Dota Underlords: Patch Notes List

Dota Underlords: Patch Notes List

This list contains all the Dota Underlords patch notes released by Valve in 2019.

The patch notes of the first Dota Underlords update have been released as a text message on Twitter. I could not find a section dedicated to them, so I decided to create this page.

I will keep updating this list over time as soon as proper info for each patch is provided.

Click a date to reveal the patch notes.

October 10


  • Fixed an issue where units could be forced to attack untargetable units (example: Pudge hooks an undying unit).

  • Fixed an issue where all damage done by Medusa's Ace Effect, where all Scaled units do damage to units near them, would be credited to Medusa only.

Hero changes


  • Nature's Attendants:

    • Fixed an issue where the wrong heal amount was displayed on the ability tooltip.

Lone Druid's Spirit Bear

  • Entangling Claws:

    • Fixed an issue where Entangling Claws would never be cast.


  • Max Mana is now 50.

Item changes

Big-Time Contract

  • Players can now get more than 1 of this item again.

Target Buddy

  • Can no longer be healed.



  • Changed to: When a Blood-Bound unit dies, it gives +125% Attack Damage, in addition to any existing Blood-Bound bonus it has, to a random friendly Blood-Bound unit.


  • Changed to: Allied Savage units gain +[4, 8, 15] Attack Damage each time they land an attack on an enemy or cast a damaging spell.

  • This affects Venomancer and Sand King, the only Savage units with damaging spells.


  • Fixed an issue where, once a unit's channeling was interrupted, it could never cast at a higher power than that. This affected Keeper of the Light and Windranger. If their casts were interrupted, any later casts would be at the same power level, even if in the later casts they successfully channeled the entire channel time.

  • Fixed the longstanding issue where more than one of the same type of Demon would still invalidate the Demon alliance.

  • Tweaked Savage numbers to [7, 15, 25] from [4, 8, 15].

In our internal playtests, the game is different enough that the old Savage numbers (and the change to Demons) felt balanced, but public is in a very different space right now so this should work better for the public game.

October 2


  • Removed Summon Units challenge.

  • Fixed an issue where some abilities that preferred the unit's current target (e.g. Slardar's Corrosive Haze) could be cast outside their maximum range.

  • Fixed an issue where Tusk could punch something so hard it never returned to earth.

  • Added a new Notice animation for Tiny.

Hero changes


  • Shapeshift:

    • Fixed an issue where Lycan was healing too much on shift.


  • Corrosive Haze:

    • Will no longer be cast again on a target currently affected by it.


  • Venomous Gale:

    • While Venomancer still only targets units within his attack range (3 cells), the actual Gale projectile travels up to 5 cells.

    • Projectile damage increased to [30, 60, 120] from [25, 50, 100].


  • Viper is now a Scaled Dragon (was Dragon Assassin).

  • Removed Viper Strike ability.

  • Added Nethertoxin:

    • Viper poisons a cell, dealing [50, 100, 150] damage per second to any enemy unit in it and disabling their passives. Duration: 5s.

    • Mana Cost: 50.

    • Cooldown: 5s.

Item changes

Big-Time Contract:

  • Players can only have a maximum of 1 of this item now.



  • Changed to: Allied Savage units gain +[4, 8, 15] Attack Damage each time they land an attack on an enemy. This replaces the bleed effect that would be applied each time they landed an attack.

September 26


  • Fixed longstanding issue where passive abilities (excepting Dragon special abilities and Sand King's Caustic Finale) used stats from one rank higher, e.g. Crystal Maiden 2-star using Crystal Maiden 3-star's values. Some units got a buff to compensate (see below), and we'll be monitoring the others.

  • A few Bots had their electronic brains unscrewed, tweaked, and reattached.

  • Added some new animations for benched units when under unit cap.

  • Fixed an issue where tiny quantities of damage could generate either too little or too much Mana. Warlock casting Shadow Word would cause this.

  • Fixed a visual-only issue where Lina and Crystal Maiden would return from the dead at the end of combat.

  • With most summons removed (see below), removed the Summoning Stone item.

  • Units killing themselves no longer get those kills scored. Sorry Barricades!

Hero changes


  • Armor changed from 5 to [5, 10, 15].

  • Maximum Health changed from [700, 1400, 2800] to [805, 1610, 3220].


  • Static Storm:

    • Fixed an issue where total damage dealt could be wrong.

    • No longer gives units in the storm a miss chance.

Dragon Knight

  • Elder Dragon Form:

    • Fixed Corrosive Breath not working (it incorrectly had a duration of 0).

Drow Ranger

  • Attack Rate changed from 0.769 to 0.833.

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [56, 112, 225].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [62, 125, 250].


  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 240] to [65, 130, 312].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 288] to [78, 156, 375].

  • Summon Wolves is now Shapeshift:

    • No wolves are summoned.

    • Max HP gain from [30, 40, 50] to [40, 50, 60].

    • Critical Hit bonus changed from [150, 175, 200] to [200, 225, 250].

Nature's Prophet

  • Attack Rate changed from 0.714 to 0.769.

  • Maximum Mana changed from 50 to 100.

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [56, 112, 225].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [62, 125, 250].

  • Removed Nature's Call ability.

  • Added Wrath of Nature:

    • Nature's Prophet zaps a target for [250, 275, 300] damage. This bounces [3, 4, 5] times across enemies in the board, increasing the damage by [10, 13, 15]% per bounce.

    • Mana Cost: 100.

    • Cooldown: [15, 13, 11].

Shadow Shaman

  • Attack Rate changed from 0.625 to 0.8.


  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 60.

  • Walrus PUNCH!:

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 60.

    • Cooldown changed from 7 to 4.


  • Removed Plague Ward ability.

  • Added Venomous Gale:

    • Launches a ball of venom in a line, poisoning enemy units so that they take [25, 50, 100] damage as well as [10, 20, 40] damage every 3s for a duration of 15s. Affected units lose 50% movement speed and 25 Attack Rate.

    • Mana Cost: 100.

    • Cooldown: [10, 8, 6].

September 19


  • 2-star and 3-star visual upgrades for Batrider, Enigma, Slark, Sniper, and Warlock.

  • The janitor took out some more crash trash.

  • Fixed an issue where Terrorblade could Sunder with the wrong unit at cast time, including dead units.

  • Can no longer enter combat preview mode on the board when in combat.

Hero changes


  • Bloodrage:

    • Now ramps up to his existing maximum attack speed bonus of 500 earlier, at 20% health (was 0%).


  • Chain Frost:

    • Bounce range changed to 2 (was 4).

Templar Assassin

  • Added Meld:

    • When first attacking after teleporting, Templar Assassin fires a projectile that does [50, 100, 150] damage on impact and decreases her target's armor by [2, 4, 6] for 5 seconds.

Treant Protector

  • Leech Seed:

    • If the target of Leech Seed dies before the ability duration expires, the seed jumps to another target for its remaining duration.


  • Walrus Punch:

    • Tusk is now invulnerable while mid-Punch.


  • Shadow Word:

    • Now heals 75% of the total heal instantly, and the remaining 25% over the duration of the buff. This results in [168, 337, 675] instant heal and [56, 112, 225] over the remaining duration.

    • Damage per second changed from [50, 100, 150] to [75, 150, 300].

Alliance changes

Deadeye Alliance

  • Added a small health difference buffer to prevent Deadeye units constantly changing targets.

Item changes


  • Raise Zombies:

    • Range changed from 2 cells to 1.

September 12

We have updated our servers with the following changes.

NOTE: Tooltips on mobile platforms will not reflect the changes until the build is updated.


  • Reduced the chances of finding T4 Units by 5%, from level 6 to 8.

Hero changes

Arc Warden

  • Maximum Health changed from [700, 1400, 2800] to [600, 1200, 2400]


  • Ace Effect:

    • Now prevents gaining mana from attacks while Hexed, Silenced or Stunned, instead of draining it.


  • Ace Effect:

    • Now reads: The effect of the Warlocks Alliance is now applied to 1 target per Alliance level.

Alliance changes

Warlock Alliance

  • Healing changed from [50%, 80%, 130%] -> [50%, 70%, 100%].

Assassin Alliance

  • On a critical strike, Assassin's wound the target reducing healing done by [50%, 100%]

September 5


  • Uncap Proto-Pass XP, up level cap to 99.

  • 2-star and 3-star visual upgrades for Alchemist, Bloodseeker, Crystal Maiden, Sand King, and Tusk.

  • Animation imrpovements.

  • FX optimization and improvements.

  • Added framerate option on mobile. Now you can select from the default (30FPS), 60FPS, and 15FPS (battery saver), as well as an option to up to 60FPS only while plugged in.

  • When a unit in the shop can combine into a 3-star unit, the 3-star version rather than the 2-star version is shown.


  • Melee units can now target barricades if no better targets are available.

  • Assassin targeting and Blink Dagger targeting is now a bit more random between left and right when selecting the farthest target.

Hero changes

Arc Warden

  • Tempest Double:

    • There is now a 3 second cooldown on creating another clone whenever a clone dies.

Sand King

  • Caustic Finale:

    • Fixed an issue where duration was not set properly, leading to Caustic Finale doing the timer-expired rather than the on-death damage much of the time.


