League of Legends Rank Distribution in February 2025: solo queue data

League of Legends Rank Distribution in February 2025: solo queue data

The rank distribution and percentage of players by tier in League of Legends in February 2025, Season 1, Noxus. The entire player base in all regions is considered. Only solo queue data.

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    League of Legends rank distribution

    Thanks to the API implemented by Riot, we have access to reliable statistics on the player distribution by tier. There are several websites that gather and share these data; after examining the most reliable ones, I concluded that there are almost no differences among their tools.

    If you notice small percentage gaps, they are probably due to the servers considered and to the last update of their services. Even 30 minutes can create a minimum discrepancy.

    The statistics in the graph and the table below consider all the regions and only the ranks in solo queue.

    Every month, I will gather the data and update this article. In this way, we will be able to understand how the distribution evolves over time and if there is any difference.

    All the League of Legends ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

    Year 2025

    Starting from 2025, League of Legends will feature themed seasons. Each year will have three seasons, with every season lasting approximately eight patches and divided into two acts. The rank reset will occur only once, at the start of the year.

    Season 1, Noxus

    February 2025

    League of Legends rank distribution February 2025

    All the tables are responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, press on the grey bar to swipe and sort them.

    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 5.2% Gold IV 6.6% Diamond IV 1.3%
    Iron III 6.2% Gold III 4.3% Diamond III 0.62%
    Iron II 5.4% Gold II 3.6% Diamond II 0.42%
    Iron I 3.8% Gold I 2.2% Diamond I 0.29%
    Bronze IV 6.4% Platinum IV 4.2% Master 0.57%
    Bronze III 5.2% Platinum III 2.8% GrandMaster 0.079%
    Bronze II 4.9% Platinum II 2.4% Challenger 0.030%
    Bronze I 3.7% Platinum I 1.6%
    Silver IV 6.3% Emerald IV 3.4%
    Silver III 5.1% Emerald III 1.9%
    Silver II 4.7% Emerald II 1.3%
    Silver I 3.5% Emerald I 0.83%


    • Iron: 20%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 19%

    • Gold: 16%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Emerald: 7.5%

    • Diamond: 2.7%

    • Master: 0.57%

    • GrandMaster: 0.079%

    • Challenger: 0.030%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as an Emerald II you are in the top 5.44% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.84 Gold IV 38.44 Diamond IV 3.31
    Iron III 93.64 Gold III 31.84 Diamond III 2.01
    Iron II 87.44 Gold II 27.54 Diamond II 1.39
    Iron I 82.04 Gold I 23.94 Diamond I 0.97
    Bronze IV 78.24 Platinum IV 21.74 Master 0.68
    Bronze III 71.84 Platinum III 17.54 GrandMaster 0.109
    Bronze II 66.64 Platinum II 14.74 Challenger 0.030
    Bronze I 61.74 Platinum I 12.34
    Silver IV 58.04 Emerald IV 10.74
    Silver III 51.74 Emerald III 7.34
    Silver II 46.64 Emerald II 5.44
    Silver I 41.94 Emerald I 4.14

    More League of Legends articles:

    Season 14

    Starting from Season 14, League of Legends will shift to three four-month ranked splits. Split 1 starts in January, Split 2 begins in May, and Split 3 is planned for September. There is no longer a Preseason.

    Split 3

    Gameplay changes

    Items nerfed: The devs removed 5-15% stat efficiency from most Legendary items, which should slow down combat, reduce snowballing, and put more focus on champions over items.

    Focus on champions: Players will be more focused on their champion’s mechanics rather than relying on item power spikes, similar to the Durability Update 2.0. “We want more time for players to play out their champion’s gameplay fantasy and to put more emphasis on champions than items”.

    Combat pacing and matchmaking: The item nerfs will slow down combat, making it more skill-based and readable. This should also improve matchmaking, making games less about early gold leads and more about player skill and strategy.

