League of Legends Rank Distribution in Season 10

League of Legends Rank Distribution in Season 10

The League of Legends rank distribution and percentage of players by tier during Season 10. Solo queue data on the entire player base in all regions.

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    Thanks to the API implemented by Riot, we have access to reliable statistics on the player distribution by tier. There are several websites that gather and share these data; after examining the most reliable ones, I concluded that there are almost no differences among their tools.

    If you notice small percentage gaps, they are probably due to the servers considered and to the last update of their services. Even 30 minutes can create a minimum discrepancy.

    The statistics in the graph and the table below consider all the regions and only the ranks in solo queue.

    All the League of Legends ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

    Season 10

    November 2020

    League of Legends Rank Distribution November 2020 Season 10

    Data gathered on November 6th, 2020, a few days before the end of Season 10.

    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.23% Silver II 8.5% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 0.57% Silver I 5.9% Diamond III 0.49%
    Iron II 0.93% Gold IV 14% Diamond II 0.27%
    Iron I 1.8% Gold III 6.8% Diamond I 0.14%
    Bronze IV 3.6% Gold II 5.0% Master 0.058%
    Bronze III 3.4% Gold I 2.9% GrandMaster 0.027%
    Bronze II 5.7% Platinum IV 6.5% Challenger 0.011%
    Bronze I 7.1% Platinum III 2.1%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.3%
    Silver III 7.3% Platinum I 1.4%


    • Iron: 3.5%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 33%

    • Gold: 29%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Diamond: 2.4%

    • Master: 0.058%

    • GrandMaster: 0.027%

    • Challenger: 0.011%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.43 Silver II 56.8 Diamond IV 2.4
    Iron III 98.2 Silver I 48.3 Diamond III 0.99
    Iron II 97.63 Gold IV 42.4 Diamond II 0.50
    Iron I 96.7 Gold III 28.4 Diamond I 0.23
    Bronze IV 94.9 Gold II 21.6 Master 0.096
    Bronze III 91.3 Gold I 16.6 GrandMaster 0.038
    Bronze II 87.9 Platinum IV 13.7 Challenger 0.011
    Bronze I 82.2 Platinum III 7.2
    Silver IV 75.1 Platinum II 5.1
    Silver III 64.1 Platinum I 3.8

    September 2020

    League of Legends Rank Distribution September 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.31% Silver II 8.7% Diamond IV 1.3%
    Iron III 0.76% Silver I 6.1% Diamond III 0.50%
    Iron II 1.2% Gold IV 12% Diamond II 0.27%
    Iron I 2.3% Gold III 6.7% Diamond I 0.16%
    Bronze IV 4.3% Gold II 5.0% Master 0.034%
    Bronze III 3.9% Gold I 2.9% GrandMaster 0.028%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 5.6% Challenger 0.012%
    Bronze I 6.9% Platinum III 1.9%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.3%
    Silver III 7.8% Platinum I 1.4%


    • Iron: 4.6%

    • Bronze: 21%

    • Silver: 33%

    • Gold: 27%

    • Platinum: 10%

    • Diamond: 2.3%

    • Master: 0.034%

    • GrandMaster: 0.028%

    • Challenger: 0.012%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.27 Silver II 53.9 Diamond IV 2.3
    Iron III 97.96 Silver I 45.2 Diamond III 1.0
    Iron II 97.2 Gold IV 39.1 Diamond II 0.5
    Iron I 96.0 Gold III 27.1 Diamond I 0.23
    Bronze IV 93.7 Gold II 20.4 Master 0.07
    Bronze III 89.4 Gold I 15.4 GrandMaster 0.04
    Bronze II 85.5 Platinum IV 12.5 Challenger 0.012
    Bronze I 79.6 Platinum III 6.9
    Silver IV 72.7 Platinum II 5.0
    Silver III 61.7 Platinum I 3.7

    Recent changes

    Autofill and premade parity

    In a recent dev blog, Cody “Riot Codebear” Germain, Product Lead for Competitive Gameplay on League of Legends, talked about ranked matchmaking and explained their goal: “improve queue matchmaking quality without compromising queue time and availability.”