  • Ravage:

    • Now applies its damage after the stun is applied, so the Shaman Ace Effectinteracts properly.


  • Toss:

    • Tiny can now toss Target Buddy.

September 2

Hero changes


  • Ace Effect:

    • Now: Enemies affected by Hexes, Silences or Stuns will generate -200% mana. (Was: Extends the effects of the Shaman Alliance to your entire army.)

Alliance changes


  • Units now again have a 17% chance of being turned into a chicken when attacking a Shaman, up from 10%.

August 31


  • Fixed an issue with Bloodseeker and Deadeye. Sometimes the Deadeye target is unreachable; in that case Bloodseeker will attack the next-best reachable target.

  • Fixed an issue where Arc Warden's clone would not equip some items in combat.

  • Fixed an issue where Target Buddy wouldn't get bonus health from items, just bonus max health.

  • Fixed Target Buddy, with Big Time Contract equipped, not buffing Bloodbound units on death.

  • Fixed Ace Effects counting benched units for activation requirements.

  • Fixed Ace Effects not applying to summons.

  • Fixed Barricades sometimes not blocking the damage from ranged attacks. If a unit is within 1 cell of a barricade, and the ranged attack passes through the barricade's cell, the barricade takes the damage rather than the unit. If the attack passes through multiple barricades, the barricade whose cell center is closest to the line of attack takes the damage.

  • Fixed a bug introduced in this update where modifiers were being removed on death even if they should not be (for example, Enchantress's wisps were being removed on her death when they should persist).

  • The prior patchnotes described Troll Warlord's change in attack time rather than attack rate. The change in Attack Rate is actually 1.0 -> 0.77.

August 30


  • Contraptions are placeable items.

  • Contraptions, when on the board, behave like regular units. You can drag them around, and they affect gameplay in combat.

  • Contraptions do not count against the unit cap.


  • Tier 5 units are now Aces. Each is the capstone to its associated alliance.

  • Each Ace unit, in addition to its regular abilities, offers a new Ace effect that is enabled when you have at least one level of its associated alliance.

  • When at least one level of that alliance is enabled, when an Ace unit appears in the shop, the odds of it being the Ace unit associated with that alliance is increased by 15%.


  • Improvements to the Friends UI.

  • Remove most cases of unexpected unit deselection.

  • You can now see the the next level's odds of finding a particular hero.

  • Unit status panel now shows correct armor values during combat.


  • Speculative fix for Anti-Mage sometimes not doing damage while attacking.

  • Improvements to AI pathing.

Hero changes


  • Alliance changed from Human Assassin to Human Deadeye Assassin.

Bounty Hunter:

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [50, 100, 200].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [70, 140, 280].


  • Draft Tier changed from 4 to Ace for the Warlock Alliance.

  • Alliances changed from Brawny Shaman Warlock to Brawny Warlock.

  • Maximum Health changed from [700, 1400, 2800] to [900, 1600, 3400].

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [54, 108, 216].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [60, 120, 240].

  • Ace Effect: The effect of the Warlock Alliance is now applied to 2 units in addition to the warlock itself, rather than one unit.


  • Ace for the Shaman Alliance.

  • Ace Effect: Extends the effects of the Shaman Alliance to your entire army.


  • Ace for the Deadeye Alliance.

  • Ace Effect: Grants Deadeye units True Strike. Units with True Strike cannot miss.


  • Ace for the Mage Alliance.

  • Ace Effect: Your army's mana generation from attacks is increased 10% per MageAlliance level.


  • Ace for the Scaled Alliance.

  • Attack Range changed from 4 to 3.

  • Ace Effect: Grants Scaled units Retaliate. When a unit with Retaliate is attacked, they apply a 25 dmg/sec per Alliance level debuff to their attacker.

  • Stone Gaze:

    • Radius changed from 4 to 3.

Ogre Magi:

  • Ogre Magi will cast Bloodlust on himself first, and then on allies ordered by distance, closest first.


  • Ace for the Inventor Alliance.

  • Ace Effect: Grants Inventor units Chain Reaction. If an enemy dies as a result of Unstable Reactor, they explode just as if they had Unstable Reactor.

Troll Warlord:

  • Ace for the Troll Alliance.

  • Attack Rate changed from 1.0 to 1.3.

  • Ace Effect: Grants your units Mini-Bash: While attacking, your team has a 5% chance per Troll Alliance level of stunning their target for 0.25 seconds.

Item changes


  • Newly added Tier 2 Contraption.

  • Has 400 Health and 20 Armor.

  • Two placeable barriers to block enemies and ranged attacks. Immune to spells.

Target Buddy:

  • Newly added Tier 2 Contraption.

  • Has 1000 Health and 10 Armor.

  • Taunts enemies and draws fire. Can equip items.

Healing Ward:

  • Newly added Tier 3 Contraption.

  • Has 200 Health.

  • Heals friendly units within 1 cell for 20hp/s.


  • Newly added Tier 4 Contraption.

  • Has 2000 Health and 20 Armor.

  • Ally and enemy heroes spawn zombies when they die within 2 cells of the Tombstone.

Alliance changes

Shaman: Now requires 2 heroes to activate, down from 3 heroes to activate.

  • Units now have a 10% chance of being turned into a chicken when attacking a Shaman, down from 17%.

Assassin: Now gives bonuses at 3/6 heroes, down from 3/6/9 heroes.

  • Assassin Level 1 (3 heroes): 300% crit damage chance increased to 15%, up from 10%.

  • Assassin Level 2 (6 heroes): 400% crit damage chance increased to 25%, up from 20%.

Elusive: Now gives bonuses at 3/6 heroes, down from 3/6/9 heroes.

  • Elusive Level 1 (3 heroes): Evasion increased to 25%, up from 20%.

  • Elusive Level 2 (6 heroes): Evasion increased to 50%, up from 45%.

Warrior: Now gives bonuses at 3/6 heroes, down from 3/6/9 heroes.

  • Warrior Level 1 (3 heroes): no changes (Armor bonus is +10).

  • Warrior Level 2 (6 heroes): Armor increased to +20, up from +15.

Oh and our hero odds changed one more time:

Dota Underlords unit tier odds by level August 30 2019.jpg

August 25

We have released a hotfix to further adjust the odds of getting Tier 4 and Tier 5 units at higher levels.

Here's the new table:

Units tier odds by level Dota Underlords August 25 2019.jpg

It was worthwhile to test those odds and see how those changes mixed in with the Tier 3 - 3 Star meta we have been playing for the last few weeks.

In this update, we toned down Tier 5 units and moved them to Level 9 and 10. We have some ideas internally on what we want to do with Tier 5 units now, and the community's chatter has helped us refine how we think about these pieces.


August 23


  • Crashes? Smashed.

  • Fixed some iOS devices playing audio at a higher pitch.

  • More FX optimization and improvement.


  • Mana bar changes color when unit reaches full mana.

  • Added callout to Achievements tab when there are unclaimed achievements.

  • Added "Finding a match" indicator to the play button when in the queue.

  • Level-up button in shop now, on hover, previews XP increase from buying XP.

  • For Lords of White Spire: when starting a game, preview the MMR you'd gain from coming in first and lose from coming in eighth.

  • Misc UI improvements.


  • Adjusted hero tier distribution curves. Tier 4 and 5 pieces are somewhat more common at high levels (chart at the bottom of these notes).

  • Increased Tier 4 hero pool to 20 per hero.

  • XP is now given before the shop refreshes at the start of the round. If you gain a level at the end of a round, your shop for the next round is now based off that new level.

  • Shop refreshes no longer use the blacklist mechanic. Only user-initiated shop refreshes (i.e. rerolls, free and paid) use the blacklist mechanic.

Hero changes


  • Doom's Doom now disables the Brawny health buff.


  • Now Tier 3.

  • Blade Fury now activates if there is at least 1 enemy in range (was 2 enemies).

Shadow Shaman

  • Voodoo will no longer be cast on an already-hexed enemy.

Unit tier odds by level Dota Underlords August 2019.jpg

August 16

  • Sniper's cooldown actually cools down.

  • Prevented Sniper casting Assassinate on dead units.

  • Fixed an issue with the DPS meter on PC clients.

  • Fixed combat result notifications not showing when a player lost but took 0 damage.

  • Fixed Terrorblade's ability description using a % sign where it should not.

August 15


  • Crashes. You know what they are. You know what we do to them. Well, we did it some more.

  • When a unit is hexed and can't hop away, it now hops in place and doesn't stay hexed indefinitely.

  • Made Steam login work better for mobile players.

  • Fixed several bugs with switching between other players' fights.

  • Clicking on Spectate Player to watch a friend's game will now start you spectating that player when you load into the game.

  • While viewing other player's boards, the Fight Preview Button is now available during all phases, not just the Preparing phase.

  • Alchemist acid spray FX shows in proper location now.

  • FX updates and optimization

  • Fixed a bug where the unit selection highlight could show incorrectly.


  • UI can now be toggled between large and small screen separately from cursor/touch input. This means you can run the old "PC" mode UI on tablets, for example, while still having interaction optimized for touch. This also fixes many issues with running the large-screen UI on mobile devices and the small-screen UI on PCs.

  • Party Matches now start through the regular Play button, once a party has formed.

