League of Legends champions’ heights, weights, and ages
A list of the heights, weights, and ages of all League of Legends champions. The data is based on lore, cinematics, artworks, some official info, and lots of guesses.
Riot has released only limited info on the heights, weights, and ages of all the champions in League of Legends, so this list is mostly a guesswork based on lore, cinematics, artworks, comparisons between characters and real life animals and people.
The data presented in this article has been aggregated by reddit user KestrelGirl - I thank her for letting me use it to compile this list. Both the heights and the weights were indicated using the United States customary system, but I have converted them also into the metric system for easier reading.
The latest champion added to this list is Aphelios. This page will be updated over time based on new lore info, and once new heroes are released into the game.
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Heights - from shorter to taller
A few heights - such the ones of Braum, Lux, Taliya - have been revealed by the developers of the game.
In most cases, official artworks and cinematics are the main sources used to compare the champions. For example, in promo arts Dr. Mundo is at least twice as tall as other champions and he looks very heavy.
Human-shaped characters are the easiest to deal with because we can do direct comparisons with real people: Olaf should be slightly bigger than the average Viking and Pantheon is a first-class Greek warrior.
8" / 0.20m tall, 2’2" / 0.66m long - Yuumi
2’5" / 0.73m - Mini Gnar
2’5" / 0.73m - Veigar (without hat)
2’6" / 0.76m - Lulu (without hat)
2’6" / 0.76m - Ziggs
2’7" / 0.78m - Kennen
2’7" / 0.78m - Rumble
2’8" / 0.81m - Tristana
2’8" / 0.81m - Teemo
2’10" / 0.86m - Corki
3’0" / 0.91m - Fizz
3’0" / 0.91m - Kled
3’0" / 0.91m - Rammus
3’2" / 0.96m - Poppy
3’2" / 0.96m - Heimerdinger (without afro)
3’7" / 1.09m - Amumu
4’0" / 1.21m - Elise (spider form)
4’2" / 1.27m - Annie
4’4" / 1.32m - Nunu (the boy)
4’9" / 1.44m - Zoe
4’9" / 1.44m - Neeko
4’9" / 1.44m - Twitch
5’0" / 1.52m - Qiyana
5’2" / 1.57m - Zac (smallest size)
5'3" / 1.60m - Akali
5’3" / 1.60m - Jinx
5’3" / 1.60m - Xayah
5’4" / 1.62m - Karthus
5’5" / 1.65m - Ahri (without ears)
5’5" / 1.65m - Evelynn
5’5" / 1.65m - LeBlanc
5’5" / 1.65m - Katarina
5’5" / 1.65m - Morgana
5’5" / 1.65m - Shaco (if he isn’t a demonic toy)
5’6" / 1.67m - Malzahar
5’6" / 1.67m - Kayle
5’6" / 1.67m - Kai’Sa
5’6" / 1.67m - Sona
5’6" / 1.67m - Nami
5’6" / 1.67m - Lee Sin
5’6" / 1.67m - Syndra
5’6" / 1.67m - Shyvana (human form)
5’6" / 1.67m - Nidalee (human form)
5’6" / 1.67m - Miss Fortune
