Charge

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt to use Earthshatter while standing on an enemy’s head

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from hitting enemies standing on a payload

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from traveling up certain inclines


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra from translocating to a moving platform

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra from destroying her Translocator if she was stunned or hacked

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Translocator from accurately indicating where Sombra would arrive when the ability was used


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Hack from canceling Symmetra’s Photon Barrier placement

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s teleport UI to persist after being eliminated


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker’s Grappling Hook from connecting to some ledges

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker’s scoped shots on hero placed objects to count against her Scoped Weapon Accuracy statistic (e.g. Symmetra’s Teleporter, Torbjörn’s autocannon)

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Wrecking Ball’s Piledriver from dealing falloff damage

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Wrecking Ball’s Piledriver to deal damage twice if he slid off the environment during its duration

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Wrecking Ball’s primary fire to continue working even if it was disabled in custom game

August 28

Overwatch Patch Notes - August 28, 2018


D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge

We’re celebrating the release of D.Va’s action-packed animated “Shooting Star” short by making some special content available to unlock in-game. For a limited time, your wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will all earn you additional D.Va sprays, a player icon, and a new epic skin: NANO COLA D.VA!

When you’re not playing to win, you can watch sponsored Twitch broadcasters to unlock even more D.Va-themed sprays!

To learn more about D.Va’s Nano Cola Challenge, click  here. 


Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that prevented flavor descriptions from displaying when a skin was selected

  • Fixed a bug that prevented hero descriptions from displaying in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that prevented cosmetics’ unlock requirements from displaying in the Hero Gallery


  • Fixed a bug that prevented some of Roadhog’s voice lines from playing with his Lacrosse skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets to fall through the environment when thrown into a Teleporter

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to teleport players into certain vehicles on King’s Row and Numbani

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Jump Pack damage to not fall off properly


  • Fixed an issue that prevented sound from playing after a memory-intensive team fight

August 9

Overwatch Patch Notes - August 9, 2018


Summer Games 2018

The Summer Games return for more fun in the sun! This year, we're celebrating the spirit of competition with a new Lúcioball arena, Season 2 of Copa Lúcioball, and a smörgåsbord of loot. Unlock over 50 new seasonal items—including legendary skins like Waveracer D.Va, Fastball Zenyatta, and Cabana Ana—alongside our growing collection of summer gear from previous years.

To learn more about Summer Games, click here.



  • Changed the name of Junkrat’s Buccaneer skin to Bilgerat

  • Added under attack voice lines for Zenyatta, Lúcio, and Moria

  • All Overwatch League skins now include the name of the team’s city or state

Looking for Group

  • Settings will be saved after changing filters on the Looking for Group browse screen

Hero Gallery

  • Added a What’s New option that displays new unlockable content



Some ultimate abilities now restore ammunition after completion for some heroes

  • Abilities affected: Genji’s Dragonblade, Junkrat’s RIP-Tire, Pharah’s Barrage, Roadhog’s Whole Hog, and Zenyatta’s Transcendence, Winston’s Primal Rage

Developer Comments:The change removes the need to immediately reload after a long duration ultimate.


Nano Boost

  • Now also instantly heals the target for 300 health

  • Range increased from 30 to 40 meters

Developer Comments: These changes help Ana’s Nano Boost be usable in more situations. Previously it was almost entirely used to combo with other allies’ ultimates, just before they use them. With this change Nano Boost can now alternatively be used to save an ally from near death in the middle of a big fight.


Shield Bash

  • Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds

Repair Pack

  • An option to control Brigitte’s Repair Pack targeting sensitivity has been added under Options > Controls > Brigitte

Developer Comments: Brigitte’s Shield Bash is one of her strongest abilities, and its short cooldown can make it difficult to play against. Slightly increasing its cooldown will give her opponents more opportunity to play around it. We’ve also added an option to control Brigitte’s Repair Pack targeting sensitivity which will allow players to reduce the width of the search angle for the ability. This is useful for trying to target specific allies in the middle of a fight at the cost of making it a bit harder to target allies in general.


Rocket Punch

  • No longer impacts Symmetra’s teleporter

  • Now destroys Symmetra’s sentry turrets without stopping his movement

Developer Comments: These changes are just quality of life improvements for how Doomfist interacts with Symmetra’s placed objects.



  • Cooldown increased from 4 to 5 seconds

Developer Comments: Hanzo’s Lunge ability allows him to be a bit too evasive, so we’re increasing the cooldown to make him easier to catch.



  • Aura radius increase from 10 to 12 meters

Sound Barrier

  • Temporary shields granted increased from 500 to 750

Developer Comments: Increasing the amount of shield health gained from Lúcio’s Sound Barrier should make it more effective against incoming burst damage. As part of his last rework, Crossfade’s radius was heavily reduced, but its potency was increased to compensate. While the change was better for him overall, the radius was small enough that it was often difficult to keep his allies in range during a fight, even if they felt reasonably close together. The increased radius should help in these situations.


Caduceus Staff

  • Healing beam reduced from 60 healing per second to 50 healing per second

Developer Comments: Mercy’s previous healing output made her nearly irreplaceable in any team composition. Even after this change she will still be able to deliver more healing over the course of a match than any other support hero, but it should allow for other healers to be more viable.


Biotic Grasp

  • Passive energy regeneration rate increased from 2 per second to 2.4 per second

Developer Comments: This change should help Moira in situations where there are no enemies within reach but your team still requires a lot of healing. She will still need to drain enemies to be fully effective, but this just helps her a bit in the rare cases where there is an extended long-range fight that she can’t reasonably take part in.


Barrier Field

  • Decorative insignia no longer protrudes from the shield’s surface

Developer Comments: By smoothing out Reinhardt’s Barrier Field, he now will be able to consistently block enemy abilities and projectiles that could sometimes unintentionally sneak through (e.g. Junkrat’s grenades).



  • Reduced the size of Sombra’s head hit volume

Developer Comments: The head changes are mostly a bug fix, as her head hit volume was abnormally large, especially from behind. Previously if you fired at her from behind near her upper spine, you could land a head shot. Now her head volume is much more accurate.


Photon Projector

  • Primary fire range increased from 10 to 12

Developer Comments: Symmetra’s primary fire has huge damage potential but it is too difficult to charge because of its low range and slow charge rate. We’re increasing the range to see how it plays out, giving her more opportunities to use it, especially against enemy barriers.


Grappling Hook

  • Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds

Developer Comments: The increased cooldown will slightly reduce the frequency that Widowmaker can reposition herself. This allows her to be threatened more easily by agile enemy heroes such as Winston and Genji.



  • Drain rate reduced from 2 energy per second to 1.6 energy per second

Graviton Surge

  • Radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters

Developer Comments: The smaller radius on Graviton Surge makes it more reasonable for her enemies to try countering it by staying spread out, as well as putting more focus on Zarya to position the ultimate correctly to impact the most players possible.

However, the intent of these changes isn’t to lessen Zarya’s overall power significantly so we’re reducing her energy drain rate, which should keep her energy higher on average resulting in more damage and quicker ultimate charge times. Overall, this takes some power out of her ultimate and distributes it else ware to add more counter play against her.



  • Brigitte’s Repair Pack now has a minimum cooldown time of 1.5 seconds regardless of custom game settings



  • Fixed a bug that displayed an inaccurate AFK countdown timer before removing players from a match if they were flagged as AFK more than once

  • Fixed a bug that caused the player camera to display an odd location before switching to the first-person view of the selected hero after Assemble Your Team phase ends


  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn bot to fire his gun endlessly if his turret is teleported by a Symmetra player

Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to lose an endorsement level if they exited before a match completes, but after the return timer for a leaving player has expired



  • Fixed a bug that allowed projectiles and splash damage to penetrate Brigitte’s Barrier Shield while dashing with the ability


  • Fixed a bug that caused D.Va’s Light Gun to disappear if Roadhog used Chain Hook on her while she used an emote


  • Fixed a visual issue that prevented Genji’s Shuriken ammunition from displaying the correct number briefly after activating Dragonblade

  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s arms to detach from his body if he looked straight down a wall while climbing over edges


  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s arms to detach from his body if he looked straight down a wall while climbing over edges


  • Fixed a bug that refilled Junkrat’s ammo if RIP-Tire failed to cast

  • Fixed a bug that refilled Junkrat's ammo if he attempted to use RIP-Tire while airborne


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to gain ultimate charge while Sound Barrier was active if he got hacked


  • Fixed a bug that caused the health bar on Orisa’s Protective Barrier to disappear when she used Supercharger


  • Fixed a bug that prevented cracks from appearing on Reinhardt’s Overwatch League Away skins when his Barrier Field takes damage


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Roadhog’s Chain Hook from retracting to his hand if he is interrupted mid-cast


  • Fixed a bug that caused Sombra’s visual effects to display darker than intended

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to destroy her Translocator after teleporting to it

  • Fixed a bug that caused Sombra’s Translocator to bleed when struck by enemy players


  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Pulse Bombs to stick onto the wrong side of shields when the targeted enemy moved quickly

Wrecking Ball

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Wrecking Ball from using sprays when in Roll form

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Piledriver to displace Mei while she is in Cryo-freeze


  • Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s Graviton Surge visual effects to extend beyond the ability’s radius

Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that prevented rotating hero models while viewed in the Hero Gallery when equipped with Overwatch League skins

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Communication Wheel from functioning when equipping a spray, voice line, or emote from a Loot Box

Looking for Group

  • Fixed a bug that caused some groups to be unable to queue for a game mode



  • Fixed a bug that caused Eichenwalde’s castle gate to falls into the ground when destroyed by the payload

July 24

Overwatch Patch Notes - July 24, 2018


New Hero: Wrecking Ball (Tank):

Wrecking Ball’s tinkering capabilities and iron-clad mech make him a formidable tank hero, capable of bowling through the front line of the opposition and causing mayhem in the back line. His primary weapon, Quad Cannons, are two sets of twin machine guns that shred enemies caught in their crosshairs.

No team is too much for Wrecking Ball to engage against with his Adaptive Shield, which generates more health based on the number of enemies nearby. This shield makes him incredibly difficult to kill when he bulldozes into the fray and, once he starts to get low on health, also provides him the endurance to escape.

