Dota 2 Rank distribution and Medals in February 2025

Dota 2 Rank distribution and Medals in February 2025

Dota 2 seasonal rank distribution in February 2025, based on the data of millions of players. The MMR by medal is an estimate and is constantly adjusted.

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    I have been asked numerous times about the current rank distribution in Dota 2. We don’t have official and specific info from Valve, but thanks to the work of the community and some tools, it is possible to find a reasonable answer.

    All the tools utilize the Valve Dota 2 API, but the final data can be displayed in different ways. Previously, I used the data from Open Dota for this distribution, but starting from May 2023 (matchmaking reset and new Glicko system) I will use Stratz.

    As far as I know, with Open Dota, a fraction of the player base is not available as you can’t gather data from Dota 2 profiles that keep their info hidden. Stratz should include any calibrated account - most probably they gather certain data while keeping the individual player anonymous. Moreover, I noticed that Open Dota did not reset their MMR data with patch 7.33, therefore I can only recommend and utilize this new tool.

    The following dataset has the purpose of creating a plausible MMR distribution by collecting data from as many players as possible. With over 6 million players analyzed in Season 6, we can consider this distribution very realistic.

    I will update the data monthly, so we will have an idea on how the rank distribution evolves over time, and if there is any change.

    All the Dota 2 ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

    Rank distribution - Season 6

    Officially, the latest Dota 2 season is Season 4 as Valve stopped releasing new ones. However, for the sake of organization, I believe we can determine two more seasons based on when mass recalibrations took place:

    • Season 5 started in October / November 2020, as every player had the chance to reset their MMR and recalibrate via the new MMR Recalibration section.

    • Season 6 started in April 2023 with patch 7.33 and the New Frontiers update, which forced all the players to recalibrate, and introduced a new matchmaking algorithm called Glicko.

    February 2025

    Dota 2 Rank Distribution February 2025

    All the tables are responsive and sortable. If you are using a phone, press on the grey bar to swipe and sort them.

    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.14 Crusader 1 34.02 Legend 1 72.54 Divine 1 92.61
    Herald 2 2.83 Crusader 2 38.3 Legend 2 75.47 Divine 2 93.88
    Herald 3 5.33 Crusader 3 42.55 Legend 3 78.13 Divine 3 94.9
    Herald 4 8.1 Crusader 4 46.76 Legend 4 80.52 Divine 4 95.71
    Herald 5 11.14 Crusader 5 50.85 Legend 5 82.71 Divine 5 96.42
    Guardian 1 14.51 Archon 1 54.98 Ancient 1 84.9 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 18.1 Archon 2 58.91 Ancient 2 86.8
    Guardian 3 21.87 Archon 3 62.6 Ancient 3 88.44
    Guardian 4 25.76 Archon 4 66.05 Ancient 4 89.86
    Guardian 5 29.77 Archon 5 69.28 Ancient 5 91.12

    Related article: Dota 2 Competitive Hero Tier List

    Summary of the data

    • According to these statistics, the average player is a Crusader 5 / Archon 1, while a Legend 1 is already way above the average hitting the 72 percentile.

    • Just a minuscule portion of the player base reached the top ranks, and there is also a huge skill difference between players belonging to the same medal but with a different number of stars.

    • Only 15% of the players are spread from Ancient 1 to Immortal, with Divine starting from above the 93 percentile. Many high ranked players often complain about the current state of the matchmaking, but with only 7% of the player base at Divine, and even split in multiple servers, matching together individuals with similar skills isn’t an easy task.

    • Only 1.3% of the players have a rank higher than Divine 5! Pro players are a restricted elite group. I am not surprised by their long queue times and that the matchmaking is forced to place them in team with less skilled players.

    MMR distribution by Medal in Season 6

    Below, the estimated season 6 distribution:

    • Herald: 1 - 769

    • Guardian: 770- 1539

    • Crusader: 1540 - 2309

    • Archon: 2310 - 3079

    • Legend: 3080 - 3849

    • Ancient: 3850 - 4619

    • Divine: 4620 - 5420+

    Season 6 matchmaking update

    The new matchmaking system

    “The switch to our new matchmaking system will feel a little like the start of a new matchmaking season:

    • All players will be placed back into a short calibration mode, initially seeded by their previous rank.

    • Calibration is no longer a fixed number of matches. Instead, a player is considered calibrated whenever their Rank Confidence is above a certain threshold.