5’6" / 1.67m - Yasuo
5’7" / 1.70m - Caitlyn (without hat and boots)
5’7" / 1.70m - Varus
5’7" / 1.70m - Senna
5’8" / 1.72m - Karma
5’8" / 1.72m - Ezreal
5’8" / 1.72m - Talon
5’8" / 1.72m - Orianna
5’8" / 1.72m - Quinn
5’8" / 1.72m - Irelia
5’8" / 1.72m - Sivir
5’8" / 1.72m - Ryzen
5’8" / 1.72m - Xin Zhao
5’9" / 1.75m - Ashe
5’9" / 1.75m - Kassadin
5’9" / 1.75m - Rakan
5’9" / 1.75m - Graves
5’9" / 1.75m - Ekko (plus mohawk)
5’9" / 1.75m - Vayne
5’9" / 1.75m - Taliyah
5’9" / 1.75m - Pantheon
5’10" / 1.77m - Brand
5’10" / 1.77m - Diana
5’10" / 1.77m - Lux
5’10" / 1.77m - Kalista
5’10" / 1.77m - Kayn
5’10" / 1.77m - Zed
5’10" / 1.77m - Udyr
5’11" / 1.80m - Fiora
5’11" / 1.80m - Riven
5’11" / 1.80m - Vi
5’11" / 1.80m - Master Yi
5’11" / 1.80m - Olaf
5’11" / 1.80m - Zyra
5’11" / 1.80m - Swain
6’0" / 1.82m - Fiddlestick
6’0" / 1.82m - Gangplank
6’0" / 1.82m - Jayce
6’0" / 1.82m - Lucian
6’0" / 1.82m - Sejuani
6’0" / 1.82m - Aphelios
6’0" / 1.82m - Skarner (height)
6’1" / 1.85m - Zilean
6’1" / 1.85m - Tryndamere
6’1" / 1.85m - Twisted Fate
6’1" / 1.85m - Draven (without hair)
6’1" / 1.85m - Elise (human form)
6’1" / 1.85m - Leona
6’1" / 1.85m - Yorick (upright)
6’2" / 1.87m - Soraka
6’2" / 1.87m - Taric
6’2" / 1.87m - Jax
6’2" / 1.87m - Wukong
6’2" / 1.87m - Viktor
6’2" / 1.87m - Shen
6’3" / 1.90m - Singed
6’3" / 1.90m - Vladimir
6’3" / 1.90m - Jarvan IV
6’3" / 1.90m - Sylas
6’4" / 1.93m - Jhin
6’4" / 1.93m - Kha'Zix (crouched)
6’4" / 1.93m - Lissandra
6’4" / 1.93m - Pyke
6’5" / 1.95m - Darius
6’5" / 1.95m - Garen
6’5" / 1.95m - Illaoi
6’8" / 2.03m - Kog'Maw (at shoulder)
6’8" / 2.03m - Rengar
6’10" / 2.08m - Camille
7’2" / 2.18m - Gragas
7’5" / 2.26m - Braum
7’6" / 2.28m - Zac (largest size)
7’8" / 2.33m - Warwick
8’0" / 2.43m - Kha'Zix (stretched)
8’0" / 2.43m - Thresh
8’5" / 2.56m - Azir
8’8" / 2.64m - Dr. Mundo
9’ / 2.74m - Blitzcrank
9’ / 2.74m - Rhaast
9’ / 2.74m - Willump
9’ / 2.74m - Hecarim (height)
9’ / 2.74m - Sion
10’ / 3.04m - Ivern
10’ / 3.04m - Urgot
10’ / 3.04m - Hecarim (lenght)
10’5 / 3.17m - Alistar (without horns)
12’ / 3.66m - Mordekaiser
13’ / 3.96m - Cassiopeia
15’ / 4.57m - Renekton
15’ / 4.57m - Nasus
15’ / 4.57m - Xerath
15’ / 4.57m - Trundle
16’ / 4.87m - Skarner (from claw to tail)
18’ / 5.48m (long) - Shyvana (dragon form)
22’ / 6.70m - Maokai
22’3 / 7.78m - Aatrox
28’ / 8.53m - Mega Gnar
30’ / 9.14m - Vel'Koz
39’ / 12m - Nautilus
72’ / 21.9m - Cho'Gath (each stack adds about 12 feet)
160’ / 48.8m - Galio
265’ / 81m - Volibear
265’ / 81m - Ornn (variable size)
304’ / 103.6m - Malphite
Unknown: Anivia (her wingspan is about 450’ / 137.1m), Aurelion Sol, Bard, Janna, Kindred, Nocturne, Rek’Sai, Tahm Kench.