  • Fixed sigils being clipped when more than 6 are unlocked.

  • Fixed alliance tooltips not working correctly while spectating.

  • Fixed leaderboard not working correctly for matches with fewer than 8 players.

  • Improved ability descriptions for Disruptor and Nature's Prophet.

  • Popups now only trigger for changes in major rank, not minor rank.

  • Misc UI fixes and improvements.

  • Localization improvements, including Yos.


  • Lords of White Spire Rank Score is now updated using standard Elo formula. More details here.

  • Changed bonus given when attaining Lord of White Spire, such that a new Lord of White Spire lands at around 15,000.

  • Rank Scores of existing Lords of White Spire have been shifted and compressed into the new range in a way that retains existing leaderboard positions.

Hero changes


Blade Fury:

  • Juggernaut continues to attack his current target normally while spinning.

  • Properly purges stuns, evens those applied by the hit that triggered Blade Fury.

Ogre Magi


  • Mana cost is now 0. Cooldown is still 5 seconds.


Phase Shift:

  • Will no longer trigger if Puck is hexed or stunned or force-attacking a target.

  • Properly purges stuns, evens those applied by the hit that triggered Phase Shift.


Plasma Field:

  • Fixed doing extra damage to units 1 cell away (was doing 50% more damage to them than it should).

  • Fixed doing half damage to units 3 cells away.

  • Fixed applying damage to units too early while the field is contracting.

Sand King

Caustic Finale:

  • Reworked: Whenever Sand King damages an enemy with an attack or ability, the target is poisoned for 3.5 seconds. When the poison expires, it bursts and deals damage and slows the attack speed of all enemies adjacent to the target. Damage is halved if the target is still alive when the poison expires.

  • Attack Slow Duration changed from 3.5 to 1.75.

  • AoE Damage if the target dies changed from [60, 110, 160] to [50, 100, 200]

  • AoE Damage on Expiration changed from [55, 100, 190] to [25, 50, 100]


  • Is now Scrappy in addition to Deadeye and Hunter.


  • Will not restart the cast if the target dies. He will simply switch to the next valid target and go from there.


  • Armor changed from 5 to 10.

  • Maximum Health changed from [850, 1700, 3400] to [1100, 2700, 5500].

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [60, 120, 250].

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [55, 110, 220] to [70, 150, 300].

Item changes


  • No longer targets silenced/hexed/passive-ability units.

Helm of the Undying

  • Fixed undying units sometimes doing round damage to the opposing player.

  • Fixed Bloodseeker both not activating the Helm but also not dying when he bleeds out (he now activates the Helm).

Refresher Orb

  • in addition to its current actions, halves the remaining cooldown time of active cooldowns of allies within 1 cell and restores 25 mana to them.

Summoning Stone

  • Fixed issue where the bonus health was not being applied to Arc Warden's clones.


  • Fixed Disruptor Static Storm being overly brawny.

  • Fixed sometimes not saving settings on mobile.

  • Misc UI fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed an issue with logging on to Steam for the first time on Android.

  • Fixed an issue with the Loot Rounds page in Season Info while in a game.

  • More improvements to Party invite UI flow.

  • Fixed Terrorblade ability tooltip using wrong numbers for attack speed.

  • Ogre Magi now has 0 max mana.

August 10

  • Batrider’s ability text now shows the actual max stacks at each level.

  • Support Color-Blind mode on mobile.

  • Fix issues where challenge/achievement progress would only sometimes register.

  • Fix same issue with tracking Damage Dealt throughout the game for the endgame stats

  • Juggernaut no longer enters T-pose while spinning.

  • Units no longer enter T-pose while stunned.

  • Fixed XP counter not showing in the shop on mobile while in PC UI mode.

August 8


  • We crashed some crashing code into a crash compactor.

  • Fixed some issues with animations and unit facing.

  • More FX have been optimized.

  • Units affected by Medusa's Stone Gaze now visually freeze and look stony.

  • Changed Global Items achievement to require 2, not 4, global items.

  • Bot games now start paused when they are resumed.

  • Bot personalities tweaked for the current state of the game.

  • The Combat Stats Kills panel now treats kills like damage (summons' kills accrue to the summoner).


  • Fixed an issue where the wrong alliance icons could be shown when a unit is placed on the board and an alliance completes.

  • Fixed an issue where the +Free Reroll line could be shown in error on the round rewards popup.

  • Fixed some issues with Proto Pass progress display.

  • Fixed reoccurring rank-up popups.

  • Can now click on heroes on the scoreboard and all heroes of that type will be highlighted.

  • In-game alliance tooltip/popup now shows icons for all heroes in that alliance.

  • Fixed sometimes not notifying other players when a combat ended and an Aegis was used.

  • Highlight your own row on the scoreboard.

  • General UI updates and polish.


  • Fixed an issue with ability targeting and summons where those abilities which sort units by, e.g., health were not properly excluding summons.

  • Fixed unexploded Techies Bombs doing player damage on round over.

Alliance changes

  • Elusive: Level 3 Alliance (9 heroes) - changed from "All units gain +75% evasion" to "All heroes gain +75% evasion".

  • Demon Hunter Level 2 Alliance (2 heroes) - changed from "Invalidate your opponent's Demon Alliance bonus. All Demon units gain +50% Pure Damage. All Demon Hunters gain +50% Pure Damage." to "Invalidate your opponent's Demon Alliance bonus. All Demon and Demon Hunter units gain +50% Pure Damage." This means that Terroblade no longer gets the double bonus.

  • Hunter Level 1 (3 heroes): Extra Attacks chance raised from 20% to 25%. Level 2 (6 heroes): Extra Attacks chance raised from 35% to 40%.

Hero Changes


  • Doom's Doom ability now uniformly disables passive bonuses, including alliance passive bonuses.

  • Ability description changed to reflect this.


  • When Lycan transforms and he gains 30% max health, he heals by the full 30% each time, rather than this being based on his current health at the time of transforming.


  • If Juggernaut is eligible to cast Blade Fury (has enough mana, not on cooldown) and he is about to take magic damage, he immediately casts Blade Fury and takes no magic damage.

Item Changes

Helm of the Undying

  • Undying units, if they are in the undying state, will never deal damage to the opponent, but will still count when determining which side won a round.

August 2


  • Some code that didn't use to crash had started crashing. That problem is now fixed.

  • Fixed an issue with finish-in-top-3 achievement.

  • Fixed an issue with Brawny kills not being tracked.

  • Fixed an issue with win-rounds achievement.

  • Fixed an issue where Divine Rapier could be lost or won when fighting a clone. It can now only be lost in head-to-head combat.

  • Fixed an issue with Poaching Knife giving extra gold.

  • Fixed an issue with Proto Pass items not unlocking immediately.


  • Demon Hunter Alliance: extra Pure Damage only applies at Level 2 of the alliance. Extra Pure Damage is now +50% for all Demon Hunters regardless of number of Demons on the board.

August 1

Head to Head

  • Players are now paired off to fight directly against each other, and both take part in the same shared combat.

  • When an odd number of players are present one of the players fights a clone of an actual player.

  • Leaderboard now pairs off players when they're in head-to-head combat.

New Ranked System

  • Rank is now a number you can see that moves up and down in a predictable way.

  • Rank change is based solely on where you finish in a Ranked match and does not depend on your opponents' Rank.

  • Any time you reach the next minor Rank, we also grant bonus rank points.

  • Just like before, once you obtain a major Rank, it's locked in and you cannot drop below it.

  • More details and breakdown of rank thresholds here.

New Casual Multiplayer Mode

  • Play multiplayer games without affecting your Rank.

  • You will be matched against opponents of your same skill level.

  • You can queue up solo or with friends.

  • This is where you experiment with new builds, or complete those elusive challenges.

  • Daily Challenges and Achievements can be earned in Casual Multiplayer matches.

Ranked Multiplayer Mode Updates

  • Your Rank (Enforcer I, Upstart III, etc) is used to find opponents.

  • Play Ranked matches solo or in a party, see this post for details about party ranked.

  • New players will need to unlock ranked mode by playing 5 casual games. (Don't worry, accounts with at least one Multiplayer game will be grandfathered in.)

  • Daily Challenges and Achievements can be earned in Ranked Multiplayer matches.


  • Complete achievements to earn Proto Pass XP

  • Complete an entire tier of achievements to unlock equippable Banner Sigils (i.e. complete all three 1-star Economy achievements to unlock the piggy sigil)

Added 2-Star and 3-Star look upgrades to the following Heroes:

  • Abaddon

  • Arc Warden

  • Anti-Mage

  • Clockwerk

  • Doom

  • Dragon Knight

  • Drow Ranger

  • Gyrocopter

  • Kunkka

  • Lina

  • Luna

  • Medusa

  • Mirana

  • Phantom Assassin

  • Queen of Pain

  • Razor

  • Templar Assassin

  • Timbersaw

  • Tiny

  • Venomancer


  • Round damage eliminated for rounds 4-9. Round Damage starts at round 11, at 2 damage, and proceeds as before from then on (3 starting at round 20, 4 at round 30, etc.).

  • Whenever a player loses a round against another player, the loser gains a free reroll the next round. This reroll is not stackable, so use it or lose it.


