Talent changes from 7.06 to 7.07 - Comparison list

Talent changes from 7.06 to 7.07 - Comparison list

The table contains all Dota 2 hero talents in 7.06 and 7.07 for a quick comparison. The list is updated to the latest patch.

There are already resources with all the talents available in the game, but many asked for an easily accessible table to compare the talent changes. I decided to compile the following one.

Updated to 7.09.

Note: If you are using a phone, turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in and you will be able to move the table.

Hero Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Abaddon 7.06 +20% XP Gain +5 Armor 15% Cooldown Reduction +300 Aphotic Shield Health
+25 Damage +200 Mana +25 Movement Speed +25 Strength
Abaddon 7.07 +20% XP Gain +50 Mist Coil Heal/Damage +90 Damage +25% Curse of Avernus Slow
+25 Movement Speed +6 Armor 15% Cooldown Reduction +250 Aphotic Shield Health
Alchemist 7.06 +4 Armor +6 All Stats +300 Health -5 Acid Spray Armor
+20 Damage +80 Unstable Concoction Damage +30 Attack Speed 30% Lifesteal
Alchemist 7.07 -8s Unstable Concoction Cooldown +50 Damage +400 Unstable Concoction Damage +30 Chemical Rage Regeneration
+25 Attack Speed +400 Health +25% Cleave -0.2 Chemical Rage Base Attack Time
Ancient Apparition 7.06 +8% Spell Amplification +30 Health Regen +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance +100 Chilling Touch Damage
+60 Gold/Min -1s Ice Vortex Cooldown +400 Health 4 Charges of Cold Feet
Ancient Apparition 7.07 +10% Spell Amplification +20 HP Regen +80 Chilling Touch Damage +4% Ice Blast Kill Threshold
+60 Gold/Min -1.5s Ice Vortex Cooldown +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance +4 Charges of Cold Feet
Anti-Mage 7.06 +20 Damage -1s Blink Cooldown +10 All Stats -50s Mana Void Cooldown
+150 Health +20 Attack Speed 15% Evasion +25 Agility
Anti-Mage 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +15 Agility +300 Blink Cast Range -50s Mana Void Cooldown
+175 Health -2s Blink Cooldown Blink creates an Uncontrollable Illusion +25% Spell Shield
Arc Warden 7.06 +25 Attack Speed +200 Health +100 Attack Range +250 Spark Wraith Damage
+20 Flux DPS +30 Damage 10% Cooldown Reduction 30% Lifesteal
Arc Warden 7.07 +25 Attack Speed +2 Flux Duration +100 Attack Range 30% Lifesteal
+5 Armor +350 Health 10% Cooldown Reduction +350 Spark Wraith Damage
Axe 7.06 +3 Mana Regen +250 Health +35 Movement Speed +100 Battle Hunger DPS
+6 Strength +75 Damage +25 Health Regen +15 Armor
Axe 7.07 +40 Attack Speed +30 Movement Speed Attacks Proc Counter Helix +120 Battle Hunger DPS
+8 Strength +3 Mana Regen +20 HP Regen +100 Berserker's Call AoE
Bane 7.06 +200 Mana +30% XP Gain +175 Cast Range +200 Brain Sap Damage/Heal
+6 Armor +250 Health +90 Enfeeble Damage Reduction +100 Movement Speed
Bane 7.07 +100 Cast Range +40% XP Gain +75 Movement Speed +7s Fiend's Grip duration
+6 Armor Enfeeble Steals Damage +100 Enfeeble Damage Reduction +250 Brain Sap Damage/Heal
Batrider 7.06 +4 Armor +200 Health +35 Movement Speed +300 Flamebreak AoE/Knockback
+10 Intelligence +5% Spell Amplification 15% Cooldown Reduction +8s Firefly Duration
Batrider 7.07 +300 Health +50 Movement Speed -13s Flamebreak Cooldown
+6% Spell Amplification +2s Flamebreak Burn Duration 15% Cooldown Reduction +8s Firefly Duration
Beastmaster 7.06 +20 Movement Speed +1 Boar Summoned +400 Health +250 Wild Axes Damage
+20% XP Gain +12 Strength 12% Cooldown Reduction +120 Damage
Beastmaster 7.07 +30 Movement Speed +40 Boar Damage +500 Health +2 Hawks Summoned
+25% XP Gain +7 Armor +100 Wild Axes Damage +40 Inner Beast Attack Speed
Bloodseeker 7.06 +225 Health +75 Blood Rite Damage +10 All Stats 30% Lifesteal
+25 Damage +30 Attack Speed +14% Rupture Damage -7s Blood Rite Cooldown
Bloodseeker 7.07 +4 Armor +75 Blood Rite Damage 25% Lifesteal +20 Max Thirst MS and Damage
+25 Attack Speed +300 Health +14% Rupture Damage -6s Blood Rite Cooldown
Bounty Hunter 7.06 +20% XP Gain +15 Movement Speed +120 Damage -5s Jinada Cooldown
+175 Health +40 Attack Speed +75 Shuriken Toss Damage 25% Evasion
Bounty Hunter 7.07 +25% XP Gain +350 Health +125% Jinada Critical Strike +300 Track Gold
+30 Movement Speed +50 Attack Speed +75 Shuriken Toss Damage 50% Evasion
Brewmaster 7.06 +3 Mana Regen +15% Magic Resistance +20 Strength +2000 Primal Split Unit Health
+30 Attack Speed +75 Thunder Clap Damage +2s Thunder Clap Slow +120 Damage
Brewmaster 7.07 +200 Health +20% Magic Resistance +100 Attack Speed +15% Drunken Brawler
+30 Damage +3 Thunder Clap Slow +1500 Primal Split Unit Health -65s Primal Split Cooldown
Bristleback 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +4 Max Viscous Nasal Goo Stacks 10% Spell Lifesteal +25 Quill Spray Stack Damage
+8 Strength +225 Health +50 Attack Speed +30 Health Regen
Bristleback 7.07 +2 Mana Regen +6 Max Goo Stacks +25 Quill Stack Damage +20 Warpath Damage per Stack
+20 Movement Speed +250 Health +20 HP Regen 15% Spell Lifesteal
Broodmother 7.06 +25% XP Gain +350 Health +70 Attack Speed +225 Spiders Health