The Roll ability allows Wrecking Ball to withdraw the mech’s robotic limbs, transforming it into a ball with increased movement speed. No obstacle can stand in Wrecking Ball’s way when he uses Grappling Claw, a short-range ability that grips the environment, letting him swing across terrain gaps or around corners to smash enemies.

Grappling Claw also allows Wrecking Ball to reach top speed and ram into foes, dealing destructive damage and knocking them back. While airborne, the mech’s Piledriver ability causes Wrecking Ball to slam down from the air and knock his enemies off their feet.

When Wrecking Ball is at his strongest, he can use Minefield which flings mines onto the ground that deal a considerable amount of damage to enemies unfortunate enough to trigger them.

To learn more about Wrecking Ball, click here

As with all new heroes, please note that Wrecking Ball's release in Competitive Play will be delayed by two weeks.



  • Added a note to Sombra’s Hero Information page about her ability to remove her own Translocator

  • Removed the Shield Generators Destroyed statistic from players’ Career Profiles

Looking for Group

  • Added a button that allows you to queue into the selected game mode once the group becomes full

  • Added a button to relist groups in the LFG browser when the group has empty role slots



Several heroes have received major changes to their damage falloff:


Configuration: Sentry and Configuration: Recon

  • Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%.



  • Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%


Endothermic Blaster

  • Removed all damage falloff from her secondary fire projectile

Soldier: 76

Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%


Widow's Kiss

  • Now has damage falloff applied on her automatic primary fire (50% at max range)

Developer Comments:The goal of these changes is to slightly reduce the impact of damage falloff on mid-range weapons. While assessing falloff mechanics across the board, weapons intended primarily for close-range combat benefited too greatly from lowering their falloff restrictions. We also normalized a couple of outliers in that Mei had a long-range travel time projectile with falloff applied and Widowmaker's automatic fire did not have any.


Storm Arrows

  • Duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds

  • Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds

Developer Comments: Hanzo’s new kit has proven to be a bit too powerful, especially his new Storm Arrows ability. We’re lowering the frequency that he can have this ability available to make it more reasonable to play around.



  • Now lasts indefinitely

  • No longer can contest objectives while invisible

  • Movement speed buff decreased from +70% to +50%


  • Now lasts indefinitely

  • Can now be destroyed (has 5 health)

  • Radius reduced

Developer Comments: These changes allow Sombra to more easily play as an infiltrator and scout for her team, as well as give her time to pick and choose when to reveal herself to ambush her enemies.



  • When final objectives on non-control maps are contested for extended amounts of time and attackers have an advantage in numbers, the respawn time for defenders now increases even faster

Developer Comments: In a previous patch we added a system to adjust the respawn rate of defenders in situations where attackers have a prolonged advantage in fights on final objectives. We’re just making this system a bit more aggressive to further reduce the duration of the long, drawn out fights that can occur when the defender spawns are so close to the action.

Assault Maps

  • Objective time reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes per control point in Quick Play and Arcade modes

Developer Comments: We have reduced the overall game time for Assault maps in Quickplay and Arcade Modes. Players now have four minutes to capture each point instead of the current five minutes per point.

In some games, Point A would be captured rather quickly resulting in what could be lengthy battle over Point B. Point B is typically more defendable than Point A and, in some games, defenders were able to hold for the entire duration of remaining time which could potentially be 8 minutes or more. We felt that in these instances the overall time was simply too long for either team, with attackers unable to take the point and defenders having to hold.

The reduction in time is now consistent with the Competitive Play times which provides an ample amount of time for both attackers and defenders, but hopefully removes the occasional game where it feels like you are playing against the timer and not the other team.



  • Fixed a bug that caused the group leader’s UI to appear that they’re canceling or leaving Waiting for Players when using a controller

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving an AFK warning for not moving after receiving the No XP warning for not being in combat

  • Fixed a bug that caused Competitive Elimination to display as your last match played in the Recent Players menu

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players added to Avoid as Teammate from being removed if that player was added to their friends list


  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn bot to continuously try upgrading his turret when placed in an inaccessible location

Custom Game

  • Fixed a bug that prevented groups electing to spectate from being placed into the Spectator section of the Custom Game they’re trying to watch


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Team Information screen to display an Endorsement level of a player who left the game

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Endorsement input from opening the Endorsement tray if it shared that input with another input

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Nearby Players menu from displaying Endorsement levels

  • Fixed a bug that caused the text for the Sportsmanship Endorsement to bleed outside the chat box

Game Browser & Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that allowed heroes to deploy multiple barriers or turrets when a decreased cooldown modifier was applied in a Custom Game

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes spawn into a wall or floor when playing a Deathmatch Custom Game with Respawn as Random Hero enabled



  • Fixed a bug that prevented heroes from playing a hit reaction animation when shot


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte from dashing forward when using Shield Bash if she was airborne due to Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s portrait to show a non-existent ponytail with her Shieldmaiden skin equipped


  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to stop if he hit Symmetra’s Turret when it was in midair

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Meteor Strike from hitting Reinhardt if he faced his Field Barrier upward

  • Fixed a bug with Doomfist’s Rocket Punch that prevented it from canceling Genji’s Cyber-agility, Lúcio’s Wall Ride, or Hanzo’s Wall Climb on impact

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Meteor Strike impact visual effect from occurring

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist to plummet to his death if he used Meter Strike in the basement of the Château Guillard Deathmatch map


  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va’s mech rear hatch from connecting to her mech when viewing D.Va’s Peace Victory Pose.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s kneepad to clip into his legs when wearing his Classic skin

  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s knees to pop while shifting his weight during his idle animation in the Hero Gallery


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Hanzo’s Dragonstrike projectile to fire backward


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat’s Frag Launcher grenades from dealing the correct amount of damage on direct hits

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat to set multiple Steel Traps in Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented teammates from viewing Junkrat’s respawn timer if he died while piloting RIP-Tire

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to move the camera when Junkrat’s RIP-Tire was frozen

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s Frag Launcher grenades to get stuck in certain terrain


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Ice Wall to be destroyed if Sombra hacked her


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy's Cadeceus Staff and Cadeceus Blaster to appear missing when using quick melee and weapon swap simultaneously

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to damage boost certain abilities (e.g. Hanzo’s Dragonstrike, D.Va’s Self-Destruct, and Junkrat’s Steel Trap)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s Healing Orb from healing friendly training bots in the Practice Range

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s Biotic Orbs from trigging controller vibration when using a controller


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Charge from propelling him forward if he was airborne due to Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog’s Chain Hook target to be pulled to his new location when he used Symmetra’s Teleporter


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to push and contest payloads while invisible

  • Fixed a bug that caused parts of Sombra’s Translocator to be invulnerable

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Turrets from displaying a red outline when viewed by the enemy team

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to sometimes go through Symmetra’s Photon Barrier

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Teleporter from using visual effects with her Oasis skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to receive credit toward her Huge Success achievement if she teleported her Sentry Turrets

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Photon Barrier from destroying existing ones when placing a new one in Deathmatch

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets to shoot enemies through walls when placed on uneven surfaces

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Teleport telegraph to cancel if she fell off a ledge while placing it


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Tracer to gain capture point progress during her Recall ability


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Zarya’s Particle Cannon from gaining energy when attacked by an enemy Symmetra or Zarya if they were too close to her when she used Particle Barrier


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker from grappling to some walls

Looking for Group

  • Fixed a bug that caused all game modes to be selectable when adding a player to a group

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Choose Roles menu from offering a default role when accessed

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving messaging notifying them why they were unable to change a Looking for Group title if they were suspended from changing Custom Game names

  • Fixed a bug that prevented role icons from displaying on hero portraits

  • Fixed a bug that allowed two players were able to queue for the same Looking for Group spot



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Junker Queen’s voice lines from playing

June 26

Overwatch Patch Notes - June 26, 2018



Acknowledge your fellow Overwatch players’ positivity with endorsements! Recognize commendable behavior for players exhibiting sportsmanship, being a good teammate, or for shot calling. Commend players who lead you to victory, put the team’s needs above their own, or exhibit humility in victory or grace in defeat.

Endorsements are readily available to view on Career Profiles, the Groups menu, and more so you can tell at a glance the types of players you’re playing with. Those who consistently maintain a high endorsement level will receive periodic rewards, while those who display negative behavior or accrue suspensions will lose their endorsements.

Looking for Group

Play your way using the Looking for Group feature! You can control your gameplay experience before stepping into a match by using specific parameters to create your dream team. Join a team of other like-minded players or lead a group of your own by creating a group with your personal preferences such as game mode, role enforcement, and more.

Those who want to queue up for Quick Play, Play vs AI, or any competitive mode can set the types of roles others can play. These specifications will then be activated in-game (e.g. players who chose a support role will be restricted to only using heroes in that category).



  • All heroes in the Defense and Offense categories have been merged into a new category: Damage

Developer Comments: Since the line between Offense and Defense heroes has become increasingly blurred, we’ve decided to group all those heroes into a single new “Damage” category. We believe that the term more closely matches the role name that is now being used in Overwatch League and across most of the game’s community.

  • Combat can now be heard 25% further away

  • Changed the name of the Varok spray to Saurfang

  • [PC] Players must have Blizzard SMS Protect enabled on their account to be eligible for the Top 500

  • The Acknowledge and Interact buttons are now separate input bindings

Career Profile

  • Added an Inspire Uptime Percentage statistic for Brigitte on the Career Profile

  • Removed some statistics for Symmetra on the Career Profile

  • Added a Scoped Critical Hit Accuracy statistic for Widowmaker on the Career Profile

  • Career Profiles will no longer be public by default (now defaults to Friends Only). An option to make Career Profiles visible has been added under Options > Social > Profile Visibility



  • Symmetra can now be played in 1v1 duel game modes (e.g. 1v1 Limited Duel and 1v1 Mystery Duel)



Meteor Strike

  • Bonus movement speed increased from 150% to 200%

The Best Defense…

  • Shield gain increased from 30 to 35 for normal abilities

Developer Comments: The increased movement speed on Meteor Strike gives Doomfist new options in how and where to deploy it. His passive is also being increased, allowing him to survive more often when diving into enemies.