  • Fixed solo games / tutorial not ending (staying on an empty board screen) when you are not connected to Steam.

  • Fixed Spirit Bear HP bar offset

  • Fixed Defeat screen sometimes not showing correct units and damage

  • Fixed healing-disabling items not applying in neutral waves

  • Clarified some alliance text

  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect message was sent when a Divine Rapier was stolen

  • Fixed an issue with players being shown to have completed their rounds on the leaderboard before that was actually true

  • Fixed Deadeye units not switching away from unselectable targets.

  • Fixed Unstoppable (now Helm of the Undying) triggering too early.

  • Fixed incorrect stun duration after Burrow Strike bump.

  • Further particle effect optimizations across all platforms.

  • Fixed crashes when resuming app on iOS

  • Several optimizations for ARM Mali GPUs

  • Added option (defaults to on) to automagically deploy units from your bench if you have room on the board and combat begins before you had time to do so yourself.


  • Updated post-game screen with progress, stats, and scoreboard

  • Improved mobile responsiveness to touch events (dragging, scrolling, etc.)

  • General UI updates and polish


  • Fixed playing the startup animation if you start spectating or reconnect to a game after the first round

  • Spectators can now see the shop of players from the same party that they started the match with

Hero Changes

Crystal Maiden

  • Maximum Health changed from (450, 900, 1800) to (550, 1100, 2000)

  • Gold Cost changed from 2 to 3


  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from (40, 50) to (40, 80)

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from (60, 70) to (60, 120)

  • Armor changed from 20 to (5, 10)

  • Maximum Health changed from 300 to (300, 600)


  • Juggernaut will only cast Blade Fury when he's surrounded by at least 2 enemies.


  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 2

Ogre Magi

  • Bloodlust

    • Self Bonus Attack Speed changed from (35, 55, 75) to (50, 90, 130)

    • Other Bonus Attack Speed changed from (30, 40, 50) to (30, 65, 100)

Shadow Fiend

  • Attack Range changed from 4 to 3

  • Requiem of Souls

    • Projectile Start Width changed from 125 to 128

    • Projectile End Width changed from 425 to 256


  • Plague Ward

    • Number of Wards spawned changed from (1, 1, 3) to (1, 1, 1)

    • Maximum Health changed from (200, 200, 240) to (200, 220, 240)

    • Attack Damage Minimum changed from (50, 80, 120) to (50, 100, 150)

    • Attack Range changed from 6 to 8

    • Attack Damage Maximum changed from (55, 100, 140) to (55, 110, 170)

Witch Doctor

  • Paralyzing Cask

    • Cooldown changed from 10 to 15

Item Changes

Alliance items have been disabled. Many of these effects have been migrated to Alliances or Equipment. The rest went back into the Underlords Vault.

New Items

  • Helm of the Undying: Tier 2 Defensive Equipment: "+5 Armor. Equipped hero survives for an extra 4 seconds after receiving a killing blow."

  • Bracers of Desperation: Tier 3 Support Equipment: "Equipped hero resets their cooldown and gets full mana when below 30% health. Attack target's magic resistance is reduced by 30%."

  • Poaching Knife: Tier 3 Offensive Equipment: "Equipped hero has a 30% chance of producing 1 gold when they kill an enemy. Attacks against units with less than 20% health crit for 200%."

  • Dawning of Ristul: Tier 3 Global Item: "Healing for both crews is reduced by 50%."

Removed Items

  • Cloak

  • Recruiter

  • Vicious Intent

  • Wicked Intent

Item Changes

Big-Time Contract

  • Changed from "Equipped unit is Blood-bound in addition to its other types." to "+250 Health. Equipped unit is Blood-bound in addition to its other types."

Brooch of the Martyr

  • Changed from "+50% Mana gained from receiving damage." to "+50% Mana gained from receiving damage. +50% debuff resistance."


  • Bonus Armor changed from +7 to +10


  • Attack Damage changed from +21 to +30

Gloves of Haste

  • Attack Speed changed from +20 to +25

Hood of Defiance

  • Tier changed from 3 to 1

Octarine Essence

  • Tier changed from 2 to 3

Tranquil Boots

  • Health Regen changed from +16 to +25

Force Staff

  • Now pushes melee attackers away from the equipped hero when taking damage.

Alliance changes

  • Elusive: Level 3 Alliance (9 heroes) - changed from "Allied Elusive units gain +75% evasion" to "All units gain +75% evasion."

  • Warlock: Healing Link duration changed from 3 seconds to 2 seconds

  • Brawny: Changed from "All Brawny units have their Maximum HP increased by 200/500" to "All Brawny units gain +30/60 maximum HP for each kill they have."

  • Savage: Changed from "Allies gain +10/25/45% Attack Damage" to "Allied Savage units apply a stackable 5/10/15 damage/s bleed on attack for 3s. Duration refreshes each attack."

  • Shaman: Changed from "Enemies affected by Hexes, Silences or Stuns will generate -200% mana" to "Units attacking a Shaman have a 17% chance of being turned into a chicken and hop 4 cells in a random direction."

  • Primordial: Changed from "Enemies attacking Primordial/Allied units have a 25% chance to have their attack speed slowed by 50% each attack. This effect is applied at the start of the attack and lasts for the duration of the attack." to "Allied Primordial units spawn a rank 1/2 Eidolon on death. Eidolons are ranged Primordial units that don't spawn Eidolons."

  • Inventor: Changed from "Allied Inventors get 15/40 HP regen" to "Allied Inventors explode on death dealing 15/30% of their Max Health to all enemies 1 cell away"

  • Demon Hunter: In addition to the existing bonuses both levels now also have "All Demon Hunters gain 30% Pure Damage for each unique allied Demon unit."

  • Assassin: Level 3 Alliance (9 heroes) - In addition to the existing bonuses level 3 now also has "All Assassins also blind enemies 1 cell away from where they land for 2 seconds (50% miss chance and 50% less mana when attacked)"

July 24


  • We have found more code that caused crashes and told it to behave

  • Updated Slark's ability description to match the gameplay - he is not intended to reduce enemy attack speed

  • Added Rich Presence when finding a match

  • Fixed lack of glow in Roshan's "Vs." image

  • Quality of Life and look improvements have been done to the Season Info UI

  • Fixed win/lose streak particles sometimes not showing up

  • Many particle effects optimizations have been done

  • Tweaks to foliage and other visuals on the Path of Sunbreeze custom board

  • Fix Thunderhides' ability tooltip referring to Ogre Magi

  • Fix an issue where a unit that has two units Tiny Tossed against it in rapid succession would only take damage once

  • Fix Warlock alliance not correctly choosing low health units to link to

  • Fix Desperate Measures not applying to summons

  • Don't allow player interaction while the map is loading

  • Units prefer to target heroes rather than summons with their abilities, but if no heroes are available they will still target summons


Arc Warden

  • Attack Speed changed from [0.59, 0.67, 0.77] to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 0

  • Maximum Health changed from [600, 1100, 2650] to [700, 1400, 2800]

  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 4

  • Draft Tier changed from 3 to 4

  • Tempest Double:

    • Cooldown changed from 60 to 0

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 0

    • Now reads: Arc Warden creates a copy of himself with the same health he currently has. The clone can use all of Arc Warden's current items and will attempt to attack the same enemy as his summoner. Whenever this clone dies, Arc Warden will create a new one.


  • Armor changed from [5, 7, 10] to [10, 13, 15]

  • Maximum Health changed from [800, 1600, 3200] to [950, 1800, 3500]


  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [75, 150, 300]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [80, 160, 320]


  • Attack Speed changed from 0.67 to 0.77

  • Armor changed from 10 to 5

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 225] to [60, 120, 270]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 275] to [72, 144, 330]

Treant Protector

  • Leech Seed:

    • Projectile Speed changed from 600 to 800

    • Leech Damage and Heal changed from [80, 110, 150] to [100, 150, 200]


  • Alliance changed from Human Warrior Savage to Human Hunter Savage

  • Lycan's Wolves are Hunter Savages


  • Juggernaut Attack Speed changed from 0.91 to [0.91, 1.0, 1.25]

  • Juggernaut Min Damage changed from [65, 130, 260] to [65, 140, 280]

  • Juggernaut Max Damage changed from [70, 140, 280] to [70, 150, 300]


Font of Creation

  • Eidolon HP changed from [300, 400, 500] to 300

  • Eidolon Max Damage changed from [70, 80, 90] to [60, 70, 80]



  • Level 1: Enemies attacking Primordial units have a 25% chance to have their attack speed slowed by 50 each attack. This effect is applied at the start of the attack and lasts for the duration of the attack.

  • Level 2: Enemies attacking friendly units have a 25% chance to have their attack speed slowed by 50 each attack. This effect is applied at the start of the attack and lasts for the duration of the attack.

July 19

These fixes are server side so nothing is required on your end.

  • Fix an issue with Wicked Intent where it was not applying to an opponent’s summons.

  • Fix an issue where units showed healing or regeneration after death (even if opponent had Wicked Intent). This was purely cosmetic but is now fixed.

  • Fix issue with global items challenge where it was not properly registering alliance items.

  • Fix Troll alliance level 1 not applying to non-troll units. Note that the alliance description still does not show this change, but the gameplay is correct now.