+60 Spawn Spiderlings Damage 20% Cooldown Reduction +12 Spiders Attack Damage +8 Max Webs
Broodmother 7.07 +200 Health +35% XP Gain +50 Attack Speed +350 Spiders Health
+75 Spawn Spiderlings Damage 20% Cooldown Reduction +20 Spiders Attack Damage +60 Max Insatiable HungerDamage/Lifesteal
Centaur Warrunner 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +10% Magic Resistance +15 Strength +1s Hoof Stomp Duration
+35 Damage 10% Evasion +10% Spell Amplification Gains Return Aura
Centaur Warrunner 7.07 +10% Magic Resistance +15% Return Strength Damage +20 Strength +1.5s Hoof Stomp Duration
10% Evasion +75 Damage +250 Double Edge Damage Gains Return Aura
Chaos Knight 7.06 +8 Intelligence +10 Strength +12 All Stats Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity
+15 Attack Speed +20 Movement Speed +120 Gold/Min 20% Cooldown Reduction
Chaos Knight 7.07 +20 Movement Speed 12% Cooldown Reduction Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immune +2 Max Chaos Bolt Duration
+5 All Stats +15 Strength +150 Gold/Min -7 Reality Rift Armor Reduction
Chen 7.06 +125 Cast Range -10s Test of Faith Cooldown +1000 Creep Min Health +200 Hand of God Heal
+30 Movement Speed +250 Health +90 Gold/Min +2 Holy Persuasion Max Count
Chen 7.07 +200 Cast Range -10s Test of Faith Cooldown +1000 Creep Min Health +400 Hand of God Heal
+35% XP Gain +7 Armor +180 Gold/Min +4 Holy Persuasion Max Count
Clinkz 7.06 +10% Magic Resistance +30 Searing Arrows Damage +10 All Stats +70 Strafe Attack Speed
+10 Intelligence +15 Strength 20% Evasion +125 Attack Range
Clinkz 7.07 +5 Armor +30 Searing Arrows Damage +20 HP Regen Searing Arrows Multishot
+12% Magic Resistance 15% Evasion +100 Attack Range +4s Strafe Stacks/Duration
Clockwerk 7.06 +200 Mana +75 Rocket Flare Damage +12% Magic Resistance +10s Battery Assault Duration
+4 Armor +50 Damage +40 Battery Assault Damage +400 Health
Clockwerk 7.07 +25 Movement Speed +30 Battery Assault Damage +125 Rocket Flare Damage -0.3s Battery Assault Interval
+5 Armor +15 Strength +20% Magic Resistance Rocket Flare True Sight
Crystal Maiden 7.06 +60 Damage +250 Health +50 Freezing Field Damage +300 Crystal Nova Damage
+15% Magic Resistance +125 Cast Range +120 Gold/Min +1.5s Frostbite Duration
Crystal Maiden 7.07 +100 Cast Range +90 Gold/Min +60 Freezing Field Damage +300 Crystal Nova Damage
+200 Health +14% Mana cost/Manaloss Reduction Aura +250 Attack Speed +1.5s Frostbite Duration
Dark Seer 7.06 +100 Cast Range +14 Health Regen +75 Vacuum AoE +80 Ion Shell Damage
12% Evasion +120 Damage 10% Cooldown Reduction +25 Strength
Dark Seer 7.07 +90 Damage +75 Vacuum AoE 300 AoE Surge +150 Ion Shell Damage
12% Evasion +12 HP Regen 15% Cooldown Reduction Parallel Wall
Dark Willow +125 Cast Range +40 Movement Speed +300 Shadow Realm Max Damage +1 Terrorize Duration
+20 Damage +90 Gold/Min 10% Spell Lifesteal +200 Attack Speed
Dazzle 7.06 +125 Health +60 Damage +25 Poison Touch DPS +60 Shadow Wave Heal
+10 Intelligence +100 Cast Range +25 Movement Speed -6s Poison Touch Cooldown
Dazzle 7.07 +75 Damage +125 Cast Range +50 Movement Speed -4s Shadow Wave Cooldown
+200 Health +20 Shadow Wave Damage/Heal +30 Poison Touch DPS +0.5 Weave Armor per Second
Death Prophet 7.06 +12% Magic Resistance +150 Cast Range +50 Movement Speed +8 Exorcism Spirits
+5% Spell Amplification -1.5s Crypt Swarm Cooldown 10% Cooldown Reduction +600 Health
Death Prophet 7.07 +12% Magic Resistance +150 Cast Range +500 Health +8 Exorcism Spirits
+50 Damage +1% Max Health Spirit Siphon -2s Crypt Swarm Cooldown Exorcism Grants Haste
Disruptor 7.06 +60 Gold/Min +40 Thunder Strike Damage +10% Spell Amplification +30% Magic Resistance
+100 Cast Range -3s Kinetic Field Cooldown +400 Health +4 Thunder Strike Hits
Disruptor 7.07 +40 Thunder Strike Damage -3s Kinetic Field Cooldown +4 Thunder Strike Damage Hits +4s Kinetic Field Duration
+200 Health +150 Cast Range +180 Gold/Min -10s Glimpse Cooldown
Doom 7.06 +80 Devour Bonus Gold +15 Scorched Earth Damage/Heal Devour Can Target Ancients +40 Health Regen
+275 Health +25 Movement Speed +40 Doom ability DPS +2% Infernal Blade Damage
Doom 7.07 +25 Movement Speed +150 Devour Bonus Gold Devour Can Target Ancients +100% Cleave
+15 Scorched Earth Damage/Heal 20% Evasion +40 Doom DPS +3% Infernal Blade Damage
Dragon Knight 7.06 +30 Attack Speed +40 Damage +300 Health 2x Dragon Blood Regen/Armor
+10 Strength +40% XP Gain +120 Gold/Min +75 Movement Speed
Dragon Knight 7.07 +30 Attack Speed +300 Health 2x Dragon Blood Regen/Armor +1.75s Dragon Tail
+2 Mana Regen +35 Damage +150 Gold/Min +40 Strength
Drow Ranger 7.06 +5 All Stats +20 Attack Speed +14 Strength +25 Marksmanship Agility
+15 Movement Speed +175 Health +6% Precision Aura Damage +400 Gust Distance/Knockback
Drow Ranger 7.07 +5 All Stats +400 Gust Distance/Knockback +2s Gust Duration 50% Cooldown Reduction
+20 Movement Speed +25 Attack Speed +20 Marksmanship Agility +20% Precision Aura Damage
Earth Spirit 7.06 +4 Armor +90 Gold/Min +300 Health +300 Rolling Boulder Damage
