CS2 Rank Distribution in September 2024: Premier, Competitive, and CS:GO comparison

CS2 Rank Distribution in September 2024: Premier, Competitive, and CS:GO comparison

The rank distribution in Counter-Strike 2 for September 2024, including both the Premier Rating and Competitive Map Rank distributions. Find out the percentage of players by rank and the true value of your skill.

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    Counter-Strike 2 rating distribution

    In Counter-Strike 2, Valve replaced the rank system used in CS:GO with the new CS Rating, which tracks your rank more accurately because it is based on a hard number. There is no info about the highest rating achievable.

    Data source

    A perfect rank distribution isn’t attainable as Valve doesn’t publicly share the info of our profiles. I believe that the situation was different in the past (early CS:GO era), but they had to establish some limits due to privacy rules, server load, or for gambling regulations.

    Every website can only access the data of the users utilizing their services, such as demo analysis, match history, favorite maps and weapons, general performance, and all sorts of detailed stats. By using any of these utilities, we let them scrap info from our profiles, which can be employed also to split the player base across all ranks.

    I investigated all the websites available, and in the end I concluded that Leetify is the most reliable one. We will use their data for this distribution.

    Note: Both the Premier Rating and Competitive Map Rank distributions include data from all server regions and game maps.

    Every month, I will gather the data and update this article. In this way, we will be able to understand how the distribution evolves over time and if there is any difference.

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    Season 1

    September 2024

    Premier Rating distribution

    Counter Strike 2 Premier rank distribution September 2024

    All the tables are responsive. If you are using a phone, press on the grey bar to swipe them.

    Rating Percentage Rating Percentage
    1k 1.0% 13k 5.8%
    2k 2.8% 14k 5.6%
    3k 5.8% 15k 3.9%
    4k 8.0% 16k 3.0%
    5k 6.8% 17k 2.3%
    6k 6.5% 18k 1.6%
    7k 7.2% 19k 1.2%
    8k 7.5% 20k 0.6%
    9k 8.8% 21k 0.4%
    10k 7.4% 22k 0.2%
    11k 6.9% 23k+ 0.2%
    12k 6.5%

    The average rank in September 2024 is 8-9k.

    Comparing CS2 rating to CS:GO ranks

    The table below shows the percentage of players at each CS:GO rank compared to the new CS2 rating.

    CS:GO Rank CS2 Rating Playerbase%
    Silver Elite 1 - Silver Elite Master 1000-6768 29.0%
    Gold Nova 1 - Gold Nova Master 6759-11178 33.6%
    Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian Elite 11179-14588 21.2%
    Distinguished Master Guardian - Legendary Eagle Master 14589-18156 12.4%
    Supreme (SMFC) 18157-20000 2.6%
    Global Elite 20001+ 1.2%

    Competitive Map Rank distribution

    Counter Strike 2 Competitive Map rank distribution September 2024
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 3.2% Gold Nova Master 8.8%
    Silver II 4.8% Master Guardian I 5.7%
    Silver III 4.7% Master Guardian II 3.1%
    Silver IV 7.0% Master Guardian Elite 1.4%
    Silver Elite 9.7% Distinguished Master Guardian 0.5%
    Silver Elite Master 12.6% Legendary Eagle 0.1%
    Gold Nova I 13.7% Legendary Eagle Master < 0%
    Gold Nova II 13.1% Supreme Master First Class < 0%
    Gold Nova III 11.6% The Global Elite < 0%

    Speaking of Competitive Matchmaking, we've given map-based skill groups an overhaul. In addition to redistributing players across the Skill Groups, we've also made it easier to earn those badges in the first place.

    — Valve, June 2024

    Related: FACEIT Counter Strike 2 rank distribution

    May 2024

    Counter Strike 2 rank distribution May 2024
    Rating Percentage Rating Percentage
    1k 0.6% 13k 6.9%
    2k 1.9% 14k 6.9%
    3k 1.3% 15k 4.8%
    4k 6.3% 16k 3.8%
    5k 5.7% 17k 2.9%
    6k 5.7% 18k 2.0%
    7k 6.5% 19k 1.5%
    8k 7.1% 20k 0.7%
    9k 8.7% 21k 0.4%
    10k 7.7% 22k 0.2%
    11k 7.6% 23k+ 0.1%
    12k 7.5%

    The average rank in May 2024 is 10K.

    Comparing CS2 rating to CS:GO ranks

    The table below shows the percentage of players at each CS:GO rank compared to the new CS2 rating.