    • Upon calibration, it is likely that you will end up with a different medal than you had before. However, even if your medal changes significantly, you should expect to be matched with players of a similar skill level.

    • Matches will no longer have a fixed MMR gain/loss. It will be variable based on a number of factors, including the Ranks and Rank Confidence of the participants. However, we will cap the gain/loss per match to prevent particularly negative outcomes.

    • A player's Rank Confidence will slowly lower over time if the player does not play matches.”

    Rank and Rank Confidence

    Matchmaking Rating (MMR) is really just made of two numbers: Rank and Rank Confidence.Your Rank is an estimate of your skill, and your Rank Confidence is our confidence in that estimate. When you play a match, we adjust your Rank based on whether you win or lose. Your Rank Confidence also goes up, because now we have more data.

    Old Elo algorithm

    Dota has traditionally used a modified version of the Elo algorithm to implement Rank and Rank Confidence changes. But over time we've noticed a few problems with our approach. For one example, the distribution of MMRs has gradually shifted lower, causing an undesired clumping in the 0-1000 MMR range. Another problem was that players who took a break and returned were having a hard time getting back to an accurate MMR, because their previous skill level was no longer representative.

    Guardian of the Eternal Seasons loading screen for Nature’s Prophet - Valve

    Guardian of the Eternal Seasons loading screen for Nature’s Prophet - Valve

    The Glicko system

    To address this, we're switching to a different algorithm called Glicko, which should let you quickly and accurately get matched with other players at a similar skill level. On the math side, Glicko lets us better factor a player's Rank Confidence into our calculations, resulting in more accurate decisions about Rank gains and losses.

    We've been running both matchmaking systems simultaneously behind the scenes for a while now to help us build confidence in these changes. We understand that accurate MMR is only one of many factors that impact match quality, and like all changes in this space we're interested in hearing your feedback.

    Immortal matchmaking

    At Immortal rank, knowing the other players, gelling with them, and choosing a nice balance of roles is more important than just MMR. So we’ve redesigned matchmaking at the Immortal level to account for that.

    Matches in the Immortal ranks won’t use pre-made teams anymore. Instead, two captains will get to draft the other eight players onto each team, making your team more impactful than if you’d just relied on MMR to assign lineups. So if your match goes poorly now, you’ve got no one to blame but yourselves, Immortals.

    December 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution December 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.13 Crusader 1 33.49 Legend 1 72.69 Divine 1 92.86
    Herald 2 2.65 Crusader 2 37.83 Legend 2 75.67 Divine 2 94.11
    Herald 3 5.01 Crusader 3 42.16 Legend 3 78.35 Divine 3 95.12
    Herald 4 7.69 Crusader 4 46.44 Legend 4 80.77 Divine 4 95.91
    Herald 5 10.64 Crusader 5 50.61 Legend 5 82.96 Divine 5 96.6
    Guardian 1 13.95 Archon 1 54.81 Ancient 1 85.17 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 17.5 Archon 2 58.81 Ancient 2 87.08
    Guardian 3 21.26 Archon 3 62.57 Ancient 3 88.71
    Guardian 4 25.16 Archon 4 66.09 Ancient 4 90.13
    Guardian 5 29.19 Archon 5 69.37 Ancient 5 91.38

    October 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution October 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.12 Crusader 1 32.92 Legend 1 72.86 Divine 1 93.12
    Herald 2 2.44 Crusader 2 37.32 Legend 2 75.87 Divine 2 94.35
    Herald 3 4.67 Crusader 3 41.73 Legend 3 78.59 Divine 3 95.34
    Herald 4 7.23 Crusader 4 46.09 Legend 4 81.04 Divine 4 96.11
    Herald 5 10.10 Crusader 5 50.35 Legend 5 83.25 Divine 5 96.78
    Guardian 1 13.34 Archon 1 54.64 Ancient 1 85.46 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 16.84 Archon 2 58.72 Ancient 2 87.37
    Guardian 3 20.59 Archon 3 62.55 Ancient 3 89.00
    Guardian 4 24.49 Archon 4 66.15 Ancient 4 90.41
    Guardian 5 28.57 Archon 5 69.49 Ancient 5 91.65