+10 Intelligence +15% Magic Resistance +15% Spell Amplification Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies
Earth Spirit 7.07 +40 Damage +200 Rolling Boulder Damage +150 Gold/Min +1s Boulder Smash Stun Duration
+10 Intelligence +7 Armor +15% Spell Amplification Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies
Earthshaker 7.06 +250 Mana +50 Damage +350 Fissure Range -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown
+10 Strength +20 Movement Speed +40 Echo Slam Damage +600 Health
Earthshaker 7.07 +250 Mana +7 Armor +400 Fissure Range -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown
+30 Damage +30 Movement Speed +50 Echo Damage +50% Magic Resistance
Elder Titan 7.06 +10 Strength +30 Echo Stomp Damage +50 Attack Speed +100 Astral Spirit Hero Attack
+200 Mana +275 Health +12% Magic Resistance +15 Armor
Elder Titan 7.07 +200 Health +30 Astral Spirit Hero Attack +100 Echo Stomp Damage +100% Lifesteal
+25 Movement Speed +15% Magic Resistance +70 Attack Speed -75s Earth Splitter Cooldown
Ember Spirit 7.06 +30 Damage +6 All Stats +10 Armor +2s Searing Chains
+8% Spell Amplification +20 Movement Speed +500 Flame Guard Absorption 20% Cooldown Reduction
Ember Spirit 7.07 +200 Flame Guard Absorption +1s Searing Chains True Strike -25s Remnant Charge Replenish
+25 Damage +50 Flame Guard DPS +10% Spell Amplification 2 Sleight of Fist Charges
Enchantress 7.06 +25 Movement Speed +50 Damage +60 Untouchable Slow Enchant Affects Ancients
+6 All Stats +8 Nature's Attendants Wisps +15% Magic Resistance +6% Impetus Damage
Enchantress 7.07 +25 Movement Speed +8 Nature's Attendants Wisps Enchant Affects Ancients +25 Nature's Attendants Heal
+15% Magic Resistance +50 Damage +100 Untouchable Slow +8% Impetus Damage
Enigma 7.06 +12% Magic Resistance +120 Gold/Min +1 Malefice Instance +8 Demonic Conversion Eidolons
+20 Movement Speed 15% Cooldown Reduction +300 Health +12 Armor
Enigma 7.07 +15% Magic Resistance +120 Gold/Min +70 Eidolon Damage +8 Demonic Conversion Eidolons
+25 Movement Speed 15% Cooldown Reduction +400 Health +4 Malefice Instance
Faceless Void 7.06 +8 Strength +25 Damage +120 Gold/Min +600 Time Walk Cast Range
+15 Attack Speed +7 Armor +300 Health 20% Evasion
Faceless Void 7.07 +8 Strength +300 Health +500 Time Walk Cast Range +175 Chronosphere AoE
+20 Damage +100 Time Lock Damage +40 Attack Speed +25% Backtrack
Gyrocopter 7.06 +225 Health +30 Damage 20% Cooldown Reduction +4 Flak Cannon Attacks
+6% Spell Amplification +15% Magic Resistance +35 Movement Speed 3 Homing Missile Charges
Gyrocopter 7.07 +200 Health +3 Flak Cannon Attacks +50 Movement Speed Global Call Down
+25 Damage +11 Rocket Barrage Damage -25s Call Down Cooldown 3 Homing Missile Charges
Huskar 7.06 +5 Burning Spear DPS 15% Lifesteal +40 Attack Speed +500 Life Break Range
+175 Health +30 Damage +15 Strength +100 Attack Range
Huskar 7.07 +20 Damage 15% Lifesteal +15 Strength +125 Attack Range
+175 Health +10 Burning Spear DPS +400 Life Break Cast Range 0 s Inner Vitality Cooldown
Invoker 7.06 +125 Health +30% XP Gain +35 Attack Speed -18s Tornado Cooldown
+15 Damage +1 Forge Spirit Summoned +7 All Stats AoE Deafening Blast
Invoker 7.07 +30 Chaos Meteor Damage +1.5 Cold Snap Duration +35 Alacrity Damage/Speed -16s Tornado Cooldown
+0.3s Tornado Duration +1 Forge Spirit Summoned Cataclysm AoE Deafening Blast
Io 7.06 +6 Armor +10 Strength +120 Gold/Min +150 Spirits Damage
+10% Magic Resistance +10 Mana Regen +20 Health Regen Tether Stuns
Io 7.07 +400 Spirits Max Range Tether Grants Scepter Bonus +150 Gold/Min +50 HP Regen
+60 Damage +90 Spirits Damage Attack Tethered Ally's Target Tether Stuns
Jakiro 7.06 +8% Spell Amplification +35 Dual Breath Burn Damage +150 Gold/Min +1.25 Ice Path Duration
+25% XP Gain +125 Cast Range +400 Attack Range Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity
Jakiro 7.07 +8% Spell Amplification +40 Dual Breath Burn Damage +150 Gold/Min +1.25s Ice Path Duration
+25% XP Gain +250 Attack Range -60 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity
Juggernaut 7.06 +20 Damage +7 Armor +8 All Stats +175 Blade Fury DPS
+175 Health +20 Attack Speed +20 Movement Speed +20 Agility
Juggernaut 7.07 +5 All Stats +1s Blade Fury Duration +10 Armor +600 Health
+20 Movement Speed +25 Attack Speed +100 Blade Fury DPS +5 Omnislash Strikes
Keeper of the Light 7.06 +20 Movement Speed +300 Chakra Magic Mana +7 Armor +200 Illuminate Damage/Heal
+7 Strength +20% XP Gain +10% Magic Resistance +400 Cast Range
Keeper of the Light 7.07 +25 Movement Speed +350 Cast Range +40% Magic Resistance +200 Illuminate Damage/Heal
+8% Spell Lifesteal +40% XP Gain +300 Chakra Magic Mana +2s Mana Leak Stun
Kunkka 7.06 +40 Torrent Damage +30 Movement Speed +120 Gold/Min +200 Torrent AoE
+30 Damage +15 Health Regen +300 Health +35% Magic Resistance
Kunkka 7.07 +40 Damage +10 HP Regen +100 Torrent AoE Ghost Ship Fleet
+6 Armor +120 Torrent Damage +25 Strength +50% Tidebringer Cleave