    Autofill Parity: In 10.6 we shipped Autofill Parity, which aims to equalize the number of autofills across teams. Since then, autofill imbalance has gone from 11.4% of all ranked solo/duo games to less than 5%, with almost no impact to queue times.

    Premade Parity: Similar to Autofill Parity, Premade Parity strives to make matches with an equal number of premades on each side. We activated this feature in 10.7, and since then we’ve gone from 54% of premade matches having imbalanced premades to 6%, with little to no impact on queue times depending on skill level.

    New matchmaking algorithm

    The new matchmaking algorithm (check out the explanation below, in May 2020) replaced the old system in patch 10.10, however, currently it is limited to normal queues.

    The developers confirmed that the new system is showing improvements in most regions, and it will find its way to ranked queues in the next preseason, as they want to avoid a major impact to ranked MMR during the current season.

    July 2020

    League of Legends Rank Distribution July 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.36% Silver II 8.8% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 0.89% Silver I 6.1% Diamond III 0.52%
    Iron II 1.5% Gold IV 11% Diamond II 0.29%
    Iron I 2.8% Gold III 6.4% Diamond I 0.17%
    Bronze IV 4.9% Gold II 4.8% Master 0.037%
    Bronze III 4.1% Gold I 2.8% GrandMaster 0.031%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 5.0% Challenger 0.013%
    Bronze I 6.9% Platinum III 1.8%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.2%
    Silver III 8.1% Platinum I 1.2%


    • Iron: 5.6%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 34%

    • Gold: 26%

    • Platinum: 9.4%

    • Diamond: 2.4%

    • Master: 0.037%

    • GrandMaster: 0.031%

    • Challenger: 0.013%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98 Silver II 51.5 Diamond IV 2.4
    Iron III 97.6 Silver I 42.7 Diamond III 1.06
    Iron II 96.7 Gold IV 36.6 Diamond II 0.54
    Iron I 95.2 Gold III 25.6 Diamond I 0.25
    Bronze IV 92.4 Gold II 19.2 Master 0.081
    Bronze III 87.5 Gold I 14.4 GrandMaster 0.044
    Bronze II 83.4 Platinum IV 11.6 Challenger 0.013
    Bronze I 77.5 Platinum III 6.6
    Silver IV 70.6 Platinum II 4.8
    Silver III 59.6 Platinum I 3.6

    May 2020

    League of Legends Rank Distribution May 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.42% Silver II 9.0% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 1.0% Silver I 6.3% Diamond III 0.55%
    Iron II 1.8% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.31%
    Iron I 3.3% Gold III 6.1% Diamond I 0.18%
    Bronze IV 5.4% Gold II 4.6% Master 0.034%
    Bronze III 4.2% Gold I 2.8% GrandMaster 0.036%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 4.4% Challenger 0.015%
    Bronze I 6.9% Platinum III 1.7%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.2%
    Silver III 8.6% Platinum I 1.0%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.12 Silver II 49.6 Diamond IV 2.5
    Iron III 97.7 Silver I 40.6 Diamond III 1.12
    Iron II 96.7 Gold IV 34.3 Diamond II 0.57
    Iron I 94.9 Gold III 24.3 Diamond I 0.26
    Bronze IV 91.6 Gold II 18.2 Master 0.085
    Bronze III 86.2 Gold I 13.6 GrandMaster 0.051
    Bronze II 82 Platinum IV 10.8 Challenger 0.015
    Bronze I 76.1 Platinum III 6.4
    Silver IV 69.2 Platinum II 4.7
    Silver III 58.2 Platinum I 3.5


    • Iron: 6.6%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 35%

    • Gold: 24%

    • Platinum: 8.4%

    • Diamond: 2.5%

    • Master: 0.034%

    • GrandMaster: 0.036%

    • Challenger: 0.015%

    Matchmaking algorithm

    The developers are working on an improved matchmaking algorithm that will determine at a quicker speed the real skill of a player.