    Ranked placements

    Matt Leung-Harrison, Lead Gameplay Designer for League of Legends, shared the following updates about rank placements in Split 3.

    Last season, we noticed that some of the higher-tier ranks were too easy to achieve, so we made adjustments to better align them with the intended difficulty.

    Reaching ranks like Emerald, Diamond, or Master should be challenging. However, in some regions, more players were reaching these ranks than what we believe reflects the expected difficulty.

    Additionally, we introduced increased skill decay for players who have been inactive for a while. This means some players may receive harsher placements than anticipated.

    While this might feel like an immediate downgrade, we believe it's better than players returning to ranked, struggling in games, or facing resentment from teammates due to a mismatch in skill level. (For reference, returning players' win rates were around ~45%.)

    December 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution December 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 4.4% Gold IV 7.7% Diamond IV 1.2%
    Iron III 3.9% Gold III 4.6% Diamond III 0.49%
    Iron II 3.5% Gold II 3.7% Diamond II 0.35%
    Iron I 2.8% Gold I 2.4% Diamond I 0.28%
    Bronze IV 6.5% Platinum IV 5.4% Master 0.34%
    Bronze III 5.3% Platinum III 2.9% GrandMaster 0.051%
    Bronze II 5.2% Platinum II 2.2% Challenger 0.021%
    Bronze I 4.0% Platinum I 1.4%
    Silver IV 8.3% Emerald IV 3.6%
    Silver III 5.7% Emerald III 1.9%
    Silver II 4.9% Emerald II 1.3%
    Silver I 3.3% Emerald I 1.1%


    • Iron: 14%

    • Bronze: 21%

    • Silver: 22%

    • Gold: 18%

    • Platinum: 12%

    • Emerald: 8.1%

    • Diamond: 2.3%

    • Master: 0.34%

    • GrandMaster: 0.051%

    • Challenger: 0.021%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Gold I you are in the top 24.9% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.7 Gold IV 40.9 Diamond IV 2.7
    Iron III 94.3 Gold III 33.2 Diamond III 1.53
    Iron II 90.4 Gold II 28.6 Diamond II 1.04
    Iron I 86.9 Gold I 24.9 Diamond I 0.69
    Bronze IV 84.1 Platinum IV 22.5 Master 0.41
    Bronze III 77.6 Platinum III 17.1 GrandMaster 0.072
    Bronze II 72.3 Platinum II 14.2 Challenger 0.021
    Bronze I 67.1 Platinum I 12
    Silver IV 63.1 Emerald IV 10.6
    Silver III 54.8 Emerald III 7
    Silver II 49.1 Emerald II 5.1
    Silver I 44.2 Emerald I 3.8

    October 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution October 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 4.1% Gold IV 7.2% Diamond IV 1.4%
    Iron III 4.1% Gold III 4.7% Diamond III 0.66%
    Iron II 3.6% Gold II 3.9% Diamond II 0.39%
    Iron I 2.8% Gold I 2.6% Diamond I 0.20%
    Bronze IV 6.3% Platinum IV 5.1% Master 0.23%
    Bronze III 5.3% Platinum III 3.0% GrandMaster 0.045%
    Bronze II 5.3% Platinum II 2.2% Challenger 0.015%
    Bronze I 4.0% Platinum I 1.4%
    Silver IV 7.9% Emerald IV 3.5%
    Silver III 5.8% Emerald III 2.0%
    Silver II 5.1% Emerald II 1.4%
    Silver I 3.5% Emerald I 0.85%