Legion Commander 7.06 +20% XP Gain +20 Movement Speed +10% Moment of Courage Proc Chance -8s Press the Attack Cooldown
+7 Strength +30 Damage +7 Armor +40 Duel Damage Bonus
Legion Commander 7.0 +25% XP Gain +30 Attack Speed +10% Moment Proc Chance -10s Press the Attack Cooldown
+8 Strength +50 Overwhelming Odds Hero Damage +60 Movement Speed +40 Duel Damage Bonus
Leshrac 7.06 +15 Movement Speed +10% Magic Resistance +15 Strength +3s Lightning Storm Slow Duration
+125 Health +400 Mana +5% Spell Amplification +50 Diabolic Edict Explosions
Leshrac 7.07 +5 Armor +15 Strength +25% Evasion +3s Lightning Storm Slow Duration
+250 Mana +40 Movement Speed +50 Pulse Nova Damage +50 Diabolic Edict Explosions
Lich 7.06 +25 Movement Speed -4s Frost Blast Cooldown +120 Gold/Min Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS Slow
+175 Health +125 Cast Range +150 Damage +35 Ice Armor Structure Armor
Lich 7.07 +25 Movement Speed -4s Frost Blast Cooldown +120 Gold/Min Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS Slow
+175 Health +120 Damage +175 Cast Range Ice Armor Provides +30 HP Regen
Lifestealer 7.06 +15 Attack Speed +25 Damage +25 Movement Speed +1s Rage Duration
+5 All Stats +250 Health 15% Evasion +15 Armor
Lifestealer 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +30 Damage +20% Evasion +2s Rage Duration
+200 Health +35 Movement Speed +50% Open Wounds Heal +2% Feast
Lina 7.06 +125 Cast Range +40 Movement Speed +150 Attack Range +40/4% Fiery Soul per Stack
+80 Light Strike Array Damage +50 Damage +6% Spell Amplification -4s Dragon Slave Cooldown
Lina 7.07 +100 Cast Range +300 Health +25/2% Fiery Soul Per Stack +175 Attack Range
+25 Damage +140 Light Strike Array Damage +10% Spell Amplification -6s Dragon Slave Cooldown
Lion 7.06 +60 Damage +90 Gold/Min +300 Finger of Death Damage +3 Mana Drain Multi Target
+75 Cast Range +80 Earth Spike Damage +20% Magic Resistance +20 All Stats
Lion 7.07 +75 Cast Range +200 Finger of Death Damage +500 Health +1000 Earth Spike Range
+75 Damage +90 Gold/Min +2 Mana Drain Multi Target +325 AoE Hex
Lone Druid 7.06 +175 Attack Range +50 Lone Druid Spirit Bear Damage +50% Spirit Bear Magic Resistance -10s Savage Roar Cooldown
+250 Health +50 Damage +12 Spirit Bear Armor +1.5s Entangling Claws Duration
Lone Druid 7.07 +175 Attack Range -8s Savage Roar Cooldown +40 Rabid Attack Speed 0 Entangling Roots Cooldown
+250 Health +10 Spirit Bear Armor -25s Battle Cry Cooldown Battle Cry Grants Spell Immunity
Luna 7.06 +15 Movement Speed +40 Lucent Beam Damage +10% Magic Resistance -4s Lucent Beam Cooldown
+15 Damage +150 Health +25 Attack Speed +15 All Stats
Luna 7.07 +20 Attack Speed -3s Lucent Beam Cooldown +100 Lucent Beam Damage 25% Lifesteal
+200 Cast Range +24 Lunar Blessing Damage +10 All Stats +0.25 Eclipse Lucent Beam Ministun
Lycan 7.06 +200 Health +12 Strength 15% Cooldown Reduction +2 Lycan Wolves Summoned
+15 Damage +12 Feral Impulse HP Regen 15% Evasion +15s Shapeshift Duration
Lycan 7.07 +20 Damage +12% Cooldown Reduction +8s Shapeshift Duration +3 Wolves Summoned
+5 Armor +8 Feral HP Regen +16% Feral Impulse Damage +600 Howl Hero Health
Magnus 7.06 +15% Spell Amplification +12 Strength +40 Movement Speed +15 Armor
+25 Attack Speed +90 Gold/Min +10% Empower Damage/Cleave +500 Skewer Range
Magnus 7.07 +200 Health +15 Strength +12 Armor +0.75s Reverse Polarity Duration
+25 Attack Speed +75 Shockwave Damage +500 Skewer Range +20% Empower Damage/Cleave
Medusa 7.06 +15 Damage 15% Evasion +600 Mana +2s Stone Gaze Stun
+12 Intelligence +20 Attack Speed +1 Split Shot Target 25% Lifesteal
Medusa 7.07 +20 Damage +30 Attack Speed +700 Mana +7 Split Shot Targets
+15% Evasion +20% Mystic Snake Mana Steal +2.5s Stone Gaze Duration Split Shot Uses Modifiers
Meepo 7.06 +15 Damage +25 Movement Speed +25 Attack Speed -3s Poof Cooldown
+4 Armor 15% Lifesteal 10% Evasion +400 Health
Meepo 7.07 +7 Strength +10% Lifesteal -4s Earthbind Cooldown +600 Health
+20 Damage +40 Poof damage +15% Evasion -5s Poof Cooldown
Mirana 7.06 +150 Health +30 Attack Speed -4s Sacred Arrow Cooldown +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows
+8 Agility +5% Spell Amplification +50 Damage +100 Leap Attack Speed
Mirana 7.07 +200 Health +100 Leap Attack Speed +12% Spell Amplification +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows
+20 Damage -5s Sacred Arrow Cooldown +25 Mana Break -70s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown
Monkey King 7.06 10% Evasion +75 Jingu Mastery Damage +20% Magic Resistance +100% Boundless Strike Crit
+20 Attack Speed +275 Health +40 Damage +25 Strength
Monkey King 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +75 Jingu Mastery Damage +300 Primal Spring Damage +1 Wukong's Command Ring of soldiers
+150 Tree Dance Vision AoE +300 Tree Dance Cast range +50% Boundless Strike Crit +100 Wukong's Command Armor
Morphling 7.06 +200 Mana 12% Cooldown Reduction +40 Damage +50% Replicate Damage
+8 Agility +25 Attack Speed +25 Movement Speed +400 Waveform Range
Morphling 7.07 +300 Waveform Range +15s Morph Duration Waveform Attacks Targets +2 Waveform Charges