  • Range increased from 70 meters to 200 meters

Developer Comments: While McCree’s Deadeye rarely came into play at 70 meters, we are increasing the range so it cannot be a limiting factor during normal gameplay.



  • Ultimate cost reduced by 15%

Developer Comments: Supercharger wasn’t getting enough use, considering its impact. This change allows Orisa to use her ultimate more aggressively, knowing that she will be able to generate them more easily.


Photon Projector

  • No longer locks onto targets

  • Range increased to 10 meters

  • Damage ramping now takes 2 seconds per damage level instead of 1 second

  • Damage ramp increased from 30/60/120 to 60/120/180

  • Now generates ammo instead of spending it when hitting a barrier

  • Ammo reduced from 100 to 70

Alternate Fire

  • No longer locks onto targets

  • No longer pierces targets

  • Now explodes on contact

  • Projectile speed increased

  • Charge up speed increased

  • Damage changed to 60 impact / 60 explosive

Sentry Turret

  • Turret is now placed like a projectile instead of being set in place

  • Can hold a max of 3, down from 6

  • Can now deploy a max 3, down from 6

  • Damage increased

  • Amount of slowing effect increased


  • Can now place the exit up to 25 meters away from Symmetra

  • Entrance will automatically be built in front of Symmetra, rather than at her team’s spawn point

  • Lasts 10 seconds

  • Health lowered to 300

  • More things can teleport through it (e.g. Junkrat’s RIP-Tire)

  • Entrance can be destroyed

    • If either the entrance or exit is destroyed, the other is removed

New Ultimate: Photon Barrier

  • Deploys a barrier that is big enough to span and cut through an entire map

  • Orientation can be changed by pressing the ultimate button again

  • Lasts 15 seconds

  • Has 5000 health

Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to move Symmetra to her new damage role and make her more flexible and viable across more areas of the game than she was previously. Now that Symmetra is no longer a support hero, she is expected to be able to dish out heavy damage, and these changes allow for her to do so. She should be more powerful and interesting in more team compositions and maps, and she should also be stronger on offense and defense.


Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Point A

    • Added a staircase on the right when exiting the Hydroponics Room

    • Removed the door to the lower room on the right

    • Removed the small wall on the catwalk above Point A

    • Added some cover walls to the catwalk area

    • Moved the door next to the staircase that led to Winston’s room

    • The door is now on the side of the wall in the training pit

    • Moved the large health pack to the back of the room

    • Removed some clutter in the upper left computer room

  • Hydroponics Room

    • Switched the positions of the large and small health pack

    • Changed some of the hydroponic plant cover on the right

  • Point B

    • Defender spawn room exits moved from the front to the sides out of direct line of fire

    • Small rooms added at spawn room exits

    • Additional cover added near the spawn room exits

    • Added a route and larger platform leading to the back right corner

    • Raised the platform to the same height as the attackers’ platform on the opposite side of the point

    • The location of the old defender exit is now an alcove with a small health pack

    • Both teams can still pass behind the point, but there is now a cut-through in the middle of the wall for better access

    • The area above the window overlooking the point is now covered

    • A large platform with cover has been attached to the left side of the catwalk

    • The upper platform for the attackers has been reduced

    • The doorway leading to the platform is slightly smaller

Developer Comments: We’ve wanted to make some gameplay improvements to Horizon Lunar Colony for some time now. The defenders’ spawn room had a problem with its main exit that allowed defenders to quickly duck back inside and regain health while attackers shot at them without doing damage.

Since we were already reworking the entire back area, we decided to make some more changes addressing player feedback. The idea behind the rework of Point A was to not only help the defenders a bit, but also provide some gameplay options aside from sitting on the point and trying to hold it for as long as possible.

Easier access to high ground, as well as limiting the routes for attackers (or at least allowing for defenders to more easily spot the attackers), will allow more opportunity for counters and create a better gameplay experience.

We’ve made a lot of additions and changes to the art throughout the map for you to discover as well.



  • Fixed a bug that prevented loading screens from displaying the game mode

  • Fixed a bug that caused the capture point UI to display capture progress as 100% before the point was captured

  • Fixed a bug that caused some sprays to be pixelated


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra bot to continue hacking health packs if the ability was disabled in a Custom Game



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s Naptime achievement from being granted when interrupting Moira’s Coalescence

  • Fixed a bug that caused Ana’s Sleep Dart effect to persist on afflicted targets after changing heroes


  • Fixed a bug that prevented McCree’s Flashbang from interrupting Bastion’s Configuration: Tank transformation

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion’s treads to disfigure if he was frozen while in Tank configuration


  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s grenades to damage Brigitte when hitting her Barrier Shield

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Brigitte’s Barrier Shield to become indestructible if her Barrier Shield Cooldown Time modifier was set to 0% in a Custom Game

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Rocket Flail to clip into the ground during her Flail highlight intro on King’s Row

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Brigitte to proc Inspire when hitting gondola omnics with her Rocket Flail in Rialto

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Brigitte to proc Inspire by hitting the motorcycle in the Junkertown attacker spawn room

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Brigitte to use Shield Bash while affected by Steel Trap or Graviton Surge

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s Inspire passive from sometimes healing allies out of line of sight

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s knee pad and foot to clip the ground during her Kneel victory pose when wearing her Paladin or Engineer skins

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s arm animation to shake when using Repair Pack and Rally in quick succession


  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Meteor Strike animation to place him back on the ground when used in midair

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Meteor Strike cooldown UI from being hidden if he died during its activation

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the HUD messaging for Doomfist’s Meteor Strike to indicate that players can zoom their camera out

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from dealing bonus damage when the target hit a friendly Mei’s Ice Wall

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist’s Rocket Punch bonus damage to hit Genji after using Swift Strike to move through the punch

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Rocket Punch’s bonus damage from applying if the enemy used an evasive ability at the same time they hit a wall (e.g. Moira’s Fade, Tracer’s Blink, or Reaper’s Wraith Form)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from impacting some walls

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch, Rising Uppercut, and Seismic Slam from not playing the appropriate sound effect if these abilities were disabled or on cooldown

  • Fixed a bug that prevented enemies struck by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from taking additional collision damage when hitting Mei’s Cryo-freeze

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut animation from playing when used after hitting something with Rocket Punch

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist to use Seismic Slam and escape Graviton Surge when within range

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s failed Seismic Slams to display the wrong UI information

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Seismic Slam from being usable if spammed in a Custom Game with 0% cooldown modifier


  • Fixed a bug that caused D.Va’s mech to do a standing pose right before detonating

  • Fixed a bug prevented the South Korean flag decal from displaying when she was in her mech

  • Fixed a bug prevented projectiles from hitting D.Va if she stood behind her mech after it detonated

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Team Kill sound effects from playing for D.Va inside her mech

  • Fixed a bug that allowed pilot D.Va could summon extra, empty mechs if she used Call Mech while standing on top of an enemy

  • Fixed a bug that allowed D.Va to activate her mech boosters after activating her Self-Destruct


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Genji’s Swift Strike to do damage after he dies

  • Fixed a bug that prevented stuns from applying if Genji used Swift Strike

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Genji to wall climb while using emotes


  • [PS4] Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo’s belt tassels from animating with his Young Hanzo or Young Master skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s Storm Bow projectiles to sometimes use the sound effect for Storm Arrow

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Hanzo to wall climb while using emotes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo’s Dragon Strike animation from playing if he was in a Graviton Surge


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat to place multiple Steel Traps

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s projectiles to become invisible if they were shot through railings

  • Fixed a bug that caused the medal in Junkrat’s Medal victory pose to clip through his chin with his Scarecrow or Hayseed skins equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused turrets to target Junkrat’s Concussion Mines while airborne


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lúcio from using his Sonic Amplifier when waving hello

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lucio from using Soundwave if he had zero ammo


  • Fixed a bug that prevented McCree’s Flashbang from giving credit for environmental kills

  • Fixed a bug that caused McCree’s Deadeye targeting markers to persist if the target died while it was active

  • Fixed a bug that caused McCree’s Deadeye reticle to lock onto players who die while the ability was active

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the tumbleweed from appearing in McCree’s The Duel highlight intro


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mei from receiving environmental kill credit if her targets were frozen

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s projectiles to appear that they weren’t passing through friendly barriers


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster and Caduceus Staff from appearing when switching between weapons and using quick melee at the same time

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s Caduceus Blaster shots to become invisible if they were deflected by Genji if her Pink skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy’s Guardian Angel cooldown from resetting if Valkyrie was used midflight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the cooldown on Mercy’s Guardian Angel from being refunded while Valkyrie was active

  • Fixed a bug that caused the resolution quality of Mercy’s Today’s Top 5 highlights icon to drop with her Zhuque skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented player names from displaying when being healed by Mercy

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to see her eliminated teammates while resurrecting a target

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to switch weapons while using her Caduceus emote


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s Biotic Grasp from damaging barriers

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Biotic Grasp’s beam to disappear when attaching to barriers from certain angles

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving the Excuse Me achievement when successfully interrupting Moira’s Coalescence

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Grasp to heal targets behind an enemy barrier

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orb to pass through breakable objects

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Biotic Grasp to attach onto the base of targets (e.g. Mei’s Cryo-freeze)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being awarded Orisa’s Halt State achievement

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Orisa’s Fusion Driver from closing if her Halt projectile was affected by Defense Matrix or Deflect immediately after it spawned

  • Fixed a bug where Orisa’s arm would clip into her leg during her Puppy emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused the effect of Orisa’s Halt! to persist if Wraith Form or Fade were used immediately after being pulled in


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Pharah from being knocked back by her Concussive Blast in spawn rooms


  • Fixed a bug with Reaper’s Shadow Step sound effect continuously playing while moving around on breakable terrain in Petra.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Barrier Field from not playing the correct sound effect if it was affected by Sombra’s Hack

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Barrier Field cooldown to cancel an active hammer swing when it became ready to use

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer eliminations from receiving credit in the Kill Feed


  • Fixed a bug with Reaper’s Shadow Step sound effect continuously playing while moving around on breakable terrain in Petra


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog’s Chain Hook to reel in targets even if the ability was interrupted


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Hack from interrupting Symmetra’s Teleporter placement