    • Iron: 14%

    • Bronze: 21%

    • Silver: 22%

    • Gold: 18%

    • Platinum: 11%

    • Emerald: 7.9%

    • Diamond: 2.7%

    • Master: 0.23%

    • GrandMaster: 0.045%

    • Challenger: 0.015%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Platinum IV you are in the top 22.4% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.6 Gold IV 40.8 Diamond IV 2.94
    Iron III 94.5 Gold III 33.6 Diamond III 1.54
    Iron II 90.4 Gold II 28.9 Diamond II 0.88
    Iron I 86.8 Gold I 25 Diamond I 0.49
    Bronze IV 84 Platinum IV 22.4 Master 0.29
    Bronze III 77.7 Platinum III 17.3 GrandMaster 0.06
    Bronze II 72.4 Platinum II 14.3 Challenger 0.015
    Bronze I 67.1 Platinum I 12.1
    Silver IV 63.1 Emerald IV 10.7
    Silver III 55.2 Emerald III 7.2
    Silver II 49.4 Emerald II 5.2
    Silver I 44.3 Emerald I 3.79

    Split 2

    Major changes in Split 2

    • Players will be able to place as high as Diamond III after provisional games (previously Emerald I).

    • Demotion protection between divisions (for example, Silver II > Silver III) will be removed. Players will fluidly transition between divisions.

    • Demoting from tiers will place players at 25 / 50 / 75 LP depending on the player’s MMR at the time of demotion compared to their rank.

    • Master Duo will be enabled in most regions (and will stop again at Grandmaster).

    Rank turning during Split I

    To resolve negative LP gains and improve match quality, we made several adjustments during 2024's first split. Here are some as a recap:

    • Fixed an occurrence where Iron IV players were being placed in Iron II.

    • Fixed negative LP gains affecting Diamond I players.

    • Reduced the LP gains/losses from 28 > 25 below Emerald to decrease inflation.

    • Adjusted edge case handling around demotions (some players not being demoted properly).

    • Ceased placing new Ranked players into Platinum (if they were playing Normal games).

    • Implementing 50 LP demotions to decrease inflation.

    • Reduced queue times below Silver by 40%.

    • Made ranks within your team closer together by 40% in games below Silver.

    • Adjusted how players who play ARAM, Bots, and Normals are initially seeded into Ranked (~average Silver IV, but can be as low as Iron IV and as high as Gold III).

    August 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution August 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 1.9% Gold IV 6.3% Diamond IV 2.0%
    Iron III 2.4% Gold III 3.8% Diamond III 0.87%
    Iron II 4.1% Gold II 3.1% Diamond II 0.67%
    Iron I 3.5% Gold I 2.2% Diamond I 0.52%
    Bronze IV 7.4% Platinum IV 6.1% Master 0.69%
    Bronze III 5.6% Platinum III 3.9% GrandMaster 0.062%
    Bronze II 5.2% Platinum II 3.6% Challenger 0.026%
    Bronze I 3.3% Platinum I 2.3%
    Silver IV 6.5% Emerald IV 5.4%
    Silver III 4.4% Emerald III 2.7%
    Silver II 3.9% Emerald II 1.9%
    Silver I 2.6% Emerald I 2.0%


    • Iron: 12%

    • Bronze: 21%

    • Silver: 17%

    • Gold: 15%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 12%

    • Diamond: 4.1%

    • Master: 0.69%

    • GrandMaster: 0.062%

    • Challenger: 0.026%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Emerald I you are in the top 6.8% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.9 Gold IV 48.1 Diamond IV 4.8
    Iron III 97 Gold III 41.8 Diamond III 2.84
    Iron II 94.6 Gold II 38 Diamond II 1.97
    Iron I 90.5 Gold I 34.9 Diamond I 1.30
    Bronze IV 87 Platinum IV 32.7 Master 0.78
    Bronze III 79.6 Platinum III 26.6 GrandMaster 0.088
    Bronze II 74 Platinum II 22.7 Challenger 0.026
    Bronze I 68.8 Platinum I 19.1
    Silver IV 65.5 Emerald IV 16.8
    Silver III 59 Emerald III 11.4
    Silver II 54.6 Emerald II 8.7
    Silver I 50.7 Emerald I 6.8