+10 Agility +30 Attack Speed Morph Targets Allies +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike
Naga Siren 7.06 +125 Health -3s Ensnare Cooldown +20 Strength +1 Mirror Image Illusion
+250 Mana +30 Attack Speed +15 Agility +40 Movement Speed
Naga Siren 7.07 +10% Mirror Image Damage +15 Agility +1 Mirror Image Illusion -6 Rip Tide Armor
+25 Movement Speed +14 Strength -5s Ensnare Cooldown +30% Evasion
Nature's Prophet 7.0 +250 Health +4 Nature's Prophet Treants Summoned +10 Armor 2x Nature's Prophet Treant HP/Damage
+30 Damage +20 Intelligence +35 Attack Speed Removed Teleportation Cooldown
Nature's Prophet 7.07 +30 Movement Speed +4 Treants Summoned -4s Sprout Cooldown 2x Treant HP/Damage
+30 Damage +8 Armor +40 Attack Speed Removed Teleportation Cooldown
Necrophos 7.06 +6 Strength +20 Movement Speed +10% Magic Resistance -1s Death Pulse Cooldown
+40 Damage +6 All Stats +5% Spell Amplification +400 Health
Necrophos 7.07 +10 Strength +30 Movement Speed +20% Magic Resistance -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown
+40 Damage +300 Health +80 Attack Speed +0.6% Heartstopper Aura Damage
Night Stalker 7.06 +100 Cast Range +25 Attack Speed +50 Damage -8s Crippling Fear Cooldown
+7 Strength +300 Mana +30 Movement Speed +12 Armor
Night Stalker 7.07 +200 Mana +15 Strength +50 Damage -8s Crippling Fear Cooldown
+200 Health +150 Cast Range +50 Movement Speed +140 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed
Nyx Assassin 7.06 +175 Health +50 Impale Damage +40 Agility 200% Spiked Carapace Damage
+5% Spell Amplification +12% Magic Resistance +120 Gold/Min +40 Movement Speed
Nyx Assassin 7.07 +60 Gold/Min +325 Health +75% Spiked Carapace Damage +100 Agility
+6% Spell Amplification +35 Movement Speed +175 Impale Damage Vendetta Unobstructed Pathing
Ogre Magi 7.06 +100 Cast Range +8% Magic Resistance +25 Movement Speed +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed
+60 Gold/Min +50 Damage +250 Health +15% Spell Amplification
Ogre Magi 7.07 +100 Cast Range +300 Health +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed +90 Movement Speed
+60 Gold/Min +90 Damage +30 Strength +275 Fireblast Damage
Omniknight 7.06 +20% XP Gain +8 Strength +6 Mana Regen -16% Degen Aura
+60 Gold/Min +75 Cast Range +100 Damage +200 Purification Damage/Heal
Omniknight 7.07 +75 Purification AoE +35% XP Gain +3 Mana Regen +3s Repel Duration
+90 Gold/Min +90 Damage -12% Degen Aura +200 Purification Damage/Heal
Oracle 7.06 +20% XP Gain +60 Gold/Min +20 Intelligence +2s False Promise Duration
+0.75s Fortune's End Max Duration +200 Health +25 Movement Speed +250 Cast Range
Oracle 7.07 +1s Fortune's End Max Duration +150 Cast Range +75 Movement Speed -5s Fate's Edict Cooldown
+25% XP Gain +90 Gold/Min False Promise Invisibility (0.6s Fade Time) +2s False Promise Duration
Outworld Devourer 7.06 +10 Movement Speed +20 Attack Speed +275 Health +8% Spell Amplification
+250 Mana +5 Armor +15 Intelligence +60s Arcane Orb Intelligence Steal
Outworld Devourer 7.07 +200 Health +15% Essence Aura Chance +20 Strength +15% Spell Lifesteal
+20 Attack Speed +40 Movement Speed +2 Sanity's Eclipse Multiplier +60s Arcane Orb Intelligence Steal
Pangolier +25 Movement Speed +30 Attack Speed +20 Strength -16s Rolling Thunder
+2 Mana Regen 2s Shield Crash CD in Ball +30 Swashbuckle Damage -3s Swashbuckle Cooldown
Phantom Assassin 7.06 +15 Damage +20 Movement Speed +10 All Stats Double Strike Stifling Dagger
+150 Health 10% Lifesteal +35 Attack Speed +25 Agility
Phantom Assassin 7.07 +15 Damage -4 Armor Corruption +20% Lifesteal +5% Coup de Grace
+150 Health +20% Cleave Double Strike Stifling Dagger +25% Blur Evasion
Phantom Lancer 7.06 +20 Attack Speed 15% Cooldown Reduction 15% Evasion +600 Phantom Rush Range
+75 Spirit Lance Damage +8 All Stats +15% Magic Resistance +20 Strength
Phantom Lancer 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +250 Health +500 Phantom Rush Range -5s Doppelganger Cooldown
10% Evasion +125 Spirit Lance Damage +4 Max Juxtapose Illusions 30% Critical Strike (2x)
Phoenix 7.06 +175 Health +150 Gold/Min +8% Spell Amplification +1s Supernova Stun Duration
+20% XP Gain +65 Fire Spirits DPS +10 Armor +2 Supernova Hit Count
Phoenix 7.07 +8% Spell Amplification +40% XP Gain +1400 Icarus Dive Range +2% Max Health Sun Ray Damage
+90 Gold/Min +60 Fire Spirits DPS +1s Supernova Stun Duration +2 Supernova Hit Count
Puck 7.06 +175 Health +20% Magic Resistance -3s Waning Rift Cooldown +75% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed
+8 Intelligence +50 Damage +10% Spell Amplification +420 Gold/Min
Puck 7.07 +5 Armor +8% Spell Amplification -5s Waning Rift Cooldown Dream Coil Rapid Fire
+10 Intelligence +50 Damage +40% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed +420 Gold/Min
Pudge 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +15 Movement Speed +1s Dismember Duration +120 Rot Damage
+8 Strength +5 Armor +150 Gold/Min +1.75 Flesh Heap Stack Strength