    This will reduce the initial calibration period of each player, and will directly help fighting against smurfs as they won’t play for a long time in matches well below their skill level.

    Ranked seeding

    In the past, all new ranked players started with a fresh rating (around high silver) which led to problems with both smurfs and truly new players.

    Ranked seeding will utilize data from normal matches to “seed” a player with a realistic rating when they first start playing ranked games.

    We’re planning to iterate on and test these changes slowly to make sure that they don’t have any unknown negative effects, but our goal is to have these fully rolled out some time this summer.

    — Mark “RiotScruffy” Yetter - Lead Gameplay Designer

    April 2020

    League of Legends rank distribution April 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.44% Silver II 9.1% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 1.1% Silver I 6.4% Diamond III 0.55%
    Iron II 2.0% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.32%
    Iron I 3.5% Gold III 5.9% Diamond I 0.18%
    Bronze IV 5.5% Gold II 4.6% Master 0.034%
    Bronze III 4.2% Gold I 2.9% GrandMaster 0.040%
    Bronze II 5.8% Platinum IV 4.0% Challenger 0.017%
    Bronze I 7.0% Platinum III 1.6%
    Silver IV 11% Platinum II 1.2%
    Silver III 8.9% Platinum I 0.94%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.5 Silver II 49.1 Diamond IV 2.5
    Iron III 98.1 Silver I 40 Diamond III 1.14
    Iron II 97 Gold IV 33.6 Diamond II 0.59
    Iron I 95 Gold III 23.6 Diamond I 0.27
    Bronze IV 91.5 Gold II 17.7 Master 0.091
    Bronze III 86 Gold I 13.1 GrandMaster 0.057
    Bronze II 81.8 Platinum IV 10.2 Challenger 0.017
    Bronze I 76 Platinum III 6.2
    Silver IV 69 Platinum II 4.6
    Silver III 58 Platinum I 3.4


    • Iron: 7.2%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 35%

    • Gold: 23%

    • Platinum: 7.9%

    • Diamond: 2.5%

    • Master: 0.034%

    • GrandMaster: 0.040%

    • Challenger: 0.017%

    Matchmaking changes in 2020

    On February 28th, Cody “Riot Codebear” Germain, Product Lead for Competitive Gameplay, revealed all the matchmaking improvements they are working on, and when to expect them. I have quoted his words on the topic.


    These features are in testing and should be released within the next few patches:

    • Autofill Balance. As announced in Season Start, these updates aim to balance the number of autofilled players on each team.

    • Duo Balance. This update aims to balance the number of premades on each team. 

    In development

    Currently, the developers are exploring methods to achieve the following goals:

    • New Account Seeding. For players entering ranked for the first time, we think we can better identify true skill level by looking more holistically at their playstyle. 

    • Position Informed Autofill. We’re balancing the number of autofills on each team, but we would also like to balance the positions autofilled if we can.

    Second half of 2020 and preseason

    Finally, the Riot dev team is doing their best to find viable solutions for many issues, but due to their complexity the investigations may require months.

    • Game Ruining Behavior. We’re attempting to develop better ways of dealing with disruptive behavior.

    • Rank and Matchmaking Rating (MMR) Transparency. We’d like to provide more clarity to players around their rank and updates to where we can fix the disconnect in meaningful ways.

    • Promotion Series. We’re seriously examining the current promotion system and will be making changes to shift the role it plays in our competitive ecosystem.

    • Flex Queue and Organization. We’re taking an immediate look at loosening up restrictions for group formation to make it easier to play with your friends, and how we can tie Flex to the greater competitive ecosystem.