  • Fixed a bug caused Sombra’s Hack to be interrupted by thin environment objects (e.g. lamp posts)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Translocator from being destroyed when it was thrown off a level


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Photon Barrier from blocking Reinhardt’s Earthshatter

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra’s Photon Projector to gain charge when used on breakable objects

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Photon Barrier from being placed with the correct orientation if the player rapidly turned during its placement

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Photon Barrier from being placed on moving platforms or payloads

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to place her Shield Generator inside gates on certain maps

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to place her Sentry Turrets inside chests and vending machines

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets to deploy at maximum range without sticking to a surface

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets from dealing the correct amount of damage and slow values

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Teleporter to self-destruct when it was placed

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn’s turret from being built on Symmetra’s Teleporter

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s secondary fire from consuming ammo when minimally charged

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Teleporter from teleporting allies that moved through it at high movement speeds (e.g. Genji’s Swift Strike)

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Teleporter to fall through the ground if placed on platform edges

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s eyes from aligning properly during her Askew and Snowflakes highlight intros with her Dragon skin equipped


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn’s Batter Up emote from playing sound effects if he switched weapons


  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Pulse Bomb to stick on the opposite side of barriers when thrown at a certain angle

  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s animation to pause at the start of her Bomb Spin emote


  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker’s shooting animation to become stuck if she scoped while firing and then jumped

  • Fixed a bug with the grammar in the flavor text for Widowmaker’s Comtesse skin

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker’s Venom Mine from being destroyed when thrown over the environment edges on Oasis Gardens


  • Fixed a bug where placing Winston’s Barrier Projector while going a step upwards would cause it to fall through the floor


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Zenyatta’s Discord Orb sound effects from playing with his Cultist skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zenyatta’s arm to clip through his pants during his Heroic highlight intro


Blizzard World

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Soldier: 76’s Helix Rockets and Zarya’s primary fire from popping balloons

Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that caused armor packs to land behind crates and not be usable


  • Fixed a bug that prevented ability indicators for Seismic Slam and Ice Wall from being visible on the breakable terrain in Petra

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reinhardt’s Earthshatter to travel across holes in the breakable tile floor on Petra


  • Fixed a bug where heroes would move left and right on their own while standing in one of the speed boats in the canal

  • Fixed a bug where players were able to apply a spray on the surface of a body of water

Watchpoint: Gibraltar

  • Fixed a bug that caused the first Attacker spawn room to extend past its walls

June 14

Overwatch Patch Notes - June 14, 2018



  • Increased Deathmatch AFK timer from 60 seconds to 120 seconds



  • Fixed a bug that caused Career Profile statistics to clip beneath player names in the Groups tab in the Social menu

Mei’s Snowball Offensive

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Snowball Blaster reload and Flurry UIs to appear on all players’ screens

May 22

Overwatch Patch Notes - May 22, 2018


New Seasonal Event: Overwatch Anniversary 2018

Celebrate Overwatch’s two-year anniversary with a new FFA (free-for-all) Deathmatch map—Petra—and more than 190 Anniversary items (60+ new for 2018), including eight legendary skins: Stealth Bastion, Shieldmaiden Brigitte, Formal Doomfist, Buccaneer Junkrat, Sherlock McCree, Forest Spirit Orisa, Magician Symmetra, and Cybjörn Torbjörn. Did you miss an item from a previous event? Throughout Overwatch Anniversary, you’ll be able to unlock items from past seasonal events with credits (and opening Anniversary Loot Boxes)!

Many of our past seasonal brawls will be available to play in the Arcade, and the brawl of the day will rotate throughout the event.

As a bonus this year, each Anniversary Loot Box can contain items from past seasonal events! You’ll also get one Legendary Anniversary Loot Box, with at least one guaranteed legendary item, just for logging in to the game during the event.

Thank you all so much for spending the last two years playing Overwatch with us, and we look forward to celebrating with you in-game!

New Map: Petra

A group of archaeologists have begun an excavation and preservation project among the ruins of Petra, a new FFA (free-for-all) Deathmatch map that puts all heroes on their own, facing off against one another until one hero scores enough eliminations to win the match.
Take in Petra’s majestic views, from high vistas to twisting passageways and deep caverns. Travel along deadly cliffs, but be careful to not fall off! A dilapidated bridge stretches across the map, and the ground underneath it can crumble away into a lethal pit (with a little firepower). Hopping on a green jump pad will boost you up to Petra’s higher levels and unlock new strategic possibilities for you. . . .

New Competitive Play Mode: FFA Deathmatch

Petra and Château Guillard will also be available in an optional Competitive FFA Deathmatch mode with placement matches, skill rating, leaderboards, and the opportunity to earn competitive points.



Biotic Rifle

  • Projectiles will now pass through allies with full health

  • Ammo increased from 10 to 14

Developer Comments: These changes should help Ana when she is trying to land clutch heals in the middle of a big fight. Allies that do not need healing will no longer potentially block shots meant for teammates that do need it. Increasing her magazine size makes it less likely that Ana will be forced into a reloading in the middle of an important fight.



  • Maximum armor per player reduced from 150 to 100

Shield Bash

  • Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds

Developer Comments: Brigitte’s ultimate is very powerful, especially when it gets stacked up to its maximum value on many allies. This change will reduce the maximum armor value of Rally, but does not reduce the overall amount of armor given by the ability over its duration. This means when used in combat while her allies are taking damage, it should feel about the same, but the lingering effects of the armor should have less of an impact. Her Shield Bash is a very strong ability on a fairly short cooldown, making it difficult for her opponents to play around. Increasing this cooldown allows for more options when battling against her.


Storm Arrows

  • Damage reduced from 80 to 70

Developer Comments: Hanzo’s Storm Arrows are doing too much damage considering his other changes, such as Lunge and projectile speed. This damage reduction will give Hanzo’s enemies a more reasonable chance to react and fight against him while using Storm Arrows.



  • Rialto is now available in Competitive Play



  • Added Infinite Ultimate Duration and Scalable Ultimate Duration options for Moira’s Coalescence

FFA Deathmatch

  • Ana can now Nano Boost herself



  • Fixed a bug that caused players to repeatedly return to the Hero Select screen when backfilling into a match

  • [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug that allowed the Show Network Ping to still display as an option under Show Network Stats in the Video tab

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the sound wave visual effect from animating when previewing a voice line unlocked from a loot box

  • Fixed a bug that caused a visual error to display 0/0 unlocks on the main menu

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker to become stuck in a pillar in the Practice Range

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Groups tab in the Social menu from dynamically refreshing

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented shields from blocking projectiles (e.g. Tracer’s Pulse Bomb and Junkrat’s Frag Launcher)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to dip down for a frame when crouching and returning to an upright position

FFA Deathmatch

  • Fixed a bug that allowed groups to queue for Deathmatch

  • Fixed a bug that caused Sombra to be revealed to all enemies if targeted by Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow or Widowmaker’s Infra-sight while stealthed

Game Browser and Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Coalescence’s animation to incorrectly loop when Ultimate Duration was set above 100%

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Coalescence SFX to stop playing after a couple of seconds when Ultimate Duration was set above 100%

  • Fixed a bug that caused players who were idle in Assault and Skirmish game modes to be flagged as inactive and removed from the match

  • Fixed a bug that prevented spawn resets and round start dialogue from playing when Random Heroes was enabled

  • Fixed a bug that caused the start of match dialogue to say “Capture the enemy flag” instead of “Fight” in Team Deathmatch

  • Fixed a bug that caused suicides to count as multiple deaths in Deathmatch when the Respawn as Random Hero option was enabled


  • Fixed a bug that caused dialogue lines to get cut short at the end of highlights

  • Fixed a bug that caused placement indicators to appear red in Play of the Game playbacks and highlights when they were placed on valid ground


  • Fixed a bug that caused Ana’s Biotic Rifle crosshair to disappear momentarily when scoping and unscoping

  • Fixed a bug causing Bastion’s Dune Buggy skin textures to stretch when waving hello

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte to reapply Repair Pack on her previous target rather than her new target if she used Repair Pack immediately after the cooldown ended

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Shield Bash hitbox to be wider than her shield

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s Self Healing statistic from being tracked

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s hand from animating when using Hand Cannon immediately after Rocket Punch

  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s Lunge animation to follow the direction of the first jump after changing directions on a subsequent jump

  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s hands to float above his legs during his Meditate emote with certain skins equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s shins to appear malformed in his Heroic victory pose with his Scion skin

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from modifying Hanzo’s Lunge ability cooldown time in Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo’s reticle from constricting when using Storm Arrows

  • Fixed a bug that caused Lúcio’s Soundwave animation to play twice if he used his quick melee attack immediately afterward

  • Fixed a bug that caused the hammer on McCree’s golden weapon variant to be dull with his Scrooge skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused McCree’s ankles to deform when he used his Take a Load Off emote

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused frozen targets to evade attacks

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Pajamei skin to exaggerate the curvature of her spine

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Endothermic Blaster visual effects to go through shields

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s wings to stretch out comically when waving hello while using Angelic Descent

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy to be placed too far towards the back of the hero line up

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy’s healing and damage boosting beams from being visible the first time it’s used on a player after activating Valkyrie

  • Fixed a bug that caused the pumpkin in Orisa’s Pumpkin Head victory pose to persist after navigating away from it in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that caused the player’s camera to zoom into Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer when struck by it

  • Fixed a bug that caused Soldier: 76’s jacket collar to clip into his shoulder with his Classic skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s laser sight from tapering at its end with her Talon skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s hard-light prism visual effects to deform into a sphere on the Hero Select screen

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Teleporter and Shield Generator to self-destruct when placed against certain walls

  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Recall to appear jittery for spectators, in highlights, and in replays

  • Fixed a bug that made Torbjörn’s turret lose sync with his breathing animation in his Medal victory pose

  • Fixed a that caused Widowmaker’s crosshair to disappear for a moment when unscoping

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s shoulder to dislocate after using an emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Jump Pack to stop short of its full distance when clearing ledges


  • Fixed a bug that caused projectiles shot at Attacker spawn room doors to slide upward

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the payload marker from appearing before the game started

  • Fixed a bug that caused players in the first Defender spawn room to make water splashing noises

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the payload thrusters from turning red when reversing

  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s Cyber-agility and Hanzo’s Wall Climb animations to loop and stutter when scaling walls

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist to clip through the environment during his Combo highlight

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to get a Play of the Game by killing gondoliers in Rialto

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the heal icon from displaying on with the first Defender spawn room

  • Fixed a bug that allowed defenders to see attacker spawn entrances

May 8

Overwatch Patch Notes - May 8, 2018


New Charity Skin: Pink Mercy

As a brilliant scientist and the guardian angel of Overwatch, Dr. Angela Ziegler—codename Mercy—has dedicated her life to helping and healing others. Now you can help the Breast Cancer Research Foundation work toward a cure for breast cancer by purchasing the new Pink Mercy skin, available for a limited time on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% the proceeds that it receives from all Pink Mercy skin sales to BCRF, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 (USD). Blizzard Entertainment will disclose the total amount of its donation following the end of the campaign.