Many thanks to the artist Cinamoncune, who created this fan art on Veigar and Lulu after finding out their heights.
Weights - from slimmer to bulkier
The weights of the biggest champions are very approximated because of their huge size, and some of them have been omitted as making comparisons wasn’t viable. For example, Rek’Sai has the size of a house.
It is also impossible to determine the weights of some characters because they are spirits or they represent abstract or unquantifiable things such as nightmares, the infinite, the void, etc.
8 lbs / 3.6 kg - Yuumi
25 lbs / 11 kg - Mini Gnar
25 lbs / 11 kg - Veigar (without hat)
30 lbs / 11 kg - Heimerdinger
30 lbs / 11 kg - Ziggs
30 lbs / 11 kg - Kennen
35 lbs / 15 kg - Amumu
35 lbs / 15 kg - Rumble
35 lbs / 15 kg - Tristana
35 lbs / 15 kg - Teemo
35 lbs / 15 kg - Lulu
35 lbs / 15 kg - Fizz
40 lbs / 18 kg - Kled
40 lbs / 18 kg - Corki
50 lbs / 22 kg - Poppy
68 lbs / 26 kg - Annie
63 lbs / 28 kg - Nunu (the boy)
70 lbs / 31 kg - Rammus
80 lbs / 36 kg - Karthus
85 lbs / 38 kg - Zoe
90 lbs / 40 kg - Neeko
98 lbs / 44 kg - Jinx
105 lbs / 47 kg - Twitch
107 lbs / 48 kg - Qiyana
110 lbs / 49 kg - Xayah
110 lbs / 49 kg - Akali
115 lbs / 52 kg - Katarina
115 lbs / 52 kg - Ezreal
120 lbs / 54 kg - Zac (smallest size)
120 lbs / 54 kg - Nidalee (human form)
120 lbs / 54 kg - LeBlanc
120 lbs / 54 kg - Sona
120 lbs / 54 kg - Senna
120 lbs / 54 kg - Miss Fortune
125 lbs / 56 kg - Shaco (if he isn’t a demonic toy)
125 lbs / 56 kg - Evelynn
125 lbs / 56 kg - Sivir
130 lbs / 58 kg - Syndra
130 lbs / 58 kg - Aphelios
130 lbs / 58 kg - Ekko
135 lbs / 61 kg - Caitlyn
135 lbs / 61 kg - Karma
140 lbs / 63 kg - Quinn
140 lbs / 63 kg - Lux
140 lbs / 63 kg - Kai’Sa
140 lbs / 63 kg - Shyvana (human form)
140 lbs / 63 kg - Taliyah
140 lbs / 63 kg - Irelia
140 lbs / 63 kg - Kalista (while she was alive)
145 lbs / 65 kg - Ahri
145 lbs / 65 kg - Vayne
145 lbs / 65 kg - Varus
145 lbs / 65 kg - Malzahar
145 lbs / 65 kg - Ashe
145 lbs / 65 kg - Zyra
150 lbs / 68 kg - Diana
150 lbs / 68 kg - Vi (without gloves)
150 lbs / 68 kg - Kayn
150 lbs / 68 kg - Kayle
150 lbs / 68 kg - Yasuo
150 lbs / 68 kg - Morgana
155 lbs / 70 kg - Lee Sin
160 lbs / 72 kg - Brand
160 lbs / 72 kg - Rakan
160 lbs / 72 kg - Zed
160 lbs / 72 kg - Twisted Fate
160 lbs / 72 kg - Riven
160 lbs / 72 kg - Soraka
160 lbs / 72 kg - Master Yi
160 lbs/ 72 kg - Fiora
160 lbs / 72 kg - Singed
160 lbs / 72 kg - Kassadin
165 lbs / 74 kg - Zilean
165 lbs / 74 kg - Talon
165 lbs / 74 kg - Lucian
165 lbs / 74 kg - Ryzen
170 lbs / 77 kg - Xin Zhao
170 lbs / 77 kg - Orianna