Pudge 7.07 +35 Rot Damage +75 Damage +15% Cooldown Reduction +3s Dismember Duration
+5 Armor +13% Spell Lifesteal +180 Gold/Min +2 Flesh Heap Stack Strength
Pugna 7.06 +225 Health -1s Nether Blast Cooldown +150 Cast Range +150 Nether Blast Damage
+3 Mana Regen +1s Decrepify Duration +0.75 Nether Ward Damage per Mana +50% Life Drain Heal
Pugna 7.07 +225 Health -1s Nether Blast Cooldown +2s Decrepify Duration +1.75 Nether Ward Damage per Mana
+25 Movement Speed +2 Nether Ward Health +25% Life Drain Heal +200 Nether Blast Damage
Queen of Pain 7.06 +10 Strength +90 Gold/Min +300 Health 70% Spell Lifesteal
+25 Damage 12% Cooldown Reduction +100 Attack Range 550 AoE Shadow Strike
Queen of Pain 7.07 +10 Strength +40 Attack Speed 30% Spell Lifesteal 20s Spellblock
+25 Damage 12% Cooldown Reduction 650 AoE Shadow Strike Scream of Pain 1.5s Fear
Razor 7.06 +15 Agility +175 Cast Range +40 Attack Speed +14 Static Link Damage Steal
+25 Movement Speed +130 Unstable Current Damage +400 Health +175 Attack Range
Razor 7.07 +15 Agility +7 Static Link Damage Steal +10 Armor +100 Attack Speed
+200 Health +4% Unstable Current Movement Speed -0.1 Eye of the Storm Strike Interval -3 Unstable Current Interval
Riki 7.06 +15 Movement Speed +30% XP Gain +8 All Stats -4s Smoke Screen Cooldown
+150 Health +10 Agility +250 Cast Range +0.4 Cloak and Dagger Backstab Multiplier
Riki 7.07 +5 HP Regen -5s Smoke Screen Cooldown +900 Blink Strike Cast Range +400 Tricks of Trade AoE
+8 Agility 20% 1.5x Crit +0.2 Backstab Multiplier Cloak and Daggers Doesn't Reveal
Rubick 7.06 +60 Damage +15 Intelligence +8% Spell Amplification +400 Telekinesis Land Distance
+60 Gold/Min +150 Health +75 Cast Range 20% Cooldown Reduction
Rubick 7.07 +200 Health +100 Cast Range +5% Null Field +75% Spell Amp For Stolen Spells
+60 Damage -35 Fade Bolt Hero Attack +300 Telekinesis Land Distance -15s Telekinesis Cooldown
Sand King 7.06 +5 Armor -50 Epicenter Attack Slow +120 Gold/Min +4 Epicenter Pulses
+10% Magic Resistance +50 Sand Storm DPS +350 Health +50 Health Regen
Sand King 7.07 +200 Health -50 Epicenter Attack Slow +10 Armor 50% Sand Storm Slow and Blind
+30 Movement Speed +50 Sand Storm DPS +4 Epicenter Pulses +35 HP Regen
Shadow Demon 7.06 +20 Movement Speed +10% Spell Amplification -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown -6s Soul Catcher Cooldown
+10 Strength +100 Cast Range +15% Magic Resistance +400 Demonic Purge Damage
Shadow Demon 7.07 +25% XP Gain +25% Shadow Poison Damage -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown +5s Disruption Banish Duration
Soul Catcher Illusions on Death +40 Movement Speed -6s Soul Catcher Cooldown +500 Demonic Purge Damage
Shadow Fiend 7.06 +20 Attack Speed +175 Health +2 Damage per Necromastery Soul +150 Shadowraze Damage
+15 Movement Speed +6% Spell Amplification 15% Lifesteal +150 Attack Range
Shadow Fiend 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +40 Movement Speed +20% Evasion +3 Damage per Soul
+10% Spell Amplification Presence Affects Buildings +150 Shadowraze Damage 40% Cooldown Reduction
Shadow Shaman 7.06 +25 Movement Speed +35% XP Gain +3s Shackles Duration +350 Ether Shock Damage
+200 Health +100 Cast Range +4 Shadow Shaman Serpent Wards Summoned +1 Mass Serpent Ward Health
Shadow Shaman 7.07 +20% XP Gain -4s Hex Cooldown +3s Shackles Duration +400 Ether Shock Damage
+200 Health +125 Cast Range +1 Mass Serpent Ward Attacks Health +60 Wards Attack Damage
Silencer 7.06 +7 Intelligence +60 Gold/Min +12% Magic Resistance +25% Arcane Curse Slow
+4 Armor +200 Health +30 Attack Speed +200 Attack Range
Silencer 7.07 +25 Attack Speed +90 Gold/Min +30 Curse Damage +20% Glaives of Wisdom
+5 Armor +2 Intelligence Steal +125 Attack Range +2s Global Silence
Skywrath Mage 7.06 +7 Intelligence +90 Gold/Min +20% Magic Resistance -4s Ancient Seal Cooldown
+150 Health 15% Spell Lifesteal +40 Movement Speed +14 Mana Regen
Skywrath Mage 7.07 +25 Movement Speed -6s Ancient Seal Cooldown Global Concussive Shot +600 Mystic Flare Damage
+8 Intelligence +1 Arcane Bolt +15% Ancient Seal Magic Resistance Reduction +300 Gold/Min
Slardar 7.06 +175 Mana +25 Attack Speed +7 Armor +10% Bash of the Deep Chance
+6 Health Regen +225 Health +35 Damage +20 Strength
Slardar 7.07 +20 Damage +300 Health +50 Attack Speed +15% Bash Chance
+5 HP Regen +100 Bash Damage +1000 Night Vision Corrosive Haze Undispellable
Slark 7.06 +15 Damage +15 Strength +25 Attack Speed +3s Pounce Leash
10% Lifesteal +15 Agility 10% Cooldown Reduction +12 All Stats
Slark 7.07 +8 Strength +30 Attack Speed +150 Dark Pact Damage +1s Shadow Dance Duration
+10 Agility 20% Lifesteal +3s Pounce Leash +120s Essence Shift Duration
Sniper 7.06 +15 Attack Speed +200 Health 25% Cooldown Reduction +4 Shrapnel Charges
+5 Mana Regen +20 Shrapnel DPS +8 Armor +100 Attack Range
Sniper 7.07 +15% Cooldown Reduction +40 Attack Speed -1.5s Assassinate +6 Shrapnel Charges
+20 Damage +25 Shrapnel DPS +35 Knockback Distance Headshot +125 Attack Range
Spectre 7.06 +5 Armor +20 Movement Speed +20 Strength -10s Spectral Dagger Cooldown