    CS:GO Rank CS2 Rating Playerbase%
    Silver Elite 1 - Silver Elite Master 1000-7693 29.0%
    Gold Nova 1 - Gold Nova Master 7694-12045 33.6%
    Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian Elite 12046-14999 21.2%
    Distinguished Master Guardian - Legendary Eagle Master 15000-18451 12.4%
    Supreme (SMFC) 18452-19999 2.6%
    Global Elite 20000+ 1.2%

    February 2024

    Counter Strike 2 rank distribution February 2024
    Rating Percentage Rating Percentage
    1k 0.2% 14k 9.5%
    2k 0.6% 15k 6.4%
    3k 1.7% 16k 5.7%
    4k 3.3% 17k 4.8%
    5k 3.2% 18k 3.7%
    6k 3.6% 19k 3.1%
    7k 4.6% 20k 1.6%
    8k 5.7% 21k 1.0%
    9k 8.5% 22k 0.6%
    10k 7.2% 23k 0.3%
    11k 7.8% 24k 0.2%
    12k 8.3% 25k+ 0.1%
    13k 8.2%

    The average rank increased from 7k to 12k.

    Comparing CS2 rating to CS:GO ranks

    The table below shows the percentage of players at each CS:GO rank compared to the new CS2 rating.

    CS:GO Rank CS2 Rating Playerbase%
    Silver Elite 1 - Silver Elite Master 1000-4999 6%
    Gold Nova 1 - Gold Nova Master 5000-9499 22%
    Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian Elite 9499-12999 28%
    Distinguished Master Guardian - Legendary Eagle Master 13000-16999 29%
    Supreme (SMFC) 17000-19499 9%
    Global Elite 19500+ 6%

    November 2023

    Counter Strike 2 rank distribution November 2023
    Rating Percentage Rating Percentage
    0k 1.4% 11k 3.6%
    1k 3.7% 12k 2.7%
    2k 7.5% 13k 2.4%
    3k 15.5% 14k 1.1%
    4k 10.5% 15k 0.7%
    5k 9.8% 16k 0.5%
    6k 9.6% 17k 0.3%
    7k 9.0% 18k 0.2%
    8k 10.8% 19k 0.2%
    9k 5.9% 20k+ 0.2%
    10k 4.6%

    Beta season

    September 2023

    Counter Strike 2 Rank Distribution September 2023
    Rating Percentage Rating Percentage
    0k 0.0% 12k 6.5%
    1k 3.7% 13k 5.1%
    2k 2.7% 14k 3.7%
    3k 3.9% 15k 2.6%
    4k 7.4% 16k 1.7%
    5k 7.3% 17k 1.0%
    6k 8.2% 18k 0.6%
    7k 9.2% 19k 0.3%
    8k 9.6% 20k-25k 0.31%
    9k 9.5% 25k-30k 0.013%
    10k 9.0% 30k-40 0.00092%
    11k 7.8%

    Currently, there are no players with a rating below 1K, and the best ones are close to 40k.

    Comparing CS2 rating to CS:GO ranks

    The table below shows the percentage of players at each CS:GO rank compared to the new CS2 rating.

    CS:GO Rank CS2 Rating Playerbase %
    Silver Elite 1 - Silver Elite Master 0-1999 ~6%
    Gold Nova 1 - Gold Nova Master 2000-5999 ~22%
    Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian Elite 6000-8999 ~28%
    Distinguished Master Guardian - Legendary Eagle Master 9000-12999 ~29%
    Supreme (SMFC) 13000-14999 ~9%
    Global Elite 15000+ ~6%

    In the following video, Valve explains the new rating system, seasonal leaderboards, and skill groups calculated on a per map basis.

    CS:GO rank distribution

    Matchmaking update and recalibration

    On August 2nd, 2022, Valve released a big update to the CS:GO’s matchmaking system that affected all the players globally.

    When you launch CS:GO, you’ll notice that your Skill Group is not displayed–you’ll have to win one more match to reveal your Skill Group. Most of you will notice a change to your Skill Group, but some of you may find that you were already in the right place.

    — Valve

    Previously, smaller regions had a bottom-heavy distribution, while Europe (the most populated one) had a top-heavy one. Now it should feel harder to rank up in Europe because the players in the top half of the curve have been redistributed. Instead, in North America matchmaking quality should be improved as before there was a high skill gap among players at mid-ranks.

    There is certainly room for improvements, but Valve did a good job with the new rank distribution and matchmaking algorithm.

    August 2022


    1,130,000 active (they got a rank post-rebalance) European accounts recorded between August 2nd to 16th.

    CSGO rank distribution Europe August 2022
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 1.6% Gold Nova I 7.2% Master Guardian Elite 7.2%
    Silver II 2.9% Gold Nova II 8.2% Distinguished Master Guardian 6.1%
    Silver III 2.7% Gold Nova III 8.9% Legendary Eagle 4.8%
    Silver IV 3.6% Gold Nova Master 9.4% Legendary Eagle Master 4.9%
    Silver Elite 4.9% Master Guardian I 9.0% Supreme Master First Class 3.1%
    Silver Elite Master 6.0% Master Guardian II 8.3% The Global Elite 1.3%

    North America

    255,000 active (they got a rank post-rebalance) North American accounts recorded between August 2nd to 16th.