  • Fix Knight alliance so that knights standing next to each other get their proper bonus.

July 17

Mid-Season Update


  • Added Loot Round tips and tricks to the Season Info tab

  • Added Battle Pass Loadout. You can now change your equipped items

  • Added Path to Sunbreeze custom board

  • Fixed high CPU utilization on macOS

  • Removed code that caused crashes and kept code that doesn't cause crashes

  • Buffed Battle Pass XP rewards for playing matches:

    • 1st: 120->150

    • 2nd: 80->120

    • 3rd: 60->100

    • 4th: 50->90

    • 5th: 30->80

    • 6th: 20->70

    • 7th: 10->60

    • 8th: 10->50

  • Increased Battle Pass XP rewards for the different tiers of daily challenges:

    • 250->400

    • 500->800

    • 1000->1600


  • The work continues on increasing performance on iOS and Android devices

  • Improved battery usage on iOS


  • Combat persists while some abilities complete their attacks (Lich, Witch Doctor, etc)

  • Summons are no longer included in targetting for spells. Except for special summons like Arc Warden and Spirit Bear

  • Fixed boxed in Assassins not jumping toward their enemies

  • Assassins that have an enemy in their attack range will attack instead of jumping

  • Changed the length of the preparation phase for the first 3 rounds from 25 seconds to 15 seconds

  • Don't target healing-disabled units for heals

  • There is now a notification when someone completes their win streak

  • You won't see heroes from the previous shop whenever you re-roll the shop

Alliance changes

  • Warlock Alliance now targets the unit with the lowest health % not lowest health value

  • Warlock Alliance lifesteal changed from [50%, 100%, 150%] to [50%, 80%, 130%]

  • Troll Alliance Tier 1 now provides 10% attack speed bonus to ALL allies.

  • Knight Alliance changed from [ -15, -20, -30 ] to [ -15, -20, -25 ]

  • Bloodbound Alliance extra damage changed from +100% to +125%

  • Heartless Alliance changed from [-5, -10, -20] to [-5, -10, -15]

  • Primordial Alliance now also has a 10% chance to disarm ranged attackers for 4 seconds

  • Scrappy Alliance now takes 2 units per level (down from 3) :

    • Level 1 - A random scrappy unit is granted +9 Armor and +8 HP regeneration

    • Level 2 - All scrappy units are granted +9 Armor and +8 HP regeneration

    • Level 3 - All allies are granted +9 Armor and +8 HP regeneration

    • [Armor and HP are doubled if you start the fight with less units than your opponent] is changed to [Armor and HP are doubled whenever you have fewer units alive than your opponent does].

Hero changes


  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [45, 90, 216]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [55, 110, 220] to [55, 110, 264]

  • Aphotic Shield:

    • Damage Absorb changed from [100, 300, 500] to [100, 300, 600]

Arc Warden

  • Attack Speed changed from 0.59 to [0.59, 0.67, 0.77]

  • Maximum Health changed from [600, 1100, 2200] to [600, 1100, 2650]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [75, 150, 250] to [75, 150, 300]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [85, 170, 290] to [85, 170, 350]


  • Armor changed from [5, 7, 9] to [5, 7, 10]

  • Maximum Health changed from [700, 1400, 2800] to [800, 1600, 3200]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [55, 110, 220]

  • Gold Cost changed from 1 to 3

  • Draft Tier changed from 1 to 3

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [55, 110, 220] to [65, 130, 260]

  • Battery Assault:

    • Damage Tick Rate changed from 0.7 to [0.7, 0.7, 0.35]


  • Alliance changed from Primordial Warlock to Primordial Shaman

  • Midnight Pulse:

    • Radius changed from [2, 3, 4] to [1, 2, 3]


  • Ghostship:

    • Damage changed from [150, 250, 350] to [50, 150, 250]

    • Cooldown changed from 10 to 15


  • Laguna Blade:

    • Damage changed from [500, 750, 1000] to [500, 750, 1200]

Lone Druid

  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 60

  • Summon Spirit Bear:

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 60

Spirit Bear

  • Alliances changed from Savage to Savage Druid


  • Maximum Health changed from [750, 1500, 3000] to [750, 1500, 3600]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [50, 100, 240]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [60, 120, 288]

  • Summoned Wolves now have phased movement and can run through other units


  • Gold Cost changed from 4 to 5

  • Draft Tier changed from 4 to 5

  • Split Shot:

    • Damage Modifier changed from -40% to -20%

    • Extra Shots changed from 2 to [2, 3, 4]


  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 70

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [55, 110, 220] to [66, 132, 264]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [65, 130, 260] to [78, 156, 312]

  • Sacred Arrow:

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 70


  • Attack Speed changed from 0.77 to 0.91

  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 75

  • Waveform:

    • Cooldown changed from [10, 8, 6] to [8, 6, 4]

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 75

Nature's Prophet

  • Nature's Call:

    • Cast Animation length changed from 1.97 to 1.0

  • Lesser Treant:

  • Now spawn near Nature's Prophet

  • Attack Speed changed from 0.67 to 0.83

  • Maximum Health changed from [300, 500, 700] to [350, 600, 800]


  • Death Pulse:

    • Cooldown changed from 5 to 7.5


  • Maximum Health changed from [700, 1400, 2800] to [700, 1400, 3360]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [40, 80, 160] to [40, 80, 190]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [50, 100, 240]

  • Purification:

    • Heal changed from [200, 400, 600] to [200, 400, 720]

Phantom Assassin

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [70, 140, 280] to [70, 140, 300]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [90, 180, 360] to [90, 180, 400]

  • Coup de Grace:

    • Crit Chance changed from 10 to [15, 20, 25]


  • Maximum Mana changed from 100 to 60

  • Illusory Orb:

    • Mana Cost changed from 100 to 60

Queen of Pain

  • Armor changed from 0 to 5


  • Maximum Health changed from [750, 1500, 3000] to [500, 1000, 2000]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [40, 80, 160]

  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 1

  • Draft Tier changed from 3 to 1

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [50, 100, 200]

  • Plasma Field:

    • Max Damage changed from [100, 175, 250] to [50, 100, 150]

Sand King

  • Maximum Health changed from [550, 1100, 2200] to [750, 1500, 3200]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [70, 140, 270]

  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 4

  • Draft Tier changed from 3 to 4

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [80, 160, 320]

  • Caustic Finale:

    • Attack Slow changed from -30 to -35

    • Attack Slow duration changed from 3 to 3.5

    • Damage on expiration changed from [45, 90, 180] to [55, 100, 190]

    • Damage on kill changed from [50, 100, 150] to [60, 110, 160]

    • Burrow Strike now displaces the target unit from its cell.

Shadow Fiend

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [70, 140, 280] to [70, 140, 336]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [80, 160, 320] to [80, 160, 384]


  • Maximum Health changed from [500, 1000, 2000] to [500, 1000, 2400]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 72, 105] to [50, 72, 126]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 92, 145] to [60, 92, 174]


  • Attack Speed changed from 0.63 to [0.63, 0.63, 0.77]

  • Maximum Health changed from [450, 900, 1800] to [450, 900, 2160]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [125, 180, 330] to [125, 180, 396]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [150, 210, 360] to [150, 210, 432]


  • Remote Mines:

    • Radius changed from 4 to [3, 3, 4]


  • Maximum Health changed from [650, 1300, 2600] to [650, 1300, 3120]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [45, 90, 180] to [45, 90, 216]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [65, 130, 260] to [65, 130, 312]


  • Alliance changed from Scaled Hunter to Scaled Warrior

  • Maximum Health changed from [950, 1900, 3800] to [850, 1700, 3400]

  • Gold Cost changed from 5 to 4

  • Draft Tier changed from 5 to 4

  • Health Regeneration changed from 5 to 0

  • Ravage:

    • Radius changed from [2, 3, 4] to [1, 2, 3]

    • Damage changed from [150, 250, 350] to [100, 150, 250]

    • Duration changed from [2, 2.5, 3] to [2, 2.25, 3]


  • Maximum Health changed from [500, 1000, 2000] to [750, 1500, 3500]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [40, 80, 160] to [50, 100, 225]

  • Gold Cost changed from 1 to 3

  • Draft Tier changed from 1 to 3

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [50, 100, 200] to [60, 120, 275]

  • Heat-Seeking Missile:

    • Cooldown changed from [8, 6, 4] to [8, 6, 0.5]

    • Damage Per Missile changed from [250, 350, 450] to [350, 450, 450]

    • Targets changed from 3 to [2, 3, 4]

Treant Protector

  • Maximum Health changed from [650, 1300, 2300] to [750, 1500, 2500]

  • Gold Cost changed from 2 to 3

  • Draft Tier changed from 2 to 3

  • Leech Seed:

    • Damage changed from [60, 90, 120] to [80, 110, 150]

    • Radius changed from 3 to 1

    • Expires when the target dies

Troll Warlord

  • Attack Speed changed from 0.91 to 1.0

  • Maximum Health changed from [900, 1800, 3600] to [1200, 2000, 4000]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [90, 180, 360] to [180, 360, 520]

  • Gold Cost changed from 4 to 5

  • Draft Tier changed from 4 to 5

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [100, 200, 400] to [200, 400, 600]


  • Maximum Health changed from [650, 1300, 2600] to [700, 1400, 2800]


  • Maximum Health changed from [550, 1100, 2200] to [500, 1000, 2000]

  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 1

  • Draft Tier changed from 3 to 1

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [55, 110, 220]

  • Plague Ward:

    • Number of wards changed from [1, 2, 4] to [1, 1, 3]

Plague Ward

  • Armor changed from 5 to 0

  • Maximum Health changed from 200 to [200, 200, 240]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from 50 to [50, 80, 120]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from 100 to [55, 100, 140]


  • Maximum Health changed from [550, 1100, 2200] to [550, 1100, 3000]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [50, 100, 150] to [50, 100, 240]

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [60, 120, 360]


  • Maximum Health changed from [550, 1100, 2200] to [550, 1100, 2300]

  • Attack Damage Minimum changed from [60, 120, 240] to [50, 100, 230]

  • Gold Cost changed from 3 to 2

  • Draft Tier changed from 3 to 2

  • Attack Damage Maximum changed from [65, 130, 260] to [60, 120, 260]

  • Powershot:

    • Damage changed from [400, 600, 800] to [200, 400, 600]

Item changes

Alliance Item rework

Alliance items no longer have an inherent Tier and are in their own Alliance category.