Log in to Overwatch any time between May 8 and May 21 and unlock a BCRF-themed player icon!

We’ve also partnered with community artist ONEMEGAWATT to create a series of themed Twitch Drops, including a new player icon and four all-new sprays. Available only during this event, you can earn these special Pink Mercy cosmetics by viewing select streams on Twitch during the two-week promotional period.

IMPORTANT: To be eligible to receive Pink Mercy Twitch Drops, you must first link your preferred Blizzard account to your preferred Twitch account. Visit the Twitch Connections page to log in and complete the link now.

To learn more about the Pink Mercy Charity Event, click here.


Game Browser and Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from navigating the custom game lobby when using a controller


  • Fixed a bug that prevented training bots from returning to their original position and behavior after being hit with an ability (e.g. Lúcio’s Soundwave)

  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to use the wrong route when tracking down the player if their target jumped off a ledge

  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck on the siege tank in the StarCraft area of Blizzard World

Game Browser and Custom Game

  • Fixed a bug that caused custom game invites to persist on the invitee’s screen


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion’s Zwing Zwing Zwing voice line from playing if the Null Sector skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte from using abilities or Rocket Flail while her Repair Pack was in flight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s Repair Pack from reaching an ally if she was stunned while it was in flight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s melee attack from making sound effects

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s golden weapon variant from displaying its golden sheen when some skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat’s RIP-TIRE to be immune to the freeze effects of Mei’s Endothermic Blaster

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire to spawn inside of walls

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to move around while caught in Junkrat’s Steel Trap

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to travel straight up using Wall Ride

  • Fixed a bug that caused Lúcio to lose movement speed if he landed on a wall from certain angles

  • Fixed a bug that prevented crowd control abilities from affecting Resurrect (e.g. McCree’s Flashbang)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s flask from displaying in her Erlenmeyer victory pose when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns to float when previewing his Dance emote in Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to not focus correctly when viewing Roadhog’s Mug Shot victory pose

  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to float during his Footsteps highlight intro

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the laser sight from Sombra’s Machine Pistol golden variant from tapering at its end if her Talon skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowaker’s HUD to disappear if she used Widow’s Kiss while looking through the scope

  • Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Symmetra’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Torbjörn’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • [PC] Fixed a bug that caused the game to stutter during Tracer’s Recall when playing above 60 FPS


  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck walking into the side of the Rikimaru Ramen Shop on Hanamura

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets in unintended locations on Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations in Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that caused the pig head on the bike to float after the bike had been destroyed in Junkertown

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets and Symmetra’s Teleporter in unintended locations in Junkertown

May 3

Overwatch Patch Notes - May 3, 2018


Rialto was home to Talon agent Antonio Bartalotti’s sprawling estate and the backdrop to the infamous “Venice Incident,” a turning point for Overwatch and Talon. The Italian government has taken great steps to preserve Venice, and the results are striking. Tourists visiting this picturesque town can sample the regional cuisine, enjoy a relaxing gondola ride, visit Galleria D’arte Omnica, or simply take in the sights with a stroll along the canal.

NOTE: Rialto will not be available in the Competitive Play rotation until a future patch.



Shield Bash

  • Cone angle reduced from 90 to 60

Developers Comment: When fighting against Brigitte, it often felt like Shield Bash was able to hit players who felt like they were out of its range and should have dodged it. On the flip side, when playing as Brigitte sometimes players would hit the wrong enemy in the middle of a fight. With the cone being reduced, the ability is more accurate to its visual representation.



  • Hitbox size has been reduced

Developers Comment: The hitbox on Genji’s Deflect was big enough that it would sometimes reflect projectiles that were pretty far away from him. We’ve tightened up the hitbox, which should solve this problem while still fully protecting him from projectiles that would hit him from the front.


Storm Bow

  • Projectile speed increased from 85 to 100

Sonic Arrow

  • Cooldown decreased from 20 seconds to 12 seconds

  • Duration decreased from 10 seconds to 6 seconds

  • Radius decreased from 10 meters to 7 meters

New Abilities


  • Press jump while in the air to leap horizontally

Storm Arrows

  • Replaces his existing Scatter Arrow ability

  • Hanzo can now rapidly fire up to 6 arrows that deal reduced damage but are always fire at full powers

Developers Comments: The goal of these Hanzo changes is to allow him to have new options and maintain his high damage output, while removing the frustration of fighting against the old Scatter Arrow. Hanzo is now much more mobile with his new Lunge ability, and with the combination of the bow projectile speed increase and the new Storm Arrows ability he can now deal his high damage more consistently than ever before.


Frag Launcher

  • Projectile size decreased from 0.3 to 0.2


  • Tire movement speed decreased from 13 to 12

Developers Comment: These changes are aimed at lowering some of the most frustrating parts about playing against Junkrat. Decreasing the Frag Launcher’s projectile size means he will have to aim a bit more carefully to land powerful direct hits and slowing the RIP-Tire’s movement speed gives his opponents slightly more time to destroy it before it detonates.


Wall Ride

  • Wall riding is less likely to be interrupted along a single surface

  • Can now go around corners (both outside corners, and inside corners) without having to leave the wall

  • Can now land back on the same wall after leaping away, provided his leap takes him far enough away from the original jumping off point

  • Added a minimum time that the jump key must be held before Lúcio can ride around corners


  • No longer consumers ammo

  • Can now be used while reloading

Developers Comments: Wall Ride has been significantly overhauled to allow it to function more smoothly across more areas of every map. Lúcio players should instantly notice a huge improvement in where and how Wall Ride can be used. In addition, Sonic Amplifier’s Soundwave ability was unnecessarily controlled by both a cooldown and an ammo cost, so we’re removing the ammo cost.


Pulse Bomb

  • Max damage decreased from 400 to 300

Developers Comment: Pulse Bomb was too good at killing tanks, who can be easy to stick due to their size. This damage reduction makes it less powerful as a tank-destroyer, while keeping it lethal against most other heroes.


  • Fixed a bug that caused custom game invites to persist on the invitee’s screen

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug that caused the option “Invite to a Custom Game” to appear while in the Tutorial and Practice Range


  • Fixed a bug that prevented training bots from returning to their original position and behavior after being hit with an ability (e.g. Lúcio’s Soundwave)

  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to use the wrong route when tracking down the player if their target jumped off a ledge

  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck on the siege tank in the StarCraft area of Blizzard World|

Game Browser and Custom Game

  • Fixed a bug that caused custom game invites to persist on the invitee’s screen


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion’s Zwing Zwing Zwing voice line from playing if the Null Sector skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte from using abilities or Rocket Flail while her Repair Pack was in flight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s Repair Pack from reaching an ally if she was stunned while it was in flight

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s melee attack from making sound effects

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s golden weapon variant from displaying its golden sheen when some skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat’s RIP-Tire to be immune to the freeze effects of Mei’s Endothermic Blaster

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire to spawn inside of walls

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to move around while caught in Junkrat’s Steel Trap

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to travel straight up using Wall Ride

  • Fixed a bug that caused Lúcio to lose movement speed if he landed on a wall from certain angles

  • Fixed a bug that prevented crowd control abilities from affecting Resurrect (e.g. McCree’s Flashbang)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s flask from displaying in her Erlenmeyer victory pose when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns to float when previewing his Dance emote in Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to not focus correctly when viewing Roadhog’s Mug Shot victory pose

  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to float during his Footsteps highlight intro

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the laser sight from Sombra’s Machine Pistol golden variant from tapering at its end if her Talon skin equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowaker’s HUD to disappear if she used Widow’s Kiss while looking through the scope

  • Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Symmetra’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Torbjörn’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery

  • [PC] Fixed a bug that caused the game to stutter during Tracer’s Recall when playing above 60 FPS


  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck walking into the side of the Rikimaru Ramen Shop on Hanamura

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets in unintended locations on Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations in Horizon Lunar Colony

  • Fixed a bug that caused the pig head on the bike to float after the bike had been destroyed in Junkertown

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets and Symmetra’s Teleporter in unintended locations in Junkertown

April 23

Overwatch Patch Notes - April 23, 2018



  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the client to crash

April 17

Overwatch Patch Notes - April 17, 2018



  • The evacuation drop ship will now leave incapacitated players behind to complete the mission



  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s Scatter Shot to have an 8 second cooldown (down from 10)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Talon units from attacking players who boarded drop ships

  • Fixed a bug with the placement of the hero panel when viewing a highlight recorded during the Retribution mission

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat to count as two heroes when boarding the evacuation ship if he was using RIP-Tire inside it

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the evacuation phase from counting players who had become incapacitated inside the ship

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the evacuation phase from counting players if they were in the corners of the dropship.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra’s EMP to instantly eliminate Detonators

April 10

Overwatch Patch Notes - April 10, 2018


New Seasonal Event: Overwatch Archives 2018

Experience pivotal moments from history in Overwatch Archives. Join a team of four heroes and participate in cooperative, story-driven missions that give a new perspective on the era before the fall of Overwatch.

This year, take command of the agents of Blackwatch and face off against Talon in an exciting new brawl, Retribution. Players also get a second chance to stop an omnic insurrection as last year’s Uprising mission returns for a rematch. You’ll earn Archives Loot Boxes as you play, unlocking new cosmetics based on moments from Overwatch’s past including legendary skins like Blackwatch Moira, Scion Hanzo, Soldier: 24 Reaper, Talon Doomfist, Specimen 28 Winston, and more.