    July 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution July 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.06 Crusader 1 25.78 Legend 1 69.31 Divine 1 93.42
    Herald 2 1.29 Crusader 2 29.92 Legend 2 72.97 Divine 2 94.74
    Herald 3 2.73 Crusader 3 34.23 Legend 3 76.28 Divine 3 95.78
    Herald 4 4.59 Crusader 4 38.69 Legend 4 79.28 Divine 4 96.58
    Herald 5 6.74 Crusader 5 43.20 Legend 5 81.98 Divine 5 97.29
    Guardian 1 9.20 Archon 1 47.88 Ancient 1 84.63 Immortal 100.00
    Guardian 2 11.93 Archon 2 52.46 Ancient 2 86.88
    Guardian 3 14.95 Archon 3 56.92 Ancient 3 88.78
    Guardian 4 18.26 Archon 4 61.18 Ancient 4 90.38
    Guardian 5 21.83 Archon 5 65.25 Ancient 5 91.79

    Note: Because of human error, the data from March 2024 to July 2024 is based on Open Dota. The previous and following months are correctly based on Stratz. My apologies for the inconvenience.

    June 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution June 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.06 Crusader 1 25.79 Legend 1 69.53 Divine 1 93.59
    Herald 2 1.28 Crusader 2 29.95 Legend 2 73.21 Divine 2 94.90
    Herald 3 2.71 Crusader 3 34.29 Legend 3 76.53 Divine 3 95.92
    Herald 4 4.57 Crusader 4 38.76 Legend 4 79.53 Divine 4 96.70
    Herald 5 6.72 Crusader 5 43.29 Legend 5 82.22 Divine 5 97.39
    Guardian 1 9.18 Archon 1 48.00 Ancient 1 84.66 Immortal 100.00
    Guardian 2 11.90 Archon 2 52.61 Ancient 2 87.10
    Guardian 3 14.94 Archon 3 57.09 Ancient 3 88.99
    Guardian 4 18.25 Archon 4 61.38 Ancient 4 90.59
    Guardian 5 21.84 Archon 5 65.46 Ancient 5 91.99

    May 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution May 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.06 Crusader 1 25.92 Legend 1 69.95 Divine 1 93.85
    Herald 2 1.28 Crusader 2 30.11 Legend 2 73.63 Divine 2 95.12
    Herald 3 2.71 Crusader 3 34.48 Legend 3 76.96 Divine 3 96.11
    Herald 4 4.58 Crusader 4 38.98 Legend 4 79.94 Divine 4 96.88
    Herald 5 6.74 Crusader 5 43.55 Legend 5 82.63 Divine 5 97.54
    Guardian 1 9.21 Archon 1 48.30 Ancient 1 85.25 Immortal 100.00
    Guardian 2 11.95 Archon 2 52.95 Ancient 2 87.46
    Guardian 3 14.99 Archon 3 57.45 Ancient 3 89.33
    Guardian 4 18.32 Archon 4 61.77 Ancient 4 90.90
    Guardian 5 21.93 Archon 5 65.87 Ancient 5 92.27

    March 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution March 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.06 Crusader 1 26.22 Legend 1 70.71 Divine 1 94.24
    Herald 2 1.30 Crusader 2 30.47 Legend 2 74.38 Divine 2 95.46
    Herald 3 2.75 Crusader 3 34.90 Legend 3 77.68 Divine 3 96.40
    Herald 4 4.65 Crusader 4 39.48 Legend 4 80.65 Divine 4 97.13
    Herald 5 6.83 Crusader 5 44.11 Legend 5 83.30 Divine 5 97.74
    Guardian 1 9.33 Archon 1 48.92 Ancient 1 85.87 Immortal 100.00
    Guardian 2 12.09 Archon 2 53.61 Ancient 2 88.04
    Guardian 3 15.16 Archon 3 58.18 Ancient 3 89.87
    Guardian 4 18.53 Archon 4 62.52 Ancient 4 91.40
    Guardian 5 22.18 Archon 5 66.64 Ancient 5 92.72

    January 2024

    Dota 2 rank distribution January 2024
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.08 Crusader 1 31.01 Legend 1 75.96 Divine 1 93.98
    Herald 2 1.54 Crusader 2 35.98 Legend 2 79.08 Divine 2 96.15
    Herald 3 3.2 Crusader 3 41.01 Legend 3 81.84 Divine 3 96.91
    Herald 4 5.27 Crusader 4 46.05 Legend 4 84.27 Divine 4 97.5
    Herald 5 7.73 Crusader 5 50.94 Legend 5 86.42 Divine 5 97.98
    Guardian 1 10.66 Archon 1 55.86 Ancient 1 88.47 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 14.01 Archon 2 60.48 Ancient 2 90.21
    Guardian 3 17.75 Archon 3 64.82 Ancient 3 91.68
    Guardian 4 21.83 Archon 4 68.78 Ancient 4 92.92
    Guardian 5 26.21 Archon 5 74.23 Ancient 5 93.67