At the start of every game Alliance items are randomly assigned a tier: 1, 2, or 3 and are then mixed into the item pool and awarded as normal.

Each player can have Alliance items appear at different tiers. For example, player A could be offered Strange Bedfellows at tier 1 where it would provide a +30% bonus while player B could be offered Strange Bedfellows at tier 3 where it would provide a +50% bonus.

Likewise, in the same game, player A could be offered Elusive Targets at tier 2 with a duration of 3s while player B could be offered Elusive Targets at tier 1 with a duration of 2s. All players will have the same number of Alliance items per tier in their item pool.

Alliance Item changes

  • Unstable Reactor – explosion damage changed from 20% to 10/20/30% of Max Health

  • Coordinated Assault – attack speed buff changed from +25 to +10/20/30

  • Check the Bodies – gold production chance changed from 20% to 10/20/30%

  • Forged in Battle – Max Health bonus changed from +50 to +25/50/75

  • Strange Bedfellows – bonus damage changed from +30% to +30/40/50%

  • Retaliate – damage per second changed from 80 to 30/45/60

  • Age of Chivalry – damage reduction for both physical and magical damage changed from -10 to -7/-10/-12.5 per adjacent Knight

  • Completing the Cycle – heal percentage changed from 5% to 3/5/7% of max health and heal range changed from 1 cell to 2 cells

  • Tooth and Claw – Bleed damage per stack changed from 10 to 7/10/13

  • Unstoppable – Invulnerability duration changed from 2 to 1/2/3

  • Wicked Intent – Heal prevention percentage changed from 25% to 10/15/25% per Heartless unit

  • Dragon’s Hoard – Damage percentage per gold changed from 1% to 0.5/1.0/1.5%

  • Final Flash – Remaining health percent trigger changed from 30% to 10/20/30%

  • Hunter’s Focus – Damage bonus per Hunter attacking the target changed from 10% to 5/7/10%

  • Soul Sucking Syphon – Spell lifesteal percentage changed from 25% to 25/35/50%

  • Indomitable Will – Debuff resistance changed from 50% to 25/50/75%

  • Elusive Targets – Invisibility changed to 100% evasion for 2/3/4s

  • Pocket Sand – Effect duration changed from 2s to 1/2/3s

  • Shaman Pluck – Hex chance changed from 17% to 7/12/17%

  • Font of Creation – Primordials now produce higher rank Eidolons based on the tier of Font of Creation. Eidolon stats affected:

    • Health changed from 240 to 300/400/500.

    • Damage changed from 50-80 to 40-70/50-80/60-90


  • Tier changed from 4 to 3

Vicious Intent:

  • Tier changed from 4 to 3

Force Staff:

  • Tier changed from 3 to 2


  • Tier changed from 4 to 5

Silver Lining:

  • Can only have one.

  • Charges start at 1.


  • Crit Multiplier changed from 235 to 200

  • Damage changed from 80 to 70

Arcane Boots:

  • Range changed from 1 to 2

Eye of Skadi:

  • Tier changed from 3 to 4

Battle Fury:

  • Damage added as 70

  • Cleave % changed from 30 to 35

Summoning Stone:

  • Attack Speed Bonus changed from 30 to 45.


  • Bonus Armor changed from 10 to 7

Mask of Madness:

  • Tier changed from 2 to 3

  • Attack Speed increased from 40 to 60

  • Lifesteal increased from 10 to 20

Completing the Cycle:

  • Range changed from 1 cell to 2 cells.


  • Changed from 'First Reroll is Free' to 'Rerolls now cost 1 gold".

  • Tier changed from 5 to 4

A Higher Class of Criminal:

  • Tier changed from 3 to 5

Shaman Pluck:

  • Ignores magic-immune enemies

Loot rounds

  • Losing to a neutral creep wave no longer removes 2 options from your item choices.

  • Losing to a neutral creep wave results in being offered rewards from the previous creep wave's tier (Losing to the first creep wave has no penalty)

Round 10

  • Big Golem:

    • Maximum Health changed from 2000 to 1500

  • Small Golem:

    • Maximum Health changed from 1500 to 1000

  • Golems now have the Mega-Warrior alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Warrior - 2 units: Allied Mega-Warriors gain 20 armor.

Round 15

  • Big Wolf:

    • Attack Damage changed from 100-200 to 200-250

    • Armor changed from 10 to 5

    • Maximum Health changed from 2500 to 2000

  • Small Wolf:

    • Maximum Health changed from 1500 to 1250

  • Wolves now have the Mega-Assassin alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Assassin - 2 units: Allied Mega-Assassins have a 25% chance to Critical hit for 300% damage

Round 20

  • Tomato:

    • Armor changed from 0 to 25

  • Potato:

    • Magic Resistance changed from 0 to 50%

  • Tomato and Potato now have the Mega-Bloodbound alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Bloodbound - 2 units: Whenever an allied Mega-Bloodbound unit dies, other Mega-Bloodbounds get +500% damage

Round 25

  • Revtel Wildwing:

    • Attack Damage changed from 500-700 to 300-500

  • Wildwing Hatchling:

    • Attack Damage changed from 400-650 to 200-450

  • Wildwings now have the Mega-Elusive alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Elusive - 2 units: Allied Mega-Elusive units have 75% evasion.

Round 30

  • Thunderhide Alpha:

    • Now has 100 mana and casts Bloodlust.

    • Attack Damage Maximum changed from 200-1000 to 200-1500

  • Thunderhide:

    • Now has 100 mana and casts Bloodlust.

    • Attack Damage Maximum changed from 200-800 to 200-1200

  • Thunderhides now have the Mega-Warlock alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Warlocks - 2 units: Whenever a Mega-Warlock casts a spell, they form a link with the Ally who has the lowest health for 3 seconds. When either linked unit deals damage, both units are healed 200% of the damage dealt.

Round 35

  • Black Dragon:

    • Black Dragon splash attack now deals 100% splash damage.

  • Black Dragon now has the Mega-Scaled alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Scaled - 1 unit: Allied Units get 75% magic resistance

Round 40

  • Dark Troll Buddy:

    • Attack Damage changed from 200-300 to 200-400.

  • Dark Troll Priest:

    • Attack Damage increased from 200-500 to 550-650.

    • Maximum Health changed from 5000 to 10000.

  • Dark Troll Boss:

    • Attack Damage increased from 200-500 to 400-800.

    • Maximum Health changed from 5000 to 10000.

  • Dark Trolls now have the Mega-Troll alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Trolls - 3 units: Allied units have +50 attack speed.

Round 45

  • The Year Beast:

    • Magic Resist increased from 50 to 80

  • The Year Beast now has the Mega-Demon alliance keyword.

  • Mega-Demon: - 1 unit: Allied Mega-Demons get +100% pure damage.

Round 50

  • Roshan:

    • Attack Damage changed from 500-1500 to 750-1500

    • Attack Speed changed from 0.5 to 0.67

    • Roshan is now spell immune.

July 12

Proto Battle Pass Update

The Proto Battle Pass is now available and ready for testing. All current and future beta testers get access to this pass for free. Visit the Proto Pass page to learn more.


  • Scoreboard UI improved.

  • Post game now shows items and alliances.

  • Post game now includes scoreboard overview.

  • General UI improvements and bug fixes for different aspect ratios and devices.

  • Expanding on last week's change: Combat continues until all projectiles have completed their travel, up to a max of 5 seconds.

  • Fixed Neutrals not displaying stats correctly in the unit stats panel in combat.

  • Fixed heroes stunned with short duration spells (like Clockwerk's Battery Assault) resetting their attack timers and thus attacking faster than allowed.

  • Increased accuracy of the matchmaking system at high skill levels.


  • Apply alliance effects to summons.

  • Make alliance indicators properly dynamic in the UI (Fall From Grace now shows properly on humans, etc.).

  • Warlock alliance no longer triggers on item activate, just spell activate.


  • Fixed Venomancer wards having -50% magic resist instead of 50% magic resist.