  • Players can choose to “Avoid as Teammate” with a dropdown menu in the Career Profile

Developer Comments: The addition of the “Avoid as Teammate” option gives players the ability to craft their online gameplay experience. Up to two players can be selected with this feature. If you use the “Avoid as Teammate” option on a player, the matchmaker will no longer place you on a team with the avoided player for one week. To learn more about this feature, click here 418.

[PS4/XB1] Voice Chat Mode

  • An option to toggle Voice Chat Mode has been added under Options > Sound

Report Menu

  • The “Poor Teamwork” dropdown menu option has been removed

  • The “Griefing” dropdown menu option has been renamed “Gameplay Sabotage”

Developer Comments: Due to player confusion about the most appropriate category to report players for poor or toxic gameplay, we are removing the Poor Teamwork option from the reporting system. Players should instead use the Gameplay Sabotage option when players actively harass or disrupt their own team with game mechanics or their actions. Players should not be reported simply for performing poorly, since everyone occasionally has a bad game.


  • Sombra’s “Enemies Hacked” commendation card now also displays her offensive assists

  • Brigitte’s Golden Weapon variant will now also give her a golden shield

  • Changed Mercy’s Valkyrie voice line



Barrier Shield

  • An option to “Toggle Barrier” has been added under Options > Controls > Brigitte


Micro Missiles

  • Explosive damage reduced from 6 to 4


  • Impact damage reduced from 25 to 10

Developer Comments: D.Va’s burst potential is a bit too high, so we’re reducing the damage of her Micro Missiles and Boosters impact. Prior to this change, each missile dealt 3 impact damage and 6 explosive damage. We’re reducing explosive damage from 6 to 4 but leaving the impact damage the same, the net result being 21% damage reduction.


  • Added additional voice lines for Lifeguard McCree


Endothermic Blaster

  • Now pierces through enemies

Developer Comments: This change helps Mei combat multiple targets that are clumped up and makes it easier for her to keep freezing a specific target if another enemy gets in the way. This change also helps her ultimate more consistently freeze enemy targets, especially if they are near each other. Note: While her shots now pierce enemies, they still do not pierce barriers such as Reinhardt’s shield.


Death Blossom

  • Reloads Hellfire Shotguns after use

Wraith Form

  • Move speed bonus increased from 25% to 50%

  • You can now cancel the ability by pressing the Shift or Primary Fire hotkey

Developer Comments: These changes help Reaper use Wraith Form more consistently as an escape, but they also open up new options, such as chasing down key targets.


Biotic Grasp

  • Transparency increased the closer you are to a target


  • Now becomes more transparent the closer its visual effects are to a player’s camera


  • Transparency increased the closer you are to a target

Developer’s Comment: Due to issues with visibility, we have made most of Moira’s visual effects fade away the closer they are to the camera. We have also made modifications to Coalescence to greatly increase the ability for foes and allies alike to see through it when facing it.


Orb of Destruction

  • Secondary fire rate of fire reduced by 15%

Developer Comments: Zenyatta is meant to be able to deal a lot of damage, especially for a support, but his alternate fire burst damage was a bit too high. This change keeps the overall damage the same but lowers the DPS slightly and makes it harder to hit multiple shots at very long ranges.



  • Lockout Elimination cards in the Arcade are now just referred to as Elimination

  • Added Ayutthaya to the map rotation in 3v3 Elimination game modes


Blizzard World

  • Moved the first payload checkpoint (Pylon Terrace) back 10 meters

Developer Comments: We moved the checkpoint back for two reasons. The original location swung the map’s balance too far in one direction (favoring the defenders). Also, once the payload reached the checkpoint, defenders returning from spawn could get pinned in this area, usually resulting in their death.


  • Corrected the spelling on a poster from Thespian 4.0 to Thespion 4.0



  • Heroes can now be selected by double-clicking the hero icon during Hero Select

  • Added leaderboard information to the competitive information screen. This can be accessed by right-clicking the menu on the competitive card

  • Simplified Hero Select tips for roles



  • Fixed a bug that caused camera movement to be jittery when players ran against a moving ramp

  • Fixed a bug that prevented oxygen tanks and fire extinguishers in spawn rooms from propelling after taking damage


  • Fixed a bug that caused bots to attempt running outside of the spawn room before the match began on Assault/Escort maps


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s sidearm from displaying golden coloration from her Golden weapon when Overwatch League skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion from firing projectiles immediately after going into Tank configuration

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion from being knocked back while transforming during Configuration: Tank

  • Fixed a bug that caused Ganymede’s tail feathers to be cropped during Bastion’s Toast Victory Pose

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion’s Gatling gun barrel to disappear if he took damage while reloading in Sentry mode

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion to not animate or play sound effects when transforming from Recon to Sentry mode while trapped inside Zarya’s Graviton Surge

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bastion to emit blood instead of oil visual effects when Overwatch League skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte’s impact effects from playing when hitting the environment

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s aim to be slightly offset after using Shield Bash

  • Fixed a bug that caused details to detach from Brigitte’s Rocket Flail when she swung it

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s hero portrait on voice line icons to have low resolution when unlocked from Loot Boxes

  • Fixed a bug that caused team names on Brigitte’s armor to distort when Overwatch League skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s hand to clip through her head when her Hilarious emote was used

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Rocket Flail and melee sound effects to stop playing after a few strikes

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s shield to emit blood visual effects

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Rocket Flail to not cast a shadow when using her Cheer emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s flag to disappear and abruptly reappear during Rally when using her Rocket Flail

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s High Five spray to have a transparent square in her torso

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Excelsior decal to fragment in unintended areas

  • Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s foot, leg, and shield to clip into the ground during her Defender highlight

  • Fixed a bug that caused a player’s camera to jitter when spectating Doomfist during his Meteor Strike

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Meteor Strike from landing where it was telegraphed when standing close to a ledge

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Doomfist’s Meteor Strike to access unintended locations

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Meteor Strike to penetrate angled surfaces as he descended

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from impacting enemies

  • Fixed a bug that caused D.Va to face the wrong direction during her default victory pose when posed to the left of her MEKA

  • Fixed a bug that caused the glass window of D.Va’s cockpit to distort when her Palanquin skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the triangle texture on D’Va’s MEKA control stick from glowing when her Officer skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s dagger from displaying golden coloration from his Golden weapon when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat from being knocked back while piloting his RIP-Tire

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s skin textures to have a visible seam

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s Ornament spray to appear at a low resolution

  • Fixed a bug that caused Lúcio’s shoulder strap to clip into his shoulder when during his Medal victory pose

  • Fixed a bug that caused McCree’s Peacekeeper to grow substantially during the hero select screen when certain skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused the symmetry of McCree’s collar to distort when the Van Helsing skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to shoot through Mei’s Ice Wall when trapped behind it

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s The Witch spray to appear at low resolution

  • Fixed a bug that caused a hero to unavailable to pick in the Hero Select screen if the dead player had the Hero Select screen open after selecting a new hero

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orb to float outside the Attacker spawn room in Dorado before the beginning of a match

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orb to pass through Mei’s Ice Wall

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Orisa’s Halt! to sometimes affect enemy targets behind walls

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Earthshatter visual effects to display after it was interrupted by Sombra’s EMP

  • Fixed a bug that caused the camera to clip through the floor during Soldier: 76’s Light’s Out highlight

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra’s Photon Projector beam to move plants erratically on Ayutthaya

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s non-cybernetic arm to have a gap along its seam

  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn to wipe his face with his hammer in his hand during his Refreshing highlight when certain skins were equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn’s to emit the sounds effects of his default skin when his Magni skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Alliance and Horde emotes to animate at a slow framerate

  • Fixed an issue with Tracer’s neck animation during her Bomb Spin emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Recall to activate differently based on the player’s latency

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s wrist twist during his Glasses highlight intro

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s legs to clip into each other during her Casual victory pose when her Xuan Wu skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s Particle Cannon would clip into her torso during her Check Out This Gun victory pose when her Xuan Wu skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented textures on Zarya’s nails from loading if an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Zarya’s logo textures to flicker when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zenyatta’s Orb of Destruction to appear it fired from his chest if he used his melee ability immediately following a fully charged Orb of Destruction

Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the two-minute leaver warning from appearing in chat during off-season games

  • Fixed a bug that caused ungrouped players under level 25 that clicked on the Competitive Play option to receive the error message, “All Group Members Must Be Level 25”


  • Fixed a bug that caused certain hero abilities to glow blindingly bright

  • Fixed a bug that caused certain textures to not load

  • Fixed a bug that caused shadows to appear where they shouldn’t on the terrain

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on top of doorways

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Widowmaker to shoot enemies exiting their spawn room

Blizzard World

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Pharah to fly indefinitely when falling against the Pylon in the StarCraft II area

  • Fixed a bug that allowed turrets to be built and hidden inside vines

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players could stand on a ledge above the spawn room outside the Diablo area

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck between a column and bush in the StarCraft II area


  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist to get stuck between a table and corner inside a building while using Seismic Slam

  • Fixed a bug that prevented an interior windows on the last point from blocking abilities (e.g. D.Va’s Self Destruct)

  • Fixed a bug that allowed small heroes to use decorative pipes and avoid taking damage


  • Fixed a bug that allowed sprays to be applied to the spawn door behind walls


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mei’s Ice Wall to reach unintended locations

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on a doorway ledge

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Pharah to regain Jump Jet fuel at an increased rate on the second point


  • Fixed a bug that caused Pharah’s wingtips to poke through walls


  • Fixed a bug that allowed projectiles to pass through rubble


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Symmetra to place her turrets inside a wall

  • Fixed a bug that prevented turrets from being built on a television if it was damaged

Lijiang Tower

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston to clip through outdoor walls and take damage


  • Fixed a bug that caused some textures to not load

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on a rock in an unintended area

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a control point hologram from activating after the start of a match

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on a ledge in an unintended area

  • Fixed a bug that caused the bell tower to hover


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat to shoot grenades through a closed spawn door

  • Fixed a bug that caused large heroes to get stuck between chairs in the spawn room


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on library archways


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on some ledges

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to shoot projectiles through the ceiling

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Custom Game spectator camera to escape the intended play area

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to stand on an invisible ledge

Watchpoint: Gibralter

  • Fixed a bug that caused a rock pile in the environment to appear off-color

  • Fixed a bug that caused Genji to get stuck in a spawn room wall

Practice Range

  • Fixed a bug that caused target dummy arms to jitter when they were destroyed

  • Fixed a bug that caused the weights to defy the laws of physics


  • Fixed a bug that prevented kills made by Ana’s Biotic Rifle from displaying in the kill feed if the target’s health was low

March 29

Overwatch Patch Notes - March 29, 2018



  • Turrets no longer target barriers directly, but will still target enemies behind them



  • Fixed a bug that caused visual effects to be absorbed into surfaces


  • Fixed a bug that caused turrets to target Brigitte’s Barrier Shield while facing them when the shield wasn’t deployed

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to reach unintended locations

March 20

Overwatch Patch Notes - March 20, 2018


New Hero: Brigitte (Support):

An engineer with peerless armor-constructing abilities, Brigitte Lindholm is a valiant squire who fights on the front line to protect her allies.