    June 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution June 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 1.0% Gold IV 5.9% Diamond IV 2.0%
    Iron III 1.9% Gold III 3.8% Diamond III 1.0%
    Iron II 4.3% Gold II 3.0% Diamond II 0.72%
    Iron I 3.9% Gold I 2.3% Diamond I 0.34%
    Bronze IV 7.5% Platinum IV 5.7% Master 0.50%
    Bronze III 5.9% Platinum III 4.2% GrandMaster 0.086%
    Bronze II 5.7% Platinum II 4.2% Challenger 0.031%
    Bronze I 3.7% Platinum I 2.7%
    Silver IV 6.4% Emerald IV 4.9%
    Silver III 4.6% Emerald III 2.6%
    Silver II 4.1% Emerald II 1.9%
    Silver I 2.8% Emerald I 1.1%


    • Iron: 11%

    • Bronze: 22%

    • Silver: 18%

    • Gold: 15%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 10%

    • Diamond: 4.2%

    • Master: 0.50%

    • GrandMaster: 0.086%

    • Challenger: 0.031%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 4.7% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.8 Gold IV 47 Diamond IV 4.7
    Iron III 97.8 Gold III 41.1 Diamond III 2.7
    Iron II 95.9 Gold II 37.3 Diamond II 1.68
    Iron I 91.6 Gold I 34.3 Diamond I 0.96
    Bronze IV 87.7 Platinum IV 32 Master 0.62
    Bronze III 80.2 Platinum III 26.3 GrandMaster 0.117
    Bronze II 74.3 Platinum II 22.1 Challenger 0.031
    Bronze I 68.6 Platinum I 17.9
    Silver IV 64.9 Emerald IV 15.2
    Silver III 58.5 Emerald III 10.3
    Silver II 43.9 Emerald II 7.7
    Silver I 49.8 Emerald I 5.8

    Split 1

    Narrowing Emerald tier: While overall we believe the new Emerald tier is accomplishing our goal of spreading out the ladder, the range of skill levels within Emerald is currently a bit too wide, so we’re going to be making Emerald a bit smaller. This, among other changes, should also help to correct instances of players Emerald rank and above receiving more LP per loss than LP per win.

    Visible rank differences: While promoting ranks was made easier in 2023, there weren’t any adjustments to demotions, which led to some players having much higher visible ranks than their actual MMR. To correct this, demoting has been made a little easier to help avoid situations where a player could have a visible rank of Platinum, but actually have a Silver MMR. Additionally, we’ve also made adjustments to matchmaking so that the range of visible ranks within a lobby are tighter.

    Modified LP gains: The LP gain increase to +/-25 per game we introduced last year has done a good job of helping players move up or down a division within a session, which we’re currently pretty happy with. That said, We’ve learned that this amount of LP isn’t sustainable in tiers Emerald and above where breadth of skill is higher. Due to this, LP gains at Emerald Tier and above have been decreased to roughly +/- 20 per game.

    New player placements: We’ve updated how new players are placed in Ranked which should place them closer to their appropriate skill level.

    April 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution April 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 1.1% Gold IV 6.2% Diamond IV 2.0%
    Iron III 1.5% Gold III 4.5% Diamond III 0.87%
    Iron II 2.4% Gold II 4.4% Diamond II 0.64%
    Iron I 3.0% Gold I 3.7% Diamond I 0.51%
    Bronze IV 5.2% Platinum IV 7.1% Master 0.64%
    Bronze III 4.6% Platinum III 4.6% GrandMaster 0.051%
    Bronze II 4.4% Platinum II 4.0% Challenger 0.021%
    Bronze I 3.7% Platinum I 2.9%
    Silver IV 5.5% Emerald IV 6.1%
    Silver III 4.4% Emerald III 3.0%
    Silver II 4.0% Emerald II 2.0%
    Silver I 3.3% Emerald I 2.3%