170 lbs / 77 kg - Jhin
175 lbs / 79 kg - Graves
185 lbs / 83 kg - Sejuani
185 lbs / 83 kg - Vladimir
185 lbs / 83 kg - Jayce (including armor)
190 lbs / 86 kg - Wukong
195 lbs / 88 kg - Leona
195 lbs / 88 kg - Swain
200 lbs / 90 kg - Elise (human form)
200 lbs / 90 kg - Nami
200 lbs / 90 kg - Sylas
200 lbs / 90 kg - Jarvan IV
200 lbs / 90 kg - Draven
200 lbs / 90 kg - Shen
205 lbs / 93 kg - Pantheon
210 lbs / 95 kg - Pyke
215 lbs / 97 kg - Olaf
215 lbs / 97 kg - Udyr
220 lbs / 99 kg - Tryndamere
230 lbs / 104 kg - Yorick
230 lbs / 104 kg - Garen (armors adds about 100 lbs)
245 lbs / 111 kg - Taric
250 lbs / 113 kg - Kha'Zix
250 lbs / 113 kg - Gangplank
260 lbs / 117 kg - Jax
266 lbs / 120 kg - Darius
275 lbs / 124 kg - Illaoi
280 lbs / 127 kg - Viktor
380 lbs / 172 kg - Cassiopeia
380 lbs / 172 kg - Rengar
400 lbs / 181 kg - Ivern
400 lbs / 181 kg - Rhaast
400 lbs / 181 kg - Azir
445 lbs / 201 kg - Warwick
450 lbs / 204 kg - Zac (largest size)
570 lbs / 258 kg - Elise (spider form)
610 lbs / 276 kg - Braum
735 lbs / 333 kg - Gragas
900 lbs / 408 kg - Willump
950 lbs / 430 kg - Blitzcrank
1000 lbs / 453 kg - Trundle (at least)
1000 lbs / 453 kg - Kog'Maw
1100 lbs / 498 kg - Dr. Mundo
1500 lbs / 680 kg - Alistar
1500 lbs / 680 kg - Shyvana (dragon form)
1 ton / 0.9 tonne - Urgot
1.25 tons / 1.1 tonnes - Nasus
1.25 tons / 1.1 tonnes - Skarner
1.5 tons / 1.3 tonnes - Sion
2 tons / 1.8 tonnes - Aatrox
2 tons / 1.8 tonnes - Mordekaiser (or 3 tons)
3 tons / 2.7 tonnes - Mega Gnar
5.5 tons / 4.9 tonnes - Maokai
6 tons / 5.4 tonnes - Renekton
20 tons / 18 tonnes - Malphite
30 tons / 27 tonnes - Nautilus
4100 tons / 3719 tonnes - Galio
Unknown: Anivia (she is made of ice, but can fly), Aurelion Sol, Bard, Camille (hextech weight is not clear), Cho'Gath (probably thousands of tons), Fiddlesticks (very light), Janna, Kindred, Lissandra, Nocturne, Rek’Sai, Tahm Kench, Thresh, Vel'Koz, Xerath (he is made of energy), Ornn (variable size), Volibear, Hecarim.
Ages - from youngest to oldest
There are several sources used to determine the ages of all League of Legends champions:
Official ages of a few characters such as Akali, Ekko, Rakan, Xayah, etc., shared by the developers during AMA threads.
Game lore provided over the past 10+ years.
Most of the champions can be split into groups (Void, Icathia, Ancient, Primordial, etc.) sharing the same historic period / features and thus having a similar age (usually estimated in the hundreds or thousands of years).
New timeline details thanks to Realms of Runeterra.
Guesses for the remaining champions, considering all the above.