+20 Damage +8 All Stats +30 Attack Speed +400 Health
Spectre 7.07 +5 HP Regen -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown +500 Health +20% Haunt Illusion Damage
+15 Desolate Damage +8 All Stats +20% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus +8% Dispersion
Spirit Breaker 7.06 +20 Movement Speed +5 Armor +30% Greater Bash Damage +500 Charge of Darkness Speed
+5 All Stats +20 Damage +120 Gold/Min +17% Greater Bash Chance
Spirit Breaker 7.07 +400 Night Vision +10 HP Regen +30% Greater Bash Damage +800 Health
+5 Armor +40 Damage +400 Charge of Darkness Speed +25% Greater Bash Chance
Storm Spirit 7.06 +3 Mana Regen +10 Intelligence +8 Armor +0.75s Electric Vortex
+20 Damage +200 Health +40 Attack Speed +10% Spell Amplification
Storm Spirit 7.07 +1.75 Mana Regen +80 Static Remnant Damage +0.5s Electric Vortex Overload Pierces Immunity
+20 Damage +300 Health +30 Attack Speed Auto Remnant per 500 Ball Lightning Units
Sven 7.06 +225 Mana +8 All Stats 20% Evasion -8s Storm Hammer Cooldown
+6 Strength +20 Movement Speed +30 Attack Speed +65 Damage
Sven 7.07 +2 Mana Regen +30 Movement Speed 25% Lifesteal +40 Strength to God's Strength
+8 Strength +30 Damage Storm Hammer Dispels Enemies -9s Storm Hammer Cooldown
Techies 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +200 Cast Range +400 Blast Off! Damage +250 Damage
+20 Movement Speed +30% XP Gain +120 Gold/Min +20% Cooldown Reduction
Techies 7.07 +30% XP Gain +4 Mana Regen +75 Movement Speed +251 Damage
-4s Proximity Mines Cooldown +300 Blast Off Damage +150 Gold/Min 25 Mines Movementspeed
Templar Assassin 7.06 +20 Movement Speed 12% Evasion +40 Damage +3 Refraction Instances
+25 Attack Speed +6 All Stats +275 Health -8 Meld Armor Reduction
Templar Assassin 7.07 +3 Psionic Traps +7 Armor Refrection Dispels +4 Refraction Instances
+25 Attack Speed +200 Psionic Trap Max Damage -4 Meld Armor Reduction Psi Blades Spill Paralyses (100% MS Slow)
Terrorblade 7.06 +15 Attack Speed +200 Health +25 Movement Speed -30s Sunder Cooldown
+6 Health Regen +25 Damage +15 Agility +15 All Stats
Terrorblade 7.07 +20 Movement Speed +300 Health +10 All Stats -35s Sunder Cooldown
+10% Evasion +25 Attack Speed -10s Reflection Cooldown +300 Metaporphosis Attack Range
Tidehunter 7.06 +150 Health +35% XP Gain +15 Strength -6 Gush Armor
+50 Damage +7 Armor +6 Mana Regen 20% Cooldown Reduction
Tidehunter 7.07 +25 Movement Speed +40% XP Gain +24 Kraken Shell Damage Block 25% Cooldown Reduction
+80 Gush Damage +25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction -4 Gush Armor +250 Damage
Timbersaw 7.06 +20% XP Gain +20 Intelligence +150 Cast Range +20 Strength
+150 Health +14 Health Regen +5% Spell Amplification +6% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction
Timbersaw 7.07 +25% XP Gain +100 Damage +15 Strength +1400 Timber Chain Range
+6% Spell Amplification +5 Reactive Armor Stacks +10% Cooldown Reduction +8% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction
Tinker 7.06 +6 Armor +4% Spell Amplification +15% Magic Resistance +100 Laser Damage
+8 Intelligence +225 Health +75 Cast Range 20% Spell Lifesteal
Tinker 7.07 +75 Cast Range +40 Movement Speed +100 Attack Range +100 Laser Damage
+6% Spell Amplification +10% Spell Lifesteal +8 March of the Machines Damage +0.3s Heat-Seeking Missile Ministun
Tiny 7.06 +12 Intelligence +40 Movement Speed +14 Mana Regen +200 Avalanche Damage
+6 Strength +60 Damage +25 Attack Speed 20% Cooldown Reduction
Tiny 7.07 +20% Magic Resistance +75 Avalanche Damage -7s Tree Grab Cooldown -12s Avalanche Cooldown
+30 Damage +350 Health Toss Requires No Target 3 Toss Charges
Treant Protector 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +25 Movement Speed +90 Damage +5 Living Armor Block Instances
+30 Attack Speed +90 Gold/Min 15% Cooldown Reduction +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal
Treant Protector 7.07 +35% XP Gain +90 Damage +2s Nature's Guise Root +6 Living Armor Block Instances
+10% Cooldown Reduction 3s Tree Respawn Time +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal +350 Eyes and Overgrowth AoE
Troll Warlord 7.06 +10 Agility +6 Armor +40 Damage -7s Whirling Axes Cooldown
+7 Strength +15 Movement Speed +350 Health +20% Magic Resistance
Troll Warlord 7.07 +10 Agility +3 Max Fervor Stacks 20% Evasion -6s Whirling Axes Cooldown
+200 Health +50 Whirling Axes Damage +50 Damage Battle Trance Dispels Self and Allies
Tusk 7.06 +35 Damage +90 Gold/Min +12% Magic Resistance +150% Walrus PUNCH! Crit
+40% XP Gain +150 Snowball Damage +6 Armor +700 Health
Tusk 7.07 +90 Gold/Min +350 Health +300 Snowball Speed 12% Crit Chance Walrus Punch
+40% XP Gain +150 Snowball Damage +100% Walrus Punch Crit -6s Ice Shards Cooldown
Underlord 7.06 +2 Mana Regen +12% Spell Amplification +125 Cast Range +0.4s Pit of Malice Root
+5 Armor +40 Movement Speed +60 Attack Speed +50 Health Regen
Underlord 7.07 +18 Firestorm Damage +15 Atrophy Attack Bonus Damage +20 HP Regen +0.8s Pit of Malice Root