    • Iron: 8.1%

    • Bronze: 18%

    • Silver: 17%

    • Gold: 19%

    • Platinum: 18%

    • Emerald: 13%

    • Diamond: 4.0%

    • Master: 0.64%

    • GrandMaster: 0.051%

    • Challenger: 0.021%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 4.8% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.7 Gold IV 55.6 Diamond IV 4.8
    Iron III 97.6 Gold III 49.4 Diamond III 2.8
    Iron II 96.1 Gold II 44.9 Diamond II 1.93
    Iron I 93.7 Gold I 40.5 Diamond I 1.29
    Bronze IV 90.7 Platinum IV 36.8 Master 0.78
    Bronze III 85.5 Platinum III 29.7 GrandMaster 0.144
    Bronze II 80.9 Platinum II 25.1 Challenger 0.021
    Bronze I 76.5 Platinum I 21.1
    Silver IV 72.8 Emerald IV 18.2
    Silver III 67.3 Emerald III 12.1
    Silver II 62.9 Emerald II 9.1
    Silver I 58.9 Emerald I 7.1

    February 2024

    League of Legends rank distribution February 2024 Season 14 Split I
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.54% Gold IV 6.4% Diamond IV 2.1%
    Iron III 1.1% Gold III 4.8% Diamond III 1.0%
    Iron II 2.2% Gold II 4.8% Diamond II 0.64%
    Iron I 3.0% Gold I 4.0% Diamond I 0.36%
    Bronze IV 5.3% Platinum IV 7.1% Master 0.43%
    Bronze III 4.7% Platinum III 4.8% GrandMaster 0.060%
    Bronze II 4.5% Platinum II 4.1% Challenger 0.023%
    Bronze I 3.6% Platinum I 3.1%
    Silver IV 5.7% Emerald IV 6.0%
    Silver III 4.6% Emerald III 2.9%
    Silver II 4.3% Emerald II 2.0%
    Silver I 3.5% Emerald I 1.2%


    • Iron: 6.9%

    • Bronze: 18%

    • Silver: 18%

    • Gold: 20%

    • Platinum: 19%

    • Emerald: 12%

    • Diamond: 4.1%

    • Master: 0.43%

    • GrandMaster: 0.060%

    • Challenger: 0.023%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 4.6% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.84 Gold IV 55.8 Diamond IV 4.6
    Iron III 98.3 Gold III 49.4 Diamond III 2.5
    Iron II 97.2 Gold II 44.6 Diamond II 1.51
    Iron I 95 Gold I 39.8 Diamond I 0.87
    Bronze IV 92 Platinum IV 35.8 Master 0.51
    Bronze III 86.7 Platinum III 28.7 GrandMaster 0.083
    Bronze II 82 Platinum II 23.9 Challenger 0.023
    Bronze I 77.5 Platinum I 19.8
    Silver IV 73.9 Emerald IV 16.7
    Silver III 68.2 Emerald III 10.7
    Silver II 63.6 Emerald II 7.8

    Season 13

    League of Legends will have two Ranked resets in Season 2023. Split 1 will start at the beginning of the year in January, and Split 2 will start in the middle of the year.

    Visible rank is no longer used as matchmaking criteria, only MMR. In addition to these changes, we’re also changing promotion series between tiers from Best of 5 to Best of 3.

    The restriction on duoing in Ranked Solo/Duo with an MMR of Masters or above is disabled until patch 13.3. Note that duo restrictions based on visible rank are still active, so a player who reaches Master or above will not be able to duo.

    Split II

    Season 13 Split II started on July 17th, 2023. I waited a month before collecting data to ensure its reliability.

    Reasoning behind the new Emerald rank

    Historically, League of Legends has had a very bottom-heavy distribution of rankings.

    Setting aside Iron at the bottom and Diamond+ at the top, most other competitive ranked games have the equivalents of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum roughly similar in size. This means that Bronze and Silver represent below average/average, while Gold and Platinum represent above average and very good players, respectively. However, our ranks have typically biased low, with more than 60% of players typically in Silver and Bronze.