    November 2023

    Dota 2 rank distribution November 2023
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.07 Crusader 1 30.21 Legend 1 76.46 Divine 1 95.39
    Herald 2 1.38 Crusader 2 35.33 Legend 2 79.58 Divine 2 96.34
    Herald 3 2.86 Crusader 3 40.55 Legend 3 82.34 Divine 3 97.07
    Herald 4 4.74 Crusader 4 45.78 Legend 4 84.76 Divine 4 97.64
    Herald 5 7.03 Crusader 5 50.86 Legend 5 86.88 Divine 5 98.09
    Guardian 1 9.82 Archon 1 55.94 Ancient 1 88.88 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 13.07 Archon 2 60.69 Ancient 2 90.6
    Guardian 3 16.77 Archon 3 65.13 Ancient 3 92.02
    Guardian 4 20.86 Archon 4 69.2 Ancient 4 93.22
    Guardian 5 25.32 Archon 5 72.91 Ancient 5 94.25

    September 2023

    Dota 2 rank distribution September 2023
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.06 Crusader 1 28.09 Legend 1 76.24 Divine 1 95.43
    Herald 2 1 Crusader 2 33.37 Legend 2 79.44 Divine 2 96.36
    Herald 3 2.14 Crusader 3 38.81 Legend 3 82.27 Divine 3 97.1
    Herald 4 3.68 Crusader 4 44.27 Legend 4 84.73 Divine 4 97.67
    Herald 5 5.64 Crusader 5 49.6 Legend 5 86.89 Divine 5 98.12
    Guardian 1 8.13 Archon 1 54.91 Ancient 1 88.91 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 11.13 Archon 2 59.9 Ancient 2 90.62
    Guardian 3 14.66 Archon 3 64.53 Ancient 3 92.05
    Guardian 4 18.65 Archon 4 68.76 Ancient 4 93.27
    Guardian 5 23.11 Archon 5 72.59 Ancient 5 94.3

    July 2023

    Dota 2 rank distribution July 2023
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.05 Crusader 1 26.26 Legend 1 76.72 Divine 1 95.61
    Herald 2 0.7 Crusader 2 31.82 Legend 2 79.94 Divine 2 96.51
    Herald 3 1.55 Crusader 3 37.59 Legend 3 82.75 Divine 3 97.22
    Herald 4 2.74 Crusader 4 43.42 Legend 4 85.19 Divine 4 97.77
    Herald 5 4.36 Crusader 5 49.1 Legend 5 87.32 Divine 5 98.21
    Guardian 1 6.51 Archon 1 54.71 Ancient 1 89.29 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 9.23 Archon 2 59.96 Ancient 2 90.95
    Guardian 3 12.57 Archon 3 64.78 Ancient 3 92.35
    Guardian 4 16.52 Archon 4 69.14 Ancient 4 93.53
    Guardian 5 21.07 Archon 5 73.04 Ancient 5 94.52

    May 2023

    Dota 2 rank distribution May 2023
    Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile Rank Percentile
    Herald 1 0.03 Crusader 1 22.85 Legend 1 76.8 Divine 1 95.64
    Herald 2 0.32 Crusader 2 28.81 Legend 2 80.05 Divine 2 96.53
    Herald 3 0.77 Crusader 3 35.07 Legend 3 82.9 Divine 3 97.23
    Herald 4 1.46 Crusader 4 41.47 Legend 4 85.36 Divine 4 97.78
    Herald 5 2.53 Crusader 5 47.69 Legend 5 87.49 Divine 5 98.22
    Guardian 1 4.12 Archon 1 53.74 Ancient 1 89.41 Immortal 99.99
    Guardian 2 6.3 Archon 2 59.34 Ancient 2 91.03
    Guardian 3 9.22 Archon 3 64.43 Ancient 3 92.42
    Guardian 4 12.95 Archon 4 69.01 Ancient 4 93.6
    Guardian 5 17.47 Archon 5 73.08 Ancient 5 94.58

    All the Dota 2 ranked seasons

    I had to split this analysis into multiple articles due to the excessive number of tables and graphs, which resulted in very long loading times.

    Stats from May 2023: Stratz - Header image (The Havoc of Dragon Palace for Monkey King): Valve

    Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.