Brigitte’s armor engineering capabilities make her a stalwart support hero, capable of holding her ground in combat while also providing healing and armor for her teammates. Her primary weapon is her heavy-hitting Rocket Flail that she swings in a wide arc in front of her to smash multiple enemies at once. Whip Shot enables Brigitte to fling her flail forward, striking enemies at a distance and knocking them backward. With each blow, Brigitte’s passive ability, Inspire, heals nearby allies over time.

Brigitte’s Barrier Shield deploys a frontal energy barrier that can absorb a limited amount of damage and protect any allies directly behind her. Once her Barrier Shield is deployed, she can use Shield Bash to lunge forward and stun the first enemy in her path. Drawing on her engineering prowess, Brigitte can create Repair Packs to instantly heal wounded allies or provide armor to teammates at maximum health. When Brigitte is at her strongest, she can activate her ultimate ability, Rally—a galvanizing call to arms that generates a substantial amount of armor for nearby allies and increases Brigitte’s movement speed so she can lead them into battle.

To learn more about Brigitte, click here.

Brigitte will be available in Competitive Play in Season 10. To learn more, click here.



  • Changed the name of Junkrat’s Scarecrow spray to Hayseed

  • Updated Mercy’s Toast victory pose




  • Now goes on a 2-second cooldown when interrupted by damage

  • Now more consistently interrupted when targets break line of sight

Developer Comments: Developer Comments: We’re also removing the 0.1 second window of time during a hack where it couldn’t be canceled via line of sight or with other abilities including Tracer’s Recall and Zarya’s Particle Barrier, which was originally put in place so the hack wouldn’t be interrupted by small objects such as light posts. We’ve implemented a separate fix for that issue, so she should still be unaffected by those small objects.



  • The Team Information Screen now displays the ultimate charge of your teammates



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from traveling forward if he had been hit by an enemy Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from aiming Doomfist’s Rocket Punch when facing an enemy

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to jump over Doomfist’s Rocket Punch when on an incline

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Seismic Slam to cancel if he could not get close to his target

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rising Uppercut cooldown countdown from displaying if he was in a movement hindering ability (e.g. Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Junkrat’s Steel Trap)

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch cooldown to delay counting down if he was in a movement hindering ability (e.g. Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Junkrat’s Steel Trap)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from hitting enemies that were close to him

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat’s RIP-Tire kills from being credited in the Kill Feed if the targets had a long death animation (e.g. D.Va’s Mech)

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s Regeneration to occur instantly if she took damage while at full health

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s wings to separate from her body if her Zhuque skin was equipped during her Toast victory pose

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s Biotic Orb from receiving kill credit if it expired at the same time it killed an enemy

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Fade visual effects to indicate the direction she was traveling in when she used the ability

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Charge from pinning enemies

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the chunks from the pumpkin in Reinhardt’s Pumpkin Smash emote from appearing after he obliterated it with his Rocket Hammer

  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to appear at the top of an opponent’s screen if he used it against an enemy Mercy when she used Valkyrie

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra from receiving environmental kill credit if she kills an enemy using Hack

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Sombra to be visible to enemies without displaying a “Detected” notification during Stealth

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes failed to teleport players using Symmetra’s Teleporter if they used an ability that increased their movement speed when passing through it (e.g. Doomfist’s Rocket Punch)


  • Fixed a bug that caused some objects to block projectiles on Blizzard World (e.g. souvenir carts)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Restore Defaults” button from resetting all settings in the Social Options tab

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to delete characters in the “Save Highlight” text box if they pressed down the delete input while their settings were below 60 FPS

  • Fixed a bug that caused the user interface to indicate two control points on a single control point map when playing a custom game

February 27

Overwatch Patch Notes - February 27, 2018



Hand Cannon

  • Ammo recovery rate increased from 0.8 seconds to 0.65 seconds per bullet

Developer Comments: This change will help Doomfist more consistently be able to use his weapon as part of his combos.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Freeze (slow) duration increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds

  • Weapon alternate fire ammo cost reduced from 25 to 20

Developer Comment: Increasing Mei’s slow duration helps her freeze targets that are particularly elusive such as Genji or Lúcio. Lowering her alternate fire ammo cost allows her to more safely use it without costing her the ability to freeze enemies.



  • No longer blocked by small objects (e.g. sign posts)


  • No longer gains ultimate charge from health pack healing

  • Cast time reduced from 0.8 seconds to 0.65 seconds

  • Now disables the following abilities:

    • Genji—Cyber-agility

    • Hanzo—Wall Climb

    • Pharah—Hover Jets

    • Lúcio—Healing Boost and Speed Boost (turns off current song entirely), Wall Ride

    • Mercy—Angelic Descent

Machine Pistol

  • Machine Pistol spread reduced from 3 to 2.7


  • Enemy health bars are now visible when health drops below 100% (formerly 50%)

    • Her ability to detect enemies through walls at 50% or less remains unchanged


  • Duration increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds

Developer Comment: The goal of these changes for Sombra is to remove the necessity for her teammates to take damage and heal themselves with her hacked heath packs to try to get her ultimate charged up quickly. Her ultimate will now come up less often, but there are more abilities that are disabled by Hack so it is more effective when used.

Previously, Opportunist would only activate when an enemy’s health bar dipped below 50% but now the passive will reveal all damaged enemies which should help Sombra identify targets in her line of sight to pick off. Overall these changes should make her more effective and less reliant on her ultimate.


Blizzard World

  • Some health pack sizes have been reduced

  • Some health pack locations have been changed

  • Additional health packs have been added

Developer Comments: Health packs are a valuable resource in Overwatch and positioning around them is key to holding ground on defense or keeping up momentum on offense. We have moved the location of some health packs and included additional ones to improve game play on Blizzard World.




  • No longer shows enemies’ health bars unless they have taken damage

Developer Comment: This helps remove some clutter from Mercy players’ screens when they use her ultimate



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Capture the Flag statistics from displaying on the Career Profile if the match was played on Ayuttheya in the Arcade


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented announcement voice lines from triggering on Blizzard World

February 13

Overwatch Patch Notes - February 13, 2018



Wall Ride

  • Activating Wall Ride will now cause the flag to drop during Capture the Flag matches

Developer Comments:Lúcio’s Wall Ride allowed him to reach unintended places in Capture the Flag maps, which made it overly difficult for opponents to stop him. So, we have changed the ability to cause the flag to drop instead for better balanced matches.



  • Fixed a typo that caused the Lunar New Year banner to display the wrong end date for Overwatch Lunar New Year

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the client to crash after a player used the Hero Skin Selection dropdown menu in Hero Select

Capture the Flag

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Winston to pick up the flag while airborne after activating his Jump Pack

  • Fixed a bug that caused flags dropped near ceilings to get stuck inside of walls


  • Fixed a bug that caused Mei to levitate if she used Cryo-stasis

Game Browser and Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from playing games in the Arcade if they were using a trial account


  • Fixed a bug that caused hero ultimate charges to reset after the first death if a player changed their skin using the Hero Skin Selection a second before the match began

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zarya’s reaction animations to loop continuously after taking damage following the destruction of her Particle Barrier


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Weekly Rewards timer in from displaying correctly in the Arcade

February 8

Overwatch Patch Notes - February 8, 2018


New Seasonal Event: Lunar New Year 2018

Get ready to ring in the Year of the Dog!

This year, we’re celebrating Lunar New Year with over 50 new seasonal items including legendary skins like Red Phoenix (Zhu Que) Mercy, Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu) Zarya, White Tiger (Bai Hu) Genji, and Black Lily Widowmaker. Experience our updates to our Capture the Flag mode—including a competitive Capture the Flag mode and Sudden Death—on a brand-new map, Ayutthaya.

To learn more about the new Capture the Flag changes, click here.

Hero Skin Selection

Fashion-forward heroes, rejoice! Players can now change hero skins with the “Select Skin” dropdown menu in the Hero Select screen at the start of a match. Show off your favorite unlocked skins when playing solo or coordinate with your friends to be the best dressed on the battlegrounds of tomorrow.



Hand Cannon

  • Damage reduced from 11 to 6

  • Number of bullets fired increased from 6 to 11

  • Spread pattern made more consistent

Developer Comments: We have made a lot of progress with Doomfist’s movement in recent patches but we wanted to revisit his Hand Cannon. While the damage per bullet has been lowered, the number of bullets he fires per Hand Cannon shot has been increased which makes his overall damage output unchanged. Overall, these changes will help his Hand Cannon feel much more consistent.