    We’re changing that in Split 2 and distributions are going to move to a more even percentage split, centering around gold.

    What about Diamond and above? It’s important to us that the highest ranks retain the exclusivity and prestige they’ve historically had, so we’re not changing anything about how those ranks are distributed.

    Flattening the curve without compensating somehow would result in a significant inflation in Diamond. In order to mitigate this, we’re adding a new rank: Emerald. Emerald rank will live between Diamond and Platinum and represents a roughly similar percentage of players as Platinum does today.

    — Riot Revenancer, Systems Lead for the Motivations initiative

    Season 13 ranked changes Split 1 to Split 2

    Season 13 rank distribution in Split 1 and 2 - Riot

    November 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution November 2023 Season 13 Split II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.48% Gold IV 8.0% Diamond IV 1.2%
    Iron III 1.1% Gold III 5.0% Diamond III 0.57%
    Iron II 2.6% Gold II 4.0% Diamond II 0.54%
    Iron I 3.3% Gold I 2.6% Diamond I 0.44%
    Bronze IV 7.4% Platinum IV 7.0% Master 0.49%
    Bronze III 5.3% Platinum III 4.0% GrandMaster 0.044%
    Bronze II 4.6% Platinum II 3.1% Challenger 0.019%
    Bronze I 3.3% Platinum I 2.0%
    Silver IV 7.5% Emerald IV 6.2%
    Silver III 5.0% Emerald III 2.9%
    Silver II 4.1% Emerald II 1.7%
    Silver I 2.8% Emerald I 1.4%


    • Iron: 7.6%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 19%

    • Gold: 19%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 12%

    • Diamond: 2.8%

    • Master: 0.49%

    • GrandMaster: 0.044%

    • Challenger: 0.019%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 3.3% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.68 Gold IV 51.2 Diamond IV 3.3
    Iron III 98.2 Gold III 43.2 Diamond III 2.1
    Iron II 97.1 Gold II 38.2 Diamond II 1.53
    Iron I 94.5 Gold I 34.2 Diamond I 0.99
    Bronze IV 91.2 Platinum IV 31.6 Master 0.55
    Bronze III 83.8 Platinum III 24.6 GrandMaster 0.063
    Bronze II 78.5 Platinum II 20.6 Challenger 0.019
    Bronze I 73.9 Platinum I 17.5
    Silver IV 70.6 Emerald IV 15.5
    Silver III 63.1 Emerald III 9.3
    Silver II 58.1 Emerald II 6.4
    Silver I 54 Emerald I 4.7

    September 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution September 2023 Season 13 Split II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.41% Gold IV 8.0% Diamond IV 1.2%
    Iron III 1.1% Gold III 5.3% Diamond III 0.62%
    Iron II 2.9% Gold II 4.2% Diamond II 0.46%
    Iron I 3.6% Gold I 2.8% Diamond I 0.40%
    Bronze IV 7.3% Platinum IV 6.8% Master 0.45%
    Bronze III 5.2% Platinum III 4.1% GrandMaster 0.055%
    Bronze II 4.6% Platinum II 3.1% Challenger 0.023%
    Bronze I 3.5% Platinum I 2.0%
    Silver IV 7.5% Emerald IV 5.3%
    Silver III 5.2% Emerald III 2.6%
    Silver II 4.4% Emerald II 1.6%
    Silver I 3.0% Emerald I 1.0%