    March 2020

    League of Legends Rank Distribution March 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.44% Silver II 9.3% Diamond IV 1.3%
    Iron III 1.2% Silver I 6.9% Diamond III 0.53%
    Iron II 2.2% Gold IV 9.3% Diamond II 0.32%
    Iron I 3.7% Gold III 5.7% Diamond I 0.18%
    Bronze IV 5.6% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.030%
    Bronze III 4.4% Gold I 3.0% GrandMaster 0.048%
    Bronze II 5.8% Platinum IV 3.5% Challenger 0.021%
    Bronze I 7.3% Platinum III 1.4%
    Silver IV 11.0% Platinum II 1.2%
    Silver III 9.3% Platinum I 0.92%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.84 Silver II 47.9 Diamond IV 2.1
    Iron III 98.4 Silver I 38.9 Diamond III 0.85
    Iron II 97.2 Gold IV 31.7 Diamond II 0.60
    Iron I 95.0 Gold III 22.4 Diamond I 0.28
    Bronze IV 91.3 Gold II 16.7 Master 0.099
    Bronze III 85.7 Gold I 12.1 GrandMaster 0.069
    Bronze II 81.3 Platinum IV 9.1 Challenger 0.021
    Bronze I 75.5 Platinum III 6.0
    Silver IV 68.2 Platinum II 4.2
    Silver III 57.2 Platinum I 3.0


    • Iron: 7.6%

    • Bronze: 23%

    • Silver: 36%

    • Gold: 22%

    • Platinum: 7.2%

    • Diamond: 2.4%

    • Master: 0.030%

    • GrandMaster: 0.048%

    • Challenger: 0.021%

    February 2020

    League of Legends rank distribution February 2020 Season 10
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.43% Silver II 9.5% Diamond IV 1.1%
    Iron III 1.3% Silver I 7.5% Diamond III 0.44%
    Iron II 2.4% Gold IV 8.3% Diamond II 0.30%
    Iron I 3.9% Gold III 5.4% Diamond I 0.17%
    Bronze IV 5.6% Gold II 4.2% Master 0.017%
    Bronze III 4.7% Gold I 3.0% GrandMaster 0.050%
    Bronze II 5.9% Platinum IV 2.8% Challenger 0.028%
    Bronze I 7.9% Platinum III 1.2%
    Silver IV 10% Platinum II 1.2%
    Silver III 9.8% Platinum I 1.0%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.1 Silver II 46.2 Diamond IV 2.1
    Iron III 97.7 Silver I 36.7 Diamond III 1.0
    Iron II 96.4 Gold IV 29.2 Diamond II 0.56
    Iron I 94.0 Gold III 20.9 Diamond I 0.26
    Bronze IV 90.1 Gold II 15.5 Master 0.095
    Bronze III 84.5 Gold I 11.3 GrandMaster 0.078
    Bronze II 79.8 Platinum IV 8.3 Challenger 0.028
    Bronze I 73.9 Platinum III 5.5
    Silver IV 66.0 Platinum II 4.3
    Silver III 56.0 Platinum I 3.1

    From Season 9 to 10

    The 10th League of Legends ranked season started only one month ago, so the data might differ in the following months as more summoners will play their placement matches, but so far there have been several changes in the ranked distribution.

    • The average rank moved from Gold IV to Silver II-III.

    • Gold isn’t anymore the most populated rank as it contains “only” 21% of the players (down from 33%). Now, Silver holds the crown with 37%.

    • In the previous season, about 15% of the player base was ranked at Bronze and below, while now the number of people at lower ranks doubled to 32%.

    • The changes affected also the higher area of the matchmaking that saw Platinum and Diamond reduced to a half, from 15% to 6.4% and from 3.6% to 2%, respectively.

    • The population at Master also decreased, but, on the other hand, there are now more summoners both at GrandMaster and Challenger.


    • Iron: 8.1%

    • Bronze: 24%

    • Silver: 37%

    • Gold: 21%

    • Platinum: 6.4%

    • Diamond: 2.0%

    • Master: 0.017%

    • GrandMaster: 0.050%

    • Challenger: 0.028%

    Statistics from LeagueOfGraphs - Header image: Riot

    Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.