8 - Annie
8 - Nunu
16-17 - Ekko
About 18 - Orianna
19 - Akali
17-20 - Kayn
20 - Kai’Sa
20 - Lux
20 - Qiyana
Early 20s - Ezreal
Early 20s - Jinx
Early 20s - Vi
20s - Shyvana
20s - Sona
23 - Ashe
23 - Taliya
23 - Sejuani
20-24 - Talon
Mid 20s - Diana
Mid 20s - Quinn
24 - Irelia
25 - Cassiopeia
26 - Garen
27 - Jarvan IV
27 - Katarina
Late 20s - Caitlyn
Late 20s - Fiora
Late 20s - Leona
Late 20s - Riven
Late 20s - Miss FortuneLate 20s - Vayne
20s-30s - Silvir
Late 20s to Early 30s - Taric
Late 20s to Early 30s - Tryndamere
30 - Sylas
Early 30s - Pantheon
Early 30s - Yasuo
30s - Karma
30s - Nidalee
Early to Mid 30s - Draven
Around 35 - Shen
Around 35 - Zed
Mid to Late 30s - Senna
35-40 - Darius
38-39 - Jhin
30s-40s - Lee Sin
Early 40s - Jayce
Early 40s - Twisted Fate
Early 40s - Xin Zhao
40s - Graves
40s - Pyke
40s - Viktor
A few decades - Blitzcrank
40s-50s - Olaf
40s-50s or older - Malzahar
40s-50s or older - Urgot
40s-50s or older - Warwick
Early 50s - Illaoi
50s - Gragas
50s - Kassadin
50s-60s - Master Yi
50s-60s - Swain
50s-60s - Udyr
Late 60s - Gangplank
80 - Camille
Up to 100 - Syndra (appears in her 20s)
Over 100 - Singed
200 - Neeko (appears in her 20s)
A few centuries - Sion
A few centuries - Ahri (appears in her 20s)
A few centuries - Rengar (appears in his 40-50s)
A few centuries - Nami (supposed to be 16)
A few centuries - Xayah (supposed to be 23)
A few centuries - Rakan (supposed to be 28)
A few centuries - Elise
A few centuries - Wukong
Centuries - Ivern
Centuries - Karthus
Centuries - Nautilus
About 700 - Galio
About 1000 - Kayle
About 1000 - Morgana
1000+ - Zoe
1000+ - Zyra
1030 - Ryze
At least 1570 - Vladimir
2000+ - LeBlanc
Potentially 6000+ - Mordekaiser
Several thousand years - Amumu
Yordles and associated beings: anywhere between centuries to millennia old - Corki, Fizz, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar, Yuumi, Ziggs.
Shadow Isles champions: 1040 to 1075 years old - Hecarim, Kalista, Thresh, Yorick.
Fall of Shurima champions: over 3000 years old - Azir, Xerath.
Icathia champions: about 3500 years old - Jax, Zilean, Varus.
Early Sunborn champions: 3500 to 6000 years old - Aatrox, Rhaast, Nasus, Renekton.
Ancient and Venerable beings: several thousand years old - Braum, Janna, Rammus, Skarner, Willump.
Voidborn champions: starting from about 7000-9000 years ago - Cho’Gath, Kha’Zix, Kog’Maw, Rek’Sai, Vel’Koz.
Unknown: Alistar, Brand, Dr. Mundo, Fiddlesticks, Shaco, Trundle, Twitch (1-2 if he has the same lifespan of a rat), Zac.
Primordial champions
Space and Existence: Kindred, Aurelion Sol, Bard, all aspects (Pantheon/War, Twilight, Sun, Moon, Protector, Justice, etc.), Soraka.
Creators of the Freljord: Anivia, Ornn, Volibear.
Demons: Evelynn, Tahm Kench, Nocturne.
Other: Maokai, Malphite.
If you have your own theories on a particular champion, I would like to hear them! :)
Data: KestrelGirl - Header image: Riot