+30 Movement Speed +100 Cast Range +70 Attack Speed 25% Firestorm Building Damage
Undying 7.06 +90 Gold/Min +300 Health +30 Movement Speed -2s Decay Cooldown
+15 Health Regen +35% XP Gain +50 Tombstone Zombie Damage +15 Armor
Undying 7.07 +100 Cast Range Tombstone on Death +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage Gains Reincarnation 200s cooldown
+8 HP Regen +20s Decay duration +3 Tombstone Attacks -2s Decay cooldown
Ursa 7.06 +10% Magic Resistance +20 Attack Speed +250 Health +10 Fury Swipes Damage
+25 Damage +5 Armor +15 Movement Speed +14 All Stats
Ursa 7.07 +1.75 Mana Regen +16 Agility +1s Enrage duration +14 Fury Swipes Damage
+8 Strength -1s Earthshock Cooldown +25s Fury Swipes duration +600 Earthshock AoE
Vengeful Spirit 7.06 +25 Attack Speed +100 Magic Missile Damage +35 Movement Speed Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity
+8% Magic Resistance +8 All Stats +65 Damage +20% Vengeance Aura Damage
Vengeful Spirit 7.07 +15% Magic Resistance +15 Agility -5s Magic Missile Cooldown +400 Magic Missile damage
-1 Wave of Terror armor -6s Wave of Terror Cooldown +15% Vengeance Aura damage Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity
Venomancer 7.06 +30 Movement Speed +150 Cast Range +15% Magic Resistance 3x Plague Ward HP/Damage
+30% XP Gain +200 Health +75 Damage +14% Poison Sting Slow
Venomancer 7.07 -8s Venomous Gale cooldown +150 Cast Range +6s Poison Nova duration +600 Poison Nova Aoe
+90 Gold/Min +6% Poison Sting slow Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards 3x Plague Ward HP/damage
Viper 7.06 +175 Health +16 Agility +75 Attack Range +80 Viper Strike DPS
+15 Damage +15 Strength Poison Attack Affects Buildings +20 Armor
Viper 7.07 +20 Attack Speed +100 Attack Range +100 Viper Strike DPS +120 Damage
8% Spell Lifesteal +6 DPS/AS slow Corrosive Skin Poison Attack Affects Buildings Nethertoxin Silences
Visage 7.06 +30% XP Gain +100 Cast Range Soul Assumption Double Strike +120 Familiars Movement Speed
+90 Gold/Min +50 Damage +300 Health +20% Spell Amplification
Visage 7.07 +125 Cast Range +40% XP Gain +15 Soul Assumption Damage per Charge -2s Gravekeeper's Cloak cooldown
+30 Damage Soul Assumption Double Strike +80 Familiar Movement Speed +1 Familiar
Warlock 7.06 +6 All Stats -4s Shadow Word Cooldown Summons a Golem on Death +15 Chaotic Offering Golem Armor
+20% XP Gain +150 Cast Range +350 Health Spell Immunity for Chaotic Offering Golems
Warlock 7.07 +5% Fatal Bonds damage -7s Shadow Word Cooldown Summons a Golem on Death +20 Chaotic Offering Golem Armor
+125 Cast Range +40% XP Gain +250 Shadow Word AoE Spell Immunity for Chaotic Offering Golems
Weaver 7.06 +30 Shukuchi Damage +7 All Stats +15 Agility +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed
+6 Strength +25 Damage +200 Health +35% Magic Resistance
Weaver 7.07 +20 Mana Break +12 Strength -0.5s The Swarm armor reduction +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed
+25% XP gain +75 Shukuchi damage +2 The Swarm attacks to kill +1 Geminate Attack attack
Windranger 7.06 +30% Windrun Slow +20 Intelligence +120 Powershot Damage 30% Cooldown Reduction
+4 Mana Regen +40 Movement Speed Windrun Grants Invisibility +150 Attack Range
Windranger 7.07 +30% Windrun Slow +100 Powershot damage +0.5s Shackleshot Duration +35% Ministun Focus Fire
+1.75 Mana Regen +100 Attack Range Windrun Grants Invisibility +30% Cooldown Reduction
Winter Wyvern 7.06 +7 Strength +75 Damage +1s Cold Embrace Duration -3s Splinter Blast Cooldown
+8 Intelligence +35 Movement Speed +120 Gold/Min +15% Arctic Burn Slow
Winter Wyvern 7.07 +90 Gold/Min +350 Health +15% Arctic Burn slow +1.5s Winter's Curse Duration
+50 Damage +500 Night Vision -5s Cold Embrace cooldown Splinter Blast 2s stun
Witch Doctor 7.06 +25% XP Gain +2 Paralyzing Cask Bounces +15% Magic Resistance +20 Voodoo Restoration Heal
+200 Health +90 Damage +8 Armor +175 Death Ward Attack Range
Witch Doctor 7.07 +5 Armor +2 Paralyzing Cask Bounces +1 Maledict Tick +1.5% Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal
+75 Damage +120 Gold/Min +125 Death Ward attack range +75 Death Ward Damage
Wraith King 7.06 +10 Intelligence +50 Wraithfire Blast DPS +10% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast
+15 Damage +30 Movement Speed +40 Attack Speed No Reincarnation Mana Cost
Wraith King 7.07 +40 Wraithfire Blast DPS +5 Max Skeletons No Reincarnation Mana Cost +25% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal
+20 Attack Speed +15 Strength +30 Skeletons Attack Damage Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast
Zeus 7.06 +25 Movement Speed +15% Magic Resistance +0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun +2% Static Field Damage
+2 Mana Regen +7 Armor +75 Arc Lightning Damage +200 Cast Range
Zeus 7.07 +6 Armor +40 Movement Speed 15% Cooldown Reduction +200 Cast Range
+25% XP Gain +1% Static Field Damage +0.5 Lightning Bolt Stun +170 Arc Lightning damage


Header Image: Valve

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.