  • Fixed Disruptor, Alchemist spells not continuing their effects after their death.

  • Gyrocopter no longer targets units in the air when casting Call Down.

  • Medusa:

    • Split Shot:

      • Changed extra shots from 3 to 2.

      • Will ignore nearby targets that happen to be outside Medusa's attack range.

  • Axe:

    • Berserker's Call:

      • Since you can't cast spells while taunted, and since we are using the Silence effect, getting taunted now officially silences.


  • Fixed Big-Time Contract sometimes not applying.

  • Aegis has changed: it now only activates on damage that would otherwise be fatal. It no longer preserves streaks.

  • Fixed Divine Rapier being removed at the start of combat. Losing a Divine Rapier now no longer removes a potential item slot.

  • Tooth and Claw now has proper duration.

  • Fix Silver Lining crash.

  • Fix missing name for Eidolons.

  • Fix Wicked Intent amplifying regen instead of dampening it.

  • Fix crazy numbers on healing display when Wicked Intent is in play.

  • Units blinking using Blink Dagger will clear their active target and reacquire once the blink is done. Fixes units chasing their original enemy.

  • Coordinated Assault auras don't stack. NOTE: More than one copy will still increase the bonus.

  • Fall From Grace: item description changed to make clearer that the item turns Human into Heartless, it does not add Heartless as an additional alliance.

Mobile only

  • Hide from your big boss: Steam invisible mode is now supported.

  • More performance improvements on both iOS and Android platforms.

July 4


  • Added Scoreboard. Defaults to TAB on the PC.

  • Added Leaderboards. Welcome, Lords of White Spire.

  • Further lighting tweaks to the board to brighten it up.

  • Update Notes can now be found from inside the game.

  • Season Info: Heroes’ Ability info now shows damage type

  • New Kill Streak FX.

  • Unit VO is now spatialized (Audio will closely match where the unit is located).

  • Enabled additional sounds in unit combat.

  • Yo, Reddit: Versus, Round Over and Round Start screens will close on any non-UI click or ESC keypress.

  • Yo, Reddit: Versus, Round Over and Round Start screens won't appear if the user is dragging units or items.

  • Many UI improvements have been done.

  • Added description of how the Hero Pool works to the Season Info UI.

  • Hero stat changes from basic items is now shown during combat as well during preparing.

  • Fixed Terrorblade Rank 2 and Rank 3 not updating his model after casting Metamorphosis.


  • Added Battery Status.

  • Fixed play/pause buttons disappearing.

  • Added Tap to Move option: For those who like to tap to place instead of dragging on the board.

  • Added Battery Saver mode.

  • Can now query a hero's ability from the shop.

  • More performance improvements.


  • Fixed Demon Hunters not doing their jobs and leaving enemy demons with their buff on.

  • Fixed Techies planting their bomb in the wrong location.

  • Fixed all known AI Pathing issues.

  • Level 9: Tier 2 odds 30% -> 25%, Tier 3 odds 25% -> 30%

  • Level 11: Tier 1 odds 10% -> 13%, Tier 2 odds 15% -> 20%, Tier 3 odds 30% -> 25%, Tier 5 odds 15% -> 12%

  • Round will continue for another second once the last unit dies, giving the other team a chance for a last minute kill to force a draw.

Reworked Streaks

Lose streak gold


  • 3-4 losses – 1 gold

  • 5-6 losses – 2 gold

  • 7+ losses – 3 gold


  • 3-4 losses – 1 gold

  • 5+ losses – 2 gold

Win streaks gold


  • 3-4 wins – 1 gold

  • 5-6 wins – 2 gold

  • 7+ wins – 3 gold


  • 3-4 wins – 1 gold

  • 5-6 wins – 2 gold

  • 7 wins – 3 gold

  • 8 wins – 4 gold

Win streaks reset at 8 wins.

Item Changes

  • Added Force Staff: Tier 3 Support Item - Push an enemy unit 6 cells in a random direction. (10s cooldown)

  • Added Scythe of Vyse: Tier 4 Support Item - When the equipped hero takes damage, transform the offending unit into a pig for 4s. (15s cooldown)

  • Added Big-Time Contract: Tier 2 Support Item - Equipped unit is Blood-bound in addition to its other types.

  • Silver Lining: Now reads "Get 1 charge when you win a fight. When you lose a fight, if charges remain, get 1 gold and lose 1 charge."

  • Shaman Pluck: Chance increased from 5% to 17%.

  • Blink Dagger:

    • Now generates 50 mana when activated.

    • Cooldown reduced from 60s to 15s.

  • Tooth and Claw: Fixed not stacking correctly.

  • Coordinated Assault: It should be truly coordinated since it actually works now.

  • Item drop rate.

Hero changes


Split Shot:

  • Now applies item effects on secondary shots.


Summon Wolves:

  • Fixed not applying health buff correctly.


  • Health increased from [500, 1000, 2000] to [550, 1100, 2200]

Summon Plague Ward:

  • Summon Count increased from 1 Ward to [1, 2, 4] Wards.

  • Ward is always Rank 1.

  • Cast Point reduced from 0.5s to 0.13s.

  • Cooldown increased from 5 to [5, 6, 7].

  • Wards have 50% magic resistance.


  • Alliances changed from Brawny Shaman to Brawny Shaman Warlock.

Static Storm:

  • Also blinds the targets inside the cloud for a 25% miss chance.

Mr. Warlock

Shadow Word:

  • Cast Point reduced from 0.5s to 0.4s.

  • Cooldown reduced from 20s to 6s.

  • Damage from [ 100, 150, 200 ] to [ 50, 100, 150 ].

  • Heal from [ 75, 150, 200 ] to [ 50, 125, 175 ].

  • Duration from 6 seconds to 3 seconds.

Alliance Changes


  • Now reads: Whenever a Warlock casts a spell, they form a link with the Ally who has the lowest health for 3 seconds. When either linked hero deals damage, both units are healed [50, 100, 150]% of the damage dealt.


  • Now requires 3 Shamans (up from 2).

  • Now reads: Enemies affected by Hexes, Silences or Stuns will generate -200% mana when attacked.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash when loading into a match.

  • Fixed Druid Alliance not upgrading Druids correctly.

  • Fixed Win/Loss record updating at the wrong time.

  • Fixed an item regression - effects will once again stack correctly for Completing the Cycle, Summoning Stone, Shaman Pluck, Unstable Reactor, Check the Bodies, and Strange Bedfellows.

June 27

Patch notes

  • Large performance improvements have been done on all platforms.

  • Improved network connectivity and ping time for iOS and Android users outside the US.

  • The following units got their voices back:

  • Doom

  • Drow

  • Enchantress

  • Lina

  • Luna

  • Mirana

  • Shadow Fiend

  • Phantom Assassin

  • Queen of Pain

  • Templar Assassin

  • Windranger

  • Added tooltip to the player's level that shows their XP progress and odds of rolling each tier of hero in the shop. On mobile this is accessible from within the shop.

  • Added mobile icons to party members.

  • Default Camera distance adjusted to a default of 825.

  • Fixed Key Bindings changes not being saved.

  • Added Ability mana cost to season Info panel.

  • Fixed Victory screen not being displayed if you won the game which begs the question: Did you really win?

  • Global Sounds removed with the feature going back in the lab.

  • Improved the quality of the dragging effects when manipulating units.

  • Fixed being able to click on an item you did not earn if you lost a Loot Round.

  • Fixed Sword and Shield icons on the leaderboard not displaying if you were attacking and defending against the same player.

  • Fixed Enigma's ambient FX to work for both bench and on the ground.

  • Enigma midnight pulse updated to be square shaped.

  • Added ability icons to the mobile shop for all abilities.

  • Fixed cooldown multiplier display when inspecting a unit.

  • Many improvements have been done to the Unit Query UI.

  • Fixed not being able to view the inventory of a dead player.

  • Fixed ability tooltip not showing lore.

  • Clicking outside the shop now closes it.

  • Hovering global items that affect specific types of units will highlight those units.

  • Alliance Highlight Mode: Highlight bench units differently if putting them on the board would not advance the Alliance.

  • Fixed in-game Season Info hero page starting empty by default when the user has no units yet.

  • Added info button to units in the PC shop to get more information about that hero.

  • Roshan is back from vacation. He didn't bring anything for anyone.

Gameplay changes

  • Medusa: Split Shot extra shot damage reduction changed: [-40, -30, -20 ] -> -40.

  • Kunkka: Ghostship crash cell size changed: [2, 3, 4] -> [2, 2, 3].

  • Basher: Fixed only going off once per battle.

  • Black King Bar: Purges the user on activation.

  • Juggernaut: Blade Fury purges on activation.

  • Slardar: Amp Damage is now purgeable.

  • Knights Alliance: Default damage reduction changed: [ -15, -25, -35 ] -> [ -15, -20, -30 ].

  • Knights Alliance: Adjacent to other knights damage reduction changed: [ -20, -25, -30 ] -> [ -15, -20, -25 ].

  • Human Alliance Silence: Is now purgeable.

  • Blight Stone: Fixed stacking on every hit. It will stack if different units are attacking with it.

June 26

  • Based on community feedback, we've adjusted opponent selection weight to be even more biased against folks you've played recently.