    CSGO rank distribution North America August 2022
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 2.9% Gold Nova I 8.0% Master Guardian Elite 6.0%
    Silver II 4.3% Gold Nova II 8.4% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.9%
    Silver III 3.7% Gold Nova III 8.8% Legendary Eagle 3.8%
    Silver IV 4.9% Gold Nova Master 8.6% Legendary Eagle Master 3.8%
    Silver Elite 6.2% Master Guardian I 8.0% Supreme Master First Class 2.6%
    Silver Elite Master 7.3% Master Guardian II 7.0% The Global Elite 1.0%

    The previous data sources are no longer updated, so for August 2022 I used Leetify. I decided to feature individual graphs on the most populated regions (based on the sample size available): Europe and North America. The region is determined by the servers on which each account played most of their games.

    August 2021

    CSGO rank distribution August 2021
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 3.9% Gold Nova I 8.76% Master Guardian Elite 5.24%
    Silver II 4.23% Gold Nova II 8.79% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.15%
    Silver III 4.37% Gold Nova III 9.05% Legendary Eagle 3.25%
    Silver IV 5.21% Gold Nova Master 8.08% Legendary Eagle Master 3.2%
    Silver Elite 6.44% Master Guardian I 7.55% Supreme Master First Class 2.64%
    Silver Elite Master 7.78% Master Guardian II 6.61% The Global Elite 0.75%

    A summary of the data

    • Silver for low-end players. Less than one-third of the player base is ranked at Silver. If you are one of them, be aware that just improving your aim will greatly influence your matches, rank, and game satisfaction.

    • Gold Nova III is the average rank. It goes from the 49.48 to the 58.53 percentile. High-end Gold players deserve more respect as Gold Nova Master almost reaches the 70 percentile.

    • The top 20% of the player base is at Master Guardian Elite or better. Reaching this area is already a considerable achievement so you should be proud of your skills.

    • Only the elite obtains The Global Elite. In the past, it was different, but now only the best players of the Valve matchmaking deserve this title.

    February 2021

    CSGO Rank Distribution February 2021
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 4.51% Gold Nova I 8.52% Master Guardian Elite 5.25%
    Silver II 4.33% Gold Nova II 8.81% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.07%
    Silver III 4.39% Gold Nova III 8.73% Legendary Eagle 3.16%
    Silver IV 5.37% Gold Nova Master 8.17% Legendary Eagle Master 3.19%
    Silver Elite 6.70% Master Guardian I 7.39% Supreme Master First Class 2.61%
    Silver Elite Master 7.70% Master Guardian II 6.30% The Global Elite 0.78%

    From August 2018 to March 2019

    The statistical tool I use added a disclaimer alerting that their data is updated periodically, so I guess they do not gather it in real-time and we can't expect fresh stats monthly. I wish we had a proper API to track all the changes.

    March 2019 update: Still no changes. I believe the statistics won’t be updated unless there is a drastic variation in the percentages.

    July 2018

    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 3.90% Gold Nova I 8.76% Master Guardian Elite 5.24%
    Silver II 4.23% Gold Nova II 8.79% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.15%
    Silver III 4.37% Gold Nova III 9.05% Legendary Eagle 3.25%
    Silver IV 5.21% Gold Nova Master 8.08% Legendary Eagle Master 3.20%
    Silver Elite 6.44% Master Guardian I 7.55% Supreme Master First Class 2.64%
    Silver Elite Master 7.78% Master Guardian II 6.61% The Global Elite 0.75%

    June 2018

    rank distribution csgo June 2018
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 4.04% Gold Nova I 8.57% Master Guardian Elite 5.35%
    Silver II 4.18% Gold Nova II 8.92% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.20%
    Silver III 4.34% Gold Nova III 8.85% Legendary Eagle 3.18%
    Silver IV 5.31% Gold Nova Master 8.35% Legendary Eagle Master 3.25%
    Silver Elite 6.59% Master Guardian I 7.60% Supreme Master First Class 2.55%
    Silver Elite Master 7.58% Master Guardian II 6.47% The Global Elite 0.68%

    May 2018

    Surprisingly, the distribution in May was exactly the same as in April.

    Honestly, I find it very strange as there wasn't even a minimal 0,01% variation at any rank after 30 days. Maybe there was an issue with the statistical tool.

    April 2018

    CSGO rank distribution April 2018
    Rank Percentage Rank Percentage Rank Percentage
    Silver I 3.90% Gold Nova I 8.58% Master Guardian Elite 5.39%
    Silver II 4.07% Gold Nova II 8.94% Distinguished Master Guardian 4.28%
    Silver III 4.25% Gold Nova III 8.87% Legendary Eagle 3.24%
    Silver IV 5.25% Gold Nova Master 8.38% Legendary Eagle Master 3.27%
    Silver Elite 6.51% Master Guardian I 7.64% Supreme Master First Class 2.59%
    Silver Elite Master 7.54% Master Guardian II 6.60% The Global Elite 0.69%

    Header image: Valve - Data from August 2022: Leetify - Stats from April 2018 to February 2021: CS:GO-Stats - August 2021 data: Total CS:GO

    Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.