  • Matchmaking UI now displays the game mode players have queued for while waiting for players

  • Competitive Play leaver messages now display as a chat notification

  • The Hero Select screen now displays the game mode and map type


  • Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony will now display its target’s hero name



  • Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to lose focus when using third party overlays (e.g. Discord)

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the Overwatch League scheduled matches of the day from loading


  • Fixed a bug that prevented bots from voting on cards at the end of the match on Hybrid and Control maps

Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that prevented capture progress UI on Assault and Hybrid maps from displaying the correct team colors

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to use the Hero Select screen during the loading screen at the start of a match


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker’s Infra-sight from functioning if it was used at the same time as another Widowmaker’s Infra-sight

  • Fixed a bug that caused Torbjörn to collide with his turret

  • Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets to continue targeting Junkrat’s Steel Trap after it was destroyed

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to stand on top of enemy players

  • Fixed a bug that allowed backfilling players to enter at 9th place during the match

  • Fixed a bug that caused targets hacked by Sombra to appear purple instead of red

  • Fixed a bug that caused the displayed hero on the lobby screen to appear in low detail when entering and exiting the Overwatch League screen

Game Browser and Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to summon infinite bots in custom games

  • Fixed a bug that caused D.Va to lose her Self-Destruct ultimate if she died out of her mech when the “Spawn with Ultimate Ready” option was enabled

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Victory voice line to play when a match ended in a draw while spectating


  • Fixed a bug that caused airborne heroes to lose speed when changing direction

  • Fixed a bug that prevented golden weapon visual effects from displaying when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes’ scoped shots to be calculated as misses in the accuracy statistic

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s Candy emote from displaying when viewing Kill Cam footage

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to impact with D.Va’s mech before it materialized during her Call Mech ability

  • Fixed a bug that prevented kills caused by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from receiving environmental kill credit

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji from sheathing his katana after using his Whirlwind emote

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Genji from using his Cyber-agility occasionally

  • Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s Dragonstrike to be calculated in the accuracy statistic

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Hanzo’s Wall Climb from activating occasionally

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s Caduceus Staff to disappear when using the Parasol emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy to fly in an unintended direction if she was stunned during Guardian Angel

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy from destroying breakables she collides with in her flight path when using Guardian Angel

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s Valkyrie flight controls to not be precise when using Resurrect

  • Fixed a bug that caused Moira’s Biotic Grasp’s hits against barriers to be calculated as misses in her accuracy statistic

  • Fixed a bug that extended the cooldown of Orisa’s Halt! by one second if it successfully pulled an enemy

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to block Reaper’s Death Blossom if she used her Marioneta emote

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt to have a blank expression during his Toast victory pose

  • Fixed a bug that allowed projectiles to sometimes penetrate Reinhardt’s Barrier Field

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Reinhardt’s Charge bonus damage from being dealt if the target was sandwiched between a charging friendly Reinhardt and a charging enemy Reinhardt

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt to knock back a target instead of pinning them if he collided with an enemy at the start of his Charge

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Roadhog’s canister from appearing when viewing Overwatch League skins

  • Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to clip the first-person camera when pulling in a target

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s EMP from canceling an enemy Sombra’s Hack if it was in progress

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Symmetra’s Shield Generator from displaying in the Overwatch League skin preview screen

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn’s lava ball from appearing in his Batter Up emote if his hammer was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker’s hair to not hang properly in the Hanging Around Highlight Intro when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker’s Venom Mine to use Overwatch League team colors when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Widowmaker’s Grappling Hook animation from playing when using the ability

  • Fixed a bug that caused Winston to lose some upward momentum when using Jump Pack off small inclines

  • Fixed a bug that caused Overwatch League team decals to disappear from Winston’s suit when he used Primal Rage

  • Fixed a bug that caused Zenyatta’s Discord Orb to fly in an odd direction if its target died before arriving

Hero Gallery

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from purchasing non-hero sprays


  • Fixed a bug that caused some heroes to get stuck behind the lamp post directly outside the first Defender spawn room in Blizzard World

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to reach unintended locations in Blizzard World

  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va’s Micro Missiles from passing through piñatas on Dorado

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat’s RIP-tire to travel under the trailer at the final point on Hollywood

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s Biotic Orbs from bouncing off the wooden pillars on Hollywood

  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to show a fraction of a meter to go when reaching checkpoints on Escort and Assault/Escort maps


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the hero portrait from displaying when watching Highlights when an Overwatch League skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that prevented player portraits from displaying during the Play of the Game, Kill Cam, Spectating, and Highlights

January 30

Overwatch Patch Notes - January 30, 2018


World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Pre-purchase Goodies

When you pre-purchase a Digital Deluxe version of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth you’ll receive several Warcraft-themed goodies in Overwatch. Show your faction pride on the battlefields of tomorrow with emotes for Tracer; Horde- and Alliance-themed voice lines for Torbjörn; Anduin, Jaina, Sylvanas, and Saurfang sprays; and Kul Tiras and Zandalar player icons.

To pre-order World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, click here.



Concussion Mine

  • Now will deal less damage to targets farther away from the explosion’s center

Developer Comments: Junkrat has been enjoying the flexibility his double-charge Concussion Mine provides, but it has become a bit too easy to throw out huge bursts of damage in a large area. With this change he can still dish out similar damage but he must now be more accurate with his tosses.



  • No longer makes Resurrect instant

  • No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge

  • The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been decreased by 50%

  • Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Developer Comments: Mercy’s recent Resurrect changes have helped in allowing enemies to have more counter play in dealing with her, but she was able to use Resurrect through Valkyrie enough to largely mitigate the impact of the previous changes. Additionally, we’re toning back the amount of mobility Valkyrie provides through Guardian Angel and reducing its duration to overall reduce the power of this ability.



  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va’s face and hair textures from loading when her Black Cat skin was equipped

January 23

Overwatch Patch Notes - January 23, 2018


New Assault/Escort Map: Blizzard World

Relive where you took your first steps in Azeroth, where you confronted the Lord of Terror, and where you spawned your first zerg rush—all of these epic memories come together on Overwatch’s newest Assault/Escort hybrid map, Blizzard World! This theme park brings the magic of Blizzard’s many worlds into one place so your most epic memories can come to life as you attack and defend the payload across Azeroth, Tristram, and the Koprulu Sector.

The Blizzard World map will be disabled in Competitive Play until the start of Season 9. It will be available in Quick Play and Custom Games starting with today's patch. 

Cosmetics Update

Starting now, loot boxes have been infused with over 100 cosmetics inspired by Blizzard World, Overwatch animated shorts, and more! Collect new legendary skins, including: Barbarian Zarya, Black Cat D.Va, Crusader Reinhardt, Ecopoint: Antarctica Mei, Kabuki Hanzo, and emotes such as Mercy’s Parasol, Sombra’s Marioneta, and Tracer’s Bomb Spin. Additionally, players will discover new highlight intros like Bastion’s Reconfigure, Soldier: 76’s Lights Out, Winston’s Roll, and many more.



  • Fixed a bug that caused weapon accuracy on the career profile to be displayed as 100%


  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s Concussive Mine and Steel Trap to disappear if he placed them before using RIP-Tire

January 9

Overwatch Patch Notes - January 9, 2018


Overwatch League Skins Now Available

Time to suit up, heroes! Starting now, you can directly support your favorite Overwatch League team (or teams!) by purchasing brand-new team skins to rep via the League Token system. Home-team skins are now available for all 12 teams and all 26 Heroes.

To learn more about Overwatch League team skins and the League Tokens, click here.



  • Players can now watch the Overwatch League stream via the Overwatch League menu option when games are live

  • Weapon accuracy is no longer increased or decreased when shooting at Genji’s Deflect or abilities that block projectiles (e.g. Winston’s Barrier Projector or Mei’s Ice Wall)



  • Zenyatta's Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony will now display its target’s health bar



  • Fixed an issue that prevented earned items from being displayed when a Loot Box was opened

  • Fixed a bug that caused a duplicate “Current Competitive Season” selection to appear in the Career Profile dropdown menu

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to navigate in-game menus with the tab key

  • Fixed a bug that prevented UI elements for Tracer’s Blink from displaying when switching between first- and third-person view in spectator mode

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ammo count for Doomfist’s Hand Cannon from displaying when switching between first- and third-person view in spectator mode


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Bastion and Torbjörn bots from pathing to some areas on the first point of Eichenwalde

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Lúcio bot to fall off the map while navigating King’s Row

Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that caused the meters remaining to display twice when players approached the final five meters on Escort and Escort/Assault maps

Game Browser and Custom Games

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Ultimate Duration Custom Game modification from properly adjusting Soldier: 76’s Ultimate length


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Play of the Game highlight and the end-of-match screen to not display for the last player to die in the match


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from destroying breakable objects

  • Fixed a bug that could cause Doomfist’s Rocket Punch knock back to be inconsistent if he collided with an enemy using a movement ability (e.g. Winston’s Leap)

  • Fixed a latency issue that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to travel through an enemy instead of dealing damage

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch’s directional movement to be unpredictable

  • Fixed an issue that allowed enemies to jump over Doomfist’s Rocket Punch instead of taking damage

  • Fixed a bug that caused enemy players hit by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to sometimes move along the wall impacted instead of taking damage

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist to move along the terrain if he impacted it with Rocket Punch

  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies hit by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to impact inclines instead of traveling up them

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to deal wall impact damage to Mercy if she used Valkyrie

  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to activate before intended if he was near Mei’s Ice Wall

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Doomfist to fall through the ground if he used Seismic Slam on inclines

  • Fixed an issue that canceled Doomfist’s Seismic Slam when it was unable to reach the targeted location

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire camera perspective to linger on the target after detonating

  • Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire to be silent to enemies while traveling on rooftops or when airborne

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Snowball’s antenna to stretch out of proportion when Mei’s Beekeeper skin was equipped

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Mercy’s Resurrect “Reviving” message to remain on the targeted player’s screen after the cast was finished

  • Fixed a bug that caused players targeted by Mercy’s Resurrect to no longer see their Respawn timer if her cast was interrupted by an enemy

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from using Moira’s Biotic Orb if she used Fade or died while using Biotic Orb

  • Fixed an issue that caused Moira’s “Ultimate almost ready” voiceline to sometimes play when her Coalescence was fully charged

  • Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Charge to knock back enemies instead of pinning them

  • Fixed a bug that caused the visual effects of Sombra’s EMP to display when the ability was interrupted by an enemy player

  • Fixed a bug that caused Sombra to face the incorrect direction after she teleported with Translocator

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Torbjörn’s turrets to not fully heal when he used Molton Core

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Carbon Zenyatta’s in-game portrait from displaying the correct color


  • Fixed a bug on Eichenwalde that caused the “Checkpoint Reached” voiceline to play when the payload reached its final destination

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on Horizon Lunar Colony

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.