    • Iron: 8.0%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 20%

    • Gold: 20%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 10%

    • Diamond: 2.7%

    • Master: 0.45%

    • GrandMaster: 0.055%

    • Challenger: 0.023%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 3.2% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.7 Gold IV 50 Diamond IV 3.2
    Iron III 98.3 Gold III 42 Diamond III 2
    Iron II 97.2 Gold II 36.7 Diamond II 1.38
    Iron I 94.3 Gold I 32.5 Diamond I 0.92
    Bronze IV 90.7 Platinum IV 29.7 Master 0.52
    Bronze III 83.4 Platinum III 22.9 GrandMaster 0.078
    Bronze II 78.2 Platinum II 18.8 Challenger 0.023
    Bronze I 73.6 Platinum I 15.7
    Silver IV 70.1 Emerald IV 13.7
    Silver III 62.6 Emerald III 8.4
    Silver II 57.4 Emerald II 5.8
    Silver I 53 Emerald I 4.2

    August 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution August 2023 Season 13 Split II
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.30% Gold IV 8.0% Diamond IV 1.2%
    Iron III 1.0% Gold III 5.6% Diamond III 0.68%
    Iron II 3.1% Gold II 4.5% Diamond II 0.46%
    Iron I 4.1% Gold I 3.1% Diamond I 0.31%
    Bronze IV 7.1% Platinum IV 6.5% Master 0.38%
    Bronze III 5.0% Platinum III 4.1% GrandMaster 0.064%
    Bronze II 4.6% Platinum II 3.2% Challenger 0.026%
    Bronze I 3.8% Platinum I 2.0%
    Silver IV 7.5% Emerald IV 4.3%
    Silver III 5.5% Emerald III 2.3%
    Silver II 4.6% Emerald II 1.5%
    Silver I 3.2% Emerald I 0.79%


    • Iron: 8.6%

    • Bronze: 20%

    • Silver: 20%

    • Gold: 21%

    • Platinum: 16%

    • Emerald: 9%

    • Diamond: 2.7%

    • Master: 0.38%

    • GrandMaster: 0.064%

    • Challenger: 0.026%

    Top percentage of players

    Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Diamond IV you are in the top 3.12% of the player base.

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.8 Gold IV 49 Diamond IV 3.12
    Iron III 98.5 Gold III 41 Diamond III 1.92
    Iron II 97.5 Gold II 35.4 Diamond II 1.24
    Iron I 94.4 Gold I 30.9 Diamond I 0.78
    Bronze IV 90.3 Platinum IV 27.8 Master 0.47
    Bronze III 83.2 Platinum III 21.3 GrandMaster 0.09
    Bronze II 78.2 Platinum II 17.2 Challenger 0.026
    Bronze I 73.6 Platinum I 14
    Silver IV 69.8 Emerald IV 12
    Silver III 62.3 Emerald III 7.7
    Silver II 56.8 Emerald II 5.4
    Silver I 52.2 Emerald I 3.91

    Split I

    June 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution June 2023 Season 13
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.47% Silver II 7.1% Diamond IV 1.1%
    Iron III 0.87% Silver I 6.1% Diamond III 0.60%
    Iron II 1.6% Gold IV 10% Diamond II 0.71%
    Iron I 2.6% Gold III 5.4% Diamond I 0.64%
    Bronze IV 6.3% Gold II 4.7% Master 0.50%
    Bronze III 5.7% Gold I 3.6% GrandMaster 0.046%
    Bronze II 6.3% Platinum IV 5.6% Challenger 0.020%
    Bronze I 6.0% Platinum III 2.4%
    Silver IV 9.3% Platinum II 1.8%
    Silver III 6.8% Platinum I 2.1%


    • Iron: 5.6%

    • Bronze: 24%

    • Silver: 29%

    • Gold: 24%

    • Platinum: 12%

    • Diamond: 3.0%

    • Master: 0.50%

    • GrandMaster: 0.046%

    • Challenger: 0.020%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 98.34 Silver II 52.4 Diamond IV 3.6
    Iron III 97.87 Silver I 45.3 Diamond III 2.51
    Iron II 97 Gold IV 39.2 Diamond II 1.91
    Iron I 95.4 Gold III 29.2 Diamond I 1.20
    Bronze IV 92.8 Gold II 23.8 Master 0.56
    Bronze III 86.5 Gold I 19.1 GrandMaster 0.066
    Bronze II 80.8 Platinum IV 15.5 Challenger 0.020
    Bronze I 74.5 Platinum III 9.9
    Silver IV 68.5 Platinum II 7.5
    Silver III 59.2 Platinum I 5.7