  • Adjusted AI pathfinding: Units will only try to jump into a beneficial aura's range if it's only 1 cell away (down from 2).

  • Fixed bug that prevented Assassins from jumping.

  • Unstoppable (Warrior Alliance Item): Fixed some cases that caused this item to not work reliably.

  • Silver Lining: Fixed it granting 2 gold instead of 1.

  • Abaddon: Base Attack Time changed: 1.3 -> 1.5

  • Omniknight: Damage changed: [50-60, 100-120, 200-240] -> [40-50, 80-100, 160-200]

  • Dragon Knight: Elder Dragon Form bonus damage changed: [100, 150, 200] -> [50, 100, 150]

  • Dragon Knight: Elder Dragon Form is now marked as passive and cannot be silenced.

  • Dragon Knight: Now properly aims at the targets in front.

  • Dragon Knight: Fixed bug that caused Elder Form to take 0.5 seconds to start.

  • Tusk: Fixed Walrus Punch sometimes sending people into space.

June 25

Balance update

  • Adjustment to the game board: Lighting and Shadow intensity tweaks.

  • Sounds from combat occurring on other player's boards can now be heard from yours.

  • New opponent selection logic: This addresses the community feedback of fighting the same opponents over and over.

  • PC/Mobile: Many performance optimizations.

  • Mobile: Fixed storage space calculation when downloading content.

  • Fixed unit stats not reflecting all items and equipment when querying before combat started.

  • Fixed friendly AI not casting spells after Pudge hooked an enemy.

  • Troll Global Item (Coordinated Assault): Now stacks.

  • AI will now cast spells on the ground under a target instead of on the target's location. Fixes floating Spells if the target happened to be flying through the air.

  • Dragon Alliance: Now requires 2 units.

  • Dragon Alliance: Now Unlocks an additional ability for each member of the Alliance.

  • Dragon Knight: Breathe Fire is now his base ability.

  • Dragon Knight: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Dragon Form.

  • Dragon Knight: Hit Points increased to 1000/2000/4000.

  • Dragon Knight: Gained +10 Health Regeneration.

  • Puck: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Phase Shift.

  • Viper: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Corrosive Skin.

  • Pocket Sand: Now also slows mana gained on receiving damage by 50%.

  • Pocket Sand: Will debuff a random enemy unit within 2 cells if no units are within 1 cell of the assassin landing.

  • Keeper of the Light: Illuminate now costs 150 mana.

  • Keeper of the Light: Health decreased to 550/1100/2200.

  • Desperate Measure: Now also increases mana gained on receving/dealing damage by the same amount as attack damage.

  • Wicked Intent: Now also blocks HP regen.

  • Scrappy Alliance: Now provides 9 armor and 8 health regeneration. It provides double that amount if your starting army is smaller in size than your opponent's.

  • Knight Alliance: Now gives a constant 15/25/35% damage reduction and an additional 20/25/30% when next to another knight.

  • Chaos Knight: Damage Increased from [40-110, 80-220, 160-440] to [55-135, 110-240, 200-480].

  • Boots of Speed: Now Tranquil Boots. Passive +16 health regen and 100% bonus move speed.

  • New Item - Pipe of Insight: +50% Magic Resistance. Once the first enemy has 100% mana, apply a shield that blocks 400 magic damage to allies up to 1 cell away. (once per battle)

  • Mobile: Fixed 'Australia' mode - Some Android devices rendered the game upside down, and that has been fixed.

June 21

  • PC: Flash your window when you're alt tabbed and a new round starts or items selection shows up.

  • PC: Hotkeys can now be remapped.

  • Mobile: Fixed manipulating UI sliders not being the best.

  • Mobile: Fix missing keyboard on iOS after Steam login with incorrect user / password.

  • Soul Sucking Syphon will now only attract Warlocks and Mages. The item still works for other unit types, but only those two will try to get close to benefit.

  • Fixed bug that would make it appear to be able to sell other player's units.

  • When manipulating the camera distance or angle, the settings panel will dim so you can tweak the view.

  • Fixed DPS meter scaling being incorrect on non-1080p resolutions; make it smaller for PC.

  • Resolved an issue where some accounts would have their rank incorrectly move backwards.

June 20

Open Beta update

  • Improvements to Android performance.

  • Fixed combined hero and item acquire notifications not rendering.

  • Added Rank to the Dashboard.

  • Adjusted Teleport FX.

  • Added language selector to settings.

  • More work has been done on the Season Info UI.

  • We have solved the quit button disappearance. Someone took it to the dry cleaners and forgot to put it back up.

  • Fixed several crash bugs.

June 19

Update 1

  • Enabled Tutorial.

  • More improvements to PC UI and styling.

  • Tweaked default camera positions and angles. Also added sliders to the Game Settings UI to tweak these two further.

  • Tweaked the time bodies stay on the board before sinking.

  • More work on DPS meter design.

  • Victorious units now celebrate for longer before returning to their starting positions.

  • More music has been added to the game.

  • Play at your own pace will pause the clock when selecting items after a Loot Round.

  • Fixed Font of Creation Eidolon's doing damage to the player on a loss.

  • Unit AI now knows about formations: If other units provide benefits for standing in range, the AI will attempt to move to those cells and attack from there.

  • Knights will now try to stay in formation with other Knights.

  • Units will now try to stay in formation with Trolls if the player has Coordinated Assault.

  • Units will now try to stay in formation with Warlocks if the player has Soul Sucking Syphon.

  • Added a friend code system to the Friend panel.

  • Added colourblind mode for Healthbars.

  • Adjusted shop reroll mechanic to mitigate duplicates.

  • When finding an enemy, ranged units give higher priority to units closer to them.

Update 2

  • Enabled Ranked Play: We are enabling this today for a final round of testing. Once Open Beta starts all ranks will be reset.

  • Bot games: Fixed manual advance mode during non-Loot rounds.

  • Unit outlines can now be turned back on via settings.

  • Fixed end game screen not displaying total damage dealt.

  • Fixed Round 1 not playing correctly on the client after you've played a bot match.

  • Fixed Windranger and Keeper of the Light interrupting their abilities if their target died.

  • Fixed Venomancer's Ward growing legs and walking towards a friendly aura.

  • Slightly smaller item icons during prepare phase on PC, with rank above item icons in case they overlap.

  • Fixed selecting units from the bench not working reliably if you changed the default camera angle.

  • Healthbars are now consistently sized across all resolutions.

  • Notifications for Winning Streaks now have FX.

  • Fixed AI pathfinding issues when traveling towards a friendly aura.

June 17

Balance update

  • Drow Ranger: Precision Aura now gives +10/+20/+30 Attack Speed to allies in a 1 cell radius.

  • Hunter Alliance: Chance to trigger extra attack increased from 15%/25% to 20%/35%.

  • Hunter Alliance: Reduced extra attacks from 2 to 1.

  • Black King Bar: Now grants Magic Immune for 7 seconds once the first enemy has 100% mana (once per battle).

  • Omniknight: Purification Heal/Damage increased from 200/300/400 to 200/400/600.

  • Abaddon: Aphotic Shield Absorption/Damage increased from 100/150/200 to 100/300/500.

  • Ogre Magi: Bloodlust self buff increased from 30/50/70 to 35/55/75.

  • General: Critical hits can't miss.

  • Assassins: Assassins are untargettable for one frame when landing after a jump.

  • Loot round drops have been adjusted to give more consistent rewards.

June 15


  • Fixed several crash issues.

  • Improvements to navigation within the Heropedia.

  • Moved Steam popups to show up in the lower left corner.

  • Fixed the XP display in the PC version of the store with some languages.

June 14

UI and Bugfixes

  • Added new Game Option: Interface Mode. Select from PC or Mobile.

  • Fixed end of match screen not displaying buttons.

  • Improved presentation of free units in the shop.

  • Improved styling of the settings panel.

  • Fixed treant health bar being too high.

  • Made the shop combine brighter and more obvious.

  • Made it so that when a party has 8 or more players, new members will come in as spectators.

  • The bot difficulty button is now hidden for parties with eight players.

  • Added a menu to the party allowing the copying of party codes, hiding or showing them, and for the party leader, enabling or disabling the party code.

  • Fixed several misspellings.

  • Fixing several cases of text overflowing.

  • Fixed main menu button being hidden in party games.

  • Fixed the countdown ropes being off by about a second.

  • Removed the need to specify -vulkan on the command line for Linux.

  • Updated localization for multiple languages.

  • Added list of hotkeys to game options page, though they cannot be changed at the moment.

  • Doom now has cosmetic upgrades for each level.

  • Removed character outlines on PC.

  • Play at your own pace button now remembers your previous selection.

  • Fix DPS charts sometimes not updating or showing the wrong teams.

  • Added a new effect for the Druid Alliance that upgrades the star rating on a Druid.

June 13

First update

  • Fixed some Shop Portraits missing (Tiny, Slark)

  • Fixed crash when dragging a unit outside the window and then selling it

  • Fixed crash after leaving a game

  • Leaderboard streak particles are now turned off when the player dies

  • Fixed reconnect sometimes not working

  • Fixed passive abilities showing an invalid cooldown string

  • Fixed sell UI disappearing while dragging a unit

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.