    April 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution April 2023 Season 13
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.45% Silver II 7.5% Diamond IV 1.1%
    Iron III 0.93% Silver I 6.6% Diamond III 0.62%
    Iron II 1.9% Gold IV 9.7% Diamond II 0.58%
    Iron I 3.2% Gold III 5.2% Diamond I 0.62%
    Bronze IV 6.4% Gold II 4.7% Master 0.50%
    Bronze III 5.8% Gold I 3.7% GrandMaster 0.056%
    Bronze II 6.5% Platinum IV 4.9% Challenger 0.024%
    Bronze I 6.5% Platinum III 2.2%
    Silver IV 9.1% Platinum II 1.7%
    Silver III 7.0% Platinum I 1.6%


    • Iron: 6.5%

    • Bronze: 25%

    • Silver: 30%

    • Gold: 23%

    • Platinum: 10%

    • Diamond: 2.9%

    • Master: 0.50%

    • GrandMaster: 0.056%

    • Challenger: 0.024%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 99.08 Silver II 51.3 Diamond IV 3.5
    Iron III 98.63 Silver I 43.8 Diamond III 2.40
    Iron II 97.7 Gold IV 37.2 Diamond II 1.78
    Iron I 95.8 Gold III 27.5 Diamond I 1.20
    Bronze IV 92.6 Gold II 22.3 Master 0.58
    Bronze III 86.2 Gold I 17.6 GrandMaster 0.080
    Bronze II 80.4 Platinum IV 13.9 Challenger 0.024
    Bronze I 73.9 Platinum III 9.0
    Silver IV 67.4 Platinum II 6.8
    Silver III 58.3 Platinum I 5.1

    February 2023

    League of Legends rank distribution February 2023 Season 13
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Iron IV 0.27% Silver II 8.6% Diamond IV 0.87%
    Iron III 0.84% Silver I 7.3% Diamond III 0.52%
    Iron II 2.8% Gold IV 7.0% Diamond II 0.44%
    Iron I 5.3% Gold III 4.6% Diamond I 0.35%
    Bronze IV 6.8% Gold II 4.5% Master 0.25%
    Bronze III 6.2% Gold I 3.6% GrandMaster 0.068%
    Bronze II 7.7% Platinum IV 3.1% Challenger 0.024%
    Bronze I 7.8% Platinum III 1.6%
    Silver IV 8.4% Platinum II 1.4%
    Silver III 7.7% Platinum I 1.1%


    • Iron: 9.3%

    • Bronze: 28%

    • Silver: 32%

    • Gold: 19%

    • Platinum: 7.3%

    • Diamond: 2.1%

    • Master: 0.25%

    • GrandMaster: 0.068%

    • Challenger: 0.024%

    Top percentage of players

    Rank Top% Rank Top% Rank Top%
    Iron IV 99.17 Silver II 45.3 Diamond IV 2.52
    Iron III 98.84 Silver I 36.7 Diamond III 1.65
    Iron II 98.0 Gold IV 29.4 Diamond II 1.13
    Iron I 95.2 Gold III 22.4 Diamond I 0.69
    Bronze IV 89.9 Gold II 17.8 Master 0.34
    Bronze III 83.1 Gold I 13.3 GrandMaster 0.092
    Bronze II 76.9 Platinum IV 9.7 Challenger 0.024
    Bronze I 69.2 Platinum III 6.6
    Silver IV 61.4 Platinum II 5.0
    Silver III 53.0 Platinum I 3.6

    All the League of Legends ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

    Statistics from LeagueOfGraphs - Header image: Riot

    Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.